Words Of Wisdom

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  • Pages: 11
WORDS OF WISDOM By Dee Burgess Copyright 2009 The truth of humility is the nature of God. God can not acknowledge itself as God; only arrogance can see itself. To glorify God is noise and chaos; to love God is freedom, peace and joy. ******* Men build structures and foundations all around Life; attempting to contain, maintain and retain her power and movements to their own imaginations and designs. But in one slight breath from her bosom or shift of her body, she unleashes the boundaries and restrictions man infringes into her reality. Only when men learn to harness their own unethical desires and search out Life's potential and purpose, will he learn to move in harmony with her. Only then will man begin to grasp, experience and appreciate the magnitude that all Life has to offer; beyond his heart's desires. ******* Pure hearts are very rare because they are so easily broken. ******* From the beginning of time, Freedom has been a perpetual pursuit; to obtain and retain it. All that stands between that complete eternal goal is Love. But love in itself is also an eternal pursuit, ever expanding in depth and width. Pain, suffering and death to body and spirit has been the means men use to accomplish freedom, but need not be. Love can easily accomplish all man's desires; but sacrifice of self has been too great a price to pay for freedom. Only under the most severe conditions do men relent to give. So easy yet so hard, WHY? Two wars rage in man's soul eternally and love resolves both. Above and beyond all religious devices, God awaits man's evolution.

******* Blessed search the truth of all things. Cursed imagine alternatives. ******* Stepping Stones We all instinctively seek in Life what we *need* for growth. Religions/beliefs may be seen as stepping stones on the pathway to the spiritual truths which bring us home to enlightenment. Recognizing that that the path still exists whether we walk upon the stones or around them can sometimes greatly benefit one's experience. So long as the stone provides stable, *progressive* footing, there is no need to walk elsewhere. But if the stepping stone begins to trip you up, you will be forced to walk on alternative ground until you understand why/how the stepping stone tripped you up in the first place. Then you can either travel faster upon the stepping stones, making greater progress or choose to continue your walk on the alternative ground, finding it to be more progressive. The most important factor, of course, is never to assume your stepping stone is superior to another's as this makes it evident that you have missed a step and tripped on your stone. Walking together, looking forward to home is so much more rewarding. ******* In all creation, only mankind harbors the seed of arrogance which presumes to judge God. Only the benevolence of perfection allows man the opportunity to discover the only ultimate outcome of arrogance is self destruction. By Love, men discover Love; the Creator and the potential within.


MEMORIES The paranormal and abnormal conditions we experience in this life could actually be considered *normal*, according to perception. Phenomenon known as stigmata is not a manifestation of Christ’s wounds projected to an individual. It is not possible to experience another’s pain or memory. Those who have experienced stigmata are reliving their own crucifixion past. These were early martyrs and saints who were openly persecuted and killed for their devotion to Jesus. Our subconscious carries all our memories of lives lived past. In this progression we grow, develop and mature in spirit, throughout our time experiences. We carry the good and the bad with us. Mostly suppressed to the conscious mind, occasionally our past surfaces for closure or understanding. Unfortunately, many times people are diagnosed as psychotic, neurotic, delusionary, deranged or schizophrenic without regard to this possibility. There is a healing factor, in time, to remember the unresolved difficulties of our pasts, both eternal and temporal. Remembering, reconciling and releasing brings a bonding within our souls...a peace of heart and mind. Homosexuality isn’t a disease or genetic error, but a chosen memory of gender lived and experienced in one's past. Men who experience ‘sympathy pains’ for their wife’s labor pain in childbirth are actually remembering their own personal experiences past. Though the empath’s sensitivities are acute to another’s feelings, she is still subject only to those feelings which she, herself, has previously experienced during her collective lifetimes. We harvest and store our memories through feelings; this is the stuff of which our cosmic, eternal souls are comprised. Indeed, feelings are the very essence of our origins; it is the purpose of life. While science continues to cling to their *belief* that life is not an eternal process, they will never understand such phenomenon - just keep sticking a label on and try to cover up this reality with drugs, etc. Understanding the lessons of our past unlock the secrets of our future and free us from the barriers of race, creed and gender that we erect to create false security. Accepting this truth could open untold doors to the mysteries and wonder we all carry right inside us.


