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Cleaning Manual

Contents 1.


Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 6 1.1

Introduction ................................................................................................................... 6


Cleaning Basics ............................................................................................................ 7

General Cleaning ............................................................................................................... 13 2.1


Moderate to Heavy Degreasing ............................................................................ 13


Light Degreasing .................................................................................................. 13

2.2 3.

Carbon Removal ......................................................................................................... 14


Cold soaking ........................................................................................................ 14


Hot soaking .......................................................................................................... 14



Rust stain Remover ..................................................................................................... 13

Engine Room Cleaning....................................................................................................... 14 3.1


Degreasing .................................................................................................................. 13

Electrical components & Motor cleaning ...................................................................... 14

Deck, Hull & Superstructure Cleaning ................................................................................ 15 4.1

To clean Deck, Superstructure, Hull, Bolidt Deck, Wood, Windows, Metal and ........... 15


Deck, Superstructure, Hull, Stainless Steel and Paintwork .......................................... 15


Window Cleaning ........................................................................................................ 15


Bolidt Decks ................................................................................................................ 15


Teak, Wood and Varnished Wood ............................................................................... 16


Cleaning of Aluminium ................................................................................................ 16


Phosphate containing products ................................................................................... 16

Galley & Accommodation Cleaning .................................................................................... 17 5.1

An Effective and Safe Alternative For Onboard Cleaning ............................................ 17


Application descriptions ............................................................................................... 17


Toilet Systems...................................................................................................... 17


Bathroom Areas ................................................................................................... 18


Garbage and Waste Collection Areas .................................................................. 18


Galley Areas ........................................................................................................ 19


Black and Grey Water Sanitary Pipe Cleaning ..................................................... 19


Grey Water Holding Tanks ................................................................................... 21


Sewage Holding Tanks ........................................................................................ 22


Sewage Treatment Plant ...................................................................................... 22

Cleaning Manual 5.2.9

On Vessels (excluding passenger vessels) .......................................................... 23


On Passenger Vessels ......................................................................................... 23


Carpet and Fabric Cleaning.................................................................................. 24


Choosing the Right Product......................................................................................... 24


Related Products ......................................................................................................... 26


Air Cooler Cleaning ............................................................................................................ 27 6.1


Air Cooler Cleaning ..................................................................................................... 27

Fuel System Cleaning ........................................................................................................ 28 7.1

Fuel Oil Separators ..................................................................................................... 28


Lube/Fuel oil filters ...................................................................................................... 28


Boiler system cleaning........................................................................................................ 29 8.1

Things to note about Boiler Systems ........................................................................... 29


Commissioning cleaning of a Boiler Systems .............................................................. 29


Procedure ............................................................................................................ 29


Removal of oil contamination from a Boiler System ..................................................... 30


How to Descale/Desrust a Boiler ................................................................................. 31


Cleaning of a Engine Cooling System ................................................................................ 33 9.1

Commissioning cleaning of an Engine Cooling System ............................................... 33

9.1.1 9.2

Procedure ............................................................................................................ 33

Removal of oil from an Engine Cooling System ........................................................... 34


In Service Cleaning .............................................................................................. 34


Out of service Cleaning ........................................................................................ 34

9.3 10.

Cleaning of scale/rust from an Engine Cooling System ............................................... 35 Acid Descaling ................................................................................................................ 37


Dry Acid Descaling ...................................................................................................... 37


Evaporators ................................................................................................................. 37


Sea Water Cooling System ......................................................................................... 38


Tank & Bilge Cleaning .................................................................................................... 39


Tank Cleaning ............................................................................................................. 39


Bilge Cleaning ............................................................................................................. 39


Method 1: spray application.................................................................................. 39


Method 2: Nonspray application ........................................................................... 39

12. 12.1

CIP – Cleaning In Place .................................................................................................. 40 Fuel Oil Separators ..................................................................................................... 40

Cleaning Manual 12.2

Lube Oil Separators .................................................................................................... 40


Manual Cleaning ......................................................................................................... 41


Cargo Hold Cleaning....................................................................................................... 42


Our Cargo Hold Cleaning Concept .............................................................................. 42


General ................................................................................................................ 42


Products for challenging cargos ........................................................................... 42


Innovative Cleaning Solutions .............................................................................. 42


Cleaning Equipment .................................................................................................... 43


Panamax & Panamax kits .................................................................................... 43


Handymax kit ....................................................................................................... 43


Tornado cleaning jets ........................................................................................... 44


Chemicals ................................................................................................................... 45


Slip-Coat / Slip Coat WR ...................................................................................... 45


Slip-Coat WR ....................................................................................................... 45


Slip-Coat .............................................................................................................. 46


Aquatuff High Foam ............................................................................................. 46


Metal Brite HD ...................................................................................................... 47


Descaling Liquid ................................................................................................... 48


Ultrasonic Cleaning ......................................................................................................... 49

14.1 15.

Ultrasonic cleaning process......................................................................................... 49 High Pressure Cleaning .................................................................................................. 50


Safety .......................................................................................................................... 50


What is high pressure cleaning?.................................................................................. 50

15.3 Preserving values and increased maintenance efficiency with High Pressure Cleaners ................................................................................................................................ 50 15.4

General cleaning ......................................................................................................... 50


Engine Room Cleaning ............................................................................................... 50


Efficient Paint Removing ............................................................................................. 50


Thorough Disinfection ................................................................................................. 51


High Pressure Cleaning Equipment: choosing the right equipment for your vessels .... 51


The Cleaning Power .................................................................................................... 51


Intensity of use ........................................................................................................ 52


Temperature of the water......................................................................................... 52


Accessories ............................................................................................................. 52

Cleaning Manual 15.13 16.

Detergents ............................................................................................................... 52

Chemical Application Equipment .................................................................................... 54


General recommendations .......................................................................................... 54


Safety .......................................................................................................................... 54


Alkaline & Acids ................................................................................................... 54


Maintenance of sprayers ...................................................................................... 54


Jet spray units ............................................................................................................. 54


Assembly ............................................................................................................. 54


Operating ............................................................................................................. 54

16.4 17.

Rechargeable sprayers ............................................................................................... 55 Appendix......................................................................................................................... 56


Appendix 1 .................................................................................................................. 56


Appendix 2 .................................................................................................................. 65

Cleaning Manual 1. 1.1

Introduction Introduction

This manual provides Wilhelmsen Ships Service customers with a quick reference guide to a range of important cleaning procedures aboard ship. These procedures are designed to maintain operational efficiency and provide our customers with a Return on Investment with Wilhelmsen Ships Service. The Unitor range of chemicals described in this manual have been especially formulated to meet the cleaning requirements of shipboard operations, while complying with the latest I.M.O. (MARPOL 73/78) and OSPARCOM regulations. Accordingly Unitor products do not contain chlorinated hydrocarbons, phenols, cresols, alkyl phenol ethoxylates, and less than 10% aromatics. Technical support for these cleaning programmes is available at most major ports throughout the world. If you should encounter an aspect of cleaning which is not covered by this manual, please contact your Wilhelmsen Ships Service representative for assistance. Successful cleaning depends on the right choice of product, applied in the best possible way. The factors influencing that choice, and the concentration of the product used, are: The Problem Is it tank cleaning, bilges, electrical equipment, descaling? What is the surface area or volume of the system to be cleaned? What is the nature of the soil to be moved? (E.g. mineral oils require emulsifying solvents to penetrate residues, forming a stable emulsion which readily breaks on standing. Whereas, vegetable oils are best removed by saponification using a strong alkali.)

Method Of Application High pressure cleaning, circulation, soaking Availability of heat Time available for cleaning operation Other Factors Safety Environmental considerations Degree of cleanliness required Tank linings Next cargo to be carried Note: For detailed handling and safety instructions see product manual and Material Safety Data Sheet.

Cleaning Manual 1.2

Cleaning Basics

Introduction Tank cleaning is required primarily to avoid contamination at cargo changeover, to facilitate structural surveys or repair and to enable discharge of clean water ballast. The method by which tank cleaning is achieved will vary according to the equipment available for cleaning, the time allocated to perform the operation and other specific factors related to your vessel. The selection of the proper tank cleaning chemicals, together with the appropriate application required and the necessary mechanical aids for the task, all govern an efficient tank cleaning programme that in turn governs the successful running of a ship. This manual has been produced to enable shipboard personnel to gain fundamental knowledge of effective tank cleaning programs, to approach the cleaning operation in the proper manner. Tank cleaning & Chemicals Before studying the individual and practical guidelines found in this book, i.e. how to do the cleaning job after carrying a specific cargo, it may be useful to obtain some general knowledge of the basic principles behind the recommended procedures. In closely observing that most users of our products require practical advice on how to approach their particular problem, the following theoretical part will be simplified and restricted to what we consider “worth knowing”. The practical section of this guide bears no reference to the theoretical part for its absolute interpretation and use for particular jobs, which makes it possible to look up just on the problem at hand. Solution - Dispersion Mixing whisky and soda is a common practice, though rather few of us have given much thought to the fact this is a physical-chemical process called a solution. What actually happens is a transport and distribution of alcohol molecules between the water molecules. When the process is through, the distance between the alcohol molecules will be fairly the same; and they will be evenly distributed between the water molecules. The solution process is, however, not restricted to the liquid phase only. We all know that sugar can be dissolved in water, thus forming a clear solution. The sugar molecules are then evenly distributed between the water molecules. The kind of molecules in majority is referred to as the solvent. The most common and universal solvent used in cleaning agents is water which to an increasing extend has replaced harmful hydrocarbons in the cleaning process. When a solid like dust, soot etc. is finely divided but not dissolved into a liquid, we call such a mixture a dispersion. Floor washing is a well-known dispersion process where the smudge is dispersed into the wash-water. In general, the particles that are dispersed are much larger than the molecules of the solvent. If instead of a solid, a liquid, e.g. oil droplets, are dispersed into a solvent, an emulsion is formed. Components in detergents play an important role by keeping solids and liquids in suspension until it can be rinsed away.

Cleaning Manual

Solvents All materials (substances) may be divided into two categories: – those being soluble in water – those being insoluble in water According to this, it is natural to distinguish between aqueous solvents and non-aqueous solvents. The latter group is also referred to as organic solvents or just incorrectly as solvents. The most important aqueous solvents are water, acids, base materials and salt solutions (e.g. sea water). Certain important organic solvents are: white spirits, paraffin’s, chlorinated solvents (i.e. trichloroethylene), toluene and acetone. The number of organic solvents is vast. As a main rule, any material soluble in water or aqueous solutions is insoluble in nonaqueous solvents and vice versa. Alcohols like methanol and ethanol are exempt since they are soluble in both categories above. However, alcohols belong in the category organic solvents. Certain other materials have the same properties as alcohols in this respect. The Wash Process – How it works The final purpose of a wash process is to transport materials from a surface to a dispersed phase in a carrier, the solvent. This process is very complicated and in some cases the mechanisms involved are not known in detail. The smudge on the surface is kept in place by forces which are virtually of an electrical nature. In order to loosen a smudge particle it has to be pulled away from the surface and then kept in suspension to prevent it from depositing again somewhere else. This accomplished by means of components in the detergent called surfactants. The effect is based on the ability of the surfactants to go between the smudge particle and the surface, “wrapping it up” and thereby preventing it from re-depositing. The surfactants have a double-nature. One end of the molecule has an affinity to fats and oils, thus having a water repellent effect. Consequently it is called the lipophilic or hydrophobic end. The opposite end has an affinity to water and is thus called the hydrophilic end.

Cleaning Manual

Whenever a smudge particle is covered by a surfactant, the surrounding water molecule will only “see” the hydrophilic end of the surfactant molecule and then accept the smudge particle being kept in suspension. Unfortunately, the surfactants do not always have the necessary access. In cases of heavy oil deposits, the passage to the contacting surface may be blocked. It may be necessary, therefore, to apply a proper solvent to perforate the deposit in order to allow the surfactants to penetrate. Another factor of importance is the temperature. Any wash process is a chemical process and all chemical processes are sensitive to temperature in the sense that they usually go faster with increasing temperatures. Also, the viscosity of oils and fats will decrease at higher temperatures, which will enhance the penetration and removal of the oil. The curve which may be drawn as the ratio between wash-power and temperature will often be exponential. From this one may see that the wash-power at low temperatures is weak and that a minor temperature increase means very little. At high temperatures, however, the wash-power is strong and just a minor temperature increase will give a noticeable increase of wash-power.

Wash - Power The concentration of detergent is also important. It is common to think that the more detergent, the better the wash-power. This is not fully true, as some surfactants in certain concentrations show a negative wash-power, a so-called inversion. Instead of loosening the smudge, it causes it to stick even more. Consequently overdosing should be avoided. As described above, an increase of temperature will usually have a much higher impact than additional doses of detergent. As already mentioned, the washing process is in fact a transport of particles. The amount of smudge or particles that can be transported with the wash water or the solvent is limited. Decisive for the restriction of the washing speed is how fast the smudge can possibly diffuse into the solvent. It is evident that mechanical agitation will ease the transport considerably and that only a fractional difference in speed between the liquid and the deposit may double the washing speed many times over. The time available is often critical to the wash result. In general, the more washing time is allowed, the better the result. All these factors actually influencing on the wash result make it difficult to determine the optimum concentration of detergent. The concentration, which is right in one case is not necessarily correct in other situations, even with the same type of cleaning.

Cleaning Manual

It is, therefore, safer not to standardize any concentration at all, since the detergent must be tested in practice.

Cleaning Manual

All the above information on washing can be summarized in a figure called the Sinnerska Cirkle. The above picture is an illustration of the four different powers at work when cleaning is done, the extent of how much each of the components are used depends on how the cleaning is carried out.

