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  • Pages: 7
The WORD / Christ said ....”But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be My witnesses . . . to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 (Some accounts state there were 500 present who heard these WORDs and saw Him ascend, GOD knows for sure!) I hope it is alright that I share HIS testimony with you, as the WORD of GOD is how we overcome as the "blood of the Lamb" is a finished situation, and only happened ONCE! (Rev 12: 11 ) HIS testimony will be forever, about the “blood that cleansED us form ALL ungodliness and imperfections.” (Original WORDage) The living WORD had me in a “flea market” on Saturdays and Sundays, from 6::50AM to about 3:00PM , to have "Church", every weekend for 18 months! to minister HIS WORD! It was an open sided, all the way around, with only a roof for covering! Thank GOD for the roof! I only missed one weekend because of a hurricane! It was in Pensacola Fl. One year before the BIG hurricanes! There were, on the average of 3000 souls passing the plywood table, that held FREE tracts and booklets, almost every weekend! About 20,000 tracks in 18 months were given out! With usually between from 1000 to 3000 souls passing right by us, in any given weekend, and according to the WORDS of GOD, 99.9% of them are heading straight into hell,! This situation of seeing souls headed to hell was, and is beyond disturbing, to say the least! So I went on a 40 day fast, as did the ONE WHO I am supposed to “follow” did, You should know “the FAST,” I refer to, if you really know the WORD of GOD, it is the fast found in Isa. 58: 6 & 8 (Verse 7 was to get the “Bread of LIFE” to FEED to the hungry,) This was the reason for the “fast that HE choose!”

Form day one, I wanted to know, “just what verses that HE could give to a soul, that would get them into HIS kingdom, immediately, completely!

OR in other WORDs, what verses (WORDS) would “profit” a soul into “salvation THRU sanctification," (2 Thes 2:13) right there and right in front of my eyes! So if the soul walked away, and they never listened to a “preacher "on the radio, nor they never went into the most of havens for sinners, they call a “church,” just what WORDs would “sanctify their soul" unto YOU dear GOD? That was the reason for the FAST! On the 21 day, at 3: 33 Am, the Living WORD woke me up, and directly gave me, a set of verses that would “sanctify a soul” within a few moments, into HIS Rule and Reign! The WORDs of GOD in these following verses sanctified my soul, than and there, without a doubt! He instructed me, since the WORD Rules, and not the “churchy” ways of men, to present to each, and ever soul, in this manner, and this certain presentation! He has presented HIS WORDs to up to 10 souls at one time, in a group, and all of them except “sanctification,” by HIS WORDs, on the spot! Since it was on a “face to face” situations, HE had me present the verses in this ORDER, and in this manner as follows. . . We go immediately to (He had me use a bookmarker) Heb. 9:26B ” …but NOW once at the end of the world He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.” (He doesn’t have me say, the thees and thous, to the “unchurched,” as HE has me use the KJV or these verses, only! The Amplified is my study bible!) (The King has me ask them to read the verse (if they can,) and He has me stop them right after the) “but NOW,” (And ask them ) “when is “NOW” (And most, almost 99%, respond . . . “its right NOW” (some look at me r-e-a-l weird for asking such a dumb question, but I don’t care, the WORD is having them prophecy when they are going to be "sanctified, RIGHT NOW!) " One 280 pound, 6’ 3” man raised his voice, and argued out loud saying, “NOW is right NOW, stupid! (referring to me, but I saw the WORD sanctify his soul, in the next sentence anyway, so it really didn’t matter what “they think of say to or about “me!") (GOD has me point at the next word “ONCE” and ask them ) “HOW many times” They answer . . .“ONCE.” (He than makes me ask them) . . . “at the end” of the What?” (and point at the word “world”) They say, “World.”

