Working For Learners - Ulr Handbook

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 15,845
  • Pages: 89
Working for learners a handbook for unions and their union learning representatives



Learning and skills are key to an employee’s progression at work and better life chances. Arrangements and organisation at the workplace will determine whether union members access learning or not. Learning can also play an important part in strengthening union organisation and increasing membership. That is why unions are putting learning and skills high up their agenda. Over 18,000 union learning representatives (ULRs) are doing much to build a learning culture at work. They have the confidence of members, the recognition of employers and the support of unions. They have also had the training to carry out their many roles. They now have statutory recognition on the same basis as other union reps. In union recognised workplaces ULRs, like union representatives as a whole, have the right to paid time off to train and to carry out their role. A major reason for the TUC establishing unionlearn was to provide greater support to unions and their ULRs in carrying out their role. This handbook is one of the resources unionlearn has designed to help unions and their ULRs. It aims to help them over day-to-day issues. For more detailed information and advice log into the unionlearn website I wish you well in your role.

Liz Smith Director, unionlearn

Working for learners




This handbook has been published through the TUC’s unionlearn High Road project. The project is part of a community programme called Equal – a European Social Fund initiative which tests and promotes new means of combating all forms of discrimination and inequality in the labour market. The GB Equal Support Unit is managed by ECOTEC.

“We will increase workers' life chances and strengthen their voice at the workplace through high quality union learning.” Unionlearn mission statement



Working for learners






Jess Hurd/

Section 1




Learning and organising

Learning and organising <<

Opportunities and challenges People have different reasons for becoming a ULR. Many are already union representatives who are interested in the learning agenda and wish to promote the benefits amongst the membership and establish a partnership with their employer. Others are trade union members who have come back into learning themselves and want to promote its value to their colleagues. Two thirds of ULRs hold another union post. This might be a shop steward, branch officer, health and safety rep or equality rep. Whatever the reason for taking on the role, the vast majority of ULRs have found it both challenging and rewarding. “Fifty unions are now engaged in what I believe is the biggest transformation since the growth of the shop steward movement, a total of 18,000 trades union learning representatives in workplaces all round the country. Today your learning representatives are working in 700 separate workplaces, and they are helping 100,000 of our fellow colleagues at work” Gordon Brown, Prime Minister TUC Congress 2007

Equality and diversity There is a huge gap between the educational haves and havenots. The TUC and its unions seek to bridge the gap and provide opportunities for those who have had least, especially those who need to improve their Skills for Life (i.e. literacy, numeracy and English language). ULRs can do much to help promote and deliver fairer learning opportunities at the workplace. Some groups of workers have extra difficulty accessing learning through work – part-time, shift workers, home workers and freelance workers for example. Others have jobs without a base or obvious focus for learning activity – construction workers and drivers, for example.

Working for learners



>> Learning and organising

Unionlearn targets for 2010 22,000 union learning representatives will have been trained and accredited. 250,000 learners annually to go through the union route. As women workers overall are still poorly paid compared with men, access to training – whether at basic or higher levels – can open doors for them. Similarly black and Asian workers are less likely to benefit from opportunities and gain promotion. Workers with disabilities are already disadvantaged in the workforce and difficulties associated with access to learning can make things worse. There are many workers for whom English is a second language.

Union learning reps recruited ULRs 000s ULRs,

ULRs now have many opportunities1: ❙ all ULRs in union recognised workplaces have a legal right to paid time off to train and to carry out their duties 1. Early results from a unionlearn commissioned survey carried out by Nottingham University Business School



Working for learners

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❙ half have formal learning agreements setting out their arrangements ❙ almost a half are in workplaces with a formal entitlement to paid time off for learning for the members they represent ❙ over eight in ten ULRs have done the TUC initial training course, the rest being trained by their unions ❙ eight out of ten have reasonable time off to undergo relevant ULR training ❙ almost three-quarters feel that they have sufficient training to carry out their role effectively ❙ more than two in five ULRs have a learning centre in their workplace ❙ almost three-quarters can access a phone or the internet, provided by their employer ❙ three-quarters of ULRs stated that union members were able to discuss individual learning needs with them in normal working time. There are however some challenges for unions and their ULRs to engage employers. ❙ Although 22 per cent of ULRs state that they spend over 5 hours a week during their paid working time on learning rep activities, almost half are granted little or no time. ❙ 45 per cent of ULRs stated that managers did not involve union representatives in decisions on training. ❙ Only just over a third of ULRs felt that managers valued their activities. ❙ Whereas 10 per cent of ULRs meet managers at least once a week to discuss training matters, 27 per cent had no contact during the last 12 months. ❙ Around a quarter of union members that ULRs represent were given no training by their employer. The purpose of this handbook is to offer some practical suggestions as to how these challenges can best be met.

Working for learners



>> Learning and organising

Recruiting and organising As well as increasing opportunities for individual members, union learning renews union activism and strengthens union voice. This in turn sustains learning activities. Thus there is a need for the role of ULRs to be fully recognised by unions and be part of their organisation at all levels; workplace, branch, regional and national. A recent survey commissioned by the TUC has shown that an increasing number of ULRs are part of union organisation at the workplace2. ❙ Many unions recognise the role of ULRs in their rulebooks. ❙ Some unions have created ‘learning organiser’ posts at regional and national levels. ❙ ULR training increasingly reflects recruitment and organising. ❙ The aim nationally of many unions is that ULRs should be fully incorporated into local branch and workplace structures, although often this is done informally.

Changing the union rules The Communication Workers Union at its conference has agreed new policy and rule changes to incorporate the role of ULRs fully into the branch and regional structure. “This recognises that ULRs are here to stay and gives them parity of esteem with other representatives. Union learning is an important part of the ‘CWU offer’ and is helping us to engage with literally thousands of our members and potential members every year in a really positive way”. Trish Lavelle, CWU Head of Education and Training The survey revealed that union learning officers recognise the importance of recruiting and organising workers around learning. But union organising officers needed to have firm evidence of the impact union learning has on organising and how it fits with the collective bargaining agenda. Unionlearn has 2. Results of a union survey undertaken for the TUC by the Working Lives Research Institute



Working for learners

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commissioned the Working Lives Research Institute to examine how unions are measuring the impact of learning on their organising strategies.

Teamwork at Tesco Teamwork is behind the huge success of learning and organising at the Tesco store in Longton, Stoke-on-Trent. USDAW membership has been boosted by almost 100 per cent – some 450 employees. ULRs spoke to over 2000 people as part of an analysis of learning needs across the store and in the process recruited a high number of members. “We have such a great team of mobilised and motivated representatives and the branch secretary helps to coordinate and support the activity of all representatives including ULRs. The learning agenda presents a positive view of trade unions to members and potential members and for that reason is an incredible recruitment tool.” Ed Leach, USDAW project worker

Profile of the union learning representative On the face of it, union learning reps might look no different from any other union activist. According to the TUC commissioned survey of ULRs, over half are men (58 per cent) and the average age is 48 years. But look a little deeper, and it becomes clear that the profile has been changing. The third of ULRs that have never held a union post before – ‘new activists’ – are more likely to be women and younger than those that have. These trends mean that the ULR profile is becoming diverse, more like the make up of the workforce as a whole. Seven out of ten ULRs work in the public sector. Over a half (58 per cent) of ULRs are located in workplaces of under 500.

Working for learners



>> Learning and organising

Most ULR workplaces are highly unionised. Over a half of ULRs work in workplaces with over 60 per cent union density – almost a third in those with over 80 per cent density. In about nine in ten of the workplaces, unions are recognised by the employer for collective bargaining purposes.

The Rolls-Royce of ULRs Patrick McIlvogue was TUC ULR of the Year in 2007. Patrick stresses that union teamwork is behind the success of learning at the Rolls-Royce Inchinnan plant near Glasgow. He is the Unite–Amicus section convenor as well as the ULR. Patrick chairs a weekly learning steering group, made up of union and employer representatives, which has developed a 12-month plan for delivering learning. Here are just a few of the outcomes: ❙ a range of learning opportunities including European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL), Spanish and pensions ❙ around a quarter of the 1,400 strong workforce has signed up for courses – all in the space of a year ❙ a learning survey which showed that 10 per cent of the 250 respondents wanted help with literacy and numeracy ❙ an agreement to provide four one-to-one, two-hour sessions to help signpost individuals to the best provider of such courses ❙ talks with the Open University to consider how employees can use their qualifications towards a degree. A lifelong learner himself, Patrick McIlvogue is completing his final year of a degree in trade union studies. His message to fellow ULRs is: “Learning is part of union business. Keep at it. Keep going. Learning reps hold the high moral ground. Who better can argue the importance of learning to the company and the individual?”



