Winter 09 Eif Magazine

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WINTER 2009 VOL. VI N0. 1





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invitation to salvation

a message from dr. price

Knowing God’s faithfulness, His promises and the reliability of those promises ultimately gives us the ability to move in faith. You receive strength to begin a faith adventure by judging God to be faithful. However, it is one thing to begin a faith project, and it is something else again to bring it to its conclusion. I am rejoicing because I have seen God’s faithfulness in life yet again. My son, Frederick K. Price has taken over as pastor of Crenshaw Christian Center. What an exciting time in our lives. The devil thought he had the victory years ago, when our young son was taken away from us at the age of 8. But God had other plans! This March, my son will formally be installed as pastor. And while, I will still be teaching, he is now the main man—him and Jesus. I am confident that he is well-equipped for the job and that he will continue to guide the ministry in excellence and walk in faith. My prayer for my son is that he will never waver in his faith and hold fast despite what comes his way.

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” —Hebrews 10:23

To “hold fast” means to get a grip on something and don’t let it go, no matter what happens. When you start out on a faith project, do not give up until the project is completely manifested! The reason why some Christians have never reached the apex of that which their hearts desire is because they are not willing to hold on without wavering. It costs something to hold on and be consistent.

However, when you think about the faithfulness of God, His promises, how many times He has never failed you, you should have the attitude, “I am going to stand on this promise if it takes 10,000 years! Ten thousand years and one day later, I’ll be standing on the promise of God. I will not waver; I don’t care what happens, I am going to hold on without wavering!” I made up my mind when I found out how to walk by faith that I was going to take God at His Word no matter what happens. I had the kind of attitude that affirms, “This is coming to pass or I am going to die – one of the two!” Always remember that God is faithful. Trust Him. Count on Him. He is reliable. He will not fail you – He is on your side!

If you are not a Christian and would like to become one, pray the following prayer:

Dear GOD in Heaven, Thank you for sending Your Son JESUS CHRIST to destroy the power of Satan over my life. I accept Jesus now as my personal SAVIOR and LORD, and I choose to turn away from the sins of my past to a renewed Life in Jesus. You said that if I would confess with my mouth the LORD JESUS and believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead, that I would be saved. I believe JESUS died for my sins and that You raised Him from the dead for my benefit. HEAVENLY FATHER, I thank you for the gift of salvation and for accepting me now as Your child. In JESUS’ name, Amen.

If you have prayed this prayer, please let us know by writing to us at: Crenshaw Christian Center P.O.Box 90000 Los Angeles, CA 90009 Attn: Administration Office





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Editor Antracia Moorings Columnists Dr. LaVerne Tolbert Contributing Writers Pastor Robert Bolden Paula Marie Valle Art Design Lorena Iñiguez Elebee




EIF Graphics Designer Ardena Brooks Photographers Harry Langdon Richard Ventura Proofer Gayle Williams Make Up Adrian M. Evans

Editorial Offices 7901 South Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90044 (323) 758-3777 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.faithdome.or g




22 low self-esteem or no selfesteem, but as a Christian you don’t have to if you learn how to apply the Word to your life.


Transitioning To Power: Pastor Fred Steps Up By Antracia Moorings

To order from or to subscribe to this magazine: Call 1-800-927-3436 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine is published by Crenshaw Christian Center, a recognized nonprofit corporation. 2009 Crenshaw Christian Center. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Ever Increasing Faith and the logo on the back page are registered trademarks of Crenshaw Christian Center, Inc. in the United States and other countries where Ever Increasing Faith Magazine circulates. Ever Increasing Faith Magazine has no subscription or newsstand price and is supported through contributions. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible. Printed in the United States of America.



God has brought a prophecy to pass as Pastor Fred Price will officially be installed as Pastor of Crenshaw Christian Center, the church his father started more than 35 years ago.


Julie Landry, the wife of the late Allen Landry, former Crenshaw Christian Center (CCC) assistant pastor and former CCC East pastor, chronicles her husband’s life and battle with prostate cancer in her newly released book, In Sickness and in Health: How to Keep Going When Death Interrupts Life.


Fear: A Virus to Faith

The reason why so many things are not working in people’s lives is because they have fears. Either they are suffering from financial fears, DEPARTMENTS

A Message from Dr. Price On the Calendar Contributors


17 20

On the Air Parenting Matters

The Story Behind Hot Flashes Hot flashes or night sweats – are a symptom of the changing hormone levels that are considered to be a sign of menopause.


By Paula Marie Valle


By Pastor Robert Bolden

In Sickness and in Health

By Dr. Betty R. Price

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High Hopes

By Dr. Frederick K.C. Price

Hope will not change your circumstances. It takes faith to release the power of God to change your circumstances. Hope will only keep you alive until things change.


