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Districts/Technology Planning/Technology Planning Guidance Online/Tech Plan Sections & the School Board Letter/Worksheets/Vision Statement/CONTENT Worksheet — Vision Statement Vision Statement 

Students today enjoy the connectedness of social networking; it is part of their very being. Our goal is to bring instruction into that cloud as an educational network to teach the content required in ways that inspire online responsibility and ethics in this new, very connected world so that students develop the collaborative, participatory, communicative skills required in their futures.

We live in a rapidly developing and changing technological age. Technology allows us to create, communicate, and collaborate 24/7 in highly personalized ways. To optimize the ability for all students to achieve, we envision each technology filled classroom as a hub of student-centered and project-based learning whereby students actively engage and take responsible roles in their own learning. Under the guidance of technologically proficient teachers cognizant of both content and technological standards, students will think, create, conduct inquiries, solve problems and communicate in individual, collaborative and interdisciplinary settings to express evidence of conceptual understanding. In such classrooms, technology allows differentiation in instruction and personal reflection; students and staff will actively participate in professional and personal learning networks, connecting the classrooms to the community through the interactive nature of today’s web technology. Students learn responsible and ethical participation in this connected world. Infusing technology standards into the curriculum in engaging, collaborative projects will promote cultural sharing and global access while improving communication, enhancing thinking skills, making instruction more efficient and effective, and developing life skills critical to success in our widely wired world. Technology provides meaningful assessment data that informs instruction and allows students to develop higher order thinking and to demonstrate conceptual understanding. Through ongoing professional development in the application of technology, teachers will continue to develop a repertoire of strategies and processes to bring the world of 24/7 personal access into a learning network of acceptable and responsible use in each classroom to develop life-long learners and participating citizens. Therefore, Nespelem School District’s Technology Plan demonstrates a commitment increasing technology in each classroom and to providing ongoing and continuous training to all of its teachers and students in the use of and integration of technology as tools for teaching and learning in all subject areas.

Districts/Technology Planning/Technology Planning Guidance Online/Tech Plan Sections & the School Board Letter/Worksheets/Technology Goals/CONTENT Worksheet — Technology Goals Technology Goals All districts complete this section of the district tech plan. Develop three goal statements that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time specific: 

Technology Literacy of 8th-Grade Students

Technology Integration Skills of Teachers

Technological Proficiencies of Administrators, Teachers & Teacher-Librarians

Strategy A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a specific goal. Rationale High-level justification for your strategy. Use research, historical data, district-level experience and outcomes. Evaluation Procedure What summative evidence will you produce to show that this strategy has made a difference in student outcomes? Activities & Tasks What activities must occur and what tasks must your staff undertake to complete this strategy?

Professional Development How will staff acquire the necessary skills to carry out the activity?

Monitoring Effectiveness What formative evidence will you gather to show that this activity can make a difference in student outcomes?

Who Is Responsible Who will lead the activity? Who will do the work?

Timeline When will you complete this activity?

Resources What assets and resources can you call on now and what resources will you need to complete the activity?

Cost & Funding Source How much will this activity or task cost? Where will you source the money?

Districts/Technology Planning/Technology Planning Guidance Online/Tech Plan Sections & the School Board Letter/Worksheets/Building-Level Technology Plan/CONTENT Worksheet — Building-Level Technology Plan Building-Level Technology Plan (Optional Worksheet) Goals Develop goal statements that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time specific. Strategy A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a specific goal. Rationale High-level justification for your strategy. Use research, historical data, district-level experience and outcomes. Evaluation Procedure What summative evidence will you produce to show that this strategy has made a difference in student outcomes? Activities & Tasks What activities must occur and what tasks must your staff undertake to complete this strategy?

Professional Development How will staff acquire the necessary skills to carry out the activity?

Monitoring Effectiveness What formative evidence will you gather to show that this activity can make a difference in student outcomes?

Who Is Responsible Who will lead the activity? Who will do the work?

Timeline When will you complete this activity?

Resources What assets and resources can you call on now and what resources will you need to complete the activity?

Check one that matches the duration of your building’s SIP

_ One year only. We will update this form with the annual update of our SIP. _ Two years only. We will update this form with the update of our SIP in two years. _√ Three years. We do not need to update the SIP for the duration of the district technology plan.

Cost & Funding Source How much will this activity or task cost? Where will you source the money?