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Types of sectors where ULR members work

Types of jobs of members ULRs represent

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Working for learners




Mark Thompson

Section 2




Benefits of ULRs

Benefits of ULRs <<

According to the Workplace Employment Relations Survey3, employees are 15 per cent more likely to report receiving training at a workplace with ULRs, recognition and a representative structure that includes employee representatives. “I pay tribute to the work of the 18,000 union learning representatives. Someone’s best friend at work will often be the most likely person to convince them that they should have another go at training, and the union learning representatives have been a success.” John Denham, Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills

The employee case for ULRs in the workplace The introduction of ULRs gives employees contact with someone who: ❙ they know and who may have helped them in the past ❙ is completely independent, whose advice they can trust ❙ they know will treat everything they say in confidence ❙ can give advice in the familiar surroundings of the workplace ❙ can provide information about learning opportunities, available both inside and outside of the workplace ❙ is properly trained and informed, capable of representing their learning needs and interests with their employer ❙ is trained to work with providers of learning to shape the opportunities to meet the needs of workplace learners ❙ provides up-to-date information about learning and skills initiatives from Skills for Life to higher education. ULRs are already working with management to: ❙ enable learners to access impartial information and advice on their learning needs and options ❙ ensure that employees with literacy and numeracy needs receive the encouragement and support required to improve those skills ❙ help members access ESOL courses 3. Training, union recognition and collective bargaining: Findings from the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey. Stuart. M and Robinson. A. unionlearn research paper 4.

Working for learners



>> Benefits of ULRs

❙ encourage the older workforce to take up ICT courses ❙ provide support to employees who may be reluctant to take up new methods of learning such as that provided online ❙ access retraining for employees facing redeployment or redundancy ❙ help run learning centres at the workplace. Some employers are reluctant to give ULRs sufficient time off for their roles. Employers will incur costs in terms of providing paid time off for ULRs and unpaid time for employees to meet them. Nevertheless, employers are likely to see benefits in the form of increased productivity, lower staff turnover, increased job satisfaction and higher added value products and services as a result of a better trained workforce and improved industrial relations. The Government’s Regulatory Impact Assessment calculated that any short-term loss of productivity that results from time off is greatly outweighed by the added value to future productivity of employees upskilled as a result of ULRs’ advice and support.

Increasing productivity at VT Shipbuilding, Portsmouth During 2002, the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions (CSEU) formed a learning partnership with VTS, the local Learning and Skills Council and Eastleigh College. With the support of the Union Learning Fund, a workplace learning centre was established to offer numeracy, literacy and ICT courses. An adult training agreement was also signed with the unions to address expected skills shortages. Ten ULRs completed the initial TUC Learning Rep course and the additional Skills for Life module. They also completed an Information, Advice and Guidance course. A learning agreement was negotiated by the ULRs, which provided 50 per cent paid release for employees attending the learning centre. The senior ULR, who was also the union convenor,



Working for learners

Benefits of ULRs <<

ran the centre. The other ULRs supported union members studying there. One of the major objectives of the training was for team leaders to delegate more responsible tasks to leading and charge hands. This would give them better promotion opportunities, with the team leaders being able to concentrate on increasing productivity. An external evaluation revealed training costs of £109,000 but a saving of around £263,000, with a return on investment of 140 per cent. “Employees are eager to learn. Those who found it difficult to read or write are better able to communicate, having received their first formal qualification. The learning centre has become a very important part of our culture change programme for the future” Paul Lester, VTS Chief Executive Employer organisations have generally been supportive of the work of ULRs. “I’d like to pay tribute to those many union learning reps who do great work up and down the land in helping their colleagues to gain new skills and experiences”. Richard Lambert, CBI Director-General TUC Congress 2007 The benefits to organisations have also been recognised by the professional organisation representing HR and training managers – the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

The employer case for ULRs in the workplace ❙ ULRs can be important allies in promoting the value of learning and training. ❙ They are effective in generating ‘bottom up’ demand for learning. Although their primary role is promoting

Working for learners



>> Benefits of ULRs

❙ ❙ ❙

employees’ needs, this can include providing support for on-the-job learning and creating wider demand for workrelated training. ULRs have a significant role to play in engaging workers who might otherwise be reluctant to discuss their learning needs. ULRs are trained in their role and will have ongoing opportunities for related learning. They are an inexpensive source of advice for employers. ULRs will have the confidence of their membership and the union involvement will give added reassurance to employees. The union provides an additional source of communication and information about learning opportunities through its internal structures and communication channels. This may be particularly useful in reaching part-timers and shift workers. ULRs will encourage broader learning to meet employees’ needs (as opposed to the training they might normally receive that relates to their current job).

Source: Trade Union Learning Representatives: The Change Agenda. CIPD (2004)

ULRs are doing much to boost the image and strengthen the organisation of their union at the workplace. They can help widen union membership across the board and in underrepresented groups such as migrant workers.

Recruiting and training migrant workers in Southampton There are about 30,000 Polish people living in Southampton. That was the reason the GMB set up a migrant workers branch, most of whose members are Polish. The branch is very inclusive, with meetings open to non-union members of the Polish community. The GMB’s Migrant Project in the city has established a



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Benefits of ULRs <<

learning centre in a school building. It offers ESOL and online ICT courses which are put on as a result of an agreement between the union and Eastleigh College. The learning centre is very community based and opens its doors to workers’ families and friends. There are even facilities to care for children when their parents attend the centre for a learning assessment.

Learning and organising top tips Value learning Learning and organising are both important in their own right. If members feel that learning is simply being used as a recruitment tool, it will be less successful. Every workplace is different, and in planning your learning project remember to value learning for its own sake. Use the arguments on the value of learning; see page 32.

Plan for growth When planning your workplace learning project, remember to think about how you can maximise its potential to strengthen workplace organisation or attract new members. ❙ Identify sources of local or regional help, e.g. training. Contact your union or regional TUC for information, help and advice. ❙ As you think about learning needs, also think about the key challenges to union organisation in your workplace. How can your learning project or activity help you meet those challenges? ❙ Develop a learning plan or strategy that reflects what members want, not just what management wants. ❙ On multi-union sites, aim to have an agreed learning strategy with other unions. Make your learning initiatives sustainable – this will mean new members are more likely to stay in the union.

Map your membership When developing your workplace learning project you will need to find out the specific learning needs and issues of your members or

Working for learners



>> Benefits of ULRs

potential members. Consider doing a learning needs survey. Think about the particular needs of new groups or members such as young, women, graduate, ethnic minority, contract, agency, shift or casual workers. Mapping these needs and issues – which will vary within and between workplaces – will give you a better understanding of the issues that really matter to your members. This process will raise the profile of your union. Use your mapping exercise to identify areas of strength and weakness for union organisation in your workplace. Where are your members/non-members? Are men more likely to join the union than women (or vice versa)? Are some departments or sections better organised than others, and if so why?

Mainstream learning Union learning reps can help ensure workplace learning is both union-led and sustainable – and they can also make a massive difference to union organisation in a workplace. Maximise the impact of ULRs by thinking about how best they can work alongside existing reps and stewards, get involved in and support existing workplace or branch structures, and contribute to the wider work of the union. Encourage other union reps to take the Organising and Learning course which is designed for reps who are not ULRs.

Organising and Learning: three-day course This course will help reps: ❙ understand the relationship between organising and learning ❙ understand trade union functions in relation to organising and learning ❙ recognise the challenges and opportunities of organising and learning ❙ understand the union approach to building links between organising and learning ❙ develop an action plan ❙ support the union in their organising strategies.



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Benefits of ULRs <<

Negotiate a learning agreement Negotiating a learning agreement helps embed learning in the workplace and secures employer commitment to supporting lifelong learning and skills. Working together, union learning reps and stewards can ensure that workplace learning projects and initiatives support the wider work of the union in the workplace, company or organisation. A model TUC learning agreement can be found on page 28. Your union’s full-time officer or organiser should be able to help you negotiate a learning agreement, and you can also get support from your regional unionlearn team. See pages 77–78.

Publicise your successes Union-led initiatives around learning and skills ‘add value’ to the union card and are a great showcase for the positive work done by unions. Make sure that members and non-members alike are aware of your successes, and the role the union has played in delivering your learning project or activity. So publicise what you do. ❙ Give union learning a high profile through posters, notice boards and newsletters. ❙ Use successful learners to recruit other new members and learners. ❙ Use your union’s logo on all learning materials. Think about how you can include non-members in learning. Non-members often join the union as a direct result of our positive work on learning – and enthusiastic learners are great advocates for trade unionism.

Encourage members to play an active role About a third of ULRs are brand new activists. Think about how you can use your workplace learning project or activity to encourage more members to get involved. Publicise and use ULR statutory rights to paid time off for training and work. Encourage members to take on the ULR role, or simply ask people to help with the mapping exercise or distributing publicity or information about the project in their work area.

Working for learners



>> Benefits of ULRs

Lifelong learning can’t be ‘done’ to members – think creatively about how you engage them in your project or activity. And don’t forget that many people who come into union activism via learning then go on to other roles within the union.



Working for learners






Mark Thompson

Section 3




Functions and rights

Functions and rights <<

The key functions undertaken by ULRs are set out in the Employment Act 2002.