Temperature Concentration

Work Tim

Temperature: Any wash process is essentially a chemical process and temperature sensitive. Chemical processes go faster with increased temperature and this means that the washing effect is better with higher temperature. Increased temperature will also reduce viscosity and this will enhance penetration, especially when removing oils. Time: The time available is often critical to the wash result. In general, the more washing time is allowed, the better the result.

Cleaning Manual Work: The amount of mechanical force used in cleaning effects the cleaning power. Take a mirror as an example, the cleaning solution will not be enough without the mechanical cleaning of the surface of the mirror. The same applies for the CIP cleaning, where the fluid is pumped around and the circulation of the fluid creates a mechanical force that improves the cleaning performance.

Circulation Removal

Turbulence Mechanical Force

Concentration The concentration of the detergent in the product is important for the cleaning result. It is common to think that a higher concentration of detergent will improve the wash power of the product. This is not necessary the truth as some detergents at high concentrations can show a negative wash effect, a so called inversion. Instead of loosening the dirt it can cause it to stick more. This means that overdosing should be avoided and that the manufacturer recommendations on dosage always followed. Overdosing of detergents can also have a detrimental effect on the environment.

The combined effect The purpose of a cleaning process is to remove and transport material from a surface to solution that stops any de positioning of the dirt. The combined effect of the mechanical work, temperature, time and concentration of cleaning agent makes the difference. The mechanical work will ease the transport considerably while the temperature will speed up the process and the cleaning agent keep all the dirt in suspension. All of this will be done in a most time efficient manner.

Cleaning Manual 2.

General Cleaning Degreasing


When degreasing engine room machinery, floor plates, deck and bulkheads, deck machinery etc., the most effective product to use depends on the type and amount of soiling. By using hot feed water on the high pressure cleaner, the cleaning effect increase and the use of chemicals can be reduced. Always check maximum allowed feed water temperature for the high pressure cleaner.


Moderate to Heavy Degreasing

1. Use Enviroclean or Cleanbreak at full strength or diluted 50% in paraffin. 2. Application may be by brush, spray or by immersion. 3. Allow 15 - 60 minutes to soak, then rinse thoroughly with water.


Light Degreasing

1. Use Multiclean at full strength or diluted 50% in fresh water. 2. Apply to the soiled surface by brush, spray or immersion. 3. Allow to soak for 15 - 60 minutes then rinse. Note: The emulsion formed by the use of Unitor Multiclean will break after the cleaning operation so reducing the load on oil/water separators. This separation process will be fastest when sea water is used for the initial rinse.


Rust stain Remover

Metal Brite or Deck Clean NP has been formulated to remove tarnishing from copper, brass and aluminium and remove rust stains from steel, wood, tiles, and most painted surfaces. 1. Before applying metal brightener remove oil and grease contamination. 2. Apply by brush, cloth or spray. 3. Allow to soak for 15 - 30 minutes, rinse with fresh water and dry. 4. Repeat if necessary for pitted or heavily stained surfaces.

Cleaning Manual 3.

Engine Room Cleaning

Operational Cleaning Carbon Removal


Stubborn carbonaceous deposits formed on engine components during combustion frequently present cleaning problems during maintenance. Removal of carbon deposits and associated oil from valves, injectors, etc. is readily achieved by the use of Carbon Remover. Carbon Remover should always be used at full strength to obtain maximum cleaning efficiency.


Cold soaking

1. Immerse the component to be cleaned in a tank of Carbon Remover. 2. Immersion time will depend on the degree of soiling but where possible items should be left to soak overnight. 3. Use a stiff brush to remove adhering deposits. 4. Drain and rinse with warm water. 3.1.2

Hot soaking

1. Immerse the component to be cleaned in a tank containing Carbon Remover. 2. Heat the tank to a temperature of 60ºC using steam coils or electrical immersion heaters. A lid must be fitted to the tank to avoid solvent loss by evaporation. 3. Ensure ample ventilation in the area where items are being cleaned. 4. Immersion time will depend on the degree of soiling but cleaning time will be much shorter compared to cold soaking. 5. Use a stiff brush to remove adhering deposits. 6. Drain and rinse with warm water.


Electrical components & Motor cleaning 1. Electrosolv-E is applied neat by brush or immersion. If a spray gun is used it must be fitted with a jet nozzle. An atomising spray should not be used. 2. After cleaning the components should be left to dry in a warm place or blown with clean air, to ensure complete dryness.

Cleaning Manual 4.

Deck, Hull & Superstructure Cleaning

Deck Clean NP - Phosphate Free Bio Degradable Cleaner 4.1 To clean Deck, Superstructure, Hull, Bolidt Deck, Wood, Windows, Metal and Painted surfaces. 1. Deck Clean NP is recommended for the removal of rust and hardness salt stains from all the different surfaces 2. Remove dirt, rust flakes and oil/grease prior to using Deck Clean NP. This is best done by using Aquabreak PX in a 5-10% solution. 3. Deck Clean NP should be used neat on heavy stains or diluted 10-30% for lighter stains. Required dosage may vary depending on degree of stain 4. For general cleaning dilute Deck Clean NP to a 20% solution. 5. Mix the Deck Clean NP to the water to get the 20% ready solution 6. Apply the solution to the area to be cleaned, use suitable application equipment. 7. See below for a detailed description of the different areas to be cleaned. 8. A second application may be necessary to remove the most stubborn stains. Caution! Deck Clean NP should always be added to water, never the reverse. Use a plastic bucket or container for dilution. Compatibility: Long term exposure will cause corrosion of mild steel, cast iron, aluminium, and alloys, brass, tin or galvanised material. 4.2 Deck, Superstructure, Hull, Stainless Steel and Paintwork Make sure that surface to be cleaned is free from rust flakes and grease/oil. 1. Deck Clean NP should be applied at full strength on heavy stains, or diluted to 1030% strength for light stains. 2. Allow to soak for about 20 minutes and rinse of surface with water. Do not let Deck Clean NP dry on surface. 3. A second application may be necessary to remove the most stubborn stains. 4.3

Window Cleaning 1. Make a 20% solution of Deck Clean NP for window cleaning. A higher dosage may be considered if there are heavy rust stains on the windows. 2. Allow to soak for about 20 minutes and rinse of surface with water. Do not let Deck Clean NP dry on surface.


Bolidt Decks 1. Deck Clean NP is recommended for daily cleaning and removal of salt and dirt. Cleaning of grease and soot on Bolidt floors are best carried out with alkaline cleaner like Aquabreak PX. 2. Make a 10-20% solution of Deck Clean NP for Bolidt cleaning.

Cleaning Manual 3. Allow to soak for about 10 minutes and rinse of surface with water. Do not let Deck Clean NP dry on surface. 4.5

Teak, Wood and Varnished Wood 1. Make up to a 10% solution of Deck Clean NP for cleaning of rust and water stains on Teak, Wood and Varnished wood. 2. Allow to soak for about 20 minutes and rinse of surface with water. Do not let Deck Clean NP dry on surface.


Cleaning of Aluminium 1. Use a solution of 10-30% for Aluminium cleaning. 2. Rise of surface maximum 5 minutes after application.

For detailed information on safety and health please read the material safety data sheet before using this product, it can be found on the intranet or with the product label on the product packing

4.7 Phosphate containing products In some areas like the Baltic Sea and inside 3 nautical miles around the US coast it is not allowed to use Phosphate Containing products for cleaning if there is a risk that the wash water can end up in the sea. Our recommendation is to always use non-phosphate containing product when washing deck and super structure to avoid the risk of using phosphate containing products in sensitive areas. If you want to have more information on the phosphate regulation please contact your local customer service representative.

Cleaning Manual 5. 5.1

Galley & Accommodation Cleaning An Effective and Safe Alternative For Onboard Cleaning

Traditional cleaning chemicals usually involve toxic chemicals such as caustic acids, chlorine and other disinfectants that are potentially harmful to the user and the environment. These cleaners break down the soil, lift it into suspension and carry it away. These hazardous slops containing soil and chemical cleaners are moved into the environment. Gamazyme bioenzymatic cleaners are an effective and environmentally safe alternative. Gamazyme cleaners contain active bacteria cultures from nature that digest organic fat and grease, converting it into water and CO2. They are specifically designed for safe and effective treatment of drain lines and grease traps, cleaning and odour control, and septic and waste treatment onboard ships. Organic waste and oxygen create the necessary conditions for harmful bacteria to thrive. In cleaning and odour control applications, microbial action penetrates cracks and pores of surfaces where soils collect, destroying residual organics and the odours they cause. When all of the soil is digested the bacteria die of starvation. The bi-products of this bio-enzymatic action are harmless carbon dioxide and water. Gamazyme is approved by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). Each individual product is developed for a particular task.

5.2 5.2.1

Application descriptions Toilet Systems

Toilet bowls and urinals become contaminated by organic materials, uric stone, water scale and rust stains. To keep them clean and free of bad odours at all times, it is necessary to follow a maintenance program consisting of two individual cleaning products, Gamazyme BTC and Gamazyme Toilet Descaler. To keep toilet bowls and urinals clean and free of odours, use Gamazyme BTC daily as a normal toilet cleaner. Lift up seat, open the bottle and direct nozzle downwards. Squeeze and direct the jet to adequately cover the surface to be cleaned. After a few minutes, scrub vigorously with a toilet brush and flush with water. To remove accumulated water scale and rust stains, Gamazyme Toilet Descaler should be used regularly. Normal dosage is one sachet in each toilet once a week. Let the sachet stand for one minute for complete dissolution, brush the bowl and flush. The treatment will also remove existing organic materials, leaving the surface completely clean.

Cleaning Manual

Depending on organic load and presence of foaming cleaners, build-up of foam in sewage collecting tanks may result in overflow problems. To prevent this, Defoamer Concentrate should be added to the system. Typical dosage is 1/2 dl of defoamer for a load of 2000-2500 passengers and a tank capacity of 10 tons. It can be dosed continuously in concentrated form or mixed with two and a half litres of water and slug dosed into the ejector tank. Defoamer Concentrate separates quickly from water, and water dilutions should be dosed immediately. The dosing is done about one-half hour before peak load. 5.2.2

Bathroom Areas

Bathrooms must be kept particularly clean and free from odours because passengers are very sensitive to bathroom cleanliness. Odours come up through the sinks and drains from the organic soil lining in the sanitary pipe work. Surfaces in bathrooms become contaminated by body fats and soap residues and require daily cleaning. For daily cleaning of all surfaces, Gamazyme MSC should be used daily to clean surfaces in the bathroom and showers. Add 50 to 500 ml of Gamazyme MSC to half a bucket of hot water, depending on the heaviness of grime to be cleaned. MSC is particularly good at cleaning body fats from shower curtains and when used on tiled decks will restore the original colour of the tile grouting. A nightly squirt of MSC into sinks, showers and scuppers is usually adequate to keep drain pipes clean and clear of organic residual wastes and overcome unpleasant drain odours. However, frequent use and heavy load of residual organic waste products may cause slow draining and even total blockage of the pipes, making additional use of Gamazyme DPC necessary. To restore full draining capacity, prepare a liquid solution by adding one sachet of Gamazyme DPC to one bucket of tepid water and leave for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Dose 0.5 litres of this solution into sinks and scuppers. A maintenance dose once or twice a week can then be applied to keep the pipes in clean condition. 5.2.3

Garbage and Waste Collection Areas

Odour problems in garbage and waste collection areas, rest rooms and galleys arise from the degradation of organic waste, causing evolution of bad smelling amine, ammonia and mercaptan gases. To eliminate this, spray undiluted Gamazyme BOE directly on the contaminated surfaces. This will immediately neutralize the odour causing chemicals, and then these compounds are subsequently biodegraded by the strains incorporated in

Cleaning Manual Gamazyme BOE. When used regularly, Gamazyme BOE will keep the areas free of odours and surfaces clean. 5.2.4

Galley Areas

Galley areas suffer from problems caused by fats and grease blocking sinks, pipes and scuppers. Greasy wastewater drains through the grey water sanitary pipe system to the grey water holding tank or sometimes to the sewage treatment plant. The fats accumulate in the tanks and if drained to the sewage tank causes havoc with the float switches and pump controls. Grease traps are sometimes fitted to collect the fats and grease and prevent the grease soiling the drain lines, but they require regular and expensive cleaning and maintenance. Gamazyme DPC should be dosed into the sinks, scuppers and grease traps to prevent accumulation of grease and fat. A liquid solution should be prepared by adding one slope to 10 litres of hand hot fresh water and left for 15 minutes (stirring periodically) for the bacteria to activate. Initial doses of 0.5 litres of this solution should be applied. A maintenance dose once or twice a week should also be applied to keep the pipes in clean condition. This treatment should be sufficient to service the sanitary system all the way to the collection tanks and resolve grease trap cleaning and associated problems. From food pullers the water goes through the pulper water system before entering the grey water holding tank. Food waste, fats and greases accumulates in the system, resulting in bad odours. To clean the pulper system, flush the whole system at the end of the day, including pulpers, pipes etc. with warm water (maximum 60 o C) and Gamazyme Digestor. Dose the product neat in the economizer tank with a dosing pump. Use a dosage rate of approximately 2 litres per m3 water. Gamazyme MSC multi-surface cleaner should be used for cleaning galley decks and bulkheads, particularly in inaccessible places such as below and behind ovens. After a few days of use, galley tiled decks become noticeably cleaner, the bacteria restore the tile grouting to its original colour. 5.2.5