The difference between the sinner and the saint... A sinner considers himself a saint; A saint considers himself a sinner. ******* God & Cabbage God is like cabbage. Volumes of information and debate have been written on the value, cultivation and preparation of cabbage. But at the end of the day, the greatest consideration of cabbage by far is to experience it by eating it. So it is with God; volumes of information and opinion fade in comparison to the benefits of personal, direct receiving of God's Spirit within our hearts, body, mind, and souls. The life giving properties of either can never be fully appreciated or utilized until they are fully received. ******* Truth: The Perfect Goal In the face of eternal Truth, justification and revenge are but noisy and transparent because Truth Is as God Is. God is Love. Love is endless. To become love is to become perfect. Becoming perfect is an eternal goal for man. To become perfect, man must first seek to remove all barriers within his heart which resist the truth. Truth introduces Love and all of Her attributes to the soul. Once all resistance to truth is removed, man can receive, grow and abide in the light of Love forever. *******

Articulating information debates opinions. Imparting knowledge teaches wisdom. The heart knows the difference.

INNOCENCE Innocence is the key that destroys evil. It is a light and power which abides deep in our hearts. It is a feeling, a spirit which literally annihilates all the negative forces and influences that bind our beings; destroys creativity, incentive, intuitiveness and joy. It is a memory of our life eternal and the freedom and peace that we instinctively know is possible. It is the pure goodness which lies dormant, buried deep in our hearts under mountains of fear, guilt and shame which this world of waste and want obligates us with daily. Whether this power is defined as Truth, God, Love, Light, etc., it is that distinctive energy which, when discovered anew and acknowledged, will set us free. This is not just a catch-phrase or metaphor, nor eloquent words designed to flatter: it is a powerful truth which is deliberately, diligently obscured by evil. Evil knows that this is the only true authority which can ends it's domination and control over us all. Innocence is a clue, an eternal, essential key to life that is continually described throughout holy script… Matthew 13:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Ephesians 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15. And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; …And innocence is the target of evil. It's power is throughout every system and institution of this world, and it's aim is to separate; divide and conquer. Only by separating us from our eternal roots to Love; the memory of innocence, can this world remain in the darkness which controls us and demands continual payment for life. Innocence removes the veil of deceit from our eyes and allows us to see what this world could be, should be when lived in Love. Our daily struggle to survive in this schemed prison is only a shell of an existence in comparison to the abundant design of life God created us to be. Our own innocence is the truth which will destroy the

lie that convinces us to live for ourselves rather than each other. Seek your innocence within your heart; believe it, identify it, focus on it, embrace it and live it - forever.

Love & Comedy While listening to my husband’s TV program, Blue Collar Comedy Central, I was wondering why I found the ‘comedy’ so distasteful. To understand the truth of any situation, I compare the principles of God to whatever I am considering and analyze the differences. Firstly, I decided that sarcasm was more akin to fault-finding than humor. Perhaps the absence of intelligent wit is substituted with a very negative view of life…defined as ignorance?? This contemplation led me to realize how much of our world views life through the lie and negativity of darkness instead of the truth and positively of the light of God. The darkness sees differences (i.e. gender, race, religion, age etc.) as opposite, conflicting, repulsive and separate. The light sees differences as a harmony, complimentary, beautiful and unifying. In eternity we display none of these obvious differences (gender, age, religion, race, etc.); only our own individual experiences which forms our personal views of life. In the darkness of this world our differences, or individual views, are manifested through our obvious stations in life; be it black or white, male or female, Jew or gentile. Herein lies the meaning and purpose of this world and our lives, individually and collectively. When we all learn to see life through the light of Love; to turn our obvious differences into unobvious points of view, this earth will be fulfilled - Heaven will be/come on earth: harmony, freedom, peace & joy will be accomplished. Dee Burgess 3/15/2009

The Void Principle Negativity is nothing more than a space (-) waiting to be filled (+) with truth and light. Whether negativity is considered as evil or unproductively, it still remains and defines emptiness, without purpose…a void. The void of negativity is oppressive and dominant because it’s emptiness is without answers. Knowledge, Gnosis, knowing is the positive response which eliminates evil forever; altering energy from negative to positive, nevermore to be opposing forces working unilaterally, but becoming one in truth, which is Light, which is Love, which is God. Whether positivity is considered as God or goodness, it still remains the fulfilling, creative, productive power which gives life meaning and purpose: Love. Eliminating negativity is filling in the blanks with Love; spirit to spirit. Withdrawal from negativity, or vice-versa, creates a larger void for negative’s continued existence. Withdrawal from each other in the name of peace is an impossibility - it creates the opposite effect. Diversity of beliefs keep negativity alive and the void growing. Filling the void with truth, love and light addresses the negativity, changing it to positivity permanently until it is non-existent forever. Negativity can not flourish in the presence of positive. This is an eternal war of spirit/energy, not words or deeds. Attraction of the two poles is not an end goal fulfilled but beginning of an eternal war which persists until resolved. Attraction is inevitable because negative needs to be filled and positive is a giver. Positive and negative forces are bound together until one or the other is fulfilled. Negativity fulfilled would be an eternal existence completely void of Life. Positivity fulfilled releases limitations and unleashes all potentials of freedom, peace and joy. God would exist fully in and through us all, once again...nothing would be impossible. Two completely positive forces united, exist harmoniously together: they would unlock realms yet unknown to this man’s world. Love is the only power we have to use against the void principle. Dee Burgess 3/2/2008