(He than has me take the WORD from their eyes, and make eye contact with them, and prophesy to them, by HIS WORDs . . . “Today, right ‘NOW,” is the “end of the world” for you!” “WHY?” (Than to fulfill HIS prophesy, Christ has me point back to the verse, to the WORDs WORD, and have them read) “has HE appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.” (He than has me say) “According to this verse, right here and right “NOW,” stated by Christ Himself . . . “HE did what” (and point back at ) ”put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.” (Our LORD than has me ask them.) “When was He sacrificed, about 2000 years ago, Right? They answer, “Yes!” (Than HE has me ask?) “Is He a failure?” They say “NO!” (He then has me tell them..) “Since GOD cannot lie, He said He HIMSELF ”put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.” Right? And they say, “Right” (Next HE has me state) “Since GOD Himself said) He “put away sin” than you do NOT have any sins, RIGHT? They say “NO!” I do not have any sins!” (Upon that answer, and at that same moment, they receive the FULLNESS of the “baptism of the SPIRIT of HOLINESS,” Praise His WORDs!) Then we (GOD and the newly sanctified soul (s) who are FILLED, and hungrily, turn to Heb. 10: 10, “by [HIS] will. . . we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all.” (He has me point at the WORDs of HIS WORD, “once” and ask them, “How may times?” And they say, “Once!” (Than point to the WORDs “and for all” And than ask. . .) “For how many?” And they say, “ALL!” (He has me ask them) “Are you included in the WORD “all?” They say “YES.” (He has me explain to the NOW SPIRIT FILLED controlled soul) “That the WORD “sanctification” is the fancy word for, set aside completely, holy and pure.” (They are quickened and say . . .) “YES” (He than has me tell them.) “that according to the WORD of GOD, right here (and point to the verse) ‘just when did HE make you holy and pure? (They answer) "Through the offering of HIS body.” The WORD and the souls go 4 verses, to Hebrews 10: 14 “For by one offering He has perfected for ever them that are sanctified.” (He has me ask them) “How many offerings? “ They say “ONE!” (He has me ask) “How long is “forever?” They say . . . “Forever!” (He has me state more of His Truth . . . ) “He sanctified," OR set you aside in His holiness “by one offering” because HE Himself, who is NOT a failure at what HE came here to do, as HE said so Himself, that He “put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.” RIGHT? They say “RIGHT!”

(About [99%] want to “hear” more! So the WORD, and us go thru the following… ) (HE takes them to HIS next WORDs in Phil. 3: 15 & 16 "Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. 16 "Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: an if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you. Never-the-less, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing." (I am supposed to ask) "When did GOD say…. HE perfected you forever. They say “Back in Hebrews 10: 14, "For by one offering HE has perfected for ever them that are sanctified." We go to Titus 2: 12 and read HIS WORDs ”Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world.” (He has me ask?) “Right Now, right here how does GOD teach us, as the ONLY WAY, “to live soberly, righteous and godly? They answer “by denying ungodliness and worldly lusts “ "Why are “we” supposed to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts?" They answer… “Because ”He put away my sin by the sacrifice of Himself.” We go to Jude 1: 24, ”Now unto HIM / the WORD, that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of HIS glory with exceeding joy.” (He has me ask) ‘What is going to make HIM, the WORD R-E-A-L-Y happy?” They say “To keep them from falling.” (And HE promised to present you how?) They state "FAULTNESS!" HE has me tell them, the WORDs, "HE is able to keep them from falling," Are the WORDs of GOD, HIMSELF, that are "ABLE to keep them from falling," as they minister the WORDs "He is able to keep them FROM falling and present them FAULTLESS," into other souls" That is called the "sow and reap LAW of the WORDs of GOD! (We go to Rom.25-26(A) (And prophesy to them that) “This is your public proclamation form this NOW ONWARD!” (HE has me read the verse in the Original Greek to English text definitions, as follows . . ..) “Whom God HAS set forth to be a restoration through faith in HIS blood, to publicly proclaim HIS holiness and purity for the Omission of sins, that are PAST, through the Self-control of the WORD of GOD!” To publicly proclaim, I say, at this time / right NOW, HIS holiness and purity…” They agree with the TRUE WORD! We go to 1Jo 3:5, and He has them read. . . “And you know that He was manifested that He may take away our sins, and in Him is no sin. Everyone who abides in Him does not sin. Everyone who sins has not seen Him nor known Him.

