Wind In The Tree's, In The Beginning

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  • Words: 31,662
  • Pages: 134
Wind in the Trees: In the Beginning

Prologue: The girl was in a turbine of wind. Heavy furniture spinning around her shaking figure in a spiral dance. Black eyes filled with hate as she glared at the smirking man from inside her personal hell. And the boy who loves her watches helpless as the girl he once loved is slowly slipping through his fingers.

Chapter 1:

Screaming is for those in pain

“Hey Captain!” I called jovially bouncing forward. The glossy chestnut horse whinnied and bobbed his great head in his stall. All around me horses stirred and stamped their hooves. I breathed in the hay and horse feed scent. It was the only thing that made me feel at home. I ran my fingers over the unbelievable silkiness of his high cheekbone. Captain leaned his head into my palm. With my other hand I yanked the bridle off its hook and slid it over Captains head. I walked him out of the stall then threw the saddle over his back. Thankfully I was so tall I had no trouble swinging my leg over his back then hauling myself up. Captain snorted and I shook the reins a bit; he trotted out of the barn. Jet ran out of the forests gloom a minute later. He could easily talk to me even while I was seated on Captain’s back. “Mum said I was `sposed to come with you” he panted. I rolled my eyes and jerked my head

towards the stall “Better take Dax, your still a rookie” I sneered. Jet stalked past me and a few minutes later he came out at an easy trot on a white horse with grey flecks. “This year please” I sighed dramatically. Jet shot me a peeved look and made a rude middle fingered gesture. “Mum could’ve sent Ben” Ben my younger brother by a year would be a lot less annoying plus he didn’t complain when I rode faster than I was supposed to. I guess in her mind it made more sense though if she sent the ‘sensible’ son. Yeah right... considering Jet had been suspended from school because he graffitid the boys bathroom. “Well Ben’s over at Kitarnya’s and Bianca’s snuck out... again” Jet and I laughed at that. My nineteen year old sister is always the rebel. I pretty much followed in her footsteps to a lesser degree. While I slip out to just walk on my own she’d meet up with her boyfriend Declan and they’d go clubbing; resulting in an even longer grounding. She was up to at least eight weeks now. I scowled Ben managed to spend every waking minute with his beautiful girlfriend Kitarnya. So as usual that left me with Jet. He wasn’t all bad just a little annoying at times. Jet pulled his black hair that cascaded onto his shoulders back into a ponytail. “Why don’t you just cut the damn thing?” I muttered when I was beside him galloping at an easy pace. Jet just looked at me like I was crazy. All the boys in my household thought it prudent to grow their hair to their shoulders. This irked me theirs grew so much

quicker than mine. A few curls from my hair blew into my long black eye lashes. My sisters Bianca hair was long, straight and shimmery. Whereas mine was very and always tightly curled. It was long and fell just past my elbows. That wasn’t much of an accomplishment anyway considering I was so tall. Jet and I cruised along in comfortable silence until he reminded me of something. “By the way mum says to make sure your back in time for swimming practice” OH NO! I cussed so loudly it sent birds squawking and flying into the air. I turned Captain around sharply and ran out full pelt back to the barn. “HEY SLOW DOWN!” Jets yell was lost in the thud of Captain’s hooves. In one leap I was off Captains back and had him in his stall. Yanking up my shoulder bag I ran toward the house. Tree limbs caught my hair and tangled it into unrecognizable snarls. My wide two story red-brick house bloomed into view. Emmy’s startled barks started when I jumped the fence. Josephine stood at the back door; Arms folded an amused smirk dominant on her russet face. The ever present cut slicing through her eye brow. She never told us how she got that ever since dad died when I was two years old she was unusually quiet. “What am I gunna do with you Stephy” she sighed. “Its Steph” I growled. I had asked everyone in my family to stop calling me Stephy at the age of six. Jet and Ben had teased me about it but shut up when my fist connected with their jaw. Bianca knew how I felt mum still called

her ‘Binky’. My mum was just like all my siblings her skin russet silk, dark burgundy hair and tall in the extreme. She was very pretty her almond brown eyes and cherubic face creased with laugh lines. Emmy bounded up to me and stood on her hind legs and pressed her front paws to my shins. Emmy was a lovely looking dog (though we did not know her breed... well I did anyway) Grey running down her back and coating her paws like socks. A diamond set between her eyes. Underneath all the grey Emmy’s coat is pure white well... besides now. She effectively ruined the shins of my Calvin Klein skinny’s. “Geeze thanks Em” I muttered and shoved her off then darted inside and slammed the roller screen shut before she could follow. Mum was laughing petting Emmy on the head. I turned on my heel and dumped my bag in the hallway. The house smelt strongly of lemon citrus Josephine must have just finished cleaning. The warm chocolate floorboards of sorts shone in the afternoon sun peeking through the grey clouds. The hallway stretched right down to the front door. To my left was our granite kitchen that had an open arch leading to the living room. The right was our bathroom and the laundry where I could hear the washing machine churning. I took the stairs two at time and skidded round and leaped into my room. I jumped about a foot in the air when I saw Bianca sitting cross legged on my bed. She was dressed in her red hulterneck top and black leather mini skirt; strappy black shoes dumped on the floor. She smelt

strongly of tobacco smoke and liquor. “Mums gonna kill you” I warned. She looked up at me through bloodshot eyes. Bianca is very pretty she has an exotic and Latin look about her. Eyes pulled at the corner, full lips, hard square jaw and more brown skin then the reddish like mine. Her eye lashes were impossibly thick and looked like they were an effort to lift. Which wouldn’t surprise me with the amount of mascara coating them. Blood red lipstick was spread across her natural beige lips. “Shh” she shushed me her head falling into her hand and pointing a manicured finger at me. “Hang over?” “Like you wouldn’t believe” she murmured. I laughed “Well im gonna have to turf you out I gotta get ready” I yanked her off the bed and shoved her out into the hall then threw the high heels out after her. And slammed the door in Bianca’s shocked face. I laughed quietly and turned around. My floor was a thickly carpeted brown with matching walls and white roses winding around them. A matching four poster bed stood sentinel in the middle. A glass topped desk with a humming laptop on the right wall. I looked at myself in the body length mirror. I was very tall only a tiny bit shorter than Bianca. My face took after my mothers something so angelic about it. Either the wide eyes or the full pouty lips I had no idea. I wasn’t beautiful but I wasn’t ugly... just border lining. Bianca was definitely the prettiest, why else would she be the most popular

girl in school and have a contract with a modeling agency? I was okay at sports but not near enough for it to go anywhere. Jet on the other hand is a master at athletics. Maybe even good enough for the Olympics. Ben being the genius of the family left me to be the disappointment. I was going to have an average job and an average life and be known as the let down of the Manka family. I sighed and it fogged up the glass. Rifling through my drawers I finally found my silky blue Calvin Klein one piece. The blue contrasted nicely with my copper skin. Yanking on a pair of sweats because it was chilly out I picked up my gym bag and was out the door in seconds. Just as Ben’s friend Harrison pulled in the drive. Harrison was cute in the extreme with a tennis tan, hair that was brushed over his eye with blonde high lights streaking through his honey brown hair. Harrison was so strong it was unnerving. Plus the fact he was rich and pulled up in a BMW 325. But I despised him. Harrison was old for his year; seventeen. Making him my age apparently he had travelled around the world with his parents and they either had the choice of putting him in the right year and be a long way behind or keep him in kindergarten. But I just think he repeated its not like they could get anything through his thick skull. “Where are you off to Stephanie?” Harrison appraised me in my slacks and one piece with my old hang-dog gym bag sliding down my shoulder and foam thongs. “Paris Fashion Week” I replied sarcastically. Oh and he could have any girl

at school but he goes for the one not the least bit interested; me. Joy... Harrison laughed but the sound was to dark, just like everything else about him. “Ben’s over at Kitarnya’s” I started to walk by him my thongs slapping against my bare flesh. “Who says im here for Ben?” Harrison’s voice was soft but it had no effect on me. “I didn’t know the grim reaper hired henchmen” “Aw im not that bad” I could hear the smile in Harrison’s voice. I really think there’s something wrong with this guy. “Let me give you a ride” he offered. Yup, he is mental. “Im walking” hoping he would note the acid. He didn’t “Its raining” Harrison pointed out. I was about to contradict him when a fat drop hit me on the cheek. Jet was out riding the horses, mum was walking Emmy, Bianca was definitely in no condition to drive and stupid Ben wasn’t here. Angrily I slid into his passenger seat. Harrison started the car and pulled out of the driveway smoothly. My position very clearly said Don’t even think about it. “Why were you coming?” I asked after a moments thought. “Just going for a drive then I noticed a drowned angel” I rolled my eyes sheesh he was so melodramatic. “I’d rather be a drowned angel then a pissed one” “C`mon Steph if im not your kind of guy then who is?” “Lets see... well for starters there’s two things I like”

He looked so hopeful that I narrowly avoided laughing. “A brain and a heart” the hope disappeared to be replaced by anger. We arrived at the aquatics center in stony silence. I jumped out eager to be out of his car until I heard a pair of smooth footsteps behind me. I stumbled over the door jamb when I saw Harrison trailing behind me. He reached out to catch me but thankfully I righted myself. “Why are you here?!” I demanded. Harrison shrugged smiling “Wanted to see you swim” Before he could say more I stormed away in an angry fit. Dumping my gym bag on the silver seat I pulled off my slacks and smashed them into my bag with a little to much force. The heat swirled around me and my nostrils filled with the smell of chlorine. Splashes and the shrill whistles of coaches hit my ear drums. I turned on my heel. There were three other teenagers in my class one of them my friend Kadie. She was staring open mouthed at Harrison who sat fluidly down and watched my every move. Kadie noted my furious glower and burst out laughing. Her silky blonde hair tied back into a loose bun. I realized mine must have a few sticks left in it. I shook it out before sliding into our lane with her. The other boy and girl were talking their backs to us. Kadie was extremely pale with flushed rose pink cheeks. Her face consisted of mostly cheek bones with small perfectly curved pink lips. She was tiny compared me. The other girl in our class was the second most popular with tan skin and

artificial long blonde hair. Un-like my modest one piece and Kadie’s two piece she was in a skimpy bikini. Which she was doing everything in her power to show Harrison. Who was staring intently in my direction. Isabel was her name. The boy was one who occasionally smiled at me in the halls. He was good-looking and my social sphere and his did not touch. When Kadie got over her fit of laughter she asked in between giggles “Why’s Harrison here?” “He offered to drive me” I muttered angrily still scowling. “Aw he’s your knight in shining” I cut Kadie off with a dark sentence raised enough for Harrison to hear “He’ll be an idiot in purple bruises if he’s not careful” which sent Kadie into another fit of laughter. Our couch; a tight-lipped thirty year old woman shadow loomed above us. We all promptly shut up. She had a very intimidating presence. Ms. Cook. “Aiden, Isabel, Kadie three laps now!” she barked “Stephanie six!”. Six?! Cinch! Clearly her idea of punishment was twisted but I didn’t complain. My legs kicked and I sliced through the water at the perfect pace overtaking Isabel who was at the front. I finished the lesson with my muscles aching and tired with my heart going a mile a minute. I trotted over to my bag and toweled my hair which was inevitably curly. Nothing would straighten it! “Hi, Harrison” Isabel expanded the ‘I’ on hi making her seem even dumber than usual. The two were perfect for each other. “Soul mates!” I

gasped. Harrison scowled at me and Isabel’s face lit up. To my intense disappointment it was still pouring heavily outside. “Looks like im driving you home” Harrison said cheerily. Isabel’s face and mine were both masks of disappointment. “Fine” I spoke through clenched teeth and stormed past him. “Don’t be so enthusiastic Steph or I might leave you alone” Harrison teased me once we were seated in the car. Every part of me soaked to the bone. Yes! Harrisons sentence gave me the perfect plan. I formulated it and was still going when he pulled up in the front of my house. To say he was surprised I didn’t fling myself out like I had just escaped a near death experience was the worlds biggest understatement. I had no idea how to act freakishly clingy that was Isabel’s forte not mine. But I’d give it a go anyway. I leaned over the gear shift towards Harrison and his eyes widened. My fingers danced along his jaw line while I asked “Why don’t we just sit and... talk for a bit?” I blinked my eyes innocently. Okay I’ll admit when I looked back on it I should have known Harrison would take advantage of my un-expected closeness. But at the time I just wasn’t expecting him to press his lips to mine then draw me closer over the gear shift. Like I said before, Harrison was strong; scarily. He drew my right up arm up over his neck and that’s when he made his mistake. My left fist effectively caught him right in the lower stomach. “Ow! What the hell was that for?!”

“Giving me the best advice ever” and I slipped out of the car in one fluid go and was in the house in another. “I CAN’T FRIGGEN BELIEVE YOU SNUCK OUT AGAIN BIANCA! DON’T YOU CARE ABOUT SCHOOL AT ALL!?” Hm, so mum did find out. “Nope” Bianca replied cheerily. I laughed as I walked into the kitchen. Mum had cornered Bianca in the living room so I didn’t have to worry about getting my head ripped off. Plus I was starved. I caught Ben raiding the fridge with a disgusted Kitarnya trying to focus on her homework. She was very pretty with brown skin, glossy black hair and a perfectly symmetrical face. I looked over her shoulder and pointed out the answers “A, C, C, B, D, A” my finger ran down the page of little tick boxes. “Thanks” she replied reverently “Anytime” I murmured then bumped Ben out of the way to fridge with my hip. He stumbled and I snickered then bit into a freezing apple. “Don’t you have homework?” Ben grumbled sliding into the seat next to Kitarnya and kissed her cheek. I made a gagging sound then answered him “Uh-huh” “Have you done it?” “What do you think genius?” Ben replied with a grunt. I pulled his long hair as I walked past. I met Bianca on my way up the stairs she was whistling cheerily with her hands buried deeply in her pockets. “Nine or more?” I asked she

knew I meant months referring to her now extended grounding. “Twelve” “Damn it!” “What?” she asked chuckling “I had a bet on ten, so close!” “How much did you bet?” “Twenty” “Ooo” she winced “By the way mums working late tonight one or two so we get pizza” My eyes slid in Bianca’s direction she noticed my un-ease. “Don’t worry im not sneaking out tonight but Declan is coming over...” her eye brows raised higher making sure I understood. I was able to stamp my foot once I had reached the top of the stairs “Nuh-uh no way in hell!” “Come on Stephy” “Well you guys will just have to keep it down” “Keep what down? And Steph I can’t believe you sucker punched Harrison!” Jet exulted walking out of his room the phone still in his large hand. “Oh my god you what?” Bianca gasped her face lit up. “He wants to speak to you by the way” Jet held the phone out to me I took it and made no move to keep my voice down. “What freaking advice?!” Harrison even sounded a little hurt but it was an act Satan’s spawn didn’t get hurt. “Aw poor baby is upset would you like a bottle?” I pretended to miserable. He cussed loudly at me and I made another suggestion as to where he could stick a bottle then hung up. I handed the

phone back to a confused Jet “Mum’s gonna be out tonight order whatever you want” I was halfway in my door when an avid Bianca caught up to me. “He kissed you” she stated. My scowl deepened answering the question for her. Bianca burst into hysterics. I slammed the door in her face for the second time today. “HE DID WHAT?!” Jet roared furiously from outside my door. “He kissed her” Bianca annunciated slowly. Jet let fly a stream of profanities his heavy footfalls descending the stairs. Jet was just a little to protective of me. I hated Harrison and everything but a sucker punch wasn’t the only thing Jet was probably planning on doing to him. The door rattled as I shot out of my room. I was dressed in my cotton around-the-house shorts and a T-shirt with worn out flats. But that wasn’t going to stop me from charging down Jet. But I was to late his car was already reversing out of the driveway. It sucked that I was the only kid in the family without her license. I could think of only one thing it wasn’t raining very hard but the path to the horse barn was damp and muddy. More sticks caught in my hair but I didn’t care. Captain may have been my most loyal horse and I felt bad for doing this but Scarlet’s definitely the fastest one I own. Captain looked accusingly at me out of his big brown eyes. “Sorry Cap, but I have to get there fast” with that I sent Scarlet at a fast trot out of the barn. Once I was in the clear she shot like a comet through the trees making the shrubs a green blur. Harrison’s wide

glass house and monstrous backyard bloomed into view. Lucky for me Jet wasn’t here yet. “Good to see you here” Harrison called sarcastically. I narrowed my eyes and strained my ears. I couldn’t hear any car engine so nothing to worry about, yet. I slid off Scarlet and tied her bridle to the fence. She whinnied and pawed the ground. “What happened to nutty?” Harrison asked as I jumped the white picket fence. Scarlet was midnight black with copper running down her face. “Scarlet’s faster” I snapped. “So why you here, back for more?” “You wish. Im here cause Jets on his way to kill you” “You told him?!” “No Bianca did, she guessed” “Perfect...” Harrison rolled his glittering green eyes “And why do you even care if Jet does kill me?” “Because I think you’ve learned your lesson” “And if I haven’t?” “You won’t live to find out” I said darkly glaring at him. “DAMN RIGHT HE WON’T!” Jet roared barreling around the corner of the house. Thankfully I was faster than my bumbling brother. I caught Harrison’s hand and spun him till he had landed safely by my side. I slid in front of Harrison “Jet calm down” I warned. “No” he growled. “I told you Harrison sisters are off limits” “Hey! I date whoever I want!” I yelled irked.

