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FALL 2008 VOL. V N0. 4





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a message from dr. price There is no material thing that can be compared with true wisdom. I’ve learned that walking in wisdom is one of the best things in life that we can do. We must make seeking wisdom our business. The Bible lets us know that wisdom will keep us from the ways of wicked men (Proverbs 2:12), the man who finds wisdom is blessed (Proverbs 3:13) and that wisdom will protect us (Proverbs 4:6). Who wouldn’t want a treasure like wisdom? For the past 30 years, my wife, Dr. Betty, has held the Wisdom From Above Luncheons where she shares how she’s learned to walk in God’s Word throughout her life. She is definitely one woman who knows how to take hold of the God’s promises and apply them to her life. For those of you who can’t make it to the luncheon, her wisdom is readily available in her new book, Wisdom From Above, Vol. 2: Grow in Godliness. This issue of the magazine features an excerpt from the new book. I trust that you will be encouraged to seek after wisdom after reading the article. In this issue, I am also sharing a very personal testimony of how I had to fight —Psalm 37:30 against an attack on my body, Yes, even the Apostle of Faith has to continue fighting. Never take off your spiritual armor because the battle is always on. I also want to take this time to say how humbled I am at being named The Apostle of Faith at this year’s FICWFM meeting. What an awesome time we had in the Lord. It wasn’t the title so much as it was the outpouring of love that was shown to my family and I from a host of people both far and near. I look back over my life and know without a doubt that walking with God leads to blessing after blessing. Proverbs 3:13- 18 says: Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding; For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, And her gain than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies, And all the things you may desire cannot compare with her. Length of days is in her right hand, In her left hand riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, And happy are all who retain her.

“The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks what is just.

May you continually walk in wisdom—and enjoy the happiness that God is waiting for you to have.

invitation to salvation

If you are not a Christian and would like to become one, pray the following prayer:

Dear GOD in Heaven, Thank you for sending Your Son JESUS CHRIST to destroy the power of Satan over my life. I accept Jesus now as my personal SAVIOR and LORD, and I choose to turn away from the sins of my past to a renewed Life in Jesus. You said that if I would confess with my mouth the LORD JESUS and believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead, that I would be saved. I believe JESUS died for my sins and that You raised Him from the dead for my benefit. HEAVENLY FATHER, I thank you for the gift of salvation and for accepting me now as Your child. In JESUS’ name, Amen.

If you have prayed this prayer, please let us know by writing to us at: Crenshaw Christian Center P.O.Box 90000 Los Angeles, CA 90009 Attn: Administration Office





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FALL 2008


Editor Antracia Moorings Publications Coordinator Michelle McIntosh Columnists Pastor Frederick Price Dr. LaVerne Tolbert Contributing Writers Gertrude Bradley Pat Hays Art Design Lorena Iñiguez




EIF Graphics Designer Ardena Brooks Photographers Harry Langdon Richard Ventura Proofer Gayle Williams Make Up Adrian M. Evans


6 Editorial Offices 7901 South Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90044 (323) 758-3777 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.faithdome.or g



Wisdom to Overcome Temptations, Trials & Tests



In this excerpt from her new book, Dr. Betty outlines how temptation is not the sin. Rather, it is what happens after the temptation comes that can cause the sin. She offers encouragement to Believers to overcome anything if they choose to do what God says in His Word.


Affirming the Apostle of Faith


By Pat Hayes

By Dr. Betty R. Price

To order from or to subscribe to this magazine: Call 1-800-927-3436 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine is published by Crenshaw Christian Center, a recognized nonprofit corporation. 2008 Crenshaw Christian Center. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Ever Increasing Faith and the logo on the back page are registered trademarks of Crenshaw Christian Center, Inc. in the United States and other countries where Ever Increasing Faith Magazine circulates. Ever Increasing Faith Magazine has no subscription or newsstand price and is supported through contributions. All gifts to this ministry are tax-deductible. Printed in the United States of America.




Going Green to Help Children

Dr. Price opens up about how he had to personally fight against an attack from the enemy and how he overcame.


By Ephiel Mukamuri

3 5


A Message from Dr. Price On the Calendar Contributors

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On the Air Parenting Matters


Sowing: The Key to Living in Abundance By Dr. Frederick K.C. Price

A Greenhouse Project is serving as the means for generating income in Zimbabwe.


Dr. Price on Fighting the Good Fight of Faith By Dr. Frederick K.C. Price

History was made this summer as Dr. Frederick K.C. Price was named the Apostle of Faith during this year’s FICWFM services.



Dr. Price teaches that it is your sowing that primes the pump so that others can be in positions to sow to you and that is how it comes back to you.

21 22

Q&A: Straight Talk with Drs. Fred & Betty Price The Bizness



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on the itinerary



November 6-8 Drs. Fred & Betty Price “Faith Seminar” Covenant Christian Center International Pastor Shelia Davis 24556 Eucalyptus Avenue Moreno Valley, CA 92553 (951) 485-1400 7:00 PM

November 19 Apostle Frederick K.C. Price Jesus People Ministries Church Int’l Bishop Isaiah S. Williams, Jr. 4055 NW 183rd Street Miami, FL 33055 7:30 PM

November 20-22 Drs. Fred & Betty Price “Walking by Faith Conference” New Covenant Christian Center Church Dr. Ron Frierson Dow Event Center 303 Johnson Street Saginaw, MI 48607 (989) 752-8485


November 23 Apostle Frederick K.C. Price Crenshaw Christian Center East 1 West 96th Street New York, NY 10025 (212) 749-9323

February 10, 2009 Believers Victory Intl. Church Gordon Mueller Ministries P.O. Box 11682 Carson, CA 90749 (310.512.7705) [Pastor Gordon M. Mueller] Conference to be held at: Carson Civic Center (to be confirmed) “2009 Southern California Victory Conference” 7:30 p.m. Apostle Frederick K.C. Price February 12 Apostle Frederick K.C. CCC East

Gertrude Bradley, a member of C r e n s h a w Christian Center since 1982, works for the church in the Marketing department.

