Winter Edition 04

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Winter Edition 2004-2005 $5.00 USA


Will your name be found in the book of life? My testimony from the path of death to health


Winter Edition 2004-2005





Winter Edition 2004-2005

Winter Edition 2004-2005



Visions Christian Magazine is available through subscription. Please give us a call at

L.C. Tardy Publishers



Executive Editors Penelope White

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Columnist Pastor Sheritha Bowman Athena Thomas Writers/Regular Contributors Denise Bess Deacon Curtis O. Gill Nikki Jones Dr. Myles Munroe Linda Ryzenga Loretta Parker Spivey Rick Warren Graphic Designers Cody Beasley Fred Booker Chauntika Broggin Eresa Tardy

Romans 10:9-10 That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. 9

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Winter Edition 2004-2005

contact: Linda Tardy Copyright 2004 Visions Christian Magazine, Inc



I am a 51 year old black woman. For years I had suffered many health problems related to obesity. Not just obesity, but morbid obesity, I was on the path of death ...

by Denise Bess


Although you have accomplished much in your life and undoubtedly has your name recorded in many journals, books and registers, and most likely on some official documents, today, I ask you, is your name recorded in the “Book of Life?” ....

by Deacon Curtis O. Gill


cover story:

“A Profitable Servant” by L.C. Tardy

your own life...



While many of us “saved on Sunday Christians” are making a mad dash for our prestigious seats on the front row, there are people out on the streets of our neighborhoods and communities sporting highly flammable suits ready to knock the bottom out of hell!....

by Nikki Jones


Iran’s censors have approved the screening of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ in the Persian state’s movie theaters ...

by L.C. Tardy

28 FIRST STEPS TO SPIRITUAL GROWTH How to have a meaningful time with God...

by Rick Warren



As a Christian, I am compelled to understand that there is a terrorist who is far worse than Bin Laden. His tactics make al-Qaeda’s maneuvers look like child’s play, and in this war literally billions of lives are at stake—yours included...

by Loretta Parker Spivey

Associated Press





Excerpt from Dr. Myles Munroe’s book, “The Principles and Power of Vision”....

by Dr. Myles Munroe


At the western end of the Judean Desert, situated high on a rocky cliff, overlooking the Dead Sea, stands one of the most desolated and appalling sights in history. It’s called Masada, which means, fortress, in Hebrew...

Allow God to lead you concerning with whom you share your hopes and dreams...

by Pastor Sheritha Bowman

43 PRESSING TOWARD YOUR FREEDOMPart One Before you can press toward freedom, you must know what you need to be set free from...

by Athena Thomas

by Linda Ryzenga




It is a slap in God’s face to think that you can handle

by Daniel McNair

Winter Edition 2004-2005



testimonials by Denise A. Bess

My Testimony from Death to Health pounds. I had developed diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis; bone spurs on my knees, and acid reflux disease. I was in a terrible state, greatly needing help. When I would go upstairs (13 stairs in my house), I would go half the way up and my heart would beat so hard I would have to rest, then when I got up the steps I would have to rest before I could do anything else.

Denise Bess-Before his is my testimony. I am a 51 year old black woman. For years I had suffered many health problems related to obesity. Not just obesity, but morbid obesity, I was on the path of death. I have always been overweight, even as a child. When I was in the sixth grade I was a size sixteen. In the ninth grade I weighted 290 pounds. As I got older, I gained more and more weight. Even though I was overweight, I always was able to get around, got a good job, a loving Christian husband and lived a good life (so I thought). The older I got, the more health problems I developed. I realized some years ago that I had become a stress eater. The more stress in my life (mostly job related) the more I ate. In 2001 I tipped the scales at 535




Winter Edition 2004-2005

I am a Christian, have been “saved” since I was 19 years old, but I still had a problem. As many Christians do, I went to church a lot, but did not exercise or eat healthy. I realize now that I should have turned to God for relief, but like so many others, I turned to more food. I was so large, I could not even get on my knees to pray. One day in March 2001, I took a taxi cab to work and met an “angel”. The cab driver was an older gentleman. He asked me if I would mind if he asked me about my weight problem. I told him I did not mind. He told me his daughter had been my size and suffered many health problems related to obesity. He proceeded to tell me that his daughter had gastric bypass surgery and that it saved her life. She can now run up the stairs, he was so happy to see his daughter regain good health. I thanked him for telling about his daughter and for encouraging me. He was my “angel” that day. I took his advice and talked to my doctor about gastric bypass surgery. She was very happy that I was considering having the surgery. In December 2001, I had gastric bypass surgery at

Washington Hospital Center. The surgery was successful. During the surgery, my stomach was made smaller. Since my stomach is smaller, I eat less food. I have lost 220 pounds. I am much healthier, I am no longer diabetic, I do not take medication for high blood pressure, I now walk without a cane, I can go all the way up the steps without stopping. I can pray on my knees and give praises to God without loosing my breath. Truly the “joy of the Lord is my strength”. Previously I was taking 13 pills a day, now I only take 4. I am still losing weight, a little slower now, but I intend to reach my goal of 230 pounds soon! Halleluiah!! The doctors performed the surgery, but God allowed me to come through, without fear. He guided their hands and I give glory to God! Now, I encourage others who have similar problems to seek God for help so they won’t have to take the route I did, especially young people. For those who have morbid obesity and who want to consider what I did, seek God, ask Him for guidance and help. He brought me through and He can do the same for you. I encourage you also to develop healthier eating habits and exercise for it the will of God that we “prosper and be in health as our soul prospers”. PS. My husband and I h a v e b e e n married for 26 years. Now we are acting like “vibrant” young people again! VCM

Denise Bess-After

Winter Edition 2004-2005



features By Deacon Curtis Gill  oday, I would like to congratulate you on your retirement! Your retirement indicates that you have worked hard and endured much over a period of years to achieve this mile stone. There are probably many who started out with you who failed by the wayside.    In looking back over your life, I see that you completed high school, served in the military, completed college and yes, raised some adorable children and kept your family together during some trying times! I


in the “Book of Life,” is that as I continue to look back over your life, I don’t see where you were attending church. I don’t see where you placed God first in your life. I don’t see where you kept God’s commandments or His statutes. I don’t see where you studied to show yourself approved unto God. I don’t see where you were in fellowship or worshiped with believers! I don’t see where you honored your father and mother. I don’t see where you love your neighbor as yourself. It is sad to say that I don’t see where you love the Lord thy God with all your heart and leaning

Will Your Name Be Found In the Book of Life? by Deacon Curtis Gill see that you received promotions faster than your peers and reached the top of your profession quicker than anyone in the history of your career field. Yes, your life has been quite a success story! You have fulfilled the American dream! You own a nice home in a wealthy suburban area, a boat, a 4X4 truck to pull it and two beautiful cars. You have season tickets for all the local professional football and basketball games. You even have some of the best and most sought after seats in the stadium.    I see that you have frequently gone on trips to some of the most popular tourist cities in the world. I also see that you really know how to throw a party and when you do, you invite and expect officials from the highest levels of the government to be in attendance! I must not leave out the fact that you repeatedly dine in some of the finest restaurants in the city and have socialized in many of the most prestigious clubs around. I see that you always dress well and most people, who you come in contact with, envy you and wishes they had what you have, without even knowing who you are.    Although you have accomplished much in your life and undoubtedly has your name recorded in many journals, books and registers, and most likely on some official documents, today, I ask you, is your name recorded in the “Book of Life?”    The reason why I ask you if  your name is recorded



Winter Edition 2004-2005

not unto your understanding. I don’t see where you fed the hungry or gave drink to them who were thirsty or took in strangers or clothed the naked. I don’t even see where you visited those who were in prison! In other words, I don’t see where you help the less fortunate or the needy.    What is the “Book of Life” you ask? Well, to my understanding, the “Book of Life” is a record of your life, which is being recorded by the Angels of God, who are watching everything you do, go everywhere you go and listen to everything you say! According to “The Liberty Illustrated Bible Dictionary,” the “Book of Life” is a heavenly book in which the names of the righteous (the redeemed or saved) are written. The concept of God’s having a “Book of Life” was probably first enunciated by Moses, who prayed that God would blot him out of God’s book rather than dooming his fellow Israelites. (Exodus 32:32-32) The Bible tells us that “. . . there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.” (Matthew  10:26-27 KJV) The “Book of Life” is mentioned in the New Testament 8 times. In every scripture that makes reference to the “Book of Life”, it also makes reference to your name, your works or your deeds.    Why should you be concerned about your name being found in the “Book of Life”? You should be

