Winter 1996-7 Newsletter

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  • Words: 4,539
  • Pages: 15
Grace Bible Church Issue 2, Winter, 2006--07

Greetings It was nearly two years ago; a North Carolina family in a white Pontiac mini-van drove up McIntyre Rd on the way to Grace Bible Church. Evening had set, the snow was falling, and the van was slipping. Finally, it was over; we were skidding in our tracks. Kind saints got behind the minivan to push us out of our predicament. I remember well when a gentleman, whom I referred to then as “Charles Spurgeon,” but now know as “George,” asked me unabashedly, “Are you really sure that you want to come here?” Well, here we are entering our third December, and wouldn’t you know it, last year it snowed only once. We’ll see what this winter has in store. We hope that you find this newsletter informative, uplifting, as well as entertaining. Grace Bible Church is going through an exciting period. The Lord has blessed us with new leadership as three out of four elders and our deacon have just completed their first year of ministry. He has provided us with a blessing of new members with their varied gifts and vitalities. He has provided us with an intern, a fully-paid facility, and above all, the gift of His own Son. We want to share this blessing with you. If you have never visited our church, we invite you to

partake of the greatest of joys as you hear the greatest story ever told in reverence and awe. We especially offer ourselves to serve you and ask God’s blessing upon you in this season of Christ’s birth. For Him, Charles J. Busada Pastor Grace Bible Church

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Pastoral Report Over one year ago, we began our study into the Gospel of Mark. In it I have learned to meet two persons in a new and refreshing way. The first is John Mark. I have come to know him as a man of few words, but a genius with an action story to tell. No word is wasted, and I know him as one who is deeply concerned with me. He wants me to see Jesus as he has come to know Him. He has a story to tell, and he tells it well. Now, when we meet Mark, we also meet another Person. We meet the Holy Spirit who guided Mark’s pen. We realize that the Holy Spirit has a story to tell, and that He deeply loves the Son of God, and tells us that His name is Jesus. Jesus is the third Person that we meet. At times He is meek and mild, at times He has a holy anger, but He never fails to amaze us and the people around Him. We are now entering Jesus’ dark days as Mark takes us through the 12th chapter on the march to the Cross. My prayer is that our hearts will be broken to see this amazing Person suffer our fate, and that we will come to the Cross at His feet and realize that we crucified Him. Only there will we be blessed by the One upon whom we esteemed not and saw no beauty in Him. But only there will we hear His words, “Father forgive them.” What is this “short story” of Mark? I think that it is quite simple. Mark tells us that Jesus loved God and Man with all of His Being, and He desires no less of us.

As for me, I have really enjoyed a continuing education course at St. Tikhon’s Theological Seminary in

Amongst western Americans, East Indians, Armenians, Romanians, Russians, Greeks, and Arabs, we enjoyed a fellowship of genuine discussion and challenges. For one, I was really impressed by the genuine love for God and the desire to serve God and man that these young men share as they prepare for their ministries. Charles J. Busada

Our Services Morning Prayer 9 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM Sunday Worship 10:35 AM Evening Worship 6 PM Wednesday Gathering 7PM Youth Group: Wednesday

East Canaan, PA. The course “Orthodox Spirituality” centered on the universal problem of man, and it led us to the Garden and the Fall. As first, as the token Protestant of

the class I felt somewhat out of place, but soon, the universality of Christian love overshadowed all of our diversity.

Grace Bible Church Issue 2, Winter, 2006

OK, OK. This deserves an explanation, but you have to get to Page 14 to get it.


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Elders’ Message

Dr. David and Mrs. Marlene Hamilton A mortgage burning—it happens daily across our country in myriads of churches. It marks a memorable day in the life of congregations as it did for us as we ceremoniously burned our mortgage recently. Beyond the comforts of knowing we have paid for our facility, beyond the realization of the dream of the church building, beyond all of this, is there something God would have us consider? In 1 Kings 9 we discover a glimpse of God’s heart for his people. Solomon had just finished the building of the Temple and offered up his prayer of dedication. God appeared to Solomon and spoke to him of the finished work. In these words, we find our exhortation also. Jehovah God first spoke of his blessing. He told Solomon: “If you walk before Me as your father David walked, in integrity of heart and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded you, and if you keep My statutes and My judgments, then I will establish the throne of your kingdom over Israel forever, as I promised” (1 Kings 9:4–5).

