Wynn Wilcock Reading

  • October 2019
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WINWORKS DOCUMENT Copyright © 1993 Spinnaker Software All Rights Reserved Times New Roman Body Text FootNote Text It is the unity as our voices in oneness that we shall continue this process that has been started. We greet you as representatives of the one infinite creator. We thank you for your participation with us at this time. The movements, ideas, and issues, do really seem to relieve somewhat the question of the duality of one's existence. Not that circles and circles of time have been drawn to illustrate these participants. But rather that in the here and now you can end this circling behavior and adopt a more permissive approach to yourself. For the starter rate does encourage there to be a sale at the store. There are those opportunities that exist most explicitly of the extreme bonds and examples that are present in the soul that has attained self mastery. These bonds may be cashed in with the Dept. of the Treasury of the universe if we may speak so frankly. While I was getting these papers ready, there had been another thought occurring to me. That is that without a necessary scanning device there cannot be the legs from within to move you to a new destination. We want to equip you with such a magnifying glass to see your issues up close and personal in format so that the backsliding characteristic of those previous incarnations such as the troubadour in England can be superseded. All the lights have come down upon you to reveal that the possibilities are indeed infinite. The troubadours begin their dance again. The angels mop up the stage when it is finished. To bow is to leave with the intent that you have done a good job and to feel satisfied with the product or the outcome. The great chain of being does have many entities that would seek, suppose to take advantage to render one listless and unavailable for heaven on earth so to speak. With the calipers and clips we have in place, much can be exposed in the process of the operation that is being conducted on your soul. Organs can be clearly identified. Systems can be traced. Metaphysical principles can be brought back to their roots. And higher levels of knowledge and learning can take an effect as a result. We walk with those who will not disintegrate when the stage is mopped up and the play concludes. We walk with those whose truths are self evident that all are created equal. It is a team effort that all must pull their weight in their own way. Now again it continues to be the issue for you to realize deep sympathy for the self for this has not been granted. The terrorists have come and they have taken jet fuel from you that you could have otherwise used for self ascension. The terrorists are the negative forces which create intuitive burnout and lead to a depleted functioning capability and capacity. Not unlike ours, you have a mind which is capable of multidimensional existence and without this capability you would still be subject to premonitions of future events and other aspects that would promote positive. You are indeed a wanderer soul. To be more consistent in your wanderings is to take stock of the earthly events that have transpired and heed them as warnings of the future soul that could exist if fear were to have a dominant effect on the sculpture of your life and not predominant effect of love winning out therein. Losers have winning ties to. We do not want to let you feel that you are a loser. The winning ties are connected to the aspect of your being that is of divine proportions. It already exists as a treasure chest waiting to be opened, unlocked and unfurled and as the more unfurling takes place, there is a better and better opportunity to receive the gates of heaven as pearls of wisdom that can be poured out to others. Relentless characters still continue to rise the hairline past the column that it had previously occupied. Not withstanding it makes one seem apparent to the negative forces when the lack of discernment is made more viable through the indigenous fears that are capable within the heart that are being expressed in a dominant fashion. Much of the life pattern is beleaguered by fear, by hatred of what has transpired with the father in this life and in others and for the funeral pyre that was lit for the career that was dreamed of in more than one way. Technical school could be mated with your existing knowledge to bring about a new career for you. There are options. You do need to consider this and you can use the chances that you now have present in your life to open the door to those options. In other words, keep the things that you are doing now open while investigating other things. The storefront calls you. You should not abandon it. Though you should also consider a way of staking your tent down more permanently as we have indicated in the dream. We do not want you to feel humidity, to feel the sweat of fear. We want you to relax and to be consistent so that much like the niniva constant, you can have all your planetary bodies in alignment as an everlasting cosmic pulse of light and thwart those influences that would seek to bring you down. Hijackers can and will interrupt the process but it is only those opportunities which make you stronger.

