Written Report

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 649
  • Pages: 4
Written Report in Social Science

Submitted by: Jicelle Despabiladeras Norman Villareal BSEM 1A

Population and Development Philippines has one of the fastest growing population in the Asian region. The present population of the Philippines of 68.6 million is estimated to double in size in 30 years. By the year 2050, it is projected by the population division that the Philippines will rank no.2 among the countries with the highest population growth. The consequences of overpopulation are: -climatological changes -coastal flooding -desertification -alteration of the patterns of diseases -water shortages -consequential poverty -the lowering of standard of the quality of life

The study of population Population refers to the number of persons occupying a certain geographic area. The rate of population growth is the net annual increase in population, which is computed by getting the difference between the no. of births and the no. of deaths. A 2% annual rate means that, in a year, 2 persons per thousand are added to the population. Demography is the study of size, distribution, composition, and change in population. Demographers study birth, death, and migration data and how these affect the composition, size, and distribution of the population. Population growth of the world Human population grew slowly. It took a million or more years to reach 1 billion people at the beginning of 19th century. A 2nd billion was reached after 130 years, a 3rd billion in the next 30 years and the 4th billion in 15 years. Malthusian theory Two centuries ago, English economist, Thomas Malthus argued that population grows geometrically, which add more people every year. While increase in food supply is arithmetic, whereby the food supply is limited by available land, soil quality, and the level of technology. Malthus believes that the increase in population outgrows increases in the food supply. Thus, there is need to keep population growth in line with food supply. He presented 2 soloutions: (1)positive checks to over population by increasing the death rate. (2)preventive checks to prevent over population by limiting the number of live births. Consequences of population growth: 1. high fertility societies are no able to provide good health, education, and welfare programs. 2. the process of industrialization slowed down. 3. technology is costly and uncertain. 4. consumption patters destroy the ecosystem. 5. it contributes to social inequality; it reduces the countries ability to solve problems peacefully. The reason for slow economic growth are; global competition, shortage of capital, competing economic and social goals, poor corporate planning, poor political leadership, exploitation by foreign investors, and internal conflicts. Process in population change

Three variables involved in population change: 1. fertility-refers to the actual no.of children born to a woman. 2. mortality- refers to the no. of deaths per 1000 of the midyear population in a particular place at a specified time. 3. life cxpectancy- refers to the average no. of years a person is expected to live from time of birth. Migration It is the movement of people for permanent residency. Immigration posses an economic problem in a slow growing economy and produce problems of social cohesion and conflict. While immigrants are likely to encounter problems of assimilation ang cultural unity. People migrate for economic, political, social, psychological, religious, educational or medical reasons. Immigration is leaving ones country for another for permanent settlement. Migration is internal or international: 1. internal migration-is the spatial movement of people within a country. 2. international migration-is the movement from 1 country to another. Age structure This refers to the proportion of the people at the different age levels. It is affected by the rates of fertility and morality.

Sex composition It affects the social and economic conditions of the society. A high proportion of men means more workers for farming, mining and forestry, and heavy industries. Cities provide more opportunities for females who work in the service industries. That is why there are more females in the cities.

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