ULR statutory functions Statutory functions are: ❙ identifying learning or training needs ❙ providing information and advice about learning or training ❙ arranging learning or training ❙ promoting the value of learning or training ❙ consulting the employer about carrying out such activities ❙ preparing to carry out any of the above activities. In the past, many ULRs have had difficulty in obtaining time off from employers to carry out their duties and to train for them. That is why the TUC and its unions persuaded the Government to introduce statutory recognition that gives learning reps similar rights to union representatives as a whole. The Employment Act 2002 gives rights to paid time off to ULRs provided: ❙ they are in independent unions – such as those affiliated to the TUC ❙ they are in workplaces where unions are recognised by the employer for collective bargaining purposes.

Statutory rights for ULRs and union members ❙ Union learning representatives are entitled to reasonable paid time off for training and for carrying out their duties. ❙ Union members are entitled to unpaid time off to consult their learning representative, as long as they belong to a bargaining unit for which the union is recognised. Union members needing to access their ULR have the right to do this in work time but the employer is not legally obliged to pay them during this time. The way these rights can be implemented is set out in the ACAS Code of Practice on Time Off for Union Representatives.

Working for learners



>> Functions and rights

How to secure recognition and paid time off ❙ The union needs to give notice to the employer in writing of the name of the appointed ULR (see sample form on page 21). ❙ The ULR needs to be sufficiently trained to carry out his/her duties either at the time of the notice or in normal situations within six months. ❙ Whether training is ‘sufficient’ is determined by the union and should cover the functions set out in the Employment Act. It need not lead to a qualification although that would be desirable. The employer has to pay for the time that the ULR is being trained. ❙ The union/ULR should inform the employer of the training either undergone or to be undertaken. ❙ Once the employer is notified of the ULR’s past training or intention to train, then the employer is obliged to recognise the ULR by providing paid time off to carry out the duties and for any required further training. The amount and frequency of the time off has to be ‘reasonable’ in all circumstances. For example, when a ULR arranges to have a meeting with members it must be at a time that does not undermine the safety and security of other workers in the production process. Employers also need to be reasonable and ensure that ULRs are able to engage with hard-to-reach groups such as shift workers, part-time staff and those employed at dispersed locations. ULRs should provide management with as much notice as possible of the purpose of the time off, the location and the timing and duration and the content of any training course. Employers should consider making available facilities necessary for ULRs to perform their functions such as rooms for meetings/interviews, office space and the use of electronic access such as the internet and emailing. When a union feels that an employer is being unreasonable and refusing to grant paid time off for ULR duties or training or



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Functions and rights <<

enabling union members to access ULR services then the union can lay a complaint to an employment tribunal.

Union learning representative appointment form To the employer Please amend your records accordingly. Union learning representative’s details name home address postcode work department telephone number home work email address Employer’s details name home address postcode telephone number Union learning representative’s bargaining unit details of workplace/work departments covered

Name of branch branch number Signature of branch secretary/area organiser date

How to use the form Once the ULR appointment has been ratified by the branch committee, the branch secretary/area organiser completes the details and signs and dates the form. The branch secretary/area organiser: ❙ sends a copy to the employer as written notification of appointment with an explanatory letter if appropriate ❙ keeps a copy for their own records

Working for learners



>> Functions and rights

❙ contacts the local [name of union] office to get the member identified as a ULR on their ULR database ❙ arranges training for the new ULR.

Barriers to carrying out their role In spite of these statutory rights, ULRs still find barriers to carrying out their duties. According to respondents to the ULR survey: ❙ almost half are provided with either none or just up to an hour of paid time off per week by their employer to carry out their duties ❙ 28 per cent felt that their workload was not reduced to enable them to conduct their ULR role ❙ 57 per cent are not given any cover while conducting their role ❙ 35 per cent stated that they did not have sufficient office space to carry out their duties.

Hours a week on ULR activities paid by employer

Most of these barriers are experienced not just by ULRs but also by union representatives as a whole. That is why the Government carried out a review of workplace representatives’ facilities and



Working for learners

Functions and rights <<

facility time. The review found that some representatives “face problems in successfully balancing their normal work duties with their representative functions … which can lead to their underperformance as workplace representatives”. The Government has however ruled out any strengthening of the regulatory framework. Instead it has asked the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS ) to revise and update its Code of Practice on Time Off for Trade Union Duties and Activities. It will ask ACAS to consider how the issues of cover, workloads, the position of middle managers, access to ICT facilities and confidentiality should be treated in its Code.

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Section 4




ULR agreements

ULR agreements <<

Some of the problems that ULRs experience could be overcome by a learning agreement. A formal agreement between a union and an employer on time off can avoid misunderstanding and ensure fair and reasonable treatment. As the ACAS code states: “to take account of the variety of circumstances and problems which can arise, there can be positive advantages for employers and trade unions in establishing agreements on time off in ways which reflect their own situations.” The agreement will form the basis of your organisation’s learning agenda and include rights of access to training and learning. Unions in recognised workplaces have a statutory right to negotiate on pay and conditions. There is as yet however no statutory right for unions in recognised workplaces to negotiate on training issues for their members. Such negotiations over training are voluntary and happen in less than 10 per cent of recognised workplaces. The TUC has argued strongly that training should be a core bargaining issue under the statutory union recognition scheme. Some unions who already have machinery for negotiating training may wish to include arrangements for ULRs. Some unions may have included them in a separate facilities time agreement with the employer that might cover all union representatives. Others might wish to establish a separate learning agreement. It will very much depend on the union and the workplace. Union representatives or ULRs, depending on the union policy and practice, could negotiate a separate learning agreement. A learning agreement can include some or all of the following: ❙ a commitment from both parties to learning ❙ the number of ULRs and how the union will appoint them ❙ the amount of time off for ULRs to carry out their duties, and undertake training

Working for learners



>> ULR agreements

❙ type and form of ULR training ❙ the amount of time off permitted for union members to meet their ULRs and if it could be paid time off ❙ the procedure for requesting time off ❙ the procedure for resolving disputes concerning providing time off ❙ arrangements for payment to be made for time off and whether payment might be made to shift and part-time employees undertaking trade union duties outside their normal working hours ❙ facilities for ULRs such as a room to conduct interviews, use of telephone, electronic mail, internet, notice boards etc. ❙ the establishment of a joint learning committee comprised of equal numbers of union and employer representatives ❙ the undertaking of learning needs surveys ❙ regular promotional activities regarding learning ❙ regular dissemination of information on training and learning opportunities ❙ paid time off to learn as well as employer contribution to course fees. ULRs will wish to increase the numbers of employees in workplaces who get paid time off to train and this is best achieved through negotiation with the employer.



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ULR agreements <<

Time off for training the workforce4

You may wish to negotiate a learning agreement around the model on page 28, which could be tailored to meet the policies of your union, the needs of your members and the context of your workplace.

4. Proportion of union members ULRs represent given time off from their normal work duties to undertake training during the past 12 months

Working for learners



>> ULR agreements

A model framework learning agreement ❙ This agreement is between [insert name of union] and [insert name of organisation]. ❙ Both [insert name of organisation] and [insert name of union] are committed to working in partnership to promote and support lifelong learning and ensure equal access to learning opportunities. ❙ Both parties will encourage staff to take up learning activities. ❙ The union will be responsible for recruiting ULRs and will inform management of the names and workplaces/departments of the ULRs. ❙ The number of ULRs will be [insert number]. ❙ The functions of the ULRs should cover [insert functions based around ACAS code]. ❙ Paid time off will be granted to ULRs to enable them to carry out their duties effectively [state an agreed minimum amount of time]. ❙ Paid time off will be granted to ULRs in order to undertake training. Initial training will take place as soon as possible after appointment. ❙ Employees will also be entitled to time off (whether it will be paid or unpaid time off) to participate in promotional events and to access their ULR. ❙ A procedure will be established to resolve any disputes about the application of the ACAS code. ❙ Suitable facilities will be provided e.g. office space, filing cabinets, stationery, telephone, access to electronic equipment including email, notice boards etc. ❙ A joint learning committee will be established no later than [insert timescales for establishing the committee] from this agreement (see page 29 for possible terms of reference). ❙ The terms of this agreement will be reviewed by the learning committee at regular intervals to ensure that they continue to reflect the needs of the workforce.



Working for learners

ULR agreements <<

Example of an existing joint learning committee agreement

Site Learning Committee: terms of reference Role The overall aim of the group will be to promote, initiate, support and monitor lifelong learning activities across the site. It will work to make learning opportunities as accessible and affordable as possible to all employees, enabling them to increase skills and maximise their own potential.

Membership The steering group will comprise of [insert number to be agreed at each site] nominated union learning representatives (ULRs), a senior representative from each recognised union, a senior operations manager, representatives from the human resources and training functions, project workers/advisors from the relevant trade unions and a nominated person from the partner college. The group will also reserve the right to co-opt representatives from other outside agencies e.g. unionlearn, learning skills councils etc., to assist as and when necessary.