The Florida everglades do have their own version of bigfoot and he hides from view though he is interesting to very many. He is not often seen. Difficult to capture on film. And even more difficult to capture in person. Never the less he continues as an enigma. Why don't you consider yourself as relieving yourself of your own enigma and become more visible to those who can help you. The money will be there when you begin to trust yourself and obey your own promises for your have not been obedient to the ideals to which you espouse. Your creature hood. You have not necessarily loved yourself in a way which is most prudent for you. A renaissance of the spirit is awaiting you. Yet it does take time to measure out its influences and arrive at productive solutions. Why should we measure out aspects of your being when the cup is being poured continually and it is therefore a self renewing process. Never again rely on the teleport beam to hone back in on the parts of yourself that have past. Stay focused in the present. Look at the situations and the materials surrounding you now. Stay in that moment and do not be misguided by hopes and wishes when you can take concrete actions that bring them into further being. Remain in lock step with the changes that have facilitated your higher awareness and in so doing you then overcome the discrepancies and disparities of life. You are trying for a new role, a new gift, a new understanding, a new level, of christ consciousness and christhood within yourself within yourself as a being. The sink does then allow you to wash up and to reform your being in ways never here to fore seen or understood. It is expressly situated within the present moment that you should be of such awareness. That the overriding dominating factor is the pursuit of light and love within. Trucks from Lake Tahoe can indeed overtake the simple process and processes of immediate self transformation. In other words, he maligns his entire axis of rotation by not allowing it to function where it would most naturally be situated. Instead offering adjustments where none are immediately necessary. The predisposition towards certain beliefs allows us to expose the internal core of the entity. We do see how these beliefs were originated. We ask that you contemplate and meditate upon yourself and the nature of your itinerary as a soul. Look back not to what the mind thinks, but what the soul thinks. When the earth was but a tiny blue dot that you were zooming into to persue another incarnation. The role of the wanderer is one of service to the planetary light. To the planetary offspring to move wherever needed, to serve wherever asked, to serve without fear of re compensation for any mistakes. For even as the snail eventually reaches his destination, so does the wanderer embalmed in third density materials eventually return back to the source light of all beingness and thus complete the mission. It can seem drudgeries at times. You can seem deluged by concerns. But the deeper aspect is that mirror that can be held up to the self so that the environment around you is continually showing you that what you must learn each and every day. A few coins are stored up in the bank of the soul that have not yet been played in the juke box. There are yet more turns to life, more ways that the future could take its turns. The point now is to remove those beliefs that would be limiting to yourself. Ideas that have been warped by the passage of time. Much as a vinyl left in the sun for too long. So too must you praise yourself and abandon the paradigms of fear that the world will literally eat you alive which it then did. Grace under pressure is the ability to function in a dualistic environment with a Unitarian heart a heart that is in unity. Forgive us for the religious allusions for they were not intended for that statement. Sometimes you just need to stick the brakes on when all else fails. To stop and come to a screeching halt with regards to a particular attitude. If you cannot think of the positive, you should stop yourself from thinking of the negative and try to think of other things until you can rethink it, because as you are aware, matter forming units are being continually created by every thought that you have. Those matter forming units, once gathered up, do then emerge into physical manifestations either by attracting the events themselves, or literally emerging as physical forms. So it is important that within the structure and the confines of your own environment, that you look beyond the boundary lines that have defined yourself. Move away from the more rigorous perspective and move towards the more fluid viewpoint. The viewpoint which accrues the bank of wisdom when you have attained higher levels of self mastery. Never think of yourself as one who has strayed from the path, as one who has fallen to the bottom, rather see that the particles of your being are capable of making a quantum shift. Just as will happen on this planet as a whole. There is no reason to be concerned, for God is with you. You walk in trust not in fear. The bioelectric fields of your body will naturally radiate to others who will then examine you from that soul perspective and perceive the harmonious vibration. When you have a renewed sense of self, your words will change as well and their content will change. You can indeed move away from feeling victimized by the world and victimized by your environment to a place of greater learning and trust where you understand that each and every experience is a by-product of that which is chosen to bring the self back the fold consciousness of God. Yes we do admit that you have repeated many

lessons. We do admit that what you have experienced is the validity of the truth. But on the other hand the misquotes and misstatements which you have often made did reveal further extenuations of issues within the soul so that at this point it is as if we have the door to the skull open and are peering at the brain. The centralized nervous system and we do mean nervous because you can indeed learn to relax. You can indeed walk in trust and not in fear. You can be the person that you know yourself to be and not feel overwhelmed. Time and time again you have the models, you have the abilities. You can use these abilities. Cryptic statements have been made during the course of this reading and we do not apologize for them. There will be cryptic aspects to your path. Aspects that make you feel like Frankenstein. Like you're the walking dead and you don't understand why. Stay in trust. Move in truth. Go in the directions that you are guided and you will not be lead astray. Listen to the silence in-between pauses and you will hear our words speaking to you. Pay attention to your dreams and we will be giving you the next bits of guidance. We do thank you. We remind you that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine. We eagerly await the time that you approach the throne of the divine and sign your name upon the Akashic records thus completing your obligations to the third density and freeing yourself for higher workings elsewhere. Peace be with you in the light of everlasting love. We now end this reading. Adonoi.

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