February 15 Apostle Frederick K.C. Price CCC East

February 19-21 Principles of Faith Christian Center 17977 Merrill Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 (909.829.2055) [Pastor & Mrs. Mannie L. Brodie Jr.] 2/19-20 @ 7:00 p.m. / Apostle Frederick K.C. Price 2/21 @ 10:00 a.m. / Dr. Betty R. Price

March 1 - 4 Overcoming Faith Christian Center & Television 6900 U.S. Highway 287 Arlington, TX 76001 (817.561.3400) [Dr. Gene Lingerfelt] Time Apostle Frederick K.C. Price

Los Angeles

Ephiel Mukamuri is the founder of Logo-Rhema Ministries, which is doing a mighty work in Zimbabwe and Southern Africa. Through Ephiel’s vision, Word of Faith churches have been planted throughout the nation of Zimbabwe and in villages with testimonies how the Word is transforming lives.

March 13 Global Summit Crenshaw Christian Center Los Angeles, CA

March 26 CCC East Apostle Frederick K.C. Price March 29 CCC East Apostle Frederick K.C. Price

New York

Pat Hays formerly worked in the editorial department at Crenshaw Christian Center before retiring several years ago. She and her husband, Pastor L. Craig Hays, who is administrative pastor for the church, have been members of CCC for more than 32 years.





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feature article






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emptations, trials and tests are constant challenges for mankind. Every sin is preceded by a temptation. The temptation is not the sin. Rather, it is what happens after the temptation comes that can cause the sin. The temptation to worry, to have fear, and to doubt God can boil down to sin. When we worry, that means we are not in faith, but faith is what pleases God. We have to train ourselves how to walk by faith and not by what we see or experience. This is going to take a lot of training and discipline to do. It takes training to believe you receive before you see anything, but if you learn how to operate this principle of faith, no matter what your temptation, trial, or test is, you will come through okay. Your temptation could be drugs, alcohol, sex, smoking, pornography, overeating, sickness, financial need, or any of the negative things that people face every day; but you can overcome anything if you choose to do what God says in His Word. Temptations first come to our minds, and many Christians think they have to yield to them. “Well, I thought it, so I should just as well do it,” they reason. No, this is where discipline comes in—discipline to do the Word rather than yielding to the thought. If we would submit to the instructions of the Bible, then we would not find ourselves in these situations. Jesus said in Matthew 26:41: “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation….” Hebrews 4:15 tells us that Jesus was “in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.” That means, then, that Jesus was tempted to gossip, lie, steal, fornicate, and do all the other negative things that we are tempted to do. Yet He didn’t do them, because if he had this scripture would not be true. Jesus did not commit sin. He did not yield to the temptation, and that means we don’t have to yield to temptation either because Jesus is our example. Keep in mind that Jesus wasn’t sinless because He is God. He didn’t come to earth as God. He came as man, a man subject to all the negativities of mankind. He chose not to sin or to yield to the temptations that presented themselves to Him. This means that since He operated in a sinless manner, He knows we can do the same. And we can. It is just a matter of choice. James 4:7 tells us: “Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” That is how Jesus overcame


His temptations, trials and tests. The key is to submit to God. How do we submit to God? We submit by doing the Word. I said earlier that in the Word there is a solution or an answer for every problem we face in life. For instance, the temptation to do drugs and drink alcohol is against the body. The Word says your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, so if you want to be free of that temptation, then you have to choose to honor the temple and not put anything in your body that would hurt or destroy it. Jesus chose not to yield to temptation. In fact, apart from Jesus Christ, it is difficult to overcome temptation, because when you’re a sinner you don’t have much control over what you do. Resisting the devil is a full-time job, because he is never going to stop coming at you. If you don’t resist him and the thoughts he brings to your mind, those thoughts will eventually end up influencing your body. I know resisting temptation is easier said than done, but you have to start somewhere. You need to resist the very first time you are tempted to drink alcohol, do drugs or have illicit sex. I think about people who have been smoking and drinking alcohol most of their lives. In their later years, it takes a toll on them. They end up with all kinds of bodily ailments, such as lung cancer, emphysema, heart problems, and cirrhosis of the liver. If they had only said no the first time someone offered them alcohol, a cigarette or drugs, they would not be facing those situations. I can think about people in my own family, and so many people I know, who had spent their younger years smoking and drinking because they could get away with it physically. Now they are either suffering from some illness or have even died because they messed up their lungs and their immune systems. People take all kinds of chances with their lives having committed fornication and adultery. I know of a particular case—and this could be multiplied by thousands—





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feature article

regarding this woman I knew really well who got involved with another woman’s husband. There was really no excuse because whether you are into God or not, you know that you are not supposed to be messing around with somebody else’s spouse. A lot of people have affairs, Christians included, because they think they can get away with it. You can’t get away with anything. This woman knew this man was married and had a wonderful family. She knew he had a good life with his wife. They had money coming in, drove nice cars, business doing well, everything going well. This younger woman saw this and set her eyes on this man. She was the type who would go with married men and think nothing of it. She kept after this guy until she got him to notice her. They began a hot affair, and he ended up leaving his wife. While the affair was going on, this woman would call the wife, curse her out, and say all kinds of mean things to her. She actually got the man to marry her, but the marriage was never a happy one. The child born from this union never had a happy day in his life. In fact, in his later years he was sent to prison. Now the woman, his mother, is calling on the Lord for help. God can only do so much when we plant the seed of sin in our lives, because those seeds are going to come up, and we will have to pay the price. The article was excerpted from Dr. Betty’s newest book release, Wisdom From Above, Volume 2. You may purchase this book from our Christmas catalog on pages 12 & 13. —EIF