Meeting arrangements The steering group will meet on a regular basis as required, but no less than six times each year. The operations manager will chair the group and the ULR co-ordinator will take responsibility for collating items and compiling the agenda. A nominated member of the group will record action points from the meeting.

Responsibilities These are to: ❙ identify learning needs and aspirations of employees on site in line with the ULR learning needs analysis ❙ develop and promote a range of on site learning initiatives, to encourage individuals back into learning, including a designated learning centre on site

Working for learners



>> ULR agreements

❙ monitor and evaluate activities, feedback and effectiveness of the initiative in accordance with agreed criteria ❙ work together with colleges and other outside bodies to maximise potential for learning opportunities ❙ identify funding both internal and external, to assist with learning activity and explore options for making learning both affordable and sustainable ❙ support the network of ULRs in their role as advocates and organisers of learning ❙ explore new initiatives both within and outside of the company which will support the learning process ❙ administer and manage the site level learning fund in accordance with the jointly agreed learning fund regulations ❙ ensure effective communication with the existing trade union and company structures regarding the aims, objectives and progress of the Lifelong Learning Initiative ❙ provide a standard site level report to the National Learning Committee on a regular basis.



Working for learners






Mark Thompson

Section 5




ULR activities

ULR activities <<

The activities of a ULR can be very wide-ranging. They include signposting a range of courses to members, arranging for college tutors to come to the workplace to deliver learning at a time to suit members’ needs, supporting members with literacy and numeracy needs or running a workplace learning centre.

ULR activities in the workplace

Working for learners



>> ULR activities

Promoting the value of learning Many employers regard training their workforce as a cost rather than an investment for the future. There is a long tail of mainly small and medium-sized firms who do not train their workers. Often, employees who have the least qualifications are unaware of the benefits of learning. ULRs can do much to make the argument for training and learning.

Why training matters: facts and figures Training can lead to greater productivity ❙ A five percentage-point increase in the number of workers trained can result in a four per cent increase in value added per worker. ❙ The effect of training on productivity is around twice as great as the effect on training on wages, with the 4 per cent increase resulting in 1.6 per cent increase in wages. So both employees and firms can share in the gains from employer-provided training.

Training reduces the chance of unemployment ❙ If you’re under 30 and in the labour market, you’re half as likely to be unemployed if you’re qualified to Level 2 than if you have no qualification at all.

The better qualified you are the more likely you are to get further training ❙ Whilst 40 per cent of those with degrees or above receive jobrelated training, only 6 per cent of those without qualifications do so.

Higher skills can mean a longer life ❙ In the highest skill group, mortality rates fell by 44 per cent between 1971 and 1992, compared to only a 10 per cent fall within the lowest skill group.



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The higher the qualification the higher the average wage full-time per hour

5. Level 3 includes NVQ Level 3/ 2 A levels 6. Level 2 includes NVQ Level 2/ 5 GCSEs A–C

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>> ULR activities

Supporting learners ULRs have a key role in informing and supporting learners in the workplace. Their main activities include: ❙ interviewing members, listening, asking questions ❙ identifying and analysing their learning needs ❙ checking out any practical problems that will get in the way of learning such as study costs or childcare ❙ helping members decide what to do and make plans ❙ finding information and signposting ❙ brokering with providers such as colleges and setting up learning opportunities ❙ offering continuing support, mentoring and coaching. Unionlearn has developed some tools and resources to help ULRs to support learners in the workplace.

Unionlearn learning and careers advice service Unionlearn has joined forces with learndirect Careers Advice to provide a free, impartial and confidential service tailored to the needs of unions and their members. ULRs can call the service on behalf of members or signpost them to the service so that they can use it themselves.

What the unionlearn advice service offers On the telephone line helpline 08000 92 91 90 (free from a landline), union members can: ❙ call from 8am to 10pm, seven days a week ❙ speak to an adviser for information and advice on courses, jobs, paying for training or finding childcare ❙ have a longer interview and develop an action plan with a careers coach ❙ access information and advice in nine different community languages.



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On the website, ULRs and union members can: ❙ email an adviser ❙ search for a course ❙ find out about jobs and careers ❙ get help with writing a CV ❙ find out about funding, childcare and other forms of support ❙ access free downloadable resources including leaflets and posters.

The union learning Climbing Frame The Climbing Frame is an online tool for ULRs and other union reps, which holds information about a range of learning themes and opportunities that can be updated and continuously developed. It also signposts relevant learning opportunities to members, whatever their skill levels. It can be accessed at, where there is a link to the Climbing Frame information page. ULRs and other union reps can use the Climbing Frame to: ❙ obtain up-to-date information to help in discussions with members ❙ work with learners to develop an individual action plan ❙ gather information about learning needs to support negotiations with employers. The learning themes provide on-screen information including: ❙ information and signposting ❙ learning and organising ❙ supporting additional learning needs ❙ Skills for Life ❙ trade union education ❙ ICT ❙ personal development and leisure ❙ higher education. The learner management section of the Climbing Frame enables ULRs and other union reps to construct a personal climbing frame with individual learners to help identify and access

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>> ULR activities

learning pathways. The ULRs and other union reps can: ❙ add a new learner and create union learner details record ❙ edit or delete union learner details ❙ create a personal climbing frame with each learner ❙ review the Climbing Frame of an individual learner. Records of each meeting are stored and can be updated after each discussion. At the end of each session a personal climbing frame can be printed for the learner to use as they wish. As well as this generic unionlearn Climbing Frame, some unions have worked with unionlearn to develop bespoke ones. These have themes and content customised to meet specific requirements of the union and the sectors where their members work.

Adult Advancement and Careers Service Nextstep is the current government service that provides free information on learning and work opportunities to all adults aged 20 and over. People can get information about work and learning opportunities available locally, advice on how to apply for a job and plan a career as well as information about benefits. It can also provide advice (subject to eligibility) on issues such as identifying skills needs, information about the job market, job search skills, financial support and services available in the case of redundancy. The new Adult Advancement and Careers Service will merge the information and advice services of learndirect and Nextstep providers in partnership with Jobcentre Plus. ULRs can help their members access these services. You will need to keep up-todate on these changes – it’s a good idea to check the unionlearn website.



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Nextstep for Boots In Nottinghamshire, Nextstep and USDAW union learning representatives are working together to ensure that Boots’ employees facing redundancy have every opportunity to develop their skills. The ULRs play a key role as initially they identify employees who will benefit from support and arrange appointments for them with Nextstep advisers. Boots has made a grant of £300 available to every employee towards the cost of a course. When the learning needs of individuals have been identified the ULRs provide the employee with support by sourcing either a suitable course for basic skills or vocational training with the support of a Nextstep adviser.

Arranging learning/training As a ULR you may need to establish partnerships with outside organisations in order to promote lifelong learning amongst members. A major barrier to members becoming involved in learning is that courses are often inaccessible and arranged at times which make it difficult to attend. Establishing a partnership with a college means that you can agree that courses will be run at times and in places which suit members’ needs. In larger workplaces, colleges may agree to run courses in a workplace learning centre. In smaller workplaces ULRs have agreed on site learning using laptop computers provided by the local college. The cost of some courses can be prohibitive to members but you can use the fact that you are representing a number of learners to negotiate reduced rates. Finding the right people to talk to in a college can be difficult

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>> ULR activities

and time consuming. A good place to start is by contacting your regional unionlearn team who work closely with a number of colleges in their area. See pages 77–78.

Supporting workplace learning centres Learning centres within or near the workplace are an integral part of the lifelong learning agenda. They help to create a learning culture and widen participation. Learning centres contribute towards the integration of both vocational and non-vocational learning and show a commitment from all parties to employee development. In partnership with trade unions some employers have set up learning centres within their own premises. There are around 900 learning centres involving unions in locations such as workplaces, colleges and union offices. Unionlearn and unions run their own network of over 70 learndirect centres. These all offer learndirect online courses but other courses as well. Many have been established as the result of Union Learning Fund projects. Offering learndirect courses will mean that learning centres can be open and available to learners at a variety of times. This is especially useful for shiftworkers. Many centres offer a wide range of learning such as ICT skills, Skills for Life, foreign languages and NVQs. Developing better access to learning is an important element in the role of the learning representative. Learning centres also provide access to flexible learning and are therefore a gateway to future opportunities. The partnership approach is perhaps the key to establishing a successful learning centre. It is also the best way to address issues such as literacy, numeracy and ICT. Partners should include the employer, trade unions and a learning provider. For experienced ULRs, TUC Education provides courses on running learndirect learning centres as part of the unionlearn



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network. For further information phone the unionlearn learndirect Support Centre at 0191 227 5567. Unions will want to ensure that ULRs have the facility time to support learners in the centre. Where this happens, take-up is likely to be much higher.

Unionlearn Quality Award The award is granted to providers who demonstrate that union learners are considered in the design, development and delivery of courses and programmes. It is based on good practice criteria around working with unions and in teaching and learning. The Quality Award will help signpost ULRs to union-friendly provision.