Black and Grey Water Sanitary Pipe Cleaning

Blocked pipes are a problem for ships due to the design requiring long horizontal pipe runs. The horizontal pipes do not aid gravitational flow and, as the vessel rolls and pitches, soil lines will run backwards. These pipes accumulate soil, progressively reducing the pipe bore until blockage occurs. It is then very difficult for the crew to locate the exact position of the blockage. When located, the pipe has to be opened up for clearance whereupon obnoxious waste erupts in an uncontrollable flow. These pipes are often in the passenger area, above deck heads, or behind bulkheads. For the ship, this is the worst type of passenger problem. A pipe blockage could cut off a whole deck of passenger cabins, causing serious passenger complaints. Correct use of Gamazyme will prevent this from happening. Grey water Pipe collection systems carrying wastewater from bathrooms get lined with bath oils, soaps, body fat and hair. Slow draining sinks and showers are annoying and tend to leave the sink dirty and often cause unpleasant odours. In the galley area, cooking fats are a constant

Cleaning Manual problem. Many ships now fit grease traps to collect the fat before the wastewater drains into the sanitary system, but these traps have to be cleaned and the fat disposed of. Gamazyme MSC can be used to clean showers, sinks and decks and dosed into the sinks, drains and scuppers at the end of the day. Gamazyme colonizes the residual organics lining the pipe, eating the area clean and eliminating the odours. If the problem is severe, Gamazyme DPC should be used. Black Water (sewage) toilet systems are usually operated by vacuum, but there are still gravity flushing systems in operation. Although gravity systems have larger bore pipes they are more prone to organic soil lining the pipe and odours backing up into bathrooms and accommodation areas. This can be hazardous if the sewage plant is under stress with the possibility of overloading and solids building up. Solid layers of sludge in the sewage plant can cause reduced aeration and allow anaerobic bacteria to develop, producing hydrogen sulphide. Hydrogen sulphide is a toxic and corrosive gas that has caused several deaths by backing up into accommodation areas. Gamazyme BTC used daily will input enough bacteria to keep the pipe lines clean for organic materials and the sewage plant operating at peak efficiency. All vacuum type toilet/sanitary pipe systems suffer from blocked pipe or restricted flow problems. The most popular vacuum toilet system is operated by the induction method. Macerated sewage is pumped around a circular pipe track out of the bottom of the sewage tank and back into the top of the tank. This pipe has a T connection that is the pipe to the toilets. The action of the sewage being pumped at speed through the T connection causes a vacuum in the pipe to the toilets. When the sewage pump is pumping there is a vacuum (suction) applied to the toilets along this pipeline, but since the pipe is sealed, there is no movement in the pipe. The toilet flushing action opens the pipe to the atmosphere. The rush of air in carries the contents of the toilet pan and one and a quarter litres of flush water into the vacuum pipe and along the pipe towards the inductor. When the flushing action stops, the pipe is sealed and the movement in the pipe stops. The contents of the toilet have moved along the sanitary pipe in a spiralling manner and stopped. It will stay in that position until a toilet upstream is flushed, at which time it will be carried further along the sanitary pipe. It will continue in this stop/start fashion towards the inductor, leaving a coating of organic substance and water on the pipe wall. If the time period between flushes is long enough, the pipe will dry out and the water on the pipe wall will evaporate leaving a very thin coating of water scale. Any organics on the pipe wall will become part of the water scale or trapped beneath it. When the sanitary pipe passes through hot areas such as the engine room, more evaporation occurs so the pipe scale problem becomes worse. Where there is a connection to a urinal, uric crystal makes the water scale very hard. The pipe scale varies from the very hard pure water scale to a softer scale containing organics. Gamazyme BTC has no effect on the water scale but it digests the organics, leaving less volume of scale build up. The remaining water scaled must be removed by use of an acid, either by regular use of Gamazyme Toilet Descaler or by acid cleaning with Descalex (sulphamic acid) or Metal Brite HD (phosphoric acid). Gamazyme Toilet Descaler contains biological components that digest both organics and acids to remove water scale. By adding one sachet once per week into each toilet to clean the bowl for water scale and rust stains, the treatment may also be adequate to keep the pipes free of water scale, making separate acid cleaning operations redundant.

Cleaning Manual If water scale is allowed to accumulate, an acid cleaning operation is necessary. Vacuum sanitary pipes are 50 mm or less in diameter and can become totally blocked by scale. It is not uncommon to see a 50 mm pipe with 15 mm of scale lining the pipe wall leaving an effective pipe bore of 20 mm or less. Since an acid cleaning operation involves removing the toilet basins and plugging the pipe to stop flooding in the lower decks, this work should be done in lay-up. If the cleaning work has to be done while the ship is in service, one deck at the time should be isolated. Descalex and Metal Brite HD are the best products for this type of cleaning. Descalex is based on sulphamic acid with an added color indicator telling when the cleaning solution is exhausted. When the solution turns from red to colourless, more Descalex should be added to the solution. Metal Brite HD is based on phosphoric acid and surfactants, and is especially effective if the system besides water scale also is contaminated by fat and grease. Depending on the extent of scale, circulate a solution of 2.5% - 10% Descalex or 5% -10% Metal Brite HD in fresh water. The Unitor Circulation Cleaning Unit may be used for smaller systems. The acid solution needs to be circulated for two to three days, so that all the scale is dissolved. By heating the cleaning solution to 45-50 oC, the circulation time can be reduced substantially. The cleaning solution must not be pumped into the sewage-holding tank or treatment plant, as the acid in these areas will destroy the ongoing biological process. During descaling, lumps of scale may fall away. These must be totally dissolved as they could cause a blockage later. Partial descaling whilst the ship is in service could cause this problem, so this should be carried out with care and in sections, starting at the inductor and noting the location of any tight bends. During the cleaning operation, it is important to look out for possible leakage. Scale may have blocked existing holes in the pipes, especially in joints and bends, and when the scale is removed the pipes start to leak. If build up of scale has to be removed while the ship is in service, Gamazyme Toilet Descaler may also be used. A survey/inspection of the pipes should then be done in order to determine initial dosage requirements. The condition of systems can vary, so the product should be dosed according to pipe condition. This may require a different dosing strategy in each individual case. One such strategy that has worked well is to increase the dosage of Toilet Discolour from one sachet per toilet/urinal once a week to twice a week for a month. Then this cleaning maintenance should be repeated about every three months. 5.2.6

Grey Water Holding Tanks

The grey water carries grease and fats into the holding tank, which becomes coated with odorous organic waste up to several centimetres thick, while the smell is too odorous for manual entry. Chemical cleaning may be done with a 4% dose of Alkleen Liquid and 80C of heat over two or three days. However, a much more convenient and economical cleaning is achieved by daily use of Gamazyme DPC solupacs dosed via galley sinks connected to the holding tank. This will control grease and odour problems throughout the system. Regular cleaning of the pulper systems using Gamazyme Digestor will also help to keep the holding tanks clean.

Cleaning Manual 5.2.7

Sewage Holding Tanks

Sewage holding tanks are used to hold sewage and sometimes waste water on vessels not fitted with a sewage treatment plant. These tanks must be large enough to hold the waste during their stay in port and restricted waters. Sewage holding tanks are dedicated tanks and must be cleaned regularly. The greasy nature of the sewage makes it difficult to clean so harsh chemical cleaners have traditionally been required. The sewage becomes solid in the bottom of the tank and requires regular manual cleaning by personnel using expensive protective suits and breathing apparatus. Because of the danger of exposure to pockets of hydrogen sulphide during manual cleaning, degassing chemists and fully equipped rescue teams must stand by during the manual cleaning operation. By cleaning the tanks with Gamazyme 700FN, this dangerous operation is eliminated. First, the tanks should be flooded and pumped empty to clear excess soil before cleaning. As biological activity requires oxygen, the tanks should be fitted with an air manifold connected to a low-pressure air line of sufficient volume to gently turn the mass of water within the tank. An alternative is to run an air hose into the tank. The tank should be filled to 75% capacity with fresh water or seawater and the air supply turned on. One-half kilogram of Gamazyme 700FN in five to ten litres of fresh tepid (35 oC) water should be mixed and left for 15 minutes before dosing into the tank. The dose rate should be approximately 0.5 kg per 500 litres tank capacity with a minimum dosage of 5 kg. Dosing can be either direct or via the nearest toilet. The tank should then be filled and left with the air on for at least 48 hours. Although Gamazyme 700FN is formulated for use in cold (15 o C minimum) seawater, performance will improve with lukewarm (35 o C) fresh or seawater. Regular use of Gamazyme BTC and Gamazyme TDS in toilets and urinals will greatly reduce the need for cleaning the holding tanks. Treating a sewage holding tank with Gamazyme will enhance the biological degradation of the sewage and thereby reduces odour problems, but it does not make it a sewage treatment plant and the resulting slops cannot be pumped overboard in restricted waters. 5.2.8

Sewage Treatment Plant

Vessels cannot sail into many areas of the word without an acceptable sewage treatment plant or sizable sewage holding tanks. The treatment plant is designed to treat sewage by breaking down the sewage by the action of naturally occurring bacteria, into an effluent that is then chlorinated before being discharged into the sea. The design of the plant produces an ideal, safe, comfortable environment to encourage the development of natural occurring bacteria to carry out this function. Once these naturally occurring bacteria are established and the plant maintained with a steady throughput of sewage, the system works. But often, the load on a sewage plant is erratic. Toilets and bathrooms get peak usage times during the day such as early morning, after meals and at embarkation and debarkation times. The biological system has difficulty handling these surges of waste. Also, toilets are cleaned with toxic cleaners that “kill all known germs”, often several times a day. The use of disinfectant toilet cleaners detrimentally effects the health and performance of the naturally occurring bacteria in the plant. The use of toxic toilet cleaners is the main cause of all sewage plant malfunctions. Another problem is the illicit dumping of used harsh chemical cleaners into convenient toilets.

Cleaning Manual These activities result in a biological system that is vulnerable and unstable. When biological activity is reduced, breakdown of the organic substances stops and solids begin to build up with the possibility of areas of the plant being deprived of oxygen. Anaerobic bacteria can then develop in these areas and produce hydrogen sulphide. In gravity flushing systems, it is possible for this very unpleasant and dangerous gas to percolate back through the sanitary system. This has caused several fatal accidents. The UK Department of Transport has issued Merchant Shipping Notice No. M.1548. Clause 13 states: “The use of large quantities of disinfectant toilet cleaners may destroy the bacteria which are essential to the operation of aerobic treatment plants. The makers of the treatment plant should be contacted for their recommendations and only approved cleaners used.” Gamazyme is listed and recommended by the following manufactures of marine sewage treatment plants: • • • • •

St. Louis Ship Fast System Marsh Engineering Cabos Marine Sewage Plants Hamworthy Engineering Trident Red Fox

Regular use of Gamazyme 700FN will keep the sewage plant operating efficiently. The following instructions for use should be followed: 5.2.9

On Vessels (excluding passenger vessels)

Ineffective septic sewage treatment can be reactivated and maintained in peak operating efficiency by dosing Gamazyme 700FN directly in the tank or via the nearest toilet. To reactivate the plant, 1 kg Gamazyme 700FN should be mixed with 10-15 litres of hand hot (35 °C) fresh water, left for 10-15 minutes (stirring periodically) for the bacteria to activate before dosing into the tank daily until the system is operating efficiently. Then a weekly maintenance dosage of 0,1 - 0,25 kg should be used. 5.2.10 On Passenger Vessels The application is the same as above, but the dose rate depends on the number of people on board the vessel. As a rule of thumb, use as an initial dosage of 50 grams per m3 of the volume of the sewage tank to activate the biological process. A weekly maintenance dosage of 10 gram per m3 of the volume of the sewage tank should be used. Odour is a good indication of the condition of the sewage treatment plant. There is always some odour in the sewage plant area. If this odour becomes really objectionable, the plant is not working correctly. A shock dose of five kilos of Gamazyme 700 FN via the nearest toilet will usually correct this. Marine sewage treatment plants need regular servicing. The aeration chamber must be checked monthly for quality of suspended solids and if necessary, the unit must be

Cleaning Manual desludged. It must be drained and cleaned annually to inspect pumps, blowers and diffuser elements. Several days prior to inspection, the tanks should be drained, refilled and dosed with about two kilos of Gamazyme 700FN a day with the aeration on. The tanks will then be reasonably clean before entry. After desludging or draining, the plant will take seven to ten days to reactivate with naturally occurring bacteria, during which time odours will prevail. Five kilos of 700 FN dosed via the nearest toilet will activate the system immediately. After the biological degradation, the sewage passes a Chlorinator, where chlorine is added to the sewage to kill any harmful bacteria. Both Calciumhypochlorite (powder) and Sodiumhypochlorite (liquid) may be used. 5.2.11 Carpet and Fabric Cleaning Carpets and fabrics are often soiled and stained by spillage caused by the rolling ship and seasickness. Unsightly dark stains on light fabrics, such as red wine, are almost impossible to remove using normal cleaners. Spillage and vomit seep into the furniture upholstery and deep into the carpet pile resulting in odours that are difficult to eradicate. Gamazyme MSC will digest all organic stains such as food, blood, vomit, oil, urine and faeces and remove the associated odours. Gamazyme MSC can be used as a laundry pre-soak and in carpet shampoo equipment where it will effectively clean the carpet and digest the soil deep down in the carpet pile removing the stain and the odour.