Districts/Technology Planning/Technology Planning Guidance Online/Tech Plan Sections & the School Board Letter/Worksheets/ Narrative, Technology Survey & CIPA Compliance/CONTENT Worksheet — Narrative, Technology survey & CIPA Compliance Technology Plan All districts complete this section of the district tech plan. Narrative Write a high-level overview that explains how your district is addressing the need to integrate technology into teaching and learning. Here is a best practice guideline:  Roll up the predicted numerical outcomes of the all the goals written at the building level. The big idea here is that a district-level tech plan presents the strategic course of action necessary to meet the teaching, learning and tech integration goals of every school. Use the optional template we provide from the SIP tool as a worksheet for goal development.

Technology Survey & CIPA Compliance

Annual Technology Survey

CIPA Compliance

District has completed the current technology

survey and will continue to complete the survey annually.

The district has completed the current Form 479 and will continue to complete a

Form 479 annually.

Districts/Technology Planning/Technology Planning Guidance Online/Tech Plan Sections & the School Board Letter/Worksheets/E-rate Priority One/CONTENT Worksheet — E-rate Priority One Network & Telecommunications Plan E-rate Priority One 

Phone service, data — Internet and intranet — K-20 network VC infrastructure, network capability and non-basic telecom services, such as Centrex.

Voice, Data & Video

Budget & Potential Funding Source(s) Full Summary

Digital transmission services, which include but are not limited to: Local phone service, long distance services, paging services and related components. Note: The district's Internet connection is provided by Washington's K-20 network, and for this, eRate is handled at the state level.

K-20 Service (moving to K-20 Fiber Optic). Local Phone service. Move toward fiber optic connection to provide adequate bandwidth

Short Summary

Purchase required: K-20 Service (moving to K-20 Fiber Optic). Purchase required: Local Phone service. Future purchase: Move toward fiber optic connection to provide adequate bandwidth

Purchase required:K-20 Service (moving to K-20 Fiber Optic). Budget: $2,500. Funding source: General Fund Purchase required: Local Phone service. Budget $50,000. Funding source: General Fund Future purchase: Move toward fiber optic connection to provide adequate bandwidth Budget: unknown, The North Central ESD and the K-20 Network are working on the cost. Funding source: unknown at this time

How will these services support your district’s learning goals?

These services will support our district's learning goals by allowing access to online resources, multimedia resources, online student assessments, and communication tools that will increase the number of students who are utilizing technology at a Tier 2 and Tier 3 level to improve their knowledge and skills. It will also support school/home communications between teachers and parents.

Districts/Technology Planning/Technology Planning Guidance Online/Tech Plan Sections & the School Board Letter/Worksheets/E-rate Priority Two/CONTENT Worksheet — E-rate Priority Two Network & Telecommunications Plan E-rate Priority Two 

Complete only if you plan to request Priority Two services.

Can include ethernet switches, wireless access points, servers, server software, UPS systems, routers, hubs and related maintenance, upgrade and tech support.

Internal Network — Hardware & Software

Budget & Potential Funding Source(s) Full Summary

Data Distribution 1. Replace existing core due to age of equipment. 2. Basic Maintenance for Internal connections; 3. Replace obsolete data network switches. —Replace all switches in MDF and IDF’s; 4. Add UPS (uninterruptible power supplies) to MDF and IDF’s 5. Provide managed wireless LAN services to entire building 6. Replace existing district firewall due to vendor upgrades 7. Manage rack and cables where needed; 8. Replace existing phone system with VoIP with integrated voicemail 9. Replace/Add network drops where needed.

Purchase required:6 48 port managed switches. Budget $6000.00. Funding source: General Fund Purchase required:5 Managed wireless access points. Budget $2000 . Funding source: General Fund Purchase required: Sonicwall 3060. Budget $3000. Funding source: General Fund Purchase required: Integrated phone system Budget $50,000. Funding source: General Fund

Short Summary

Purchase required: 6 48 port managed switches. Purchase required: 5 Managed wireless access points. Purchase required: Sonicwall 3060 Purchase required: Integrated phone system How will these services support your district’s learning goals?

Purchase required:6 48 port managed switches. Budget $6000.00. Funding source: General Fund Purchase required:5 Managed wireless access points. Budget $2000 . Funding source: General Fund Purchase required: Sonicwall 3060. Budget $3000. Funding source: General Fund Purchase required: Integrated phone system Budget $50,000. Funding source: General Fund

These services will maintain a reliable network that will support student and teacher access to the Internet and our network, giving them access to communication tools and online information outside the school walls in support of project-based and student-centered learning. By having access to these tools, our students, through well-designed standards-aligned projects, develop the habits of lifelong learners and seekers of information.

Districts/Technology Planning/Technology Planning Guidance Online/Tech Plan Sections & the School Board Letter/Worksheets/District Standards, Maintenance, Upgrade & Support/CONTENT Worksheet —Technology Assessment (Standards, Budget, Maintenance, Upgrade & Support) District Technology Standards & Budget 

All districts complete this section of the district tech plan.