Wirral Metropolitan College receives Quality Award “We have an excellent working relationship with trade unions. We are delighted and privileged to receive the Quality Award as recognition of our strong commitment to our union learning work. We will continue to build upon this prestigious relationship.” Mike Potter, principal and chief executive Wirral Metropolitan College The provider must work with a trained unionlearn assessor to demonstrate good practice and continuous improvement.

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Simon Weller

Section 6




ULR training

ULR training <<

The effectiveness of ULRs depends very much on the training they get from the TUC or their union. As stated on page 19, under the Employment Act 2002 the ULR needs to be sufficiently trained to carry out his/her duties either at the time of their notice of appointment or in normal situations within six months of the appointment. To do this ULRs in recognised workplaces have a statutory right to paid time off to train. All ULRs are given initial training for their role through courses provided by the TUC or individual unions. Many ULRs take the courses at trade union education departments in local colleges, run by a TUC tutor. Many have also done follow-on courses. The TUC courses are all accredited through the Open College Network. For further information on ULR programmes and centres log into or contact the TUC regional education officer (see pages 77 and 78) or your union education officer.

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>> ULR training

Union Learning representatives course: five-day programme This course is for union learning representatives (ULRs). The core unit is Getting Organised and one optional unit from Working with Members or Working with Employers. The course will help you: ❙ develop your skills and knowledge as a ULR ❙ build contacts within the union and with outside organisations ❙ work with other union reps to improve union organisation at your workplace ❙ find out what union policies are around learning ❙ integrate learning and skills in wider union activities and structures ❙ promote the value of learning and skills within the workplace ❙ identify members’ learning needs ❙ support members in managing their own learning ❙ represent the interests of members ❙ use a systematic approach to problem solving ❙ develop a learning strategy incorporating equality for all ❙ work with other union reps on learning issues ❙ work with your employer to develop learning opportunities ❙ collect and record information ❙ find out about government policies and programmes for learning and skills. There is also an online first stage union learning representative course for those union reps that need a convenient and more flexibly delivered course. It is fully equivalent to the classroom version, with trained TUC tutors, materials and support for learners. Group activities take place via an online discussion board. Learners can log in and participate whenever it suits them and will receive support from a TUC tutor specially qualified in online delivery methods. To apply for this course complete the online application form at



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Follow-on courses Developing Workplace Learning: three-day programme This course is designed for union learning representatives and union representatives interested in developing workplace learning, including the use of computers and learndirect. Things you will learn about include: ❙ what is meant by workplace learning ❙ how your members could benefit from e-learning ❙ using learndirect as a tool for learning ❙ learning partnerships and a learning workplace ❙ workplace learning agreements ❙ making learning part of wider union activity.

Supporting Learners: three-day programme This course will help union learning reps: ❙ understand the role of the union learning representative in supporting learners in the workplace ❙ develop skills for supporting learners ❙ identify ways in which other organisations in the network can support learners in the workplace ❙ understand processes for reviewing and improving practice.

Skills for Life and the Union Role: three-day programme This course will help union learning reps: ❙ raise awareness at work ❙ encourage and support individuals and groups of members to improve language, literacy and numeracy ❙ understand what quality learning assurances members have a free entitlement to ❙ find out how they can best work with Skills for Life specialists ❙ find out the extent and boundaries of the ULR role ❙ work with employers to get the best deal for members ❙ work with providers to get the best deal for members.

Working for learners



>> ULR training

Mentoring and Coaching Skills for Union Reps: two-day programme This course will help union reps: ❙ understand the difference between mentoring and coaching ❙ understand the role of the union rep in mentoring and coaching individual union members ❙ identify and develop mentoring and coaching skills ❙ recognise opportunities for using these skills at work.

Skills for Life – the Whole Organisation Approach: three-day programme This course will help union learning reps: ❙ understand the potential impact of the whole organisation approach ❙ recognise the ways in which the union rep can support the whole organisation approach ❙ identify ways of working with employers and providers on the whole organisation approach.

Climbing Frame for Union Learning Reps: two-day programme This course will help union learning reps understand how the Climbing Frame can be used to enhance their own role and provide detailed and structured support for learners. By the end of the course participants will understand how the Climbing Frame works and be able use it to help learners to: ❙ explore a variety of learning themes ❙ use the learner management tools to add and manage relevant information ❙ develop individual action plans with union learners and keep accurate records for ULR and individual learner use.



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Working with Members: three-day programme This course will help union learning reps: ❙ review the learning and skills opportunities available in your workplace ❙ explain the equality issues around learning and skills ❙ identify individual learning needs and in particular Skills for Life needs ❙ understand important initiatives in learning and skills ❙ identify what information you need on learning in the workplace ❙ understand what is involved in an action plan on learning and skills in the workplace.

Working with Employers: three-day programme This course will help union learning reps: ❙ understand what is meant by a learning workplace ❙ identify suitable options for your workplace ❙ demonstrate an understanding of union agreements around learning and skills ❙ demonstrate an understanding of how your employer identifies training and learning needs ❙ demonstrate an understanding of how to negotiate with the employer ❙ demonstrate the ability to prioritise issues.

Negotiating with Employers on Learning: three-day programme This course will help union learning reps: ❙ develop and practice negotiating skills as union learning reps ❙ be more effective team negotiators ❙ understand the process of negotiating ❙ be familiar with different styles of negotiating ❙ understand how to prepare, present and negotiate ❙ develop good practice in negotiations.

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>> ULR training

How to Work with Providers: three-day programme This course will help union learning reps: ❙ understand how providers work ❙ understand the role of the ULR with the providers ❙ develop negotiating skills ❙ understand equality issues around learning ❙ understand the principles of developing partnerships with learning providers ❙ plan for the future.

Learning and Organising: three-day programme This course will help any union reps: ❙ examine the current situation in their workplace and identify some of the environmental factors that impact on the learning and organising agenda ❙ enhance knowledge and understanding of the link between learning and organising ❙ develop a coherent approach to integrating organising into learning activities ❙ analyse the characteristics that underpin successful and robust learning and organising initiatives ❙ examine the way in which learning can be used to raise the union profile at the workplace ❙ identify how to use the learning agenda to make unions more attractive to non-members and engage existing members ❙ examine the role reps can play in strengthening workplace organisation and the recruitment of new members ❙ formulate an action plan to develop and strengthen workplace learning projects to maximise opportunities for union growth and renewal. ULRs – particularly those who have never held a union position before – may wish to train for other union duties such as union reps or health and safety representatives (see chart opposite).



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Possible progression routes for union learning representatives Union Learning representatives 5-day course

Follow on ULR modules7

Personal and professional development7

Induction courses7

Skills for life and the union role

Learning and organising

Union Rep induction (leading to a 10-day course and one year certificate course in Employment Law or Contemporary

Working with employers

Negotiating skills

Trade Unions)

Health and Safety Rep induction (leading to a 10-day course and

Supporting learners

Discussion leaders

one year certificate course)

7. three-day courses

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Lorne Campbell / Guzelian

Section 7




Support for learning

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Entitlements for learners Unions and their ULRs can do much to support their members in to learning. In 2007, over 150,000 learners had taken up learning through the union route. Most of these are doing ICT learndirect courses, Skills for Life learning or a range of FE courses. The unionlearn target is for 250,000 learners to take the union route in 2010. ULRs will be key to achieving this.

Learners via union route

There is a large number of workers who have few or no qualifications. The Government recognises that there is a specific and urgent priority to tackle skills and employment needs for people who are out of work or who currently have low skills. Overall, around half of those who have very low skill levels – around 2.5 million people – are not in work. Too many people still find it difficult to find a job or progress in work. They are trapped in a cycle of low-skilled, poorly-paid, often short-term employment with few training opportunities and dependence on state benefits. Many of those who are

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>> Support for learning

registered as unemployed frequently move in and out of work. Some groups such as people with disabilities and lone parents need more help to acquire the skills they need to get into work and get on once in work.

The skills challenge ❙ About 13 per cent of the adult population have no qualifications. ❙ Seven million people have functional numeracy needs. ❙ Five million people have functional literacy needs. Lord Leitch’s Report commissioned by the Government recommended that the UK commit to becoming a world leader in skills by 2020. By 2020 almost 20 million additional people will require higher skills than at present. Since over 70 per cent of our 2020 workforce have completed their statutory education, we will need to improve the skills of our existing workforce, not just young people, if we are to meet this challenge.

The skills targets for 2020 ❙ 95 per cent of adults to have the basic skills of functional literacy and numeracy, up from 85 per cent literacy and 79 per cent numeracy in 2005. ❙ Over 90 per cent of adults to be qualified to at least Level 2, up from 69 per cent in 2005. ❙ To shift the balance of intermediate skills from Level 2 to Level 3, with 1.9 million additional Level 3 attainments over the period. ❙ To deliver 500,000 apprenticeships annually. ❙ In excess of 40 per cent of adults to be qualified to Level 4 and above, up from 29 per cent in 2005. Source: Leitch Review of Skills 2006

The Government has introduced a number of measures to provide entitlements to workers with low or no qualifications to achieve at least a Level 2 vocational qualification/Skills for Life qualification.



