Words From My Fathers

  • June 2020
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WORDS FROM MY FATHERS A compilation of translated African quotes.


ONE ‘DON’T POUR WATER INTO YOUR CASSAVA MEAL, HOPING TO EAT IT WITH YOUR NEIGHBOUR’S FISH’. ************************* Strive to provide your needs and learn to be content with what you can provide for yourself, so you are not tempted to steal, cheat or engage in other crimes or character demeaning activities that can forever mar your image.

TWO ‘SMOOTH SEAS DO NOT MAKE SKILLFULL SAILORS’. ************************* It is only difficult situations that can tell the true strength of a man. Hard times mold you; learn to see tough moments as steps to gaining experience.

THREE ‘WHEN SPIDER WEBS UNITE, THEY CAN TIE UP A LION.’ ************************* Even the greatest battles can be one if we unite. In unity we can achieve our greatest dreams.

FOUR ‘IT IS THE CALM AND SILENT WATER, THAT DROWNS A MAN.’ ************************* It is that which a man underestimates, that can really pull him down. Never underestimate any man or situation. Always be careful. No wonder the bible says, ‘be careful of nothing’.

FIVE ‘THE HORSE THAT ARRIVES EARLY GETS GOOD DRINKING WATER.’ ************************* Those who start up early, always get the best the world has to offer. You miss the best, when you procrastinate. Remember the story of the foolish virgins.

SIX ‘THE FOOL SPEAKS, THE WISE MAN LISTENS.’ ************************* When you listen you gain wisdom and can never bare your ignorance in public, but he who never shuts his tongue bares his foolishness to the world and never learns a thing. It is always better to listen and be wise.

SEVEN ‘RAIN BEATS A LEOPARD'S SKIN, BUT IT CANNOT WASH OUT THE SPOTS.’ ************************ No matter the tough experiences life throws at a man, his qualities will always make him stand out. Never worry about tough times; you will always be what God has made you to be.


Never be lost in battle over bread, lest a stranger comes and takes it away. Always learn to compromise. It is always better to have a share, than have nothing at all.

NINE ‘THE SON SHOOTS A LEOPARD; THE FATHER IS PROUD.’ ************************* A wise son is always the pride of his father; his success gladdens the heart of his father. Every father rejoices when his son achieves great heights. No man wants a failure for a son.

TEN ‘LOOKING AT A KING’S MOUTH ONE WOULD NEVER THINK HE SUCKED HIS MOTHER’S BREAST.’ ************************* Greatness clouds the thoughts with so much mist that one seldom sees that every great man has also gone through the same stages as all men do. Nobody was ever born great, it begins with nature’s process, never look down on yourself or think yourself a lesser being than any man.

ELEVEN ‘HE, WHO MARRIES HIS LATE FATHERS WIFE, HAS A SON WITH HER AND CALLS HIM IHEANACHO {something we sought after}, SURELY IS AWARE OF WHAT KILLED HIS FATHER.’ ************************* We should always be careful of what we do to, avoid unnecessary suspicion. Learn to avoid arousing pointless suspicion especially when we are innocent of the crimes we are been suspected for.

TWELVE ‘HE, WHO ALLOWS HIMSELF TO BE BITTEN BY SUN AND RAIN WHILE HE FARMS, WILL NEVER BE BITTEN BY HUNGER.’ ************************* Hard work always pays. But with laziness, comes hunger and poverty which most likely may lead to involvement in immoral doings. Remember, an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.

THIRTEEN ‘WHEN CROCODILES EAT THEIR OWN EGGS, WHAT WILL THEY NOT DO TO THE FLESH OF A FROG?’ ************************* Be very careful when you deal with people you do not understand, especially those who can give up their very own for any reason whatsoever. They will not treat you any nicer if they can sacrifice their own.

FOURTEEN ‘THE HYENA FLIRTS WITH THE HEN, THE HEN IS HAPPY NOT KNOWING THAT HER DEATH HAS COME.’ ************************* Foolishness makes us forget lurking danger a times. At those times we are blinded to see our foes as friends, forgetting that we are meat to them. Ever read Gabriel Okara’s little snake and little frog?