Choosing the Right Product

Gamazyme 700FN This is a super concentrated powder product containing eight very specialised bacteria strains to boost the biological activity in and clean holding tanks and sewage treatment plants. Gamazyme 700FN degrades all the components of sewage - starch, protein, cellulose, animal and vegetable fats, oils and greases, hydrocarbons, detergents and sulphide. In addition, it greatly increase the degradation of paper and waste product residuals found in sewage. Gamazyme 700FN is supplied in 12 kg plastic drums. Gamazyme BTC Gamazyme Biological Toilet Cleaner BTC is the only toilet cleaner available that has been designed specifically for ships. It can be used as a complete bathroom cleaner for toilets, sinks, showers and decks. It will keep drains free running and leave a pleasant fragrance throughout the bathroom. Gamazyme BTC is a liquid blend of bacteria strains, low foam biodegradable surfactants, antifoams, thickening agents, dyes and fragrances. Daily cleaning of toilet bowls, urinals and sinks keeps the areas clean and odour free. Regular use keeps pipes free of organic matter, and enhances the biological activity in the sewage treatment plant. Normal toilet cleaners often require hazardous chemical labelling and have two detrimental effects on the sanitary system, disinfection and foaming. Because they “kill all known germs,”

Cleaning Manual they also kill the naturally occurring bacteria in the sewage plant, lowering its efficiency and increasing the possibility of breakdowns when other problems such as peak time overloading occur. The surfactants in these products produce foam in the system that destroys the vacuum at the indicator, making it difficult to flush the toilets. The low foam surfactants and antifoams in Gamazyme BTC ensure that the product does not contribute to any foaming problems in the system. Gamazyme Toilet Descaler The typical application for Gamazyme Toilet Descaler (TDS) is the cleaning and descaling of vacuum toilets and lines fowled with water scale and organics on board cruise vessels. The product is used essentially as part of a preventative maintenance concept but can also be utilized to cure existing deposits in pipes. The basic ingredients are an acidic component to dissolve rust stains and water scale and biological components to degrade the organic material. The acidic component will clean the toilet and dissolve the pipe scale, while the various biological components will introduce an inoculants into the pipe to liquefy and metabolise the organics. The reaction will also take place down the pipe in the collection tanks. Toilet systems tend to experience scale formation at the toilet level and the pipeline level in vacuum conditions. Because systems under vacuum are dry 99% of the time, the water evaporates and on surfaces exposed to higher temperature, a heavy scale can form. Not treating the problem leads directly to expensive and time consuming dismantling the system every two to five years. Water hardness problems can be prevented by the regular addition of Gamazyme Toilet Descaler. Gamazyme Toilet Descaler is packaged in 50 gram, water-soluble sachets (Solupac). Gamazyme DPC Gamazyme Drain and Pipe Cleaner DPC is a concentrated powder containing a blend of bacterial strains and enzymes. It is typically used to keep sinks, scuppers, drains and pipes free of fats, grease, starch and other organic waste. Regular use eliminates obnoxious odours from pipelines. Gamazyme DPC is packaged in 230 gram, water-soluble sachets (Solupac). Gamazyme Digestor Gamazyme Digestor is a patented liquid formulation containing a synergetic blend of highly specialized bacteria and enzymes that increase organic degradation and eat through organic waste products. This product is used to open clogged drain lines, grease traps and floor drains and maintain them free of fat and grease. Also used to clean pulper systems. Gamazyme Digestor is supplied in 20 litre Bag-in-boxes. Gamazyme MSC Gamazyme MSC is a liquid multi-surface cleaner based on bacterial strains and biodegradable cleaning agents for use in bathrooms and galleys. It is effective for cleaning or removing organic residues from hard and soft surfaces such as urine, vomit, food, milk, tomato sauce, etc. It effectively removes odours on surfaces and is particularly effective on carpets.

Cleaning Manual Supplied in 1 litre plastic bottles, Gamazyme MSC acts in three ways: -Chemical Chemical cleaning action by removing solids from surfaces. -Immediate Immediate odour control by fragrance masking. -Deep Deep cleaning from biological action for removal of residual organic materials. materia Gamazyme BOE Gamazyme BOE is a new approach in odour control technology. It provides deep and effective cleaning through microbial activity. After odour elimination, the odour causing compounds are subsequently biodegraded by bacteria strains. Gamazyme Gamazyme BOE is designed to eliminate odour in garbage and waste collection areas, rest rooms, galleys etc. Gamazyme BOE acts in four ways: -Fragrance for rapid action. -Binding for capturing odour. -Cleaning Cleaning action by organic breakdown. -Accelerated microbial degradation. gradation. Supplied in 20 litre Bag-In-Box Box and 1 litre plastic spray bottles.


Related Products

Defoamer Concentrate This is a water dispersible, highly concentrated liquid defoamer that controls foaming in sewage and waste water systems, including collecting tanks in vacuum toilet systems. Defoamer Concentrate is supplied in 20 litre bag-a-boxes bag boxes and 25 litre drums. Descalex Descalex is a powder acid used to clean toilet systems that are severely scaled up by water scale such as calcium carbonate or uric stone. Descalex is supplied in 25 kg drums. Metal Brite HD Metal Brite HD is a liquid acid product used to clean toilet systems that are severely scaled by calcium carbonate or uric stone. Metal Brite HD is supplied in 20 litre Bag-in-box Bag and in 25 litre drums.

Cleaning Manual 6. 6.1

Air Cooler Cleaning Air Cooler Cleaning

Clean turbo charger air coolers and scavenge trunking are essential in keeping a diesel engine running at peak efficiency. Conventional cleaning methods involve costly engine shutdown. This can be avoided by on-line cleaning using Air Cooler Cleaner Plus a liquid emulsifiable solvent cleaner, and suitable feeding equipment. Unitor feeding equipment comprises a pressure vessel (MO 344) and an injection lance (MO 345). It is possible to operate two injection lances from one pressure vessel. The pressure vessel (MO 344) is fitted with a tundish for filling and connections for compressed air, vent and two outlet valves. The injection lance (MO 345) is fitted with a 60º spray nozzle and incorporates a fine mesh filter. The adjustable nature of the lance allows accurate positioning in the trunking. Correct positioning of the injection lance is essential and every system must be considered individually. Where possible the injection lance should be sited ahead of the air cooler at such a distance that the spray pattern will cover the surface area of the cooler. When this is not possible the spray should be delivered against the air flow. 1. Fill the pressure vessel with a mixture of 3 litres of water to 1 litre of Air Cooler Cleaner Plus. Never use a stronger mixture. 2. Inject the mixture over a 15 minute period. 3. Wait 15 minutes then inject 3 litres of fresh water. 4. Repeat every 24 hours or as necessary according to pressure drop readings across the cooler. 5. The quantity of the mixture to be injected at any one time is specified in the engine manufacturers literature. If this is not available then the following can be used as a guide: Horsepower

Mixture Required

6,000 - 12,000

2.0 - 3.0 litres

12,000 - 24,000

3.0 - 4.5 litres

24,000 or more

4.5 litres

6. An alternative method is to determine the cross sectional area of the cooler and use 2 litres of solution per square metre. 7. Severely soiled coolers should be cleaned prior to starting the on-line cleaning programme. This is best achieved off-line by spraying neat Air Cooler Cleaner Plus on to the cooler. Allow 15 - 30 minutes for the product to penetrate the deposits then rinse with fresh water.

Cleaning Manual 7. 7.1

Fuel System Cleaning Fuel Oil Separators

The discs of a fuel oil separator become coated with lacquers and other deposits during operations. These deposits cause a decrease in separator efficiency and fuel quality. Correct cleaning of the discs will restore separator performance and minimise engine damage from poor fuel quality. 1. Disclean can be used neat or as a 50:50 dilution with fresh water in a suitable tank or drum. A stronger solution will improve cleaning efficiency. 2. Place the separator bowl (do not dismantle) in the solution. 3. Agitate the solution by use of a circulating pump, or an air connection to the bottom of the tank. 4. Where possible raise the temperature of the solution to 40 - 50ºC. 5. Leave for 8 - 24 hours, depending on the amount of dirt on the discs. 6. Remove from the solution and rinse with fresh water. 7. Where lacquers have formed on the discs it may be necessary to dismantle the bowl. The lacquer can then be removed by gently rubbing with a soft cloth. Note: On no account should mechanical means (e.g. brush) be used to clean the discs. This will result in scratches and other mechanical damage leading to poor separator performance and eventually replacement discs.


Lube/Fuel oil filters

Filter Elements from lube oil or fuel oil systems become fouled with organic and mineral deposits. If the elements are not cleaned regularly then ultimately serious damage to the engine could be the result. 1. Use Disclean. Do not use on zinc, tin, galvanised or anodised aluminium surfaces. 2. Prepare a 50% solution of Disclean with fresh water in a suitable tank or drum. 3. Place the filter element in the solution and provide agitation. 4. Where possible raise the temperature to 40 - 50ºC. 5. Leave for 8 - 12 hours, depending on type and amount of dirt. 6. Rinse with fresh water.

Cleaning Manual 8.

Boiler system cleaning

Notes regarding safety in descaling operations: Descaling acids contain strong acids. Handle with care and pay special attention to Material Safety Data Sheet and/or Product Label. Use personal protection equipment as recommended. Reaction products from acid components descaling may include gases like carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Formation of hydrogen gas can be monitored with gas detection equipment on the vents. To avoid suffocation and potentially explosive atmosphere, gases should be removed safely by purging the system with water after draining the cleaning solution. Vent of system during descaling operations must be provided for same reason. Always use gas detection equipment to check that the atmosphere is safe before entering confined spaces for inspection after descaling operations. When circulating the descaling solution, always circulate with inlet at the bottom to avoid air pockets and potential entrapment of gaseous reaction products

Things to note about Boiler Systems


To avoid problems after commissioning new systems, they must be free from mill scale (black layer inside tube), grease, fat and all other debris before the system can be brought into operation. Failure to do so may cause poor heat transfer and risk of corrosion.

Pre-commission cleaning of new systems is carried out to: 0 1 2

Remove preservatives, mill scale and other contaminants of construction After a major system repair, prior to returning to service. Removal of trace amounts of oil contamination.

8.2 8.2.1

Commissioning cleaning of a Boiler Systems Procedure

1. Drain system to be cleaned if necessary. 2. Inspect as completely as possible to determine the extent of contamination and general condition of system. 3. Fill with fresh water. 4. Add a solution 5-10% strength of Commissioning Cleaner. 5. Circulate through the system for 5 to 8 hours at the maximum temperature allowed by the system. 6. Drain system completely and flush thoroughly the entire system and all components with fresh water until effluent is clear. 7. Re-inspect to determine results of the cleaning process. 8. If unsatisfactory, repeat steps 3 through 7.

Cleaning Manual 9. Refill system with distillate or good quality fresh water and dose the required amount of boiler water treatment. 10. Test system on a regular basis to insure chemical residuals are maintained with specific limits. For details on testing see the Water Treatment Handbook. 8.3 Removal of oil contamination from a Boiler System For removal of light to heavy contamination resulting from ingress of oil due to defective machinery, equipment seals, or bunker or cargo tank heating coils. 1. Determine the source of oil contamination and take appropriate steps to eliminate the problem prior to initiating the cleaning operation. 2. Inspect boiler interior as thoroughly as possible to determine the approximate degree of contamination (i.e. light, moderate or heavy). While boiler is open, physically remove as much oil and oily sludge found in boiler as possible before closing the boiler up. You are also recommended to plug down comers, if present, to allow circulation through main tubes of boiler. Install external circulation pump to circulate cleaning solution from water drum back to steam drum. Make all necessary connections. 3. Boiler must be completely empty. 4. Disconnect the gauge glasses or fit a blind flange between them. 5. Open the safety valves and air vents to avoid gasses entering the engine room during cleaning. 6. Install flanges with hose connections and valves to be used for circulation and air injection. 7.

Fill the boiler with 50% fresh water


Secure inspection access openings and introduce the appropriate amount of Seaclean Plus (Carbon Remover if the oil contamination is particularly heavy) and fresh water based on the estimated degree of contamination as follows. Ensure all boiler internals needed to be cleaned. (Calculation from the total water boiler volume) Cleaning Solution: Degree of

% by Volume of


Seaclean Plus in Water


1–2 %


2–3 %


3–5 %

* If contamination is particularly heavy, Seaclean Plus can be substituted by Carbon Remover at the rate of about 10 % by volume.


Fill the Seaclean Plus from deck with a hose and be sure that there is good ventilation in the engine room.

10. Fill the boiler with fresh water above the normal water level. 11. Heat the boiler to maximum 70oC and keep this temperature during the cleaning period.

Cleaning Manual 12. Circulate this solution for minimum 24 hours or give regular air injections to create good circulation. 13. Drain the boiler till under the manhole, open the boiler and wash the top with fresh water to inspect the results. The boiler can be emptied once the results are good and flushed with fresh water. When an oil film is still in the boiler, Coldwash, has to be sprayed and to be washed off after 20 minutes. 14. If the boiler is not clean an additional dosage of 5% Carbon Remover should be made and the water level must be increased again. The circulation and heating has to be started again for several hours till a good result has been reached.

15. When the boiler is cleaned and drained down, disconnect the flanges and hoses and fit the gauge glasses. 16. Refill the boiler with evaporator water and add initial dosage of treatment chemicals and initiate boiler operation. Monitor treatment residuals and adjust as necessary to bring boiler water treatment programme employed into proper specification. 17. It is advisable to dose Boiler Coagulant at 20 ml/ton/day for one month to get the water clear. Bottom blow downs must be given regularly for the first month after the Boiler Coagulant dosage.

How to Descale/Desrust a Boiler 1.

Before starting the descaling operation please read the note at the beginning of this chapter.


Inspect boiler interior as thoroughly as possible to determine degree of contamination (i e. light, moderate, heavy).


If deposits are covered with an oily or greasy film, degrease as outlined in the degreasing procedure (previous, this section).


Construct a circuit for re-circulating the acid cleaning solution through the boiler, being certain to by-pass all sections of the system containing non-ferrous metals. Ensure this circuit is vented at its highest point to allow the release of gases produced during the cleaning process.


Introduce a solution containing the appropriate amount of Descalex or Descaling Liquid mixed with fresh water, based on the estimated degree of contamination as follows:

Degree of Contamination Light Moderate Heavy


Descaling Liquid in Water 5–10% 10–15% 5–20%

Descalex in Water 3–5% 5–10% 10–15%


The descaling process can be accelerated by controlled heating of the cleaning solution. This must be done with great care, never allowing the solution temperature to exceed 60 °C.