“Not without my permission” “Why you bloody idiot!” Harrison laughed though there was nothing funny about this situation Jet was in serious danger of ripping him apart I didn’t want to do it but I had no choice. The wind was ferocious whipping my hair into my eyes. “Jet! He didn’t kiss me, I kissed him” everything was silent. Harrison was shocked and Jet was dumbfounded. “But Bianca said” “She guessed” Jet’s handsome face twisted into an angry scowl. “Im gonna go pick up the pizza...” and he stalked back around the house. I breathed a sigh of relief then turned to a smug Harrison. “Uh-huh! You must like me otherwise you would have let him kill me” “Like I said I think you learnt your lesson” “I’ll give you a ride home...?” Harrison offered his voice trailing off. I whacked him over the head then stormed over to an anxious Scarlet. Her eyes were rolling in their sockets and shaking. She really hated the rain. With one easy tug I had the knot un-done and was seated comfortably on her back. “What?” he laughed. “Harrison... I have a question” I squinted at him through narrowed eyes because it had started sleeting. “Yes Steph?” “Why do you like me? You can have any girl in school you want, but you go for the one who doesn’t even like you?” “There’s something different about you Steph I just donno what”

“Well neither do I, see ya” my heart was in doubletime, he won’t find out... he won’t find out... I repeated over and over in my head all the way home. The truth is... im not a normal teenage girl. Im an Elemental entailing my being half-wolf. Not creepy howling at the full moon and all hairy. But more of a... shape shifter. It depended on the elements and I was so lucky that mine was the element of wind. Its so difficult to explain I wasn’t entirely sure of it myself I’d be freaked out and thought I’d gone insane. If it wasn’t for my friend Francesca I’d be locked up in the loony bin. What happens is when I concentrate hard enough my human genes morph and change into a smoky grey wolf. Its like the wind whisks straight through my bones the sensation is like im curling in on myself. If you concentrated on my appearance there was something distinctly wolf like about it. My grey eyes were sharper than the average humans. I moved faster than the fastest man on earth but that was to be expected. My sense of smell was a little more developed and oh yeah, I had control over the wind. I led Scarlet into her stall then skipped outside. I hadn’t been expecting the big gust that literally knocked me off my feet. Grumbling my torso twisted and I flicked my wrist. It died down a bit I still had a lot to learn. Un-like me Francesca was fiery; literally. She wasn’t sadistic about it for which I was thankful. What scared me the most was that I’d heard about other types... more sinister ones. Like people being able to use blood as an

element. I shuddered. I sniffed the air once I was in the backyard. My mouth watered. Mmm... pizza. I hurried through the back door and sped into the kitchen. All my siblings were gathered around the kitchen table hoeing down slices. “Ay leave some for me!” I protested. Ben just grinned at me through a mouthful of food. “Lovely” I mumbled snatching up a particularly cheesy piece. It was still hot and burned my tongue but I didn’t care. Bianca was done and filing her already perfect nails. Jet was fishing a stray piece of meat from between his white teeth. My brothers were probably just about the most charming ones on the planet... even as a halfwolf, half-human I was more clean. I could hear Emmy’s nails on the floorboards as she bounded down the hall. Skid then leap into the kitchen. Her tongue lolling out to one side and ears pricked up. It looked as though she was smiling. I sneaked her a piece of chicken she gulped it down in one second. “Hey guys” Declan ambled into the kitchen. His face fell when he noticed the empty box. “Aw you pigs I wanted some” Declan grinned goofily. I supposed he was cute but I wasn’t one to judge. “So, how many weeks you get grounded for?” he asked Bianca. “Twelve” I answered for her then froze and flinched when Jet spoke up “Sweet pay up Steph!” “Don’t have my wallet on me” I shrugged. Doing a what-can-I-do? Gesture.

“You never do” Jet grumbled. I poked my tongue out at him then slipped into the lounge room. I splayed out on the couch and flicked through the channels. At eleven I decided it was time to crash. “Night guys” I yawned trudging up the stairs. There was a few vague `nights drifting up the stairs. I smiled as I slipped in my pj’s and into bed. I clapped my hands and the lights flickered out.

Chapter 2:

Screaming is for those in pain

The shrill beeping of the alarm clock woke me up from a wonderful dream. “Stupid piece of crap” I muttered and slammed my fist down; hard. On the snooze button. It got the hint and stopped after that. Eventually I couldn’t ignore the nagging voice in my head telling me to get up and ready for school. I dressed groggily in the outfit I had picked out the night before. I didn’t bother with makeup as I skipped downstairs my complexion pleased me. Mum was up and adam when I entered the kitchen.

She set the bowl of cheerios down as I slid into the counter stool. “Thanks” I yawned. And shoved food in my mouth then downed the entire glass of OJ`. “Bye mum, love you” I pecked her on the cheek then flew out the door. I had unfortunately overslept not that I cared much about being late but I’d been late one to many times before. Plus 99.9% of the time my ‘other life’ had gotten in the way. I caught Bianca climbing into her Chevrolet Camaro Concept just in time. “Wait up!” I called waving my arms. “Oh so beauty queen awoke?” she teased. “Haha” I mumbled sarcastically climbing into the passenger seat. Ben and Jet were fighting in the back. Bianca snorted and stuck the keys in the ignition she shot out of the driveway at a speed way past the legal limit. Thanks to Bianca’s manic driving we were there with plenty of time to spare. There was an un-spoken rule between my siblings and I. I am not allowed to speak to them during school. I was considered a bit of a freak because I always acted so weirdly. Kadie was only a friend to me at swimming practice. She’s more popular than me. Francesca came bounding up to me. She was deathly pale with straight black hair always tied up in a bun with two stray pieces framing her pretty face. Her eyes were slender and pulled a little at the corners. The irises an unnerving yellow. No-one but me had noticed but her pupils were dull ruby red. Something that had freaked me out at first but now it seemed to be part of her. I was last to climb out of

the car. “Hey Steph”. “Hi Frankie” “So, what did you do for the weekend?” “Usual” I shrugged. “Lucky you I was stuck at home with whack Nat” “C`mon your grandma isn’t that bad” I elbowed her playfully. She dodged it agilely then her face broke out in a smile “Yeah she isn’t, look what she taught me!” Natalie was Francesca’s care-taker and her grandmother or mentor. She was the only one who knows about Francesca’s and my secret. Francesca’s brow furrowed as she concentrated her hand turned palm up; with fingers splayed out. Instantly the little golden flame sprung up and she cupped it. Soon it had formed a ring and was whirling gracefully in her hand. “Are you crazy?” I hissed; eyes darting around to check to see if anyone was watching. I spun my hand around and the sharp gust of wind blew out the flame. “No” she grumbled. Francesca came up to my shoulder blade so she was pretty tall. “By the way, the old bird wants you to come over this arvo` for ‘homework” she made quotation marks in the air with her fingers. I laughed lightly “Okay sides` we get off early because of sport” School wasn’t all that bad all the subjects I’d chosen were the same as Francesca’s and they were ones I liked. “We have cooking first then science” I stated as she rifled furiously through her designer Gucci bag. Probably lost her timetable again...

Frankie proved me wrong when she pulled out a soiled piece of paper. “You never cease to amaze me” I mumbled rolling my eyes. A furrow popped into existence between her pencil thin black eye brows as she examined the torn scrap. Frankie held it out at arms length and peered at it through narrowed eyes. “You can just make out the writing...” she murmured to low for any normal human ears to pick up but I heard it. I peered down “Yeah if you squint... hard” “Get stuffed” she pretended to scowl as she chucked the piece in the bin with uncanny precision. The bell rang high and shrilly as we scattered off to our role call rooms. “Stephanie Manka” “Here” “Francesca Stevenson’s” “Here!” I rolled my eyes. Frankie deemed it prudent to act a little bit to enthusiastic for our last lesson of the day. Either excitement or she was crazy. The last one seemed more probable. The English lesson dragged on. I fidgeted in my seat and continually glanced at the clock for the start of lunch. English was my final subject and I was itching for it to end. Finally the bell rang and we shot out of our seats but not before Isabel blocked our escape. The zombies (what Frankie liked to call them) sniveling like idiots behind her. “So” she began. Frankie’s eyes narrowed into slits the red very apparent in her

pupils now. The anger really brought it out. “I heard that Harrison kissed you Stephy?” she said it like it wasn’t possible. Damn Bianca to the fiery pits of Hades! “Nup, never did” “That’s not what Harrison told me” she snapped harshly. “Why can’t you” Frankie seethed shaking from head to toe “Mind your own damn business!?” “Because Harrison is my business, and as far as im concerned Stephy not yours. So hands off!” clearly Isabel meant for the sentence to be threatening but it had no effect on me. Frankie on the other hand was about to explode. She basically had zero tolerance for girls who think their all that. Which Isabel obviously thought she was as she turned on her heel with a disparaging flick of her hair and walked out of the classroom. She was leaving for sport to and Frankie and I were walking behind when she lit up a cigarette. I nearly choked on the disgusting tar like smoke streaming from her nose. “Careful with that cigarette Izzy, you might get burned” my eyes widened at a malicious Frankie. Isabel snorted without turning our way; Frankie’s eye brow twitched and Isabel yelled out in pain. She dropped the cigarette and the choking gas hit my nose. I coughed and quickly blew the revolting stench away from me. The butt rolled into the grass by the force of the wind. My stomach was heaving the scent making my head swirl. How someone could put something so vile to their lips I didn’t know. “Lets get out of here” I wheezed. Running faster

than I should away from the choking gas. I rounded the corner then checked down the street to make sure no-one was watching. In a quick pirouette the smoke had been blasted out from me. With a cold breath I blew it away. Frankie caught up to me her pale face screwed up in annoyance and I was willing to bet vestiges of anger still remained. I was right sparks were shooting out of her fingertips. “Cool it” I advised. Frankie closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. She did this right up till we reached her grandmothers house. It was a simple dark brick with wild flowers sprouting everywhere. Everything in the house was antique and smelt like freshly baked bread. “Hi Francesca, Stephanie” Natalie acknowledged us. Her tone was a lovely shade of warm beige her cheeks flushed with soft peach cream. Natalie’s skin clung in papery little folds to her withered bones. She had long pure white thick hair that was tied up in a little bun at the back with the rest hanging in heavy folds around her once pretty face. Natalie had the same eyes as Francesca that were bright topaz but no dull red in the pupils. Her wizened hands moved over the ingredients she was mixing in a bowl. “Hello” I said politely. She smiled at me small surprisingly plump lips revealed something even more shocking; pearly white teeth. And they weren’t even fake. “I showed Steph that thing you taught me” Frankie spoke loudly plopping down into a cushioned chair. I copied her only with a little more dignity. Natalie slid the cake batter into the old-fashioned oven. She

turned to Frankie with a raised eye brow dusting her hands on her apron. “And how did it go?” “Steph had to help me put it out” she answered sheepishly. Natalie laughed weakly and turned to the pot sitting on the stove. Instead of lighting it with a match a small jet of flame shot out of her fingertips. The pot simmered and the scent of pumpkin soup filled the small kitchen. My mouth watered. Frankie had inherited her abilities off her grandmother. Apparently it skipped a generation but my grandma is long gone. Natalie set two round plates and with a bowl in front of us. Two crisp brown rolls still steaming. She lifted the pot off the stove with a little effort the spooned us our soup. Frankie instantly delved into hers. I waited for a bit it was true Frankie was a little more tolerable with hot things she definitely didn’t burn easily. I waved my index finger and a soft whisper of wind blew across the surface. Smiling happily I slid the soaked bedroll into my mouth. It tasted delicious. “I see you’ve improved quite a bit Stephanie” Natalie praised me sitting down eyeing Frankie with a look of disapproval. I answered her once I had swallowed “Yeah, I even got the wind to let up a little yesterday” Clearly that was something Natalie wasn’t expecting. Her delicate eye brows shot right up into her white hair. “Already? Your progressing much faster than I expected. You must show me when your done with lunch” I nodded my mouth full of soup. Something wasn’t right I could tell by the way

Natalie fidgeted in her seat a slightly manic expression gleaming in her cat like eyes. When I was finally done she spoke. “Girls” Natalie sighed our heads both snapped up. The ancient misery coating her voice worried us both. “It’s the Lords” Frankie and I both froze. The Lords being the rulers of Elementals like us. They were very powerful I’ve only heard of them, one woman and one man. Vespera and Alijah. And then of course their slaves of sorts. “They called a meeting a few days from now. Calling all of us to Pioneer Square” “All of us?” Frankie asked confused. “Every Elemental on the planet” Natalie replied gravely. My mind stopped working then went into over-drive. But surely there were far to many? Our numbers were incredible. “Why?!” Frankie cried. “They wouldn’t say, but im afraid we don’t have a choice” “That’s bull!” Natalie sighed she never scolded Frankie for her less than perfect vocabulary. “Its not im so sorry Stephanie dear, but can you think of an excuse? We leave on Saturday” Frankie shoved away from the table and stormed out. A loud door slam indicating she was pissed. Natalie watched her go regretfully “No, its fine” I mumbled. Natalie didn’t answer so I got up slowly and walked quietly down the hall till I reached Frankie’s room. I knocked softly when she didn’t answer I barged in. Frankie’s room was done in vibrant oranges, blacks and reds. Her double bed

reflected in the wide glass walk-in-wardrobe. She was punching her big fluffy pillow. “Im not to happy about it either” Frankie laughed bitterly “I just hate being pushed around by these idiots. Im not their bloody slave” un-like me Frankie had met the Lords and she had no intention of going back. Natalie sometimes went; she used to be the greatest fire Elemental ever. I sat heavily on the edge of her bed. “Look at it this way, Seattle should give you more shopping opportunities” I ventured. Instantly Frankie relaxed and her pretty face lit up. I laughed.

Chapter 3:

Screaming is for those in pain

I can’t freaking believe I only had four days to think of an excuse as to why im leaving and may not return for a little while? Why? Why me? I had just

returned from Frankie’s and finished all of my homework. I had been trying to put off making up the excuse but I had to think of something and fast... Bianca shrieked up the stairs that dinner was ready. I delayed for a bit slowly brushing through my thick curly hair. It was kind of cute how it would spring back up and bounce a little. Eventually no longer could I delay. I trudged down the stairs my hands buried deeply in my pockets. Steak and mashed potato tonight, joy... I noticed Ben wasn’t here almost instantly I guessed he was at Kitarnya’s but Josephine corrected my assumption “He’s over at the golf course and Jet is at Fairmont Park with his mates” I shrugged, like I cared. Bianca was cutting her meat daintily whereas in one slice mine was slit. I slid most of my dinner into Emmy’s food bowl which she downed quickly. I wasn’t in the mood for eating. “Steph dear what’s wrong?” mum asked concernedly. My face drooped and I yawned “Just a bit tired, can I be excused?” “But its your turn for the dishes!” Bianca protested. “Nuh-uh its Bens and since he’s not here its yours” I replied smugly. I knew it was childish but I poked my tongue out at a scowling Bianca then slipped from the room. On my way to my room I peeked in Bianca’s. Her room was all gold’s and dark teaks. What I noticed was my favourite white blouse with the West Seattle High School captaincy badge pinned to the collar. She must have taken it on Sunday. I thought angrily snatching it away. There were no stains for which I was thankful. Around

this time Frankie would’ve made her nightly call but I guessed she was still a little iffy about the whole get-to-Seattle-by-Saturday thing. I slipped into my silk pants that brushed along the floor and my light blue camisole. I snatched out my French manicure set and began on my toes. It was 8 o’clock when my fingers and toes were glittering a pretty pale pink and white. It really stood out against my dark skin. I was lucky to have a room with an adjoining bathroom. Mum had a fair bit of money left from when dad passed away. My GHD straightener beeped after a minute. With my hair all piled up on top of my head except for a fine wispy layer I carefully set to work. Finally I finished at 10 to 11. Normally I didn’t do much before bed but since Frankie didn’t call I had to fill in time. When my eyes began to droop I slipped into my freshly laundered sheets. For a change the sun peeped in through my heavy curtains in the morning. I was warm; lying in bed with my sheets twisted everywhere around my legs. I sat up groggily and rubbed my eyes. When my vision cleared I shot out of bed. I was late; again. I dressed quickly in calf length black tights and a denim skirt, white blouse and Prada flats. My hair was still straight and shimmery so I left it out and just slid a headband on. I brushed my teeth speedily yanked my book bag up then flew out the door; apple in hand. Bianca was sitting in the car Ben in the front seat. Jet was no-where to be seen.

