Wotr Escalation League Faq V1.1

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 5
The Lord of the Rings

War of the Ring Escalation League FAQ’s Any rules questions or issues that the League Organizers think need to be addressed by a League FAQ will be binding on all games. Any official GW FAQ's or Errata subsequently released will be immediately in effect. If any of these GW FAQ's/Errata are on point for a League FAQ, they will supersede the appropriatee League FAQ. Errata Replace all instances of “Pathfinder (All) (All)” with “Pathfinder (Master).”

FAQ's Q1. Can an Epic Hero join a Mûmak? A1. No. Epic Heroes cannot join monsters. However, there is an argument to be made that the Mûmak is a special type of monster (all other monsters are defined as “Single model(s)” while the Mûmak and its 13 crew are defined as a “Single Company”). The Mûmak “Company” is technically hnically the command company, and could be joined by an Epic Hero. It seems unlikely that the rules designers intended such a subtlety to create a distinction between the Mûmak and other monsters, and would have preferred an explicit special rule, stating that Epic Heroes can join the Mûmak. Barring an overriding ruling from GW, Epic Heroes will not be allowed to join a Mûmak. Q2. Are the casualties caused through Heroic Duels considered when working out who has won a fight?

Q3. Can a Balrog “hide” behind a unit of Goblins for LOS purposes? A3. Yes. Unless a model or formation is either on or counts as Elevated Terrain, it can have LOS to it blocked by any model or formation. This is an abstraction that does not utilize “True LOS” or height levels from other systems. Q4. If I need a 6+/4+ to hit, but I have twotwo handed weapon (+1 to hit, -1 1 Fight), then does this mean I need (1)) a 5+/3+ to hit, or (2) a 6+ to hit? A4. (2) is correct: 6+. Q5. Legendary formationss are listed as “X “ points + Y per company.” Does this mean (1) that I pay X points for the command company and Y points for each additional company OR (2) that I pay X+Y points for the command company and Y points for each additional company? A5. (2) is correct. If you look k at the price of legendary formations in battle reports at the beginning of the Rulebook, they are priced as X+Y for the command company, and Y for each additional company. Q6. How many Heroic / Epic Actions can a Hero use per turn? Per phase?

A2. Yes. A6.. Heroes can use as many actions action per turn and phase as they are able to pay ay for with Might or special abilities

A#5,#x26Yw1#jYz^= A#5,#xxw%)1#jY A#5,#x37z#1#jHz^= X#w6HktH0§%z7q%)1jY

A#5,#x26Yw1#j jYYz^= A#5,#xxw%)1#jY A#5,#x3 37z#1#jHz^= X#w6HktH0§%z7q%)1jY Q7. Under the Mûmak’s “Trample!” rules, during the movement phase it stops when it comes into contact with any defensible or impassable terrain and suffers D6 hits. Consequently, a Mûmak can never occupy a defensible terrain feature. But can a Mûmak charge a formation in a defensible terrain? IIf so, does it suffer D6 hits?

Q9. Through a combination ion of modifiers, I need +1 to hit in combat. Does this mean I “auto hit” OR all rolls of “1” still failures?

A7. Yes, a Mûmak may charge a formation in a defensible terrain feature, though it is not eligible to occupy it, should it win the fight. And, no, it will not suffer D6 hits for coming into contact with the defensible terrain during the Fight Phase.

Q10. There seem to be some timing issues for declaring and resolving a combination of Heroic and Epic Actions. s. How should these be resolved?

A9.. Rolls of “1” are failures in combat. Though the Rulebook doesn’t cover this, there is an indication from White Dwarf battle reports by Matt Ward that 1’s were intended to be failures.

A10. See Appendix 1, below, for a full discussion of timing and resolution issues.

