Write Up

  • June 2020
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Prologue: Zave and Jackson (1995) highlight the importance of defining 'primitive' terms. Primitive in this case referes to a word that has meaning in the real world but no explicit meaning within the context of the project. Using words that have a different meaning withing the context of the project than the word does primitively (outside of the context of the project) can cause issues with conveying meaning of an idea to a third party, or cause inconsistencies between the understanding held by developers. Therefore throughout this project there will be primitive term definitions. Objectives Meaning Objectives are intentionally vague statements that detail the desirable end of a project Contents List of Objectives Elaboration/Method The purposes of system objectives are not to set what is required of the development but to serve as a reference point to anchor the development process within the context of its original intention and purpose. A short list of objectives will be generated that capture the primary purpose of the project, as well as capture the constraints within which the system development must progress. A number of objectives will be chosen from this short list that will most serve this purpose.

Requirements Meaning System requirements are a key functional part of the investigation stage of system development. With which the development team can create a more detailed image of the constraints and environment of the system.

{{3 Currie, W. 1999}} Contents List of more detailed ‘objectives’ and more environmentally oriented points. Elaboration/Method

Requirement engineering should help to enlighten both the environment in its current state, and the state of the environment once the system has been implemented. And should not in itself, define the system to be build. It is therefore essential to define which actions are controlled by the environment and which are shared between the environment and the system itself. However, all requirements should be refined in order to support the creation of the specification. This view taken by Zave & Jackson (1995) allows us to consider the relationship between requirements and deliverables. Primitive Term Definition: Deliverables: referes to the implementation of specific solutions that are used to achieve the transition from current state of the environment to the desired state after project implementation. As stated by Zave & Jackson (1995) the requirements should hint at the potential solution but not explicitly state it. One specific requirements will therefore be formulated using these stages. 1.)The current environment that exists will be stated. 2.) Potential Desired environments will be considered and evaluated. 3.) This list of potential requirements will be discussed with the client. This process will ensure that the client can filter through the many potential directions that the business can choose progress in and make an informed decision about what is

the most effective eventual state. {{5 Zave,Pamela 1997}}

Deliverables (database schema) Meaning Referes to the implementation of specific solutions that are used to achieve the transition from current state of the environment to the desired state after project implementation. Contents

A list of potential solutions will be generated. Elaboration/Method In order to successfully perform the transition from the current to desired state, all system development actions and considerations must be developed within the specific context the business requirements. These requirements impose certain constraints on the potential solutions e.g. time or end user considerations. In addition to these constrains all potential deliverables are subject to what is technically viable. Therefore our deliverables will be forumulated by following these steps.

1.)Potential Deliverable is Suggested 2.) To what extent does it satisfy business requirements? 3.)To what extent is it technically viable? 4.) Repeat Until Potential Deliverables are exhausted. 5.) Most appropriate deliverable is selected. System Methodology Meaning

"Plans are nothing, planning is everything" (Dwight Eisenhower) System methodologies are the preset systematic process used to control and structure the system development Contents

SDM analysis and selection Elaboration/Method Review of the relevant literature highlights the necessity of a SDM for any development of sufficient complexity (however it is that complexity which first must be understood in order to effectively plan selection criteria for the SDM) Attention is specifically drawn to the exponential correlation between system size and level of control. To determine the appropriate approach for the SDM it is apparent in order to make the best choice, we need to consider factors currently unavailable (such as, project size, financial implications, and underpinning conceptualization. Fitzgerald(1996). For this reason our method as of yet will be to research selection criteria in order to select the best method depending on the variables above.

System Architecture Meaning

The organization and mapping of system interaction. Contents

Technology analysis and interaction map. Elaboration/Method In order to map the system interaction, the constraints and benefits of any potential technologies must first be understood, these constraints and benefits must then be compared and analysed with the technical requirements and deliverables. Thus;

1. Highlight a technology which potentially enables the deliverable; 2. Research constraints and benefits; 3. Examine the above pro’s and con’s with direct relation to the technical requirements; 4. Repeat until potential technologies are exhausted; 5. Most appropriate technology selected. Use selected technologies to map system interaction in order to define the logical architecture.

Physical Structure Meaning

Literal mapping of page interconnectivity. Contents

A flash hieratical graphical representation of the above mapping. Elaboration/Method The system structure will explicitly depict the page to page connectivity. This connectivity will be heavily influenced by the style and feel that is chosen for the website. Only once these have been chosen can an educated decision be made about the specific site layout. Defining a method of coming to this decision here is therefore premature because we do not yet have the knowledge required to speculate about a suitable approach.

