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WRCGO 2009

WRCGO 20009


WRCGO 2009

WRCGO 2009


WRCGO 2009



Globbal Outbre O eak- 20099 H1N11 + HH5N1 Flu 12 -13 3 Novembe er 2009 Las Vegas, V Ne evada

sions will in nclude: Key discuss • • • • •

Balancing Leadership, L Authority, & Accounta ability on Inffluenza Pand demic Assignment of Military, Courts, & Information n Technology on PanFlu u Status upda ate of the 17 7 critical Infrrastructure Councils 2009 H1N1 flu guidance e on current Investors, Policies & Regulations s Peer networking of Gov vernment, Suppliers, S an nd Contracttors

Raise e your citize en’s consciousness s on


Protection n



Protec ct Your r Commu unity From Posssible Co--Occurrencce of H5N N1 Avian Flu during g H1N1 PanFLu , in n the sam me area.

WRCGO 2009

WRCGO 20009


WRCGO 2009

WRCGO 2009


WRCGO 2009


W World Re esponse Confere ence on Global Outbrea O ak – 200 09 H1N11+H5N1 Flu 12-13 Noveember 2009 ● Las Vegas,, Nevada

S Support

Comm municate & Join

•U Urgent Endeeavors of Glob bal Public H Health

•The Meedical & Scien ntific Commu unity, Busineess & Consum mers

Bu uild & Con ntinue to Plan P on •Crrisis Preventiion & Respon nse Ma anagement Plan P

World Re esponse Co onference on o Global Outbreak is i the first practical conference c to highlight the first real-time test on gllobal and domestic d preparednes ss in the as spect of prrevention, protection, response e, and recov very. The globa al and natiional critic cal infrastru ucture is threatened by the late est WHO d declaration of Pandem mic Level Alert Phase 6. WRCGO W 20 009 is a spearhead d of conv vergence to t address s the lea adership ro oles and bilities for an influenza pandem mic, to testt and exerc cise the me echanism o of coordina ation, to sttrengthen responsib the performance mo onitoring and a accoun ntability, be etween fed deral, state e, and locall governme ents and th he private onding for a pandem mic. At the conferenc ce, the attendees will gain conffidence in sector in preparing and respo g the risk not only to their own o comm munity’s he ealth but also a to the equity markets m an nd global managing economy y. Government leaderrs, critical infrastructture counc cils, first responders s, medical & scientific experts,, military, justice & law expertts, informa ation techn nology guru u, media, and a recogn nized world d leaders on o public health h will t conferrence. speak in this

Who sh hould attend ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Go overnment Representtatives Wor rldwide As ssociations Ad dministration & CFO VP P and Mana agement for r Emergen ncy Services s Cr ritical Infra astructure and a Pandem mic Planning Committtee Me embers Dir rector of Operations O & Maintena ance Program Man nager of Em mergency Fin nancial Afffairs & Univ versity Con ntroller Ma anager of Employee E W Wellness Co orporate Re elations Tea am Dir rector for Health H & Sa afety Servic ces Cr risis Manag gement Coo ordinator and a Enginee er Hu uman Reso ource Ma anager for Protection n, Safety, & Environme ental Serviices Infformation Technolog gies Ma anager Cor rporate Con ntinuity & Recovery R La aw Enforcer r/Courts Ma anager Situ uation Awa areness Uttility Servic ces Ris sk Management Rep. Re esearch Rep p Stu udent & Ac cademic Ser rvices Pu ublic Inform mation Rep p. He ealth & Safe ety Rep. Me edical Rep.. Fa acilities Rep p. He ealth /Mediical/Hospittal Professiionals Me edia Reps

W Where thhe futuree of publlic heealth & gglobal seecurity will w be decided:

Te est your exxisting panndemic ressponse action plan an nd refine e them herre at WR RCGO 2009 9!

Registeer Today! Call C 425.99 96.3528 Fa ax: 425.96 68.7400 orr visit wrccgo.eve-ex.com

World Response Conference on Global Outbreak – 2009 H1N1+H5N1 Flu

WRCGO 2009

Program Agenda

12 November 2009 • Thursday (Day1) 0830 - 1500hrs Registration for Media 0830 - 1500hrs Registration for Speakers, Exhibitors, & Delegates 0915 - 0930hrs Opening Remarks 0930 - 1000hrs

Anatomy of H1N1 Flu ¾ Introduction of the Quadruple Reassortant Virus ¾ The Antigenic Shifts Process ¾ How Superflu is Born

1000 - 1015hrs

►►WRCGO 2009 will feature case studies of the possible impact of H1N1 strain and H5N1 strain in the same area.