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Skills for Life Skills for Life includes literacy, numeracy and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programmes. Courses on literacy and numeracy are free. Stand-alone Skills for Life courses not linked to NVQs can be funded through Train to Gain (see page 52). Recent changes to ESOL funding mean that low paid workers in receipt of working tax credits retain the free entitlement. Other workplace learners or their employers would have to meet the cost of course fees. The TUC has argued against these changes. In some cases providers may accept alternative evidence of low pay (such as payslips, P60s and other tax forms). Each Learning and Skills Council (LSC) region has Learner Support Hardship Funds which colleges can use if learners cannot provide the evidence required to qualify for full fee remission. Unionlearn has established the role of Skills for Life Advocate. Such advocates champion Skills for Life for the workforce and use their role to influence policy nationally, regionally and within sectors. They can help raise the profile of ULRs in this key area. Some advocates are senior trade unionists such as general secretaries, and even celebrities. But others are ULRs with much experience in promoting Skills for Life.

ULR becomes Skills for Life Advocate “I am really proud to receive this Skills for Life Advocate Award. I really feel that it’s important to reach people who traditionally haven’t had the chance to access learning. For example, I have been able to support domestic staff at Ashworth Hospital to gain qualifications in numeracy, literacy, customer service and cleansing support service. None of them had ever engaged in adult learning before, but now they’ve completed their courses and embraced the learning culture”. Laura Boyd, POA ULR and Skills for Life Advocate Ashworth Hospital, Merseyside

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>> Support for learning

Train to Gain This government scheme is designed to help more employers engage in workforce development, such as training those employees that have do not have a Level 2 qualification. It is a service whereby skills brokers provide eligible employers with advice on workplace training including: ❙ how much paid time off is needed for learning ❙ what is free of charge e.g. first full Level 2 vocational qualifications and Skills for Life ❙ what is partially subsidised e.g. Level 3 in some pilot areas (currently North West and West Midlands and for some women in London). Where ESOL is delivered through Train to Gain, the LSC will expect the employer to pay for any course fee element required, rather than the learners themselves. The Learning and Skills Council has agreed a Train to Gain Protocol with the TUC to help ULRs and other union reps to work with skills brokers in delivering the training opportunities in the workplace.

LSC TUC protocol Skills brokers will: ❙ identify if there is a recognised trade union at the workplace and identify any learning agreements or other relevant collective agreements ❙ notify the employer that they are arranging to meet and work with ULRs and other union reps ❙ work with unions to co-ordinate employer engagement activity and ensure employees are supported in accessing training opportunities ❙ understand the role of ULRs and promote their beneficial impact in the workplace.



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Union checklist for Train to Gain ❙ Ensure that the development needs of the whole workforce are met and no groups of eligible workers or individuals are left out. ❙ Ensure quality and include learning and training beyond Level 2. ❙ Establish who pays for learning for which there is a charge and what the employer contribution should be. If collective learning funds are established, learners should contribute time and employers should contribute both time and money. ❙ Ensure that there is time off to learn. The contribution to wage costs applies in companies with 50 employees or under but employers are expected to give time off to learn for Level 2 (Level 3 in pilot areas) as their contribution to free learning. Unions will want to ensure this happens – and more besides.

Skills Pledge The Skills Pledge is a public commitment by the leadership of a company or organisation to support all its employees to develop their basic skills, including literacy and numeracy, and work towards qualifications to at least Level 2. It is important that unions and their ULRs put pressure on their employer to sign the pledge. Unions and their ULRs should also be involved in delivering the provision and monitoring the take up. These could be included in a learning agreement with the employer. “We will encourage union learning representatives to work with employers to make the Skills Pledge, to draw up action plans for delivering the pledge, and to help more employers and employees to access Train to Gain brokerage and funds for training”. World Class Skills, DIUS. 2007 The Government has stated that, if insufficient progress is made towards its world class skills ambition for 2020, it will consider

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>> Support for learning

creating an entitlement to workplace training for employees in England lacking a first full Level 2 qualification or equivalent. It will ask the new UK Commission for Employment and Skills to maintain an overview of progress towards the Government’s ambition, and in 2010 Government will review whether introduction of an entitlement is necessary and appropriate. Unions need to get employers signed up to the pledge. Sending them a formal letter could help engage them.



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Model letter on Skills Pledge To the employer From the union Dear I would like to draw your attention to the Skills Pledge currently being promoted by the Learning and Skills Council ( This pledge is a public commitment by employers to support all employees to gain the skills and qualifications needed to enable them to make a full contribution to the success of the business/organisation and their future employability. The Government’s review on skills recommended that should there be insufficient progress by 2010 there should be a statutory entitlement to workplace training for employees without a full Level 2 qualification or equivalent. By signing up to and implementing the terms of the Skills Pledge you will be demonstrating to current and future employees that [business/organisation name] has a genuine commitment to their skills needs, as well as those of the business/organisation. It will also give you access to any financial support available under the Train to Gain scheme. On our part, our union representatives (and union learning representatives) will provide you with as much support as possible in helping to deliver the training opportunities at the workplace. (This can only complement and expand the work we are already engaged on together in the [name of workplace learning committee] and will reinforce the message given to the employees when we concluded the Learning Agreement in [insert year])*. *delete if you have no learning agreement with your employer or workplace learning committee

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>> Support for learning

Apprenticeships Apprenticeships provide work-based training to young people and adults who want to learn new skills and gain qualifications while working. Apprenticeships are available across 80 different sectors of industry, covering a huge range of subjects from engineering to business administration. There are two levels of apprenticeship widely available: ❙ Apprenticeships, which tend to last for at least a year and apprentices work towards a National Vocational Qualification at Level 2, Key Skills and – in most cases – a technical certificate. ❙ Advanced Apprenticeships usually last at least two years and apprentices work towards a National Vocational Qualification at Level 3, Key Skills and a technical certificate. There are currently around 250,000 apprentices, the majority of whom are 16–24 year olds. For 16–18 year old apprentices, most training is paid for by the Government and 19–24 year old apprentices receive subsidised training. Opportunities for Apprenticeships for adults (25+) have been available since September 2007 and are continuing to develop.

Apprenticeship training at Merseytravel Unions and ULRs are very much involved in supporting apprentices in Merseytravel – the passenger transport authority in the North West. They have been closely involved in their development through the Joint Learning Forum established between management and unions. As well as 30 days off-the-job training a year, and half a day every week on their NVQ, many of the apprentices have taken advantage of the three union learning centres established by a Union Learning Fund project to take courses like the European Computer Driving Licence. “Overall, Merseytravel has taken the initiative very seriously and the partnership approach to training and education has paid off.” Roger Irvine, senior ULR and UNISON branch secretary



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Existing union members can be suspicious that, on the one hand, the young people might be taken on as cheap labour and, on the other, that older workers may be excluded from similar learning opportunities. ULRs and union reps argue that: ❙ taking on apprentices can help encourage a broader learning culture which benefits everyone ❙ supporting apprentices can attract a new generation of members and help build the union ❙ backing the Apprenticeship programme helps ensure apprentices are paid a fair wage and not used to undermine pay and conditions.

Higher level skills As many as 27 per cent of the adult population now have a degree or post-degree qualification. But this will have to increase substantially as the economy’s demand for higher skills increases up to 2020. Managers, senior officials and professional/technical occupations will represent the largest total demand for new workers and replacement of existing jobs. Unionlearn is very much involved in helping unions get their members into higher education and continuing professional development (CPD). It has agreed memorandums of understanding with the Open University and the National Extension College (NEC). These offer discounts for union members. Unionlearn is also working with Aimhigher to promote higher education opportunities for workers.

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>> Support for learning

Help from the Open University For union members who are paying their own study fees, unionlearn has negotiated a 10 per cent discount on the first OU course studied. The offer applies to all Level 1 courses worth 30 or 60 points. For further information telephone 0845 300 60 90 – quote reference ‘union’ Or log into

The OU comes to Sellafield I trained as a union learning rep for my union, Prospect, last year. Then I volunteered as an Aimhigher champion on the Sellafield site. Together with the two other champions I have encouraged union members to sign up to the Open University openings and short courses. As a result 20 places have been filled. I have also worked on setting up the union learning club at Sellafield for OU Aimhigher learners. The club offers additional support in the workplace to learners taking courses as well as networking opportunities for those who have enrolled on them. I explained the OU offer with its discount for union members. I tell them that you can try a taste of the OU and its methods prior to taking the plunge on a half or full unit. Val Marshall, Prospect ULR, Sellafield

Help from the National Extension College Following the agreement with unionlearn all union members now receive a 10 per cent discount on any NEC home study course. For details of all courses log on to Or telephone 0800 389 2839



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Continuing Professional Development Some unions have a specific interest and responsibility for continuing professional development (CPD). Some professions require qualifications in the appropriate field of at least Level 4 for entry into the profession. Examples of this are teaching, science and professions allied to medicine such as radiography and podiatry. A further requirement of continuing to practice is that individuals must update their knowledge and skills to meet changes and developments in their field – sometimes aligned to developments in technology or reflecting new research or other developments. Union experience is that there is not always effective access to CPD for part-timers, freelancers, women returners or rurally located people. Unions and their ULRs have influenced the delivery of CPD to make it more accessible to their members.