“Remind me to wake you up earlier” Bianca quoted dryly as she sped along the road. I poked my tongue out I noticed she had her captains badge on. “Something special?” “Yeah, apparently there’s gonna be an inspection by a guy from the department of education and Shawn and I have to greet him” she sounded very bored by this so I didn’t press for more information. The parking lot for West Seattle High was nearly full so I slipped out while Bianca went to park. The front of the school was a large brick building with students streaming in. Some like me; had taken a guess and gone against celebrating the weather. Knowing all to well it would probably disappear. Frankie wasn’t anywhere in sight so I leaned against a pillar and waited for the bell. Lucky me Harrison had decided to come over... joy. “Hey have you seen Jet?” he asked nonchalantly. I shrugged I wasn’t in the mood for his dumb games. I realized Harrison to had his prefect badge on CRAP! I totally forgot mine. “Forgot your badge?” he guessed, his lips pressed together to keep himself from laughing. “Shut up” I snarled. “Don’t worry, the office probably has spares, c`mon” he jerked his thumb in the general direction of the office. I was reluctant to go but Harrison was coming full stop. “Excuse me miss?” I asked timidly the woman behind the counter glanced up then smiled at me warmly. “Forgot your badge darl?”

“Uh, yes” I laughed. She chuckled with me then handed me the small gold pin on with the word prefect engraved in it. Harrison was grinning smugly behind me as I fumbled to pin it to my breast pocket. “Here, let me” he offered hands extended. “I got it” I spat through my teeth. And I did, at least until I pierced my skin. Swiftly his hands knocked mine aside and he had it done in two seconds. “Screw you” I mumbled stalking past him. Harrison just laughed and tagged along at my side. He was about half a foot shorter than me. But I was taller than most guys in my grade anyway. Probably why they avoided me so much. Plus I was known as the horse girl. “Hey Steph, I was wondering on Saturday... if maybe” I knew all to well where this conversation was headed. “Actually I have something that weekend so no, sorry” and I swept past him. Eager to be out of there. All in all it was a very boring Tuesday. And again on Wednesday Frankie didn’t show up. I was starting to get worried, what if she had already left without telling me? What if she had run-away? But my fears were squashed when it was her number appearing on my mobile on Wednesday afternoon “Steph?” “Speaking” I answered calmly “Oh hey, sorry I haven’t talked to you in awhile its just that some people showed up. Their travelling with us to the ‘meeting’ place” “More elementals?” I asked excitedly.

“Yes, listen why don’t you come over this afternoon to meet them?” “Sure I’d love to” “Okay bye” “See yah” I hung up then changed course and sprinted for Natalie’s place. I was halfway down the street when my sensitive ears started to decipher the ruckus coming from the small house. The door swung open before I could knock. Frankie stood beaming in the doorway. Joy dancing in her eyes. Behind her stood four people. There was a stunning ivory skinned female around her early twenties, silvery blonde waist length hair hung to her waist, the male next to her was deathly pale just like Frankie. His midnight black hair was cropped but pieces had grown out everywhere and framed his handsome face, charcoal black lined his topaz eyes. The next girl was just as pale with cropped black hair and a blunt fringe that ended just above her pencil thin eye brows, she had blood red full lips. The final male was muscled like a football player with curly brown hair and grinned goofily. Frankie noticed my stare and named them all for me “Ivy, Christian, Belle and Ash this is Stephanie, a wind Elemental” “First one I’ve ever met” the curly brown haired Ash strode forward to shake my hand. “And that would make you...?” I asked curiously smiling. I already knew Belle and Christian were fire Elementals the eyes are always a dead giveaway. “An earth one” his face broke out into a huge grin

when he dragged Ivy forward. She smiled timidly at me “Im a water Elemental” her soft melodic voice echoed down the hall. I wondered randomly if there were signs as to what certain Elementals some were. For wind Elementals it was the glittering grey eyes, fire Elementals the topaz ones, I looked at Ivy again there was definitely something flowing and graceful about her. Christian was leaning against the wall utterly bored his sharp eyes caught my staring, I looked away blushing. “We’re gonna try and jam into the one car” Frankie laughed. “We are not!” Natalie croaked hobbling down the hallway drying her hands on a dishcloth. The scent of homemade pasta and oregano sauce drifting down with her. “So” Frankie began once we were all seated around the thick wood table. “Have you thought of an excuse yet?” “Excuse for what?” Ash asked curiously through a mouthful of food. Ivy smacked him over the head. “Why im suddenly disappearing on Saturday” I answered curtly. When the sentence finished there was a great deal of choking from Ash, Christian had to slap him on the back a few times. “Your parents don’t know?” Belle asked curiously. With a distinctly English accent. “No” “Odd” Christian muttered. His voice captivating just like warm chocolate. I blushed and looked down. “Stephanie’s mentor passed away when she was young” Natalie clarified. “So you’ve taught yourself everything you know?” Ivy asked in awe. I nodded sheepishly except

Christian wasn’t impressed “So you mustn’t be very good then” he muttered, cheek lifted as he looked down at his barely touched food. My left eyebrow twitched spontaneously. Everyone who knew me figured my temper was short. And the one thing I could not stand was people who just assume. My fork slammed down causing the table to tremble. “Wanna bet?” I asked through gritted teeth. “Sure where can we do this?” Ash howled as Christian called my bluff. Frankie was chewing slowly her eyes darting between a calm Christian and an enraged me. Belle was watching with a bit of amusement. Ivy was biting her perfect nail nervously. “No, no! NO!” Natalie yelled a volley of sparks flying into the air as she threw her hands up in aggravation. “Christian, Stephanie is actually an amazing Elemental it would be un-wise to challenge her” this sentence meant more to the beautiful foursome than it did to me. Belle raised her eyebrows till they disappeared into her black fringe. Ivy gaped and Ash choked on his food again. Christian looked disbelieving as he glared at me. I returned the glare; this went on for about five minutes until Francesca spoke up. “Look, you guys will be staying with us for awhile and that means no showing off at school” now it was my turn to choke. “What?” I wheezed my eyes streaming. These... teenagers attending my school?! Belle leaned back in her chair her topaz eyes veiled. Christian looked... bored. Ash was leaning back in his chair

smiling up at the ceiling. Ivy was twirling pasta with her fork while a smile played around her perfect lips. “Is that why you haven’t been at school for so long?” I asked turning accusingly to Francesca. She shrugged smiling “Nah, but Belle is a great teacher” Natalie scoffed “Marnie doesn’t approve of my techniques” Belle cleared up. I noticed now on her arm was a tattoo of a thorny rose with a black snake coiled around the stem. Though her outfit was different, white short sleeved blouse with a black high waist work skirt, black tights and very high glossy black heels. On her finger was a worn out thick silver ring the same rose and snake engraved on it. I noticed now they all had some item of jewelry. Around Ivy’s slender neck was a slight silver chain and a glittering swan nestled in the hollow at the base of her throat. Christian had a simply black and red leather band plaited together wrapping around his pale wrist. Ash had a tiny minuscule black stud in one ear. My eyes fixed on Ivy; her ivory finger was going up and down in a soft motion. The mineral water in her cup following it in a little cylinder like glob. Ivy was dressed in a tight fitting ice blue summer dress with a small floaty jacket that ended just beneath her chest. Her small feet partially covered by the same blue ballet flats. Christian in tight fitting jeans, black T-shirt and volleys. Ash wore baggy torn jeans, a white thick strap top with a green sports jacket thrown over casually. And they had the best

fashion sense almost as good as Frankie’s. Their obvious wealth made me feel a little insignificant even though I owned four horses. And that comforted me. “About your situation” Christian began in a smooth voice once Natalie had got up to wash the dishes. Ivy jumping up and helping out; cleaning at a much faster pace. “What about it?” I asked him rudely. Christian hid a smile. “Well, why don’t you just tell your mum your sleeping over at Francesca’s and then going down the coast for a bit” My eyes widened. How come I didn’t think of that?! I grudgingly admitted to using it which made Christian’s smug smile even more pronounced. “I was hoping to get some training in but its to windy and raining...” Ash murmured his eyes fixed outside. Rain was bucketing down and the wind whipped fiercely against the house. Ivy and I both cleared our throats at the same time. “Idiot” Belle muttered rolling her eyes. She smoothly pushed away from the table then disappeared down the hall. “Hey Steph if your not gonna fight Chris ere` why don’t you take me instead?” Ash suggested. I grinned happily at him “Sure” this guy clearly underestimated me. Everyone except Natalie and Belle tagged along to watch. Ivy spread her arms in a wide arch and the rain created an amazing dome above us. It looked like there was an invisible wall holding it at bay while it ran down the sides. The wind was even fiercer now, it whipped my hair into my eyes but it

didn’t sting me. I breathed in deeply then stepped forward into the middle and spun in a wide circle. Its snarling stopped immediately. Ash looked a little un-sure as he stepped forward but it soon dissipated when he turned to face me. The others hung back. Frankie most of the way she knew what I was like. I had to admit Ash was good; but I was better. Earth Elementals mostly relied on vibration to sense their opponents and that’s where I had the advantage. I was so light on my feet normally my approach was silent. I felt the lift as my feet hovered above the ground only half a foot in the air but enough to confuse Ash. The ground pushed up as a wave of bricks rolled towards me. Placing my hand on the steps it formed I flipped till I was facing Ash. I spun my arms in a circle; air sliced towards him and knocked Ash off balance. I didn’t give him time to recover as I put all my strength into the whirlwind I sent at him. My reflexes were quicker than any other Elemental and Earth ones had the slowest; providing me with the upper hand. Mark spun and planted his feet firmly on the ground. Four rock hard walls sprung up and encased. I heard his laughter shake the ground. I gritted my teeth; he isn’t winning that easily. I pressed my hands to the walls and focused. Eventually I could feel the minuscule air tunnels running through the foundations of my small Earth prison. My eyebrows pulled together and finally the entire thing blew out into little sharp shards of rock. Ash stood dumbfounded along with everyone; except Frankie.

With a final slice of my hand Ash was lying on the ground still gaping at me. I smirked then hauled him to his feet. Ivy kept the dome of water surrounding us. “I’ve never seen anything like her” Christian murmured apparently reassessing his first impression. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” I sneered. “We’ll see, my turn” he started forward. Frankie’s eyes went from veiled to dancing in a minute. Fire Elementals usually had the upper hand when it came to Air ones; Fire breathed off the power but since it was raining I could work it to my advantage. Christian moved sharply then shot a flaming jet towards me. I ducked under it moving as quickly as the fierce wind. I kept up the dancing game till I had happily put enough distance between us. I curled in on myself then un-furled quickly sending out a blast of freezing air. It blew out past the dome of water causing it to flutter. Then I hauled the icy air back in. It wrapped around Christian’s ankles and hands with a final breath it froze. He couldn’t use his abilities anymore and I had won... YAY! Christian hissed at me; charcoal lined eyes narrowing. The topaz glinting furiously at me. But what he stared at me with was grudging awe the anger was directed internally. “Don’t beat yourself up, she did that to me to” “So, still think im not good?” I challenged. After flashing a remembering smile to Frankie. “Fine” he muttered grudgingly. I slipped inside and Ivy let the

rain fall again. The others quickly hurried in shaking glistening drops from their hair.

Chapter 4:

Screaming is for those in pain

“Aw Stephy isn’t your girlfriend here?” Isabel called to me in her high-pitched voice from across the schoolyard. I made a rude one-fingered gesture in her direction which caused Isabel to stalk over to me. She never failed to forget to pin on her extra shiny Vice Captain badge. She wore it like a crown and thought because I was a Prefect that I am below her. Which in general order I was but boy on the predator list she’d be around the kelp area and I’d probably be the shark. A lot of people usually felt intimidated by my height so Isabel hung a little further back then you would in normal conversation. “How dare you!” she screeched. The entire hall fell silent as if her shrill voice was the bell. My eyes flickered to the side. I was waiting for Francesca to show up with her ‘cousins’. A little ring formed around Isabel and I as people hastily

cleared the way. It was un-spoken rule to get out of her and my way. Isabel’s forced mine just... occurred. “Wait till I tell the Principle what you did to a Vice Captain” as I was about to make a witty remark Bianca forced her way through the throng of people. “Yet Izzy dearest, Stephanie here could tell the Principle that you have threatened a Prefect” “She stuck her finger up at me!” Isabel yelled in exasperation “No written rule against it and no-one here saw it” Bianca appealed to the by-standing crowd with her eyes. No-one was willing to go against Isabel but I doubt anyone would ever say one word against my sister. Isabel screamed out in exasperation. She hated being proven wrong. The tension seeped away and people began to move around again. “Thanks” I whispered huskily to Bianca. She smiled at me then slithered away. “Wow” Ivy breathed. I whipped around. Francesca stood a foot in front of her four ‘cousins’. She was dressed in a belly button showing red couture top, black mini shorts, long socks that reached past her knee and red wedges. Her pitch black hair pulled halfway into a shimmery beanie. Ivy was dressed in a short floaty blue dress and white wedges. Belle looking sharp and stunning in the same tight black skirt and white blouse. Ash dressed casually and Christian in striking contrast. With a pair of black skinny leg jeans, tight pitch tshirt and white air-forces. The same charcoal lining his topaz eyes. His hair even more messy than

yesterday. He was erring on the edge of surly instead of apathetic. Probably because I had kicked his butt yesterday. A couple of girls were eyeing Ash and Christian. But Ivy made it clear with her body language that Ash was off limits which left Christian the center of attention. And he certainly didn’t like it. He hurried past girls who tried to talk to him. Most of the time his eyes slipped to my face. It was probably bright red as I was holding back laughter. “Don’t even think about it” he muttered angrily to me from between thin lips. Ivy on the other hand didn’t bother. She went into a fit of hysterical laughter. Ash had to hold her up. Belle rolled her eyes and checked her jet black perfect nails. Francesca surveyed the motley group warmth in her eyes. She turned to me with a devilish smile I was instantly weary; this can’t be good. “Oh Steph, you and Christian have every class together” “WHAT?!” we both yelled unison. I looked witheringly at Frankie. For someone who was supposed to know me so well she could really be dead wrong. “Im with her?” Christian asked in his smooth voice glancing apprehensively at me. I was somewhat offended. I turned on Christian all my irritation with Frankie draining away. “And what the hell is wrong with that?” Ash, Ivy and Francesca took a quick step back. Then another; soon they were ten feet away from us. “Well” Christian floundered for words

something I had never expected “It seems as though you’re a bit of an... outcast” I snapped. “Look I said I was sorry” Christians muffled apology sounded so sincere I almost believed him. Almost being the keyword. Christian was clutching his right jaw a big purple bruise already blooming along his pale skin. I rubbed a small burn on my arm. Pain shot up along it. I winced. We were sitting outside the Principles office after being given the verdict and let off. But only once; we had been warned. Though right now I did consider giving him a good punch again. I had kinda jumped on top of Christian; pinned him to the ground and smashed him in the jaw. But only once! In his attempt to get me off he had accidently burnt my arm. I told the nurse it was from a cooking incident. “What kind of prejudiced pig are you?” I hissed. Before he could defend himself I continued “Your just like everyone else you know that? Because im different, because im tall, something I have no freaking control over they go and run because of it! You are the worlds biggest arse!” with that I jumped up and stormed out of the office. Just to make matters worse Harrison was waiting by it; leaning coolly against the steel poll. “So who’s Count Dracula?” he asked casually. A little to overdone. “Francesca’s cousin” I growled not in the mood for his dumb games. Not that I ever was. Harrison kept

up the casual pretense until we were out of hearing distance from everyone else. “That’s a load of bull” “Huh?” was my genius reply. Where did this come from? “Its bull that you burnt yourself cooking your arm was fine when you came to school and as soon as his hand touched your skin, Walla! Your burnt” I stopped dead in my tracks. My mind going a mile a minute. “Okay” I laughed shakily “Looks like someone escaped from the asylum. Maybe you should go back” my feeble attempt at blocking the truth didn’t fool him for a minute. “I saw, what I saw” Harrison snarled at me. “Whatever, like anyone will believe you” I sighed as though I felt sorry for him. When really my heart was hammering away. I practically ran from him till I reached my house. Gasping for air and panicking big time. “What’s wrong with you?” Ben asked once I had walked into the living room. I pulled out the book I had to read for English. “Nothing” I looked at him like he was crazy. “Where’s Bianca?” Josephine asked awhile later walking in and snatching the remote off an un-suspecting Jet. “Out riding Scarlet” Jet grumbled. I decided now was good as any time to tell mum about my ‘trip’. “Oh mum by the way—Francesca and I are just going on a little trip out of town on the weekend. Her grandmothers coming to” I assured Josephine she had started to look apprehensive but caved in the end. “Okay but remember to take your mobile”

“WHAT?!” Jet yelled. Josephine appraised him “How come she can get out of town that easily!?” “Because genius” Ben said sarcastically “Stephanie doesn’t always ditch school” Mum’s face hardened. I felt sort of sorry for her Ben was the only one hear who had a clean record but it was only a matter of time before he started to follow in our footsteps. The only thing stopping him was Kitarnya and he would never do anything to upset her. Jet made the gesture of a whip cracking and Ben threw a pillow at him. Bianca came in around six later that night. Friday came and went faster than I thought possible. I was packed and ready for my ‘trip’ with Francesca arriving at her place just on time. Ash beeped angrily from his BMW. Ivy sitting dutifully in the front seat with Christian and Belle in the backseat. “Im driving!” sung Frankie bounding out the front door. Her diamond studded key ring tinkling musically in her hand. Natalie pursed her lips but didn’t say anything. Im sure she wasn’t to fond of Frankie driving her Lexus. It turned out Francesca was actually quite a good driver when she wasn’t being an idiot. To be polite I sat in the back so Natalie could have the front. We drove in silence Frankie singing quietly to the music in the car. It was early dawn when we arrived in Seattle. The sky liners and tall glass office buildings pale in the weak sunlight. Mist swirled across the lake blurring out the horizon’s line. Mist on the Horizon. The full

force of what I was about to do hit me when Frankie pulled up in front of the aged building. “We’re here” she announced. I looked wonderingly out the window. The streets were clean with evergreen trees dripping with dew a black wrought iron fence wrapping protectively around them. The shop I was looking at had darkish windows that wrapped around the curb. On top of the modern shop was a historic building. I realized now we weren’t the only ones making our way to the building. It looked to be about eighty or so people shoving and pushing on the sidewalk. Some I noticed had topaz eyes, or glittering grey ones. Some (mostly girls) resembled Ivy with the quiet flowing grace. I forgot that all Elementals had a trait. All the eighty people here were attractive. Not overly beautiful but enough to catch someone’s attention. “Lets go I hate crowds” Ivy murmured moving towards the door. We managed to scramble our way up the café’s stairs. In front of us was a long brick wall and a wide double door at the entrance. Low murmurs reached us from the outside. I took a deep breath then stepped forward and pushed the door open.

