Wk - Quick Rules Sheet

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 3
Warrior Knights Quick Rules Sheet Setup:

Warrior Knights Quick Rules Sheet Phase I: Planning


Deal each player a Stronghold card (indicates which Baron they will be playing), the 12 Baron Action cards of that colour, the 8 Baron markers, and 12 control markers.


Give each player 4 Nobles (of their colour) and their corresponding cards (four total), and 15 Crowns.


Shuffle the Fate Deck, then randomly determine two different players by drawing from the Fate Deck to be the Chairman of the Assembly and the Head of the Church.


Give each player their 4 Regular Troop cards (3x 50 Troop cards, 1x 100 Troop card) and 2 Mercenary Troop cards (1x 50 Troops, 1x 100 Troops). These troops must be assigned to a Noble or the Stronghold, but a player is not required to assign troops to a Noble. Note that only Nobles assigned troops may be placed on the board during Setup.


Set up the Warrior Knights board: * Place the influence markers, casualty tokens, Faith tokens, etc. within easy reach of the board. * Place a City token on each non-Razed neutral city (for games with fewer than 6 players, draw a number of randomly Razed cities from the Fate Deck as follows: 2 Players - 11 Razed Kingdom Cities 3 Players - 7 Razed Kingdom Cities 4 Players - 5 Razed Kingdom Cities 5 Players - 3 Razed Kingdom Cities * Place the Neutral Action cards, Agenda cards, and the Mercenary Troop deck to the side of the board. * Shuffle the Fate and Event card decks, then place the top card on the bottom of each and place them on the game board in the appropriate locations. * Place the starting influence in the Influence pool section of the board. It is recommended that 10 influence per player be used for a shorter game, or 12-15 per player for a longer/more combative game. * Reveal a number of Mercenary cards equal to the number of Barons +1 (e.g., 4 in a 3-player game) and place them near the Mercenary track. These Mercenaries will be hired during the first Mercenary Draft. * Reveal the top 3 Assembly cards and place them on the designated location. These will be voted on during the first Assembly.


Starting with the Chairman of the Assembly, each Baron places their Stronghold marker on their starting location (any Kingdom location that does not contain a City). If playing a 2- or 3-player game, players may not place Strongholds in any area on the outer row or column of the main Kingdom map.


Starting with the Baron who placed their Stronghold last, and proceeding counterclockwise, players take turns placing a Noble who has been assigned troops on any Kingdom area of the board except overseas locations or locations containing a Stronghold belonging to another player.

Each Baron chooses 6 Action cards and places up to 2 Action cards in each Action stack (1, 2, and 3). The Chairman then shuffles the Neutral Action cards and deals 2 facedown cards to each Action stack, placing the remaining cards to the side. Each Action stack is then shuffled by the Chairman (although he may have the other Barons assist if they so choose.

Phase II: Actions During this phase, the Chairman turns over the top card of the current Action Stack (starting with "1") and continuing until the Stack is empty, then starting with the second Action stack. Once all three Stacks are depleted, the Upkeep phase begins. 1. The top Action card is turned face-up and its effects are resolved. *If the Action card is a Neutral Action card, the Chairman reads it aloud and resolves its effects. Then, the card is returned to the Neutral Action card deck. *If the Action card belongs to a Baron, then the Baron may takes one of the actions listed on the card (or none if they so choose). Then, the card is placed in the appropriate Special Phase Area (if applicable), as indicated by the coloured Banner(s) at the bottom of the card (e.g., a Red banner indicates the card is placed into the Wages area, a Blue banner indicates the card is placed into the Assembly area). Note that the "Mobilize Forces" card is only placed in the Wages area if a Baron only used it to move, and is only placed in the Assembly area if it was used to attack. If "Mobilize Forces" was used to moves and attack, the Baron may place it in either the Wages or the Assembly area. 2. Special Phases: If a Special Phase Area (Wages, Assembly, or Taxation) contains Action cards equal to twice the number of Barons, then the Special Phase begins immediately (before revealing the next Action card).