concerned because “. . . we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that everyone may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Eccl 3:16 Hebrews 9:27 tell us that “. . . it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” Yes, you will be judged by the Righteous Judge and He will give you your reward according to those things written about you in the book of life. What will be in the book of life by your name and what will your reward be?    Matthew tells us that “A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment.” (Matthew 12:35-3) To me that is enough to be concerned about. If that is not enough for you to be concerned, consider this. The Lord said that, “. . . every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. (Romans 14:11-12 KJV)    Are you concern yet? Are you convinced that you should be concerned or do you still need more time and more reasons? I will submit to you that this is time to be concerned. Look around you. The young are dying faster than the old. There is evil lurking about in every community. This year alone, I have already been to eight funerals and four of them have been for people below the age of 52. There have been eight young people killed here in the city below the age of 16 already this year. What about in your neighborhood, have you witnessed an increase in crime in your community? I again encourage you to get concerned. You need to ensure that your name will be found in the “Book of Life” and time is running out on you. If your name is not found in the “Book of Life,” you will be cast into the lake of fire. (Paraphrased Revelation 20:15)    What must you do to ensure that your name is recorded in the “Book of Life”? Now that is a good question. It indicates that you are at least concerned and that’s good news and a great place to start. I want to assure you that there is still hope for you and room for your name to be added to the “Book of Life.” You must act without delay, for tomorrow might

be too late!    To ensure that your name is found in the “Book of Life”, you must do as Jesus did when He walked here on earth. Jesus went about doing good. No doubt you have heard the story, while Jesus walked here on earth, He worked and you too must work!  I know you have worked as indicated by all of your achievements, but you worked to satisfy your earthly desires and not for the Glory of God. Our Bible tells us “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:19-21 KJV)    So in order to get your name in the “Book of Life”, you must start to work for the Lord. I know you have worked hard and long, but “except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.” (Psalm 127:1-2 KJV) My friend, you must assume the same atti-

“Book of Life” is a record of your life, which is being recorded by the Angels of God

tude that Jesus did. Jesus said “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” (John 9:4 KJV)    With that proclamation, he commenced to go to work. He turned water into wine, healed the sick, removed demonic spirits from a man, cleansed a leper, raised the widow’s son, cast out a dumb and

continue on page 13

Winter Edition 2004-2005



cover story Interview by L.C. Tardy

A PROFITABLE SERVANT The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few”

Matthew 9:37

he Lord has chosen another “son of God,” to reign as “king on earth,” and his name is Freddye “Action” Jackson. Mr. Jackson is the President/CEO and Founder of Faith Funding Corporation. Mr. Jackson is a man after God’s own heart, who has a reputation for giving to others. Action Jackson has a special repoir with people. He shares a spirit of joy and concern for all those that he encounter. He’s a man of integrity, who believes in laying the foundation for the heart of his organization, which is (the customer)


The first time I met Mr. Jackson, it became clear to me why he was called Freddye “Action” Jackson. Mr. Jackson explained that at the age of 9 years old he started his own business, that’s truly amazing! God truly had his hand on Mr. Jackson’s life. He continued to be an Entrepreneur until this present day. As the scripture reads, “Still he holdeth fast his integrity,” Job 2:3. Mr. Jackson’s strong desire to help others has lead him to experiencing the blessings in Deutoronomy 28. He is now a living testimony, and lives in the



Winter Edition 2004-2005

“Land of Milk and Honey.” Mr. Jackson is quick to tell you that he managed to make most of his dreams and visions materialize by his strong conviction in God. I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Jackson, and ask him the following questions:

1. What motives you Mr. Jackson? Because of my up bringing in a large family; we watched mama and daddy working 80 hours to make us happy. I had decided not to have to work so hard to make ends meet. I knew from the beginning that I wanted to work for myself instead of working for someone else. I found out at an early age that I could control my own destiny by working in my own business.

2. Who is the greatest example setter in your life? My father and my uncle Jimmy Camp was the two people in my life that set an example for me . My fathers example’s was not always right but, it taught

Freddye “Action” Jackson at work

me how to hussle and fend for myself. I have always given my father the greatest and the most credit, because he had a way of putting things together when it really mattered most. He always taught me how to give when I saw someone without. My father was a cheerful giver. This is why I tell people that children are the greatest imulators in the world, and we have to be very careful what we say and do around them. I took my fathers good ways of doing things and did it my way. However, the greatest example setter in my life presently is Jesus Christ.

3. Where do you get your energy? When you experience the good things in life, you never want to look back or go back. The philosphy of it all is to go to bed with something on your mind, and wakeup with something on your mind. Each time I see my families needs, it motivates me to do something about it. God has blessed me with knowledge and the skills to make things work, so I use it.

4. What is the most important thing in running a business? The most important things about running a business is being able to delegate to others. Anyone who has a business and thinks that he can run that business by himself, will not have a business very long. You have to get the right people in the right

position and they will be the ones that will make your business work.

5. What advice would you give a person who is just starting out in business?

The most important thing about going into business is staying focus. This business is your business, you are the one with the vision. No one knows your vision, but you. You are the one who has to take this vision home with you. You sleep with it, and wakeup with it. You have to continually have this business on your mind; because if you don’t nobody else will. People always see the outcome, but they don’t see the struggle to get there. You should always let your employees see you working as hard as they do. If you don’t take your business serious, then they won’t either.

6. What is your favorite scripture? My favorite scripture is Psalm 23, because the Lord truly is my Sheperd.

7. Do you believe that all money belongs to God? Not only do I believe that all money belongs to God, but I believe that all things belongs to God.

8. Describe Freddye “Action” Jackson

Winter Edition 2004-2005



Freddye “Action” Jackson is a man that love God. I believe that God has had my back from the beginning of my first breath, and before the world began. Without God I am nothing. I have experienced many trials and tribulations, but because God was on my side, I knew that it would come to pass. I believe in walking by faith and not by sight. What keeps me going is knowing that God cannot lie, and He promised that He would never leave me, nor forsake me, and that He would be with me always.

BIOGRAPHY OF MR. FREDDYE “ACTION” JACKSON Freddye Jackson, Sr. is a native Washingtonian, who learned early that “If you want something in life you have to go out and get it.” Since the age of 9 Mr. Jackson has been the navigator of his career aspirations and for the past 69 years he has steered his life in the pathway of many successes. From his early beginnings as owner of his own produce business at the age of nine, he went on to established himself as top in his profession as a sales consultant and owner of an automobile dealership. Mr. Jackson’s desire to succeed and be the best in his profession earned him the nickname of “Action Jackson” in the early “70s. As a sales consultant, he was recognized nationally for his outstanding achievements. Among his most memorable rewards were the 161/2 consecutive years as the “Salesman of the Year,” award at Dave Pyles Lincoln Mercury, and “Salesman of the Nation for seven years. Action Jackson was also featured in the New Observer, Washington Times, and the Fairfax Journal. Additionally, in 1991, Action Jackson was featured in Success Magazine as one of the top ten achievers and on the cover of the Washington Post Magazine. In the same year, he was appointed to the Board of Ethics by Governor Parris Glendening. Mr. Jackson will admit that the road has not always been easy and welcomed any difficulties as “mindful challenge.” As owner of Brown Lincoln Mercury, he developed the Christian Members Buying Plan (CMBP). In the midst of the controversy that ensued world-wide with news coverage, he laid the foundation that allowed the Plan to work



Winter Edition 2004-2005

for the heart of his organization- (the customer). Action’s commitment to the life blood of his organization and quality customer service took his East Coast dealership that rated last place or No. 20 in the zone to the No. 1 position in 14 short months. This accomplishment earned him the “Outstanding Salesmanship Recognition Resolution,” from the Senate of Maryland in 1989. He volunteers as a mentor in the community and continues to do motivational presentations in educational and other orgainzational settings upon request. Currently, Freddye Jackson is working on his autobiography and a “how to” customer service skill building training guide.” He contends that “If you want to succeed, you must have the will, the stamina, determination, perserverance, and faith in knowing that the reward will outweigh the pain that precedes any victory.” He continues to “think big” and concentrate all his efforts on his present goals as President/CEO of Faith Funding Corporation, a mortgage lending establishing based in Prince George’s County Maryland. Action Jackson is a man who believes that “Opportunities live within each and every individual and it is up to the individual to consciously commit to capitalize on it.” He has experienced a multitude of victories in many fields as entrepreneur and intrapreneur. His accomplishments in all positions have been substantiated by individual and organizational growth, in addition to national and international recognition. Action is a man after God’s own heart. A dedicated Christian and past Deacon. Mr. Jackson spends time studying for ministerial work at “Spirit of Faith Christian Center located in Temple Hills, Maryland. On a more personal note, he plans to celebrate his 28th year of marriage to Dr. Marsha E. Jackson February 2005, in a rededication ceremony with their son, Freddye “Action” Jackson, Jr., as his best man. Freddye Jr is also a carbon copy of his father Freddye, Sr., who also has a heart for giving to others. Freddye, Jr. is a firm believer in this scripture: Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away. Matthew 5:42. VCM Linda C. Tardy is a Freelance Writer/Author. She is the Publisher of this magazine, Visions Christian Magazine.