Q&A: Straight Talk with Drs. Fred & Betty Price



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on the itinerary

2009 MARCH 19-20


Region 7 Conference Chesapeake Christian Center 300 Liberty Street Chesapeake, VA 23324 Mailing Address P.O. Box 15035 Chesapeake, VA 23328 [Dr. Marvin & Beulah Duke] (757.494.1000) time Apostle Frederick K.C. Price MARCH 26 CCC East Apostle Frederick K.C. Price MARCH 29 CCC East Apostle Frederick K.C. Price

APRIL 16-17 Region 5 Conference Breath of Life Christian Center 3795 Frayser-Raleigh Road Memphis, TN 38128 Mailing Address P.O. Box 281394 / Memphis, TN 38168 (901) 373-7219 (800) 459-7691 Dr. Sammie & Addie Holloway time Apostle Frederick K.C. Price


APRIL 23-24

Word of Life Christian Center 100 Derby Parkway Birmingham, AL 35210 (205.833.8500) [Pastor Scott Webb] Time Apostle Frederick K.C. Price APRIL 26 CCC East Apostle Frederick K.C. Price


Faith Christian Center 95 Sagamore Road Seekonk, MA 02771 (508.336.4110) [Rev. David Marquard] 7:30 p.m. Apostle Frederick K.C. Price

JUNE 21 CCC East Apostle Frederick K.C. Price JUNE 24 Ontario Christian Center 1336 North Baker Avenue Ontario, CA 91764-2208 (909.983.5269) [Dr. Juan Williams] Faith Conference 7:00 p.m. Apostle Frederick K.C. Price

MAY 21 CCC East Apostle Frederick K.C. Price

MAY 22 CCC East / Wisdom From Above Dr. Betty R. Price MAY 23 CCC East Apostle Frederick K.C. Price

Los Angeles

New York

JUNE 10-13 Men’s Advance

JUNE 18 CCC East Apostle Frederick K.C. Price

Pastor Robert E. Bolden is a graduate of the Ministry Training Institute at Crenshaw Christian Center. Bolden accepted the lordship of Jesus Christ in 1980. Bolden is one the Instructors for the Spiritual Enrichment classes offered at CCC. Bolden is also an Instructor at Abundant Harvest Christian Center School of Ministry in association with Trinity University, an accredited school of theology where he teaches classes such as the Principles of Faith, Pneumatology & Angelology.

Paula Valle is a corporate and non-profit communications specialist at JDI Communications, Inc., a Los Angelesbased marketing and public relations firm. She continues to freelance in journalism and is a member of CCC. She holds a master’s degree in Journalism from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, a master’s degree in Media Studies from Sussex University in England and a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from the University of California at Berkeley.





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feature article






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By Antracia Moorings

t was 30 years ago in March that Dr. Frederick K.C. Price held his infant son up during a church dedication service and said, “Frederick K. Price, I offer you up unto the Lord our God and dedicate you to our Lord Jesus Christ.” Moving words—especially considering that his birth was a prophecy come to life. When Dr. Betty was pregnant with Frederick, she received a prophesy from Kenneth Hagin at an All Faiths Crusade at the Convention Center in Anaheim, CA. “God has restored what the devil stole from you many years ago. This child will be a blessing to you and will help you in the ministry,” prophesied Hagin. It was truly a profound moment for the Price’s whose first-born son Frederick K.C. Price, Jr. was struck by an automobile when he was only eight years old. He died of his injuries. God indeed brought that prophecy to pass and is using the life of Dr. Price’s son in a magnificent way. On March 15, 2009, Pastor Fred Price will officially be installed as Pastor of Crenshaw Christian Center, the church his father started more than 35 years ago. The date is special because it also marks Pastor Fred’s 30th birthday. “Fred will start his public ministry at the same age as Jesus did. That is prophetic,” said Dr. Price. The decision was announced in November 2008 during the church’s 35th anniversary. While Dr. Price won’t be handling the senior pastor duties anymore, that doesn’t mean he will be disappearing from the scene. Dr. Price will still be doing what he loves best—teaching on Sundays and during the weekly Bible Study, working with the board of directors and mentoring his son. Much of this sounds like a scene from the movie “Lion King,” And Pastor Fred agrees that it feels like it too.

“Lion King is a good illus“This child will tration,” he points out. “If you remember at the beginning, be a blessing to Rafiki, the little prophet monkey you and will help holds Simba up on behalf of and his wife. At the end you in the min- Mufasa of the movie, he holds the new little baby up for Simba. Of istry.” course in this case Mufasa is not

dying, he’s not going anywhere. I did see the transition like that. It’s my time to be king, so to speak. I’m really okay with it. I look forward to it because it looks like a challenge. I have confidence in some of the things that I’ll implement. Before I implement ideas, I’m going to implement me. I think that when I implement me, God is going to use me in some interesting ways. I’m up for it. I’m not nervous. I’m not scared. I’m not frightened. I’m in anticipation of it.” Chalk up the lack of fear to the fact that Pastor Fred has been working in the ministry as a pastor for the past six years and that his father will be here to help teach him the ropes. “I think this situation is probably how it’s supposed to be,” said Pastor Fred. “I even look at it like this. God had interaction with man in the earth, it wasn’t like the Father was here and then He left. Then Jesus came and then Jesus was here and He left and then the Spirit came. The Spirit of the Lord had interaction with man in the Old Testament. Pre-incarnate Jesus had interaction with man in the Old Testament. Then you see the Spirit descending upon Jesus in His earthly ministry. Jesus and the Holy Spirit had interaction with man. It wasn’t like the current boss was here and then he leaves. I think this is how it’s

— Kenneth Hagin





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feature article

Dr. Price speaking during Pastor Fred's ordination service in 2003.