Q8.. If I’m facing an enemy formation that does not cause Terror on its own, but has been joined by an Epic Hero who does cause Terror, must I take a Terror test to charge or if I’m charged? A8. Yes. P. 69 is clear ar that an Epic Hero’s special rules do not transfer to the company or formation he joins, unless the rules explicitly state otherwise. se. However, this does not mean that an Epic Hero loses his special rules upon joining a company. Per the Terror rules (p. 663) if a formation wishes to charge a Terror Terror-causing creature it must take a Terror test. Since the Terror-causing causing creature is in the formation being charged/charging, your unit must test. A battle report with Matt Ward used this interpretation with Hardrim joined by Khamûl. It should be noted, that this is open for abuse, and an army should not be designed with the intent of maximizing this benefit.

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Summer 2009 – War of the Ring Escalation League FAQ’s

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A#5,#x26Yw1#j jYYz^= A#5,#xxw%)1#jY A#5,#x3 37z#1#jHz^= X#w6HktH0§%z7q%)1jY

Escalation League FAQ’s Appendix 1 The rules for Heroic / Epic Actions seem deceptively simple. Unfortunately there are a host of timing and resolution issues that can arise from the rules. The following rules clarifications and the subsequent charts are not meant to be new rules, but rather they are meant to fill in gaps of the current rules, which are at times ambiguous and unclear aass to the timing and resolution. Some of the Epic Actions are straightforward, but have been included in the chart for thoroughness. The below clarifications have been made using certain interpretive decisions. There are other ways to interpret th thee timing and resolution resol issues, but the Organizers believe that the below gives the most logical and common sense application to the framework provided by the rules rules’ authors.

There are two different types of Heroic / Epic Actions Actions:: (1) those that are declared at the start of a particular phase; and (2) those that are declared incident to a “timing trigger.” (1) At the start of a particular phase: The player with priority may make an H/E Action that is eligible to be made at that time. Resolve the declaration of multiple heroes per the rulebook, p. 66. Once all "start of phase" H/E Actions have been called, they form a queue are resolved in order, first to last before the normal Priority sequence for that Phase, unless otherwise specified. (2) Incident to a “Timing Trigger”: Other Epic Actions are eligible to be called when the formation is "due to act." Specifically, before a formation is "due to fight" or "due to move" (we will refer to these as "timing triggers"). If multiple Epic Actions eligible to be called at the same ttiming iming triggers are called, they form a queue for that particular timing trigger. For example: It is the Fight Phase. Player A's (with Priority) formation and Player B's formation are engaged in a fight. A chooses this combat to be resolved. This creates a timing trigger for Epic Actions "before the hero's formation is due to fight." A declares that he will make an Epic Action. B does the same. They roll off, A wins. A's Hero declares an Epic Rampage, B's Hero declares an Epic Strike. Both actions are part off this particular timing trigger queue and A's action is resolved first (the benefit is conferred to the company) and then B's action is resolved (the benefit is conferred to the Hero). Epic Actions that are incident to timing triggers can also “interrupt” other Heroic / Epic Action resolutions. These interrupting Epic Actions are resolved within the resolution of the first H/E Action. Again, if there are multiple actions that can interrupt the same timing trigger, then they are rolled off for, entered tered into a queue for this new timing trigger, and resolved in first first-to-last order. For example: It is the Fight Phase. A declares that he will make and Epic Action. B declares that he will make and Epic Action. They roll off, B wins. B declares an Heroic Fight between formations A1 and B1. B declares an Heroic Fight between formations A2 and B2. B's Heroic Fight between A1 and B1 is resolved first, before the normal priority sequence. By resolving the Heroic Fight, the timing trigger "before the Hero's formation rmation is due to fight" is triggered. A declares an Epic Strike. The Epic Strike resolves within the resolution of B's Epic Fight. The Heroic Fight then completes its resolution, with formation A1 at F10. Upon the successful resolution of B's Heroic Fight Fight,, they return to the initial queue and A's Heroic Fight between formations A2 and B2 is then resolved.