Circulate for 4–12 hours depending upon the degree of contamination.


Continually check temperature and pH of the solution at regular intervals. Maintain temperature as previously indicated. If pH goes above 4, add additional Descaling Liquid or Descalex. When using Descalex, take sample of original solution to compare

Cleaning Manual with later samples. If solution changes to a yellowish colour, additional Descalex is required.

9. When the circulation period is complete, drain the system and rinse thoroughly with fresh water to remove any excess debris. 10. Neutralize any remaining traces of acid by circulating a 0.5 % solution of Alkalinity Control through the circuit for 2–4 hours. 11. Drain the neutralizing solution, checking the effluent to ensure it has a pH of 7 or greater. If not, repeat steps 9 and 10. 12. Re-inspect system interior and if necessary repeat steps 3 or 4 through 11 as indicated. 13. Remove by-pass connections, secure all access openings and fill with feed water. 14. Add start-up dosage of treatment chemicals and initiate boiler operation. 15. Check for proper treatment residual levels, adding additional chemicals if necessary to bring within proper specification limits. Refer to Descalex and Descaling Liquid Product Data Sheet for additional information.

Cleaning Manual 9.

Cleaning of a Engine Cooling System

Notes regarding safety in descaling operations: Descaling acids contain strong acids. Handle with care and pay special attention to Material Safety Data Sheet and/or Product Label. Use personal protection equipment as recommended. Reaction products from acid components descaling may include gases like carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Formation of hydrogen gas can be monitored with gas detection equipment on the vents. To avoid suffocation and potentially explosive atmosphere, gases should be removed safely by purging the system with water after draining the cleaning solution. Vent of system during descaling operations must be provided for same reason. Always use gas detection equipment to check that the atmosphere is safe before entering confined spaces for inspection after descaling operations. When circulating the descaling solution, always circulate with inlet at the bottom to avoid air pockets and potential entrapment of gaseous reaction products To avoid that sludge and other deposits will be circulated continuous through system is it important that the expansion line (return line) is fitted 10 centimeter through the bottom to keep the sludge in the tank. The system must be free from mill scale (black layer inside tube), grease, fat and all other debris before the system can be operated at a proper way, because if the system is not clean several failures will occur such as poor heat transfer, corrosion, damaging of the orings from the liners etc.

Certain bacteria types may cause problems in cooling systems. Some types cause oxidation of nitrite to nitrate which will reduce or remove the efficacy of nitrite based inhibitors completely. To avoid these problems it is necessary to clean the system by means of a chemical cleaning. 9.1


Commissioning cleaning of an Engine Cooling System


1. Inspect the system to be sure that all debris etc. has been removed. 2. Flush the system through with fresh water and make also a leak test. 3. Fill the system up with a 10 % solution of Commissioning Cleaner and fresh water. 4. Circulate this solution for more than 8 hours and keep the temperature to the maximum allowed. 5. Drain the system water and flush it through with fresh water and inspect the system.

Cleaning Manual 6. Fill the system up again with fresh water and dose 1 ltr/Mar-71*/ton (Not valid for all regions) water to disinfect the system and circulate this solution for 24 hours 7. Empty the system. 8. The Mar-71* solution can be used also to disinfect the drain tank if available. 9. Fill the system up with evaporator or demineralised water and dose the required amount of corrosion inhibitor. * Not available in the North America, use Spectrus NX 114.


Removal of oil from an Engine Cooling System

When diesel engine cooling water systems become contaminated with oil and grease, the system should be cleaned to remove oily deposits, as they can interfere with the cooling water corrosion treatment.


In Service Cleaning

This method may be undertaken with engine running at normal speed. 1. Take a 0.25 litre cooling water sample for future comparison and let it stand in a clear glass container. 2. Calculate the amount of Seaclean Plus required for solution of 0.5 % i.e. 5 litres per 1000 litres cooling water. Drain off similar amount of cooling water from engine if necessary. Slowly and intermittently add the cleaner to the cooling system via either the expansion or return tank. 3. After 5 hours, take a 0.25 litre cooling water sample. This should be allowed to stand in a clear glass container until any oil has risen to the top. The progress of the cleaning operation can be gauged by comparing thickness of this oil level with that of the first sample. A sample should be taken after 5–6 hours to monitor cleaning progress. 4. The cleaner can be left in the engine for a few days until a convenient port is reached where the engine can be drained. 5. Drain off the complete engine cooling system and flush thoroughly with clean water prior to re-filling with water of the required quality, to which an appropriate corrosion inhibitor should be added.


Out of service Cleaning

This method may be used when engine is stopped. 1. Take a 0.25 litre sample of cooling water for future comparison and allow it to stand in a clear glass container. 2. Drain the cooling system and flush out with water – then refill the system. 3. Calculate the amount of cleaner required for a solution strength of 2 % i.e. 20 litres per 1000 litres cooling water. Drain of similar amount of cooling water from engine if necessary. Add Seaclean Plus to the expansion tank or return tank. 4. Circulate the solution through the system and heat until the water reaches a temperature of about 60 °C.

Cleaning Manual 5. Continue circulation of the solution through the system for a minimum of 5 hours. 6. Take a sample of cleaning solution from the system after a minimum of 5 hours. 7. When cleaning is completed, drain off the cooling water system, and thoroughly flush with clean water prior to refilling and adding a corrosion inhibitor. 9.3 Cleaning of scale/rust from an Engine Cooling System Before starting the descaling operation please read the note at the beginning of this chapter. 1. Connect a thin (1/3”–1/2”) transparent hose to some low point of the system and run it up to the level of the top of the expansion tank. You now have a level indicator for the system. Drain the system and fill up with clean tap water to the lowest level in the expansion tank sight glass. 2. Connect the pressure side of the chemical cleaning module to the cooling water inlet manifold. Make return connection from the bottom of the expansion tank to the mixing tank of the module. 3. The ship’s fresh cooling water pump should be isolated from the system and not used for circulation, i.e. suction and pressure valves closed. The same applies to auxiliary machinery such as evaporators, generators, etc. These should be boiled out separately if necessary. 4. Sufficient Descalex to mix up a 5–10 % solution is gradually filled into the mixing tank, well dissolved and fed into the inlet manifold. 5. Take a sample of the solution for later colour comparison. 6. The solution should be heated to 60 °C using the engine’s cooling water pre-heater. 7. Circulate the system for 1/2 hour, then close the shut-off valves on all cylinders except one, and circulate for 15 minutes. Continue to circulate one cylinder at a time for 15 minutes each, over a period of 4 to 6 hours, checking the solution colour and temperature regularly. If the solution colour changes from red to orange or yellow, indicating acid neutralisation, add sufficient Descalex to the solution to return it to its original colour (usually 25 g per liter of solution). This reinforcement of the solution should not be done more than twice. 8. If after two reinforcements the acid is still neutralised, the solution should be drained off and the process started again with a fresh solution. This will usually only be necessary when dealing with very thick deposits. 9. When the cleaning solution retains its red colour for one hour, the cleaning operation may be considered complete and the solution can be drained off. 10. Fill up the engine with clean fresh water and circulate each cylinder for ten minutes. Then drain each cylinder separately in order to get the highest possible dumping speed. 11. Open all inspection covers and check that all debris that has formed during de-scaling is flushed out. Close covers. 12. Fill up the engine again and add 0.5 % Alkalinity Control. Circulate the solution to remove any remaining acidity and passivate steel surfaces. Circulation must be maintained until sufficient level of pH value is obtained. This should be tested through the whole engine. 13. When cleaning is completed, drain down the cooling water and refill with evaporator or demineralised water and add the appropriate corrosion inhibitor.

Cleaning Manual 14.

Disconnect the cleaning module.

15. Put all valves in normal operating position and circulate the system with the main cooling water pump for 15 minutes. Vent the system thoroughly during this time. 16.

Check the treatment concentration and adjust to 1500 ppm nitrite content.

17. Fill the expansion tank to the normal operating level using water from the evaporator production. 18. Check the acid content of the system lubricating oil directly after the descaling operation and repeat after 24 hours. Virtually the same procedure as above can be followed when descaling 4 or 2 stroke trunk engines. However, this kind of engine seldom has shut-off valves on the individual cylinders and therefore all cylinders must be circulated simultaneously. Medium-speed engines of this kind often have a drain bore “Tell Tale Bore” from the space between the upper (water) and the lower (oil) cylinder liner O-ring. This is to check for leakages. The bores should be inspected when the engine is running. If leaks are indicated, NO de-scaling should be performed unless the engine can be dismantled and the cylinder liners pulled out immediately after the de-scaling operation. Otherwise, you cannot be sure that all acid is flushed out/ neutralised, and corrosion of the sealing surface may occur.

Cleaning Manual 10. Acid Descaling 10.1 Dry Acid Descaling The build-up of hardness scale is often experienced in shipboard systems. Failure to remove these deposits will lead to a decrease in operating efficiency. Removal of fresh water or sea water hardness deposits can be economically achieved using Descalex, a safe-to-handle dry acid which incorporates an inhibitor to minimise base metal attack. Notes regarding safety in descaling operations: Descaling acids contain strong acids. Handle with care and pay special attention to Material Safety Data Sheet and/or Product Label. Use personal protection equipment as recommended. Reaction products from acid components descaling may include gases like carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Formation of hydrogen gas can be monitored with gas detection equipment on the vents. To avoid suffocation and potentially explosive atmosphere, gases should be removed safely by purging the system with water after draining the cleaning solution. Vent of system during descaling operations must be provided for same reason. Always use gas detection equipment to check that the atmosphere is safe before entering confined spaces for inspection after descaling operations. When circulating the descaling solution, always circulate with inlet at the bottom to avoid air pockets and potential entrapment of gaseous reaction products 10.2 Evaporators Apply Descalex at 50kg per tonne of water capacity. 1. Dissolve the Unitor Descalex in warm water before adding to the system to ensure good mixing. (Maximum 10%). 2. Raise the temperature to 70ºC and circulate for 4 - 12 hours, depending on the severity of the scale deposits. If colour of solution changes from blue-green to purple, then the acid is used up. Drain down and replenish as above. Avoid using product in systems that contain Aluminum or Galvanized coating. 3. Drain the system and flush with fresh water. 4. Neutralise with 5 litres Alkalinity Control for 30 minutes. 5. Drain and rinse with fresh water. 6. Re-commission the system and initiate correct dosage of evaporator treatment.

Cleaning Manual 10.3 Sea Water Cooling System These systems can become fouled with marine shell life (calcium carbonate). In such cases clean-up can be achieved with Descalex . Apply Descalex at 50kg per tonne of water capacity. 1. Dissolve the Descalex in warm water before adding to the system to ensure good mixing. (Maximum 10%). 2. Raise the temperature to 70ºC. 3. Seal the system and circulate the solution for 4 - 12 hours, depending on the severity of the fouling. If colour of solution changes from blue-green to purple, then the acid is used up. Drain down and replenish as above. 4. Drain the system and flush with fresh water. 5. Drain and rinse system well. 6. Re-commission the system and initiate correct dosing of antifouling treatment.

Cleaning Manual 11. Tank & Bilge Cleaning 11.1 Tank Cleaning This section is about the cleaning of operational tanks on board, it is not related to Tank Cleaning operations on tankers. For cleaning operations on tankers please contact your local Wilhelmsen Ships Service technical representative. 11.2 Bilge Cleaning A quick-breaking solvent cleaner that is particularly effective for the removal of crude oil and fuel oil from tanks. The product readily penetrates oil and oil bound residues to form an emulsion that rapidly separates on standing.

11.2.1 Method 1: spray application

When pressure jet equipment is not available the next best method of cleaning is to use ballast pumps or portable pumps to re-circulate the wash water. The recommended procedure is: 1. Pump the bilge dry. 2. Spray a 10% dispersion of Cleanbreak in water on all contaminated surfaces. 3. Allow 30 minutes for the cleaner to penetrate the deposits. 4. Agitate and wash down with a high pressure jet of sea water whilst pumping out. 5. If there are contaminated surfaces that are difficult to remove, spray Cleanbreak neat on these surfaces and allow to soak for 30 minutes before wash down with high pressure water jet.

11.2.2 Method 2: Nonspray application

If a spray application is not possible then follow this method: 1. Add Cleanbreak at rate of 0.5% based on the volume of the water in the bilge. 2. Leave the solution in the bilge for at least 24 hours – allowing the ships motion to clean the contaminated surfaces. 3. Agitate the solution whilst pumping the bilge dry. 4. Wash down with a high pressure jet of sea water. Note: The dosage of Cleanbreak is a suggested one and will be dependent on the type and severity of the contamination to be removed.

Cleaning Manual 12. CIP – Cleaning In Place The main benefit from cleaning in place is that the machine or equipment does not have to be dismantled before cleaning. An example is the separators, where the machine has to be opened up and the disc stacks removed for the cleaning to take place. Opening the separator means you have to replace the seal kit, a substantial cost, which is not necessary when using the Cleaning In Place solution. With cleaning in place the cleaning can be carried out without opening the equipment. The chemical is simply used with a Cleaning In Place machine that ensures the effectiveness of the chemical in the cleaning process of the separator. Cleaning In Place is an efficient way to clean closed systems because it takes advantage of all four dimensions cleaning is built up around. • • • •

Temperature Time Work Concentration

The combined effect of these four dimensions makes the Cleaning In Place one of the most efficient ways to clean a closed system.

12.1 Fuel Oil Separators 1. Use the CIP cleaning equipment and attach it to the separator. 2. Recommended cleaning temperature is 70-90oC (158-194oF) 3. For cleaning of the fuel oil separator use a 10% solution of the UltraCIP 4. A normal cleaning cycle is between 1 to 3 hours depending on the dirtiness and character of the system. 5. If the separator has very hard deposits the cleaning cycle may have to be repeated with new cleaning fluid.