features continue from page 9 blind spirit, calming a storm, raised Jairus’ daughter, fed 5,000 with five loaves and two fish, walked on water, healed a deaf and dumb man, cast demons out of a lunatic boy, pulled a coin from the mouth of a fish, raised Lazarus from the dead, cleansed ten lepers, cursed the fig tree and He showed love for His fellow men.    When Jesus completed His work here on earth, God declared that this my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and gave Him all power in Heaven and on earth. What will He say about you when your life is completed? When the night comes in your life, your work must speak for you! I ask you to close your eyes and listen to the voice of the Righteous Judge as He read about you. What is He saying? Is He saying, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. Or, is He saying, Thou wicked and slothful servant, and then instruct his host, to cast you into outer darkness: where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth?”    You have the chance to get your name written in the “Book of Life.” Jesus is “. . . standing at your door, knocking: if you hear his voice, and open the door, He will come in and He will sup with you and you with Him. If you over cometh, He will grant you the opportunity to sit with Him at His throne, along with His Father in Heaven. (Paraphrased Revelation 3:1921 KJV) Today is your day; use it to come to Jesus while you still have time!    All you have to do is confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9-10 KJV) You must make a proclamation and go to work for the Lord. You must say Heavenly Father I have sinned and I am sorry and ask Him to forgive you. After making that confession, yield to will of God, forsake not the assembly and start to live by the Ten Commandments.    You need to study to show yourself approved unto God and stop seeking man’s approval. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all other things will be

added unto you. You must love your neighbor as yourself. You must go out into the highways and hedges and compel men and women to come into God’s house that it may be filled. You need to “let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matt 5:16 KJV) Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole Armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.    Some will tell you that all you have to do is have faith. I would like to remind you that the Bible tells us that “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” James 2:26. That tells me, you need to have more than faith.  Some will even tell you that all you have to do is ask and your name will be added to the “Book of Life.” However, if you consult the Bible, you will discover that you can carry yourself in such a manner that when you call on God, He will not hear. (Isaiah 59:1-3 KJV)    When you have done all you can in the Name of the Lord, you can rest assure that your name “will be found in the Book of Life!” And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. (Revelation 20:12 KJV)    Father God, I come to you in the Mighty Name of Jesus, to give you all the Honor, all the Praise and all the Glory for the Great things you have done, for all that you are doing and for all that you are going to do for me in the coming minutes, hours, days, months and years.   Father, I realize that while I was still sinning, you gave your only begotten Son that I might have a right to the tree of life. Today I confess of my sins and I ask that you forgive me and accept me back as one of yours. I pledge my love, my loyalty and my dedication to you and you only. Father, I know that I am not worthy of love, but today I submit myself to you and your will. Please use me as you will and send me where you would have me to go. Allow me to be a example of your love, your grace and your mercy! I will give you all the praise, the honor and the Glory. Father, this is your humble servant’s pray and I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen! Editor: Brother Robert S. Childress VCM

Winter Edition 2004-2005






Winter Edition 2004-2005

By Nikki Jones

Religion or Relationship: Where Do You Stand? “Now it happened, as Jesus sat at the table in the house, that behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Him and His disciples. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to His disciples, “Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” When Jesus heard that, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy and not sacrifice. For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” Matthew 9:9-13 How many sinners, tax collectors, prostitutes, child molesters or murders have you supped with this week? How many of them have you talked to about the love and forgiveness of Christ? While many of us “saved on Sunday Christians” are making a mad dash for our prestigious seats on the front row, there are people out on the streets of our neighborhoods and communities sporting highly flammable suits ready to knock the bottom out of hell! Do you know what the ministry of Jesus was really about? Do you know what Christ was passionate about? THE SOULS OF THE LOST! Matthew 9:35-38 says, “Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘the harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Jesus was passionate about winning the lost. Do you know where His passion led Him? His passion not only led Him into all the cities and villages teaching, preaching and healing, but it led Him straight to the Cross on Calvary to die for us and those very same people that we have a problem talking to. What are you passionate about and where is it leading you? Getting your bills paid? Then this passion leads you to working two dead end jobs like a slave. Finding that perfect husband or a





wife? So now your passion leads you to the gym to loose those last fifty pounds so you can be fine. Or getting that new house that you just know the Lord wants to bless you with even though you don’t ever pay your tithe? Most assuredly, wherever your passion points is the direction that you are going. When Jesus looked out on the multitudes of people before Him, He was moved with compassion for them because He could see that they were hurting, lost and in need of direction. Do we not remember that very compassion Jesus displayed was the reason many of us are ex-prostitutes, ex-child molesters and ex-murders today? People are spending countless amounts of time, money and energy going from one bad decision in life to the next in search of something significant and life changing. Why do you think the self-help and psychic sections at Barnes and Noble are so highly frequented? These are the very people that we see everyday. People that are searching for the answers to this life, but don’t exactly know how to find it. “Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” This is what the Pharisees asked. “Why is she coming up in the church with that little skirt on looking like a whore?” That is what we ask today. So are we following the example of Christ or the Pharisees? Since Christ was clearly the example that God sent, how is it that we, just as the Pharisees, have gotten so far off track? When they questioned the disciples about their Teacher eating with tax collectors and sinners, Jesus offered them a very clear explanation. “Those who are well have no need of a physician but those who are sick.” As followers of Christ, we must look at this passage of scripture and ask ourselves why we too take the position of the Pharisees. We look at people everyday, and if they don’t look like us, act like us or have something for us, we dismiss them. We dismiss the lost and hurting, but we show up every week to fulfill our religious obligations. We, the Christians, the leaders of the deacon boards, finance committees and announcements; doing church and dismissing the lost. Jesus says, “But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy and not sacrifice.” Mercy is





Winter Edition 2004-2005



compassion, kindness and forgiveness towards another especially someone that is a victim of misfortune. A sacrifice is a ritualistic offering of something to a deity; a forfeiture of something highly regarded or valued. Jesus let the Pharisees know that He desires for them to show love and kindness towards the sick and afflicted rather than them getting caught up in an abundance of religious rituals. Jesus desires for us to show that same mercy towards the lost today. Unfortunately, we continue to take that very same religious attitude as the Pharisees. The Pharisees were very caught up in holding people bondage to the law, even if they were not doing it themselves. They preached religious morality rather than a relationship with Jesus, and we tend to do the same thing. What is most unfortunate is that the


only understanding that they possessed. However, once Nicodemus learned what it truly meant to have a relationship with God and to be born again he had a responsibility to go back and teach the others. We too bear that same responsibility. When we read about how Jesus dealt with people, we see that He did not approach them in reference to their sin but in reference to their needs. He addressed their needs and at the same time made deposits into their lives that would last in eternity. What kind of deposits are we making into the lives of the unsaved? When they leave our company, have they left with a deposit that will change their lives for the kingdom of God or for the prince of this world? If Jesus could sit and eat with sinners, tax collectors,



He (Jesus) desires for them to show love and kindness towards the sick and afflicted rather than them getting caught up in an abundance of religious rituals. Jesus desires for us to show that same mercy towards the lost today.


Pharisees were not only caught up in scrupulous law keeping, external rituals and the condemning of anyone that was not like them, but they themselves were utterly ignorant as to what it meant to have relationship with God. Nicodemus, ruler of the Jews or as Christ called him, ‘teacher of Israel’, decided to put his pride aside and came out by night searching for understanding from Jesus. Jesus says to him, “unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus questions what it means to be born again; “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mothers womb and be born?” Nicodemus being a Pharisee, one who conservatively held all of the scriptures in an extremely high regard, did not even understand what it meant to be born again (John 3:1-21). With all of his knowledge of scripture, Jesus had to teach him what it means to come into relationship with Him. Before we can hold someone accountable to the scriptures, we must first establish where we stand. The reason the Pharisees could not teach anything other than religion and law is because that was the




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and talk to prostitutes what is our problem? Do we believe as the Pharisees believed, that He has only come for the “righteous” and not the sinner? When is the last time you Christians sat and ate with the sinner and allowed them to have a relationship with you in order to lead them into a relationship with Christ? Or are we too busy trying to make sure that people don’t find out that we come dressed for the big production, but we don’t ever make daily rehearsals. We’ve got religion but no relationship. All through the gospels we see example after example of Jesus extending His mercy to the people. That is what changed their desires from the way they were living to live a new way. The Samaritan woman at the well, the sinners and tax collectors, healing multitudes of sick and afflicted people; example after example of the ministry of Jesus. Unlike the Pharisees, He did not zero right in on their sin in a condemning fashion. However, when it came down to exposing the hidden sins of the Pharisees, Jesus question was, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.”(Jn 8:7) Jesus didn’t trip; He just knelt down and started exposing dirt down in the dirt. What is



being written in the dirt about you right now? Matthew 5:20 says, “For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” The righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees was externally adhering to the rules, but internally doing the opposite. Religiously clothed in works righteousness on the outside, but demonically oppressed by pride and self on the inside. Religious works will not allow us to enter into the kingdom of heaven. It does not matter not the level of involvement that we have in ministry nor how many charities we donate to a year, most assuredly, if you are not born again, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees you will by no means enter into the kingdom of heaven. And