Walking In Wisdom By Antracia Moorings

This year marks the 30th year of the Wisdom From Above Luncheon that Dr. Betty Price started after the women of Crenshaw Christian Center wanted to hear from her and glean from the wisdom that she’d gained over the years. Hearing Dr. Betty speak, it’s hard to imagine that there was ever a time when the thought of getting up in front of a crowd frightened her. “When we first got called to ministry, I thought I would be a background person,” she points out. “I didn’t really care about being out front. When you are a pastor’s wife people want you to speak. We went to Australia and they would not let me get out of speaking. I remember telling my husband, ‘you better have something to back me up because I’m only going to last 20 minutes.’ Then when I began to talk, it lasted a whole hour. I’m surprised myself that I could talk that much because I’m very quiet. But I’ve tried to keep the Word inside of me. “Mainly the way I teach is by example about how the Word has worked in our lives. It has become very easy. But I never thought I would be doing this. I love church and the Word of God. I just wanted to be in the background—maybe helping to cook and clean.” Needless to say, women would have missed out had Dr. Betty stayed in the background. With more than 50 years of marriage behind her and having raised God-fearing children, Dr. Betty knows that living by the Word works—and it’s a message that she wants both men and women to grab a hold of. “I’ve lived the life and I’ve seen God move so it’s easy to share the things that I have experienced,” she notes. “I’ve experienced them because of the Word—and all the things I’ve gone through raising the kids, that life-threatening situation (with cancer)—I used the Word on all of that. Our financial blessings all came because of the Word. We did what God said and we saw it come to pass. We know that God is not a respecter of persons, what He’s done in our lives, He’ll do it in any one’s life who will apply the Word. Obey the Word and then you’ll get the results. A lot of people want results without obeying the Word. So that’s why it’s become easy for me and nobody can talk me out of it because I’ve been in it too long.”—EIF The Price children were asked what one piece of wisdom their mother, Dr. Betty R. Price shared with them that they consider priceless. Here’s what they had to share: ANGELA EVANS Mommie always told me to serve God and keep Him first in my life, to always be honest and tell the truth and to always find something to do good for others. That’s the same advice I want my children to always follow.

FREDERICK K. PRICE My mother has always told me to “live for God.” She may have said “Work for God, there’s no one better to work for” or she would always tell me “be like your dad,” that meant be like God or Christ. It was all summed up in “live for God.”



CHERYL PRICE Her goal in life for her kids was not to be the top doctor, lawyer, society personality, etc (and all those things are good) but it was for us to have the fear of God in our hearts and to live for Him. Of course she modeled it for us. It’s one thing to give advice, another to live the advice you give.

STEPHANIE BUCHANAN No matter what is going on in your life or what anyone else is doing, you have to live for Christ. Christ is the answer for every issue in life.



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power of faith testimony

By Sharon Mayo


n August of 2007, I found a copy of Apostle Fred Price’s original book version of How Faith Works. It was located amongst the trash at a transitional housing facility where I was living at the time. Someone had thrown out many books, and I retrieved two boxes of spiritual books. I chose to read How Faith Works first as I was very familiar with Apostle Price from watching him on television over the years. As I read the book, it was like a light bulb came on. I was totally transformed from that point on and I set my heart to follow God. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that my life would never be the same. I began reading the Bible and praying as never before. I finally got what I had been seeking from the time that I received Christ in 1978. Before I read the book, I’d had it with life. It didn’t get to the point where I wanted to end it, but I was totally frustrated. It seemed that nothing was working out for me, and I was preparing to move out of state just for a change. I was tired and felt like I couldn’t take any more. Little did I know that my life was about to be As I read the completely turned around. I had been working tempo- book, it was rary positions for at least two years like a light and was registered with many agencies. In November of 2007, I bulb came on. registered with Volt Services because the other agencies were I was totally slow and my first assignment with transformed Volt, which I got almost immediately, was working in the Pastoral from that Office at Crenshaw Christian Center. I have been working at point on and Crenshaw Christian Center ever I set my heart since. I was living in a motel down the street from the church. I had to follow been living there since December of 2007. In January 2008, after I God. had been looking for an apartment for quite a while, one of my coworkers phoned me and asked me if I was still looking for an apartment. I told her yes and she offered me the number of an apartment she had seen near the church. I wrote the number down on a yellow Post-It note and called the number several times. I also went there to try to view the apartment. I could not find the apartment nor could I reach anyone at the number. After a while, I just forgot about it.

In June, the Pastoral Office received a summer hire and my supervisor asked me to retrieve the staff handbook from my desk for her to read regarding procedures. I took down the handbook and stuck to it was the same yellow Post-It note from January with the phone number for the apartment. I was surprised. I thought I had thrown that the number away. Nevertheless, for some reason I was led to call the number. I asked the person on the other line if they had had an apartment for rent near the church in January. The lady said yes but that the apartment had been rented for months. But the lady said she had other properties and told me about one in the Crenshaw district. We made arrangements for me to see the apartment and it was absolutely beautiful. The apartment was burned out in a fire in December of 2007 and had been completely restored. It had been vacant since February of 2008. The lady said to me, “I have a good feeling about you.” She said she would let me know something the following Wednesday. I did not hear back until Thursday when her husband left a message saying I did not qualify for the apartment. After hearing the message, I said to God, “You said that You would give me Your best and if that apartment was not Your best, I can’t wait to see the palace that You are going to give me.” Less than an hour later, the phone rang again. This time it was the lady. She told me that she was not in agreement with her husband about not letting me have the apartment and that she was behind me 100%, but that she could not go against her husband. She instructed me to phone him the next evening and tell him why I thought I would be a good tenant. I did just that and he said that I could have the apartment. I knew that all of this could only be God’s favor. I have been studying, praying and reading the “Favor Confession” over and over. I believe everything that God says. I look forward to even greater things as my faith increases. I am so happy that I have finally gotten this right. I know that reading “How Faith Works” set me on a new path that I will follow for the rest of my life.—EIF