L.O.V.E. = "Language Of Various Emotions"

Emotions are reactions to feelings. Feelings come from the heart. The heart is the connection to the eternal divine. Discernment of the heart is an art. Poets, musicians and artists have the gift to grasp the intangeable feelings of the heart; intepret and express them through the mediums of the tangeable. The heart of every soul has it's foundation in the origin of all life. The expressions of the artist draws the soul back to her Creator. God is love. Love is not an emotion but the interwoven foundation of all life. Pure love is the power, essence and being of truth that all creation emerges out of. Like the canvas of a painting; love provides the medium for all applications of life to portray all truth, both literally and symbolically. Life teaches of pure love through experiences of feelings. Understanding the purpose of life creates growth. Like a masterpiece, life can become a precious possession if the lessons of love have been pursued and appreciated. The art of life is pure love: God's signature in on the Origin-ALL.

God is Love. Love is freedom, peace and joy. Freedom, peace and joy are the principles of Love. Virtues of honesty, kindness, integrity, selflessness, patience, etc, are attributes of freedom, peace and joy. This is the nature of Love. All life is birthed out of God. Love sustains all life and is the only sustenance of life. Life flourishes within the principles of love. Life dies without freedom, peace and joy. Truth is the defining revelation of Love. Truth is manifest throughout all life. Truth can only be received through acceptance and belief of it. Receiving the messenger of truth is not assurance of truth received. Neither does killing a messenger of truth void his message of truth. The eternal principles of Love, life and truth are the governing agents of Gods law. The eternal law is written within the hearts of all Gods children. Gods children do not need a ritual to remember God, a commandment to love, neither a law to be honest. Appreciation and sustaining of life and love are naturally instinctive to their existence. Lawless people are not Gods children, by their own choices. Mans laws, be them civil or religious, attempt to replicate Gods law; to control and redeem the lawless, lost souls on earth. When the foundation of mens laws are justice, truth, freedom and the pursuit of happiness, they are sustained by Love. When self-serving domination and control become the motivation of mans governing system, it becomes a contradicting regiment of rules and regulations, ultimately self-defeating because its foundation is corrupted. Only that which is founded upon the principles of Love can redeem, restore and sustain life. A corrupt system is not sustained by God and therefore can not accomplish its agenda to overcome that which is sustained by God because its

foundations are built upon deceit: a lie. These principles are everlasting. If the New World Order is such a deceitful system it will also fail. The very foundation of its power, control and domination of this world is also its Achilles heel. It is founded upon a counterfeit power which attempts to replicate the power of God: Electricity. Its world-wide web of control is also its weakness and ultimate downfall. One blast from nature, a nuclear bomb or the Holy Spirit/Christ return, can impair, or completely devastate the electromagnetic field of this earth.immobilizing every form of control it now holds on all the peoples of the earth - defeating its very purpose - never to be realized again. Every institution of man - from monetary to religious teeters on this tiny, fragile balance of arrogance, pride, greed, selfishness and deceit. Evil will always ultimately defeat itself because there is only one true sustaining force of Life: God. Life is bountiful and good. It is the tyranny of the self-serving, greedy elite that steal life and cause the suffering of all mankind; it has been so from the beginning. The controlling banksters, politicians and governing organizations create inequality and monopolize resources in order to capitalize and profit off the suffering & basic needs of the people. When the vengeance of Gods love is poured out upon this earth, the eternal law will judge all flesh and this time is at hand. These liars and tyrants can no longer hide their works of darkness, they are being revealed and exposed by the hands and voices of God's angels - be them flesh or spirit. The wicked will fall by the works of their own designs even as the pharaohs of Egypt did when God freed the slaves through Moses obedience to His Word. It was by every proclamation of Pharaoh against the Hebrews that was returned back upon their own heads and peoples. This is the reality of the Eternal Law. Those who seek to dominate and control by force will be controlled by a force beyond their own arrogant power. They who seek to possess and own this earth and its inhabitants will find themselves naked, poor and desolate of any possession except their own misery. Those who desire to eliminate the humble peoples of the earth through disease and war shall they themselves and their families, find death by the sword and diseases of their own genocidal designs. A pure, selfless heart full of love is the protection of the righteous from self-destruction of the eternal law. This is the vengeance and Love of God - the realities of ones own heart reflected back in fullness to its source. It is the purifier and perfector of Life; cleansing the body of all evil properties and destroying agents. It shall be as in the days of Noah. Gods children prepare your hearts with humility,

brotherly love and rejoicing in the Lords Messiahs return. Amen

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