World History Classroom Expectations 09-10 Jsd

  • June 2020
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World History Course Description and Policies Ms. Durdel Room 114 Welcome to MHS! I am happy to be sharing this time with you. During this school year I hope you will be challenged to think, investigate, question, and explore. I am here to help you succeed. If you do your work, seek extra help when needed, and participate in class you will be successful!!! Contact: I will be available most days in room 114 before and after school. If you want to stay after please let me know ahead of time. Feel free to contact me outside of school hours through email. I will do my best to respond as soon as possible. Ms. Durdel Room 114 Phone: main office: (508) 359-4367 Email: [email protected] Materials You will need the following items: • Three ring binder (minimum 1 ½” wide ) • Loose-leaf paper (to place in binder for note-taking) • A set of 5 dividers o Notes o Handouts o Homework o Tests/ Quizzes o Projects/ Essays • Blue or black pen/ pencils • Highlighters Grading Policy You will be assessed in a variety of ways including (but not limited to): tests, quizzes, homework, individual and group projects, essays, class participation etc. Work is graded on a point system. Therefore, you are expected to keep track of your average in this class. Taking responsibility and keeping track of your own grades is the best way to be aware of progress. Here is an example of how one unit might look… Homework - You will have work due almost everyday in class (Unless otherwise stated, homework will be given a grade of 0 – 3 based on its completeness, accuracy, and effort. (See Homework Policy and Written Work Format). Note: I do not accept late work. Quizzes – On average there will be 1-2 each unit and worth 25 – 50 points.

Tests – On average there will be 1 test each unit and worth 100 +/- points. Projects – On average there will be 1 each unit and worth 50 – 100 points. Essays - On average there will be 1 each unit and worth 50 – 100 points. Participation – This will be graded based on attendance, discussions, behavior, as well as teacher evaluation. Participation will be graded at the end of each semester and will be out of 30 points. *These point scales are subject to change Classroom Procedures Backpacks The first thing you need to do each day when you enter the classroom is put your backpack/ bag directly against the front wall under the dry-erase board. Before you go to your seat be sure to take your history binder, pen/ pencil/ highlighter, and agenda with you. Bell Ringers Most days, when you walk into class, there will be a short assignment on the board. Begin working on the assignment in your seat. The assignment should be done in the “Notes” section of your 3-ring binder and should be clearly labeled with the date. On any day, you may have a quiz asking for the answers to previous Bell Ringers. If you are absent you are still responsible for answering the Bell Ringer. Student Files: I expect you to keep all notes, handouts and graded material in your binder until each unit test. After each unit the class will place material from their binders into their files. This allows us to start each new unit with a fresh binder. Edline: Edline will be used extensively in this class. I will often post non – textbook assignments, websites, and articles to Edline for you to access. Most importantly, all PowerPoint notes will be posted to Edline before unit tests for you to review. This does not excuse you from taking your own notes in class! Anything you are asked to print from Edline is to be printed at home or in the LMC, not in my classroom. There is no excuse for not having something printed out on your own time. If you do not have access to a printer at home the LMC is open before and after school for your convenient use. Absence: If you are absent it is your responsibility to see me when you return. Material used in the missed class will be placed in the class file bin (on the front table). Work due on the date missed is due when you return. You will be given two days to complete work assigned on the day you were absent.

Class Rules: 1. Be nice. 2. Do not talk while someone else is talking. 3. Take responsibility for your own actions and decisions. 4. Advocate for yourself. 5. Clean up after yourself. 6. No IPods, cell phones, or food – I will take them/ throw it away. Golden Rule: Respect. Who: Each other, the classroom, the teacher, and most importantly, yourself. When: All the time. Where: Everywhere, of course. How: Follow instructions, participate, be motivated, positive and kind. Most important … Genuine Effort. Consequences: Consequences are used for any disruptive or disrespectful behavior in class. You are old enough to know how to act. •

1st offense – Warning

2nd offense – Personal conference with Miss Durdel (detention)

3rd offense – Parent Phone Call •

4th offense – Administrative/Parent Conference

I believe you will be challenged by much of the material and work in this class. Do not take homework or studying for tests and quizzes lightly. There is a great deal of reading and writing required.

I have read this document and understand the policies and procedures of Ms. Durdel’s class. ____________________________________ Student Name

____________________________________ Student Signature and Date

____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name

____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature and Date


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