Those who have it all, can never understand it when those under cry of invading crises. It is only those who experience it that can truly explain how bad it feels. Always reach out to people when you can, you never can tell those experiences that even push them to crime.

SIXTEEN ‘THE FOOL IS THIRSTY, EVEN IN THE MIDST OF WATER.’ ************************* Even in the midst of opportunities, possibilities and plenty, a foolish or cowardly person remains uninformed of the prospects.

SEVENTEEN ‘TAKING WATER FROM THE SAME WELL, DOES’NT MAKE ALL WIVE’S GRAVIES TASTE GOOD.’ ************************ Every individual differs in style and have different experiences in their various chosen careers or fields of endeavours. For example, give a group of people the same amount of money and ask them to invest it in whatever trade they desire. You will see that each one of them will do it differently and achieve different results.

EIGHTEEN ‘WHEN BROTHERS FIGHT TO THE POINT OF DEATH, A STRANGER INHERITS THEIR FATHER’S ESTATE.’ ************************* It is very unwise to fight over the remains of our fathers, we should rather unite and plan to increase what’s on ground, otherwise we’ll unconsciously give our inheritances to strangers and open our homes to foes.

NINETEEN ‘ONE FALSEHOOD SPOILS A THOUSAND TRUTHS.’ ************************* A little lie can destroy a beautiful reputation built over the years. Always aspire to be honest in all your dealings with people, a little lie can destroy a man’s personality.

TWENTY ‘UNTIL THE ROTTEN TOOTH IS PULLED OUT, THE MOUTH MUST CHEW WITH CAUTION.’ ************************* Until we source out the cause of our challenges and solve them, we should be cautious especially if it involves the participation of other people.

TWENTY-ONE ‘ONLY A FOOLISH MAN, TESTS THE DEPTH OF A RIVER WITH BOTH FEET.’ ************************* Whatever we desire to do, it is only wise that we cautiously plunge in, lest you drown if it fails. Remember also, never put all your eggs in one basket.

TWENTY-TWO ‘A MAN MAY DIE, BUT HIS NAME ALWAYS REMAINS ABOVE THE GRAVE.’ ************************* Live your life, in a way that even in death your story will be an inspiration and a source of hope and encouragement to those

you’ve left behind and those whom your story may bring hope and succor. A good name is better than silver and gold.

TWENTY-THREE ‘IF A CHILD WASHES HIS HANDS CLEAN ENOUGH, HE GETS TO EAT WITH ELDERS.’ ************************* He, who lives his life well and true, will achieve great heights and be open to opportunities as he meets with people that will help easily pave his way to success.

TWENTY-FOUR ‘ONE CAMEL DOES NOT MAKE FUN OF THE OTHER CAMEL’S HUMP.’ ************************* Never forget to clean the fleck in your eye, before pointing another’s to him. Don’t correct a man of the same crime you are guilty of. Don’t laugh at another’s disability when you have one yourself.

TWENTY-FIVE ‘WHEN THE MOUSE LAUGHS AT THE CAT, THERE IS A HOLE NEARBY’ ************************* It is quite unusual to see a subordinate disrespectfully point fingers at his boss, warning or abusing him without a push from behind. He most likely could have a backup that might even cause you harm.


************************* Never fight an innocent man, lest you fall. God always has a way of fighting their battles.

TWENTY-SEVEN ‘WE WILL WATER THE THORN, FOR THE SAKE OF THE ROSE.’ ************************* It is only wise to sometimes make decisions that can make us achieve our dreams, no matter what obstructions we may face and no matter what unacceptable pressures we must have to sit back and condone.

TWENTY-EIGHT ‘THROUGH CONTINOUS PRACTICE, THE MONKEY LEARNS TO JUMP FROM ONE TREE TO ANOTHER.’ ************************* Simply put- practice makes perfect. It is only through continuous practice that we can gain the needed experience we need to excel in our various fields of endeavours and achieve great feats.







