World In Brief 17 September 2009

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WORLD IN BRIEF – 17 September 2009 Employment and Social Affairs Employment – nursing and midwifery policy statement to the WHO 59th session The World Health Organization European region held its 59th session this week where one of the issues for discussion was health workforce policy, including a draft global practice for international recruitment of health personnel. The WHO’s European Forum for National Nursing and Midwifery Associations, of whom the RCN is a member, issued a statement underlining its support to Governments seeking to obtain sustainable workforce policies as part of the debate on health workforce policies. This statement highlights the concerns that nurses and midwives regarding internationally recruited nurses that are: • • •

A migrating well-trained health workforce impacts on the provision of accessible and equitable health services from the originating counties Ensuring that migrating health workers receive their legal rights and employment conditions in the countries to which they migrate Work internationally for educational practices that guarantee skilled health professional wherever needed.

The EFNNMA declared it is seeking to create alliances with international organisations at Government and non-Government level as well as with academic and research institutions, to share information related to the international code of recruitment. In 2008, the RCN responded to a WHO public consultation on the international code of practice of health personnel. In line with WHO policy, they have published summaries of over eighty submissions it received including the RCN's response. The RCN will continue to monitor this draft code for its impact on health and nursing. United Nations adopts resolution creating a new UN Women’s Agency This week the United Nations agreed a resolution creating a new UN gender equality entity, merging four existing UN women’s entities headed by a new role of Under Secretary-General and it is a visible sign of global will towards strengthening women’s empowerment.

The RCN signed up to the global Gender Equality Architecture Reform campaign this summer whose European working group wrote to all EU foreign affairs ministers and relevant European Commissioners about its research on funding a UN Women’s Agency together with its position paper, estimating the agency will need an initial budget of US$1 billion with annual increases. The resolution adopted this week does not include concrete actions to make it operational; the RCN’s alliance, the International Council of Nurses, issued a statement this week urging the UN to move swiftly in appointing a qualified UnderSecretary General and to rapidly initiate all processes so that this agency starts functioning in 2009. ICN paid tribute to the extraordinary contribution of civil society, individual nurses and nurses’ organisations at country, regional and international level over the past three years of work towards this point. Call to world leaders to provide free health care in developing countries A report issued this month from Oxfam GB, Your Money or Your Life, details the human consequences in the failure to provide free health care in poorer countries, causing millions to pay with their lives, face abuse and imprisonment in clinics or descend into poverty. Sixty-two organisations are supporting this report, including the RCN’s alliances, the Commonwealth Nurses Association and the European Public Health Alliance. They are calling for world leaders to commit to a proposal scheduled for discussion at a high-level event on health taking place at the UN’s 64th General Assembly on 23 September. This proposal will provide either free health care for women and children or will expand free health services to all in seven countries that are Burundi, Ghana, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal and Sierra Leone.

Public Health New network to combat non-communicable diseases in the developing world Non-communicable diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, cancers, diabetes, respiratory diseases and common injuries account for the vast majority of all global deaths. These diseases and common injuries particularly affect low and middleincome countries but are not priorities in the global development agenda. Consequently, donors and international organisations are not pledging support to help developing countries address these health issues. Earlier this year, the World Health Organization announced the launch of a network of leading organisations and experts from around the world to help scale up action to combat non-communicable diseases, strengthen global partnerships and help Governments plan and implement measures to reduce the burden caused by these health issues. The new Global Non-Communicable Disease Network (NCDnet) aims to unite currently fragmented efforts by bringing the cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes and respiratory communities together with tobacco control, healthy diets and physical activity advocates. They will lobby to raise the low-level priority currently accorded to non-communicable diseases in development work at global and national levels.

Diary 2009 1 July to 31 December

Swedish Presidency of the European Union Website for the Swedish Presidency in English

15 to 30 September

UN 64th General Assembly opening ceremony (on 15 September) and subsequent general debate (on 23 to 26 September and 28-30 September) in New York More information

21 to 22 September

Global expert meeting on alcohol, health and social development in Stockholm as part of the Swedish Presidency of the EU More information

23 to 24 September

Informal meeting of EU Education Ministers in Göteburg, Sweden as part of the Swedish Presidency of the EU

29 to 30 September

European Parliament Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in Brussels Draft Agenda

29 to 30 September

Promotion of mental health and well-being of children and young people in Stockholm as part of the Swedish Presidency of the EU More information

30 September

European Parliament Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety in Brussels Draft Agenda

30 September to 2 October

Conference on patient safety for EU Chief Dental Officers, Chief Medical Officers and Chief Nursing Officers in Stockholm as part of the Swedish Presidency of the EU More information

Next Edition: Thursday 8 October 2009 For further information contact: Gabrielle Levy RCN European and International Information Assistant Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7647 3929 James Bridge RCN EU/International Adviser Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7647 3595

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