TUC policy on learning and skills The TUC and its unions are pressing the Government to extend more rights to learning to employees and to increase union bargaining at the workplace.

TUC demands ❙ New legal rights to paid time off to train are essential. Adult workers without a Level 2 qualification should have a universal right to paid time off to achieve such a qualification. This right would encourage all employers to access the state subsidised training available under Train to Gain. ❙ Government should work with unions and others to tackle skills discrimination. Such proposals should cover women, black and minority ethnic workers, disabled employees and older workers. ❙ Employers and unions should be encouraged to negotiate on training by it being included as a collective bargaining issue under the statutory union recognition procedure. A collective approach on workplace skills must be a priority in all sector skills agreements.

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>> Support for learning

❙ ULRs and union reps as a whole should have more facilities and facility time to carry out their roles more effectively. ❙ Unions in recognised workplaces should have the statutory right to negotiate learning agreements and to establish joint learning committees with the employer.



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Section 8




Further information

Jargon buster <<

Accreditation of Prior Learning is a means of crediting people for achievements, skills and knowledge that they have already gained. Credit is awarded for learning that can be demonstrated through providing evidence. Adult Learners’ Week promotes all forms of adult learning. During the week organisations run special activities. Unions and ULRs are very involved in its Learning at Work day, which aims to give the workforce the opportunity to learn something new. Adult Learning Grant helps adults studying full time with the costs of learning. The grant pays up to £30 per week (subject to financial assessment) for full-time learners aged 19 and over who are studying for their first full Level 2 or full Level 3 qualification. Adult Advancement and Careers Service is a new service which will merge the information and advice services of learndirect and Nextstep providers in partnership with Jobcentre plus. Aimhigher A government initiative to encourage people to think about the benefits and opportunities of higher education, especially those from families with no tradition of such education. Aimhigher has run a project in the North West with unionlearn to identify higher education pathways for union members.

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>> Jargon buster

Apprenticeships are programmes that allow mainly 16-24 year olds to learn on the job, while building up skills and gaining qualifications. They are funded jointly by DIUS (see below) and DCSF (see below). Union reps and ULRs are involved in supporting apprentices. Apprenticeships lead to an NVQ Level 2. Advanced Apprenticeships last for at least two years and lead to a NVQ at Level 3, relevant key skills qualifications and a technical certificate. There are also Adult Apprenticeships for those aged over 25. Access course is designed to prepare mature students without other qualifications for entry into university or college to do a degree or higher diploma course. Awarding body a body that develops and publishes accreditation criteria and accredits qualifications. The major awarding body for TUC Education qualifications is NOCN (the National Open College Network – see below). Basic skills See Skills for Life Business Link are local agencies to provide information, advice and support to start a new business or grow an existing one, aimed particularly at small businesses. Campaign for Learning is a national charity which aims to create a passion for learning that sustains people for life. Organises Learning at Work Day which unionlearn and ULRs help run at the workplace (see Adult Learners’ Week above).



Working for learners

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Career development loans can be used for financing course fees and related costs provided courses are vocational and last no longer than 2 years. The loan is repaid once the course is completed at interest rates set by the bank. Climbing Frame The union learning Climbing Frame is an online tool for ULRs and other union reps that holds information about a range of learning themes and opportunities. It also signposts relevant learning opportunities to members, whatever their skill levels. Collective Learning Funds are funding arrangements which aim to pool more resources into workplace learning, with the delivery of the provision jointly managed by the employer and the unions. Models are being tested through a project run by unionlearn in the North West and supported by DIUS. Commission for Employment and Skills is a new UK-wide body with responsibilities across each of the four nations, and for skills at all levels. It will not have significant executive or operational functions. It has union representation and primarily will be advisory, shaping strategy to achieve the government’s world class ambitions, challenging all parties to raise their game on skills. COVEs

Centres of Vocational Excellence: colleges and training providers are designated as excellent in defined vocational areas. A new standard will be rolled out in 2008.


Continuing professional development: any process or activity that provides added value to the capability of the professional through the increase in

Working for learners



>> Jargon buster

knowledge, skills and personal qualities necessary for professional and technical duties. DCSF

Department for Children, Schools and Families: government department responsible for the education and support of children and young people. Funds 14–19 learning but not apprenticeships.

Digital divide refers to the unequal access of certain groups in society to information and communications technology, leading to barriers to the acquisition of related skills. Unionlean has a number of projects with partner colleges to narrow the digital divide. DIUS

Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills: the government department responsible for learning and skills policy. Funds post–19 provision including apprenticeships and work-based training as well as providing unionlearn core funding.

e-learning covers a wide set of applications and processes, such as web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classrooms. It includes the delivery of content via the internet, audio and videotape, satellite broadcast, interactive TV, and CD-ROM. ECDL

European Computer Driving Licence: european-wide qualification which enables learners to demonstrate their competence in computer skills.


A European Social Fund (ESF) community initiative providing funds to projects which test and promote new means of combating discrimination and inequalities in the labour market. The TUC unionlearn High Road project was funded through Equal.



Working for learners

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stands for equality impact assessment for all existing adult skills policies in respect to race, disability, gender and age.


stands for Employment and Skills Boards. In London, the Mayor established an ESB in 2006 to develop an adult skills strategy for the capital. The Government is planning to extend the number of such boards within a network.


English for Speakers of Other Languages. These courses are often offered in union learning centres to migrant workers.


stands for further education, the provision of all non-higher education courses after statutory education.

Foundation degrees are programmes designed and delivered by partnerships of employers, employer organisations, universities and colleges to develop technical knowledge and skills and wider employability skills. Equivalent to the first two years of an honours degree. Framework for Excellence is a framework designed to give learners and employers clear information about the performance of FE colleges. HE

stands for higher education, the provision of degree and degree equivalent courses.


refers to information, advice and guidance. Many ULRs provide front-line IAG on learning to their members.

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>> Jargon buster


means information, communication and technology courses, many of which are taken by union learners either in learning centres or online.


Investors in People: the national standard which sets a level of good practice for training and development of people in the workplace.


means industry training board: statutory bodies with union representation that promote and fund training through a levy on employers in the sector. At present there are two ITBs, both in the construction sector.


NVQ for IT users which demonstrates competence in the use of IT in the workplace.

Jobcentre Plus is the government agency which supports employers in their recruitment with labour market intelligence, provides advice on building a diverse workforce and in meeting their skill needs (with the LSC). Provides support for individuals through personal advisers. Learning agreement is an agreement between a union and employer which might include elements such as paid time off for study, establishing a learning centre and facilities and facility time for ULRs. Learning committee A joint forum, which allows unions and employers to deliver and monitor the learning agreement. Learning entitlements are rights to free provision such as Skills for Life and first Level 2 qualifications as well as to Level 3 qualifications for 18–25 year olds.



Working for learners

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Learning needs analysis is an assessment of the training requirements of an organisation’s workforce usually carried out by interviews and/or questionnaires. Leitch Report is the government-commissioned review of skills which will be needed in 2020 and which set out recommendations on how to achieve a world class workforce by then. Learning for All Fund was established by unionlearn in the Northern region to set up regional projects to help unions deliver workplace or community learning, funded through the LSCs and the RDA. Learning and Skills for All Fund was established by unionlearn in the North West region on similar lines to the Northern Fund. Learning Works for all Fund was established by unionlearn in the South West region to set up regional projects on union-led partnerships on skills, funded by the RDA. learndirect is the UFI brand name for the delivery of online learning through a national network of learning centres as well as providing a careers advice service. Unionlearn manages a network of union learning centres (see page 74) offering learndirect courses, particularly ICT and Skills for Life. The unionlearn advice service (see page 74) is a part of learndirect. Lifelong learning All continuous learning after the age of 16.

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>> Jargon buster

Local Learning Partnerships are local forums for co-ordinating the activities of local providers such as further education colleges. LSC

The Learning and Skills Council: responsible for the funding of all post-16 education and training other than higher education in England. Funding for 16–19 education – other than apprenticeships – will transfer to local authorities by 2010. The TUC is represented on the Council. The regional LSC boards fund a number of unionlearn regional projects. New regional councils will be established in summer 2008.

Matrix Standard is a quality framework for the effective delivery of information, advice and/or guidance on learning and work. A number of union learning centres have obtained the award. MOU

A memorandum of understanding which sets out joint objectives and programmes of action. Unionlearn has signed several with a number of partners, e.g. the Open University.

National Employment Service is a Learning and Skills Council service to provide information, advice and support on workforce development to large companies and organisations with workforces of 5,000 or more.