Chapter 5:

Screaming is for those in pain

My mind wiped blank. I knew there were a lot of Elementals but I never thought it possible that could be this many. Thousands stood talking in the hall. And right up the back pressed against the very farthest wall were to incomprehensively beautiful people. The woman; Vespera. Was dressed in a flowing black sleek gown. Her fiery red hair hung down her back in shocking contrast. The man was tall and leonine. Golden honey hair uncombed and frizzy. Dressed in a black cloak. They surveyed the scene with interest. Vespera and Alijah the royal Elementals. “How old are they!” Frankie hissed. For they looked only mid twenties. Natalie swiftly avoided the question. Instantly I knew she was hiding something. “Come there’s a clear space over here” her voice a little to casual. Ivy danced around

the close packed bodies while Ash shoved his way through. Christian walking languidly in his wake. We made it to a deserted corner. Francesca occupied herself by snuffing out all the cute boys. Which wasn’t to hard in a hall full of Elementals. To Ash’s chagrin Ivy was attracting a lot of attention; all of it from the male variety. For reasons un-known I was to and it’s pretty hard to blend in when your six foot. The hall im guessing is usually used for council meetings. Which in truth this kind of counted as one. As the day moved on at least fifty thousand people were jam packed into the ever increasing small space. “What do you think this is all about?” Ivy whispered to me. It occurred to me then that all week I had not once wondered why the Royals called this meeting. “I have no idea” I murmured looking straight ahead. Vespera had moved to the front her skeletal fingers linked with Alijahs. “Friends” her voice carried across the hall; a high soprano. “My dear brother and I have gathered you here to announce some alarming news” murmurs started to move around the wide space until Alijah cleared his throat and stepped forward. “This can’t be good” the words slipped from between Belle’s crimson lips. Her face was concerned and a hint of something else etched in her straight features. “You see there are a handful Elementals” Alijahs voice echoed around the hall; he paused for a second the ring of majesty clear in his hard voice. “Whom threaten our very existence!”

Some people gasped: I was likely to be one of them. They were suicidal these Elementals but that left one question un-answered. “Why haven’t the Elite taken care of it?” a female voice asked with a heavy Irish accent. Francesca looked like she was wondering the same thing. I realized now the strong intimidating figures standing behind the royals their arms crossed over their chests. Three females and two males; who made up the Elite. They varied in size; a pixie like girl’s eyes were darting everywhere missing no detail. A coffee skinned woman next to her standing sentinel totally still. But it seemed like her who saw the most. The third female screamed dangerous. Though most Elementals had tell-tale signs of a wolf about them this woman seemed to be more wolf than human. Her midnight black hair course with silvery strands wavering. She held her body defensively coal black eyes still but glowing like the moon. The two men had non-descript features nothing to offensive. I wondered what set them apart from other Elementals. And then I decided I didn’t want to know. “We prefer to use the Elite for more serious matters” Vespera replied coldly. “What the hell could more serious than exposure?!” an enraged voice roared. “What my sister meant to say was” Alijah hurried to glaze over the mistake “Is that we know some of you are itching to have a little more involvement we understand not getting to stretch your abilities angers some, so we have decided to let you make a

rag-tag team to handle this. My sister and I are going to provide as much information as necessary but the Elite shall remain here unless it is absolutely vital” Choruses of abuse were echoed at the Royals as they retreated the Elite three steps behind them. Eventually the babble of voices quieted. “Well I know for sure that im in!” a strong voice announced. Already Elementals were trickling out of the hall. A burly man stood holding up his hand; a cocky grin on his un-shaven face. “Me to” the Irish voice I heard before came from an very physically opposing woman. She was very beautiful. Golden skin, long plaited bright blonde hair and glittering green eyes. From the way she held her posture I hazarded a guess at an Earth Elemental. Ash opened his mouth raising his arm. Ivy just in time realized this; she jumped on his arm and put all her weight in dragging it back down. Belle laughed quietly. But Ivy could not stop an eager Francesca from making her hand fly right up. Enough people had left for it to be no problem to hear Ivy and Ash’s heated argument. My heart flipflopped in my chest. This was a suicidal mission; obviously if the Royals would not endanger the Elite these Elementals were powerful beyond anyone’s wildest imaginings. I looked to Natalie beseeching but to my astonishment she was talking to Francesca about fighting strategy. Belle shrugged and she too raised her hand. I gulped and the muscles in the pit of my stomach tightened.

Christian was leaning casually against the wall his arm raised lazily. I hadn’t talked to him since that fateful afternoon in the principles office. Why was it such a problem if he wanted to join this suicide mission? So much worse than Frankie joining up? I felt like I was betraying my best friend. Worrying more about this boy whom I barely knew over probably the only person on the planet who knew the real me. I looked around at my friends; if they were in. So was I. It was a little hard seeing the betrayed look on Ivy’s face as I winced apologetically at her. “WooHoo!” Ash exulted punching the air. “Idiot” Ivy grumbled before grudgingly announcing that she could be counted in. Eventually there were fifteen Elementals grouped together. We sat in plastic chairs exchanging names. The stunning Irish girl revealed her name to be; Isolde Smith. The unshaven mans was Jeff. The good humor passed when strategy became the main topic. “The Royal’s will give us the information we need” a confident boy not much older than me spoke confidently. Belle snorted and rolled her eyes “Don’t you get it?” she asked. Everyone stared blankly at her. “The Royals qualified they will provide as much information necessary” “So?” Isolde asked raising her delicate eyebrows. “Look at the facts. Number one; they won’t let the Elite get involved”

“Because they may need them for... later” Jeff interrupted her. “Yes, but on which side?” Belle contradicted him. “The Royals would never abuse their power!” Natalie sounded very appalled by the very idea. “But what if they had a motive?” Belle pushed. “There is no motive” a small girl growled glaring daggers at Belle. “Think again” a young female voice laughed darkly; shrugging away from the wall. I very nearly avoided falling out of my chair. This girl was obviously no more than twelve. She looked like a porcelain doll. Ivory skin, millions of raven black curls, full red lips and wide dark eyes. She was dressed inoffensively. Blue jeans and a black t-shirt. “You could say that one of the Elite may hold a grudge against me” The small girl who had growled at Belle earlier snorted disbelievingly. “What do you mean child?” Natalie asked kindly. The porcelain girl smiled brilliantly at Natalie before answering. “I ‘accidently’ killed one of their mates” she made quotation marks in the air. “Impossible a child Elemental doesn’t have the raw power needed” Jeff was cut off again by the girl. “Maybe the ordinary child Elemental but a sky one has the capability” We all gasped. Natalie had told stories about the Sky Elementals (in short being able to control the weather) we thought it to be no more than myths and legends. That kind of power couldn’t exist. And

yet here was a small girl telling us she was one. “Liar” Jeff accused. “She’s not” Isolde spoke softly; her tone wondering. “How can you tell?” Natalie asked curiously. “Earth Elemental’s can feel the vibrations in the ground when someone is lying they increase and she definitely isn’t” I looked to Ash for confirmation of this. He nodded just barely aware of his surroundings. My head snapped back to the girl. Now I understood why the Royals hadn’t allowed the Elite to destroy her. She was far to dangerous. The girl smiled happy to have gotten her point across. Jeff and the small teenager still looked a little skeptical. “Names Felicity by the way” “Odd name” the small girl commented. “And yours would be?” Felicity challenged. The girl looked down and blushed “Estella” Ivy trying to up-lift the tense atmosphere said “Well since we’re giving names out mines Ivy, this is my boyfriend Ash, brother Christian and sister Belle” Christian rolled his eyes. “Francesca and here’s my bestie Stephanie and my grandma Natalie” Frankie slung her arm over my shoulder I looked down while I felt my face heat up. “Jeff and my wife Veronica” I hadn’t noticed the small woman standing timidly behind Jeff. He tugged on her slender hand and she glided forward. The difference between Veronica and her husband was comical. While he was fairly tanned she was as

white as snow, while he was buff she was slender, Jeff was strong and angulated in his movements, she had the same flowing grace as Ivy, her eyes as wide as golf balls were a bright sapphire blue. She had platinum blonde hair that was crimped and so long she could easily sit on it. Veronica I noted had a quiet beauty about her. The two reminded me so much of Ivy and Ash the only difference Ivy was almost as loud as Ash. “Quinn” the boy Belle had contradicted before announced happily. “Back to the topic” Isolde said between clenched teeth. The atmosphere shifted again. Belle spoke while a heavily disapproving Natalie glared at the ground. “So we know they have a motive, coincidentally who’s mate did you kill? The numbers seem even enough” I was reminded of the five that made up the Elite. I remembered Natalie telling us the Elite were only ever had even numbers. Felicity smirked dark mirth dancing in her icy eyes. “Edan, Taryn’s mate” This sentence meant something more to Natalie, Isolde and Belle than it did to the rest of us. “Who’s Taryn?” Estella asked after a long silence. “Wolf girl” Isolde laughed. I remembered the ferocious half-gypsy, half-werewolf woman who had been part of the Elite. “Are you nuts?” choked out Jeff. Veronica’s wide sapphire eyes were widened in silent horror. Felicity raised a flawless eye brow daring him to say it again.

“Why though?” breathed Ivy watching Felicity with rapt eyes. I doubt anyone else saw the brief split second of pain that crossed Felicities flawless porcelain face. “How about we get back to the topic?” I suggested eying Felicity. She smiled briefly at me before crossing her legs patiently and sitting beside my chair. Her little pointed chin rested in her ivory hands. She looked so child-like and innocent now; nothing like the dark and dangerous air surrounding her before. “Before we even think of launching an attack” Jeff began but was quickly cut in by Quinn. “Why not now? If we just get a rough idea of where they are I reckon we could just go right in” Estella rolled her eyes but Quinn persisted “Think, these people their constricted following the rules. If we gather information they may know about it but if we just go at random they’ll have no idea” “To many risks” Belle instantly dismissed the idea. “No there’s something in that” it was the first time Christian had spoken. All eyes shifted to him; he shrugged away from the wall and stood closely behind my chair. So close in fact I could feel his hands brush against my hair when he illustrated with them. Stupid heart, there was absolutely no reason why it was now beating twice as fast. “How many of you know your history?” I could almost feel the smug smile as he spoke. Confusion was evident on all our faces. I twisted round to look up at him. Glare seemed more appropriate though.

“How many of you have heard of one of the last fifteen attempts to assassinate Hitler?” “Operation Valkery?” I asked. Christian seemed shocked by my knowledge. In truth I knew a fair bit about World War II I was pretty intrigued with that part of history. “Yes, do you know how they executed it?” “Gained information then attempted to assassinate Hitler, right?” “Yeah” Belle caught on quicker than I did. “Oh, I get it. First we have to learn all their moves; plan it out. Maybe even get someone on the inside then strike the core once that happens we move in while their still scrambling to right itself” I only just made this revelation along with a stunned Estella and a surly Quinn. “Fine, where do we meet?” “It has to be non-descript...” Isolde murmured. “How about my place?” Francesca suggested. Perking up from her slouch. I looked wearily at Natalie. She was nodding thoughtfully some vestiges with her irritation at Belle still left in her eyes. “Fine by me what’s the address?” Jeff said easily smiling. Francesca shared her address with everyone and arranged to meet in a month. I felt like my head was crammed with to much. At least I didn’t have to think of an excuse. I always went over to Frankie’s without warning. I hadn’t noticed that Christian and I were the only ones left in the great hall. I could hear their chatter descending the

stairs. I shook myself out of my reverie and stood a little bit dizzy after sitting for so long. I remembered my previous irritation with im for the ‘outcast’ remark. I scowled as I stalked past Christian. “Stephanie wait!” he pleaded. Christian reached out a hand and placed it on my wrist. At his touch an electric current shot up my arm and warmed my chest; resonating in my soul. Im sure he could hear my heart accelerate. “What?” I grumbled. “Will you let me apologize?” “For calling me an out-cast? Don’t worry im used to it” I hissed at him. Christian winced but ploughed on. “I didn’t mean it” he said feebly. I raised my eye brow skeptically. “I just want to know, why do they treat you like that?” “Because im tall” my voice growing forlorn. He still hadn’t removed his hand from my wrist. “Its not like you can help it” Christian muttered a trace of anger in his topaz eyes. I laughed without humor that was something I had repeated to myself constantly. In my two brothers being tall was considered cool in Bianca it was okay because she was so pretty. I didn’t try to show it but some boys just didn’t realize the control they had on weaker esteemed girls. I remembered all too clearly when I was in year six. “Quick, everybody duck Godzilla is coming!” a boy yelled pointing at me and pretending to cower in fear. His friends snickered at me glaring with cruel eyes. all I had been doing was walking past them.

There was always a reference to my appearance. I hadn’t known of my abilities only that every time I got mad the wind shrieked louder till I was shaking. I couldn’t even make it to my classroom before fifteen comments were thrown at me. Not one day had I made it through without being crippled with misery. Until one day I just... snapped. “Oy move it your blocking the sun!” the same boy called to me. I froze and turned slowly; eyes blazing. The wind picked up till the shingles on the roof had started to fall off. He was grinning goofily but it soon died when I was three inches away from him and effectively caught him in the gut with my fist. I didn’t give him time to recover. Another in the jaw, temple... and not once could he touch me because all the time he tried the howling wind just knocked him back down. “They don’t care” I growled at no-one. The memory had dredged up my repressed depression and rage. “Boys!” I spat “Only give a damn if the girl is pretty! they don’t care if shes smart... or nice. No its only looks. Pathetic losers!” with the last shrieked sentence and eyes blind with rage I turned and smashed my fist against the brick wall. My bone didn’t break or splinter. Elementals were really hard to kill. But the wall shuddered the slightest crack it made brought me back. My hair was whipped into a frenzy I had lost control. I could feel Christian’s weary gaze on my back. “There that answers your question” and I left.

Chapter 6:

Screaming is for those in pain

“Im home!” I called dumping my school bag at the front door. No response... Emmy barked and scratched at the back fly screen door; her long pink tongue lolling out to the side. No-one in the family understood why she was so prone to sticking to my side when ever possible. I knew it was because I carried wolf blood in my veins. She felt it her duty to protect me. I smiled and strode down the hall. I thrust the door open and she flew into my legs my knees buckled and I toppled over. Emmy leaped on top of me and began licking my face. “Ew, Emmy!” I laughed. Shoving her off I snatched up pen and paper.