supposed to be. As he’s phasing out, he’s phasing me in. He’s still here to mentor me and teach me and show me the ropes. That’s the ideal situation anyway.” Currently, Pastor Fred is taking the time to learn the ropes. While teaching is nothing new, the administrative side of pastoring is a new phase for this husband and father of one. His days have become full with mandatory meetings, officiating the majority of weddings and memorial services and counseling. While Pastor Fred is excited about the new responsibilities that await him, one thing he’s had to face are naysayers—those who think he may be too young or inexperienced to lead such a large and influential ministry. Naysayers have always been fuel for me,” he explains. “I encourage the naysayers to categorize and list everything that they think I should have or should be doing. My only reply to them is watch. They’ll see.” Truth is, the younger Price has received far more accolades than criticism. “I’ve seen some letters with my own eyes that have been negative. Some people are looking for a flaw. But most of the response if positive, probably because of the way my father presented me to the people. It wasn’t like, ‘here’s your new pastor, I’m gone.’ People were able to see me grow. All of that is what makes the transition easier. On top of that, I respect the old school. I respect my elders. People always tell me that my wisdom is beyond my years. That’s just because of my surroundings. That’s why it’s making the transition a lot smoother. I can’t tell you how many notes I’ve received from people who tell me that they have been here from the beginning with my father and they served under him and are looking forward to serving under me. That’s very humbling so the naysayers are very few.” Pastor Fred accepted the call to preach right out of high school and went on to attend the Cottonwood Christian Center School of Ministry as an alternative to Long Beach State where he had been enrolled. Two years later in 2002, he graduated from Cottonwood and



became a licensed minister. That same year, he preached his first sermon in the FaithDome titled, “Does God Show Favoritism?” The following year, in 2003, Frederick was ordained by his father Dr. Price. His life has pretty much been ministry work, though he admits that one time he did try his hand as a salesman pushing Cutco knives. Though he grew up a pastor’s child and ministry work has been all he knows, Pastor Fred is more than well-rounded. A serious gamer, he’s into Xbox 360 and counts Call of Duty: World at War as his favorite video game at the moment. He’s also very much a bookworm and is into a bevy of subjects from his father’s books to “People were fantasy and science fiction to history and information. able to see me His goal now is to continue building the ministry his grow. All of that father established while is what meakes stamping his signature as pastor. the transition “I’m a free-thinking techie. I observe differently easier.” but intuitively and in detail the way he does. I may pick differ— Pastor Fred Price ent things out. I think I’ll be a leader in the same manner that he is. Excellence will still be the cusp of the ministry. “Here’s I want: to see not just new membership and seats being filled but new life being breathed back into the ministry,” Pastor Price says. “I want to see new life—a youthful feel. A new excitement—that’s really what I’m looking forward to. My pastoring—on Sundays people mostly see me teaching. They know that I can teach but the pastoring are the other things—dealing with the people, making the hard decisions—things like that. I want to be a seasoned pastor. I want to see myself seasoned in a shorter time than what would be expected.”—EIF



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from the headlines


A Virus to Faith By Dr. Betty R. Price


he headlines are full of news that the United States is officially in a recession. We keep hearing this information over and over. The recession began in December 2007, the last month that U.S. employers added jobs, says the National Bureau of Economic Research’s committee of economists, which dates business cycles. Firms cut 1.2 million workers in 2008 through October. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke noted the economy “remains under considerable stress” because of a sharp drop in consumer spending, a worsening job market, a moribund housing sector and tight credit. “The likely dura-

“I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears.” tion of the financial turmoil is difficult to judge,” he said. “But even if the functioning of financial markets continues to improve, economic conditions will probably remain weak for a time.” In more evidence of a deepening recession, new data released shows that the economy shrank at an annual rate of 3.8 percent in the last quarter of 2008. That’s the steepest contraction for a n y quarter



since 1982 (when the economy contracted by 6.4 percent) and a sharp drop from the 0.5 percent decline in the three months earlier. Most signs are that the economy has continued to deteriorate since the start of the year, adding urgency to Congress’ consideration of a massive government spending program to spur economic activity through public works projects, tax cuts, aid to state governments, and other measures. Economic analysts are warning the Congressional leadership that unemployment could hit double digits in the first quarter of this year. All of this would give any person a reason to fear. I believe the reason why so many things are not working in people’s lives is because they have fears. Either they are suffering from financial fears, low self-esteem or no self-esteem, but as a Christian you don’t have to if you learn how to apply the Word to your life. There are fears of failing as a wife, as a father, as an employee; not finding their purpose. There are so many people who say, “I don’t know my purpose.” Start from where you are. I Peter 2:9 says, “He has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light to show forth his praises.” So you can begin there—do whatever you can to show forth the praises of God. Many have fears of not having a husband or children; fear of not being forgiven of their past sins. There’s the fear of war, people, loneliness, death, sickness, taking medicine—and much more. The Bible has something to say about all of this, but we have to learn how to receive it by faith. I know what it is to walk in fear and to have to face things that you’re not familiar with. Growing up, I was a fearful person; I don’t know what caused the fear to be a part of my life but I used to be afraid of getting up to go to the bathroom at night. I was really afraid of dogs. I was always afraid somebody was going to break in my house and on and on. II Timothy 1:7 says, “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” And, in response to God’s Word I would say this scripture over and over again. You must believe that God’s Word works. Confession brings possession; you can drive out any situation you find yourself in by confessing the Word. Now I am fearless. Psalm 34:4 says “I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears.” God is not a respecter of persons; if you have fear in your life start speaking the Word over your life. Psalm 27:1, 3 says, “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear; the Lord is the strength of my life, and of whom shall I be afraid.” The word fear comes from a Greek word phob. It is defined as a panic that grips a person causing him or her to run away; be alarmed, scared, frightened, dismayed, filled with dread, intimidated, anxious