12.2 Lube Oil Separators 1. Use the CIP cleaning equipment and attach it to the separator. 2. Recommended cleaning temperature is 70-90oC (158-194oF) 3. For cleaning of the fuel oil separator use a 20% solution of the UltraCIP 4. A normal cleaning cycle is between 1 to 3 hours depending on the dirtiness and character of the system. 5. If the separator has very hard deposits the cleaning cycle may have to be repeated with new cleaning fluid.

Cleaning Manual

12.3 Manual Cleaning

1. For manual cleaning of separator parts and machinery parts. 2. Use a solution between 5-20% concentration of UltraCIP depending on how dirty the equipment to be cleaned is. 3. Both oil and lime will be solved with time, let soak for at least 2 hours. 4. After 2 hours the parts can be cleaned using high pressure cleaners, rinsing or brushing.

Cleaning Manual 13. Cargo Hold Cleaning 13.1 Our Cargo Hold Cleaning Concept 13.1.1 General Getting a bulk cargo hold clean is one of the most challenging cleaning jobs onboard. The combination of large vertical surfaces, and the amount of water needed, makes cleaning and heating of the washing water difficult. Temperature is one of the elements in the cleaning process and with that element excluded the job demands more mechanical preparation and increased consumption of chemicals. To loosen static electricity that makes particles stick to the surface, sometimes would need extra mechanical preparation, either by brush or high pressure cleaning. If a high pressure cleaner is used with hot water, the time spent on spot cleaning will be significantly reduced in combination with adequate cargo hold cleaning kit. Cleaning into a “grain standard” after carriage of sulphur, coal, pet coke or equivalent products put both cleaning chemicals and equipment to the ultimate test. Our range of chemicals and equipment were specially developed to ease cleaning operation and improve the appearance of the cargo hold. A package consisting of the latest developments in shipboard cleaning, gives the crew maximum effect with a minimum of effort that will help reducing vessels turnaround time in port and safety first. 13.1.2 Products for challenging cargos We have a wide range of cleaning chemicals for any type of vessel including those carrying coal, pet coke and related products. Even soot after inert gas is attended with difficulties as particles have a very high affinity to unlike surfaces due to its static electricity and particle size. To get the cargo hold ship-shape for the next cargo choice of the right cleaning chemical and equipment is essential. When applied, the chemicals’ resident time play an important role, as surfactants need time to penetrate and to “lift” particles off the surface. To enhance cleaning efficiency and at the same time perform a more economical use of the cleaning chemicals applying it as foam prevents run off from vertical surfaces and prolong its resident time. Strong alkaline multipurpose cleaners like Aquatuff High Foam and Aquatuff are especially recommended. To achieve a stable foam layer Aquatuff High Foam is ready to use alternatively Aquatuff can be used with Unitor Foam Agent (50 ml per 1000 litres washing solution). 13.1.3 Innovative Cleaning Solutions Cargoes such as coke, petcoke, etc. sometimes make cleaning to a “grain standard” difficult as small particles can be very difficult to remove especially from organic coatings even with the use of effective cleaning chemicals and HP water jets. Also when the cargo is loaded in a damp / wet condition or when the cargo itself is corrosive like sulphur, salt etc. creates problems. To avoid solid particles sticking to the cargo hold surfaces products like Slip-Coat / SlipCoat WR making the cleaning operation after unloading quicker and easier. Slip-Coat/SlipCoat WR is water based products specially formulated to leave a thin, temporary film acting as a barrier between the cargo and the cargo hold surfaces.

Cleaning Manual 13.2 Cleaning Equipment Cleaning kits The Cargo Hold Cleaning kits was introduced as a safe and efficient way of applying chemicals without the need for lifting equipment or scaffolding. The concept has been tested and further developed during last year and we have now 3 kits tailor made to fit the specific needs of a customer: • Panamax cargo hold cleaning kit: A full kit for medium to large bulk carriers • Panamax light cargo hold cleaning kit: A reduced kit, with out the Tornado 3 cleaning jet and the hoses for it • Handymax cargo hold cleaning kit: A complete solution for small to medium bulk carriers In addition to the cargo hold cleaning kits we offer the Tornado 2 & 4 cleaning jets, both of them are an extension to the Tornado 3 cleaning jet. Tornado 4 is a cleaning jet suitable for larger bulkers like cape size or if distance from tank top to hatch is higher than normal. While the Tornado 3 is capable of delivering up to 22m3/h, the TORNADO 4 can handle up to 120m3/h. 13.2.1 Panamax & Panamax kits The Panamax kit is intended for all bulk carriers equipped with a working air compressor that is capable of delivering above 2 m3/min. The Panamax kit has a reach of 25m using the foam nozzle which enables the crew to work form the tank top with out the use of cranes or scaffolding even on a Panamax size vessel. Using the included Guide wire kit this reach can be extended to even greater heights for use on board Cape size vessels. The Panamax light kit has the same features and benefits as it includes almost the same equipment, however the Tornado 3 cleaning Jet and the water supply hoses have been removed. This has been done to facilitate vessels already equipped with this or similar water jet solutions. The Panamax light is supplied in a single plastic container reducing the shipping size and weight. Features and Benefits • Simple: The Lance applies foaming chemicals up to 25m from the tank top • Fast: Covers up 150 m2/min of bulkhead with foaming chemicals • Ready to use: All hoses and equipment fitted with quick connectors and couplings • Colour coded hoses: User friendly assembly and operations • Supplied in boxes: Can be easily stored and transferred between vessels after use • Safe to use: No need for cranes or man lifts due to the range of the lance • Versatile: Can be used with all cargo hold chemicals 13.2.2 Handymax kit The Handymax kit has been designed in order to ease the operations on board Handymax and handy size bulk carriers. The kit incorporates the same lance and nozzles but has been modified in order to minimize the volume of air required. The reduction of air consumption lowers the reach of this system down to 12m making it ideal for smaller bulk carriers. Features and Benefits

Cleaning Manual • Simple: The Lance applies foaming chemicals up to 12m from the tank top • Complete: The same Lance can be used for washing down or rinsing • Fast: Covers up 100 m2/min of bulkhead with foaming chemicals • Ready to use: All hoses and equipment fitted with quick connectors and couplings • Colour coded hoses: User friendly assembly and operations • Supplied in a box: Can be easily stored and transferred between vessels after use • Safe to use: No need for scaffolding due to the range of the lance • Versatile: Can be used with all cargo hold chemicals 13.2.3 Tornado cleaning jets The Unitor Cleaning Jets are heavy-duty tools for the toughest cleaning tasks on board a vessel. The range consists of 3 units in different sizes in order to match the ships needs and requirements. All units are lightweight, easy to use and designed for continuous use. They all use a combination of water and compressed air to operate and give a powerful, tightly compressed jet of water. Tornado 2 The Tornado 2 is the smallest of the 3 jets offered and has been designed as a small and handy unit for use on board small bulk carriers or in confined spaces on bigger ships. The Tornado 2 can be connected to either the fresh water line or to the fire suppression pump. The Tornado 2 features a replaceable nozzle system that enables the operator to use the jet as a foam applicator or a temporary coating applicator as well as its main function of rinsing or washing down. Tornado 3 The Tornado 3 has been designed for use on board medium to large bulk carries. The intended use is cleaning and descaling of cargo holds. The Tornado 3 uses the fire suppression pump as a water source and compressed air, this enables the jet to reach the top of the hold and at the same time giving it the capacity needed to remove even the most stubborn dirt or scale. Tornado 4 The Tornado 4 is the largest unit in the range. This jet is extreme in every aspect and has been designed for the ultimate challenges when cleaning. The Tornado 4, like the Tornado 3, uses the fire suppression pump and compressed air to power it, however this is where the similarities end. While the Tornado 3 is capable of delivering up 22 m3/h the Tornado 4 can handle up 120 m3/h. This amount of water is capable of removing any cargo residue or scale at a distance of up to 40m. Features and Benefits • Easy to set up and use: No specialist operator skill or training required • High quality non-corrosive materials: Ensure long operating life with minimum maintenance • High pressure and high water volume: Provide efficient and quick cleaning • Long reach: Optimal solution for encrusted dirt and scale on the bulkheads Technical data Normal jet distance Tornado 2 10m Normal jet distance Tornado 3 30m

Cleaning Manual Normal jet distance Tornado 4 40m Recommended air pressure 6-9bar Recommended water pressure 6-9bar 13.3 Chemicals

13.3.1 Slip-Coat / Slip Coat WR Slip-Coat WR

Water insoluble protective film easily removable by use of alkaline cleaners (10% solution of Aquatuff/Aquatuff High Foam is recommended)


Completely water soluble and can be washed down with cold seawater

As a provider of complete cleaning solutions, application and safety equipment securing safe and efficient cleaning operations onboard is also offered. 13.3.2 Slip-Coat WR Temporary Water Resistant Cargo Barrier Slip-Coat WR is a liquid water based product specially formulated to fill the minute pores in the paintwork thus preventing small particles from being trapped in the pores. After curing, Slip-Coat WR leaves a thin, temporary water resistant film that provides a barrier between the cargo and the cargo hold surfaces preventing deposits from being stubbornly adhered to the surfaces. The film is water insoluble making it suitable for cargoes loaded in a damp or wet conditions or to prevent cargo from sticking to the surface as a result of moisture build-up during the voyage. As the Slip-Coat WR film is water insoluble when cured it will help prevent corrosion from certain cargoes like sulphur, salt etc. when coming into contact with steel surfaces. Slip-Coat WR may also be sprayed on deck, superstructure and other areas exposed to dust during loading and unloading operation. After discharging of cargo both the film and cargo residue are easily removed by use of an alkaline cleaner. A 10% solution of Aquatuff or Aquatuff High Foam in fresh water is recommended. Slip-Coat WR provides for easy removal of any residual cargo, leaving the cargo hold surfaces ready for the next cargo. Slip-Coat is non-corrosive and safe to the environment and the personnel handling it. Slip-Coat WR is supplied in a ready-to use concentration and may be applied directly from the drum. Features, Benefits and Applications • Water soluble cargo hold barrier – easily removable with an alkaline cleaner • Saves cleaning time and cleaning chemicals • Ideal when cleaning after humid and corrosive cargoes as sulphur, salt etc. • Completely safe on all coatings • Prevents even the most difficult cargo to adhere to the coating • Easy to apply – easy to remove

Cleaning Manual • Provides temporary protection against corrosion • Water based – free from hydrocarbon solvents • Complies with all environmental regulations 13.3.3 Slip-Coat Prevents difficult dry cargoes from sticking to cargo hold surfaces. Removal from organic coatings cargoes as coal, pet coke can be difficult, even with the use of effective cleaning agents and high-pressure water jets. Slip-Coat is a water based product specially formulated to fill the minute pores in the coating and leave a thin, temporary film on cargo hold surfaces. The film provides a barrier between the cargo and the cargo hold surfaces making the cleaning operation after unloading quicker and easier securing an optimal cleaning result. Slip-Coat is designed to protect cargo hold surfaces when handling DRY cargoes like coal, coke, petcoke, ores, minerals, feedstock etc. The film is completely water soluble and easy to remove even with cold sea water. Slip-Coat is non-corrosive and safe to the environment and the personnel handling it. For typical humid or risk of condensation during voyage and aggressive cargoes as sulphur, salt etc. use of a water resistant cargo hold barrier is recommended (Slip-Coat WR) Slip-Coat is supplied in at ready-to use concentration and may be applied directly from the drum. Features, Benefits and Applications • Water soluble cargo hold barrier – even removable with cold sea water • Easy to apply – easy to remove • Prevents even the most difficult cargo from sticking to the coating • Protects your holds, saves time and cleaning chemicals • Free from hydrocarbon solvents • Non corrosive - safe on all coating • Complies with FDA regulation 21 CFR 175.300 (food contact) • Complies with all environmental regulations 13.3.4 Aquatuff High Foam High Foaming Alkaline Cleaner for challenging cargoes Getting a bulk cargo hold clean to a “grain standard” after difficult cargoes as coal and Pet coke. All grades of Petcoke originate from crude oil and some grades can be high in oil content and pose the most difficult cleaning problems. All cargo stains left after discharging petcoke should be removed as soon as possible in order to avoid accumulated cleaning problems. To save time and to secure that the residue is completely removed before the next cargo a special high foaming alkaline cleaner is recommended to avoid cleaning solution running off from vertical surfaces. When applied with proper spray foam equipment enhanced cleaning efficiency will ease the cleaning operation and improve the appearance of the cargo hold. Aquatuff High Foam is a heavy duty alkaline cleaner specially formulated for cleaning cargo holds on bulk carriers and OBOs. It effectively removes most dry cargoes, sludge, soot, carbon deposits, fishmeal etc. to “water white standard”. Aquatuff High Foam is specially developed for cargo hold cleaning, but may also be used for other cleaning applications where high foam is beneficial.