He said to them, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. When once the Master of the house has risen up and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open for us’, and He will answer and say to you, I do not know you, where are you from. Then you will begin to say, we ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets. But He will say, I tell you, I do not know you, where are you from. Depart from Me, all you workers of iniquity.”(Luke 13:24-27) “But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy and not sacrifice.” Religion or Relationship: Where Do You Stand? VCM

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Winter Edition 2004-2005

Associated Press

IRAN CENSORS ALLOW ‘PASSION’ TO BE SEEN IN ITS ENTIRETY “Iran, a predominately Shiite Muslim state, is allowing the screening of the film despite strong Islamic objections.” April 30, 2004, 12:35PM Iran censors allow ‘Passion of the Christ’ to be seen Associated Press TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s censors have approved the screening of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ in the Persian state’s movie theaters, the official news agency reported Wednesday. A committee of clerics and officials within Iran’s Islamic Cultural and Guidance Ministry unanimously decided Tuesday to let the film be played in its entirety, with Persian language subtitles, the agency said. The state-

owned Farabi Cinema Foundation, which is in charge of foreign movies, bought a copy of Gibson’s controversial film in February and has negotiated with theater owners to screen it in May, the agency added. Iran, a predominantly Shiite Muslim state, is allowing the screening of the film despite strong Islamic objections, particularly from Sunni Muslims, to the depiction of religious prophets in any form. Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Jordan and several other Islamic countries have already approved the screening of Gibson’s film. VCM — http:// | Section: More entertainment news This article is: http://

Winter Edition 2004-2005



An excerpt from the book

“The Principles And Power of Vision” Written by Dr. Myles Munroe The Nature of Real Prosperity One of the Hebrew words that is translated “prosperity” in the Bible is shalev (see, for example, Psalm 30:6; Psalm 73:3), which means “tranquil,”being at ease,””peaceable,” and “quietness.” Another Hebrew word for prosperity is shalom (see Psalm 35:27; Jeremiah 33:9), which means “peace,””safe,” “well,” happy,”and “health.” The Bible is saying that prosperity is peace. Prosperity is also harmony. When Things are in balance, we say they are peaceful. True prosperity means to be free of worry and fear and reflects a state of contentedness that everything necessary is being taken care of.

Dr. Myles Munroe

life?” (Matthew 6:26-27). Some people interpret this passage to mean that, since God is supposed to take care of them, they don’t need to do anything themselves. They’re going to just sit back and let the Lord bless them. If they need anything, they will pray, and someone will bring groceries to their front doors or pay for the gasoline in their cars or give them several hundreds of dollars. Therefore, they just wait for God to act. However, let’s look at the implication of the passage. How does God feed birds? He provides for them, but He doesn’t personally handdeliver food to their nests! The birds don’t just sit around and wait for God to stop by witht their meals. When Jesus said the Heavenly Father feeds the birds, He meant that everything they need has been made available for them, but they have to go and get it. God does not build a bird’s nest. He provides the twigs. The bird has to find them pick them up, and bring them back to the tree it has chosen for a home. God does not leave worms on the top of the ground every morning. The bird has to go digging for them. It has to keep working, working, working until it finishes building it’s nest. It has to keep working, working, working until it gets the worm.

God provides for the birds, but He doesn’t hand-deliver food to their Every Purpose Has Its Own Prospernests ity Jesus used an analogy from nature to help explain prosperity: “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his VISIONS


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Another fundamental aspect of provision is that God has designed every purpose with it’s own prosperity. Your purpose has built-in provision for it. God never requires from you what He does not already have in reserve for you.

ments, not on keeping up with the Joneses. We should get rid of whatever is excess in our lives. We are as rich as our purposes, and our visions aren’t yet completed. We still have provision coming to us that no one can hold back.

Here is the key: Your prosperity is directly related to your purpose in life. The nature and degree of your prosperity is determined by what your assignment is. You were not born to have too much or too little. You were born to fulfill God’s purpose. When you capture your vision—the part you’re supposed to contribute to your generation and succeeding generations, the role you’re supposed to play in history— when you capture that and are doing it, you will see that all your provisions are automatically built into it. In this way, you don’t ultimately work for money or food, because you’re too busy living. You were not created by God just to pay a mortgage. You were not given life simply to keep food in the refrigerator. In your heart, you know that’s true. If this is what you’re doing, you are probably frustrated with your life situation. By the time you turn sixty, yo will look back at your life and say, “Did I enjoy any of this?” Perhaps you have nice home, but you are there only between 9 pm and 6am The rest of the time, you’re helping someone else get rich, and that person is at home playing golf behind his house and enjoying the company of his family and friends while you are busy at work.

Sometimes, God doesn’t give us all the resources we need to fulfill our visions because He has called other people to provide them for us. God may have provisions all over the world waiting for you. He may move you a thousand miles to get you where you were meant to be, to do things you were born to do, to fulfill the purpose in your own heart while, at the same time, fulfilling the purpose in His heart. Therefore, if you want to go to college, don’t abandon your dream just because your mother doesn’t have the money for it. Your mother doesn’t need to pay your bills. Your heavenly Father has promised to do that. Mary and Joseph’s money came from wise men on camels. When they said yes to God’s vision, the wise men traveled a great distance to get to them. God will supply your provision, even if He has to have someone cross the desert to get it to you. God has provision for you that no one but He knows about. Therefore, you have all the provisions you need for your vision, including your finances, staff, buildings and anything else that is required. There are people who were born to help you fulfill your vision. There are people who went to school to learn a skill just to work for you. Right now, they’re in a pre-occupation job because you haven’t started your business yet. All the resources you need are already in place; they will become visible in God’s timing once you start pursuing your vision. VCM

Your Purpose Has Built-In Provision for it

DR. MYLES MUNROE is a multi-gifted, international motivational speaker, lecturer, educator, government consultant, advisor and businessman, addressing critical issues affecting

You and I have prosperity based on our assign-

every aspect of human, social and spiritual development.

Winter Edition 2004-2005




by Linda Ryzenga

(The Jews’ last stand against the Romans) t the western end of the Judean Desert, situated high on a rocky cliff, overlooking the Dead Sea, stands one of the most desolated and appalling sights in history. It’s called Masada, which means, fortress, in Hebrew.


The Romans then built an assault ramp, sometimes called the “Snake Path,” to the top of the rock, and after nine months of struggle, broke through the last barriers erected by the zealots. When the ramp was completed it was close to 300

The fortress was built by Herod the Great between 31 and 37 BC. Herod had been made king of Judea by his overlords and was hated by his Jewish subjects. He built the fortress, furnishing it lavishly, as a refuge for himself. It included a casemate wall around the plateau, storehouses, large cisterns filled with rainwater, barracks, palaces, and an armory. After Herod’s death, about 75 years later, during the revolt of the Jews against the Romans in 66 AD., Jewish rebels over-ran the Romans who were, at that time, still occupying Masada. At this time, there was the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple resulting in the Jewish rebels being joined by zealots and their families who had fled from Jeruselem. Making Masada their home base, they raided and harassed the Romans for two years.

“Snake Path” today

feet high, 600 feet long, and 600 feet wide at the base. The Jews attempted to stop construction of the ramp by rolling huge stones, each weighing close to 100 pounds, down the side of the mountain. Although this action caused some injury, it was not enough to keep the Romans from completing their task. Thus, the famous “Snake Path,” was completed. The Romans planned to take the mountaintop fortress the following day.

Following the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD., Masada When the Jews was the saw the all of their only efforts had failed, stronghold led by their leader, of Jewish Eleazar ben Yair, resistance. almost one Flavius thousand men, Silva, the women and More Pictures of the “Snake Path” today Roman children decided to Governor was determined to capture Masada and burn the fortress and end their own lives rather thus the Zealots. His troops established eight than be taken alive. When the Roman soldiers camps at the base of the rock fortress and surreached the top of the mountain the next day, they rounding it with a high wall, left no escape. encountered not ony a mass of dead bodies within a smoldering fortress, but they were greeted by



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two women and five children who survived the mass suicide by hiding in a cave. The only written source about Masada is Josephus Flavius, “The Jewish War.” Born Joseph ben Matityahu of a priestly family, he was a young leader at the outbreak of the Great Jewish Rebellion against Rome (66AD) when he was appointed governor of Galilee. He managed to survive the suicide pact of the last defenders of Jodfat and surrendered to Verspasian (who shortly thereafter was proclaimed emperor) events he described in detail. Calling himself Josephus Flavius, he became a Roman citizen and a successful historian. Moral judgment aside, his accounts have been proved largely accurate. Josephus describes the story told him by the two surviving women. “And so the Romans met with the multitude of the slain, but could take no pleasure in the fact, though it were done to their enemies. Nor could they do other than wonder at the courage of their resolution, and at the immovable contempt of death which so great a number of them had shown, when they went through with such a action as that was.” My husband and I visited Masada in the year 2000. It was over-whelming, so say the least. The snake path is still visible today and many climb it rather than taking the cable car to the top. We were told that young men and women,

Most people now take the modern cable car to the top of Masada, but some people  enjoy climbing the famous “Snake Path”.

when they become eighteen years of age, are recruited into the Israeli military and taken up to Masada to swear an allegiance that there will never be another Masada. The Jewish people never cease to amaze me at their courage and determination to be free. The siege of Masada has been a symbol for the modern state of Israel that “Masada shall not fall again.” Masada is a symbol of freedom and independence to the Jewish people, a determination to die for their beliefs and to remain strong in the face of the adversity are the ideals that have allowed Judaism to survive so long. I, too, pray that there will never be another Masada. VCM

I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice He judges and makes war.