************************* Talks alone cannot foot our bills and put food on the table; we need action and must totally stop procrastination. We also need to stop leaving the work for the other man. It will never get done. Commit to memory the poem ‘Mr. nobody’.

THIRTY ‘IF THE RAT IMITATES THE LIZARD IN SWIMMING, IF THE LIZARD’S SKIN DRIES, WILL THE RAT’S DO SAME?’ ************************* What one man does and simply gets away with, another might take a longer time to recuperate or worse still never recuperate at all.

THIRTY-ONE ‘HE WHO FIGHTS A MAD MAN, IS MAD HIMSELF’ ************************* Learn to walk away from pointless arguments especially when it has to do with an irrational person. They sure will also make you sound foolish and senseless no matter how much facts you try to put across.

THIRTY-TWO ‘AN AGAMA LIZARD IN THE VILLAGE WILL ALWAYS REMAIN AN AGAMA LIZARD IN TOWN.’ ************************* A notorious child at home, will remain a notorious child wherever he goes. Character always shows itself no matter where one finds himself.


Nobody, no matter how strong, can stand without wavering in times of crisis. It is said that the best way to achieve great heights is to brace up to challenges. Remember, it is not about the stumbling, but about the rising from the fall. Challenges actually make us better and more experienced people.

THIRTY-FOUR ‘A MAN SHOULD NOT SWALLOW POISON BECAUSE HE IS AFRAID TO SPIT AND OFFEND OTHERS.’ ************************* Never accept to take the pains, when you can actually salvage your situation, at practically no expense but the sheer opinions of others.

THIRTY-FIVE ‘BEFORE YOU MARRY A WIDOW, YOU MUST FIRST ASK HER WHAT KILLED HER LATE HUSBAND.’ ************************* Before you partner with anyone in a venture he’s failed before, be sure to enquire the reason for the failure or you might end up failing yourself.

THIRTY-SIX ‘THE FOREST THOUGH LOOKS THICK, WHEN ONE APPROACHES IT, ONE SEES THAT EACH TREE IS ON ITS OWN.’ ************************* A problem might look so unsolvable, but in attempting it, we find out it is not as difficult as it is portrayed. Always, try a solution, every problem has a time out, if addressed the right way.

THIRTY-SEVEN ‘THOSE WHOSE PALM-KERNELS WERE CRACKED FOR THEM BY A BENEVOLENT SPIRIT, SHOULD NEVER FORGET TO BE HUMBLE.’ ************************* Always reflect on your past and your days of new beginnings. Never forget those who made you, they sure can mar you too.

THIRTY-EIGHT ‘THE DEATH OF AN ELDERLY MAN IS LIKE A BURNING LIBRARY.’ ************************* When an elderly man dies, he goes with decades of wisdom that if transferred can improve the lot of the younger generation. Elderly men are regarded as libraries with lots of helpful information.

THIRTY-NINE ‘A BIG BLANKET ENCOURAGES SLEEPING IN THE MORNING.’ ************************* Luxury encourages Idleness. If you have worked hard and made wise choices, you will find contentment at the right time. Remember, a little slumber, a little sleep, so shall thy poverty come.

FOURTY ‘HE WHO CANNOT DANCE WILL SAY: "THE DRUM IS BAD." ‘ ************************* When a man fails to accomplish a dream, he blames it on others or a situation, forgetting that he is unskilled or has failed to equip himself for the failed task. Learn to face your in-capabilities by equipping yourself.

FOURTY-ONE ‘A COW GAVE BIRTH TO A FIRE: SHE WANTED TO KISS IT, IT BURNED HER; SHE WANTED TO LEAVE IT, BUT SHE COULD NOT BECAUSE IT WAS HER OWN CHILD.’ ************************* A child is always a child to the mother, whether good or bad. It is unwise to put away ones child because they live the opposite of what we expect of them. Rather seek ways to make them understand and mould them into what we desire and leave the rest to God.