Cleaning Manual Features, Benefits and Applications • • • • • • • • •

Heavy duty alkaline water based cleaner Specially formulated for the cleaning of cargo holds Does not contain nonyl phenol ethoxylates or other estrogenic compounds Biodegredable Free from hydrocarbon solvents Non flammable Ideal for cleaning after coal, petcoke and other difficult cargoes Completely safe on epoxy coating Complies with all environmental regulations and the EU Detergent regulations

13.3.5 Metal Brite HD Notes regarding safety in descaling operations: Descaling acids contain strong acids. Handle with care and pay special attention to Material Safety Data Sheet and/or Product Label. Use personal protection equipment as recommended. Reaction products from acid components descaling may include gases like carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Formation of hydrogen gas can be monitored with gas detection equipment on the vents. To avoid suffocation and potentially explosive atmosphere, gases should be removed safely by purging the system with water after draining the cleaning solution. Vent of system during descaling operations must be provided for same reason. Always use gas detection equipment to check that the atmosphere is safe before entering confined spaces for inspection after descaling operations. When circulating the descaling solution, always circulate with inlet at the bottom to avoid air pockets and potential entrapment of gaseous reaction products Phosphoric acid based cleaner for removal of cement stains, lime stone etc. Transporting cement always presents cleaning problems after discharge. During transport temperature and humidity may change which are perfect conditions for water vapour to condense thus solidifying the cement. When wet it solidifies and easily sticks to steel and coating which requires extensive use of manpower, cleaning equipment as well as powerful cleaning chemicals to make the cargo hold ready for the next cargo. Metal Brite HD is a liquid detergent containing phosphoric acid and non-ionic surfactants used for removal of cement stains, lime stone and other acid soluble ores/minerals. In case of heavy deposit build-up use of Descaling Liquid based on strong Hydrochloric acid is recommended. In addition to removal of rust and scale Metal Brite HD is used for removal of white residues from epoxy-coatings that sometimes remains after carriage of Stearic acid, Oleic acid, Palm oil etc. Features, Benefits and Applications • Does not contain nonyl phenol ethoxylates or other estrogenic compounds. • Non-flammable • Removes cement stains, lime stone and light rust/rust stains

Cleaning Manual • • • • • •

Cleans and passivates ferrous metal surfaces, inhibits further corrosion, and gives a base which paint will adhere. Removes tarnish from non-ferrous metals Surface brightening including aluminium Removes rust stains from painted, ceramic and wooden surfaces Economic in use Approved by Norwegian institute of Public Health

13.3.6 Descaling Liquid Notes regarding safety in descaling operations: Descaling acids contain strong acids. Handle with care and pay special attention to Material Safety Data Sheet and/or Product Label. Use personal protection equipment as recommended. Reaction products from acid components descaling may include gases like carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Formation of hydrogen gas can be monitored with gas detection equipment on the vents. To avoid suffocation and potentially explosive atmosphere, gases should be removed safely by purging the system with water after draining the cleaning solution. Vent of system during descaling operations must be provided for same reason. Always use gas detection equipment to check that the atmosphere is safe before entering confined spaces for inspection after descaling operations. When circulating the descaling solution, always circulate with inlet at the bottom to avoid air pockets and potential entrapment of gaseous reaction products Strong liquid acid for removal of heavy deposit build-up of cement, lime stone etc. Getting a cargo hold clean after cargoes as cement frequently represents cleaning problems due to heavy deposit build-up. When wet it solidifies and requires extensive use of equipment, manpower and cleaning chemicals enable to dissolve cement into water soluble compounds which can be flushed away with water. To ease the cleaning operation and improve the appearance of the cargo hold a powerful cleaning chemical is necessary to penetrate and dissolve solidified cement. Decaling Liquid is a strong liquid product containing selected acids and corrosion inhibitors for removal of heavy cement deposit build-up, lime stone and other acid soluble ores/minerals. In case of light stains of cement, lime stone etc. use of phosphoric acid based products like Metal Brite HD is recommended. Features, Benefits and Applications • Strong acid based product containing inhibitors against attack on ferrous metals. • Unlimited shelf life. • Fast and effective removal of cement, lime stone and acid soluble ores/minerals. • Easy to rinse off. • Removes water scale and rust from condensers, evaporators, heat exchangers, boilers etc. • Economical in use.

Cleaning Manual

14. Ultrasonic Cleaning Unitor Ultrasonic cleaning machines are specially designed for use in the ship’s engine room to remove even the most stubborn dirt. Compared with traditional cleaning methods use of Ultrasonic cleaning units is resulting in reduced manual work, reduced consumption of hazardous chemicals and improved cleaning performance without damaging the items to be cleaned. Use of Ultrasonic units combined with suitable detergents makes it particularly useful for cleaning complex machine parts like injection nozzles, fuel and pump parts, inlet and exhaust valves etc. Particularly suited are cleaning fine mesh fuel and lube oil filters which can be cleaned without damaging the fine filter elements. All units delivered complete with bottom drain, basket, lid and stainless steel frame for secure fastening to the floor. Principle Ultrasonics is the technology dealing with mechanical sound waves at frequencies above the audible range. Ultrasonic cleaning is based on utilisation of these extremely high – frequency waves to “scrub off” surfaces immersed in a liquid medium, usually water. The scrubbing action is accomplished by a phenomenon known as cavitation. 14.1 Ultrasonic cleaning process Warning! Never start the Unitor Ultrasonic machine without filling up the unit with water first. Never place any item direct on the bottom of the tank since can cause damage to the unit. Always use the basket. 1. Fill the ultrasonic tank with water and cleaning concentrate (For further information see Section 6.1of the Ultrasonic manual). 2. Heat up the cleaning liquid, if required for the intended cleaning application (For further information see Section 6.2 of the Ultra Sonic manual). 3. Degas the cleaning liquid – operation in pulse mode (For further information see Section 6.3 of the Ultra Sonic manual). 4. Activate the operating mode pulse - if required for the intended cleaning application (For further information see Section 6.4 of the Ultra Sonic manual). 5. Switch on the ultrasound (manual or automatic start-up) (For further information see Section 7.1 and Section 7.2 of the Ultra Sonic manual). 6. Put the cleaning items into the cleaning bath (For further information see Section 7.4 of the Ultra Sonic manual). 7. Rinse if necessary (For further information see Section 7.5 of the Ultra Sonic manual). 8. Dry if necessary (For further information see Section 7.5 of the Ultra Sonic manual).

Cleaning Manual 15. High Pressure Cleaning 15.1 Safety Use of high pressure cleaners must always be carried out with care and attention. Careless use may cause serious damage or injury. All users must read and follow the user manual before start up. Turn the machine off and lock the gun handle when leaving the cleaner. Never direct the jet at people, animals or electrical installations. Always wear adequate protection equipment when handling high pressure cleaners and chemicals. 15.2 What is high pressure cleaning? High pressure cleaning is a way of applying mechanical work to the surface. It is an effective and economical method to loosen and remove dirt and contaminations. Using high pressure cleaners makes it easier to reach every nook and cranny and down into all cracks. Cleaning with a high pressure cleaner is not only economical and reduce work hours, it also contribute preserving water. Compared to cleaning with a normal hose the units in Unitor HPC series consumes roughly 1/3 amount of water and at a much higher cleaning effect. Cleaning with a Unitor High pressure cleaner reduces individual jobs by 70 to 80 per cent. 15.3 Preserving values and increased maintenance efficiency with High Pressure Cleaners Regular cleaning of the ship will help prevent corrosion and therefore preserving the values. Safety is vital and cleaning can prevent accidents caused by slippery and dirty surfaces. A clean vessel makes the working environment more pleasant that again normally leads to more efficiency. A cleaner environment onboard reduces contamination and bacteria. 15.4 General cleaning All purpose cleaning is done with a jet spray with up to 220 bar pressure. This method eases cleaning of hard to reach places, and gets into hidden corners which normally might be ignored, removing dirt and contaminants that could contain moisture which create rust attack on the metal underneath the paint. 15.5 Engine Room Cleaning Using pre – heated water (up to 70C) will reduce the amount of solvents needed to clean the engine room. If hot water is not available, more solvents must be applied to the surface that will be cleaned. This will give the cleaning power to cut though oil and grease and with a water flow and pressure enough to flush out dirt from corners and from behind pipes. Clean machinery is easier to operate, easier to service. 15.6 Efficient Paint Removing By adding a sand lance and a sand injector to a standard Unitor cleaner from Wilhelmsen Ships Service and a high pressure cleaner is converted to a equipment for removing rust or paint. This method saves time and leaves a surface ready for painting.

Cleaning Manual 15.7 Thorough Disinfection High pressure cleaners are ideal when used for disinfecting galleys, food storage rooms or any other places that needs disinfection. Apply the disinfecting foam by using the foam nozzle (accessories). Follow the instructions for the chemicals and spray afterwards. 15.8 High Pressure Cleaning Equipment: choosing the right equipment for your vessels A high pressure cleaner should be selected on the basis of the job it will be performing. Depending on the size of the area to be cleaned, type of dirt, cold water cleaners, hot water cleaners, stationary systems. The main factors are cleaning power and intensity of use. For EX areas the options are stationary systems installed in non-EX are or air-driven high pressure cleaners. The most commonly used high pressure cleaners in the maritime industry vary from pressure of 100 bars up to 800 bars. Units with pressure below 300 bars are suitable for all cleaning tasks plus spot surface preparation work, whereas the higher pressure units are for larger scale surface preparation work. When evaluating the correct high pressure cleaner for your needs, it is important that not only pressure is the main criteria. Various factors will influence the result of the surface preparation jobs and all need to be carefully evaluated in order to secure the best investment for the tasks in question. Several factors such as; cleaning power, water temperature, and detergents, which all have to be considered prior to making your choice. 15.9 The Cleaning Power When choosing a high pressure cleaner, the majority only specify what pressure they require plus what power source they need (e.g. electric diesel, air operated, etc.) A typical enquiry reads; 1 x high pressure cleaner 220 bar, 3x440V/60Hz However, the most important data for a high pressure cleaning unit is the cleaning power (cleaning impact) which is the combination of the operating (not max.) pressure and the water flow at that pressure. The formula to calculate the Cleaning Impact is; _______________________ Cleaning Power = 0,024(water flow l/min) operating pressure (bar)/0.98

The Cleaning Power is the force available to clean and remove compounds and residues on the surface. Hence, it is important to understand that pressure alone is not a measurement how efficient a high pressure cleaner is. To illustrate why the water flow also has to be brought into the equation we can take the following example; (i) (ii)

High Pressure Cleaner 220 bar and 16 l/min High Pressure Cleaner 180 bar and 19 l/min

When working out the Cleaning Impacts for these two units, the first one (i) equates to 5,6 kg/force where as the second one (ii) works out at 6,1 kg/force. In other words, even though the second unit has considerable less operating pressure than the former one, the cleaning impact is almost 10% higher and is hence equally more efficient.

Cleaning Manual 15.10 Intensity of use Intensity of use is related to the durability of the unit, this does not mean that some of the products are inferior, but are constructed for different applications. The choice have to be made based on the intended use on board, if the unit will be used for heavy duty cleaning of cargo holds or tanks, or if they will be used for cleaning of very large surfaces that will take long time to finish. For the above mentioned application areas a high intensity version should be selected. If the intended use is short spot cleaning on deck there is no need to choose units designed to run 8 hours each day.

15.11 Temperature of the water When carrying out a cleaning job, the temperature of the water has a great influence on the result, especially when tackling greasy and oily surfaces. The large majority of units found on board are classified as cold water cleaners – meaning they have no means of heating the water. However, such units are designed to take inlet water up to 60°C - 85°C, so if hot inlet water is available, the time taken to complete the job is greatly reduced as well as the chemical consumption and the end result much improved due to the higher temperature of the water. Attention! Always check maximum allowed inlet temperature since it varies from the different models. The maximum inlet temperature must not be exceeded! Hot water cleaners are also available, but the most efficient ones with an ‘open’ diesel burner are not always the most suited for marine use due to the burner and weight. However, where extremely hot water is required (or even steam) such units are the only option. For cargo hold cleaning a high pressure cleaner with diesel burner is efficient choice for spot cleaning. 15.12 Accessories Another factor that greatly influences the cleaning/surface preparation result is the accessories used with the High Pressure Cleaner. Over the years the high pressure units have become very versatile with the possibility of using numerous accessories tailor-made for specific tasks. The nozzle technology has been greatly improved. For example, using a power-speed (turbo) nozzle with a rotating concentrated jet (adding a mechanical effect to the cleaning) will increase the performance some 30-50% compared to a fixed nozzle with a fan jet. Additionally it is possible to add sand to the water stream which converts the unit to an efficient water/sand blaster. This is commonly used in the surface preparation work and speeds up the process considerably. Other useful accessories are various brushes, floor cleaners, chemical/foam applicators, pipe cleaners and lances in various lengths – all contributing to the owner getting maximum usage of their investment in a high pressure cleaner. 15.13 Detergents The cleaning task becomes much more effective if detergents are used in the cleaning process. The appropriate detergent is sprayed on at low pressure and left to work for 3 to 15 minutes – depending upon the ambient temperature. The detergents may be applied through an injector on the high pressure cleaner or by a concentrate sprayer. Finally the surface gets

Cleaning Manual washed down by high pressure water. Always start cleaning the surface from bottom and up, this allows the detergent to work as long as possible on the surface. To summarize, water under pressure is one of the most efficient, powerful, and versatile tools in the fight against any type of dirt, and is a very useful tool in surface preparation work. However - prior to your choice, carefully evaluate your needs on board to ensure you acquire the right type of equipment and accessories to meet these challenges.