Wages: when triggered, each Baron must pay wages to their troops, starting with their Regular Troops, then any Mercenary Troops they control. Starting with the Chairman and continuing clockwise, each Baron must pay a number of Crowns to the treasury equal to the cost of that Troop (including Troops with casualty tokens and/or assigned to Nobles currently off the board). If the Baron is unable to pay the required cost of a Mercenary Troop, they immediately desert and are shuffled back into the Mercenary deck. Regular Troops do not desert if not paid. Taxation: when triggered, each Baron receives income from each City and Concession they control (remember that Fortified Cities produce an extra Crown). Then, all cards in the Taxation stack are returned to the appropriate Baron.

Warrior Knights Quick Rules Sheet Phase II: Actions 2. Special Phases (continued): If a Special Phase Area (Wages, Assembly, or Taxation) contains Action cards equal to twice the number of Barons, then the Special Phase begins immediately (before revealing the next Action card).

Assembly: when triggered, each Baron that can must attend the Assembly. At the beginning of the Assembly, each Baron receives vote tokens equal to the number of Kingdom Cities they control (plus 1). If the Chairman is not attending, they must now appoint an Acting Chairman for this Assembly. Step 1. Declare Agenda Order: The Chairman decides the order in which the current Agendas (usually 3) will be put to the Vote. If there are any "Private Motion" Agendas in the "Current Agendas" area of the board, they are voted on before any other Agendas. Step 2. Voting: 1. Each Baron places a number of Votes in a hidden area (e.g., hand, cup). 2. Once all players have decided, all Votes are revealed simultaneously. 3. Starting with the Chairman and proceeding clockwise, each Baron casts one of their Votes (either yes/no, or for a specific Baron). Ties are broken by the Chairman.

Warrior Knights Quick Rules Sheet Phase III: Upkeep 1. Check for Victory - if any Baron controls more than half of the unrazed Cities in the Kingdom (do not count Cities located overseas), that player immediately wins the game. 2. Gain Influence - Each Baron gains 1 influence for each City they control that is not currently under seige, taking it from the Influence pool. If the Influence pool is exhausted, they claim the remaining Influence from outside the Influence pool, but the game will then end immediately after the Upkeep phase. In that case, the Baron with the highest Influence total wins the game. Note: a Baron may NOT gain Influence if their Stronghold is not currently on the board. 3. Revolts - After scoring, a Baron draws one Fate card for each City they control without one of their Nobles in that area. If the card says "Revolt", the Baron must immediately pay one Faith OR Crowns equal to twice that City's income, otherwise that City immediately becomes Neutral (remove the underlying control marker). 4. Sea Movement Arrival - All Nobles traveling by Sea are placed in the land area associated with the port area they were in.. 5. Refresh Nobles - Each Baron refreshes (turns face-up) all exhausted Nobles. 6. Return Nobles to Board - any Nobles currently off the Board may be brought into play, and troops may be transferred between Nobles in the same area.

Step 3. Determine New Agendas: Once all Agendas have been voted on, the Chairman reveals 3 New Agendas for the next Assembly and places them on the "Current Agendas" section of the board. Any Votes not cast by a Baron are kept for the next Assembly.

Nobles: Movement

Note: if an Agenda is passed, a Baron may choose to "storm out" and disregard that Agenda effect. However, they are then banned from the Assembly, and may no longer attend the Assembly unless the ban is rescinded (such as via a Private Motion). In the case of a Law, the Baron may also choose to ignore it when it takes effect, and is then banned from the Assembly as normal. A Baron cannot refuse to follow an Assembly decision to withdraw an office or charge from a Baron.