FOURTY-TWO ‘IF YOU HAVE ONE FINGER POINTING AT SOMEBODY, REMEMBER YOU HAVE THREE POINTING TOWARDS YOURSELF.’ ************************* Never be party to the condemning faction, rather be part of the redeeming assembly, because nobody is truly guiltless of one crime or another. Remember Christ’s words-‘let him who is without sin cast the first stone’

FOURTY-THREE ‘IF YOUR MOUTH TURNS INTO A KNIFE, IT WILL ONE DAY CUT OFF YOUR LIPS TOO.’ ************************* If you continue to slander others or gossip one person to another, the same tongue with which you use to destroy relationships will one day do the same to you. Be careful what you say about people.

FOURTY-FOUR ‘INDECISION IS LIKE THE STEPCHILD: IF HE DOESN’T WASH HIS HANDS, HE IS CALLED DIRTY; IF HE DOES, HE IS ACCUSED OF WASTING THE WATER.’ ************************* When you are indecisive you become unrest. When you do not act and you see others excel, you begin to have regrets and when someone else other than yourself urges you to move and you fall you wish you never tried. Always make up your mind to do one thing or another and accept the results in good fate.

FOURTY-FIVE ‘AS THE DOG SAID, 'IF I FALL DOWN FOR YOU AND YOU FALL DOWN FOR ME, IT IS PLAYING.'’ ************************* Always learn to follow people the way they are. When you go to Rome, behave like the Romans… life is beautiful when we truly accept people for who they really are.

FOURTY-SIX ‘A CHICK THAT WILL GROW INTO A COCK, CAN BE SPOTTED THE VERY DAY IT HATCHES.’ ************************* A good child would be known from his childhood. His actions will tell the kind of person he will turn out to be when he grows up, whether he fails a time or two. Remember, train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he would not depart from it.

FOURTY-SEVEN ‘A CHILD’S FINGERS ARE NOT SCALDED BY A PIECE OF HOT YAM WHICH HIS MOTHER PUTS INTO HIS PALM.’ ************************* No mother would want hurt come her child’s way. Every mother protects her child in such a way that the child develops a level of trust which makes him accept without caution any offer she brings to him.

FOURTY-EIGHT ‘DO NOT STEP ON THE DOG’S TAIL, AND HE WILL NOT BITE YOU.’ ************************* Always avoid stimulate trouble, especially with people that can inflict great pain on you. Avoid problems in every way you can.

FOURTY-NINE ‘HE WHO ASKS QUESTIONS, NEVER MISSES HIS WAY’. ************************* People who enquire never fail. It is always better to enquire when you are not knowledgeable of a matter, than guess your way through.

FIFTY ‘THE MOON MOVES SLOWLY, BUT IT CROSSES THE TOWN.’ ************************* It is always better to take your time than rush it up and spoil it all. Remember, it is not how far, but how well.

FIFTY-ONE ‘AFTER EVERY FOOLISH DEED, COMES REMORSE.’ ************************* Always consider the aftermath of what you do before you indulge. Remember the 4 way test. 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendship? 4. Is it beneficial to all concerned? It sure will help guide you.

FIFTY-TWO ‘THE LIZARD THAT JUMPED FROM THE HIGH IROKO TREE TO THE GROUND, SAID HE WOULD PRAISE HIMSELF IF NO ONE ELSE DID.’ ************************* A little self acknowledgement is allowed sometimes, because that great feat you achieve might be nothing more than a molehill compared to the achievements of others. Celebrate your achievements from time to time. Boost your ego/self esteem. You need it to achieve greater heights.

FIFTY-THREE ‘IF YOU ARE BUILDING A HOUSE AND A NAIL BREAKS, DO YOU STOP BUILDING, OR DO YOU CHANGE THE NAIL?’ ************************* One should not forsake a cause because of minor failures here and there. To win, one must strong willed and relentless.


Ignorance can lead to potential danger. It is important to be informed and alert. Knowledge is power.