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from the headlines

By Pat Hays


ve never been one who desired or sought after any special attention or fanfare, rather, my primary motivation for everything I do since making Jesus my Savior and Lord, is to please my heavenly Father,” said Apostle Designee, Dr. Frederick K.C. Price. These words were spoken at the annual FICWFM business meeting regarding his apostolic affirmation that took place at the conclusion of this year’s convention. “I love what I do and I would pay God to let me do it. I’ve always worked hard at being a diligent doer of the Word. The Bible tells us in Matt. 5:16: ‘…Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.’ This is the goal and drive of my existence.” This yearly coming together of pastors and their congregations has taken place for the past 18 years, and it is a particularly exciting time for the membership of Crenshaw Christian Center. “ I believe that as a result of my commitment to the Word, others in the Body took special note of the apostolic ministry in which I been have engaged for a considerable number of years, and in July 2007 they launched the beginning of a truly awesome yet humbling period in my life,” Dr. Price informed the congregation. It was at the 2007 FICWFM convention that the title “Apostle of Faith” was bestowed upon him, and the “Year of the Apostle” declared. “Little could I have known in accepting the call of God 55 years ago to preach the Gospel that my heavenly Father would bring me to this moment in time,” said Dr. Price in thanking the FICWFM members for deciding to make the 2008 convention “Apostle Affirmation Week.” Instead of “business as usual,” this convention week hosted a schedule of special activities and guest speakers, culminating in the public affirmation of Dr. Price as an Apostle in accordance with Ephesians 4:11 in a ceremony uniquely geared to this to occasion. The following are some highlights of the activities which took place during the 2008 convention sessions: MONDAY EVENING, JULY 21: “Apostle of Faith” Library Fund Raiser -Dinner and Concert. Guest Artist: CeCe Winans: This fundraiser was held at the Beverly



Wilshire Hotel, in the heart of Beverly Hills. Approximately 500 guests enjoyed a sumptuous $250-plate dinner. The proceeds from this event are to go towards the building of an “Apostle of Faith” library on the grounds of Crenshaw Christian Center in Los Angeles. The library was introduced at the 2006 convention by Bishop Wiley Jackson, FICWFM board member and founder of Gospel Tabernacle Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Schematic drawings were presented by Bishop Jackson at the 2007 convention. “Effective preparation for a library is an enormous undertaking, and it takes time, careful planning and financing. Preliminary plans and schematics have been drawn up, and initial planning (through private donations) has begun,” said FICWFM Executive Director Cheryl Price. TUESDAY, JULY 22: At the afternoon business meeting, members were informed of the financial status of the organization, the missionary projects that are supported by FICWFM, and the other necessary expenditures that are required to operate the organization. Dr. Price re-introduced Dr. Michael Freeman, executive vice president, and founder of Spirit of Faith Christian Center in Temple Hills, Maryland. Dr. Price informed the members that Dr. Freeman would be assuming more responsibility for the operation of the organization and would be considered the second in command only to him. One of Dr. Freeman’s primary duties will be the establishing of a credit union on the grounds of CCC to be operational by convention time 2009. TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 22: The convention officially began with opening cere-

(Left) Apostle Price with Bishop Wiley Jackson signing the official papers. (Middle) Dr. Jack Hayford ministering the Word of God. (Right) Vickie Winans singing

monies and recognition of the various pastors, their churches and delegates. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY MORNING AND AFTERNOON SESSIONS: In keeping with the purpose and theme of this year’s convention, Dr. Price was asked to minister at all morning and afternoon teaching sessions on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, particularly addressing the subjects of faith, healing, and prosperity, for



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which he has attained world-wide recognition. Wednesday Evening – Guest Speaker, Bishop Charles Blake Guest Psalmist: Mary, Mary: Dr. Charles Blake, Presiding Bishop and Chief Apostle of the Church of God in Christ with 6.5 million members internationally was the Wednesday evening speaker. Bishop Blake is also Pastor of the dynamic West Angeles Church of God in Christ situated in Los Angeles with more than 12,000 members. Said Bishop Blake: “This is a glorious week, and I would not have missed this time even though I had to cross the country in order to get back here in time for this special occasion. Dr. Price is a visionary leader and he has been a primary proponent of what some call the ‘faith movement.’ His teaching ministry on faith has impacted the lives of all races, particularly people of color. He is a man of known integrity and excellence, and he has been a proven role-model for others to follow. We can only honor what God has already done in conferring this apostleship on Dr. Price.” Of those expressing congratulations and good wishes to Drs. Prices via video-taped messages during the evening meetings were: Rev. Oral Roberts, Rev. Kenneth Hagin, Jr., Dr. Creflo Dollar, and Bishop Eddie Long. Thursday Evening – Guest Speaker: Dr. Jack Hayford Guest Psalmist: Dr. Helen Baylor with special appearance by Vicki Winans Dr. Jack Hayford, President of Foursquare Church (with 55,000 churches worldwide) was the Thursday evening speaker. Using Matthew 12:9-14, Dr. Hayford spoke on the touch of Jesus, and said to Dr. Price, “You have the same qualities displayed by Jesus in these verses.”

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Addressing the Price family, Dr. Hayford said: “I know you are proud of this occasion for your parents, but it also says something about you.” Speaking directly to Dr. Price, Dr. Hayford continued: “The confirming of the apostleship upon you is a testimony as to the depth of your character, and the depth of the Holy Spirit working in your life and ministry, and I echo the feelings that have been expressed this evening regarding your apostleship affirmation.”

FRIDAY EVENING: APOSTLE’S AFFIRMATION SERVICE This very solemn and holy, yet joyful evening began in a closed ceremony in the Fellowship Center of Crenshaw Christian Center. In attendance at this Induction Ceremony were the ordaining bishops, FICWFM board of directors, the Price family, CCC board members, and other pastors and ministers. This ceremony was to sign and seal the necessary documents confirming Dr. Price’s apostleship. Following this ceremony, the group proceeded to the FaithDome for the main service. In the FaithDome, there was a sense of excitement and an air of great expectancy as the crowds filled the seats. There was no doubt that the CCC members were very pleased and happy to see this day come for their pastor, who has for more than 30 years impacted so many lives with his ministry of the Word, teaching by precept and example of what it means “to walk by faith and not by sight.” In this very special ceremony on Friday, July 25, 2008, Dr. Frederick K.C. Price, Pastor of Crenshaw Christian Center was affirmed to be “The Apostle of Faith” and was presented with the Apostle’s ring, symbolizing his authority, and the shepherd’s staff, symbolizing his shepherd’s office, in service to almighty God and His people. —EIF

www.faithdome.org EVER INCREASING FAITH MAGAZINE Fall 2008




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The Purpose of Prosperity CD Series $132.00 PPD1 (22-CD)


We have the right Christmas gift for all of the special people on your list. These gifts share the Good News of Jesus Christ and produce abundant life for one and all. Buy now and get all of your gifts in time for Christmas! Shop early and be sure to get all of your gifts at these reduced prices for Christmas only!


