World In Brief 3 September 2009

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WORLD IN BRIEF – 3 September 2009 Call for Abstracts and Posters Shaping the future – the regulation of health professionals The World Health Professions Alliance is a federation of global organisations representing the world’s nurses, physicians, pharmacists and dentists addressing global health issues, including the RCN’s alliance the International Council of Nurses. They represent more than 23 million health care professionals worldwide and it aims to facilitate collaboration between key health professionals and major international stakeholders such as Governments, policy-makers and the World Health Organization. The WHPA is holding its second conference on 18-19 February 2010 in Geneva with the theme on Shaping the Future - the Regulation of Health Professionals and has issued a call for abstracts and posters on one or more of three specific issues that are: • • •

Future for health professional regulation International migration of health professionals Relationship between education, regulation and standards of practice

The deadline for submitting abstracts is 1 November 2009; submissions must be in English and not exceed 1700 characters. More information including contact details for queries is available on a specific area of WHPA’s website.

Employment and Social Affairs Social Affairs – RCN lobbies UK Government to finance a UN Women’s Agency Last week, the RCN wrote to the Rt. Hon. Douglas Alexander, MP in his role as Secretary of State for International Development ahead of his attendance at the UN 64th General Assembly later this month urging him to pledge long-term, sustainable financing by the UK for a UN Women’s Agency that will improve the lives of women and girls worldwide. The co-Chairs of the UN General Assembly are currently drafting a resolution on the overall system-wide coherence process that includes gender equality reform and UN member states, including the UK, officially start its negotiations on this draft this month. In July this year the RCN signed up to the global Gender Equality Architecture Reform campaign whose European working group wrote to all EU foreign affairs ministers about

its research on funding a UN Women’s Agency together with its position paper, estimating the agency will need an initial budget of US$1 billion with annual increases. The RCN will continue to monitor the progress of these talks.

Events Working overseas: changing lives – are you ready for the challenge? The RCN is holding an event on 25 September in London alongside the Royal College of Midwives, Voluntary Service Overseas and Médecins Sans Frontières enabling registered practitioners and students to learn about providing health care in developing countries. Delegates will gain knowledge and understanding of the role of major non-Government organisations and charities in mobilising health care provision; find out about health care workers’ experiences during emergencies such as conflict, floods, or earthquakes; network with providers of health care overseas as well as discuss future career plans or intentions to work overseas. More information including a programme and a booking form is available through a specific area of the RCN's website.

Health Services Achieving a sustainable nursing and midwifery workforce for the future The RCN’s alliance, the Commonwealth Nurses Federation, recently issued a report highlighting presentations and regional recommendations from their 19th biennial meeting and workshop held in June 2009, hosted by the Nurses Association of Botswana. The presentations covered a range of initiatives and perspectives from both developed and developing countries within the overarching theme of achieving a sustainable nursing and midwifery workforce for the future. They cover achieving potential for national nursing associations by New Zealand; achieving outcomes for nurses in Malaysia; achieving political outcomes by Australia; migration of nurses in Botswana – brain drain or brain gain; the Wellness Centre for health workers in Uganda and a young nurse’s perspective from Cameroon. The recommendations developed by CNF’s regional groupings (such as West Africa, Europe or Pacific) will form part of that region’s action plan over the next two years. The three recommendations for Europe are: • • •

Sharing of expertise and material with other regions Alerting other CNF members of draft EU policies that may impact on them Providing provide practical support on organisational issues

The CNF’s Biennial 2009 report, together with all the presentations in full, is available on their website.

Research Revealing the link on how stress influences bad decision-making A joint research project between Portugal and the US has revealed the link behind stress and bad decision-making. Their findings show that chronic stress freezes us into an automatic response mode, preventing people from considering potentially more suitable and beneficial responses. According to the team, in order to make appropriate decisions, the ability to alternate between behavioural strategies is necessary. Their study showed that chronic stress biases these strategies, favouring automatic and habitual decisionmaking over choices based on future consequences. These results may prove useful in related studies, such as in understanding why addictive and compulsive behaviour is often prevalent in stress-related disorders. They may also lead to new ways of dealing with the condition, particularly for people who need to make critical decisions under constant stress.

Diary 2009 1 July to 31 December

Swedish Presidency of the European Union Website for the Swedish Presidency in English

2 to 3 September

European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs in Brussels Draft Agenda

2 to 3 September

European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education in Brussels Draft Agenda

10 to 11 September

Global Health Security Initiative: Special Ministerial Meeting on Pandemic H1H1 2009 hosted by the European Commission in Brussels More information

14 September

Informal meeting of the Social Protection Committee in Stockholm, as part of the Swedish Presidency of the EU More information

14 to 17 September

European Parliament plenary session in Strasbourg Draft Agenda

15 to 30 September

UN 64th General Assembly opening ceremony (on 15 September) and subsequent general debate (on 23 to 26 September and 28-30 September) in New York More information

15 to 16 September

Expert conference on healthy and dignified ageing in Solna, as part of the Swedish Presidency of the EU More information

17 September

Expert conference on innovative incentives for effective antibacterials in Stockholm, as part of the Swedish Presidency of the EU More information

Next Edition: Thursday 17 September 2009 For further information contact: Gabrielle Levy,RCN European and International Information Assistant Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7647 3929 James Bridge, RCN EU/International Adviser Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7647 3595

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