Revelation 19:11

Winter Edition 2004-2005




by L.C. Tardy

“Humility Before Honour” For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compare to the glory that will be revealed in us Romans 8:17 Humble yourselves It is a slap in God’s face to think that you can handle your own life. The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 5:5 “For God sets Himself against the proud, and He opposes, frustrates, and defeats them, but gives grace (Favor) to the humble. Seeking the Kingdom of God You work two and three jobs to pay your mortgages, cars and to take care of your children. But your finite mind is to small to believe that God will take care of you. Did you know that God’s unmerited favor on your life will sustain you from the evil day? You worry about your bills, your health, but the Lord said, “The birds don’t worry, why should you? “Are you not much better than them? The Bible tells us to “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you.” He does not want us to labor in vain, struggle, and be in bad health. In other words, Jesus says in (Matthew 6:24-34) You cannot serve God and mammon. Mammon means wealth and possessions. Jesus is not condemning wealth, but He does not want us to have an improper attitude of enslavement toward wealth and material things. He says take no thought for your life. Don’t worry about what you’re going to eat, drink, or wear. Tomorrow has enough worries of it’s own. Then Jesus ask a question: “Which of you can add one cubic to your life? (He is saying by worrying we cannot add 18 inches-cubic) to the length of our lives. Man should enjoy his work as a gift of God, but work is said to be apart of God’s curse, but it can be made a blessing if we do it to the glory of God. After the sin of Adam, God put a curse on the laboring of man. In Genesis 3:17-19 Curse is the ground for thy sake: Thy shalt eat of it all the days of thy life. Now, that we (Saved) have been



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redeemed from the curse of the law (Galatians 3) we are no longer under the curse of the law, but God is ready to bless us exceedingly, abundantly, and above all that we may ask or think according to the power that worketh in us. But the level of the power within you has a lot to do with your (humility) In fact, the level of your humility determines the level of your anointing. During times of trouble God is searching for some Saints who believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to the point whereas he/she can stand still and wait upon the Salvation of the Lord, and know that God is in control of all things. Power of God/true ownership Through all your hard times, financial difficulties, espousal arguments, loneliness, God is in fact telling you that it is He (GOD) who has been keeping you, and fed you through the wilderness. You see, everything you own belongs to God, your house, car, job, husband, children, your business, and your body is the temple of God, where the Holy Spirit dwells. The Bible tells us in Psalms 24:1 “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein.” If you believe that your job, your supervisor, your husband, wife, and even your own strength has anything to do with your being prosperous, wealthy, successful, or healthy, then you are out of line with God. The word of God says, “It is God who gives you the power to get (wealth) Deuteronomy 8:18. He (GOD) also says that if you forget that He gave you the power, you shall perish. Shake thyself from the dust Arise!! and sit down O’Jeruselem Loose thyself from the bands of thy neck O’captive daughter of Zion For this saith the LORD Ye have sold yourselves for nought and ye shall be redeemed without money

Isaiah 52:1-3 God’s Plan The Lord tells us that He has a plan for us to prosper and not to harm us, but to give us an expected end. (Jeremiah 29:11) and that He wish above all things that you may prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers. (2 John 1:2) So it is imperative that we meditate on God’s word day and night, observing to do all that is written in the Bible, so that you will make your way prosperous and have good success. (Joshua 1:8). Live Holy It wasn’t until I submitted my entire life to Christ, and decided to live holy, trust in the Lord with all my heart & soul, and allow Him to order my steps and direct my path is when I began to understand and see the power of God, and how He was in control of everything under the Sun, and above the Sun. Holiness is more than just a divine call, it is total consecration of man’s life to God. A Servant of the Lord During my walk with Christ I learned that the Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God, and if we are the Children of God that makes us heirs, and Joint-heirs with Christ, so this means that we suffer with Him (Christ) so that we would be glorified together. (Romans 8:16) During the trials and tribulation in my life I learned that obedience is the key that would unlock the door to the Blessings that God promised to us. I had to learn how to be a servant, and submit myself under the authority and mighty hand of God. Being a servant meant submitting yourself to those who have rule over you. The Lord says obey your master, but do it as if you are serving the Lord and not men. Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of the Lord: This is a test of your faith, since God cannot come down here, He uses people in order to bring us to the next level before we receive the Blessings. There are times when we might become frustrated with our co-workers, friends, family, husband, wife, supervisor, landlord, but just know that GOD IS WATCHING YOUR ATTITUDE, establishing, proving, and pruning you for the next level in your life. Sometimes that could mean humility, which is short for humiliation.

Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ. Not with eye service, as men pleasers, but as the servants of Christ doing the will of God. Ephesians 6:5 Obeying the Commandments of God I remember when I started working in the Federal Government. I had to take an oath, raise my right hand and stand in front of the President’s picture, swearing that I would not defraud the government, and that I would be a loyal employee, and abide by the rules and regulations. I believe the President then was Ronald Reagan. I can remember feeling out of place. After reading the book of Deuteronomy I realized that there are commandments, statues, judgements, that are required of us: (the saved) and that is, taking an oath of allegiance to GOD. Only we raise our right hand to the LORD, and we are to fear, serve, and swear in HIS Name that we will not serve other gods, and do the following: (Deuteronomy 10:12) a) Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God b) Thou shalt follow all His ways (Commandments) c) Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart and soul Obedience Did you know that your arrogance, lack of patience and vain knowledge can stop your Blessings, or maybe an argument with a friend or family member can stop you from receiving the Blessings that God had all setup and ready for you to receive the very next day? So my question is “Are you willing to risk loosing out on your Blessings because you refuse to be obedient, and abide by the commandments of God, and allowed a small circumstance of arguments to control your life? Your willingness to stand in the midst of the storm, (tribulation) determines whether or not God will release your Blessings. Let me ask you this: “What kind of attitude do you have today”? Did you rise up early and eat

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the bread of sorrows? or did you thank God for waking you up this morning, and ordering your steps and directing your path? When we take time to acknowledge God, He acknowledges us. He said in His word, “Abide in me and I will abide in you.”(John 15:7) All the commands which I command you this day, shall you observe to do: that you may live and multiply and go in and possess the land which the Lord sware unto your fathers. And you shall remember all the way which the Lord thy God led you these forty years in the wilderness to humble you and to prove you, to know what was in your heart whether you would keep His commandments, or not. And He humbled you and suffered you to hunger, and fed you manna which you knewest not, neither did your father know: that He might make you to know that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord does man live. Your clothes did not get old upon you, neither did your feet swell, these forty years. You should also consider in your heart that as a man chasteneth his son, so the Lord thy God chasteneth you. Deuteronomy 8:1-5 The Peace of God Once you totally commit yourself to God, and make your body a living sacrifice to God; that is when God starts to Bless you exceedingly, abundantly and above all that you may ask or think, according to the power that worketh in you. (Ephesians 3:20) Then we began at this point to fellowship with the Holy Spirit, then our battles become HIS, and we learn to cast all our cares upon Him. You see, Jesus is our peace now, that’s why He died for us. The Bible tells us in Isaiah 53:5, “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon HIM; and with his stripes we are healed. He took on all of our sins. So now we are FREE. You can now live with the peace that surpasses all under-



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standing. Only the people in the world who don’t know Jesus worry about their bills, and rely upon their own strength. You are washed by the blood of the Lamb now, and no longer under the curse of the law. You have accepted Jesus as your Lord and savior. This means that you have been redeemed from the curse of the law, and release unto the blessings of Abraham (Galatians 3) Jesus is now your counselor, advocate, judge, mediator, and most of all your PEACE. All you need to do is just call on His Name when you are in trouble, and believe that you receive when you ask, and not try to solve it yourself. I understand though, we have been use to carrying baggage all of our lives, but now we are FREE, vengence is the LORD’s. The battle is the Lord’s and not ours. Our battle is not with flesh and blood, but against principalities, and powers, spiritual wickedness in high places(Ephesians 6:12) So let go, and let God handle your life. I BESEECH you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1 The Grace to Keep your Blessings The next time you decide to get an attitude or become inpatient because your bills are due, or Sally don’t like you. Think about the Blessings and treasures that God has laid up for you, and pray that the Lord will give you grace to keep your blessings, and bring them from the spiritual realm, and have them manifested in the physical realm, so that you can enjoy the Blessings that were yours before the world began. The primary reason why God blesses us is for us to become closer to him, and bless others. The more blessings you receive, the more Praise due God! He inhabits the praises of His people! Praise Him for all you have, Praise Him for all you don’t have, and know this: “The excellency of the power is of GOD, and not of us.” Know the whole duty of man is to fear God, and keep His commandments.