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and apprehensive. How many of you have been in places like that? I know I have. All the financial difficulties that once were in times past, those were fearful times to live in. Not enough food, not enough money to buy your kids school clothes, not enough money to do whatever. I went through that in the early part of my life. However, when I got filled with the Holy Spirit and came in contact with the principles of faith, then I began to apply those principles to my life and I had to absolutely stop worrying because when you worry you are not in faith. You have to take God’s Word and believe God for what you need. I John 5:4 says “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world– our faith.” God’s Word tells you all the things you need to do live an overcoming and victorious life, but you have to get in line with what God’s Word says. Once my husband came into the knowledge of the Word, we began to confess the Word that all our needs were met. I remember the first time we put this to the test. The taxes were due and I remember we had confessed all our needs were met including the taxes. When tax time came, we did not have the money to pay them, but we had changed. A couple of weeks later the taxes were past due. We needed about

Tips for Dealing With The Recession

Remember that God has promised to supply all of our needs.

This promise from Philippians 4:19 stands true in spite of what is happening with the economy or in the world.

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“Stop worrying because when you worry you are not in faith.” $90 or something like that to pay the rest of the taxes. Soon after this man said that God told him to give Fred $1000—that was enough to pay the taxes and whatever penalty that was due. We watched God move little by little as we began to believe Him. But we had to get in line with the Word of God first. We got in line with tithing in 1967 and we’ve never stopped tithing from that time on and God has proven to us that if we do what He says to do, we will come out victoriously. We don’t have to walk in fear. Get God’s Word inside of you and fight with that Word. You are free from anything that would hold you in bondage.—EIF

Trust God. It is so easy to look at our checkbooks, credit card statements, IRAs, or 401ks and get discouraged. But, God isn’t discouraged or even surprised at what is going on. His word says that He would never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5-6).

Make a budget and stick to it.

Continue tithing. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse and expect to see God bless us as a result – Mal 3:10 (noting that this ‘blessing’ is a much wider than just financially). EVER INCREASING FAITH MAGAZINE Winter 2009




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power of faith testimony

By Paula Marie Valle


e were not created to die. We are created to live long, happy, abundant lives. Yet, my husband, Allen Landry, is dead at 58,” writes Julie Landry. Julie Landry, the wife of the late Allen Landry, former Crenshaw Christian Center (CCC) assistant pastor and former CCC East pastor, chronicles her husband’s life and battle with prostate cancer in her newly released book, In Sickness and in Health: How to Keep Going When Death Interrupts Life.





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power of faith testimony

In 2005, four months after Allen’s diagnosis, Julie was led by the Holy Spirit to begin keeping a journal where she could write down the challenges and triumphs that they would face as Allen fought his battle with cancer. It was five months after Allen’s death before Julie was emotionally and mentally strong enough to sit down for three straight weeks to write her book. “I felt such a relief and weight off me [after writing the book],” she said. “I really wanted this book to be a help to someone who would be going through this same horrific challenge.” During Allen’s long fight, Julie learned fifteen lessons that helped her, which include among others; Pamper him, Let go of the anger, Protect your health, Take time out and Seek some fun. Julie writes of these lessons as well as recounts her challenges with depression, guilt and anger in order to bring comfort and understanding to others who have lost or are losing a spouse. “What has really helped me is hearing how [this book] has helped others who have gone through this challenge,” she said. “It has been a confirmation for me that yes, I was supposed to write this book.” Initially, Julie did not want to chronicle Allen’s battle, but having been saved for 31 years she knew that the Lord had put this book in her spirit. There were days that working with her publisher brought back hurtful memories, but with God’s strength she was able to go forward. “I’m doing remarkably well, because I know that God is the source of my strength,” she said. Julie has found comfort through her prayers and daily confession of Philippians 4:7 “give us the peace that passes all human understanding.” She has also been helped by the knowledge that Allen is no longer in pain and that she will one day see him again, Let go of because he is now with the anger, the Lord. Protect your Julie does not health, Take understand why her time out and husband died, but she Seek some fun. knows that from the very first day he believed God completely and never waivered or gave into anything. She writes, “…Allen Landry was indeed a man of faith. He believed it and he lived it. He fought the cancer until the end.”

Allen’s death has been the most devastating thing that she has ever had to go through. Married for 35 years, to the “strongest man that [she] has ever known,” Julie admits to having been completely spoiled throughout her marriage. “I never in my wildest imagination would have thought of life without Allen. We did everything together, always assuming that we’d be together for the rest of our lives. Yes, I miss him terribly, but I have to keep going,” she writes. “Everyday and every night, God is taking care of me and I have to remember and rely on that,” she said. “I’m not going to worry or be in fear, because He promised to take care of me.” The support at CCC as well as from her amazing spiritual mom and dad, Drs. Betty and Fredrick K.C. Price, who have been there for her from day one, has helped Julie begin to heal. “[Drs. Betty and Fred] use to come over and visit Allen and call every week to give their support,” she said. Having the chance to minister “Everyday and to others who are every night, God is taking facing or have faced care of me and a similar challenge as Julie has also I have to remember and helped. “The Lord rely on that.” is always there loving us,” she said. “He has always been there for me.” Julie has written this book with the desire that people will come to understand how much the Lord loves and cares for us. We may lose someone we love, but He is not to blame when a devastating circumstance comes against us. Yes, God will allow the challenge to occur, but He does not cause the challenge. Rather than becoming angry with God she wants people to see that this is an opportunity for them to become closer to the Lord and be able to go to Him instead of run away from Him. “God never promised us a life free from sadness and hurtful experiences,” she writes. “He did, however, promise us that He would never leave us during those times of adversity. (See Hebrews 13:5.) He also instructed us to cast all our cares on Him. (See 1 Peter 5:7). He is stronger and much more able to carry the cares than we are.”—EIF