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The Power of Positive Confession Series SPECIAL GIFT SET!

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EIF Study Journal



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you are helping to make it happen


By Ephiel Mukamuri

hen shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. (Matthew 25:34-40) Zimbabwe has a population of 14 million people. Over 4 million are in the diaspora. Official statistics peg the inflation rate in Zimbabwe, which is the highest in the world, at 11.2 million percent. However, independent sources estimate the inflation rate at above 50 million percent. The unemployment rate is over 80% and a third of the population is in critical need of food aid. Most people are living with an introspective, personal survival attitude. But such is not the case with Ephiel and Elna Mukamuri and The Logos Rhema Ministries which they lead. In 2004 they started the Joseph Project which is a benevolent outreach of their church. The Lord moved their bowels of compassion after they came face to face with the reality of people suffering from poverty in their church. Ephiel Mukamuri ministers God’s uncompromised word on faith and prosperity; but like the Apostle Paul he radically believes in faith which works by love (Gal 5:6). He also believes the words of Jesus that the poor you will always have with you. Since 2004 they had been supporting the Harare Children’s Home. This home has 85 orphaned and vulnerable children. The persistent harsh economy in Zimbabwe has not spared this home such that in the first quarter of 2008 the committee running the home invited Logos Rhema Ministries into formal partnership. Ephiel Mukamuri is now one of the trustees and Logos Rhema has spiritual oversight over the children.

Harare Children’s Home sits on 15 acres of prime land. Almost 10 acres is vacant land. Logos Rhema Ministries is coordinating the setting up of income generating projects on this land; hence the Greenhouse Project. The Lord has already provided greenhouse tomato seeds. Once the greenhouse project takes off the children will benefit through hands on agricultural exposure, fresh food supplies and financial support from sales of produce. This project needs the support of God’s children through prayers, finance, equipment and visits of those who have great expertise in greenhouse vegetable farming. The project will cost approximately $41,016. Below are the things that Ephiel and Elna and Logos Rhema Ministries are trusting the Lord for to effectively get the project running: • • • • • • • • • •

a security wall sinking of a well/ borehole water pump reservoir tank electric standby generator timber greenhouse plastic drip irrigation equipment cucumber and carrot seeds truck

God’s Word says; he that gives to the poor lends to the Lord, and the Lord will pay him back (He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again Pro 19:17.) The Lord has great promises for those who consider the poor (Psalms 41: 1-3). One of the poorest and most vulnerable persons is the orphaned and abandoned child. The Lord has given us a mandate of love to help such.—EIF If you desire to partner with Logos Rhema Ministries you can contact in the USA: Ephiel Mukamuri Faith Life Global Ministries - Charity Address: 3033 East 82nd St, Tulsa Oklahoma 74137 Tel: Geraldine Chitseko 918 853 8911 / Shadreck Chigede 918 810 5192 email: [email protected] or [email protected] Website: www.logos-rhema.org. * Gifts are tax deductible.





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news & notes

The "Shrine of Pan" located in a mountain region called Golan Heights in Tiberias.

This is a small synagogue located in Capernaum directly across from a place called Peter’s House, which is thought to be where Peter actually lived.


In June 2008, Drs. Fred and Betty Price hosted an inspirational tour of the Holy Land. Tour participants witnessed spectacular panoramic vistas, sparkling brooks and lush landscapes. Israel’s multicultural environment is rich with innate beauty, history and refined cuisines. The historic sites and

The Jordan River where Jesus was baptized.

remains are captivating and spiritually connect you to a country that cultivates a lifetime of amazing memories. Dr. Price taught the Word at some of the many memorable sites like Caesarea, the Garden Tomb, the Mt. of Olives, and the newly excavated Pool of Siloam to name a few. It was exhilarating to walk paths that were once journeyed by Jesus and to put into perspective the physical realities that our Lord faced. It was sobering to stand on the banks of the River Jordan, ride in a boat on

the Sea of Galilee and float in the Dead Sea with a biblical understanding of how significant these bodies of water were to Jesus’ life and ministry. The journey to Israel was a dream-come-true for some, a land revisited for others, and the tour of a lifetime for many. Ever Increasing Faith Ministries plans a return tour to Israel in 2010. Start making plans now to be part of a life changing experience, you will not return the same.


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health & healing

By Apostle Frederick K.C. Price


any of you have heard “It could be two about the 20/20 expose’ things—cancer or on ministers who they allege take church offer- an infectious disings and used them for ease.” Looking their own personal gain. back, I see now I was included in this piece where they lied against me. In March 2007 when that at that point is I first heard about the story, I was when the devil shot taken aback and thought, ‘what can I a dart—bang. My do against 20/20, ABC, and the immune system Disney Company? What can little old shut down. ” me do about it? I felt blind sighted. It hit me like a Mack truck. I felt like, what the heck can I do about this? I have been accused of stuff over the years—that never fazed me in the least because opinions don’t mean anything. But ABC put this big, bold-face lie on worldwide television that made me look like a crook. This hit me so hard that it affected me physically. I started having night sweats. I would wake up about three times a night just wringing wet. So I went to the doctor, but they didn’t know what was wrong. I had this terrible cough. I didn’t realize the source was spiritual, but it was manifesting physically. I know it was spiritual because the doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with me. It was scary. Meanwhile, I was making my confession: “I believe I am



healed.” When the doctors couldn’t find anything wrong, we went to the oncologist. One of the doctors that was helping us was in league with the doctor that had been Betty’s oncologist. They were comparing notes and very concerned because the symptoms sounded like cancer. In July, we went on our family vacation and I was still having these sweats. I was just sweating like a greased pig. I was coughing and losing weight. It was pitiful. I’m continued making my confessions, but I was feeling like 47 miles of unpaved