1 PETER 5:5 “For God sets Himself against the proud, and He opposes, frustrates, and defeats them, but gives grace (Favor) to the humble.

Remember that your Blessings from God are determined by how patient and humble you are and knowing that “The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honor is humility.” (Proverbs 15:33) VCM

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Winter Edition 2004-2005



features Once you’re convinced that a daily quiet time is necessary for spiritual growth, then how do you go about having one? You may be motivated to do it but may not know how. You need to consider four essentials elements of a good quiet time:

• • • •

Start with the proper attitudes. Select a specific time. Choose a special place. Follow a simple plan.

START WITH THE PROPER ATTITUDES In God’s eyes, why you do something is far more important than what you do.

by Rick Warren 2. Reverence - Don’t rush into God’s presence, but prepare your heart by being still before Him and letting the quietness clear away the thoughts of the world. Listen to the prophet Habakkuk: “The Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth be silent before Him.” (Habakkuk 2:20; see also Psalm 89:7) Coming into the presence of the Lord is not like going to a football game or some other form of entertainment. 3. Alertness - Get wide-awake first. Remember that you are meeting with the Creator, the Maker of heaven and earth, the Redeemer of men. Be thoroughly rested and alert. The best preparation for a quiet time in the morning begins the night before. Get to bed early so you will be in good shape to meet God in the morning; He deserves your full

First Steps to Spiritual Growth: How to have meaningful time with God (Condensed from his book,

Dynamic Bible Study Methods) On one occasion God told Samuel, “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7, NIV*) It is quite possible to do the right thing but with the wrong attitude. This was Amaziah’s problem, for “he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord but not wholeheartedly.” (2 Chronicles 25:2) When you come to meet with God in the quiet time, you should have these proper attitudes: 1. Expectancy - Come before God with anticipation and eagerness. Expect to have a good time of fellowship with Him and receive a blessing from your time together. That was what David expected: “O God, You are my God, earnestly I seek You.” (Psalm 63:1)



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attention. 4. Willingness to obey - This attitude is crucial: you don’t come to your quiet time to choose what you will do or not do, but with the purpose of doing anything and everything that God wants you to do. Jesus said, “If anyone chooses to do God’s will he will find out whether My teaching comes from God or whether I speak on My own.” (John 7:17) So come to meet the Lord having already chosen to do His will no matter what.

SELECT A SPECIFIC TIME The specific time has to do with when you should have your quiet time and how long it should be. The general rule is this: The best time is when you

are at your best! Give God the best part of your day - when you are the freshest and most alert. Don’t try to serve God with your leftovers (leftover time). Remember, too, that your best time may be different from someone else’s. For most of us, however, early in the morning seems to be the best time. It was Jesus’ own practice to rise early to pray and meet with the Father: “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed.” (Mark 1:35) In the Bible many godly men and women rose early to meet with God. Some of these were: · Abraham - Genesis 19:27 · Moses - Exodus 34:4 · Job - Job 1:5 · Hannah and Elkanah - 1 Samuel 1:19 · Jacob - Genesis 28:18 · David - Psalms 5:3, 57:7,8 (See also Psalm 143:8; Isaiah 26:9; Ezekiel 12:8.) Throughout church history many Christians who were used most by God met with Him early in the morning. Hudson Taylor said, “You don’t tune up the instruments after the concert is over. That’s stupid. It’s logical to tune them up before you start.” The great revival among British college students in the late 19th century began those historic words: “Remember the Morning Watch!” So we need to tune ourselves up at the start of each day as we remember the Morning Watch. If Jesus is really in first place in our lives, we ought to give Him the first part of our day. We are to seek His Kingdom first (see Matthew 6:33). Doctors tell us that the most important meal of the day is breakfast. It often determines our energy levels, alertness, and even moods for the day. Likewise, we need a “spiritual breakfast” to start our day off right. Finally, in the morning our minds are uncluttered from the day’s activities. Our thoughts are fresh, we’re rested; tensions have not yet come on us, and it’s usually the quietest time. One mother sets her alarm clock for 4 a.m., has her quiet time, goes

back to bed, and then rises when everyone else in the household gets up. Her explanation is that with kids around the house all day, early morning is the only time when it is quiet and she can be alone with God. It works for her; you need to select a time that will work for you. You might even consider having two quiet times (morning and night). Dawson Trotman, founder of the Navigators, used to have code letters for his night quiet time: HWLW. Whenever he was with a group of people at night or home with his wife and the conversation seemed to be ending, he would say, “All right, HWLW.” HWLW stood for “His Word the Last Word;” and he practiced that through the years as a way of ending a day with one’s thoughts fixed on the Lord (Betty Lee Skinner, Daws, Zondervan, 1974, p. 103). Stephen Olford, a great Christian and minister in New York for many years, said, “I want to hear the voice of God before I hear anyone else’s in the morning, and His is the last voice I want to hear at night.” David and Daniel even met with the Lord three times each day (see Psalm 55:17; Daniel 6:10). Whatever time you set, be consistent in it. Schedule it on your calendar; make an appointment with God as you would with anyone else. Make a date with Jesus! Then look forward to it and don’t stand Him up. A stood-up date is not a pleasant experience for us, and Jesus does not like to be stood up either. So make a date with Him and keep it at all costs. The question is often asked, “How much time should I spend with the Lord?” If you’ve never had a consistent quiet time before, you may want to start with seven minutes (Robert D. Foster, Seven Minutes with God, NavPress, 1997) and let it grow naturally. You should aim to eventually spend not less than 15 minutes a day with the Lord. Out of 168 hours we all have during a given week, 1 hour and 45 minutes seems terribly small when you consider that you were created to have fellowship with God. Here are some additional guidelines: • Don’t try for a two-hour quiet time at first. You’ll only get discouraged. You must

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grow in this relationship as you do in any other. So begin with a consistent seven minutes and let it grow; it’s better to be consistent with a short time than to meet for an hour every other week. • Don’t watch the clock. Clock-watching can ruin your quiet time faster than almost anything else. Decide what you can do in the Word and prayer during the time you have selected; then do it. Sometimes it will take longer than you have set aside, and sometimes less time. But don’t keep looking at your watch. • Don’t emphasize on quantity, emphasize on quality. There is nothing super spiritual about have a two-hour quiet time. It’s what you do during your time - 15 minutes or two hours or anything in between - that’s important. Aim for a quality relationship with the Lord.


FOLLOW A SIMPLE PLAN Someone has said, “If you aim at nothing, you are sure to hit it!” To have a meaningful quiet time, you will need a plan or some kind of general outline to follow. The main rule is this: Keep your plan simple.

The location where you have your quiet time is also important. The Bible indicates that Abraham had a regular place where he met with God (Genesis 19:27). Jesus had a custom of praying in the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives. “Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and His disciples followed Him.” (Luke 22:39, emphasis added) Your place ought to be a secluded place. This is a place where you can be alone, where it’s quiet, and where you will not be disturbed or interrupted. In today’s noisy Western World, this may take some ingenuity, but it is necessary. It ought to be a place …

1. Wait on God (Relax). Be still for a minute; don’t come running into God’s presence and start talking immediately. Follow God’s admonition: “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10; see also Isaiah 30:15; 40:31) Be quiet for a short while to put yourself into a reverent mood.

where you can pray aloud without disturbing others; • where you have good lighting for reading (a desk, perhaps); • where you are comfortable. (WARNING: Do not have your quiet time in bed. That’s too comfortable!) Your place ought to be a special place. Wherever you decide to meet with the Lord, make it a special place for you and Him. As the days go by, that place will come to mean a lot to you because of the 30

Your place ought to be a sacred place. This is where you meet with the living God. Where you meet the Lord can be just as holy as the place where Abraham met God. You don’t have to be in a church building. People have had their quiet times in their cars parked in a quiet place, in an empty closet at home, in their backyards, and even in a baseball dugout. Each of these places has become sacred to them.

You will need the following three items for your planned quiet times: • A Bible - a contemporary translation (not a paraphrase) with good print, preferably without notes. • A notebook for writing down what the Lord shows you, and for making a prayer list. • A hymnbook - sometimes you may want to sing in your praise time (see Colossians 3:16).



wonderful times you have there with Jesus Christ.

