Wwi And Allies Test

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According to Bullington: WWI and the Treaty of Versailles Test 2: Friday, Sept. 19. 2008 Expected Test Outline: 1. German invasion of France 2. The Search for Allies 3. Causes of U.S. Entrance 4. Russia’s exit 5. Treaty of Versailles and the Big Four 6. Related ideologies/actions (interspersed in guide)

I. German Invasion of France Review: August 1, 1914 – Schlieffen Plan Enter France from behind Rebuff Russian forces Leave Austria to crush Serbia 1st Battle of the Marne Germans enter on Marne River @ N France France is shocked, staggered, stricken, & slow to react Von Moltke wants to stop the army and march to Paris He stops them, at least… (changes are slow without fancy communications technology But then France figures out what’s going on and moves its soldiers (thanks to Paris taxi drivers) to the new front For the next 4 years, the war in France is fought largely in the NE territory around the Marne. Other developments: Poison gas developed (first used by French, but they died from it that time: not so smart)

Food problems – Germany is isolated from the sea by British navy; they’re starvin’! So they opt for submarine warfare. Slow progress – By 1915, everybody’s figured out that this is going to be a drawn-out war of attrition (in which each enemy tries to exhaust the other until they surrender). Which leads us to…

II. The Search for Allies Everybody needs help. Some notable sucking-up attempts: 1. McMahon-Hussein Correspondence Between: Jordan and Britain Playing on: Arab Nationalism Promise: If Jordan revolts against Ottomans, Hussein (leader of Jordan) will get custodial control of Jerusalem—and independence for Jordan. Reasoning: Jordan, imperialized by Turkey, is more fundamentally Arabic than secular, European Turkey. Notes: Origin of Arab claim to Jerusalem. Not fulfilled by T. of Versailles. Angry Arabs result. 2. Irrendentia Between: Italy and Britain Playing on: Italian Nat’lism Promise: If Italy joins Britain, it gets Adriatic land Reasoning: Italy wants Adriatic! Notes: Not fulfilled by Versailles either. Mussolini results! 3. Balfour Declaration Between: U.S. and Britain Playing on: Zionism (Zionism = Resistance to anti-Semitism; call for Jewish homeland)

Promise: If U.S. Zionists get America into the war, they can have Palestine and Jerusalem Reasoning: Zionists need land for Zion; Jews have suffered Diaspora (scattering of their people across the world) Notes: Obviously, Britain is overlapping its promises. This is not going to be good for Arab/Israeli future. Finally, in April 1917, Britain gets the U.S. to enter the war. Why?...

III. Reasons for U.S. Involvement 1. Anglophilia 2. Propaganda “Innocent Belgium”; “Germany Started War” Britain controls Trans-Atlantic cable! 3. Sabotage --? He didn’t really go into this. 4. Unrestricted Sub warfare Germany started it in 1915 to get even with Britain’s blockade; they paused for a time and then continued in 1917, at which point they started sinking ships without warning. 5. Financial Institutions U.S. Banks had money invested in loans to Britain and its allies If Germany won, there would be financial problems for US in Central America --Similar to 1954 situation in Guatemala, where US crushed diplomatic uprising in favor of United Fruits Company’s interests 6. Zionism (see above)

7. Zimmerman Telegram April 1917 – Germany assumes we’re entering already, so throws caution to the wind. Brits use Arabs to “neutralize” Turks; Germany uses Mexico to slow U.S. Germany assumes Mexico hates us: we stole their land in Mex. Cession—don’t they want their land back, like Europeans would? So, the telegram says: If Mexico declares war on US, it will get the Mex. Cession back. BUT: In 1917, Mexican Revolution has been going for 7 years. President Carranza is still dealing with Pancho Villa. He can’t declare war! Anyway, Zimmerman’s telegram (to von Echardt in New York) doesn’t get through (INTERCEPT’D!) Wilson interprets it as a violation of the Monroe Doctrine (1823), and invokes the Roosevelt Corollary (1901-ish). /Monroe: Europe better not mess with our sphere. /Roosevelt: ‘Cause if they do, we have the right to police power. Thus the US enters the “war to end all wars” in order to “make the world safe for democracy.” Right.

IV. Russia’s exit 1917 – US Enters war February (March, our calendar) Revolution -czar removed -provisional gov’t: “Peace, Food, and Bread” (Lenin’s promise) October (Nov.) Revolution -uprising ‘gainst provisional gov’t

-Bolsheviks take power 1918 – Treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed btwn Russia and Germany Ends Russia’s part in war, giving lots of land to Germany German soldiers now free to fight only Western Front! Can they make it before US does? …No, they can’t. They lose. Thus:

V. Treaty of Versailles (This section will serve as a supplement to your handout. Please also refer to it.)

The Treaty • Political Effects All emperors must go! Empires  Republics Weimar Republic (civilian gov’t in Germany) replaces military. The civilians sign the Treaty. League of Nations, however weak (esp. without US), is created. • Economic Effects Germany saddled with all reparations thanks to Article 231. They have to give up Saar Basin to France, etc. • Geographic Effects Germany gets all its land changed to new countries! Poland from Russian cession (remember city of Danzig) Czechoslovakia gets Sudetenland Others:

Austria shrunk (no unity between Germany and Austria ever again!) Hungary created Romania created Yugoslavia created Saar Basin given to France; all resources mined by Germans for free as reparations • Just Plain Mean Effects Article 231: Germany is responsible for the war. Entirely. That’s just humiliating! Germany (esp. Military) is pretty mad. They sign, planning already to continue their war effort in secret. Old officers (Ludendorf and Hindenburg) resign, training new ones to be elite force of 100,000 (the limit acc. to the treaty) Result: “Ein volk, ein reich, ein fuhrer” – Radical Imperialism and the continuity of the Great War through 1939. Note on the Treaty: The US never ratified it, because of US isolationist repulsion to the League of Nations. The driving force behind that opposition was Rep. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge.

That’s about it! The rest is on your handout (the single-page written one). If you took notes on the Guns of August video, you may want to review them briefly, but they’re pretty much parallel to the lecture. Good luck!

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