Detail your districts technology standards – formal or informal.

Fill in budget details here or attach your budget spreadsheet.

District Standards for Technology

Nespelem School District has a Windows XP Pro operating system. Minimum standards for purchase as of this date: Dell Computer, Windows XP Pro, Pentium IV 3.0 GHz or higher, 1Gb RAM, 17 LCD monitor. HP LaserJet networkable printers.   Software used district-wide with main function noted: Sophos Antivirus Barracuda spam filter Sonicwall content filter Email client Microsoft Outlook 2003 Internet Browsers Internet Explorer and Firefox   Applications Assessment Tool NWEA Measures of Academic Progress Assessment Tool Scholastic Reading Inventory Assessment Tool Accelerated Reader Renaissance Learning, Inc. subscription - web based TransACT Parent Notification collections internet subscription service Desktop Publishing Microsoft Office 2003 Google Docs


Budget Summary: Repair or replace failed equipment as funding allows, including computers, printers, and projectors. Budget $20,000 per year. Funding source: Technology repair budget. Upgrade software as funding allows, including operating system and Microsoft Office. Budget $9,200 per year. Funding Source: General Fund. Maintain internet subscription services. Budget $9,000 annual fee Funding Source: General Fund. Maintenance budget, ESD contract: Budget $50,000 per year

Research e-Library and ProQuest; Diigo Presentation Microsoft Powerpoint 2003 Google Docs Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel 2003 Google Docs Word Processing Microsoft Word 2003 Google Docs Visual Thesaurus - subscription web service Keyboarding K - 3 Read, Write, Type Keyboarding 4 - 8 All The Right Type   School web page hosted for Nespelem School by Google Apps for Education, maintained by our Technology Coordinator with pages created by staff members for their respective departments.

Funding Source: General Fund.

Website Domain Name Cost Annual $128 Funding source: General Fund Postini Service: Varies—by per user

Maintenance, Upgrade & Support Strategies

Budget & Potential Funding Source(s)


Full Summary 

1. Maintenance for K-20 Network 2. Yearly maintenance contract for firewall, servers, and building switches/routers. 3. Upgrade PBX hardware and software and Voicemail system software as necessary to maintain adequate level of service (e.g. VoIP) and to extend the life of the system.

1. Purchase required: Annual maintenance Budget $50,000 Funding Source: General Fund

Summarize your maintenance, upgrade and support plan relative to the current 3-year cycle of district technology planning — 2010-2013.

service (e.g. VoIP) and to extend the life of the system. Short Summary 

Align your acquisition strategy with an adequate ratio of equipment to tech support FTEs.

How will these services support your district’s learning goals?

1. Purchase required: Annual maintenance Budget $50,000 Funding Source: General Fund

Purchase when and how frequently?

Annual maintenance

By maintaining a secure network environment, we are enabling our teachers to store and access student information which will encourage them to use data to drive their instructional decisions

Districts/Technology Planning/Technology Planning Guidance Online/Tech Plan Sections & the School Board Letter/Worksheets/Review & Update/CONTENT Worksheet — Technology Plan Review & Update Technology Plan Review & Update All districts complete this section of the district tech plan.

Strategies for Evaluation & Update

Person or Team Responsible Full Summary


Summarize an annual strategy for evaluation and modification:

Technology team will meet monthly

and review technology plan 

Identify the tools for this process —district- (Tech Team Surveys) and state-level (PILOT) surveys, assessments that capture technology integration (Staff Web Site documents tech CBA (classroom-based assessments)), literacy and proficiency data (PILOT), student test scores (MSP; NWEA MAP).

Explain how you will reconcile outcomes – better or worse results relative to the 2007-2010 plan. Outcomes will be analyzed by tracking teacher technology use in classrooms on a staff web site for collaboration

Describe how you will monitor the outcomes of your professional development activities and fine tune strategies if progress falls short. Outcomes will be analyzed by tracking teacher profession development reflections on technology use in classrooms on a staff web site for collaboration

Are district teachers using the state’s standards for educational technology? How are you assessing student progress?

Who leads your evaluation and revision work? Betty Brueske Who will do the work? Technology Team

High-level overview of your evaluation and modification process.

Short Summary List what you will review, evaluate and update: 

District-level goals for

Who leads your evaluation and revision work?

student tech literacy,

Who will do the work?

technology integration by teachers,

and the technological proficiencies of administrators, teachers and teacher-librarians.

Building-level technology-related goals.

List your evaluation and update process by activity and timeframe.

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