Winter Edition 2004-2005

2. Pray briefly (Request). This is not your prayer time, but a short opening prayer to ask God to cleanse your heart and guide you into the time together. Two good passages of Scripture to memorize are: • “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24; see also 1 John 1:9) • “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law [the Word].” (Psalm 119:18;

see also John 16:13) You need to be in tune with the Author before you can understand His Book! 3. Read a section of the Scripture (Read). This is where your conversation with God begins. He speaks to you through His Word, and you speak with Him in prayer. Read your Bible … Slowly. Don’t be in a hurry; don’t try to read too large an amount; don’t race through it. Repeatedly. Read a passage over and over until you start to picture it in your mind. The reason more people don’t get more out of their Bible reading is that they do not read the Scriptures repeatedly. Without stopping. Don’t stop in the middle of a sentence to go off on a tangent and do a doctrinal study. Just read that section for the pure joy of it, allowing God to speak to you. Remember that your goal here is not to gain information, but to feed on the Word and get to know Christ better. Aloud but quietly. Reading it aloud will improve your concentration, if you have that problem. It will also help you understand what you are reading better because you will be both seeing and hearing what you are reading. Read softly enough, however, so that you won’t disturb anyone. Systematically. Read through a book at a time in an orderly method. Do not use the “random dip” method - a passage here, a chapter there, what you like here, an interesting portion there. You’ll understand the Bible better if you read it as it was written - a book or letter at a time. To get a sweep of a book. On some occasions you may want to survey a whole book. In that case you will read it quickly to get a sweep of the total revelation. Then you need not read it slowly or repeatedly. 4. Meditate and memorize (Reflect and Remember). In order to have the Scriptures speak to you meaningfully, you should meditate on what you are reading and memorize verses that particularly speak to you. Meditation is “seriously contemplating a thought over and over in your mind.” Out of your meditation you might select and memorize a verse that is particularly meaningful to you. 5. Write down what God has shown you

(Record). When God speaks to you through His Word, record what you have discovered. Writing it down will enable you both to remember what God revealed to you and to check up on your biblical discoveries. Recording what God has shown you is the way of applying what you see in the Scripture that pertains to your life. 6. Have your time of prayer (Request). After God has spoken to you through His Word, speak to Him in prayer. This is your part of the conversation with the Lord.

CONCLUSION What if you miss a day? Don’t worry about it if it only happens occasionally. Don’t go on a guilt trip. “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1, NIV) Don’t get legalistic because missing one day does not make it a flop. BUT don’t give up. If you miss a meal, it does not mean that you should give up eating because you’re inconsistent. You simply eat a little more at the next meal and go on from there. This same principle is true with your quiet time. Psychologists tell us that it usually takes three weeks to get familiar with some new task or habit; it takes another three weeks before it becomes a habit. The reason why many people are not successful in their quiet times is because they have never made it past that six-week barrier. For your quiet time to become a habit, you must have had one daily for at least six weeks. William James had a famous formula for developing a habit (Selected Papers on Philosophy, E. P. Dutton & Co., 2000, pp. 60-62): 1. Make a strong resolution (vow). You must always start with a strong initiative. If you begin halfheartedly, you’ll never make it. Make a public declaration by telling others about your decision. 2. Never allow an exception to occur until the new habit is securely rooted in your life. A habit is like a ball of twine. Every time you drop it, many strands are unwound. So never allow the “just this

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once” to occur. The act of yielding weakens the will and strengthens the lack of self-control. 3. Seize every opportunity and inclination to practice your new habit. Whenever you get the slightest urge to practice your new habit, do it right then. Don’t wait, but use every opportunity to reinforce your habit. It does not hurt to overdo a new habit when you are first starting. To these suggestions I would add one more: 4. Rely on the power of God. When it is all said and done, you must realize that you are in a spiritual battle, and you can only succeed by the power of the Holy Spirit of God. So pray that God will strengthen you and depend on Him to help you develop this habit for His glory. __________________ If you have been convinced that this is what you need to do, would you pray the following:



Winter Edition 2004-2005

A PRAYER OF COMMITMENT “Lord I commit myself to spending a definite time with You every day, no matter what the cost. I am depending on Your strength to help me to be consistent.” __________________ This article was adapted from Dynamic Bible Study Methods (Chariot Victor Books, 1989) by Rick Warren. ©Copyright 2004. Used by permission. All rights reserved. *All scripture references from the New International Version. You may use this study guide for yourself or share it with friends, but please keep the copyright information within the document, and please don’t sell it. VCM

Winter Edition 2004-2005



Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up by Loretta Parker Spivey Originally published in Message Magazine

ince September 11, 2001, names such as Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and Zacarias Moussaoui have become household names. We frequently check the FOX News ticker to see the Homeland Security Advisory System levels. As I write today, the advisory color is yellow, which means that there is significant risk for a terrorist attack.


Homeland Security Advisory System • Red Severe—Severe Risk of Terrorist Attack • Orange High—High Risk of Terrorist Attack • Yellow Elevated—Significant Risk of Terrorist Attack • Blue Guarded—General Risk of Terrorist Attack • Green Low—Low Risk of Terrorist Attack We now live with the harsh realization that it can happen to us. We watch who boards planes with us; we take off our shoes at airport security stations. Life is different now because some terrorists did the unthinkable—hijacked our planes and then flew our planes into our buildings. The words “Let’s roll” no longer remind us of our favorite sporting event. Instead, those words remind us of United Flight 93 as Todd Beamer and others on that flight decided that they would rather go down fighting than just go down. I still fly, but not without thinking of how terrified those people must have been, knowing that they were going to literally crash and burn. The events of that day forced us to ask God some hard questions. After all, where was He? Was He too powerless to intervene? We have become informed on the tactics and ways of terrorists. We recognize their names. Our sons and daughters are in Iraq and Afghanistan in the name of fighting terrorism. Yet my Christian perspective beckons me—no, it’s stronger than that; it demands that I look at this from another perspective, a biblical perspective.



Winter Edition 2004-2005

As a Christian, I am compelled to understand that there is a terrorist who is far worse than Bin Laden. His tactics make al-Qaeda’s maneuvers look like child’s play, and in this war literally billions of lives are at stake—yours included. In warfare a popular and often-used tactic is diversion. Create a ruckus and get the enemy’s attention. Energy focuses on one area, when in reality the real danger is coming from a completely different place. As we focus on terrorist cells, airport security, and democracy in Iraq, could it be that we are missing the real war? Saddam labeled the Gulf War of the nineties the mother of all battles. It was great hyperbole, but woefully inaccurate. According to the Bible, the mother of all battles started in heaven when Lucifer began having some I trouble. “For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” (Isaiah 14:13, 14). Although Satan was removed from heaven long ago, in simple terms he still wants to take God’s place. The heavenly throne is completely off-limits, but there is another one. Today Satan, the real and ultimate terrorist, wants to sit on the throne of your heart. When man sinned, Satan declared victory. Our

ture went immediately from righteous (walking and talking with God) to ragged (running from God). It all happened in a moment, and we fell into the black hole of sin, depravation, deprivation, and degradation. If the truth be told, had God not stepped in, it would have been a victory for Satan. Genesis 3:15 puts it all into perspective. When God put enmity into the picture, He was putting Himself in the middle, literally. He was putting a mechanism in place whereby our natural desire to sin, allowing Satan to be on the throne of our hearts, would be interrupted by His love and redemption. It is the grace of Christ implanted in your heart that causes the rub, the discord, the friction between good and evil between you and sin; between Satan’s way and God’s way. Consider the following: Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths each year (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence). 857,475 legally induced abortions were reported to CDC for the

paralyzed by the events of September 11, 2001. We were collectively appalled that the terrorists could kill 3,000 people in one day. Yet each year we make personal choices that almost pale in comparison to the deaths of September 11. Measure that. I’ll do the math for you. Alcohol, tobacco, and abortion kill 3,561 people each day in the United States. You wanna get mad? Get mad at that! Don’t send me mail. I was glued to the TV— shocked, appalled, and devastated by the events of September 11, 2001. I don’t mean to minimize the horrific losses that occurred on that day—losses that are still painful, and still lingering. I just want us, as Christians, to keep it in perspective and remember who the real terrorist is. Part of me understands the need to, in President Bush’s words, “seek out and bring to justice those who caused the devastation of September 11.” Yet I really hate this war and the reasons for it. I hate

Alcohol, tobacco, and abortion kill 3,561 people each day in the United States. year 2000 (Centers for Disease Control). This is a very conservative number because reporting to CDC is voluntary (yes, I know that there are some abortions that are medically necessary to protect the life of the mother). Tobacco kills more than 400,000 Americans each year (NFIA: Drugs and the Brain). You do the math. In one year, Americans make choices that result in more than 1.35 million deaths. These numbers don’t include deaths due to illegal drug use, suicide, and lifestyle choices regarding our poor diets and lack of exercise. Satan keeps us focused on the se cond-string terrorists. President Bush asked for, and got, $87 billion dollars to fight the war in Iraq. Imagine if half of that was funneled into helping people to stop drinking, smoking, and using abortion as birth control. How different our world would be! The point is this: as a nation we were momentarily

driving to New York, seeing the skyline, and missing the twin towers. I hate driving on the New Jersey turnpike. What used to be interesting and kind of cool now turns my stomach as I watch the planes taking off and landing seemingly right over the highway. I hate that there is a whole fraternity of people who are bound together in hurt because of the actions of a few terrorists. Yet it also bothers me that more innocent people will die. It bothers me that children will not grow up at all or will grow up maimed for life because of this war. I think about Tony, from my church, who is serving in Fallujah, Iraq. He has a mom and three younger sisters; they need his support, guidance, and influence at home. He will spend his birthday (and theirs) and Christmas in Iraq, and not in Connecticut with his family. And most of all, I hate that so many American families must adjust to life without their dads, moms, and siblings because of war. Jimmie Carter said, “War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But, no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good.”