Nobles move via certain Action cards (e.g., "Mobilize Forces" or "Versatile Strategy"). A Noble may normally only move one area, but a Noble on a road may move up to three areas along that road. Mountains are impassable, and rivers may only be crossed using a bridge. A Noble may not move through an area containing another Baron's Noble or City unless the opposing Baron gives permission. After a Noble has moved and/or attacked, that Noble is exhausted. Exhausted Nobles may not move or attack (but may still defend in battle). Sea Movement: A Noble in an area with a port may travel by sea to any other area with a port, as follows:

Mercenary Draft: when the Mercenary Track has a number of Baron markers equal to one more than the number of players, the Mercenary Draft begins immediately (unless a Special Phase, such as Wages, occurs first). Starting with the Baron who controls the left-most marker on the Mercenary Track, they may hire an available Mercenary Troop, immediately paying Crowns equal to the Troop's wage. However, if the Baron has more than one marker AND there are more than one Mercenary Troop of the same nationality, the Baron may hire multiple Troops of the same nationality (paying the combined hiring fee and removing one marker for each Troop). Once hired, Mercenary Troops must be assigned to either your Stronghold a Noble located either off the board or at one of your Cities or Stronghold. If a Baron cannot or will not pay a hiring fee, he may not hire a Mercenary Troop but must still remove his marker. Then, the next Baron on the Mercenary Draft track may hire a Mercenary Troop. Once the Draft is finished, all Mercenary Troops not hired are shuffled back into the deck and a number of Mercenaries equal to the number of Barons plus 1 are revealed for the next draft.

1. If the Noble starts his movement in a port area, they may move to a destination port area on the board, then exhaust. 2. If a Noble is present at a port area during the Upkeep phase, place any Nobles who are on a port icon at the port's location on the board. These Nobles are then refreshed as normal. Port movement cannot be combined with movement on a road in any way. A Noble on a port icon may not attack or be attacked. His position on the port icon represents that he is traveling by sea, and has not yet actually arrived at the destination area. Receiving Troops: During his movement, a Noble may receive any number of troops from either his Stronghold or another of your unexhausted Nobles if in the same area as the moving Noble. Take the desired Troop cards and place them under the moving Noble. A Noble on a road may continue his movement after receiving troops in this manner. An army with casualty tokens on it may receive any number of troops via transfer. However, if a Baron wishes to transfer troops from an army with casualty tokens, he must transfer ALL of the Troops and casualty tokens to the moving Noble, then remove any Nobles without Troops from the board.

Warrior Knights Quick Rules Sheet

Warrior Knights Quick Rules Sheet

Nobles: Open Field Battles

Nobles: Attacking Locations

In order to start a battle, the Baron must play a "Mobilize Forces" or "Versatile Strategy" Action card and have at least one Noble in an area with an opposing Noble, City (including Neutral Cities), or a Stronghold. Only one or two Barons are ever involved in a single battle. If an attacker starts a battle in an area with two or more targets, they must announce which target is the defender. The attacker chooses which unexhausted Nobles will fight in the battle, while all the defender's troops in the area must defend. When a battle is announced, any defending Noble located in an area with a city that his Baron controls is considered to be in the city. An attacking Noble is never considered to be in a city.

Cities: A Noble may attack a City (either Neutral OR controlled by another Baron) if either they are the only Baron with armies in the area OR all Barons with armies in the area grant permission (except the one who controls that City). There are 2 types of City attacks: Assaults or Sieges.