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health & healing

The Story Behind


By Pastor Robert E. Bolden

hot flash is a momentary sensation of heat that may be accompanied by a red flushed face and sweating. The cause of hot flashes is not known, but may be related to changes in circulation. Hot flashes occur when the blood vessels near the skin’s surface dilate to cool. This produces the red, flushed look to the face. Hot flashes and cold sweats during menopause are only the cycle trapped inside trying to escape through the skin. Hot flashes or night sweats – are a symptom of the changing hormone levels that are considered to be a sign of menopause. Hot flashes are common during perimenopause – the period of time leading up to menopause and tend to peak during the first couple of years after menstrual periods have stopped. For some women, hot flashes last up to a couple of years. For others, hot flashes may continue for several years or indefinitely. While it may be impossible to completely avoid hot Generally, available treatflashes during menopause, there are certain things that ments decrease hot flash may trigger or bring them on frequency by about more frequently. In all cases, the specific triggers for hot flashes and night sweats are as colorful and varied as women are themselves – which is why there is no one-size fits all solution. Women frequently ask what symptoms they can anticipate during menopause, when reality, each women experience menopause differently. Doctors are not even able to tell women what to expect because research into the symptoms of menopause has not yet been proven. For example, medical science cannot explain how the declining hormone levels of menopause could cause joint aches. Menopause is not a disease but a natural transition, yet many of the symptoms of menopause also may be caused by disease. Doctors are not always certain which symptoms are due to menopause, and women differ in their symptoms, how, then do we decide when women undergoing menopause need treatment in the first place. Early menopause does occur for a tiny fraction of women, but the term is mostly used by women – not practitioners. A very high percentage of menopauses are brought about by malfunction of the ovaries and many women enter menopause this way. Hot flashes can be treated with either oral (by mouth) lotions or spray forms of estrogen. Both oral and transdemal estrogen therapies are available either as estrogen alone, or as estrogen combined with progesterone. All available estrogen replacement therapies, whether oral or trandemal, are effective in reducing hot flash frequency and severity.




Hormonal balance is a normal state. When women have menopausal symptoms, they are suffering from hormonal imbalance – an abnormal state. About 80% of women today experience symptoms of hormonal imbalance – more than ever before – because of the extraordinary demands made on their bodies and inadequate support provided. Women are being pulled in many directions-between caring for family duties, full-time jobs, household demands, marital challenges and financial concerns, their plates are full.

What Causes hot Flashes or night sweats during perimenopause and menopause? A menopausal hot flash is essentially caused by a mix-up of signals between the brain and the body. As the hormones naturally shift during perimenopause and menopause, some women’s brain receive confused messages from their bodies and hot flashes or night sweats results. The brain in particular is affected by fluctuations in estrogen that occur against a backdrop of relatively low levels of progesterone. During moments of extreme estrogen flux, the temperature – regulatory part of the hypothalamus misinterprets the message as a signal for elevated core body heat. It responds by sending “release heat” messages to the peripheral body. To The symptoms associated with hot flashes release this heat, the body reacts and or night sweats vary from woman to within seconds by increasing its woman. Some women feel hot all the time, heart rate and dilating vessels to while others experience flashes. Here are some of the physical and psychological circulate more blood, as well as symptoms associated with hot flashes and opening sweat glands. The sudden impulse to disor night sweats: pel the body of heat is a built – in • An intense feeling of heat in the mechanism to protect women face and upper body from overheating in intensely • Increase heart rate warm situations, as in the throes • Dizziness of exercise, stress, or infection. • Nausea When a woman is experiencing a • Headache • Perspiration hot flash they are not truly over• Weakness heating – the brain just thinks • Feeling suffocated that they are. This confusion • Flushed appearance or blotchy skin between body and brain can be • Chills as the hot flash subsides mighty uncomfortable, and can



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increase skin temperature by several degrees.

How to apply God’s Word on Hot Flashes & Menopause

The Word of God says; and having done all, to stand. Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one (Ephesians 6:13, 16.) I noticed in my research the word confusion surfaced a few times as it relates to the brain and the body receiving crossed up messages, the Word says in 1st Corinthians 14:33 that God is not the authority of confusion, so we speak to our brain and body and tell it what the Word of God says about confusion. We also see in Proverbs 4:20-22 to give attention to the Word of God and keep them in the midst of our heart, for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh. In Isaiah 40:2931 the Word gives us a special promise of God’s strength in times like these, Isaiah teaches us that people who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint” We must take this personally and see ourselves having wings like an eagle and soaring over life’s problems. Imagine yourself being