►► Panel Discussions of Courts & First Responders

►►Sponsors & Exhibitors Meet

1015 - 1045hrs

Refreshment Break

1045 - 1115hrs

WHO Eyed for H1N1 Flu Control ¾ WHO Roles during Rapid Response & Containment ¾ Mobilization & Dispatching of Resources for WHO Worldwide Operations ¾ WHO, our Lead for H1N1 & H5N1

12 November 2009 • Thursday (Day1) 1330 - 1345hrs Military Role on Pandemic Influenza ¾ DoD's First Priority ¾ Role on refugees and displaced populations ¾ Lesson Learned from the Spanish Flu 1345 - 1415hrs

1415 - 1445hrs

1300 - 1330hrs

Vaccine Development and Distribution and Protocol ¾ A Pharmaceutical Approach: Mitigating impact of influenza pandemic ¾ Increased supply of pandemic vaccine ¾ Vaccine distribution based on priority groups

Human Surveillance of H1N1 & H5N1 Flu ¾ Global Surveillance during Pandemic ¾ Epidemiologic and Laboratory Investigations ¾ Enhancing US Human Influenza Surveillance ¾ Mortality Surveillance & Outbreak Detection

¾ Partnership of Lead State Public Health & Homeland Security ¾ US National Guard, Executing the Nation's Response to H1N1+H5N1 ¾ Panel Discussion: Fire Dept, Public Health, Homeland, Law Enforcers Group Luncheon

Overview: International Law (Courts) & Global Outbreak ¾ Liability Issues during state of emergency ¾ Civil Rights Issues during Pandemic ¾ Pharmaceuticals Deployment Assistance

On Call for the Next Patient Zero

1200 - 1300hrs


→Space is Limited→

H1N1+H5N1 Flu Guidance: Investors ¾ Exacerbation of Worldwide Recession by H1N1 & H5N1 virus ¾ Bringing Business Continuity Planning to Reality ¾ Crisis Management Task Force Today

1115 - 1200hrs

12-13 November 2009 ● Las Vegas, Nevada

1445 - 1515hrs

Agricultural Surveillance of Influenza of H1N1 & H5N1 Flu ¾ Early Detection and Investigation ¾ Monitoring Hogs and possible host of H1N1 virus

1515 - 1700hrs

Networking – Cocktails Sponsors & Exhibitors Meet Delegates

Register Today! Call 425.996.3528 Fax: 425.968.7400 or visit wrcgo.eve-ex.com

World Response Conference on Global Outbreak – 2009 H1N1+H5N1 Flu 12-13 November 2009 ● Las Vegas, Nevada

13 November 2009 • Friday (Day2) 0830 - 1500hrs Registration for Media 0830 - 1500hrs Registration for Speakers, Exhibitors, & Delegates 0915 - 0930hrs Opening Remarks 0930 - 1015hrs

Mutation and Transmission of H1N1 to Humans vs. H5N1 Flu ¾ Survival Mechanism of Virus ¾ The Unknown Truth of H1N1+H5N1 flu

1030 - 1100hrs

Refreshment Break

1100 - 1130hrs

Serological Analysis Explained ¾ Cooperative Procedures and Conclusions Revealed ¾ Joint Partnerships of Scientific Groups

1130 - 1200hrs

Multiple registrations from the same company receive this discounts:

3 attendees, 4th is free.

Country Reports on H1N1 & H5N1 Influenza (3 speakers) ¾ Spotlight in country neighbor's situation update ¾ Report on Winning and Losing Industries ¾ On Focus: Security & Safety Issues Impacting Regional and Worldwide Travel

1015 - 1030hrs

►►►We value group learning.

5 or more 10% team discounts

13 November 2009 • Friday (Day2) 1330 - 1400hrs Global Outbreak: The New Face of Information Technology and Social Media ¾ Economic and Social Impacts on Countries Stricken by H1N1+H5N1 ¾ Strategies of Good Media and Technology ¾ Wiining the Hearts of People 1400 - 1600hrs

AntiViral Drugs, The Drug Therapy ¾ The Next Generation Antiviral Drugs

1200 - 1300hrs

Group Luncheon

1300 - 1330hrs

Critical Infrastructure (CI) in Times of Pandemic ¾ Relevance to the Mission of the First Responders ¾ Assessment on Potential Loss of a Critical Infrastructure ¾ Panel Discussion of CI Councils

8 or more 15%


Test your Plan thru Simulation Exercise One-On-One Meetings Closing Remarks & Conference Adjourns

A Pandemic Influenza outbreak would affect ALL areas of OPERATIONS….

Test your existing pandemic

response action plan and refine them here at WRCGO 2009! “This is a First Come, First Served Basis Registration”

Understand the decision maker's needs firsthand and be able to

demonstrate the value of your solutions on prevention, protection, response, recovery.