Mum, taken Emmy for a walk. Be back later, love Steph Technically I was taking Emmy for a walk but not human. I rethought of the past few months and was shocked to realize I hadn’t shifted for a while. I jumped the fence while Emmy slithered under a hole she had dug beneath it. I stripped out of my clothes and hung them on a near-by tree. I stood; stock still. Feeling the wind caress my bare skin and seeped right through my very bones. I could feel them contract; mold and shrink. My nose was assaulted with new scents and marks animals had left to claim their territory. It’s about time a clear sweet voice grumbled inside my head. Oh, one more thing. I could speak to

Emmy inside my head; only in wolf form though. Emmy was not an Elemental but an Essence. More of a goddess not all Siberian huskies were uncannily beautiful like her. At first glance Emmy may appear a well groomed dog. But to someone who studied her closely would notice the un-common intelligence in her glimmering grey eyes. More like a black sky but instead of the darkness it was a stunning grey with sparkles set at different depths. Short smoky black eye lashes gave her appearance of wearing eyeliner. She held her body more gracefully too. It wasn’t just a coincidence that I found Emmy when I was out riding Captain but fate. Each Elemental had a link. The reason for their gift. Emmy had chosen me she was the goddess of the wind. We kept her as a pet. And she resented having to act ‘stupidly’ like all house-hold dogs. To her very nature was a deep insult. Sorry Em I’ve been a little busy My name isn’t Emmy its Stormtail Fine sorry Stormtail have you heard anything from the gods? Not since they gave us the same warning your rulers provided. Hm, what about Sunbeam? I referred to Francesca’s link. Sunbeam was her god name but to outsiders it was Sunny. No the damned unreliable cat’s been out grooming and chasing mice. While you have been running into glass door’s You know I have to act that way.

Whatever I laughed inside my head. Francesca’s other self loosely resembled Sunbeam. Un-like Stormtail’s well groomed appearance my wolf-self was wilder. Darker fur flecked with grey and ghostly pale eyes. Despite being the Wind Elemental Stormtail was stronger than me. An immortal. What all Elementals became when the time came for them to pass to the Divinity. I started off at a brisk pace finally being able to properly stretch my limbs in such a long time. Race you? I asked after awhile. Stormtail barked a laugh. What’s the point? I always beat you Im feeling lucky I replied drily. Before I could so much as take the first leap something white flashed just barely overhead. I wheeled around; ears flattened to my skull and teeth bared. Stormtail mimicked my defense. No normal bird could move that fast not even an eagle. Halt! Stormtail commanded. Stormtail? A siren voice asked in my head. It was smooth and distinctly female. Stormtail straightened out of her defensive crouch ears pricked and shimmering eyes alight. I followed her wearily. Diamondgrace? Stormtail asked in shock. I really think God’s and Goddesses’ had just about the weirdest names. To my surprise a second more familiar voice echoed in my head. Di, what’s going on? Ivy?! Oh, my Steph?

Another more pleasant surprise emerged. A black swan blew down and rustled her glossy feathers the tiny black glimmering eyes held amusement the striking red beak looked to be smiling. A second smaller one landed twice as gracefully beside her. The pure white feathers of this bird looked exceptionally soft and silky this ones eye’s were a pure sapphire blue. Ones I new anywhere. I guess I wasn’t surprised that Ivy’s form was of a swan. The black one next to her must have been her Link. The water Goddess. Looks like we all found a companion Diamondgrace said with a hint of bemusement. Francesca said we might run into you Ivy said happily. Is she here? No Oh my heart sank. All through Ivy’s and I conversation Stormtail and Diamondgrace had been conferring on facts of the disturbance. Ivy knew what I was about to ask. The Essence’s don’t know anymore than we do. Damn Yeah, it sucks Why’ve you come out here anyway? I asked with genuine curiosity. Christian and Ash are fighting which resulted in Belle getting pissed and I really don’t want to be around for that. Plus Di was getting restless. I see I laughed. Please come over it’ll sort Ash and Christian out.

The temptation was too great. Sure be there in a few. Thanks replied Ivy ferverently. But I was already bounding away. Stormtail was still conversing with Diamondgrace. I shifted and jumped the fence. Having dressed in a flash. Josephine was home I noted that my bag was hung up neatly and Jets food scraps neatly put away. I trudged up the stairs to get a clean change of clothes. That’s when I heard. If my ears weren’t so sensitive I would never have, but I wished I hadn’t. The lightest sob followed by whimpered cries of “Why’d you leave Nathan?” mum’s plea for dad pulled at my heart-strings. I shook myself vigorously. I walked down the stairs in a trance. I queried once I reached the bottom. I could take Captain for a ride but one glance outside told me that plan had gone to the winds. And rain. Yanking my umbrella out of its stand I flipped it open. The wind whipped my hair into my eyes. I shook my head forming a little pocket of calm around myself. Though it didn’t stop the rain pelting down onto the umbrella. Eventually I reached Francesca’s house my hair even curlier because of the moist air. I didn’t bother with knocking but slipped in. I was assaulted by the creaks of earth being twisted and the roar of flames. Followed by a lot of shouting. I rounded the corner to see a three way duel. Belle livid with rage was focusing entirely on sending Ash ten feet into the air. Francesca watched with rapture at the entertaining spectacle before her. Ivy

smiled gratefully at me. Natalie was continuing as if no such fight was taking place. I watched the fight through the glass back door from my safe spot at the kitchen table. When I was battling Christian I didn’t have time to see how his movements were so sharp and lightening fast. The way his black hair flew in disarray everywhere his topaz eyes flashing. “I. Am. So. Sick. Of. Your FIGHTING!” Belle shrieked. Crimson red flame flew out of her very skin. Christian’s eyes widened. Belle was dangerous it was no longer playful fighting. I leaped from the table flew out the back door. I didn’t know what I was doing. I was acting on instinct alone. I planted my feet and thrust my palms forward. The freezing air shot out whipping the flames into little specks till they disappeared completely. Despite nearly killing her brother and her sisters boyfriend I had to admire that not one strand of her hair was out of place. She turned on a glossy heel and stalked off. I straightened up standing next to Christian I felt like I was standing next to an open flame. That was normal for Flame Elementals. Our blood reflected our nature. It was quite painful for Flame Elementals at first. The feel of fire racing through your veins rendered Francesca (when she was little) useless. The same went for Earth ones when Natalie was teaching us. Their blood was thicker whereas Air Elementals (like me) had such thin blood it was almost transparent. The saying ‘blood is thicker than water’ didn’t apply to Water Elementals. They got off scot free. Automatically I

looked Christian over and was nauseated to see a gash surrounded by pulsing red skin. “Your burnt!” I gasped. For some stupid reason I gently picked up his arm using the lightest touch possible. I breathed lightly while I examined the cut. I hadn’t noticed that everyone else had gone inside. Why the heck did they always leave me alone with him?! “Im used to it” he replied nonchalantly not removing his arm from my feather light hold. “You shouldn’t be” I murmured eyes flickering up to meet his yellow stare. My face only inches from his. My heart drummed loudly and I quickly dropped his arm as if he had electrocuted me. “We should go inside” and I left. “Where’ve you been?” Josephine demanded once I walked in the front door. I flinched when I realized that I hadn’t left a note explaining where I was. “At Frankie’s” I called in the general direction of the kitchen. I turfed Ben out of the good chair and sat down. Bianca was snuggled up to Declans side. Jet was sprawled out onto the shaggy rug. I looked at Bianca again and how happy she looked in the circle of Declans arm. I felt a pang of loneliness. I wondered what it would be like to be held by someone who loves you. I imagined it and what scared me was that I saw Christians face. I shook myself mentally Snap out of it Stephanie! “Is that Ivy girl still coming to school?” Jet asked attempting at causality and failing miserably. Under

his dark skin crimson blood was pooling in his cheek. “M-Hm” I replied still in a daydream. “Aw, has Jet fallen in love?” Bianca said in a gooey voice. Jet threw a pillow at her; Declan caught it and threw it right back at him. Bianca laughed lightly. I noticed she was wearing my white blouse. “Bianca!” “What?” “Stop taking my stuff” “Whoa, you fit into her stuff?” Declan asked incredulous. “Aw that’s mean!” Bianca mock-punched him in the arm. “What else do you borrow of hers?” Declans comment was a rhetorical question. Bianca and I exchanged glances then burst out laughing. We were both remembering that faithful day. I guess I should start at the beginning. Bianca since having a contract with a modeling agency naturally you’d think she’d have a bigger developed chest. But no, “What the hell are you doing?” I demanded walking in to find Bianca standing in front of her mirror clipping on one of my bras. “Nothing” she’d replied too quickly. I raised an eye brow. “Okay, I’ll spill but don’t tell anyone else” I’d perched on the end of her bed. “Well... im sorta small and they want me to do an advertisement—” she didn’t get any farther considering I had bent doubled over with laughter. “My god! Your older by two years and im the biggest!” I howled.

I broke out of my reverie and smiled. “Food’s done” Josephine called the scent of roast dinner wafting in. “Gotta go” Declan stooped to kiss Bianca on the forehead called a few goodbyes to us then ambled out the back door. Dinner was the usual affair of banter and casual conversation. Just to tick her off I threw a few food scraps at Emmy (aka Stormtail). She growled lightly at me. I smiled smugly. “So” I started once I was washing up dishes with Bianca the others going off to their nightly activities. “How’s things in paradise?” “Perfect” she replied with a tranquil smile. I pretended to gag. She slapped me on the head splattering my clothes with soapy water. I retaliated and soon we were covered in lukewarm water.

Chapter 7:

Screaming is for those in pain

“Ugh stupid key” I uttered. Slender fingers troubling to grasp the slim silver key. I crouched down low on my shins and balanced my books on a hip. The school was deserted the clang of metal the only sound echoing down the vast halls. I stayed behind to pack away my books and gather ones I needed for assignments due. To my surprise I detected a pair of smooth footsteps. “Nice to see you here Steph” Harrison said brightly. Or in his case; sarcastically. I replied with a non-committal grunt. Still fumbling with the damned key. It slithered through the part in my fingers and jingled once it had made contact with the ground. I cussed loudly. “Here, let me” Harrison’s fingers closed

around the key the same time mine dead. I noticed his fingers were pleasurably warm. I released the key and waited for him to finish. Harrison pressed the keys into my palm his hand lingering. “Um listen Steph” I looked up a trifle confused by the impish tenor of his voice. “I know I’ve been an idiot lately and I wanted to do things the right way... so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go somewhere tonight...” I was about to shoot him down like the many times before but I caught that glimpse of the happy Bianca and Declan. The silent pang of longing to feel like that. My eyes flickered to Harrison, why not give him a chance? “Sure” I saw the brief bewilderment flicker across his handsome face before he composed it. “Um okay I’ll pick you up at seven” he walked away listing slightly to the side. To late I realized Bianca had already left. I began the treacherous walk home my books seeming to get heavier with every step. My mind was whirling and all of those thoughts were second guessing my date with Harrison. I had nearly talked myself out of it till I reached home. “Eee!” I heard Kitarnya yell happily. I slid in the front door curiously; Ben was chasing a squealing Kitarnya around the living room. Both were laughing. Ben eventually caught her and they went tumbling onto the couch. I didn’t say to see the rest. The heart-ache and nausea was to much. Unfortunately I couldn’t escape Bianca.

“Why’re you so happy?” she demanded slyly eyes narrowing at my lightened expression. Damn! I’d been trying so hard to not let it show. “Um...” I flailed for an excuse. Too late “Oh my god, you’re going out on a date!” I nodded meekly I knew what this would entail. “Okay who, where and when!” “Uh” I mumbled fumbling with a strand of messy brown hair “Harrison and he’s picking me up at seven. Im not sure where though...” “Harrison?” Bianca repeated confused “I thought it was that Christian guy... oh well. Wait, WHAT?!” she screeched. Eyes going from slits to a size that could rival Ivy’s golf ball ones. “You hate him” she said in disbelief. Before I could even open my mouth she shoved me roughly into her adjoining bathroom. “Makeover!” Bianca yelled jovially. “Sucked in!” I heard Ben call from downstairs and Kitarnya’s silvery laugh. Two hours later my already curly hair was done in a way that actually made it look nice. Two pieces braided and tucked behind my head with straighter smaller strands framing my face. Thick black mascara spreading out my lashes till they demanded an onlookers attention; the electric blue eyeliner Bianca had applied expertly added to the neon effect even more. My lips were a shimmery deep crimson mixing in with my skin tone perfectly. She tugged me out of the chair and slipped a tightly fitting electric blue of the same color of my eyeliner crisscrossing top over my head. She threw a pair of the

most artful and designer jean shorts I had ever seen into my shocked hands. Tiny black sparkles ringed the purposefully frayed edges. The tiny shorts and short top exposed my midriff. Strappy black silver shoes to match and I was done. I looked up expecting my nose to touch the ceiling but the shoes were so perfect and angled that I was no taller than what I was in my volleys. I admired the beautiful shorts in the mirror again. “What designer is this?” I asked pointing a finger at the masterpiece. Bianca smiled and replied “Custom so is that top” “You made this?” I asked in admiration. Bianca flipped open a blind; squealed then ran toward her toiletries and many bottles of perfume. She picked up a delicate gold liquid one and sprayed just the right amount on me. Bianca stepped back to admire her handiwork. “Perfect” she sighed then abruptly shoved me toward the door. “He’s here” she clarified. My heart skipped a beat then sprinted to what seemed its last beat. What if I acted like a total idiot? We both stopped short at the top of the stairs when Jets voice floated up to us. “What are you doing here Harrison?” Bianca and I both exchanged glances worry etched in her remarkable face. Relief flooded through me when I heard Ben interrupt. “You here to see me?” he asked in confusion. Bianca and I peered over the banisters and saw the crowns of Bens, Kitarnya’s and Jets heads. Kitarnya glanced up then did a double take. Bianca gestured wildly telling her to help. Kitarnya’s eyes flickered to mine then she

stepped forward. “Uh Jet, Ben Emmy just got out the back we better go catch her” “O... kay” Jet said un-certainly backing away then following them through the back door. I swear I had never flown down the stairs quite so fast before. I was in front of Harrison before I could blink. “Go!” Bianca urged quickly shoving us out into the night air then slamming the door quickly. I turned to Harrison grinning impishly. His grin was awed and that usual confident edge to it. I took in his tight fitting white shirt and artful black jeans. We both stared at each other for a moment before he reached for my hand. The warmth of his was pleasant in the cold night air. “C`mon before Jet gets back and rips me limb from limb” I laughed and my stage fright vanished as quickly as it had come. I sat down comfortably in the warm air of his car. Harrison turned the radio down and backed carefully out of the drive; once we where in the clear he began. “I was gonna ask what brought this change of heart on but I don’t want to ruin it” I smiled thankfully at him I really didn’t want to explain “Thanks... so uh, where are we going?” “Change of plans” was his only answer then sped up. He kept that up till we were in the beautiful city of Seattle. Lights twinkled around me and the warm scents of fancy restaurants drifted out the doors. Harrison pulled up in front of a night club. I hesitated slightly as he opened my door for me. The teenagers and people in their young twenties lined up on the sidewalk intimidated me the tiniest inch.

“Don’t worry about them” Harrison said amused. I allowed him to yank me from the car. Some teenage boys eyes slipped in my direction as Harrison walked confidently up to the mammoth sized security guard. “What are you doing!” I hissed in embarrassment. Smug smiles radiated off those closest thinking we were going to get told to toss off. To my astonishment and theirs after a few words were exchanged the guard un-clipped the thick twisting red rope and let us in. I was assaulted by pulsing lights and pumping music. Bodies swayed in time to a latest hit single. Neon signs blared and clinking of glasses added to the dim. Luckily there was no vile scent of tobacco. This place had a fresh taste to it. I blinked two seconds here and I already loved it. Acting on an impulse I dragged Harrison out to the dance floor. My body flowed in time synchronizing with the so many others surrounding me. “I would’ve thought you’ve done this before” Harrison yelled. I smiled at him and brushed a few strands of lose hair from my eyes. I was sweating slightly but I was enjoying this to much to stop. The lead singers voice cloaked around me and I screamed with so many other girls. I raised my arms above my head and tossed it from side to side. Body swaying in time with the wonderful pumping beat beneath my soles. I was having the time of my life never before had my heart felt like it might swell out of my chest with the amount of pleasure. I never wanted this to end. But alas I had to stop the protesting stitch made sure

of it. Harrison wrapped his arm around my waist and led us over to the bar. Pretty brightly colored drinks were stacked on glass shelves behind him. I swirled around on my chair and patted the bench exultingly my many silver bangles tinkling unmusically. “Having fun?” the bartender asked after placing a polished glass away. I nodded barely enough breath to speak. “Two non-alcoholic martinis please” Harrison ordered coolly. The bartender eyed him for a second before turning away. “Impressive” I praised Harrison. He smiled at me and my breath stuck slightly he was having just as much fun as me. “Well I gotta drive home. Besides Jet won’t take to kindly if you show up drunk” “Hey!” I laughed punching him in the arm. I was reminded the other night of Bianca and Declan and their playful banter. The side-track cost me my balance and I very nearly fell off my chair. If it wasn’t for Harrison’s strong hands that caught me and hauled me up I would’ve landed on my face. “You sure she’s sober mate?” the bartender asked wearily placing the clear drinks in front of us. I blushed. “Yeah, she’s always like this” Harrison busted up at my appalled grimace. I sipped at my drink and watched the others dance. The MC just announced karaoke and I was enjoying listening to the slightly intoxicated girls singing; some were actually pretty good. I didn’t notice the boy sit himself down next to me till he spoke “Stephanie?”