road. When the oncologist called to give me the results of the tests he was very apologetic. He said, “we are not exactly sure what it is. It could be two things—cancer or an infectious disease.” Looking back, I see now that at that point is when the devil shot a dart—bang. My immune system shut down. “If it is cancer, based on the symptoms,” the doctor said, “You may have 4 to 6 years to live.” Four to six years? No I’ve got too much to do, I thought to myself. I couldn’t sleep. Some nights I would just be up the whole night. I was praying in the spirit, out of the spirit, with the spirit, by the spirit. Hey, I pulled out all of the stops. I did all the stuff I knew. Meantime, I never missed a Sunday, any appointments or cancelled any speaking engagements. The oncologist wasn’t sure what it was so he sent me to a doctor who was a world specialist in infectious diseases. They thought it might have been Legionnaire’s disease or something similar. But he said the only way we they were going to really find out was to give me a bone marrow test. After the test, we had to return to the hospital to get the results. The doctor looked up at me and said, “Well you have tuberculosis.” I said, “What?” He said, “you have TB and the only protocol that we know that works is a prescribed medicine plan. One of the plans last a year and the other one is for six months. These are the kinds of things you have to take and these are the kinds of results and side affects you could possibly have. I said,



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“Well I’ll take the year.” But I was believed God it would be shorter. “I laid hands on So I started on this daily medication. those pills and said, Every time I took the medication, I laid In the name of hands on those pills and said, “In the name of Jesus I curse every possible side Jesus I curse every effect. I believe I receive only that bene- possible side effect ” ficial aspect that will cause God’s healing power to eradicate this condition.” The TB I had wasn’t contagious. Everyone carries TB in their bodies. But stressful situations will trigger it. The only person that had to take a test was Betty because when we have our intimate time we are pretty close. She was fine. I had to walk by faith. There would be many nights I would go to bed and I would sleep 30 or 40 minutes then I couldn’t go back to sleep. I would just sit up, pray in the spirit the rest of the night and then watch the sun come up. My confession remained, “I believe I am healed” because the Word says, “with His stripes I am healed.” I kept taking the medication and making my confessions. I went to the doctor periodically so they could “I had to walk by check my blood to ensure the medication wasn’t destroying my kidneys. faith. … I believe I Nine months into the 12-month treat- am healed because ment the doctor said, “Based on your test the Word says, results I think we are going to take you off the medication. You are doing great.” He “with His stripes I said, “I want to see you in 6 months, but am healed“.” everything looks good. All your vital

on the air

signs are good, and your blood work is good.” I’m human just like you and I have to fight the good fight of faith just like you. We are in a war. The devil will try to take you out if he can, but you have to know what the Word says. Thank God I knew what the Word says. —EIF

Ever Increasing Faith Ministries’ Broadcast Schedule Sunday

4:00am PST

Lifetime (DirecTV subscribers, Channel 252)

7:00am EST/PST Lifetime (Cable subscribers check local listings)

8:00am PST

The Church Channel (TCC) (Cable & Dish Network check local listings) (DirecTV subscribers, Channel 371)

8:00am PST

The Word Network (Cable subscribers check local listings) (DirecTV subscribers, Channel 373)

9:00am PST

Crenshaw Christian Center Live (faithdome.org & StreamingFaith.com)

10:00am PST

TCT-Total Christian Television (DirecTV subscribers, Channel 377)


Tuesday Friday Daily


3:00pm PST

Daystar (DirecTV, Channel 369 or check local listings)

7:00pm EST

WJYS TV 62 (Chicago) www.wjystv62.net/flash.php

7:30pm PST

Crenshaw Christian Center Live Bible Study (faithdome.org & StreamingFaith.com)

6:30pm PST 24/7 24 hours 24 hours

TBN On Demand www.faithdome.org Christian.TV (www.christian.tv) Ever Increasing Faith Network (at faithdome.org & StreamingFaith.com)

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word of faith

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By Apostle Frederick K.C. Price


y wife Betty and I have been prosperous over the years and it wasn’t an accident. It was diligence to follow protocol. II Corinthians 9:6, “But this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly.” Now it is not written in there, but it is implied. He that sows nothing will reap also nothing. So if you don’t like what you have been receiving, check up on what you have been sowing because it is the sowing that causes the harvest. Verse six says, “But this I say, he who sows sparingly will reap also sparingly. He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” The ball is in our court. I love it because at one time I thought it was all up to God. On the contrary, the blessing plan is already in operation, but it has to be initiated by us. God set up the system to work, but we initiate the system. We cause it to work or not to work. Not Father God. Verse six continues, “….so let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity for God loves a cheerful giver,” meaning a happy and hilarious giver. Verse eight says, “And God is able.” Oh yes, Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, the Lord is able. I heard that for 17 years as a Christian, “God is able.” While God was able they were repossessing my car and TV. I was in court declaring bankruptcy—the Apostle—bankrupt. The fact that God is able does not change your circumstances. We don’t even have to discuss it—it is a foregone conclusion that if God is God He is able. Watch this now. Verse eight, “And God is able to make all grace abound towards you, that you always (not sometimes) having all sufficiency.” If you have all sufficiency then you will lack nothing.



“But this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly.”

I recently asked my congregation, “how many of you are living at a level of more than enough?” About 10 hands went up. There has got to be a reason for that and it can’t be Father God. There has to be something we are missing. Verse eight, again, “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you that always having all sufficiency in all things.” All sufficiency in all things means buying gas for your car, paying your light bill, paying your utility bills, paying the house note. That is all sufficiency and that is where most Christians are, with all sufficiency, but they —Corinthians 9:6 never get to the rest of the verse: “having abundance for every good work.” See you don’t do the good work with your house note, rent or utility payments. The good work has to come from the abundance. Malachi 3:8 says “Will a man rob God?” A robber is a person who takes something from someone else that doesn’t belong to him. If God, the Father says, “Will a man rob God,” and the people say, how? The Father says in “tithes and offerings.” That must mean that the tithes always belonged to Him. You couldn’t rob God of something that didn’t belong to Him. Right? God says because you have robbed Him; “You are cursed with a curse.” “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be food (or meat) in my house and prove me now in this.” “Prove me now in this.” In what? In tithing. Tithing started in the Garden of



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“When the windows of heaven are opened, now God can pour out seed to the sower.”