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When American and Allied troops leave Afghanistan and Iraq, evil will still be present. There will still be factions trying to gain power. They will be struggling at understanding democracy, and more conflicts will inevitably arise. But when the war between God and Satan ends, there will be no factions. There will be no more orphaned children, maimed fathers, or hurting wives and mothers. There will be no fledgling democracy or threats of future conflicts. “Enmity” will have won out. Satan will be completely destroyed. I searched for a great wrap-up illustration, but the Word of God says it best. When the real terrorist, Satan, is destroyed, we can look forward to this: There will be no more crying. No more death, sorrow, or pain. All prospects of war and evil will be completely obliterated. And what about the real terrorist? “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever”(Revelation 20:10). When our nation stands at yellow it means that the threat of terrorism is elevated. But your spiritual Homeland Security Advisory System must be on red—Severe alert. There is credible, specific, and most of all biblical intelligence that Satan, the real and ultimate terrorist, is actively seeking to steal, kill, destroy, and devour. VCM LORETTA PARKER SPIVEY, our music and book review maven, writes from Windsor, Connecticut.



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“I in HE and HE in me” I can attest For the day I professed That JESUS CHRIST is MY best I can’t even begin to express In words, how my life has been truly blessed In HIM is where I rest In HIM there is no contest In HIM I never have to guess In HIM there is no confusion nor things to be complex In HIM I wear the full armor of GOD with righteousness across my breast In HIM I am holy hence temptation is merely a test In HIM I am complete therefore there is no need to fret In HIM is why I move and so I thank you for blowing in me your breath My life will never be the same and I can’t wait to see what’s next In HIM is my empowerment In HIM I am the epitome of SUCCESS!

Daniel D. McNair

Winter Edition 2004-2005





A Shout Out to the Visionaries llow God to lead you concerning with whom you share your hopes and dreams. Don’t assume that everyone who greets you with a holy hug and an occasional telephone call are interested in your vision. There will be times where you will be crazy excited about what the Lord has spoken into your life. You will take off running like a child who just got all A’s on their report card and you begin to share what thus saith the Lord only to get a forced smile or a “Really? That’s nice.” Allow me to sound the alarm here: Not everybody cares about what the Lord is doing in your life.


Many are busy trying to find out what the Lord is saying to them. Don’t take it personal. It’s not about you and it doesn’t change the fact that God has given you a vision. They really want to be excited for you, but they can’t. Not until they too have heard from the Lord concerning God’s will and purpose for their lives. Oftentimes, your realizing and voicing God’s purpose for your life forces others to face their own fears and shortcomings. As a result, their feelings of discouragement, discontent and envy that were so cleverly hidden soon fall from their hiding places. You then encounter a personality you’ve never met before. Strangely different, with an iceberg chill effect. You’re thinking that girlfriend or boyfriend has changed. That’s not it at all. They haven’t changed. You have. And now you are experiencing this person’s normal reaction to the new and improved you. Sure it may sting a little bit. O, how we would like everyone to do cartwheels over our earthshaking, life-changing revelations. Maybe the angels in heaven are doing a step show and having cake and ice cream over the vision that God has given you,



Winter Edition 2004-2005

but please don’t expect too much from people. Yes, even the brethren. Besides, you’ve not become a servant of the Lord for applause and admiration, have you? Your labor for the Lord is done from the heart and often you will find you will be your most emphatic encourager. “…David was greatly distressed…but David encouraged himself in the Lord.” (1st Samuel 30:6). I’ll never, ever forget what Anson Dawkins of the singing group Dawkins & Dawkins told me in an interview. He said, “Your greatest accomplishments may likely end up being the ones that no one credits you for achieving. If God gets the glory, you have done your part.” Well spoken Anson.


An excerpt from the book, “E-mails for the Christian Soul: 102 Messages of Praise, Hope & Revelation” by Pastor Sheritha Bowman. Pick up a copy of this motivating, devotional today by visiting John 3:16 Bookstore in Lanham, MD or visit on the web. Sheritha Bowman is senior pastor of Soul Inspiration Church Ministries in Germantown, Maryland, To learn more about the ministry, please visit or call 301.353.0602.

Pressing Toward Your Freedom Facing Your Issue or Disease Mark 5: 25-29 (KJV)

Part 1

25 And a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years. 26 And had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse, 27 When she had heard of Jesus came in the press behind, and touched his garment, 28 For she said, if I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. 29 And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. ur lesson deals with pressing toward your freedom. Before you can press toward freedom, you must know what you need to be set free from. The issue of blood mentioned in the scripture above can also be spiritual diseases or a disease of sin. Therefore it can represent most things that could make one spiritually unclean. These diseases can cause us to fall into a state of bondage where we cannot gain any relief, no matter what we do.

down I really didn’t want to leave. I wanted my marriage to work. What was it that made me want to stay in misery? At one point I thought it was love. I felt that I had no recourse. See if he had committed adultery, then it would have been easier to leave, but he did not. When I finally got up the nerve to really do it, I ran into problems that prevented me from leaving. It was then that I began to really feel trapped and became severely depressed.

When I got married I was not completely over a past relationship, but I did develop a love for my husband and was committed to the vows I took. But not long after we married, I realized that I had made a mistake. He started treating me differently. He became distant, mean and verbally abusive to me. I tried on several occasions to find out what I had done to make him so treat me so bad, but he would never tell me. About five years into the marriage I had decided that I didn’t want to endure his abuse any more and I was going to leave. But I got pregnant and decided to stay. I thought the baby would help our relationship, but it didn’t. It made things worse or rather a new set of problems arose.

My disease was depression and low self-esteem. God would not release me from this marriage (bondage) until I understood why and how I got there in the first place. I had to face those spiritual diseases and be healed of them. But how? I didn’t know what to do. The woman in the scripture realized that the only way she would be healed was through Jesus and she knew what she had to do to get it.


I was miserable and I didn’t understand why I couldn’t leave. I threatened many times but deep

Do you know what to do? Find out in the next column. VCM Athena Thomas is the owner of Host U 4 Less, a web solution provider, and is currently working on her first book. To learn more about her work contact her at [email protected] or

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Dorothy Williams is a native of Lake City, South Carolina. She grew up going to church with her grandmother. She enjoyed the feeling of “dressing up” on Sunday. When Dorothy moved to the Washington Metropolitan area in 1967, she brought her love for dresses, hats and gloves as part of Sunday attire with her. She joined Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church in 1979 where she was saved, and was involved in several ministries there. Dorothy met her husband, Bravell Williams, during a Revival in 1983; a year later they were married and she joined him at Evangel Temple, which is now Evangel Cathedral. For the past twenty years she worked in various ministries at Evangel to include new members ministry, hospitality and the wedding ministry. Dorothy enjoys being a servant for God, and that includes helping others. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16



Winter Edition 2004-2005

There was a time when we would go to our grandmother’s house and enjoy discovering the treasures that were contained in her “special trunk”. Dorothy Williams recreates that magical feeling when you stop by Grandma’s Trunk Boutique. If you are looking for clothes for a special occasion and don’t want the impersonal service you get at a department store, than this is the place for you. The boutique is Dorothy’s dream that every woman should feel special when shopping, whether it’s for a sequenced suit or that perfect hat and hat pin to compliment it. Relive that feeling of being special the way you did at grandma’s and get the individual attention you deserve. “Grandma’s Trunk Boutique – Where Every Item is a Treasure.”

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Do you want to Refinance or Purchase a new home?

Call now! Some of the services we offer are Residential Commercial Apartment Buildings Lines of Credit (Secured) Purchase of Refinances Expert Loan Consultation Very Aggressive Pricing and Timely Performance

Linda Tardy Loan Officer

301.499.2500 Office 301.336.6710 Fax 301.336.7599 Private Freddye “Action” Jackson, Sr. Owner VISIONS


Winter Edition 2004-2005

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