Wotr Escalation League 09 V1.2

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  • Words: 2,731
  • Pages: 9
The Lord of the Rings

War of the Ring Escalation League

This summer, Imperial Outpost Games will be hosting a War of the Ring Escalation League. The purpose of the League is to promote this great new game, by giving Lord of the Ring veterans a chance to dust off their whole collection, and by giving new players a great chance to fight epic battles in Middle Earth while building up their army. The League will last 6 weeks (actually 7, since the last “week” will last for 2 weeks). Below are some quick facts. Location:

Cost: Start Date: Points:

Imperial Outpost Games 4920 W. Glendale Rd. Glendale, AZ 85306 (602) 978-0467 $15 for the entire league Friday, May 29, 2009, 7 PM 750 – 2000



Best Overall Best General Best Painted All entry fees will go towards league prizes, which will likely be store credit.

In the following pages, the full rules for the league can be found. The rules are fairly comprehensive and should be reviewed. For ease of reference they are broken into the following headings: 1.0 - Rules 2.0 - Scoring 3.0 - Schedule 4.0 - Results and Awards

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A#5,#x26Yw1#j jYYz^= A#5,#xxw%)1#jY A#5,#x3 37z#1#jHz^= X#w6HktH0§%z7q%)1jY 1.0 - Rules 1.1 - Games Each League week players may play as many games as they wish, with the following constraints: • A player may not play the same opponent back-toback, within a given week • A player may not play the same opponent more than three times in the same week Each game will be at a pre-set point level for that week (see the Schedule, Section 3.0, for the weekly point levels). A League week begins on Fridays at 7:00 PM. All reports must be submitted to the league organizers by 5 PM the following Friday. This may be done through email, PM on Adeptus Arizona, or dropping off a result sheet at Imperial Outpost Games Games.. Accordingly, games may be played at any point during the week.

1.2 - Army Composition and FAQ's Army list composition will follow all the standard rules found in the WotR Main Rulebook (the "Rulebook"). Any rules questions or issues that the league organizers think need to be addressed by a League FAQ will be binding on all future games. These FAQ's will be made available on Adeptus Arizona, and in Imperial Outpost Games. Any official GW FAQ's or Errata subsequently released will be immediately in ef effect. fect. If any of these GW FAQ's/Errata are on point for a League FAQ, they will supersede the appropriate League FAQ.

1.3 - Scenarios Each week, there will be a list of Scenarios that may be played. Before each game, players will roll randomly on this list. st. In addition players will roll randomly for Deployment. In most weeks, Deployment will be from the Rulebook - if this is not the case, the Scenario list will make this clear. Each Scenario will have different Margins of Victory (see 2.2). Any scenarios not found in the Rulebook will be made available on Adeptus Arizona, and in Imperial Outpost Games.

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Summer 2009 – War of the Ring Escalation League

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1.4 - Ladder Board Players will be ranked each week based on their accumulated League Points ("LPs") (see below Section 2.1). The player with the most LPs will be at the Apex of the board. The next two highest players will be on the level below. The next three highest players will be on the level below that, etc. Except where noted below, one's board position will only change at the end of each League week.

1.4.1 - Starting Ladder Positions At the beginning of the League, both Organizers will be at the "Apex." All other League players will be on the "second level." This is the only time when the normal placement rules will be broken. Any player on the second level, may Challenge either player at the Apex, per the normal Challenge rules (see 1.4.2). Additionally, the Organizers are not eligible this first week for the Ladder Bonus for maintaining an Apex position (see 2.2).

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Summer 2009 – War of the Ring Escalation League