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able to run on God’s strength (rather than on your own) going the distance while other people drop like flies on every side. It doesn’t matter what you are facing, wait on the Lord and look to Him for strength to conquer life’s challenges including HOT FLASHES & MENOPAUSE! In Hebrews 4:12 the Word of God is a living and powerful Word, which is able to penetrate the very depths of our subconscious being and to go into the center of our inner person. (The spirit man) the word of God has power to go beyond our conscious mind to the very core of our spiritual being and to cleanse, convict, and transform us. God’s Word is very powerful; and it is a living force of divine energy, which is highly effective at accomplishing God’s purposes. Every word from the bible is filled with the same power that resurrected Christ from the dead and created the universe. We have the privilege of applying God’s Word to our situation, whatever it is! —EIF References: Dr. William Williams Altadena California. North American Menopause Society. The Mayo Clinic. Breast Cancer Net. Com. Medicine Net Inc. Every Day Health. Women’s Health Institute of Texas. Science Daily. EVER INCREASING FAITH MAGAZINE Winter 2009




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Dr. Price offers practical applications and biblical illustrations of how faith is put into action.

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday,

March March March March March

1 8 15 22 29


Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail

Proof Proof Proof Proof Proof

Living Living Living Living Living

– – – – –

Part Part Part Part Part

4 5 6 7 8



Sunday, April 5

Fail Proof Living – Part 1 Apostle Price introduces a plan for godly living, pointing believers to a life of holiness. (#4 of Part 1)

Sunday, April 12

When will Christ Return Pastor Price Jr. teaches the resurrection of Jesus Christ

Sunday, April 19

Avoiding the Sex Trap In this much-needed teaching, Angela Evans instructs the believer on how and why to “possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor” (I Thessalonians 4:4)

Sunday, April 26

Sunday, May 3

Avoiding the Sex Trap In this much-needed teaching, Angela Evans instructs the believer on how and why to “possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor” (I Thessalonians 4:4). Fail Proof Living (Part 1 of this series) Apostle Price introduces a plan for godly living, point ing believers to a life of holiness. (#5 of Part 1)



Sunday, May 17

Living a Lifestyle of Faith Dr Betty Price – Mother’s Day Special

Sunday, May 17

Fail Proof Living (Part 2 of this four-part series) Dr. Price outline important steps to obtaining knowledge of the benefits in Christ.

Sunday, May 24

Fail Proof Living (Part 2 of this four-part series) Dr. Price outline important steps to obtaining knowledge of the benefits in Christ.

Sunday, May 31

Fail Proof Living (Part 2 of this four-part series) Dr. Price outline important steps to obtaining knowledge of the benefits in Christ.

Sunday, June 7

Fail Proof Living (Part 2 of this four-part series) Dr. Price outline important steps to obtaining knowledge of the benefits in Christ.

Sunday, June 14 Fail Proof Living (Part 2 of this four-part series) Dr. Price outline important steps to obtaining knowledge of the benefits in Christ. Sunday, June 21 What is a real Man Dr Betty Price – Mother’s Day Special Sunday, June 28 Fail Proof Living (Part 3 of this four-part series) Dr. Price discuss the benefits of acquiring knowledge and understanding of natural things. (#1 of Part 3)


In this series Dr. Price reveals what the people of God are, where they are, what they have and what they can do [In Him]. God wants his people to live above the circumstances of Life. DATE


Friday, March 20 Friday, March 27 Friday, April 3 Friday, April 10 Friday, April 17 Friday, April 24 DATE


What we are, Where we are, What we have, What we can do Matt 26:28





Friday, April 3 Friday, April 10

Friday, May 15 Friday, May 22

Living a Lifestyle of Faith Dr Betty Price – Mother’s Day Special

Friday, July 3

Friday, April 17 Friday, April 24

Friday, May 29 Avoiding the Sex Trap In this Friday, June 5 much-needed teaching, Angela Friday, June 12 Evans instructs the believer on how and why to “possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor” (I Thessalonians 4:4).

What is a real Man Former Pastor of Crenshaw Christian Center Pastor Burns outlines the true meaning of a real man from the bible.

Friday, July 10 Friday, July 17 Friday, July 24

What we are, Where we are, What we have, What we can do - Matt 26:28 In this series Dr. Price reveals what the people of God are, where they are, what they have and what they can do [In Him]. God wants his people to live above the circumstances of Life.

What we are, Where we are, What we have, What we can do - Matt 26:28 In this series Dr. Price reveals what the people of God are, where they are, what they have and what they can do [In Him]. God wants his people to live above the circumstances of Life. When will Christ Return Pastor Price Jr. teaches the resurrection of Jesus Christ

What we are, Where we are, What we have, What we can do - Matt 26:28 In this series Dr. Price reveals what the people of God are, where they are, what they have and what they can do [In Him]. God wants his people to live above the circumstances of Life. Friday, May 1 Friday, May 8

Schedule subject to change.



Friday, June 19 What we are, Where we are, Friday, June 26 What we have, What we can do - Matt 26:28 In this series Dr. Price reveals what the people of God are, where they are, what they have and what they can do [In Him]. God wants his people to live above the circumstances of Life.