Our Father looked beyond the magnificent Temple and stared right into Solomon’s heart! Just as then, He still yearns for the integrity of our hearts, our uprightness, and our obedience. Our joy and thankfulness for a building free of any mortgage is good and right— but, God would just as soon meet us under the shade of a scrub tree in the African bush, if would walk in integrity, uprightness and obedience to His Son, God had more to say on this occasion:

“But if you or your sons at all turn from following Me, and do not keep My commandments and My statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will cut off Israel from the land which I have given them; and this house which I have consecrated for My name I will cast out of My sight. Israel will be a proverb and a byword among all peoples. And as for this house, which is exalted, everyone who passes by it will be astonished and will hiss, and say, 'Why has the LORD done thus to this land and to this house?' Then they will answer, 'Because they forsook the LORD their God, who brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and have embraced other gods, and worshiped them and served them; therefore the LORD has brought all this calamity on them’” (1 Kings 9:69).

Again, we see God’s heart for His people; He desires them to follow

Grace Bible Church Issue 2, Winter, 2006

Him, obey His commandments, and serve and worship Him alone. As for the exalted Temple, God would make it come to naught and even ridicule it. Why would He do this? He would do this because they would forsake the LORD their God.

We give praise to God for the blessings He has bestowed upon us. We give glory to Him alone for all He has accomplished in our midst, in our hearts, and in our lives. God’s church is His people purchased by His Son, not a building. His church sang, “Great is thy Faithfulness” after the mortgage burning. The last verse reads: Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

May we, the “pardoned” of Grace Bible Church, be as vigilant and dedicated to our walk with Him to Whom we owe everything as we have been to those we owed our mortgage. And to God be the glory for great things He has done!


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An Active Role By Harold Brecht

As I sit in my tree stand on the first day of deer season, I have time to reflect on many things. I enjoy the quietness and solitude, punctuated with the occasional gunshot. I enjoy God’s creation. In between looking for deer, I read John MacArthur’s The Book of Leadership. It applies to every church member as he discusses the qualities of leadership. We all lead in various ways and can all benefit from the information he shares. Time is also spent reflecting, meditating, and praying.

Deut: 6:4-5 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. As I think about my role as an officer, I reflect on how I can better serve the congregation of GBC— and I contemplate my need to spend more time in prayer for the families of GBC. When I reflect on GBC, I am thankful for the volunteers who give of their time and talents to help in many areas.

Deaconal Message Then

Haggai, the LORD• S messenger, spoke the LORD• S message to the people, saying, "I with you, says the LORD." 14 So the LORD stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and worked on the house of the LORD of hosts, their God, 15 on the twenty• fourth day of the sixth month, in the second year of King Darius. 1 ¶ In the seventh , on the twenty• first of the month, the word of the LORD came by Haggai


I would like to thank those volunteers that clean the church, mow the lawn, take care of flowers, teach Sunday school, lead worship, play musical instruments, fold bulletins, supervise the nursery, lead youth group, serve on various committees of the ladies ministry, help with special church projects and help with acts of kindness. Also, I thank those who have faithfully provided through tithes and offerings in such a way that enabled us to pay off the mortgage 19 years early. This has been such a testimony of God’s faithfulness through his people. In closing, I would like to encourage you to continue to volunteer. The ministry of GBC isn’t centered on the officers. They are there to provide direction and encouragement. Without the help of each person, the ministry of GBC

Grace Bible Church Issue 2, Winter, 2006

would be very limited. I would encourage you to reflect, meditate and pray as to how you can play an active role in the activities of GBC. Harold Brecht

Thanks Harold and Dave D. for getting the cross on the steeple.

GBC Service Times: Sunday Prayer:


Sunday School


Sunday Worship


Sunday Evening Worship 6PM Wednesday Fellowship And Prayer



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Bob and Kathy Selph were able to select items from the missionary box during their visit with the church.