Eden. You are familiar with the statement about Abraham paying High Priest Melchesidek tithes. Where did Abraham get the idea of 10 percent? Why didn’t he give him 17 percent? Where did that idea come from? I believe Abraham got it from Tehrah, his father and I believe his father got it from his father, all the way back to Adam. Tithing has always been God’s method for prosperity. Now listen carefully, if you are a tither, you are a tither 24/7, 365 days a year. You can never stop tithing and be a tither. If you ever stop tithing it’s because you have no income. However, if the roof blows off the house and you take God’s money—the tithe—to put the roof back on or get the tires fixed or whatever, you are not a tither. What you are is a person who gives 10 percent when it is convenient. A tither is somebody who does it all the time. For example, you can’t be a male three days a week and not a male the other days of the week. If you are a male, you have to be that 24/7, 365 days a year.

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To be a tither you have to you change your mind about money. When you get $1,000, you don’t have a $1,000, you only have $900. A hundred dollars belongs to the Lord. If you are a tither that is the way you think. Consider this: If you are a tither, your tithes are not your seed. When you tithe you are not sowing. We just read it. “Will a man rob God, yet you have robbed me. But you say in what way have we robbed you? God says, in tithes and offerings.” So if a man robs money from someone else and then uses that money for whatever purpose he is using somebody else’s resources. If your tithe were your seed, you would be sowing God’s money, not your money. Your tithe is not your seed. So, where do we get our seed from? From tithing. That is what the windows of heaven is all about; to give you seed to sow. If you don’t tithe, you can’t receive any seed to sow. Watch this, when the windows of heaven blessings are opened, now God can pour out seed to the sower. Further, your seed sown is not your abundance. That is someone else’s abundance. However, it is your sowing that primes the pump so that others can be in positions to sow to you and that is how it comes back to you. That is how the cycle works. Your tithe is not your seed. That is God’s money, you are paying a debt. You are not sowing a seed, but if you don’t tithe you can’t get the windows of heaven blessings which produce seed for you to sow. Betty and I are witnesses to living in the abundance because we have been sowing bountifully for many years.— EIF

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parenting matters

Parents! Be Wise! t a summer pool party, I met a friend’s college-freshman daughter for the first time. As our conversation drifted to boys and life on the college campus, I seized the opportunity to tell her about a book I was reading. Naked Truth by LaKita Garth, is written in down-to-earth language and the author leaves no stone unturned as she explains to teens how to make the right decisions to remain sexually pure. As this young lady and I continued to talk, she mentioned that her doctor had recommended she take the HPV vaccination to guard against cervical cancer caused by the human papillomavirus. Her mother and I were both alarmed to learn that never once did the doctor explain that the virus is only contracted through sexual activity. This young lady thought that HPV was the inevitable fate for all women, virgins included. Young women of color are often targeted for experimental tests and fertility related services. Parents must be wise about what’s going on college campuses—and elementary, junior high, and high schools. To inform you, I share the following excerpt from Keeping Your Kids Sexually Pure: A How-To Guide for Parents, Pastors, Youth Workers and Teachers www.xlibris.com which is based on my dissertation research. When the bell rang, 50 sixth-grade girls in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania lined up for class expecting to learn their reading, writing, and arithmetic. With chins held high, they entered their rooms, books securely tucked under their arms, eyes eager with innocent anticipation. “Today, we are going to make a special visit,” the teacher announced. “We’re going to see the nurse’s




By La Verne Tolbert, Ph.D.

If you see the poor oppressed in a district, and justice and rights denied, Do not be surprised at such things for one official is eyed by a higher one, And over them both are others higher still. Ecclesiastes 5:8

office.” Trusting and eager to please, the girls lined up into neat little rows and filed into the nurses office. As each class piled into the room throughout the morning, only a few of the girls became slightly alarmed when they noticed that the door was locked behind them. “Take off your clothes!” they were commanded. Obediently, they slipped out of their dresses, slacks, skirts and blouses until they were left standing in just their underwear. The teacher asked for and collected all of their garments. One by one these pre-teen, virgin girls were then taken into an inner room where the gynecologist put each onto the examining table, spread her legs with the help of an assistant, and proceeded to perform a vaginal examination with a cold, metal speculum. Not until the first girl screamed out in terror and pain did the others realize that something was terribly wrong. They began to cry. They begged for their clothes. They pleaded for a chance to call their mothers. Each request was denied. “Your mother does not have to know about this examination. It’s perfectly legal. Even if she knew about it, there’s nothing she could do to stop us.” When they learned what had happened to their



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daughters, some parents hired the Rutherford Institute, a law firm, to represent them. The case was settled out of court in favor of these parents who had contended that the school had violated the girls’ constitutional rights.

Caution your college-age daughters and encourage them to continue confiding in you.

SCHOOL-BASED HEALTH CENTERS Clinics on public school grounds are called School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) or (SBCs). The term, clinic, is not preferred by those who promote clinics. They prefer the more palatable term health center. Some clinics are not located directly on school grounds, but since they are strategically very close—usually within a block or two—they are called School-Linked Clinics (SLCs) or School-Linked Health Centers (SLHCs). Minors who cannot receive aspirins from a teacher without their parents’ permission can be taken to the clinic, examined, “evaluated”, and prescribed medications. Clinic staff also have the right to transport students off-campus during school hours for abortions—all without parental knowledge or consent. Nurses and doctors in these clinics are immune to otherwise restrictive laws governing local school districts. School-based health centers are this country’s attempt at a comprehensive teenage pregnancy prevention program, which comes under the umbrella of national heath care reform. Citing statistics that many children go without physical examinations because they are uninsured, proponents argue for a socialized approach to providing reproductive health care.