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on the air

Ever Increasing Faith Ministries’ Broadcast Schedule Sunday

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7:00am EST/PST Lifetime (Cable subscribers check local listings)

8:00am PST

The Church Channel (TCC) (Cable & Dish Network check local listings) (DirecTV subscribers, Channel 371)

8:00am PST

The Word Network (Cable subscribers check local listings) (DirecTV subscribers, Channel 373)

9:00am PST

Crenshaw Christian Center Live ( &

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TCT-Total Christian Television (DirecTV subscribers, Channel 377)


Tuesday Friday Daily


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3:00pm PST

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6:30pm PST 24/7 24 hours 24 hours

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word of faith

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HIGH HOPES By Apostle Frederick K.C. Price

Hebrews 10:23 says:

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. There are two words in that verse which I want to examine—confession and hope. Before I learned how to walk by faith, all my wife and I lived on was hope. But hope will not change your circumstances. It takes faith to release the power of God to change your circumstances. Hope will only keep you alive until things change. If you never bring faith to bear upon your circumstances, all you will do is live in hope. Your circumstances will never change. However, in order to really walk by faith, you have to have hope. Hope is a goal setter. What’s your goal? My goal or objective is to reach the top of the mountain in all areas of life. Everybody should have a goal. If you do not set a goal you will never reach one. This is one reason why many people, and even many Christians, never achieve anything. They never set goals. They have nothing for their faith to obtain. Hope sets the goal and faith achieves it. Hebrews 11:1 says:

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.



My goal or objective is to reach the top of the mountain in all areas of life.

Hope by itself has no substance. Faith adds substance to your hope. If you do not have hope then you have nothing for your faith to obtain. On the other hand, if you have hope and do not have faith then you have nothing by which to obtain that which you hope for.

I want to challenge each of you to high hopes this New Year. I have high hopes and I obtain the goals I set. Though there still are some that have yet to manifest. I know that some things take more time than others. I want to challenge you to have high hopes, to set some goals for 2008. If you do not set any goals you will never reach any. Now be careful and use wisdom when you set your goals. Do not set them so high that you become frustrated and lose hope. If you do, it will cause you to give up and do nothing. Have you set goals concerning your financial and spiritual needs? Do you have any goals with regard to your desires, your family, your husband, your wife, your children, your job, your career, your education, your ministry or your physical health? You need to have high hopes and there are steps you can take to obtain any goal. The first one is to remain steadfast, as it says in Hebrews 10:23. You have to be tenacious and hold on to your goals. Do not let go until your goal manifests. It takes that kind of attitude. Stay with it even if it takes forever. It may take



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a while for your goal to come to pass, but if you remain steadfast sooner or later it will manifest. First Corinthians 15:58 says:

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. If you want to reach your high hopes you have to be steadfast. Even if hell rises up against you, if the water rises, you stick with the goal. This is what steadfast means. It takes discipline and commitment to be constant. Jesus said in John 15:18-19:

18 If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

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The enemy will put pressure on you when you attempt to reach your goal. But you can handle it. Jesus did. You are in good company. In fact, you are running with the best. He has already warned you. If they persecuted Him they will persecute you. Situations may arise in which you are unable to figure out what to do. We all have encountered this at one time or another in our lives. When you are walking in the Word and by the Holy Spirit you have divine, inside information to meet your goal. Second Corinthians 4:8-9 says:

8 We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; If you are steadfast, standing through the persecution, deliverance is at hand. You can obtain your High Hopes.— EIF EVER INCREASING FAITH MAGAZINE Winter 2009




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parenting matters

Expectation: Our kids can do better! “No one ever told me I could be President…” This response was from an African-American man who listened to a speaker exhorting adults following President Barack Obama’s landslide victory. The speaker noted that the election was confirmation that we must continue to encourage our children by telling them that they, too, can become President of the United States.

Leadership is born of expectation.

Time and again researchers affirm that children and students will achieve what their parents and teachers believe. Unfortunately, expectations remain too low for many children in the public school system, especially inner-city children. Perhaps this is why abstinence funds intentionally bypass the “hood.” The assumption that, “Those kids are going to have sex anyway” or worse, “They’re [like animals and] unable to control themselves,” bestows upon our children a school environment where abstinence is a bad word and condoms are everywhere…in buckets in the bathrooms…in containers in classrooms…next to the cookies as they exit the cafeteria. Kids aren’t expected to exercise self-control, so they don’t. Because teenagers think themselves infallible, why should they use condoms since, “Nothing will ever happen to me”? Futures are shortcircuited and dreams are deferred when the test results scream HIV Positive. According to the Centers for Disease Control, over 50 % of all AIDS cases are within the African-American community even though we comprise only 12% of the overall United States population. It was my daughter’s first day in Junior High. After we checked in at the principal’s office, I helped La



By La Verne Tolbert, Ph.D.

Today, there are still many dedicated teachers who are part of the public school system, but providing education is no longer the school’s priority.

Nej find her locker. She was eager for me to leave and kept assuring me that she’d be all right. The halls seemed so large, and my child looked dwarfed by the other students. Honestly, I didn’t want to leave her, but without any good reason to hang around longer, I gave her a kiss and prayed that God would take care of my child. At home, I read all of the forms that I was supposed to sign. When I reviewed the health forms, I knew that I was in for a fight. In no way was I permitting my daughter to sit in on any of their sex education classes. Many adults benefited from public school education. There was a time when there seemed to be no shortage of devoted teachers who did their jobs with excellence. Today, there are still many dedicated teachers who are part of the public school system, but providing education is no longer the school’s priority. Public schools have become social service institutions that focus less on quality education and more on the national agenda of providing comprehensive sex education and reproductive health care services to students. Under the guise of promoting healthy families, our children are exposed to explicit sex education, given condoms, HPV vaccinations and other abortions—all without parental notification or consent. In Chelmsford, Massachusetts, high-school students sat prepared for their health lecture. Permission slips were collected. Several students forgot to bring a signed slip from their parents, but the health instructor informed them that it wasn’t really necessary. Taking the paper home was a mere formality to ease parental concern. “Today, we are going to watch a film on sexual health.”