“Aiden!” I nearly dropped my drink in surprise. Harrison recognized him to but by the looks of his darkening face didn’t seem to like it. Aiden’s curly blonde hair was slightly matted from sweat. Mine probably was to. “I didn’t know you came here” he said. I didn’t know why he was acting so friendly Aiden was popular and I was... not. We only knew each other from swimming practice. “She’s here with me” Harrison called over the din. He stood up and wrapped a possessive arm around my waist. I was for once level with him; while I was sitting that is. “Oh, okay” Aiden looked a little put-out. I didn’t blame him Harrison cut a pretty impressive figure. Not that Aiden was to bad himself. The music lulled a bit and the MC asked if there were any more who wanted to sing. Un-thinkingly my hand shot up. I’d been wanting to all night. “You miss!” the MC called. Heads swiveled round to stare. I blushed self-consciously but with a shove from Harrison I was trotting up to the raised platform. I was trying to remember how to exhale when a microphone was handed to me and three words were whispered in my ear. “Don’t screw up” I gulped and looked out at all the expectant taunting faces. “What do you want to play?” the MC hissed at me. I blurted out the first song that came to mind. The wonderful thrumming beat engulfed me and I was totally self-possessed from there onward. I forgot about the daunting mission ahead of me and just focused on enjoying the night. The crowd

erupted into cheers when I was done. “Encore!” Aiden shouted above the roar. I blushed and tripped down the stairs right into Harrison’s arms. “You were great!” he exulted. I laughed. “You mustn’t have been able to hear me” “I have excellent hearing” Harrison pretended to be insulted. I was blisteringly aware how both of his strong arms were wrapped just above my waist and tightened when Aiden approached. “That was amazing” he said softly. Harrison scowled when he continued. “You ever considered joining the after school music practices?” “No I really don’t know anyone” “I play drums we could go together” I queried it really was a lot of fun singing... “Okay, where do I sign up?” Aiden’s handsome tanned face lit up I could see his eyes glimmering from the parts in his messy blonde hair. “Just come over with me on Tuesday arvo`” “Got it” I smiled at him. Aiden returned my smile said goodbye and left Harrison and I alone. Sort of considering all the close packed bodies surrounding us. I checked my watch and gasped. I’d be cutting it really fine if we stayed any longer. “We have to go” I spoke up rather sadly. Harrison seemed to agree as he tugged me by the hand through the crowd. The moon shone through the gray/white clouds as he sped down the road. Some house lights were turned off others little warm beacons. I noticed all my house lights were burning bright. I gulped praying Jet wouldn’t come charging outside. To my surprise

after Harrison had left me at the front door it was Ben waiting grim faced in the hall. “What?” I asked rudely already edging towards the stairs. “What the hell are you doing?” he demanded stomping forward his head just an inch above mine. “What does it look like im doing stupid?” “Why’d you go out with Harry?! Where’d he take you and why did Bianca drag Jet away and lock him outside!” I laughed “She actually did that?” “Yeah it was pretty funny, but that’s beside the point!” “Well while your figuring out what that point is im a be upstairs, goodbye” I left Ben there his mouth-hanging open a glint of fear flashed through his dark eyes. I puzzled over it that was until a scantily clad Kitarnya appeared at the banisters. “Ben you coming—” Ben waved frantically but it was to late I had already put the pieces together. I howled with laughter bending over double on the stairs in serious danger of falling down. “But your only sixteen!” I wheezed eyes streaming. “So?” Ben demanded pushing past me scowling. I followed him up I was never going to let him live this down. “Mum’s gonna kill you... mums gonna kill you” I chanted over and over till I was at his bedroom door. I peered in “What no candles?” I teased him.

“Get lost Steph” he mumbled slamming the door in my face. I banged my fist against the wood “Just remember the walls are pretty thin!” I must have shouted to loud for a disheveled Bianca stumbled out of her room. I heard loud snoring coming from within the darkness of her bedroom. “What’s going on?” she yawned stretching her arms. “Bennies first time” I jerked my thumb in the general direction of Bens room. “Keep it down you two!” she shouted at the door. A muffled ‘shut up’ was called in reply. I didn’t even need a glance into Bianca’s room to tell me what had happened. “Im gonna guess mum’s working a late shift?” “Guessed right now tell me all about your night tomorrow morning in the car” she patted my head then retreated to her room. I felt suddenly drained with barely enough energy to wash my face and brush my teeth. I collapsed on the bed covers not caring about the unwelcome chill of the breeze whistling through the window.

Chapter 8:

Screaming is for those in pain

“Hey Steph” Francesca called to me from across the school yard. She waved a black and white striped arm. Ivy’s usual floaty shirt and pants were blowing around her as was her silvery blonde hair. A lot of teenage boys who passed her their heads would swivel around to stare until Ash looked like he might punch the next guy who would stare. Belle

got her fair share of more than admirable looks to but they soon realized she seemed dangerous. Normal humans felt an aversion to her. More than Ash, Ivy and I. It was the same for Francesca and Christian, must be a Fire Elemental thing. Of course Christian always looked scary with his charcoal lined eyes and cropped grown out black hair. He was lounging against the wall his white throat exposed. I couldn’t help but admire his clear complexion. One of his eyes opened becoming a slit of gold while I approached. “What did you do on the weekend?” Francesca asked innocently. I eyed her; her expression was pretty clear and she really sucked at lying anyway. “Nothing” I lied casually settling up against the wall. Of course my sudden ease blew away with the winds when Harrison strode up and wrapped an arm around my waist. He pressed his lips to my cheek lingering for a second longer then smiled easily at my gawking friends. It went unnoticed that Christians hands had balled up into tight fists and he twitched angrily. “Oh nothing?” Francesca demanded eye brows shooting right up into her hairline. I gulped and started to sweat a little. The bell rang high and shrilly. Saved by the bell, how cliché. I was about to dart away but Harrison held firmly onto my waist. “Whoa wait up for a sec” Harrison tugged at my waist and I landed palms against his chest. Now everyone was staring at me. Great... Francesca backed away eyes alight she wanted to know everything. Ivy being compassionate as she is quickly yanked Ash, Belle

and Christian off. “Kay what?” I hissed eyes darting everywhere. Harrison smiled “I just wanted to say goodbye” and this time he kissed my forehead “Meet me at my locker at the end of school” he murmured against my skin. He must have been able to feel my heart pounding away. Harrison smiled then walked off. A fair bit of girls threw scathing looks in my direction but paid them no mind. For the whole day I could feel the confused eyes boring into my back. It wasn’t a secret that I hadn’t been to fond of Harrison but he really wasn’t that bad. I... actually really liked him. I found myself anxious for school to end. Finally the bell rang and students fled. The whole place was deserted in a matter of minutes. I snuck up the hall till I saw Harrison leaning casually against his locker totally at ease fingering the prefect badge pinned to his chest. As per usual I had lost mine. He looked up and smiled when I approached Harrison reached for my hand and I took it gratefully. I had been missing his warm touch. I looked down and half smiled when his fingers traced my jaw line. “Mind if I come over this afternoon?” “Course not” I laughed but then gnawed a bit on my lip “What about Jet...” Now it was Harrison’s turn to laugh “He’ll just have to deal” I didn’t mention Ben we had all teased him on the way to school. No-one said anything to Kitarnya though she was way to nice to pay out. “Okay” I perked up. Bianca was bringing Declan over and he

had enough muscle to tear the two apart if things got out of hand. “C`mon” I dragged him halfway to the house until Harrison was able to catch up with my long strides. Repeating the usual ritual of flinging open the door calling out “Im home!” and dumping my schoolbag in the hall. Thankfully I didn’t have to give Harrison the grand tour he’d been coming since he and Ben were friends in year five. “What’s he doing here?” Jet demanded once I had pulled Harrison to the Living room. Josephine was once again working late. I hadn’t talked to mum properly for ages. Kitarnya was curled up in Ben’s arms flipping through a magazine. Declan and Bianca were sprawled out on the rug his arm thrown over her waist both of them glued to the TV. “Get over it, your just peeved cause you don’t have a girlfriend” Bianca shot back somewhat muffled by the arm her chin was resting on. Declan and Kitarnya laughed. Jet scrambled to his feet and stalked out of the room. “Where are you going?” Ben yelled up the hallway his head tilted back. “Out riding the horses” I wondered briefly what a great reality TV show my life would make. Five hours later and I had fallen asleep in Harrison’s arms. I woke with a start. Warm air blew across my face and I vaguely registered the air conditioning was switched on. The TV was on showing the little yellow figures of the Simpsons jerking across the screen. The volume was very low and it was only us in the living room. I could hear the sounds of Josephine chopping

vegetables in the kitchen, Bianca’s chatter along with Ben’s and Jets playful banter. “How long was I out?” I mumbled rubbing a hand through my hair. Harrison was sprawled out on the couch I was snuggled up against his chest. I was so warm it felt like I was cocooned in a blanket. His hands were brushing through my twisted curls. “Half an hour” “Sorry” I yawned stretching but making no move to sit up. “Its ok” he murmured pressing his lips to the crown of my head. Declan had never done that to Bianca. I definitely was falling in love Harrison. “She up?” Josephine called. “Yeah” Harrison yelled back. Of course I thought rolling my eyes. Mum would probably be over the moon that I’d finally said yes to Harrison. “Francesca called she’s wondering where you are” mum yelled out to me. “Oh crap!” I scrambled to get up and finally landed on my feet. “I forgot” I was still a little sleepy and stumbled a few times but Harrison made sure I got safely to the door. The cold icy air did a better job of waking me up. “Do you have to go?” “It’s a tradition every Friday is movie night” I explained already trotting off down the road. “Wait first” Harrison caught my hand then kissed my cheek. “See you tomorrow” “Bye” I mumbled I watched him go with regret. I shook myself vigorously and sprinted down to Francesca’s. Not bothering to knock I burst right on

in. “Hey sleepy head” Francesca yelled down the hallway already settled on the couch with a popcorn bowl in her hands. Christian was toying with the leather band wrapped around his wrist his long fingers moving gracefully. I gulped. Ivy was bouncing on Ash’s knee stealing bits of Francesca’s popcorn. Belle was flipping through a glossy magazine. The movie had already started. As soon as I seated myself next to Frankie I was assaulted with questions hissed in my ear. “Was Harrison with you?” “What do you think” “Shut up, but seriously you should’ve seen Christian when we got home he practically punched a whole in the wall!” I knew where she was heading with this “Har, har and I really doubt it” “No honestly! Even ask Ivy if you don’t believe me!” I just rolled my eyes and focused on the TV.

Chapter 9:

Screaming is for those in pain

The month came and went quicker than I had anticipated. It seemed as though I had been trying to cram in the life of a teenage girls life in those small weeks provided. The force of what I had volunteered for had not hit me head-on until I was in Natalie’s small now cramped kitchen. Not even when I had lifted my hand to participate. “I paid a little visit to Vespera and her dear brother before arriving here and gathered the information we needed” Isolde laid a thick heavy piece of paper on the table. I leaned in peering over Ivy’s silvery head. It held the rough whereabouts of our enemies camp out. Isolde then pulled out another rolled up paper this time a map of the general area. Her slender finger traced along a route. They’d need somewhere quiet, away from the public but not somewhere authorities will check right away”

“Wait” Quinn interrupted “But their Elementals and by the sounds of it pretty powerful ones” Veronica shuddered in the circle of Jeff’s arm. “So why would they even care about the law?” Isolde gave him a despairing glance “As you pointed out they don’t care but it would... inconvenience them. Oh they’d take care of it of course but killing a person of authority would cause a lot of ruckus and they’d have to relocate” “Kill?” Ivy asked in a small voice. “That’s the other thing turns out our enemies have a pretty gruesome and slow way of exposing what Elementals are” “They kill humans?!” Estella demanded. Isolde nodded coldly “They’ve created a good M.O to, taking people from ordinary families making it look like suicide and killing them and done. No investigations and their free to kill till the hearts content” the matterof-fact way Isolde said this made bile rise in my throat. I swallowed it back. “We’re gonna need a team to go scour the streets try to figure out where they are” Belle said aloud eyes roving over the little lines all over the colorful map. “I’ll go” the words rolled of my tongue before I gave it a conscious thought. I barely registered the little twitch Christian gave. “Me too” Felicity chimed in “Same here” Estella said from her dark corner. Isolde was about to protest when Estella beat her to it “Im a Mist Elemental it’ll be easy to provide cover”

“Nice” Quinn said appreciatively. Estella gave him a small half smile before turning her attention back to the plan. Isolde tossed three little black objects at each of us. Closer examination revealed it was a tiny compact cell phone. “Untraceable, of course but that’s more dangerous for you so make sure to keep in contact” I nodded turning the slippery metal around in my fingers. “Estella you drive” Isolde dropped a pair of keys into Estella’s open hand. They tinkled un-musically. I waited by the door leaving them congregated around the dining table. I stared out at the windblown lawns. Slow footsteps echoed up the narrow hall. “Be careful out there” Christian’s voice was low; he didn’t want the others to hear. “What’s it matter to you? One less person there’ll still be enough” “It will matter to Francesca, and your family” “What about yours” “Mum’s dead, dads in jail” was his simple answer. “We’re in a suicidal war. No matter what we do we’ll end up dead” was the last words I said to him before leaving. “This is so boring” Estella whined lying down on the backseat of the car. Felicity rolled her eyes and I continued to glare out the window. Felicity’s link; a black raven chirped from its position on her seat. “I know, Skynight” she murmured stroking the birds silky head. Estella snorted; Felicity glared and

thunder clapped threateningly above us. “Im gonna hazard a guess and say that wasn’t a coincidence” I talked while still staring ahead. Felicity laughed lightly; her millions of curls shimmering in the eerie mist cloaking our car. Something black with a blurry figure moved quickly in front of our view. “Estella part the mist a bit” Estella sat up and the mist drifted naturally apart. Now I could easily see the cloaked black figure moving down the street. “C`mon!” I hissed slipping out into the night. Felicity slithered out with Skynight perched on her finger. “Go” she whispered. Quiet as a whisper Skynight flapped off into the night. “Should we shift?” Estella asked curiously while we crept down the alley “Not yet” Felicity whispered back. For the first few moments we were able to barely create any sound but if we continued down this road our footsteps would clearly echo. We all paused. I noticed the thick leather band wrapped around Estella’s waist. I clicked my fingers. “Felicity shift and go tail them with Skynight. Estella give me that leather band. Felicity didn’t question my judgment and crept off to meet with Skynight. “Hope your good at playing mind” I muttered to her already undressing behind a tall bin. “What?” “Just put your sunglasses on” I muttered a little annoyed. She finally caught on and when I trotted out in my new wolf form she slipped the leather around my throat like a leash. Thankfully Estella trusted me enough to completely shut her eyes. I

couldn’t hear Felicity or Skynight in my head nor Emmy. A bit disgruntled I continued down the deserted street doing my best to look like a guide dog. Our presence became known to the figure; they turned once but saw what we wanted them to see; a blind woman with her guide dog. They relaxed and continued. Once closing enough distance between us I directed Estella into a cold alley. When the make-shift leash went slack she slid up her sunglasses and handed me my clothes. Felicity joined us soon after. “I saw them disappear into that building down there” Felicity pointed out a nondescript wide brick building. I studied it from the outside it looked just like a large factory. Isolde was right the authorities wouldn’t think to check here right away. I dressed hurriedly then joined Estella and Felicity by the dumpster. “Lets go” Estella whispered and slunk into the shadows the eerie mist gradually making its way down the street. I concentrated solely on my footsteps doing my best to mark the sound. We arrived at a wide metal green door. I tentatively shoved against it. I wasn’t surprised when it didn’t budge. Estella pulled a pencil and paper out of her pack. “Lets just get a rough sketch for now, Felicity can you fly above and give us a rough estimate of the area” Felicity shrugged and took flight in the blink of an eye. I shivered not only was Estella’s mist was creepy it was freezing. I started to wish Francesca was here. We hovered outside for a few minutes and waited for Felicity. I shifted my weight from foot and to

foot and fidgeted anxiously; this place was starting to scare me. The tiniest scuffling of a mouse would make me jump. “Finally” I muttered relieved when Felicity landed with a thud having shifted while in the air beside us. “About two or three hectares” she muttered to Estella. “Okay that’s, that lets get back to the car” I flipped open the small black phone and dialed the number that had taken me forever to remember. “Stephanie?” Isolde asked her voice slightly muffled. “Yeah, we got a good idea of the outside but we couldn’t get in” “That’s great was I right about the building” “Mm-hmm, it looks just like a factory” “Knew it” she murmured “Now come back we have to plan out the rest” “Okay” I closed the phone and began at a brisk walk down the silent street. By the time we slipped into the black SUV I was shivering violently. Estella backed expertly out of the narrow alley and sped down the deserted street.