FIFTY-FIVE ‘RATS SHOULD NEVER DANCE IN THE CAT’S DOORWAY.’ ************************* Learn to avoid problems, especially with those you already know you barely can beat in a fight.

FIFTY-SIX ‘A MONKEY AND GORILLA MAY CLAIM ONENESS, BUT THE MONKEY IS MONKEY AND THE GORILLA, GORILLA.’ ************************* No matter how close sometimes we get to family and friends, our differences always show. You cannot conceal your true identity, no matter how hard you hide on another’s shadow.

FIFTY-SEVEN ‘A CUTTING WORD IS WORSE THAN A BOWSTRING, A CUT MAY HEAL, BUT THE TONGUE DOES NOT.’ ************************* Always be careful what you say, remember words spoken can never be retrieved.


Never forget that it is not what people think of you that you are, but what you think of yourself. Aspire to soar and you sure will reach the skies. Remember, only a man can limit himself. As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is.

FIFTY-NINE ‘YOU DO NOT NEED TO TELL THE DEAF THAT THERE IS COMMOTION IN THE MARKET SQUARE.’ ************************* In times of trouble, everybody’s instinct charges him to seek refuge.

SIXTY ‘WHEN AN OLD BONE IS MENTIONED IN A PROVERB, AN OLD WOMAN TAKES STOCK OF HERSELF.’ ************************* Whenever a crime or an addiction one is guilty of is discussed openly, one is taunted and fills uneasy.

SIXTY-ONE ‘WHEN THE EVIL PLOTTER BEATS HIS DRUM FOR THE DOWNFALL OF THE INNOCENT, THE GOD’S WILL NOT LET THAT DRUM SOUND.’ ************************* Never fight an innocent man, lest you not just fail in your plot to hurt the innocent but destroy yourself too.


************************* To improve at what we do, we must learn from the mistakes of our predecessors. Smart people learn from the experiences of others rather than theirs.

SIXTY-THREE ‘COPYING EVERYONE ELSE ALL THE TIME, THE MONKEY ONE DAY CUT HIS THROAT.’ ************************* Learn to do your own things, else you’ll someday be led or lured into doom.

SIXTY-FOUR ‘THE BUTTERFLY THINKS HIMSELF A BIRD, BECAUSE IT FLIES.’ ************************* Always be conscious of who you are, to evade ridicule. It will help you trace and retrace yourself.

SIXTY-FIVE ‘IT IS WHAT IS IN THE HEART WHEN THERE IS NO WINE THAT COMES OUT WHEN THERE IS WINE IN THE HEAD.’ ************************* Be cautious of what is said in times of merriment. Remember Shakespeare’s words. ‘Many a true words are spoken in jest’


Respect people no matter what they do, be it Cab driving, truck pushing or housekeeping. They can achieve great heights from the salaries acquired and saved.

SIXTY-SEVEN ‘IF YOU NEGLECT THE POT, IT BOILS OVER AND EXTINGUISHES THE FIRE.’ ************************* Little neglect can cause a lot of damage.

SIXTY-EIGHT ‘THE BEST WAY TO KEEP A HUSBAND IS TO MAKE HIM JEALOUS, THE BEST WAY TO LOSE HIM IS TO KEEP HIM A LITTLE MORE JEALOUS.’ ************************* Always learn to never over-act in whatever you do. Know the limits, else you miss the point and spoil it all.

SIXTY-NINE ‘WHEN THE HEAD OF A HOUSEHOLD DIES, THE HOUSE BECOMES AN EMPTY SHELL.’ ************************* When the bread winner of a home dies, the home becomes a home of hopelessness open to all the vices the head had protected his household from.

SEVENTY ‘STICKS IN A BUNDLE ARE UNBREAKABLE.’ ************************* A united family, can never be destroyed. There is strength in unity.

SEVENTY-ONE ‘TO END A CONFLICT, ONE DOES NOT BRING A KNIFE THAT CUTS, BUT A NEEDLE THAT SEWS.’ ************************* To settle a dispute, one must be careful of the way he puts his words or seeks for the cause of the dispute that can cause more harms. Use wisdom to settle issues and let both parties see their mistakes without taking sides.