►Simulation exercise One-On-One Meetings◄ ►Worldwide Renowned Speakers Case Studies◄ ►Panel Discussions

Register Today! Call 425.996.3528 Fax: 425.968.7400 or visit wrcgo.eve-ex.com


Response Conference on Global Outbreak – 2009 H1N1+H5N1 Flu November 12-13, 2009 Las Vegas, Nevada

Register and Pay in full not later than 18 August 2009 to qualify for the Super Early Bird Discount. Photocopy this form to register for multiple delegates. PLEASE REGISTER THE FOLLOWING & Fax to 425-968-7400

Delegate’s Details Full Name __________________________________________________________________ Job Title __________________________________________________________________________

Name Preferred for Badge ____________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________Fax _________________________ Tel Office ______________________________Mobile______________________________ Company __________________________________________________________________ Department _______________________________________________________________ Nature of Business __________________________________________________________ Website ___________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ City, State _________________________________________________________________ Zip Code ________________________Country ___________________________________ Delegate’s Signature __________________________________Date__________________ If the Invoice is to be addressed for the attention of a different person than the delegate, please complete the details below:

Full Name __________________________________________________________________ Email_______________________________ Tel No ________________________________ *

Registration Type

Super Early Bird th

Book & Pay by 18 August

Conference Registration Business/Consumers

Early Bird



Book & Pay by 18 Sep

$ 898

$ 998

$ 1,188

Government Public Health/Academia

$ 798

$ 798

$ 798

Non-Profit Org/Association

$ 798

$ 798

$ 798

I’m sorry I cannot attend, but please send me the conference documentation at $ 300.00. (Please add $50 for international shipping). Note: Registration Fee is inclusive of 2-day event registration, breakfast, lunch, refreshment break, & cocktail.

Payment Method Please debit my credit card: Visa Master Card



Security Code_______________

Visa and MC cards have a 3 digit code on the signature panel on the back of the card, following the account number. American Express cards have a 4 digit code on the front of the card, above the card number.

Sales Contract REGISTRATION CODE: Your Registration Code Is WRCGO-TM Please Use This When Registering For The Conference

5 Ways to Register Online: www.wrcgo.eve-ex.com Email: [email protected] Phone: 425.996.3528 Fax: 425.968.7400 Post: 1776 I Street, NW 9th/F Washington, DC 20006 USA

Group Registration We value group learning. Multiple registrations from the same company receive this discounts: th ►Register 3, Send 4 Free! (applicable to all duration before event) ►10% discount for 5 or more ►15% discount for 8 or more *Discounts 10% & 15% is exclusive of early bird discounts. Cancellation, Postponement, and Substitution Policy CANCELLATION AND SUBSTITUTION POLICY Provided the fee has been paid in full, substitutions at no extra charge can be made up to 7 business days before the start of the conference. Cancellations must be received in writing or by fax to +425-968-7400, more than 7 days before the conference is to be held in order to obtain a full credit for any future conference. Cancellations received 7 days or less (including the seventh day) prior to the conference will not be credited. In the event that Events & Exhibitions cancels an event, payments received at the cancellation date will be credited towards attendance at a future conference, or in the event of postponement by Events & Exhibitions, a rescheduled date. Events & Exhibitions reserves the right to postpone or cancel an event, to change the location of an event or to alter the advertised speakers for an event. Events & Exhibitions is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of substitution, alteration, postponement, or cancellation of an event due to causes beyond its control including without limitation, acts of God, natural disasters, sabotage, accident, trade or industrial disputes, terrorism, or hostilities. SPEAKER CHANGES Occasionally it is necessary for reasons beyond our control to alter the content and timing of the programme or the identity of the speakers. DATA PROTECTION Your details may be passed to other companies who wish to communicate with you offers related to your business activities. If you do not wish to receive these offers, please tick the box below. Please do not pass my information to any third party

Card Number (16-Digit)____________________________________________________________ Expiry Date _____________________________________________________________________ Name Printed On Card ____________________________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________________________________________ Billing Address __________________________________________________________________ Billing Zip Code__________________________________________________________________

Payment Terms Payment is due in full upon completion and return of the registration form. Due to limited conference space we advise early registration and payment by credit card to avoid disappointment. Your registration will not be confirmed until payment is received. Admission to the conference will be refused if payment has not been received.

Or enclosed is a check for $_________________to cover _____________persons. Check here if you have any dietary or accessibility needs. We will contact you for more details. Please Note: If you have not received an acknowledgement confirming your booking, please call us at 425.996.7102. Our EIN 27-0494399

Produced by: Events and Exhibitions 1776 I Street, NW 9th/F Washington, DC 20006 USA

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