It’s been a busy fall for the ladies ministry of GBC. Marlene and Cathy, along with the chairwomen, have completed the structure of the various committees. The final drafts have been given to our deacon, Harold, for final review. We are looking forward to meeting in the near future with the chairwomen of the Events, Hospitality, Missions, Church Care, and Outreach committees. They, in turn, will be meeting with the ladies who have signed up under their committee. We appreciate the patience and loving spirit that has been displayed by our ladies and their willingness to help and get involved. Most of all, we thank everyone for their prayers throughout the past year as we worked on this project. The Events committee planned the church picnic in August, along with the quarterly fellowship in October. The ladies of GBC assisted Mt. Zion U.M. Church ladies with the funeral meal of Bessie Rohrbach by preparing jello salads and cakes. In September meals were prepared for Paul and Lorraine, followed in October with meals for George and Margaret. In September Barbara Garvine led the ladies Bible study with an enjoyable tea. Marlene and Ashley both shared their personal testimonies with the group. Judy Batdorf completed her study on humility in October.

Our October meeting brought the women up to date on the developments of the Ladies’ Ministry. A calendar for the remainder of 2006 through December 2007 was distributed. “Relationships” was the theme of the Carlisle retreat. Marge Tripp was the guest speaker and several ladies from GBC attended. The teaching was very helpful and the fellowship with women of like faith was wonderful. No one went away hungry from the Thanksgiving family fellowship meal. It was an evening of sharing in a meal of thanksgiving to God for His goodness and for one another. Many participated in “Operation Christmas Child,” bringing shoe boxes once again this year. Amy headed up the collection of boxes.

community using the gifts that God has given us for His glory. Lovingly, Marlene and Cathy

Charles Busada 570-752-6398 [email protected] Ray Batdorf 570-799-0264 [email protected] David Hamilton 570-784-6156 [email protected] Ron Rohrbach 570-356-07947 [email protected] Harold Brecht 570-356-7962 [email protected]

For a nicer appearance, changes were made in the church foyer. A lamp was added to the table. In the fellowMark 6:34 And Jesus, when ship hall two tables were placed under the bulletin board for sign-up he came out, saw sheets and other materials. December’s events will include the annual Ladies Christmas fellowship on the 7th, at the home of Marlene Hamilton, with a cookie exchange included for the evening. And, there will be a fellowship time with light refreshments following the Christmas program on December 17th. As we work together in the upcoming year, pray that we might minister to one another and to those in our

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much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.


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HUMILITY “Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He shall lift you up” (James 4:10). It would be helpful to understand humility if we knew how to recognize it. We cannot do this personally, for if we think we see humbleness in ourselves, it is the next thing to being proud of our own humility. A good definition of humility is a modest, appropriate sense of one’s own significance. It is not so much having a lowly opinion of one’s self as it is being unaware of one’s self. God desires us to have a humble spirit because it is the exact opposite of pride, and pride is the essential ingredient of almost all sinful behavior. Pride seeks to promote and please self. James 4:10 tell us to “humble ourselves.” Can we somehow bestow upon ourselves the quality of humility? That is getting it backwards. We humble ourselves when we praise others and desire to see their needs met; when we perform lowly and menial tasks without praise or thanks; when we take the place of lesser honor or importance; or when we have the courage to admit our wrongs and ask forgiveness. An attitude of humbleness acknowledges dependence on God and gratefulness to Him for His goodness.

quires that humbleness of spirit that can say, “I am wrong.” We can then repent of self-centeredness, ask God for a greater infilling of His Spirit, and be obedient to His leading. He will then cause us to be concerned and thoughtful of others. Selflessness is the prime prerequisite to humility. We can learn many things from Jesus about humility. Though He was King of Kings, He came to earth as a helpless baby, and “made Himself of no reputation, … He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death” (Philippians 2:7–-8). Humility and the fear of the Lord go hand in hand, and by them God has promised riches and honor and life. (Proverbs 22:4) By Judy Batdorf with help from Emalyan Spencer, A Woman that Feareth the Lord, Decatur, GA: Committee for Christian Education and Publications (PCA).