SEVENTY-TWO ‘THE FRIENDS OF OUR FRIENDS ARE OUR FRIENDS.’ ************************* Learn to be free with all and be friendly as possible. We cannot be friends with our friends without accepting their friends. If birds of a feather flock together, then we would be sharing similarities with our friend’s friends. They could fit in the place of our friends at various times, especially when our friends are incapable of being there for us at that time.

SEVENTY-THREE ‘TO LOVE SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT LOVE YOU, IS LIKE SHAKING A TREE TO MAKE THE DEW DROPS FALL.’ ************************* Loving someone who has no feelings for you is like striving to have the impossible. The harder you try, the harder it gets.


To the ignorant, molehills are seen as mountains. Little challenges are seen as big confrontations and cause great fear in their hearts.

SEVENTY-FIVE ‘THE WIND DOES NOT BREAK A TREE THAT BENDS.’ ************************* It’s always good to be flexible, adapt to any situation you find yourself. Avoid rigidity and you’ll succeed and excel through your challenges.

SEVENTY-SIX ‘UNTIL THE LIONS HAVE THEIR HISTORIANS, TALES OF THE HUNT WILL ALWAYS GLORIFY THE HUNTER.’ ************************* Our success stories can only be heard and retold when we decide to tell the stories of the brevity of our own against that of our peers and foes. Every man, family, society and even race has their tales of triumphs one way or another. Until we make it a point of duty to tell them, we would only be known to have simply existed.

SEVENTY-SEVEN ‘IF YOU UNDERSTAND THE BEGINNING WELL, THE END WILL NOT TROUBLE YOU.’ ************************* For the end to be great, we must understand the beginning and know where we want to go. That way we can start planning in line to our dreams, molding our future right from the start, so we don’t derail and find ourselves in a quandary, later in life.

SEVENTY-EIGHT ‘DO NOT LOOK WHERE YOU FELL, BUT WHERE YOU SLIPPED.’ ************************* To be able to accurately solve our mistakes, we should not continue to dwell on our mistake but the cause of the mistake. It will help us see it ahead the next time we are faced with similar circumstances and help us handle them better.

SEVENTY-NINE ‘WATER THAT HAS BEEN BEGGED FOR DOES NOT QUENCH THE THIRST.’ ************************* It is only what you struggle to have that can give you true satisfaction. When you depend on people for your day to day needs, it takes out the pride that comes with achieving another milestone; you thus hardly get the fulfillment and pleasure.

EIGHTY ‘EVEN OLD WAS ONCE YOUNG’ ************************* Never neglect the words of your fathers. Even they were once young and have experienced all you are seeing today. Remember the words of the elders are the pathway to greatness.


Just like you should be alert when the handshake exceeds the elbow, we should become careful and take action once we notice our relationships are beginning to cost us more than we can contend with.

EIGHTY-TWO ‘MAN IS LIKE PALM-WINE: WHEN YOUNG, SWEET BUT WITHOUT STRENGTH; IN OLD AGE, STRONG BUT HARSH.’ ************************* The heart of a man when young is free and flows easily; he lives an easy going life with lesser worries, but takes harsher and stronger decisions in old age, especially because of his past experiences.

EIGHTY-THREE ‘THE RAIN DOES NOT RECOGNISE ANYONE AS A FRIEND; IT DRENCHES ALL EQUALLY.’ ************************* Everybody one day or another will be faced with his own problems. Nobody is ever free of a problem or another.

EIGHTY-FOUR ‘HE, WHO DOES NOT SEIZE OPPORTUNITY TODAY, WILL BE UNABLE TO SEIZE TOMORROW’S OPPORTUNITY.’ ************************* Procrastination is the thief of time. When a man throws opportunities he’s already found, he most likely would not utilize a future one.


************************* When people that are supposed to be close friends betray you, they always give reasons for their actions. Be careful of friends that always give excuses for betraying others, they will one day do it to you.