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Summer 2009 – War of the Ring Escalation League FAQ’s

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Escalation League FAQ’s Appendix 1 (continued) Actions that are declared at the start of a particular phase are not able to interrupt other Heroic / Epic Actions. Some of them are interruptible, and if so are indicated appropriately in the chart. (1)) Actions at the Start of a Particular Phase Name Epic Renewal Epic Restoration Epic Leadership Heroic Move

Epic Challenge

Heroic Shoot Heroic Charge Heroic Fight Heroic / Epic Duel Epic Rampage Epic Strength Epic Cowardice Epic Poison

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When is it declared? At the start of any Phase At the start of any Phase At the start of the Priority Phase

When is it resolved? Before the normal priority sequence for the applicable Phase Before the normal priority sequence for the applicable Phase Confers benefit for the remainder of the Turn

At the start of the Move Phase Before the normal priority sequence for the Move Phase Courage Test: Before the normal priority sequence for the Move Phase At the start of the Move Phase Subsequent Movement and Charging, Fight, Duel el: During the normal, applicable Priority sequence At the start of the Shoot Phase Before the normal priority sequence for the Shoot Phase At the start of the Charge Phase At the start of the Fight Phase At the start of the Fight Phase

Before the normal priority sequence for the Charge Phase Before the normal priority sequence for the Fight Phase Before the normal priority sequence for the Fight Phase (note: an Heroic / Epic Duel may be resolved after an Heroic Fight involving the same participants)

Is it interruptible? No No No Yes Courage Test: No Movement, Charge, Fight, Duel: Yes Yes (by an Epic Shot) Yes (by an Epic Charge) Yes Yes

At the start of the Fight Phase

Confers benefit during the Fight Phase


At the start of the Fight Phase

Confers benefit during the Fight Phase


At the start of the Fight Phase

Before the normal priority sequence for the Fight Phase


At the start of the Fight Phase

Confers benefit during the Fight Phase


Summer 2009 – War of the Ring Escalation League FAQ’s

A#5,#x26Yw1#jYz^= A#5,#xxw%)1#jY A#5,#x37z#1#jHz^= X#w6HktH0§%z7q%)1jY

A#5,#x26Yw1#j jYYz^= A#5,#xxw%)1#jY A#5,#x3 37z#1#jHz^= X#w6HktH0§%z7q%)1jY

Escalation League FAQ’s Appendix 1 (continued) Actions that are declared incident to a timing trigger can generally interrupt other actions that are declared at the start of a particular phase. These actions incident to timing triggers cannot interrupt each other, but rather form queues appropriate to their timing trigger. The chart provides some indication when interrupts are appropriate. (2) Actions Incident to Timing Triggers Name

When is it declared?

Epic Before the Hero's formation is due to move Journey Epic Before the Hero's formation is due to move Channeling Epic Before the Hero's formation is due to move Ruination

Epic Shot

At any point in the Shooting Phase

Epic Charge Before the Hero's formation is due to charge Epic Defense Epic Rage Epic Sacrifice Epic Strike

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Can it interrupt? Yes (one's own When the Hero's formation moves Heroic Move) Yes (one's own Confers benefit for the remainder of the Turn Heroic Move) Yes (one's own Confers benefit for the remainder of the Turn Heroic Move) Yes (another Epic Shot) – May also be Immediately interrupted by another Epic Shot Yes (one’s Check condition during the Charge Phase own Heroic Confers benefit during the Fight Phase charge) When is it resolved?

Before the Hero's formation is due to fight

Confers benefit during the Fight Phase


Before the Hero's formation is due to fight

Confers benefit during the Fight Phase


Before the Hero's formation is due to fight

Confers benefit during the Fight Phase


Before the Hero is due to fight in an Heroic / Epic Duel OR before his formation is due Confers benefit during the Fight Phase to fight


Summer 2009 – War of the Ring Escalation League FAQ’s

A#5,#x26Yw1#jYz^= A#5,#xxw%)1#jY A#5,#x37z#1#jHz^= X#w6HktH0§%z7q%)1jY

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