Chapter 10:

Screaming is for those in pain “So who do we send in?” Natalie asked in a quivery voice eyeing Francesca maternally. “Four maybe five people” Belle answered in a distracted voice. It was Saturday night and we were all gathered around Natalie’s small round table. Veronica had fallen asleep in Jeff’s arms. She rarely spoke but when she did it was very insightful. Jeff now studied the map closely still cradling Veronica to his wide chest. “We’ll need skill, power. Also one hell of an ability to act well” “I’ll go” Estella volunteered “Me too” Christian murmured. Jeff nodded approvingly. “Same” every eye in the room questioned my sanity. “If she’s allowed then im in to” Quinn spoke with a cocky grin. I studied his handsome boyish features warily. “Don’t worry he has an ability that will be useful” Estella reassured us. “Like what?” “Slowing down time” My mouth popped open. “That. Is. Awesome!” Ash yelled. Veronica jerked awake. Jeff cast an annoyed glance in his direction. “Vespera managed to secure a cloak from the inside here’s what it looks like” Isolde pulled out a slippery shiny black cloak. The hood was a smoky grey and a gold clasp clipped at the neck. Upon closer inspection the gold clasp was more of a symbol; a girl standing in the middle of a

hurricane her face was beautiful with very long her whipping around her body. Why did it seem so familiar? I shook off the odd wave of de ja vu. “Reckon you can copy this Natalie?” “Easy” Natalie replied studying the material in her hands. “I’ll help” Veronica offered. “Thank you darling” Natalie smiled at Veronica. “Stephanie can I have a word?” Christian whispered in my ear. I followed him in puzzlement outside curious as to what he had to say. Outside in the front yard caused my hair to lash viciously against my face. I pulled it back then stared at Christian; bemused. “Why do you want to come on with us?” he asked abruptly. “I just want to do something...” “You heard what Isolde said. They kill people Steph, if they ask you to do that, you’ll have no choice” Christian tried feebly to sway me from my decision. “So what makes you think Estella and you will be able to cope, and Quinn? He’s only fifteen” “The kids bring in the humans. The more powerful older ones deal with them” I shuddered “And how would you know this” “Isolde told us when you were out” “Hm” “Steph, don’t do this. Stay here with Natalie and Francesca with everyone else staying behind” he pleaded.

“Look if I wanna do this its my choice so but out” I flew around on my heel and stalked down the street; shivering slightly from the cold wind. The sky grumbled and freezing droplets were thrown down “Anything else?” I growled upwards. “No” laughed a sweet voice. “Felicity!” I shrieked jumping a foot in the air. She emerged from the dense trees shaking with silent laughter. “I thought it might be a bit of a wake up call” “To what?” I grumbled. “Im only a kid but I know enough to see that Christian loves you” I barked out a harsh laugh “No he doesn’t he just wants me to get out of the way” Felicity walked in the opposite direction of my path but not before I heard her mutter “Older kids are so blind” I shook my head so hard my hair lashed against my arms. I walked in the front door; teeth chattering to find Harrison sitting on the couch watching TV with Ben. “Hey” I leaned down to kiss him on the cheek. Ben pretended to vomit, I raised an eye brow then opened my mouth to retaliate “Harrison... I don’t know if Ben told you...” “I’ll be leaving now” Ben hurriedly threw himself off the couch and flew up the stairs. I chuckled then snuggled up against Harrisons side “So why’re you here?” “Came to see you. I was gonna go to Francesca’s but I decided to wait”

I breathed a silent sigh of relief that he hadn’t. It would’ve been really difficult to explain. “Why are you over there so much, nowadays anyway?” “I used to be really good friends with her cousins. Its nice to see them once in a-while” the lie rolled off my tongue so easily I actually believed it for a second. “How old is the boy?” “Which one Ash, or Christian” “The pale one” “Oh that’s Christian. He’s in my year” Harrison’s face darkened while I studied it carefully “Your not... jealous, or anything?” I asked cautiously. “Should I be” “No” I laughed “Christian and I don’t even get along very well” His face cleared “That’s better” I made a small noise in the back of my throat and snuggled closer into Harrison’s warm side. He casually slung an arm around my waist. “You staying for dinner?” “Am I allowed” “Sure your practically like a son to mum anyways” Harrison busted up at my comment “What?” I asked confusedly. “Don’t worry about it” he reassured me tucking a wayward strand of hair behind my ear. I whacked him lightly over the head. “Dinners up!” Josephine yelled. I heard the loud thumping and cursing; signaling Ben and Jet had

taken their places at the table. Harrison slid easily off the couch dragging me with him. We took our spots at the table Bianca and Jet bickering over the salad. Steaming bowls of bolognaise made my mouth water hungrily. “So Stephy” Josephine said with false cheeriness. I heard Emmy’s laugh from under the table even through a dogs voice. I aimed a kick at her and prayed I hit the target. I was proven right when the answering yelp made everyone jump. “Homework all done?” “Yes mum” I answered her tiredly. She went through with this every damned night. Jet snickered and managed to land chewed up tomato bits in Bianca’s hair. That was a very interesting dinner. Harrison and I laughed about it on the way back to his place. “Will I see you tomorrow?” he asked once we were at the front door. “I don’t think so I’ll be with Francesca all day” “Okay then this is for Sunday” Harrison leaned in and he pressed his lips very gently to mine. My first kiss. Ever. For a brief nanosecond I was frozen with shock. Then timidly my arms of their own accord wrapped around his neck. Harrison locked his arms securely around my waist. “See you” he murmured against my lips then backed into his own house. I stood there dazed and disoriented for a minute before staggering back home. I entered the door in a daze and almost broke my neck falling up the stairs. I fell down spread-eagled on my bed; vaguely being thankful that it was fairly wide. I sighed happily and stared at the white ceiling. Tracing the cracks with

my eyes that would not be visible to normal humans. I heard Bianca bound on in but paid her no mind. “First kiss?” she summed up without waiting for an answer I was assaulted by endless questions. When I was finally done with my garbled response Ben was in front of my door in a flash. “Your first kiss ever?!” he yelled incredulously “Jesus Christ Steph im only sixteen and I’ve already done it” “Go pay out Jet” I groaned sitting up. Bianca glared at him. “No way Jet will kick my ass” “So will I” I snarled at him mastering the urge to tackle him to the ground; just. “Yeah right” Ben sneered. I snapped. With a shriek I launched myself off the bed right into him. Ben obviously not expecting me to be so quick staggered and we crashed to the ground. Jet came running out of his room and helped Bianca tear us apart. I could have broken Jet’s grasp only being a little bit stronger than an average human but I decided not to. “No fighting!” mum yelled her concerned face peering up the stairwell. “Sure mum” I mumbled shrugging off Jet and stalking into my room slamming the door. “Way to go dumbass” Bianca spat acidly at Ben. “Dude what you say?” Jet laughed.

Chapter 11:

Screaming is for those in pain

The weeks passed in a blur; preparations were being made. My secret life getting more serious while my human one continued the normal path of a teenage girls that was until disaster struck. If I had known that those casually spoken words may have been my last to that person I would’ve gone over. Stopped them from going. Chained them to a tree if I had to. I would’ve done anything... anything to re-write the events of that afternoon.

Tuesday 2nd of June. The day I lost a family member. “You idiot” I laughed settling down in Francesca’s leather seat. She chortled and kept her eyes firmly on the road. This was a treacherous stretch of road accidents were occasionally reported. Thousands probably millions of bags full of freshly bought clothes filled up the back seat. I checked my already perfect manicured nails in the light. I hadn’t noticed Francesca slowing down to a crawl and the flashing lights until we were ten meters from the scene. “What’s happened?” I asked vaguely barely glancing up. “Looks like a car crash” Francesca leaned forward squinting “God, I’ve never seen so many ambulances” she mumbled. This time I paid more attention. Even with all the officers and paramedics surrounding the scene I could clearly see the smashed up car; a Chevrolet Camaro Concept. My heart skipped three beats, I broke out into a cold sweat, my stomach was churning. “No!” I murmured with a sick terrified horror. My limbs worked automatically I ghosted up to the wreck. Some curious bystanders studied the scene barred from getting any closer by the yellow tape. Black closed in no longer was I connected to this world. The link holding me was tenuous and broke. Things snapped inside of me deep down. One wire thin line was holding me down. All of it banking on hope; all those things happened when I saw the body covered by a white sheet the paramedics were loading onto

the ambulance. I didn’t care about the hands holding me back I ran forward. Don’t let it be her... I thought with vicious hope. I wrenched back the white sheet, and wished I never had. Bianca’s beautiful face bled out and twisted was still. Her body mangled and destroyed. “NO!” I screamed staggering back. Sobs ripping up my chest. I collapsed blinded by tears the wire broke and I was no longer held to the world by anything. Then why could I still feel? Why could I feel the horrible sick grief consuming me? Covering me like a blanket wiping away any previous feeling of happiness. My heart throbbed pumping poisonous blood distraught and twisted through my veins. I writhed in agony and pain. “Bianca...” I sobbed. Memories added to the tumult raging inside of me. “Wee!” Bianca yelled feet thrown off the pedals of her tricycle grinning madly; missing her two front teeth. Thick shiny hair was streaming out behind her. “Binky get back here!” mum demanded chasing after her. “Freak!” boys pushed and shoved at me. “Hey! Leave her alone!” Bianca storming up and effectively thumping them all in the jaw. Then... this afternoon “Get me some new shoes will you?” she’d called at me once I was leaving with Francesca. “Sure, sure” I answered sarcastically rolling my eyes and shutting the door behind me. It felt like something was ripping me apart from the inside mercilessly slowly dragging out my vitals;

tearing them piece by piece. I shook violently sobs ripping up my chest refusing to halt. She couldn’t be... dead. Bianca had all her life in front of her. Why? Why did it have to be her? I could barely hear Francesca over the roar of my pain. Her arms were wrapped comfortingly around me; vainly trying to hoist me to my feet. “Madam?” an unfamiliar voice spoke in my ear. I shook violently. My head filled with the vision of Bianca. Glorious and beautiful smiling at me; a silvery arch swirling behind her. She beamed, waved once then turned and disappeared into the arch. Her thick hair fanning out behind her and shimmering in the nonexistent light. Francesca spoke quickly her voice trembling slightly. She directed me back to her car. I stumbled and collapsed on the seat and rested my head against the headrest. Bianca was gone. I would never get to hear her infectious laugh again. Never see her smile. I hadn’t liked it much at the time but now I realized just how much I relied on Bianca. Just to do all those older sisterly things. Comforting me when things got rough, sticking up for me. Helping me with my hair, giving advice. I loved Ben and Jet but Bianca was always there for me. I loved her so much and now I wouldn’t ever get to see her again. All those things left un-said between us. I sobbed even harder. Desperately trying to block out all those memories. She understood me most beside Francesca. “Steph?” Francesca asked softly. I trembled opening my eyes a fraction; blinded by hopeless

tears. I wiped them away on the back of my sleeve. “They need to call your mum. Can I have your phone for a second” “It-its in m-m-my bag” my voice broke and hitched. The tears flowed relentlessly down my cheeks. My heart skipped another beat; mum. She had already lost a husband, what would losing a daughter do to her? And Ben... he was so young. Sirens blared, people muttered. I couldn’t bear the on-lookers sympathetic looks. “Mummy?” a boy asked sweetly; concern coloring his voice “What’s wrong with that girl?” “She’s upset dear” the mothers voice was soft and tender. I peered through the veil of tears. The mother had picked up her little son and was hugging him tightly. The little boy stared back at me curiously. I turned my head and shook with more sobs. “Madam can you please come back with us to the station?” a detective stood in front of me. He wore a detached expression but I could make out the concern in his eyes. I glanced back to the ambulance and the still body of my lost sister. “No” I answered in a trembly voice. I shook and wobbled slightly but held my ground. “Im going back with my sister” and strode past them. I held my chin high despite the clear tear tracks etched on my face. My lips trembled as I climbed in the back the paramedic glancing sympathetically at me. I barely noticed him as the doors shut and the start of the engine signaled the ambulance moving. I just stared the turmoil twisting painfully inside. I lifted a piece of

the white material in my fingers “May I?” I whispered. “Okay” the paramedic answered. Carefully as it would crumble at the slightest jerk I gingerly pulled back the sheet. I drew in a sharp breath when Bianca’s still face greeted me blood crusted on her cheeks and temples. A gash in her neck. Her hair was twisted; blackened and burned. But it was still just and shiny and thick as I remembered. I ran through it with my fingers; a stream of mahogany. Silently tears renewed the old ones down my cheeks and curved to meet my jaw line. I tasted their salty flavor on my lips but did nothing to stop them. I turned my head and pulled the sheet up over. “I’ll miss you Bianca” I murmured silently.

Chapter 12:

Screaming is for those in pain

“Bianca Manka was a promising young woman...” the priest rambled on. Anger flared up inside of me; he didn’t know Bianca. He had no right to talk about her with that bored tenor in his voice. To him; she was just any other lost soul. The anger peaked and I twitched. The sun blared overhead and for once the winds were still, Jet and Ben were dressed in black suits. Josephine cried dabbing her face with a handkerchief. I held my chin high refusing to accept reality. Living in a dream world. A world where Bianca was still alive and vital. Glowing with health and life. Francesca sat on my right Harrison on my left. I felt sick; like a nightmare I was sure I was going to wake up from. Every morning I woke up expecting to hear the call of Bianca telling me to get up. Expecting to find my clothes in her room. Stupidity. I lashed out at anyone who tried to comfort me. I was different. I didn’t care. I didn’t want to care anymore. The more you care the more it hurts. I didn’t want to know love or familiarity. I didn’t want to know any kind of emotion that made me feel this way. This sickening grief. Inside and out. I was paler my hair whiter. A pearly colour seeping up the tips. Something that would have thrilled me before but now I didn’t give a damn about such stupid things as looks or fashion. My

eyes were colder no longer glittering. Emmy tried to talk to me but I shut her out. Her leaders were part of the reason that Bianca was gone. Natalie insisted I retire from the mission. But it was all to keep me distracted and I wasn’t giving up without a fight. Finally the priest stopped talking and the casket was lowered. I rose. Family members coming up to try and comfort me. I closed my eyes and walked away. People stared; some gloating some sympathetic. News that the most beautiful girl in school was dead travelled fast. So did my changed personality and appearance. No-one could meet my eye now out of fear or disgust; I did not care. Francesca had trouble around me; she was afraid. I watched all this through the distant tunnel my eyes had become. School life was stupid and tenuous. Someone shoved deliberately past me in the hall. A high pathetic laugh. A circle formed. Isabel sneered a head below me. My fingers twitched. “Where’s your sister now Manka?” Isabel asked cruelly. Nose screwed up. She pushed against my arm. I didn’t budge. I was stronger than her. Hushed whispers. The faces ranged from disgust, expectation and sneers. I glared back coldly at Isabel. Her lips fell open in fear before she closed them again. “No-one to protect you now is there?” “I don’t need protection” my voice was low and deadly. The way it had been since the funeral. Jeers and catcalls sounded in my hollow ears. “Prove it” Isabel taunted. The wind picked up whipping her

hair against her arms leaving open cuts and slashes. Some stirred uneasily. “Ow!” she yelled. My eye brow twitched. How pathetic; Isabel didn’t know true pain or anything about it. I stepped forward and she stumbled back and fell. “Point proved” I snarled. I turned my back on the shocked faces like I had been doing so many times before and strode away and out of the school grounds. Stormtail stared accusingly at me when I reached home. I glared evenly back ditching my school bag without a second glance. I trudged up the stairs eyes burning with the unusual feeling of dryness. The door was closed to her room. No-one dared even peer in now. I opened it a crack then stepped in and shut the door behind me. Her room was different. She was unusually neat, then why were things broken and tossed cleanly across the room? I ventured further in; ice plunging deeper and deeper into my heart; sinking to my stomach dragging my insides along with it. I trailed a finger along her desk and touched the ludicrous ‘wedding’ folder she had designed for her and Declan. Only holding pictures of her Declan fooling around. The simple white folder was usually in pristine condition with shining golden swirls and the word ‘love’ scribbled neatly across its surface. But something or someone had slashed through it roughly. I turned a page and my eyes widened. All the pictures of her and Declan were either torn in two or missing. The gashes of a pen point tearing pages right down the middle. The sentence ‘love forever’ she had written had been scribbled out. I

