English For Advanced Learners

  • June 2020
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INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................5 A. “A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED” TIME AND TENSE............................................................................7 UNIT 1. TENSE CONSOLIDATION - PRESENT SIMPLE AND PRESENT CONTINUOUS................................................................8 UNIT 2. TENSE CONSOLIDATION: PAST TIME ..........................12 UNIT 3. TENSE CONSOLIDATION:PRESENT PERFECT ............17 UNIT 4. TENSE CONSOLIDATION: MEANS OF EXPRESSING FUTURE TIME ..................................................................22 UNIT 5. INVERSION ......................................................................26 UNIT 6. PROGRESS TEST............................................................30 UNIT 7. SUMMATIVE TEST ..........................................................34 B. "APPEARANCES MAY BE DECEIVING" THE PASSIVE VOICE, MODAL AUXILIARIES, CONDITIONAL, THE SUBJUNCTIVE AND UNREAL TENSES, -ING FORMS, INFINITIVES, INDIRECT SPEECH ........................41 UNIT 8. THE PASSIVE VOICE ......................................................42 UNIT 9. MODAL AUXILIARIES ......................................................47 UNIT 10. CONDITIONALS AND IF SENTENCES..........................54 UNIT 11. SUBJUNCTIVES AND UNREAL TENSES......................58 UNIT 12. „-ING“ FORMS AND INFINITIVES ..................................64 UNIT 13. INDIRECT SPEECH AND REPORTING ........................70 UNIT 14. PROGRESS TEST II ......................................................74 UNIT 15. SUMMATIVE TEST ........................................................78 UNIT 16. QUESTION TAGS ..........................................................84 UNIT 17. WORD FORMATION I ....................................................85 WORD FORMATION II....................................................87


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C. “GETTING ALONG WELL WITH PHRASAL VERBS, IDIOMS AND EXPRESSIONS”: GET; TAKE; DO and MAKE; COME and GO; LOOK and SEE ..................................................93 UNIT 18 1. GET ..................................................................................94 2. TAKE..................................................................................97 3. DO & MAKE ....................................................................100 4. COME & GO....................................................................103 5. LOOK & SEE..................................................................106 D. KEY ..............................................................................................109

E. GRAMMAR REFERENCE ..........................................................158 A. “A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED”: TIME & TENSE ......................................................................159 B. “APPEARANCES MAY BE DECEIVING“ THE PASSIVE VOICE, MODAL AUXILIARIES, CONDITIONAL, THE SUBJUNCTIVE AND UNREAL TENSES, -ING FORMS, INFINITIVES, INDIRECT SPEECH ........................................170

SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ..........................................................178



TENSE CONSOLIDATION: PAST TIME I. Choose the most suitable words in italics and explain your choice. 1. “I have forgotten my keys at home.” “You were always doing/would always do something like that.” 2. That was the same look they’d have given us if we played/ had played them ‘Bees Wedding’. 3. Nothing had happened/happened that night. 4. It wasn’t until five minutes later that we had realized/ realized that she was there. 5. He was aware, as any of us, that something unusual had been happening/ was happening there. 6. Last night my dog was barking/ would bark for hours and I couldn’t get any rest. 7. He would love/ used to love fishing when he was a boy. 8. I did have a good time at the party, although I was not dancing/ did not dance at all. 9. The rest of the furniture was shabby and looked as if it were/ had been assembled centuries before. 10. “If I hadn’t spent so much time studying Earthlings, I wouldn’t have/ wouldn’t have had any idea what was meant by ‘free will’, “the Tralfamadorian said.

TENSE CONSOLIDATION: PRESENT PERFECT IV. Rewrite the following sentences so that they contain the words in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same. 1. They have been married for forty years. .............................................................................................. GOT 2. I haven’t seen him since Pavarotti’s concert. .............................................................................................. LAST 3. I haven’t been to Paris for three years. .............................................................................................. SINCE 4. I haven’t worn this dress before. .............................................................................................. FIRST 5. After she saw them hugging, she quarrelled with him and she never spoke to him again.


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.............................................................................................. 6. Are you still working on your project? .............................................................................................. 7. We haven’t seen each other since/ in June. .............................................................................................. 8. A mechanic has adjusted my brakes. .............................................................................................. 9. She hasn’t eaten caviar for many years. .............................................................................................. 10. I bought this house in 1965 and I’ still living in it. ..............................................................................................


TENSE CONSOLIDATION: MEANS OF EXPRESSING FUTURE TIME II. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. 1. What exactly do you plan to do after you finish your exam? What ... 2. She will have an appointment with the director of the film in three week’s time. She is ... 3. My plane is due to take off in twenty minutes. My plane ... 4. The arrival of the train has been delayed, I’m afraid. I’m afraid the ... 5. I have planned to meet him at about five o’clock. I am ... 6. What time does the concert begin? When/ What time ... 7. I have arranged to meet John tomorrow. I am ... 8. I have taught in this school for eight years, come the end of the year. By the end ... 9. Unless he apologizes to me, I won’t forgive him. If ... 10. The play is scheduled to start at 7.30. The play ...



INVERSION II. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. 1. If I had thought what his reaction would be, I wouldn’t have asked him to help me. Had ... 2. Little did they suspect about their brother having cheated them. They ... 3. The results of the inquiry were not known until later. Only ... 4. Such was the effect of the lecture on the group that everybody made an application to attend the course. The effect ... 5. If you happen to see Timmy, give him my best regards. Should ... 6. As soon as I got the suspect telephone call, I informed the police about it. Barely ... 7. The influence of the teacher on little Tom was so great that he immediately started behaving himself. Such ... 8. Had they any doubt about the bargain, they would have refused it at once. If ... 9. Our teacher taught us the Present Perfect and she also explained everything about its use. Not only ... 10. The eminent British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking came out, in a wheelchair as always. Out ...

