Wwi Identifications

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  • August 2019
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Jeremy Keeshin Chapter 24 – World War I – Identifications Roosevelt Corollary was President Roosevelt’s “amendment” to the Monroe Doctrine specifically saying Latin America should keep in order and he said that the US should speak softly but carry a big stick, which was “Big Stick” Diplomacy.” These were significant because they set the standard of American intervention. Gentleman’s Agreement between the US and Japan said that Japan should stop the emigration of laborers while the US should stop the discrimination of the Japanese. It was significant because it helped relations and led to the Root Takahira Agreement. Dollar Diplomacy was the platform held by Taft and his secretary of State Knox to promote American finance and capital abroad. This was significant because its goal was to aid economic ties, increase US influence and lead to peace. Moral Diplomacy was the new policy used by Wilson replacing Dollar Diplomacy. It was designed to preserve peace and extend democracy. It was significant because it ultimately failed when World War I broke out. Pancho Villa was the leader of a revolt against the new president of Mexico Carranza. He was significant because he tried to remedy the situation while it didn’t really work, and almost sent the US to war. Jingoism is the term used to describe crazy patriotism and nationalism for one’s country. This term is significant because it was used to describe the situation in Europe where extreme nationalism and alliances led to World War I. Women’s Peace Party was a group founded by progressive reformers who wanted to assemble women against the war in Europe. This was significant because it showed the antiwar feelings of the country. Sussex Pledge was the agreement between Wilson and Germany that they would not shoot down passenger boats. It was significant because it represented the short time of friendly relations between the US and Germany. “Peace without victory” was how Wilson envisioned the ideal outcome of the war in a speech given on January 22, 1917. It was significant because it showed that there must be freedom of the seas, arms limits, and a League of Nations if a peace were to last. Zimmerman Telegram was an intercepted telegram from Germany to Mexico seeking an alliance to help them regain the southwest. It was significant because its contents were revealed to the public and it led to a declaration of war. Selective Service Act was a conscription act passed May of 1917, which instituted a

Jeremy Keeshin draft. It was significant because the US was finally in war and the nation needed to mobilize with soldiers. The Convoy plan was set up by Admiral William S. Sims, a war strategist, who used Allied destroyers to escort merchant vessels across the Atlantic. This plan was significant because it cut the shipping losses in half. The Armistice was a truce signed by Germany on November 11, 1918. The Central Powers of Turkey, Bulagaria, and Austria-Hungary had pulled out and it was significant as it was the end of the war. The Committee on Public Information was a committee formed by Wilson under George Creel that set up the dispersal of information to publicize the war. It was significant because the propaganda led to an anti-German sentiment throughout the country. The Espionage Act was passed in 1917, which had sentences of up to 20 years for people who were disloyal or helped the enemy. It was significant because it was part of the growing sense of nationalism. The Sedition Act, passed in 1918, was very similar to the Espionage Act by putting punishments on those who used disloyal language. It was significant because it swelled more of a nationalist and xenophobia. The Red Scare came in 1919 shortly after the Espionage and Sedition Acts and Russian Revolution when many communists were rounded up. It was significant because it showed how the US was becoming less and less tolerant of different ideas. The War Industries Board oversaw production and manufacturing in factories and set limits on what could and could not be produced regarding the war. It was significant because it had a large control over the economy. The Food Administration, set up by Herbert Hoover, set out to feed starving Belgians and armies overseas. The Fuel Administration set out to regulate energy use by imposing daylight savings time and no driving days. These were significant because the country started to become conscious of what it could do to help the war effort. The War Labor Board, headed by Felix Frankfurter, was a committee to standardize wages and working hours and protect labor rights. It was significant because the country finally started to oversee and regulate labor efficiently.

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