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A#5,#x26Yw1#j jYYz^= A#5,#xxw%)1#jY A#5,#x3 37z#1#jHz^= X#w6HktH0§%z7q%)1jY 1.4.2 - Ladder Challenges Once per week, each player may challenge another player who is exactly one level superior to him. The Challenger must make a good faith effort to give the Challenged player a reasonable amount of time to respond to the Challenge, and must make ev every ery effort to contact the Challenged player. The Challenged player has until the end of the week to play the Challenge game. If the Challenge game is not played by the end of the week the Challenger receives a Major Win (see 2.1) and the Bonus Points for ddefeating efeating a ladder superior (see 2.2). A Challenge supersedes the normal rules for who may play whom in Section 1.1. In other words, the Challenge game does not count toward your limit of playing the same player three times in one week, or twice in a row. A Challenge game will use one of the scenarios for the given week (see 1.3), with the Challenged player having the following options: • The Challenged player may elect to roll for Scenario and Deployment as normal (see 1.3), or • The Challenged player may elect to choose the Scenario from those for the given week, but the Challenger may choose the Deployment The winner of the Challenge game will receive LP's appropriate to the Margin of Victory (see 2.1), plus any eligible bonuses (see 2.2). If the Challenger enger defeats the Challenged, they immediately switch Ladder positions. They are then immediately eligible to be challenged by any player below themselves. The exception is that a defeated Challenged player may not re re-Challenge their usurper, unless the usurper surper is now at the Apex. A Challenger that has won his Chal Challenge lenge game and moves up to level 2, may make one additional Challenge that week against the A Apex pex player. This is the only way to make more than one Challenge in a given week. In the event that one player has issued a Challenge to a superior Ladder player, and has been issued a Challenge by an inferior Ladder player, the higher ranked Challenge should be resolved first. For example A is at the Apex, B is at level 2, and C is at level 3. B Challenges A on Monday. Before A can respond, C Challenges B. The A/B Challenge game must be played before the lower level game. If the higher level Challenger loses his Challenge game, then the lower level Challenge proceeds. If the higher level Challenger wins, and switches places with the higher level Challenged player, then the lower level Challenger may choose to revoke the Challenge. For example, B defeats A, thus A moves down to level 2. C decides that he doesn't doesn' want to have his Challenge apply to A, and so revokes his Challenge, leaving him free to Challenge another eligible player. Additionally, the lower-level level Challenger may revoke his Challenge if it appears that the higher level Challenge game will not take place in a timely fashion, and is free to Challenge another eligible player. For example, A and B schedule their Challenge game for Thursday. C realizes that he can only play on Wednesday, and so revokes his Challenge.

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Summer 2009 – War of the Ring Escalation League

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A#5,#x26Yw1#j jYYz^= A#5,#xxw%)1#jY A#5,#x3 37z#1#jHz^= X#w6HktH0§%z7q%)1jY 1.5 - Cost The cost for the League ue is $15, which is payable by the he end of Week 1. All entry fee fees will be applied to the final prize pool (see 4.0).

1.6 - League Organizers Anthony Pigati and Sean Ramirez will be the League Organizers ("Organizers"). The Organizers will be playing in the League, but are ineligible to win any prizes. During game play the Organizers will work out any rules issues in a fair and equitable manner as if they were non-Organizers. Organizers. However, they reserve the right to make an official League ruling contrary to the in-game game decision, which is then binding in all future games (see 1.2). Any decision of theirs is final. The Organizers can be reached by email or Adeptus Arizona Private Message: Anthony: Email: [email protected] Adeptus Arizona: Inhir Sean: Email: [email protected] Adeptus Arizona: dvdhwk

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Summer 2009 – War of the Ring Escalation League

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A#5,#x26Yw1#j jYYz^= A#5,#xxw%)1#jY A#5,#x3 37z#1#jHz^= X#w6HktH0§%z7q%)1jY 2.0 - Scoring Throughout the course of the League, players will earn League Points for winning battles, painting their army and achieving certain objectives.

2.1 - Battle LPs At the end of the game, players will receive a number of Battle LPs based on how they performed (See See the "Margins of Victory" Section (2.3), below, for further details): details) • Major Win - 10 LPs • Minor Loss - 3 LPs • Minor Win - 7 LPs • Major Loss - 1 LPs • Draw - 5 LPs 2.2 - Bonus LPs below Players may also earn Bonus LPs for the following,, which are further defined below: • League Bounties • Painting Bonuses • Army Bounties • Special Bonuses • Ladder Bonuses League Bounties At the beginning of every week, the Organizers will announce a league bounty. It will be a specific task to be performed. If it is completed, the player will earn a variable number of LPs (once per week). Army Bounties Thiss will be similar to League Bounties, but will be specific to a particular army. Painting Bonuses If at the end of the league week, your entire army is fully painted (minimum 3 colors, based, trays completed) up to that week's points level: 5 LPs Special Bonuses Throughout the league there may be special events such as Mega Battles. Any points awarded through these events will be given in this category.