THE PASSIVE VOICE IV. Rewrite the following sentences using a form of HAVE + the PAST PARTICIPLE of a suitable verb. Be sure to make any necessary changes so that the meaning stays the same. 1. He has arranged with a plumber to repair his bathtub. 2. You should call someone to install your new air-conditioning

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system before summer comes. 3. My friend made an appointment with his optician for an examination of his eyes. 4. She has arranged with her hairdresser to perm her hair. 5. He is going to ask an electrical engineer to fix his telly. 6. Slow down if you don’t want the police to endorse your license again.

MODAL AUXILIARIES I. Choose the correct modal auxiliary. 1. He said she was allowed to/ might leave work early if he wanted. 2. I carried an umbrella round all day but it didn’t rain once. I needen’t have taken/ didn’t need to take it. 3. If you have any mechanical problem and you have to / need to stop, don’t forget to switch on your hazard warning lights. 4. He could/ was able to persuade her parents that what he wanted to do was just marry her. 5. He said he was able to/ could play tennis for hours on end without getting out of breath when he was younger. 6. It’s a pity you didn’t let me know you would be in town. I would/ could have put you up. 7. I might/ should suppose your wife is a quite pretty woman. 8. I asked them to help me with the luggage but they couldn’t/ wouldn’t do it! 9. He told anyone how he could/ was able to reach the top of Everest. 10. It was strange that he should have been/ would have been drinking whisky at 5 o’clock in the morning.

CONDITIONALS AND IF SENTENCES III. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same. 1. Since you’ve had a glass of beer, you’d better not drive. .......................................................................... IF 2. He wouldn’t have come if you hadn’t invited him. .......................................................................... UNLESS 3. Without his constant support, she would never have succeeded. .......................................................................... IF



4. If the sun hadn’t been in the right direction, the photographs wouldn’t have come out very well. .......................................................................... AS 5. If he had been able to eat all the food, he wouldn’t be hungry now. .......................................................................... SO 6. Should you be late once again, you’ll lose your job. .......................................................................... HAPPEN 7. You can take my car provided you bring it back in two hours’ time. .......................................................................... ON 8. Follow the instructions carefully, and you won’t have any problems. .......................................................................... AS 9. I’m so sorry for having disturbed you so early in the morning. .......................................................................... ONLY 10. If you insist on working till 2 o’ clock every night, and waking up at 6 am, of course you’ll feel ill. .......................................................................... WILL

SUBJUNCTIVES AND UNREAL TENSES V. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. 1. Paul wishes he had taken some warm clothes with him. Paul regretted ... . 2. They asked their friend to send the telegram at once. They asked that ... . 3. I’m sorry you didn’t see it. I wish you ... . 4. Would it be better for me to leave the washing up till the day after tomorrow? Would you ... ? 5. It’s a pity you aren’t coming with us. I wish you ... . 6. I wish I hadn’t remembered what she had done to me. It’s a pity ... . 7. It’s a pity you were working so fast. I wish you ... . 8. It is important for her to take the exam this year. It is important that ... . 9. Jennifer prefers me not to be crossing the street right now. Jennifer would rather ... . 10. I’d prefer you not to stand with your arms crossed. I would rather ... .

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„-ING“ FORMS AND INFINITIVES II. Supply an appropriate preposition and verb form. 1. Were they accoustomed ... (tell) that story all over again? 2. I know he has made a lot of money ... (invest) in that business. 3. Tom surprised us all ... (leave) ... (say) “Good bye”. 4. Being a bachelor, he is used ... (eat) in town. 5. He always takes great pleasure ... (chat) to his friends over a glass of beer. 6. Instead ... (study), Gregory went for a walk in the forest. 7. I’m tired ... (wait) for you for ages. 8. I’m accustomed ... (work) for hours on end without a break. 9. The heavy rain prevented me ... (finish) my work in the garden. 10. They objected ... (change) their plans at this late date.

INDIRECT SPEECH AND REPORTING VI. A friend of yours at work sees you during the day and complains about her work. Report this to another friend a few days later. Begin your report as suggested at the end of the text. I’m fed up. We’re stock taking in our department and it’s terrible. I’ve been working for six hours non-stop, and I can’t do any more. It wouldn’t seem so bad if it was raining- I hate having to work so hard when it’s so fine outside. It was just the same yesterday. I started at nine in the morning, and by five in the afternoon I was dropping on my feet. I asked my boss if I could leave at half past five as I’d worked late the day before, but he said I had to get the work finished. I shall be thankful when it’s all over. Mary stopped me at work the other day. She was really fed up ... B. D. Graver Advanced English Practice

GET II. Fill in the gaps with a suitable verb (phrase) from the list below. The first one is done for you as an example: a. get through b. get away with c. get off

f. get together g. get up to h. get out of


d. get down e. get out


i. get at j. get round

1. Living in such a small place is really getting me down. 2. Mary is the first to ... the bus. 3. The manager and the accountant made up their minds to ... later in the week for an informal meeting. 4. The teacher couldn’t understand what the impudent child was ... . 5. She succeeded in ... doing the work by pretending she was busy. 6. I’ve been trying to ring him up all morning but I haven’t been able to ... . 7. The lawyer ... his client ... on bail. 8. The rumour soon ... the whole little village. 9. The pickpockets ... with three days of prison. 10. “Where are the kids? They are very quiet indeed!” “I wonder what they ... .”

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