Cleaning Manual 16. Chemical Application Equipment 16.1 General recommendations 16.2 Safety When handling chemicals always read the MSDS before use. Always wear eye protection, protective clothes and gloves. 16.2.1 Alkaline & Acids

Most sprayers are normally designed for either acids or alkaline chemicals. Chemical resistance is depending on the material of the sprayer, gasket and o –ring. Using a sprayer not suitable for the chemical applied, can reduce lifetime severally and damage the sprayer. 16.2.2 Maintenance of sprayers

The units must ALWAYS be thoroughly washed out IMMEDIALTLY after user with FRESH water. When emptied for chemicals, fill with fresh water, shake the unit well and SPRAY the water out so that all gaskets, hoses, lance and nozzle are rinsed. NEVER store the units filled with chemicals. When using a pressurized jet spray or rechargeable sprayer always store the units unpressurized. Repair kits are available on request. It is advised to always have spare o-ring and gaskets onboard. 16.3 Jet spray units Jet sprays is optimal when application of chemicals is needed, like Unitor Electrosolves, Degreasers and chemicals. (please see chapter 16.1 for maintenance and chemical resistance) The jets sprays are delivered complete, with control lance, cone spray nozzle, charge pump, pressure gauge and relief valve. 16.3.1 Assembly

Please assembly the Jet Spray according to the instruction manual. Test the unit with water before adding chemicals to avoid leakage in case the unit is not assembled correctly. 16.3.2 Operating

Remove complete pump by pressing down on handle, engaging lugs and unscrewing. Pour in water first and then add chemicals. Adjust water level according to the desired solution. Replace pump; screw home firmly onto rubber sealing ring. Charge with air by pumping the charger until pointer on Pressure Gauge reaches start of red line (see instructions manual).

Cleaning Manual Care must be taken when removing pump. Always push PRESSURE RELIEF bottom to relief the pressure before unscrewing the charge pump. 16.4 Rechargeable sprayers To avoid unnecessary use of normal spray cans, use of rechargeable sprayers is a more sustainable alternative, from a waste perspective. The rechargeable sprayers use compressed air instead of CFC propellants. The rechargeable sprayers are ideal in combination with Unitor products like: • • • • • •

Enviroclean Fore and aft Coldwash HD Uniwash Electrosolve – E Aquabreak PX

Always relief pressure after use, rinse with fresh water after use and before storage.

Cleaning Manual 17. Appendix 17.1 Appendix 1

Cleaning Manual plastic screen

Chemical recommendations The table below describes the types of applications that is associated with what type of Gamazyme product. If you have any questions; please contact your local Wilhelmsen Ships Service representative.

Unpleasant odour in rest rooms, sanitary bins etc.

Accommodation PROBLEM



Rust stain, scale and uric stone in toilets, drains and pipes.

Biological powder descaler in easy-to -use solupacks based on safe acids, bacteria strains and enzymes.

GAMAZYM E TDS (Toilet Descaler) Product No: 743146

Use of aggressive and toxic toilet cleaners reduces the activity in biological sewage systems.

Use of a biological active cleaning formulation to enhance the biological activity.


Unpleasant odour from urinals

Use of biological urinal blocks will remove the cause of odours and keep clean

5 kg (100 sachets of 50 grams)

(12x1 litres plastic bottles) GAMAZYM E BUB (Biological Urinal Blocks) Product No: 743161 1.8 kg/90 g 743153 3 kg/20 g 743179 1 kg/90 g with

GAMAZYM E BOE (Biological Odour Eliminator) Product No: 624077 (20 litres BIB) / 624619 (12x1 litres plastic bottles)

Slow running drains and pipes blocked by organic waste residuals.

(Biological Toilet Cleaner) Product No: 589945

Odour elimination and degrading the organic source of the odour. Improved hygiene.

Specialized bacteria strains and enzymes enable to degrade grease, fats, starch and other organic compounds.

GAMAZYM E DPC (Drain and Pulper Cleaner) Product No: 587055 Approx. 4 kg in sealed 0.23 kg solupacks

To open clogged drain lines without use of aggressive cleaning products.

Blend of bacteria and enzymes that increase organic degradation and eat through organic waste products.

GAMAZYM E DIGESTOR Product No: 624015

Clean surfaces after organic residues like vomit, urine and dog

Biological cleaning and deodorizing.

GAMAZYM E MSC (Multi Surface Cleaner) Product No:

(20 litres BIB.)

Cleaning Manual faeces.

587618 (12x1 litres plastic bottles)

Spill of red wine, milk, chocolate, tomato sauce etc. on carpets and furniture’s.

Biological active cleaning agent that digest organic residue.

GAMAZYM E MSC (Multi Surface Cleaner) Product No: 587618

Odour Biological elimination of active carpet carpets. shampoo.

(12x1 litres plastic bottles) GAMAZYM E MSC (Multi Surface Cleaner) Product No: 587618

products like acids, caustic, bleaches and disinfectants need special handling requirements .

agents are biodegradable , safe for use in all sanitary and sewage treatment systems and do not have any special handling requirements. Dismantling Regularly use of pipes and of biological drains due to cleaner and accumulation specially of uric acid, formulated water scale descaler. and organic materials.

(12x1 litres plastic bottles) Use of hazardous cleaning

Biological active cleaning


GAMAZYM E BTC (Biological Toilet Cleaner)

Product No: 656 589945 (12x1 litres plastic bottles)

(12x1 litres plastic bottles) For regularly cleaning with carpet cleaning equipment use UNITOR CARPET CLEANER Product No: 659409

E products

GAMAZYM E TDS (Toilet Descaler) Product No: 743146

Tobacco smoke from fabrics, walls, roofs etc.

Odour elimination and degrading the organic source of the odour.

5 kg (100 sachets of 50 grams) GAMAZYM E BOE (Biological Odour Eliminator) Product No: 624077 (20 litres BIB) / 624619 (12x1 litres

Cleaning Manual me solution.

plastic bottles)

Galley Areas Organic residuals collect in pores on floor surfaces.

Grease on floor surfaces causes slippage and reduced hygiene.

Special enzymes that penetrate porous floor surfaces to degrade grease and other organic materials that accumulates over time. Special enzymes that break down fatty acid components of grease.

GAMAZYM E FC (Floor Cleaner)

(20 litres BIB.) Unpleasant odour in garbage and waste collection areas.

Odour elimination and degrading the organic source of the odour.

Product No: 659391

(12x1 litres plastic bottles) Insects in galley area.

(Floor Cleaner) Product No: 659391

Regularly use of biological cleaner that eliminates residual organics that they feed on.

(5 litres plastic can) To open clogged drain lines, grease traps and floor drains without the use of aggressive cleaning products.

Blend of bacteria and enzymes that increase organic degradation and eat through organic waster products.

GAMAZYM E DIGESTOR Product No: 624015

Unpleasant smell in pulper systems

Daily flushing with warm water (max. 60oC and bacteria/enzy


(20 litres BIB.)

GAMAZYM E BOE (Biological Odour Eliminator) Product No: 624077 (20 litres BIB) / 624619

(5 litres plastic can)



GAMAZYM E FC (Floor Cleaner) Product No: 659391 (5 litres plastic can)

Accumulatio n of grease on galley hoods.

NSF approved cleaner for use in galley hood automatic cleaning systems.

AQUABREA K PX (Multi Purpose Degreaser) Product No: 575613 (25 litres plastic can)

Product No:

Cleaning Manual 773532 (12x1 litres plastic bottles)

Fat & grease accumulatio n in refrigerated rooms.

All-in-one alkaline cleaner and disinfectant.

Low biological activity in the marine sewage treatment plant.

Use of bacterial strains specially developed to reactivate biological activity.

Overloadin g, washout or use of aggressive cleaning products has rendered the system inactive.

Use of bacterial strains specially developed to reactivate biological activity.

Blocking of pipes and systems by organic matters.

Specialized bacteria strains and enzymes enable to degrade grease, fats, starch and other organic compounds .

REEFER CLEANER (Refrigeratio n Cleaner) Product No: 623983 (20 litres BIB) Product No: 651 661827 (25 litres plastic can)

Sewage Treatment Cleaning of holding tanks without use of dangerous toxic chemicals.

Use of concentrate d biological booster specially developed to deal with sewage wastes.

Cleaning of holding tanks without the need for manual entry.

Use of concentrate d biological booster specially developed to deal with sewage wastes.

GAMAZYME 700FN Product No: 571711 (12 kg plastic container)

GAMAZYME 700FN Product No: 571711 (12 kg plastic container)

GAMAZYME 700FN Product No: 571711 (12 kg plastic container)

GAMAZYME 700FN Product No: 571711 (12 kg plastic container)

GAMAZYME 700FN Product No: 571711 (12 kg plastic container

GAMAZYME DPC (Drain and Pulper Cleaner) Product No: 587055 Approx. 4 kg in sealed 0.23 kg solupacks

Foaming in sewage and waste water systems.

DEFOAMER CONCENTRAT E Product No: Product No: 624314

Cleaning Manual (20 litres BIB) / 661843 (25 litres plastic container)

1. A small amount of Gamazyme MSC into sinks, showers and scuppers is usually adequate to keep drain pipes clean and odours away. 2. In areas with slow draining or blockage the use of Gamazyme DPC is necessary. 3. Prepare a solution by adding one sachet of Gamazyme DPC to a bucket of lukewarm water and leave for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Cleaning procedures


Daily cleaning of Bathroom surfaces

1. For daily cleaning of all bathroom surfaces Gamazyme MSC, should be used. 2. Add 50 to 500 ml (1,70-17 oz) of Gamazyme MSC to half a bucket of water, depending on how grimy the surface to clean is. 3. Gamazyme MSC is particularly good at cleaning fats left by humans on shower curtains and when used on tiled decks, it will restore the original colouring on the tile grouting. Keeping bathroom drains and sinks clear

4. Dose 0,5 litres (1,68 oz) of the solution into sinks and scuppers. A maintenance dose once or twice a week can be applied to keep the drains clear. Cleaning of toilets and urinals

1. Use Gamazyme BTC daily as a normal toilet cleaner. 2. Lift up seat, open the bottle and direct the nozzle downwards. 3. Squeeze and direct jet to adequately cover the surface to be cleaned. 4. After a few minutes, scrub vigorously with a toilet brush and flush with water. De-scaling toilet bowls and toilet systems

Cleaning Manual 1. Add 50 grams (0,11 lbs) (one sachet) of Gamazyme TDS, to each toilet once a week as a minimum.*

1. To keep odours away from chutes where food and other organic material is disposed.

2. Let the sachet stand for one minute for complete dissolution

2. Set up a small metering pump with a timer, attach a dosing line with a spray nozzle in the end.

3. Brush the bowl and flush water into the toilet 4.

Repeat the treatment if necessary

* To remove scales in the toilet circuits add 50 grams (0,11 lbs) (one sachet) to each toilet twice per week as a minimum.


3. Place the spray nozzle at a good location at the top of the chute where the spray will fall down the chute, if the chute is long a couple of dosage points can be set up. 4. Use Gamazyme BOE and dose 3-5 ml (0,10-0,17 oz) before and after high load i.e. breakfast, lunch and dinner. 5. The Gamazyme BOE will effectively neutralize the odour and biodegrade the compounds that cause the odour.

Keeping odours away from Garbage and Waste collection areas

1. Odour problems in garbage and waste collection areas arise from the degradation of organic waste. 2. To eliminate bad odours spray undiluted Gamazyme BOE directly on the contaminated areas. The Gamazyme BOE will immediately neutralize the odours and biodegrade the compounds that cause the odour. 3. Regular use of Gamazyme BOE will keep the areas free of odour and surfaces clean. Keeping odours away from waste chutes

Keeping sinks, scuppers and grease traps free from grease and fat

1. Prepare a solution by adding one sachet of Gamazyme DPC to a bucket of lukewarm water and leave for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. 2. Initial dose of 0,5 litres (1,68 oz) of the solution should be applied. To keep the sinks and traps clean use a maintenance dose once or twice per week. 3. If an automated system for dosage of product to the sink, grease traps and

Cleaning Manual scuppers are used Gamazyme Digestor should be used. 4. Use a small metering pump with a timer and dose 3-5 ml (0,10-0,17 oz) of Gamazyme Digestor 2-4 times per day at locations where all traps and sinks are covered. Cleaning of Food Pulpers

1. To clean the pulper system from food waste, fats and grease flush the whole system at the end of each day, including pulper and piping. 2. Flush system with warm water, maximum 60oC or 140oF, and Gamazyme Digestor. 3. Dose Gamazyme Digestor neat into the economizer tank with a dosing pump. Use a dosage of approximately 2 litres (o,53 gallons) per m3 of water. Carpet and Fabric Cleaning

1. Gamazyme MSC will digest all organic stains such as blood, vomit, urine and faeces and remove associated odours. 2. Gamazyme MSC can be used as a laundry pre-soak and in carpet shampoo equipment where it will effectively clean the carpet and digest the soil deep down in the carpet. Removing the stain and the odosur. Sewage System

Build-up of foam in sewage collection tanks

1. To prevent build-up of foam in the collection tanks Defoamer Concentrate should be added to the system. 2. A typical dosage of is 0,5 dl (1,68 oz) of Defoamer for a load of 2000-2500 passengers with a tank capacity of 10 m3 (2642 gallon). 3. Defoamer Concentrate can be dosed continuously as a concentrate or mixed with two and a half litre of water and slug dosed into the ejector tank. 4. Defoamer Concentrate separates quickly from water and water dilutions should be dosed immediately. 5. The dosing should be done about half an hour before peak load. Cleaning of Sewage Holding Tanks

1. Flood tanks and pump them empty of excess soil. 2. Fit tanks with an air manifold connected to a low pressure air line that can gently turn the water within the tank. An alternative way is to run air hoses into the tank. The oxygen will enhance the biological activity in the tank greatly.

Cleaning Manual 3. The tank should be filled with to 75% capacity with fresh or seawater and the air supply turned on. 4. Prepare a solution of 0,5 kg (1,10 ibs) Gamazyme 700 FN in five to ten litres of lukewarm water and leave for 15 minutes to activate biological activity. 5. The dose rate into the holding tank should be approximately 0,5 kg (1,10 lbs) per 500 litre (132 gallons) of tank capacity, with a minimum dosage of 5 kg (11 lbs). 6. Dosing can be done directly into the tank or at the closest toilet. 7. The tank should be filled, dosed and left with the air turned on for at least 48 hrs and keeping the temperature at 35oC (95oF) will improve biological activity.

Cleaning Manual 17.2 Appendix 2

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Cleaning Manual



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