Working for learners

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National Occupational Standards are statements of the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for an individual to meet the standards expected of them in employment. The standards are industry-led and developed by representatives of employment sectors and cover almost every occupation in the UK. They are also the basis for vocational qualifications and can be used for training, appraisal and recruitment. National Skills Academies are employer-driven centres of excellence delivering skills required by each major sector – the first ones were set up in 2007. They have close connections with SSCs (see below) in their sector. Nextstep The Nextstep information and advice service provides free information on learning and work to anyone aged 20 or over. Will be merged into a new Adult Advancement and Careers Service (see page 61). NIACE

National Institute of Adult Continuing Education: is a voluntary organisation which works closely with unionlearn in encouraging more adults from a wide range of backgrounds to take up all forms of learning.


National Open College Network: the awarding body which provides national qualifications and programmes in a wide range of subject areas including TUC Education courses.


National Vocational Qualifications are work-based qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. People are assessed on the basis of their competence in defined tasks.

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Online learning see e-learning (above) OFSTED

Office for Standards in Education: the regulatory authority which inspects all publicly funded education and training providers, including those delivering work-based training, further education, e-learning and adult and community-based learning.


are public service agreements which set out government targets for achievement across the four qualification levels by 2011.

Paid educational leave is leave provided by employers during working time for their workforce to study at a local college or workplace learning centre. QCA

Qualifications and Curriculum Authority: government body responsible for regulating qualifications, including vocational ones.

Qualification and Credit Framework is a new system of recognising skills and qualifications. It does this by awarding credit for qualifications and units (small steps of learning). It enables people to gain qualifications at their own pace along flexible routes. The framework includes TUC Education courses.



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Qualification levels There are six levels: Entry Level: provides a common path of progression to qualifications at foundation level Level 1: foundation GNVQ/NVQ 1/Skills for Life Level 2: 4 GCSEs A–C/intermediate GNVQ/ BTEC First Diploma/NVQ 2/Skills for Life Level 3: 2 A levels/BTEC National Diploma/NVQ 3 Level 4: first degree/HNC/HND/NVQ 4 Level 5: postgraduate qualification/NVQ Quality Award is unionlearn’s award to providers who demonstrate that union learners are considered in the design, development and delivery of courses and programmes. The award will help signpost ULRs to union-friendly provision. Quick Reads are short, exciting books by bestselling authors and celebrities for adults who are new to reading, have lost the reading habit, or who prefer a quick read. Unionlearn promotes the books through its learning centre network. RDAs

Regional development agencies: public bodies with union representation that aim to develop and implement regional strategies including skills to meet the needs of regional economies.


Regional skills partnerships: forums where businesses and skills organisations including unions work together to meet the skills needs of regional economies. They set out how the delivery of adult skills, workforce development, business support and labour market services can provide the best support for regional economic strategies.

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stands for sector skills councils: employer-led bodies with union representation established to increase opportunities to boost the skills of the workforce in the sector.

Sector skills agreements are agreements that map out what skills employers need for their workforce and how they are to be supplied. Trade unions are involved in drawing them up and helping to deliver them. Skills accounts are a new initiative whereby learners including the unemployed will have access to a range of support and advice within the new Adult Advancement and Careers Service which will help them access the right learning with the right provider. Learners will have access to their own learner record to help them through their career paths. Skills for Business is a national network of the 25 sector skills councils (see SSCs ) Skills brokers are independent advisers to help employers to assess their training needs and arrange provision under Train to Gain (see below). They will be expected work with ULRs in carrying out this role. Skills for Life is the Government’s national strategy for improving literacy and numeracy and includes ESOL (English for speakers of other languages). ULRs are active in supporting Skills for Life learners.



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Skills for Life Advocate is a senior union officer who champions literacy, numeracy and ESOL within the union movement. Skills Pledge a public commitment by the leadership of a company or organisation to support all its employees to develop their basic skills including literacy and numeracy, and to work towards qualifications to at least Level 2. ULRs will work with employers to deliver the pledge. SMEs

small- and medium-sized enterprises with less than 250 employees.


Scottish vocational qualifications: work-based qualifications in Scotland modelled on NVQs.

Train to Gain is a government brokerage scheme to increase employer demand for workplace training, particularly those employees without a Level 2 qualification. Unions and ULRs have been given a role in supporting the programme. Training levy is a levy on employers within a sector to fund training administered by an ITB (see page 66). Ufi

University for Industry: brand name for learndirect (see page 67).


is an acronym for union learning representative: a representative whose role is promoting, brokering and helping to deliver learning at the workplace.

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ULR database is a database of ULR contact details held by unionlearn. unionlearn is the TUC’s learning organisation, established in 2006, whose responsibility includes TUC Education, support for unions and their ULRs and the Union Learning Fund. Unionlearn Advice Service is operated for unionlearn by learndirect as a free, impartial and confidential service. Its aim is to help union members to develop new skills, improve their job prospects or change jobs. Union Learning Centre is the centre established at a workplace, union office or college to provide learning facilities. Many union learning centres are in the unionlearn learndirect network, offering online courses. Union Learning Fund was set up by the Government in 1998 to fund union-led projects aimed at increasing union capacity in learning and skills. The fund supports £15m of union-led projects annually. WEA

Workers’ Educational Association: runs about 10,000 courses a year for adult learners and works in partnership with unions to deliver workplace learning, particularly in the health service and in local government.

Workforce development refers to learning activities that increase the capacity of individuals to participate effectively at the workplace.



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Resources <<

Free unionlearn resources ULRs and unions can order a range of unionlearn products and materials from partner organisations at: All items are free of charge, with postage and packing free as well. You can order the latest DVDs, posters, leaflets, booklets and promotional materials. All the publications mentioned here are available on the unionlearn website at You can order copies to be sent by post, or you can download them. And don’t forget to sign up for regular email alerts, which will keep you up-to-date with all the latest publications. Here is a selection of publications designed to help you. Apprenticeships: A guide for union reps and negotiators Explains how the new programmes work and why unions have an important role to play in their success. English Language at Work Joint publication with CBI and DIUS, which includes ESOL case studies. Sector Skills Councils pack Includes guides on how ULRs can work with SSCs and a model union action plan for sector skills agreements. Skills for Life pack Includes guides for union reps on reading, numeracy, ESOL and dyslexia. Supporting Learners pack Includes guides for union reps on why and how union reps should support learners, sources of help, role and skills of the union rep.

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>> Resources

Train to Gain pack Includes fact sheets for union reps on funding, skills brokers and the TUC/LSC protocol. The Learning Rep A quarterly magazine including articles and up-to-date information on union-led learning that is sent to all ULRs on the national unionlearn database. Unionlearn directory Includes list of TUC Education programmes and centres.



Working for learners

Contacts <<

English regions Midlands t 0121 236 44 54 f 0121 236 7234 24 Livery Street Birmingham B3 2PA Regional education officer Peter Try e [email protected] Regional union development coordinator Gary O’Donnell e [email protected]

Northern t 0191 232 3175 f 0191 232 3190 5th Floor Commercial Union House 39 Pilgrim Street Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 6QE

North West t 0151 236 7678 f 0151 236 2331 Suite 506-510 The Cotton Exchange Old Hall Street Liverpool L3 9UD Regional education officer Pete Holland e [email protected] Regional union development coordinator Tony Saunders e [email protected]

Southern & Eastern t 020 7467 1238 f 020 7637 1823 Congress House Great Russell Street London WC1B 3LS

Regional education officer Ian West e [email protected]

Regional education officer Angela Perry & Rob Hancock e [email protected] and e [email protected]

Regional union development coordinator Elizabeth Killoran e [email protected]

Regional union development coordinator Jon Tennison e [email protected]

Working for learners



>> Contacts

South West t 0117 947 0521 f 0117 947 0523 Ground Floor Church House, Church Road, Filton Bristol BS34 7BD

Yorkshire & Humberside t 0113 242 9296 f 0113 244 1161 Regional TUC Office 3rd Floor 33 Park Place Leeds LS1 2RY

Regional education officer Marie Hughes e [email protected]

Regional education officer Trevor Sargison e [email protected]

Regional union development coordinator Ros Etheridge e [email protected]

Regional union development coordinator Sharon Burke e [email protected]



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Contacts <<



t 029 2034 7010 f 029 2022 1940 Transport House 1 Cathedral Road Cardiff CF11 9SD

t 0141 221 8545 f 0141 221 8575 4th Floor John Smith House 141-165 West Regent Street Glasgow G2 4RZ

Regional education officer Julie Cook e [email protected]

Regional education officer Harry Cunningham e [email protected]

Northern Ireland t 02890 247 940 ICTU Carlin House 4-6 Donegall Street Place Belfast BT1 2FN Regional education officer Clare Moore e [email protected]

Working for learners



This publication can also be made available in an agreed accessible format for readers with dyslexia or visual impairment.

Published December 2007 unionlearn Congress House Great Russell Street London WC1B 3LS t: 020 7079 6920 f: 020 7079 6921

Design: Print: The Russell Press, Nottingham Cover picture: Mark Thompson

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