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As the lights dimmed, the film, “Hot, give them a Sexy and Safer” began. Much to the future and a hope, amazement of the students and under the guise of promoting “safer sex”, stuwe must have a dents began to see sexually lewd and vision that they very explicit scenes right there on the can succeed. screen, bigger than life. The boys were shocked and embarrassed. The girls, too, were repulsed. The health teacher ignored the cries of protest and insisted that this was a normal, natural part of their human development. No one was excused from the classroom. Everyone had to remain inside to watch the film.

The Condom Race

Sex education classes often include exercises geared to desensitize students and reduce embarrassment by providing opportunities for students to handle condoms through in-class demonstrations. One such game is called The Condom Race. Students sit in groups and take turns wearing blindfolds as they roll and unroll condoms on “anatomically correct erect penis models…appropriatesized fruits or vegetables, such as a cucumber, a zucchini, or a banana.”1. The blindfolds are worn because condoms are usually put on in the dark. The team that wins receives “colored condoms,” buttons, or pins promoting safer

sex. After playing this “game,” did students have more confidence handling condoms? Results indicate the opposite. Students were still uncomfortable, and who would question why?

Abstinence Works

Research demonstrates that teaching abstinence works! In survey after survey students say that abstinence is what they want to learn. Self-control, self-respect, delayed gratification, planning for the future, and building healthy friendships are values that are essential for every aspect of successful living— not just in the delay of sexual activity. If our children are to live out their legacy, they must not die prematurely. To give them a future and a hope, we must have a vision that they can succeed. What else is your child learning in sex ed? Let’s take a peek into what might be going on right in your child’s own school. To be continued…—EIF [Portions of this article have been excerpted from Dr. Tolbert’s book, Keeping Your Kids Sexually Pure: A How-To Guide for Parents, Pastors, Youth Workers and Teachers To order your copy, visit the Crenshaw Christian Center bookstore online.]

1 Hayden, J. (1993). The condom race. Journal of American College Health, 42, 133-136.

straight talk

Q&A with Drs. Fred and Betty Price

I feel that I am doing everything I’m supposed to do when I pray—I’m making all the right confessions, following all the right steps, but my prayers go unanswered. How can I know that God is hearing my prayers?

One of the most important things to remember is to pray in line with the Word of God. Praying in line with God’s Word includes two things – deciding what you want, then finding scripture that promises you what you desire. Before you pray, ask yourself “What am I praying about? What do I want? Why am I doing this? What is the end result I want from this time of prayer and petition?” If you answer, “I don’t know,” that is exactly what you will get – nothing. Decide what you want, and be specific. Once you decide, find scripture that promises you the thing you want God to give you. Your scripture and desire, Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations mentioned above are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible.

should be your foundation for prayer. Do not pray for anything you cannot find scripture on. If you pray outside the Word of God that prayer is doomed before it ever leaves your mouth. When you search the scriptures, you will have to use wisdom. You will not find a verse that specifically says, “Thou shalt have a Rolls-Royce,” or “I promise thee a new house on the hill.” However, you can find a verse which states the principle or spiritual law through which those things are promised to you. If you exercise enough wisdom and discernment, you can find scripture to cover anything you may need or want that is consistent with a godly life.

Do you have a question on your mind? Write to us at: Ever Increasing Faith Magazine, P.O. Box 44185, Los Angeles, CA 90009 or e-mail [email protected].





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news & notes

“Three Women And You” to hit the stage

(from l to r) Robert Rubin of VVCDC, Councilman Bernard Parks, Dr. Betty, Dr. Price, Pastor Fred. —Photo by Richard Ventura

Three Women and You, a book by Crenshaw Christian Center member Brenda Daniel will be hitting the stage. Biblical history is brought to real time situations as the life and story of three women speaks to conquering adversity. The bitterness of their plights and the sweetness of their victories makes for great entertainment and ministry. The play will be held April 17-19 at the El Camino College Campus Theater in Torrance, CA. For more information, call (310) 597-5216.

Dr. Betty Price’s New Square Dr. Betty R. Price was honored with a street named after her in November 2008. The intersection of 79th and Budlong just outside of the campus of Crenshaw Christian Center, was named Dr. Betty Price Square.” Her husband, Dr. Frederick K.C. Price received the same honor in 2006 when 79th Street and Vermont Avenue—the

intersection where the Crenshaw Christian Center campus is located— was renamed for him. Councilman Bernard Parks though Dr. Betty should receive the same honor. She is more than worthy of this recognition. She has been involved in numerous clean-up projects that have occurred in the areas surrounding Crenshaw Christian Center.

75th Birthday Celebration In other news, Dr. Betty celebrated her 75th birthday party with a black tie birthday celebration at the Hyatt Regency in Long Beach, CA on February 6. Musical guests included Vickie Winans.

Musical guest Vickie Winans, Dr. Betty and her daughter Cheryl Price



Drs. Fred and Betty Price

Dr. Betty flanked by Dr. Price and eldest daughter Angela Evans.



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