System Development (V Model): TPS (transaction Processing System) CMS for clients (content management system) Meaning

A system through which the user can edit a pre-defined layer of a page http://users.informatik.haw-hamburg.de/~schmidt/papers/ecm-chapter.pdf Contents

Objectives, User Profiles, Requirements, Deliverables, Physical Structure  *system architecture* Elaboration/Method Each subsystem is devoted to fulfilling a specific role and may concern a specific end user and therefore is built with a complete documentation of its own.

{{6 Boiko, B. 2004}}

Website search facility Meaning

To allow users to search though the website to locate specific products or information Contents

A analytical review of search facility solutions and available technologies. Elaboration/Method We will review all relevant search solutions and choose the best balance between effectiveness and viability. Certain outsourcing options may come with constraints that jeopardise the project (such as advertisement banners). However creating a bespoke system may be non viable due to time constraints.

CRS (Customer Relations Systems)


The CRS is the ‘front end’ user interface to the entire system Contents

Full UML user interaction mapping Elaboration/Method In order to define the most effective CRS system it is important to outline the specific users. We must therefore fashion user profiles based on extensive market and academic research, as well as comparing this to what is both technically viable and in keeping with the specific site specifications. This will then be used as a foundation for the basis of our system interaction designing in UML and developing the full user interface design.

Theme and style birthing (i) Meaning

Literal mapping of page interconnectivity. Contents

A flash hieratical graphical representation of the above mapping. Elaboration/Method The system structure will explicitly depict the page to page connectivity. This connectivity will be heavily influenced by the style and feel that is chosen for the website. Only once these have been chosen can an educated decision be made about the specific site layout. Defining a method of coming to this decision here is therefore premature because we do not yet have the knowledge required to speculate about a suitable approach.

Time Frame

Objectives As stated in our plan the purpose of system objectives are not to set what is required of the development but to serve as a reference point to anchor the development process within the context of its original intention and purpose. Utilising the meeting minutes from the preliminary discussions and the meeting dated 30th July, we’ve compiled a list of initial objectives based around the following points: –

Accessibility Primitive Term Definition: Accessibility in the context of system development is often referred to as catering for those in any way disabled. However the literal definition of the word disabled referrers to a physical or mental situation that causes them to function outside the normal manner. Normal being defined as the way in which the majority operate. However this definition within this context would include those users who do not use the World Wide Web in the normal manner. This could be for reasons of technical ability or preconceptions about using online facilities that become a demotivational factor. Therefore accessibility is not catering for disabilities but instead enabling all potential users to utilize the service. The necessity for accessibility was specifically highlighted in the meeting with Mr WadeSmith. However, upon review of current literature the definition of accessibility within the context of system development refers exclusively to those who have tangible impairments recognised in a medical capacity. The W3C (in their WAI model) advocate specific impairments that need to be addressed in order to adhere to W3C standards. However, these impairments only cover those specific tangible disabilities, opposed to grasping a more semantically orientated literal definition of accessibility, for example, outside is ‘accessible’ however, a shop with a wheelchair ramp and all other disability aiding measures is not allowing all to access the shop. This is a warped idea of the natural meaning of the word accessibility as it does not allow flexibility for the context of use. It is this lack of context with regards to the application of the WAI and other accessibility guidelines which results in a more simplistic and conservative implementation of accessibility procedures, ignoring the technological developments and specific needs of users of the web service Acknowledging this difference leaves a definition of accessibility that has been praised as a positive driving force of system development during the course of our meetings.

Inclusivity Primitive Term Definition: Inclusivity is defined as the maximisation of scope, and within the context of this project, inclusivity is defined as the process of minimising the active effort needed on the part of the potential user to become a user of the service. Inclusivity is highlighted as a major factor in attracting users (if only casually). Regardless as to whether these users are directly contributing to profits they are still essential to allow for web 2.0 companies to build aggregate data sets and add value as a side-effect of ordinary use of the service or application (O’Reilly). This then results in the expediential need for inclusivity, as the easier it becomes for users to engage with the website, the more value added. Inclusivity also is an extension of accessibility, as it is paramount for a site to be accessible to be inclusive, however, does not explicitly mean accessibility, as this is the capability for all to be able to utilize a service, whereas inclusivity is allowing for the easiest transition to utilizing the service (e.g. a designer retailer is accessible, in the sense that there is no physical obstruction to the retailer, however this is by far not inclusive).