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Ladder Bonuses • If you Challenge a Ladder L superior and win: 10 LPs •

If you are Challenged by a Ladder inferior and win: 3 LPs

If you play someone who is X levels above you, you earn X LPs. This bonus us does not apply to Challenges

If you move up a Ladder level by defeating someone in a Challenge, and remain at that level until u the end of the week: 3 LPs

In a week, if you are at the Apex, and are challenged at least once while at the Apex, and remain at the Apex until ntil the end of the week: 5 LPs

Summer 2009 – War of the Ring Escalation League

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A#5,#x26Yw1#j jYYz^= A#5,#xxw%)1#jY A#5,#x3 37z#1#jHz^= X#w6HktH0§%z7q%)1jY 2.2 - Margins of Victory Every scenario will be slightly different in terms of the breakdown of the "Margin of Victory." 2.2.1 – Rulebook Scenarios The Margins of Victory for the three Rulebook Scenarios are listed below: Seize the Prize! • Major: You have at least three times as many VP's as your opponent OR you have any number of VP's and your opponent has none • Minor: You have at least two more VP's than your opponent • Draw: Any other result than those listed above The Field of Swords • Major: You have at twice as many VP's as you yourr opponent OR you have any number of VP's and your opponent has none • Minor: You have more VP's than your opponent • Draw: You have as many VP's as your opponent The High Ground • Major: You have captured the objective marker, and it has not been contested by any other unit type • Minor: You have captured the objective marker, but it is contested by any other unit type • Draw: Neither player has captured the objective

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Summer 2009 – War of the Ring Escalation League

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A#5,#x26Yw1#j jYYz^= A#5,#xxw%)1#jY A#5,#x3 37z#1#jHz^= X#w6HktH0§%z7q%)1jY 2.2.2 – Mixed Rulebook Scenarios From time to time, the Rulebook objectives will be mixed. For these mixed Scenarios, cenarios, use the following Margins of Victory: Seize the Prize! / The Field of Swords • Major: You have earned more VP's than your opponent from the Seize the Prize! objectives AND you have earned more VP's than your opponent from the Field Fiel of Swords objectives • Minor: You have earned more VP's than your opponent from the Field of Swords objectives but NOT more than your opponent from the Seize the Prize! objectives • Draw: Any other result than those listed above Seize the Prize / The High Ground • Major: You have at least three times as many VP's as your opponent OR you have any number of VP's and your opponent has none • Minor: You have at least 3 more VP's than your opponent • Draw: Any other result than those listed above The Field of Swords / The High Ground • Major: You have earned more VP's than your opponent from The High Ground objective AND you have earned more VP's than your opponent from the Field of Swords objectives • Minor: You have earned more VP's than your opponent from the Field of Swords objectives but NOT more than your opponent from The High Ground objective • Draw: Any other result than those listed above Seize the Prize! / The Field of Swords / The High Ground • Major: You have at least three times as many VP's as your opponent OR you have any number of VP's and your opponent has none • Minor: You have at least 5 more VP's than your opponent • Draw: Any other result than those listed above

2.2.3 – Special Scenarios Any other special Scenarios will have their own Margin of Victory indicated icated in the Scenarios.

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Summer 2009 – War of the Ring Escalation League

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A#5,#x26Yw1#j jYYz^= A#5,#xxw%)1#jY A#5,#x3 37z#1#jHz^= X#w6HktH0§%z7q%)1jY 3.0 - Schedule The League will begin on Friday, may 29th at 7 PM and end July 17th at 5 PM. • • • • • •

Week 1 (750 Points): May 29 - June 5 Week 2 (1000 Points): June 5 - June 12 Week 3 (1250 Points): June 12 - June 19 Week 4 (1500 Points):June 19 - June 26 Week 5 (1750 Points): June 26 - July 3 Week 6 (2000 Points): July 3 - July 17

On the Saturdays of Weeks 3 and 5, Mega Battles are tentatively scheduled. More details will follow.

4.0 - Results and Awards There will be three awards: • Overall League Winner - The player with the most combined League Points (tie breaker: Battle LPs) • League Best General - The player with highest Battle LP ratio (tie breaker: Total LPs) • Best Painted - The player with the most votes for best painted by league players (tie breakers: most Painting Bonus Points, then Total LPs) Notes on Best General: The ratio will be determined by dividing the total number of Battle LPs earned (this does not include any Bonus LPs) by the number of games played multiplied multiplie by 10 (the maximum potential Battle LPs). For example, a player has earned 73 Battle LPs and has played in 14 total League games. Thus, his ratio is .52 or 73 ÷ (14 x 10). Additionally, there is the requirement that a player must have played at least 2 ggames ames per week in order to be eligible for Best General. For this purpose, a player may have one week that doesn't count in the event of sickness, vacation, real life, etc. Note on Best Painted: In the last week of the league players will vote on their favorite vorite army. They may base their choice on viewings of armies they've seen throughout the League. However, we encourage players to post pictures on Adeptus Arizona under a thread that the Organizers will create, so that all players have an equal chance to see all fully completed armies. Final note on Awards: The Organizers will not be eligible for any awards. Prizes will be determined by the overall pool of League fees.

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Summer 2009 – War of the Ring Escalation League

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