Little children, let no one deceive you the who do righteousness is righteous, even as that HE is righteous. He who practices sin is of the devil, for the Devil sins from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He may destroy the works of the devil. Everyone who has been born of God does not commit sin, because His seed remains in him, and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.” (He has me ask them . . . “Why was HE, the Living WORD say HE, was manifested, They state ‘To put away their sin!” He has me state the TRUTH according to HIS OWN WORDS, Everyone who sins has not seen Him nor known Him.” Is that correct, They state that is correct! He has me ask. . .How righteous are we supposed to be, and they state “even as that HE is righteous.” (See how the WORD states HIS TRUTH?) HE than has me state “They that practices sin are of the who? They speak the TRUTH, ‘they are of the devil!” He has me state ‘According to HIS very OWN WORDS, what was “the purpose” that HE stated that “the Son of Man was manifested?” They state the TRUTH, as only the SPIRIT FILLED can state. . . HE “was manifested to destroy the works of the devil!” He has me ask, was HE a failure at what HE came here to “destroy?” They state, ‘NO, not at the least for them!’ Next question is. . . According to HIS OWN WORDS, Everyone who has been born of God does not commit sin, because His seed the WORD, remains in them, and they cannot sin, because they have been born of God.” Is that what GOD stated HIMSELF? They state by the SPIRIT of HOLINESS and TRUTH that is what a true born again soul believes! PRAISE HIS WORDS FOREVER THAT WAS HIS TESTIMONY about the REAL “gospel!” (Than HE has me, hand them a small “bookmark” ( about 1 1\4” x 2 ½ “ about 12 per a single page with the following references to WORDs of GOD that “sanctified” their soul on it….and tell them) “Fill in your name after word “Minister” Because the “REAL winner of “souls” knows, by the WORDS, in Pro 23:7 ”For as a man (or woman) thinks in their hearts, so shall they be!” (He has me pray) “DO NOT allow the devil, to stop you from “publicly proclaiming to someone HIS holiness and HIS purity,” as soon as possible!" As you allow HIS WORDs to “keep you from falling,” in this “present world” by “denying and renouncing ungodliness and worldly lust! SO BE IT! In HIS Nature and in HIS name! Many times HE has them “minister,” or testify the same verses to the next

“soul” on the “streets,” that set them FREE! Praise HIM forever! Minister ______________________ Heb. 9: 26(B) Heb. 10: 10 & 14 Phil. 3: 15 & 16 Jude 1: 24 Titus 2: 12 Rom. 3: 25 & 26(A) 1John 3:5-10 2Pet. 2: 9 & 19 Mat. 12: 36 & 37 Job 15: 6 and 5 1 Cor. 3: 16-17 2 Thes. 2: 13 Gal. 5: 24 Rom. 6th and 8th Both chapters! www.nnu.edu/weslyctr www.wordpurified.com ~~~~~~~~~~~ Ps. Sorry about such a long testimony, but eternity is also to long of a time for the “lost and perishing souls” who come near "us" everyday for “REPROOF, and correction in righteousness” of “their” lives! You can make, by choice, those same WORDS of your testimony also, as the WORDs belong to all who belong to HIS WORDS! May they see the tears of Christ pouring out of your eyes and flooding thru you [HIS] VOICE! (C. Booth, paraphrased) SO. . . We do not “go ye” because we “have to,” as a duty! Nor do we go to get “paid for it." NOR to make “tithers and offerers,” out of all the nations! But we “GO” because the love of Christ / the WORD flows FREELY thru us, who “are sanctified, withOUT mans traditions, into the lost, as we “WARN every man, and than teach every man in ALL WISDOM, so we can allow the WORD can present, every man PERFECT, to HIMSELF!” Col. 1: 28 (Original) ~~~~~~~~~~~ That was the testimony, of, and by the WORDS of GOD! Again I pray that the “lost “May they see the tears of Christ pouring out of you thru your eyes, and or coming thru your voice! Because CHRIST stated originally in

2 Tim 4: 2 (Freely given by GOD!) “Herald and preach the WORD! Keep your sense of urgency, whether the opportunity seems to be favorable or unfavorable. Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the WORD are to show people in what way their lives are wrong. And convince them, rebuking and correcting, warning and urging and encouraging them, being unstoppable and inexhaustible in patience and teaching.” (2 Tim 4: 2) The ORIGINAL WORDS sure SOUNDS better. HUH! Did you see “Whether it is convenient or inconvenient, whether it is welcome or unwelcome, you as preacher of the Word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.” SO NOW “GO and “SIN NO MORE!” (John 5: 14 and 8: 11 )

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