Justification and application: In order to allow this project to become truly inclusive, it is necessary to develop an inclusive ontology for both the client and user end. In order to become truly inclusive for the client the system shouldn’t be developed with a mass demographic target as suggested by the W3C WAI, but instead create an environment which recognizes the need for individual satisfaction. One of the most effective ways that this can be achieved is by including all retailers in Liverpool with ‘automatic’ registration. . This automation would create a network on the collaboration platform which renders identity and location less relevant, this drive in inclusive logic redefines the social and physical geography, which previously had much higher correlation, causing constraints and boundaries, nullified on a web platform. . Therefore the inclusion of users surpasses physical and social geography, within this context, an inclusive development approach will help to embed inclusivity into the system, opposed so utilizing specific ‘softer’ inclusive technologies to allow for pretentious system which suggests user inclusivity.

Simplicity Primitive Term Definition: Simplicity with regards to web 2.0 is heavily utilized to define specific system attributes and more importantly utilized to define systems ‘web 2.0ness’. However a tangible description of simplicity with specific regards to mash-up system development is more clearly defined as the necessity for lightweight programming models. This is evident with the almost immediate success of RSS technology, opposed to more complex corporate RDF stack services. . It is this simplicity which drives the web 2.0 and semantic web ontology, however in order to grasp a more tangible development of simplicity in the context of this project specifically, it relates to a very well designed and fine tuned user interface and API structure, allowing clients to increase complexity, dependant on personal skill. However with regards to users, to be able to ascertain an appropriate generic level of simplicity, extensive user profiling has to be undertaken. As the extent of simplicity should resonate along similar levels to the degree of web knowledge possessed by the user, allowing all of the services demographic to have an equal opportunity to contribute input.

Justification and application: Simplicity must be present in the system development as an imperative facet to web 2.0 system design. In order to achieve web 2.0 design and development, simplicity is a reference point which must echo through the entire system design. Not only from an aesthetical point of view, but also from a system development point of view (i.e. database normalization and logical system structure).

More tangibly however, simplicity must be shown more specifically in the client side CMS API, as the degree of users’ skill and knowledge is so varied. This design concept must be understood from the onset of pre-system development and strategy. Also, with regards to the design of the user side, the simplicity of the system is solely dependant on the capability of its users, and the ability to personalize the system and introduce user side API and personalization is an area which must be explored. –

Trust Primitive Term Definition: Trust has two clear definitions with regards to the web; firstly we have trust building applications and services, such as reviews, ratings, services and forums. And secondly you have the necessity to induce trust to the customers so that all preconceptions and demotivating factors are removed, allowing the customer to freely utilize the site or service comfortably. Trust and motivation is a major success factor for user satisfaction, interactivity is also found to bring satisfaction, sense of fun and motivation. However, user empowerment is also a hugely significant factor of satisfaction, (as stated in inclusivity and simplicity) it is important to allow the user to ultimately dictate the environment within which they work, quickly and easily, but offering a generic alternative default which suits all. This free and open structure gives for a much higher user satisfaction and trust, as the user doesn’t feel as though a particular website is enforcing one style system. Trust allows the user to feel comfortable to reveal more vulnerable information, and then receive more intimate interface in return (the more the user feels happy to give, the more he feels a part of the enterprise and the more specific the inclusion can become). Also, due to the nature of the internet and the ease of fraud, there is literally no physical ability to be able to allow a user to trust a site other than the site itself, and more importantly, the sites reputation, existence, sales volume and UGC (user-generated content). As users trust other users, live, almost entirely uncensored UCG on your site is one of the most effective ways to build a strong user trust relationship. This also had almost zero negative influence, as if there is no UGC facility available, users will either search on forums, which are entirely subjective and uncensored, or the breakdown of trust will begin at that point. Therefore UGC with the ability for complaints which get solved to be signed off is one of the most effective ways of rapidly building trust. The best example of this is eBay, where before every purchase a user can see the average feedback score and comments from the seller’s history, and also see how many products that seller has sold online.

Justification and application: Trust must be established with obvious user interface and allowing to user to have control over what they divulge, requesting for only the bare minimum, and allowing them to dictate what else to give for information. This will therefore be represented in the online TPS, as all that is required to purchase from the site is an e-mail address for order confirmation, that will also (with users allowance) be stored for account verification, building a user profile (i.e. as soon as an email is created, with the first confirmation e-mail, a password is sent and a user account created, with minimal effort from the user) and bulk e-mailing.

Friendliness Primitive Term Definition: Friendliness is a term recurrent in the description of quality websites and its ease of use, and more specifically in relation to web 2.0 sites. Within the confines of this project, the term friendliness does not differ much to these common definitions.