Since the majority of these children—African American and Hispanic—attend public schools, this is the most logical place to serve as “surrogate” parents for the “nation’s neediest children.” But these “at-risk” students are not the only populations targeted for SBHCs. Plans are to have a clinic in every public school, including elementary. In these public school clinics, students are given psychosocial evaluations—mental health tests—again without their parents’ notification or consent. The “results” from these tests are placed into students’ school files and can follow them throughout the rest of their years in the educational system. And while regular school nurses cannot give students an aspirin without their parents’ consent, nurses and doctors in these health clinics can even prescribe mental health drugs if their psychosocial evaluation so indicates.

PARENTS, BE WISE! Ask if your child’s school has a schoolbased clinic or health center. Be cautious about signing forms, and never sign anything without a thorough reading! Caution your college-age daughters and encourage them to continue confiding in you. After all, no one loves her more than you!—EIF

(Excerpted from Keeping Your Kids Sexually Pure: A How To Guide for Parents, Pastors, Youth Workers and Teachers by La Verne Tolbert www.teachinglikejesus.org.

straight talk

Q&A with Drs. Fred and Betty Price

I want to become a student of the Bible. What is the best way to study the Bible? A - While it is important for you to know how to study, you must first understand what study is. There is a tremendous difference between just reading and actually studying the scriptures. Reading is a survey – an overview

to become familiar with the content. Studying is to examine IN DEPTH and begin to explore every little facet of the material. I encourage you to continue reading through the New Testament to the Book of Revelation. Then go back and read through the entire New Testament again several times. This will familiarize you with the content and purpose of each of the books. You need to develop your own individual study plan. There is no right or wrong plan. The best time and method for study is entirely dependent upon you and your daily habits. I do suggest that you designate a particular area as your study place. After awhile, just going to that area helps prepare you to get into the Word. Begin every study time with prayer (see Psalm 119:18). I really don’t have a formal study procedure other than what I call my MINIMUM

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations mentioned above are taken from the New King James Version of the Bible.

DAILY REQUIREMENT in which I read five chapters in the Bible every day, mostly out of the New Testament (although I do read from the Old Testament regularly). I do that simply to keep my eyes, my mind, and my spirit exposed to the Word. You should take advantage of some of the good study helps available today. There are many good books that can be helpful to you in rightly dividing the Word and making your study time more fruitful. Get a good concordance such as Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance or Young’s Analytical Concordance. In the back of those books are listed many Hebrew and Greek words along with their original meanings. Also, another excellent book for laymen is W.E. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. This book has all the Greek-word lists that most students of the Bible need.

Do you have a question on your mind? Write to us at: Ever Increasing Faith Magazine, P.O. Box 44185, Los Angeles, CA 90009 or e-mail [email protected].





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the bizness


By Pastor Fred Price, Jr.

ohn 1:1 says,

“In the beginning was

the Word and the Word was with God and the

Word was God.”

Then it goes on to let us know that the Word became a person—became flesh. It says, “All things were made through Him and nothing that was made…” In other words the Word was instrumental in the things that were made. I like to distinguish the difference between the Logos and the Rhema. The Logos is the Christ—the Person—the spiritual personality being second in command as the Godhead. Then we also have the Rhema, which is the utterance—the speaking. That is how the worlds were framed—by the Rhema Word of God. We are going to take a slightly different turn today on the Word. Isaiah 55:11 says, “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Now I am going to pick up the first part of this verse because it reminds me of Hebrews 11:6 which says, “For without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder…” Before you believe that He is a rewarder, you must first believe that He is. Notice what it says in verse 11. First, before it says anything about the Word, it first says, “So shall My word be.” I looked up ‘be’ and I found some synonyms for ‘be’ and one of the synonyms for ‘be’ was exist. But it says, “So shall My word be.” His Word is. Before we move on to anything else, His word is—His word be. Are you with me? He says, “That goes from My mouth.” He says, it shall not return to Me empty. It shall not return to me void. That is what lets you know that something strange took place in the beginning because if the Earth was without form and void that had nothing to do with the Word of God, because when God’s Word goes forth it



does not return to Him void. Something else happened to cause the void and without form. Something happened between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 because the end result of God’s Word couldn’t be something that is void when His Word shall not return to Him void. It says, “It shall accomplish what I please.” “And, it shall prosper in the thing.” That is what I like about the Word because now it is letting me know that we can deal with specifics here. I can send the Word to something. Not a general thing, but it is talking about specifics now. It will prosper in the thing which I sent it. All of you have some things that you need to put the Word on. So shall my Word ‘be’. It shall not return to Me void. It will accomplish what He pleases and it will prosper in the thing for which He sent it. Now children of God, you have the authority to use the Word of God. In Psalm 103:20 it says, “His angels, who excel in strength.” Notice it does not say, heeding His voice. It does not say that they excel in strength and they heed His voice. It says, “they excel in strength…heeding the voice of His word.” So angels move when they hear the Word regardless of whether the Word comes from the Father, the Son, the Spirit, or the seed of Abraham. If the seed of Abraham uses the Word that we have been given the right, privilege and authority to use, angels have to move. They don’t move because you tell them to. They don’t move and just do what you say because you want them to do whatever, but they move when they hear the Word, whether it comes down from heaven or out of your mouth. We Christians are post-Cross and not pre-Cross. We have a better covenant established on better promises. The Old Testament saints probably would say, “The word of the Lord came to me.” The Word of the Lord was in my heart. They would say, “This is what the Lord says.” This is what the Lord said would come to pass and the Lord would back it up. There is something about knowledge and understanding of the Word so that whatever God says, it ‘be’. I know that it ‘is’. Look at Isaiah 55:10, “For as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven, and do not return there…” I hope you see the connection. “But water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater.” When the rain and snow drop they don’t go back, they prosper in the thing for which they were sent SO SHALL MY WORD BE.—EIF This article was excerpted from pastor Fred’s teaching, “Word.” To obtain a complete listing of his products, please contact us at www.faithdome.org or call us at (800) 391-6145.



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