Sunday School

Last Quarter, the adult class enjoyed a “group-teach” in the book of James. Here we learned that the heart of the faith is loving the downtrodden, being slow to speak and quick to listen, and guarding the tongue. Thanks to our teachers, Charles Busada, Scott Shaw, Kurt Olivieri, and Howard Long. This quarter we are looking forward to a study Love Walked Among Us: Learning To Love Like Jesus, a book by Paul E. Miller. David Hamilton will teach the course.

Humility and repentance go together, because repentance re-

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Men’s Studies

The GBC men have continued to view the Francis Schaeffer series, So How Shall We Then Live. The attendance has been low, but the rewards are tangible. Don’t forget ladies, you’re also invited (as long as you bring food). We meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30PM at the fellowship hall.

By Deborah Rohrbach

The second annual college and career retreat once again began with cloudy skies and heavy downpours. The weekend’s activities began when everyone came together to enjoy a time of praise and worship music led by Dr. Busada and Jonathan Busada. Then Dr. Busada presented the first of two sessions on the history of the textual transmission of the Bible. Approximately 25 people were in attendance. The evening continued with a time of fellowship spent renewing old friendships and forming new relationships. Some attendees chose to stay inside to play music or games while others ventured out into

the damp weather to enjoy a bonfire built by Jason George. The evening was enhanced by GBC’s generous supply of snacks (a special thanks to Dan and Kelly Renno, Nancy Krum, and Judy Batdorf for helping setup and serve the food)! The Sunday school rooms served as make-shift bedrooms for some of our visitors, but several brave guests camped outdoors. Saturday morning brought sunny skies. After a filling breakfast and much deliberation over the plans for the day, we decided on a trip to Knoebel’s. It was fun to see several people from a group of approximately 15 experience the park for the first time. Thankfully, we only briefly lost one person (seriously!). He was quickly found with a little cooperation from the group. The lesson learned here is to always stay in one place if you get lost…it speeds up the search time! We returned to the church for a late lunch and a quick game of volleyball and our second presentation of how the Bible came into the English language. With the weather now dry and sunny, Mark Rohrbach provided a hay ride to the corn maze, followed by—yes, you guessed it—more food! Our guests kindly made the clean up process much easier by staying to help out with washing dishes, vacuuming, and straightening up Sunday school rooms before they returned home. The weekend was a great time and truly a blessing to all. Many commented on how much they enjoyed the weekend and expressed their deep appreciation to our church for hosting this event. Planning the weekend was a chance for me to learn that no matter what the circumstances, God is truly always in control. No amount of worry or

Grace Bible Church Issue 2, Winter, 2006

preparation on my part can change that. I was abundantly blessed by the generosity of my family and friends at GBC. God showed me the importance and significance of each member of the body of Christ using his or her gifts to work together for the good of a project. Each task, no matter how large or small, was important to make the weekend an enjoyable and profitable experience for our guests. THANK YOU to each one who contributed for giving of your time, resources, or self to provide a blessing to your brothers and sisters in Christ. My prayer is that you will be greatly blessed in return for your service to us and for Christ! On another note, please pray for this ministry and the direction God would take it. My hope is that we can have more interaction with students from Bloomsburg University while maintaining the relationships that have been formed with friends from the Bloomsburg Southern Baptist church, Grace Fellowship Church in Hazelton, and other sister churches. If you would like to be involved in any capacity with this ministry, like to know more about it, or have suggestions for activities, please feel free to talk with me.


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Motto: 55 and still alive

The Prime Timers meet twice monthly, usually the first and third Mondays of the month. Special programs this quarter included a night when the Longs shared the pictures and mementoes of their trip to Hungary. We welcomed Howard’s cousin and his friend as special guests. The fall foliage inspired our Autumn Mystery Trip in October. The weather was rainy and very foggy, so part of the mystery was trying to see where we were going. In spite of the inclement weather, we were able to enjoy the colored leaves when the fog cleared, and indulge in our favorite pastime – eating at a good restaurant. Our group has such good fellowship, and we just enjoy being together. We are getting more involved with our church’s Nursing Home Ministry. In November, Howard Long spoke on the topic of being thankful.