It is imperative for a site to maintain high levels of user friendliness in order to be defined as a quality site. As this is the reputation and representation of a retail or office workspace, the user friendliness defines the shopping experience. However, friendliness is much more complex to convey through a screen than in person. The most poignant examples of user-friendliness is the ability to allow the customer to be able to dictate every aspect of the shopping experience, allowing it to be tailored to the users needs (e.g. allowing the customer to decide what is in their shopping cart, giving them the option to unsubscribe, or de-register to a service). It is also important to present all the data the customer needs, in an aesthetically pleasing manner (e.g. after logon, order status or feedback should be easily selected and greatly welcomed by the business). However, the definition of friendliness within this context does not extend solely to the user, but more over should be an over riding philosophy to all clients and users, and again is imperative to serve as a reference point to anchor all design and development decisions from.

Justification and application: Friendliness will be applied by allowing users to (utilizing the above anchoring points) to be at easy to interacting with the system, design and build with key functional facets that define not only an entirely user friendly customer experience, but also a friendly and amenable interaction with all merchants and clients.

Safety (confidence) Primitive Term Definition: Due to a lack of trust with regards to internet security it is often common to see users refraining from using websites which does not portray a secure and safe environment. If by easing the users pre-conceptions with a general design philosophy of trust and confidence the user can then feel less hesitant about divulging more vulnerable information such as bank account details.

Justification and application: It is important to maintain a level of safety, especially with regards to data protection, the server itself should have high level safety features and a safety infrastructure in order to keep user data safe, however, it is equally as important to make the user feel comfortable and at ease on the website so that they feel more willing to utilize the service. Therefore the user should have the option to control their data and information easily from the website, as the more control they have the more comfortable and trusting they feel. Utilizing these points, we can therefore develop a short list of objectives, which will be developed within the parameters of the above context and constraints. • • •

The system should represent and reflect the needs and ability of its specific users. It should develop a collaboration platform in order to allow SME’s to access a larger customer base and therefore gain a competitive advantage. The system must offer a semantically orientated open API in order for differing level of users to pre-define complexity.

Requirements The current system in place cannot be defined as any one single system, more over a group of individual smaller systems, non of which exploiting its true potential. Therefore the current state can be better defined as the lack of the desired state all together. The current state;

• • • •

Customers are required to either have prior knowledge of the local retailer they wish to source products from, or have been advised via word of mouth etc to the existance of the local retailer; Customers are unable to view a full product range on offer by the retailer (often due to lack of physical space); Retailers are unable (due to either technical of financial dificulties) to venture into online marketing and sales; Retailers also have the inablility to represent themselves commercially on the web.

The desired outcome can be defined with the following list;

• • • • •

• •

A flexible collaberation platform in order for one online solution to exist for all local and small retailers; Increase the through put to local retailers; To offer software as a service to all registers merchants, allowing them free basic access to all relevant services; To offer a safe and friendly environment for both the merchants and customers to feel comfortable and confident to trade; To allow all who wish to become a part of the project a free, and easy transition and registration process; To give local residents and visitors the ability to, with ease, locate the correct product and merchant; To allow local retailers to represent themselves commercially and personally on the web;

Deliverables (based on the above requirements) The following is a list of specific solutions to aid the transition from the current state, to the state desired (outlined above). Therefore, the system should include; • • • •

• • • • •

A simple unified user interface; A well planned physical structure; An accurately designed CRS; Free software; ○ CMS for each merchant; ○ An open API in order for merchants to design the layout of their individual store (without impinging on the first point) ○ Integrated free online services (google maps, paypal) ○ Continual updates and improvements and software developments, hosted on and supplied through the system. Automatic registration of all online retailers, with only activation needed; A culture of open and free services; A comprehensive website search facility; The ability for anyone to register simply by inputing their email address; To offer additional benefits for a cost; ○ Increased advertising, ○ More bespoke designs, ○ Mass email space,

○ Addition pages for personal advertising, Free customer tools; ○ Feedback, ○ Ratings system, ○ Search capabilities, ○ Integrated software, ○ Customer accounts, ○ Order tracking, ○ Limited merchant contact.

NOTES Simplicity - Viewing cookies and registry files to see what sites the user has been on recently (ie use the browser history and the temporary folder) to ascertain the users technical ability or preferred simplicity design style. CRM - http://web.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.liv.ac.uk/ehost/pdf?vid=4&hid=101&sid=638ba49e5e34-42fa-8950-1e854bbfdf64@sessionmgr104 ‘Mass long tail access’ Paypal already has an established protection and safety infrastructure, far better than we could build within the time frame and without a large customer base, therefore paypal should be considered as the front runner and a bespoke TPS only to be implemented once the service is receiving a high level of sales.

Poss useful source http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=4578592

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