Battle Resolution: Step 1: Declare Commanders. Starting with the attacker, if the Baron has more than one Noble in the area, they must choose one Noble to command. Only the commanding Noble's special ability and +200 strength are used, and they command all the troops fighting for their Baron in that battle, regardless of which Noble they are assigned to. Step 2: Draw Fate Cards. Each Baron draws one Fate card for each 100 strength. Remember that casualty tokens reduce your strength. Step 3. Discard Fate Cards. Each Baron must choose at least two Fate cards to discard facedown to the bottom of the Fate deck. However, if this would leave him with no cards, they may keep one Fate card. Step 4. Reveal Fate Cards. Both Barons simultaneously reveal their chosen Fate cards. Step 5. Tally Casualties. Each player counts up the number of casualties inflicted and prevented (including those from Noble's special abilities). Starting with the attacking player, each player must then assign casualty tokens to their Nobles for each 100 casualties they received. If the number of casualties taken equals or exceeds the number of Troops, the Noble immediately dies and no more casualty tokens may be assigned to that army. If any Baron has no remaining Nobles, the battle ends (no victory check). Step 6. Count Victories. Each Baron tallies their total Victories, including any Noble's special abilities. There are 3 possible outcomes: *Full Victory: If one Baron has at least two more Victories than the opponent, any opposing Nobles with troops fighting in the battle are killed. *Partial Victory: If one Baron wins by a single Victory, any opposing Nobles with troops fighting in the battle must retreat. *Stalemate: If both Barons have the same number of Victories, nothing happens. Retreating: You may not voluntarily retreat from battle. A Noble forced to retreat from an overseas area dies. Otherwise, if a Noble is forced to retreat, the following occurs: 1. Draw a Fate card and check the Nationality. If the Noble had any Mercenary Troops of that Nationality, you must choose one of those Troops to immediately desert. Deserters are shuffled back into the Mercenary deck. 2. Move the retreating Noble to an adjacent area that does not contain a City or Noble belonging to another Baron. If unable, exhaust the Noble and move them to your Stronghold. If your Stronghold is under siege or off the board, the Noble immediately dies.

Assault: to Assault a City, it is treated as a regular (Open Field) battle except that the City's strength is added to the defender's total strength. The defender may also assign Breaches in place of casualties (each Breach counts as 100 casualties). Note that the attacker may capture the City through a partial or complete Victory (as in an Open Field battle). Siege: to place a City under Siege, the attacker must have more total strength than the defender (including the City's strength). Commanding Nobles add the usual +200 strength to the appropriate side, but their special abilities are ignored. The attacking Baron places a siege marker on the City. Besieged Nobles not move, transfer troops, or receive additional troops during the Upkeepphase or the Mercenary Draft. Besieged Cities generate no Influence or income, and may not be Fortified or Repaired. The siege is lifted if either the attacking Noble is killed or forced to retreat, or the attacker's armies leave the area. If in a later game round, the Baron sieges the City a second time without the siege being lifted, the City is captured and any defending Nobles are immediately killed. Strongholds: Strongholds may be Assaulted or Besieged just like Cities. The battle ends immediately if the Stronghold's strength is reduced to zero. The attacking Baron immediately receives half of the defeated Baron's Crowns (round down) and gains control of one of the defeated Baron's Cities (the defeated Baron's choice). The defeated Baron removes the Stronghold and any defending troops that took casualties equal to or greater than their number from the board, and may not gain Influence during the Upkeep phase. However, they may place their Stronghold on the board during the Upkeep phase on any Kingdom area that does not contain an unrazed City or an opponent's Noble or Stronghold.

Nobles: Dying When a Noble dies without an Heir, all Mercenary Troops assigned to that Noble are reshuffled into the Mercenary deck, and all Regular Troops assigned to that Noble are permanently removed from the game. That Noble may not be returned to play. When a Noble dies with an Heir, the following occurs: 1. Draw a Fate card and check the Nationality. If the Noble had any Mercenary Troops of that Nationality, you must choose one of those Troops to immediately desert. Deserters are shuffled back into the Mercenary deck. 2. For each casualty marker, you must discard 100 strength worth of Mercenary Troops. If there are not enough Mercenary Troops to satisfy this requirement, you must discard as many as possible. All casualty markers are then removed from that Noble. 3. Remove the Noble from the board, and discard any offices they held. 4. During the Upkeep Phase, you may place the Noble Piece (as its Heir) on the board, following the normal rules (see page 19).

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