His son-in-law gave his testimony about growing up in Communist Hungary, and described his salvation experience. It was a thrilling testimony to the Grace and Mercy of God, and the residents seemed very attentive. Other Prime Timers helped with singing, reading scripture, and visiting with the residents. It is always a rewarding experience to go there. We thank Deborah Rohrbach for playing the piano for us. Our special thanks go to John Roberts who, along with Roy Bunger, had the Nursing Home Ministry for many years. We appreciate their time, effort and faithfulness. We would enjoy seeing some new faces in our group, so those 55 and older are encouraged to attend. You do not have to be a member of this church. Call Ray Batdorf at 570799-0264 for more information.

By Dan Renno King of the straw mountain – that’s right! I am king of the straw mountain. Well, the other guys might not agree, but I think it is safe to say that at the Youth Group Fall Festival I dominated—I think . The youth group had a great time at the Fall Festival going on a hay ride, shooting apples with sling shots (not at anyone of course), going through the corn maze (Mark didn’t get lost this year!),

Grace Bible Church Issue 2, Winter, 2006

playing king of the straw mountain, smelling, I mean seeing Mark and Ashley’s pigs, cows, and other various animals, (or was it just Mark?) and of course – eating. But, out of all the youth activities over the last few months, the Road Rally topped them all. A big thanks to Dr. Hamilton for planning the Road Rally that took us all over Columbia County – including the Ferris Wheel at Knoebels. We have also been having a great time on Wednesday evenings singing (thank you Michael for playing the guitar), studying 1st John, and playing games. We especially had fun playing Charado (charades with play dough – it is actually more fun than you think!), Pictionary, and Sardines. The next youth activity is our annual Christmas Party and Christmas Caroling. We will begin the evening singing our favorite Christmas Carols to those in the community and will end with a Christmas Party and White Elephant Exchange (what ever happened to those beaded curtains?)


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Prayer requests:

Don and Gail Donell Children: Rachel Selph (married), Ryan, Amy, Ian Grace Mission in Carlos Paz Argentina

Sending Church: Grace Baptist Church, Taylors, SC The Donells, RBMS missionaries, have been in Argentina preaching the gospel, planting churches and training leaders for five years. They have established Grace Mission, and distribute Gospel literature in the city park, and throughout the region. Don has begun a Monday Night Bible Institute that provides additional theological training.

1. That Grace Mission would achieve legal registration so they can carry on the activities of a recognized non-profit entity. 2. That the church plant would be able to constitute as a self-governing, local New Testament church. Pray that men would be raised up to lead this new assembly as church officers. 3. Pray about other opportunities which have opened up for possible preaching points and church planting outreach: Laguna Larga, San Nicolas and Oncativo.

This year we plan to have two Christmas oriented services. On December 17, 6PM, we plan a Christmas Fellowship Service. Come and enjoy the music and refreshments.

Praise: For the Palabra Fiel (Faithful Word) Conference held recently. The Conference costs came to $3,000.00, and when the total gifts were added, the amount came to $3,000.00. Praise the Lord! One man who attended the Conference said it was like a "stake driven into his soul and ministry" to establish the truth of the gospel.

A New Look at Wednesday

Then, on Sunday evening, 6PM, December 24, (Christmas Eve) we plan on our second annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. Come, enjoy the festivities, the music, the Scriptures and the beauty of the Light of the World.

Starting in January, our Wednesday gathering will take on a different format. We’ll have a short time of prayer followed with a Bible Study. Additionally, we’ll devote a separate portion of our evening Sunday service to Corporate prayer.

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An inside look at an officers’ meeting.

The smile of a champion

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More of a Baptist Thing

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A Pie and a Smile: Happy Thanksgiving

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I have no clue as to what this is.

Dear Abby letter. Mephibosheth,

Little pink riding Ruth Look up in the sky! Just gleaning away. It’s Betty Greene

Did the last supper have Grace Bible Church eggs? Issue 2, Winter, 2006

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For the Kids

Favorite Missionaries with special smiles



Grace Bible Church 209 McIntyre Rd Catawissa, PA 17815

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