World Gazetteer

  • July 2020
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World Gazetteer

Leadership: Duke Yuthelmag the Hobbled rules by right of his seniority in an unbroken dynasty of city lords dating back to the original migration.

and eagerly clasp new arrivals from Seshnela to their collective bosom. Imperial officials cluster here, as the city is the current Arch-Ducal seat.

Reasons to come here: Irenstos is a centre of trade for the entire island and houses a substantial Pamaltelan population.

Leadership: Arch-Duke Norlantos.

Jalanswal The arch-conservative citizens of Jalanswal take overweening pride in the ancient, royal Seshnegi blood flowing through their veins. They cling to Seshnegi ways


Reasons to come here: To do business with imperial officials.

New Frowal New Frowal clings to its status as the first Seshnegisettled city, despite its eclipse in wealth, knowledge and

Svalwal, The Shattered City Destroyed in a 665 tidal wave sent by the Waertagi, the city of Svalwal remains a swamped and shattered ruin. Hostile marine spirits roam its sunken, canal-like streets, preventing attempts at resettlement. Adventurers report a high concentration of runes here, particularly Water runes.

World Gazetteer

Shenilstos This Slontan city maintains an old rivalry with Irenstos over trading territory. Where the Irensti sought to assimilate with the Jrusteli, the Shenilstosites stuck to their barbarian faith. Their dedication lasted until the miracle of the Abiding Book, at which point they converted in great numbers. Imbued with the unique fervour of fresh converts, they formed the core of the Rightness Army. The Order of the New Iron Staff headquarters here, wielding the Malkioni magic of smiting and retribution. Leadership: The implacable Duke Sableros commands an elite unit of the Rightness Army. Reasons to come here: Dealings with the Rightness Crusade invariably lead to Shenilstos.

and more colourful than anywhere else in the world. No blue is deeper than that of its fragrant summer skies. Ill weather scarcely troubles its shores. The Imperial Palace sits on a hillside overlooking the city, folding out in two sections resembling the Abiding Book. Other cities of nearly equivalent splendour include: D Arkwal, a city of warriors. Built around a black fortress established by Arkat during his war of liberation against Gbaji, it served as a capital during the Stygian dominance of Seshnela. Ruined during the Jrusteli liberation, it has been reconstructed as a garrison town. Mercenaries flock here seeking places in the Empire’s various foreign legions. It tolerates a high degree of disorder from high-spirited troublemakers and serves as a gathering place for war bands in need of fresh blood. D Damolsten, named for its founder, a First Age hero. Its most famous landmark is the Hanging Tower, which descends from above instead of ascending from the ground (Brithini sneer that it is but a pale imitation of the original, found in their capital city). Indentured Mostali, their wills sapped by the Unbendable Staff of Damolstan, toil on behalf of wealthy Seshnegi masters. D Estan, a university town reinvigorated by the God Learners. The last few years it has been plagued by intermittent rains of squid and octopi, surely the result of an experiment gone wrong.

Sesh n e la Seshnela is the heart of the God Learner Empire. It stood as a beacon of civilisation even during the Darkness. It flowered early in the First Age, only to be subjugated by Arkat’s Stygian Empire in the era’s fading years. Refugees from Seshnela founded the fabulous cities of Jrusteli, liberating their homeland from the Stygians many generations later. Since then Seshnela rapidly entered a golden age, leading an Empire dedicated to trade, conquest and sorcerous inquiry. Its capital, Frowal, sends soaring spires of bizarre God Learner architecture high into its sky. Its sunsets are brighter


Emperor Ilotos’ Palace, Seshnela

World Gazetteer

D Genertsket, the wealthiest port of Seshnela, which makes it extraordinarily rich. Its courtiers advocate a program of peace and prosperity, opposing the excesses of God Learners and Rightness Army alike. They are in political decline now, having lost the Emperor’s goodwill by trying to counsel him against the Ducal Wars. D Hrestolket, a vibrant settlement celebrating free thinking and sorcerous innovation. Castigated by conservatives as Heresy City, its cathedral contains many relics of its namesake, the Great Prophet Hrestol. D Laurmal, a settlement dedicated to trade and craftsmanship. Its Ironworkers Guild has mastered the art of working that difficult metal, making weapons and implements in demand throughout the world. Despite their brother’s mistreatment in the city of Damolsten, Mostali come here to trade with the Seshnegi. Delegations from both cities clash at the imperial court over relations with the dwarfs.

D Neleswal, a thriving port. Its Duke, Nelos V, encourages cultural expression, attracting the world’s best actors and dancers to perform at lavish masques held at his estates. Pilgrims flock to Neleswal’s imposing cathedral, where ornate reliquaries display the bones of the city’s founders. D Orphalsket, a port on the mouth of the Irier River. It boasts three marketplaces, the most fabulous of which, the Banquet of the Gods, is accessible only by dispensation of the Emperor. There the dukes and nobles of Seshnela stroll from booth to booth, dining on incredible magical foodstuffs. Some are merely augmented by culinary Sorcery but others are the spoils of Other Side raids or made with recipes liberated from various heathen hearth gods. D Pasos, a south coast seaport. Its religious orders are known for their austerity and resistance to the primacy of the God Learner sorcerers. The Duke of Pasos, an impatient man named Ilondin, must forever mollify its popular religious leaders. The most


World Gazetteer

One large yellow eye sits atop a gasping, snaggletoothed mouth, both planted in the middle of the creature’s torso. Armed with gigantic composite bows, they hunt the spirit creature known as the mountain mammoth.

Rathorela The Rathori Bear People, a nomadic hsunchen tribe, prowl this coniferous forest under the protection of their Great Spirit, the White Bear. It allows them to remain active even when the winter sends other animals to slumber underground. Their other gift, a longbow that can shoot an arrow through the trunk of a thick tree, comes from their aldryami allies from the land of Erigia. The elfs climb under the earth into protective seed pods when winter envelops the land. Reasons to come here: When the snow hides their food supply, the Rathori take prisoners from Charg and the Janube to exchange for cows and pigs. The locals hire adventurers to drive them off.

Tastalor This tundra zone is sparsely inhabited and then only by hsunchen. The Uncoling reindeer people drive their


Rathori Bear Shaman

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