************************* Let’s learn to forgive each other. Revenge and retaliation will only cause more harm and destroy lots of supposed beautiful relationships that could even shape our lives into better people.

EIGHTY-SEVEN ‘IF NOTHING TOUCHES THE PALM-LEAVES THEY DO NOT RUSTLE.’ ************************* Problems do not arise without a cause. Every reaction is caused by an action. (Compare English "Where there's smoke there's fire.") ‘

EIGHTY-EIGHT ‘A CHILD WITHOUT A MOTHER, IS LIKE A FISH IN SHALLOW WATERS.’ ************************* A child without a mother is open to lots of vices that can even cost him his life.


Ignorance can lead to potential danger. It is important to be informed and alert.

NINETY ‘EVEN OVER COLD PUDDING, THE COWARD FEARS WOULD BURN HIS MOUTH.’ ************************* The coward fears to handle even the simplest tasks. There’s no reason concluding over an issue without first trying it. With fear comes poverty.

NINETY-ONE ‘IF YOU WATCH YOUR POT, YOUR FOOD WILL NOT BURN’ ************************* Guard yourself from problems that arise from carelessness and negligence. When we become too lackadaisical we become open to troubles that we actually could have been able to evade.

NINETY-TWO ‘IF YOU SECRETLY BURN A HOUSE, CAN YOU CONCEAL THE SMOKE TOO?’ ************************* Every evil action always has a way of bringing its perpetrators out. Be careful what you do, nothing is hidden under the sun. Remember the law of karma.


Greed can lure one into partaking in criminal activities that can even cost you your life. Never envy another’s accomplishments, strive to achieve your dreams not because you want to compete with another but because you desire to excel without having to compromise to a fault.

NINETY-FOUR ‘THUNDER IS NOT YET RAIN’ ************************* The times might be tough now, but it might not get worse than it already is. Never give up. A man might be sick and close to death, but it doesn’t mean he is dead or will die for sure.

NINETY-FIVE ‘TOO LARGE A MORSEL CHOKES THE CHILD.’ ************************* Learn to eat only what you can chew lest you choke. Greed causes a lot of harm. Be careful whatever you do, is not a matter of how far, but how well. Apply the warnings of traffic, speed truly kills. Always remember to take one step at a time.

NINETY-SIX ‘BECAUSE FRIENDSHIP IS PLEASANT, WE PARTAKE OF OUR FRIEND’S ENTERTAINMENT; NOT BECAUSE WE HAVE NOT ENOUGH TO EAT IN OUR OWN HOUSE.’ ************************* We love to be and share with our friends, not because we really want anything from them or can’t afford the little gains we get from them, but for the joy we derive and the laughter and bliss of friendship which keeps us going each passing day.

NINETY-SEVEN ‘BY THE TIME THE FOOL HAS LEARNED THE GAME, THE PLAYERS HAVE DISPERSED.’ ************************* When a man fails to plan early, he only realizes himself when his peers have achieved it all. Time waits for no man.

NINETY-EIGHT ‘YOU CANNOT BUILD A HOUSE FOR LAST YEAR’S RAINS.’ ************************* Just like you shouldn’t cry over spilt milk. You should learn to let go of past misfortunes, failures, mistakes and move on with the lessons learnt as a weapon for future reoccurrences, especially when you see clearly that it can’t be remedied.

NINETY-NINE ‘NO MATTER HOW LONG THE NIGHT, THE DAY IS SURE TO COME.’ ************************* Sometimes, the difficulties we face make us feel we would never survive the next minute, but then comes the miracles. It is said that he that is down needs fear no fall, it can only get better from there.

ONE HUNDRED ‘THOUGH YOU SWEEP THE HUT IN THE SAND FLAT SEVERALLY, THE SAND WILL NEVER DISSAPPEAR.’ ************************* No matter how hard we try, there are some situations we never can change. It is good we know how to brave such situations when

they come our way, because they could only drain us and also destroy our lives, future and even careers, if we continue to dwell on them.

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