scoured the desk for more answers and found them in the bin. A manila envelope had been sliced roughly open a piece of paper peeking out. I snatched it away quickly and sank down onto the edge of her bed. What I had thought to be a test result of some sort was actually a letter; written in Declans messy scrawl. I scanned the lines greedily. Rage seized my body closing around me like a fist. Blinded by a new emotion I banked murder in my heart. He had broken her heart; the reason she had left us to move on. I rode Scarlett through the thick trees until I reached the very back of Declans modern home. I was lucky; he was the only one home. I slid down calm and enraged at the same time. The agony and pain churning away like acid in my stomach. I crossed his fence in one go and rapped quickly on the back door. Declan wandered up the hall a stupid grin on his face. I shook with my rage she was gone and he could smile. The grin fell and crumbled away like dust when he saw who it was. Declan slowed to a cautious walk and opened the back door an inch. “Nice to see you here Steph” he lied. “Why?” was all I said. Coldly. Low and furious. “Why what?” he repeated stupidly. I heard the rising weariness in his voice. “You broke her heart” I snarled. Something a normal human should not be capable of. Declan tried to shut the door but my hand stopped him. I could feel the pressure he was exerting first confident then that drizzled away like rain on a

wind-shield when he realized I was stronger. I slid the door back effortlessly and crossed the threshold. I glanced around quickly to make sure my assessment was correct. It was, “Our relationship had gotten rocky...” Declan fumbled for lies. That’s when I smelt it; another human. So I had been wrong. Thick perfume and the bite of nail polish tainted the air as an older girl moved into the room. The straps of her skimpy dress sliding down her shoulders. “She caught you cheating” I stated blankly. Declan had trouble meeting my dead gaze as he bleated feebly. “Baby” the girl asked in a sickly sweet voice “Who’s this?” “You sure moved on quickly Declan” I hissed stepping forward. “Y-you aren’t allowed near me. Get out” he pointed a shaking arm at the door. I raised an eyebrow daring him to try. The girl backed away. I was shaking slightly now my cool façade was slipping. “Im calling the police” he announced in a quivery voice. By now the girl had completely vanished. Good, I didn’t need a witness to a murder. Declan moved towards the phone; dived really. I whipped the air into a frenzy. He yelled out and fell back against the wall. “Your stupidity amazes me Dec” I murmured coldly a faint smirk of amusement. I turned my wrist once in a circle and manipulated the air to bring a sharp kitchen knife to hover beside me. His eyes widened “What are you?” he demanded. The

knife inched closer. Fear starting to creep into his awareness. “What I am does not concern you” I snarled. My upper lip curled back of its own accord. “Don’t kill me” he whimpered. “Pathetic” by now the knife was centimeters from his furiously beating heart. I could do it. I could kill him. If it wasn’t for him she might still be alive. I stared at the weak creature before me. No I let the knife crash to the floor and the wind die down. Despite all that he had done Declan still had a family; a mother who cared about him. No matter what kind of monster he was. I backed away and caught the reflection of myself in the hall mirror. The empty soul staring back was not the girl I was used to seeing. Skin pale enough to rival Christians, my hair a ghostly pearly sheen, eyes darkening to a near dead black. Cruelty etched around the hardened planes of my cheekbones. I turned my back on what I had known. Friends Love Happiness and joy.

Chapter 13:

Screaming is for those in pain

I walked down the school halls; chin held high. Weak pathetic obsessed students jumped with fright and paced quickly away. News of my supernatural

encounter with that thing had travelled fast. Not even Belle dared reprimand me for such an act they were starting to feel... threatened. And I liked it. I revel in the new found power deprivation had left behind. When she had died and I saw her peaceful face disappear my heart which had been throbbing painfully had just gone. Unfeeling and different. Wind slashed mercilessly against my pale skin, pearly hair glimmering in the weak sunlight as I reached the secluded part of school. There was another lone figure crossing the schools grounds on the way home. Harrison glared at me fear swimming deeply in his eyes. Our brake-up had not been an pleasant one. For him I guess for me it was merely an inconvenience. I kept walking not bothering to even look at anyone else. Francesca and the others had already left for Natalie’s. Jeff and Isolde had already worked up our covers. I had gone over my role till I was word perfect in my head. The door was left open at Francesca’s. I heard low muttering and hushed conversions as I proceeded down the hall. They stopped abruptly as I entered the room. Scrappy crude drawings of the building was laid out on the table. The hierarchy of the enemy was un-known but their two top ranked followers was. Charlotte and Sharon. Two deadly twins Charlotte able to control blood while Sharon could make you see things that weren’t there. Your greatest fears played out in your minds eye. I didn’t fear them I had already seen my worst nightmare nothing could alter me now. I was gone. Hollow

and lifeless. Whatever. Francesca glanced un-easily at me before speaking. Only Christian was able to sit closest to me without shivering. “We were wondering when you were planning on telling your mum... Steph” Francesca faltered over my name. I shrugged and stared out the window “Tonight I guess” voice scratchy and deep. “Uh, okay now Isolde...” and they all threw themselves into plotting and speculating. Our departure booked for two days. Autumn was here, the trees either stripped bare or some clinging to their crimson and gold leaves. I walked listlessly outside into the freezing cold. I made no move to stop the wind lashing against me. Nowadays it felt like a feathers caress compared to the acid twisting painfully in my dead heart. I glanced over my shoulder. The picture of content and happiness sung from it. Estella had dozed off her head resting on Quinn’s shoulder, Quinn himself reading a thick book. Veronica was laughing as she played with a silky smooth tabby cat; likely to be Isolde’s. Jeff watched her with a tender loving face from the couch. Ash and Christians heads were close together as they talked quickly. Ivy helping Natalie over the stove top. Francesca was going over the plans with Isolde as they laughed about things I could not hear. And it made me to be sick. I made a running leap and jumped cleanly over the back gate and ran without looking back. The crunch and whisper of leaves was my only companion for two minutes.

When I slowed I was a few yards from my own gate. I slowed to a walk then finally slid to the ground. I rested my head on my arm as I curled up on the carpet of thick golden dried leaves. I closed my eyes and drew in a shaky breath. I felt the warmth as a tear slid from the corner of my eye and down the trail of my nose. Leaves fell in a spiral dance around me and settled over my still body. I couldn’t move I was locked in a terrifying trance. Her face the only thing I could see. I spasmed uneasily then hauled myself to my feet scuffling the leaves around to leave no trace of my previous position. Easily skipping the gate I was through the back door in two seconds. Josephine was already setting the plates on the table. Ben and Jet sat bickering over the food. Josephine smiled maternally at them as she took her seat. I hovered in the shadows reining in my fury. Furious because they could still act like a family when she was not present. I sat down quietly. “Oh hi... honey” Josephine stumbled over my name and dismissed it entirely. Ben and Jet stopped laughing and began to eat. I nodded at Josephine and ate without tasting it. “Um so, Stephanie” she began not long after. I looked up; glared the more appropriate term. “Yeah?” I asked rudely. “Im a little worried about you hun. Francesca and you rarely go out anymore and your so pale. Harrison hasn’t been over for weeks, is something going on?”

The fury I had been trying so hard to keep at bay over flowed at her worried sentence. I shoved roughly away from the table “Why don’t you” I snarled “Mind your own business?” “Hey! Don’t talk to mum like that!” Jet too stood up his expression fed up and angry “Try me” I growled at him. The wind was pounding so hard against the glass it was threatening to break. “Lets just sit back down, Stephy dear forget I ever asked!” Josephine begged nervously. “Just like you forgot about her?!” I demanded furious. “How could you—?” Josephine’s chocolate brown eyes swam with tears. “Just shut up, Steph” Jet muttered angrily. “Don’t tell me what to do!” I screamed at him. “Enough!” Josephine yelled over the relentless wind screeching outside. “Stop fighting now, all of you! Steph go to your room” “Forget it” I mumbled angrily and stalked out the back door. I leaped over the back fence vaguely registering Stormtail had scrambled under the hole and followed me. I stripped and hung my clothes on the bough of a tree and shifted; at once I was assaulted by reprimands. I don’t know much about family but im pretty sure that’s not how they usually act Leave me alone Storm No! Your different Stephanie and I don’t like it; it’s nearly been a whole month since Bianca’s death and you—

DO NOT SPEAK HER NAME! Fine... but you must move on she would want you to other than change into this... girl you are now She would want to be alive and it’s your gods that took her from me. And for that; they can all burn in hell as far as I care Stephanie... Stormtail’s voice was sad not the furious yell I had expected. An underlying note of pity in her forlorn tone. The suppressed rage spilled over again and I had turned on her. I had Stormtail pressed to the ground my forepaws dug into her back piercing through her thick fur. I do not want your pity, I do not want anyone’s pity now leave me alone All was quiet in my head I backed away slowly then left. I travelled near our stables and caused the horses some alarm. I shifted not caring about my exposed limbs. I travelled forward to where Scarlett whinnied in pawed the ground in her stall. My eyes flickered to the cardigan hanging on the saddle. I picked it up and sniffed at it carefully. It smelt just like she had. My eyes filled with tears and slid down my cheeks. I wanted her back here, where she belonged. I placed her cardigan back on the hook carefully and turned around slowly. Stormtail appraised me with a critical eye. It was tempting just to walk back un-clothed then listen to her but with a sigh of defeat I shifted back. They are not happy with you Stephanie Im not to pleased with them either They wish for a meeting

When? Now Great... I had only travelled into the Divinity once and I was not looking forward to it a second time. Stormtail’s silver wind swirled lightly then jumped into a complete vortex I shut my eyes then I was staring into a sparkling marble courtyard.

Chapter 14:

Screaming is for those in pain

Two large pristine golden fountains spurted water high into the mauve and blue sky. Glossy sparkling trees swayed in the warm breeze the barmy air engulfing velvety pink roses. A raised platform of the same marble held a throne compromised of vines and many lipped purple flowers I did not know. The lesser gods were standing in a semicircle around the one seated on the elaborate throne. All the women were undeniably beautiful and all the men well muscled and handsome. Though the woman sitting on the natural throne was so beautiful she was hard to look at. Oservia. Her hair was at least three meters long and consisted of various shades. It looked like a sunset was painted into the glistening strands. Her dress was no more than wispy silks. “Stephanie” she breathed. It seemed that all songs of nature was transformed into her perfect voice. I glared back coldly. “What? Are you going to tell me that it was the circle of life? That everything happens for a reason?” Oservia smiled not coldly or warmly. My dead features were expressionless. My powers in the

Divinity had no effect here so the flora remained calm. Stormtail’s human body stood only feet from me. “Thank you for bringing her” Oservia inclined her head to Stormtail who only acknowledged the great god with her eyes. She was anxious. “Going to kill me then?” I snarled “It won’t make any difference” “On the contrary it will make a big difference the war that is going to start—” “Why aren’t you helping then? You created Elementals, help us!” “I created Elementals as pure beings, connected with the earth. You are part of the original four.” I raised an eyebrow contemptuously “At first only Water, Air, Fire and Earth existed, but others have found ways to manipulate their gifts... some for good... some for bad, You Stephanie are a very curious case. Your father was an Air Elemental” My eyes watered and my lips fell apart. “He was an amazing one too but unfortunately when he understood that Air could control all Elements he became crazed. We sent someone to handle the situation but he escaped. Your father Stephanie, is the cause for this war” “No... he died... when I was two... this isn’t right...” I groaned clutching at my head desperately. Oservia continued as if I hadn’t spoken “We thought that his unique gift had died out centuries ago but then it resurfaced first with Leon

Manka and now with his daughter, very curious indeed” “No! Any Air Elemental can do what I do!” “No they can’t, you see Stephanie Air is thin, very, very thin its cunning but there are things that can overpower it. But yours... its different, thicker in a way, a way that allows you to control other Elementals abilities as you did with that Christian boy using Ivy’s dome” “The twins... Charlotte and... Sharon they! They! Are the cause for this war! My pa’ is dead!” I yelled at her. Some of the lesser gods stirred but Oservia remained calm; and it drove me crazy. “Where... where is she?” I spun around desperately expecting her familiar face to peer through the trees. It wasn’t Oservia’s voice that answered me but a husky and yet smooth one. “In the Levity” I spun on my heel to glare at; Crania, the gatekeeper of the Realm of Death. I understood the ‘Levity’ to be the balance between the Divinity and the Crude. “Take me to her!” I demanded forcefully. “Stephanie!” Stormtail hissed shocked. Her human form was blurred but still bore signs of her wolf body. She was dressed in wolves fur; wrapped like a towel under arms and ended high above her knee. The thick grey boots were the same tone as her coat. Her long hair was silvery and matted with the ears of a wolf poking out from between her tresses. “I think its time you go, Stephanie” Oservia whispered and the same silvery wind spun in a

dance around me. The wind had died out and I was standing in the same golden forest as before. Though the celestial spinning had long since ended I continued to see it before my eyes. The information I had thrust upon me so un-willingly stuck to my mind. Stormtail glared accusingly at me with her eyes. I made a rude fingered gesture then stalked away blindly. Trying to get as far away from her as possible. I had never really cared about having extra abilities. I had liked it in a way. But now I resented my gift. Annoyed that it can cause this much turmoil. Furious that I was part of a freak’s world. Miserable that what Oservia said was right.

Chapter 15:

Screaming is for those in pain

“This is it” Quinn said nervously shrugging into his silken black cloak. I shrugged mine on and flipped up the hood. I moved my chin a fraction upwards to allow Natalie to clasp it together. Estella’s cloak brushed the ground slightly while mine only just touched it. “Mmhm” Christian murmured his face hidden in shadow. I avoided his gaze. It was nightfall outside the darkness eerie and still. We slunk outside and slid quietly into the smooth black car provided. “Be careful” Natalie warned; concern swimming in her eyes. Francesca merely nodded her eyes alive with doubt as she stared at me from outside the car. Christian started the ignition. “If anything goes wrong...” Isolde began keeping the door open for Estella “Get out, quickly and quietly, we know” Estella rolled her eyes and hopped in. she was giddy: excited. “Jeff, Felicity, and I will be near-by if you can’t get out, okay?” Isolde said solemnly. Ivy and Veronica had their arms woven around each others waists; they had become great friends over a very short time. Ivy was nervous; she kept hopping from foot to foot. “They’ll be fine” I heard Ash whisper in her ear. She sighed and for a moment her eyes flickered

to mine. I looked away as Christian started the engine and reversed. They waved then retreated inside. The trip was silent. I hadn’t told them about my father and I refused to. Quinn’s link; a ferret was peeking out from underneath the cloak its dark eyes insightful and clever. Estella’s link was a black fox it had slunk underneath the drivers seat. Christians black raven soared overhead while Stormtail remained hidden in the alleys following the quiet car invisibly. Christian cut the engine. The trip was quicker than I’d remembered. I stared at the apparently empty industrial building; this would be my home now, it could be for days or years. “It is odd, the master does not usually send four teenagers out alone” Chase’s cold voice echoed down the vast stone halls. Metal doors had light streaming out from underneath them. Christian and I were ahead while Estella and Quinn brought up the rear. Chase; our guide was snide and cold he was showing us to our quarters “We are very capable” I answered back easily. “Capable or not, girl, it is not right” “What is right and what is not is dictated by the master. Not his servant” my voice was the hollow void it always was and I saw shock flit across Chase’s face. I was glad Christian had a dark aurora about him and enough wit to remain silent. Months ago he may not have expected me to be able to handle the pressure. But deprivation, loss and pain had snuffed out the capability to show any emotion

other than a blank and dead face. “Your chambers” Chase snarled and pushed open a heavy green door. The room was bleak, cold, with two bunks and stuttering candles stuck to the windowless walls. All was stone. When all of us were inside Chase spoke before shutting the door “The master will be in to see you” My heart skipped three beats and my nostrils flared, I looked nothing like my old self but would a father be able to see through that? Or if the rumors were true would he even be human enough to feel paternally? I could ask no-one these questions but myself. The metal door swung shut with a clang. “What are we going to do?” Estella panicked. Quinn’s face mirrored hers “I say we get out now, we know enough already” “You may leave, but im staying” I answered curtly surveying the room leaving my hood up. Hoping it would mask some of my face. “No way” Quinn sounded appalled. Estella wrung her hands worriedly. “You two could probably pull this thing off, but I don’t think I can” Estella spoke to Christian and I. “Estella shut up, your ability is to create mist that’s creepy enough for me” so it should be creepy enough for my father I finished in my head. She was about to protest when I heard the smooth tandem of footsteps “Shush, sit down!” I commanded. My heart beat rapidly as the door opened slowly. Christian hung back near my elbow, and Leon Manka entered the room. His skin was the same

brown her’s had been, he was tall; as tall as me. With thick curly brown mahogany hair. I was positive Christian saw the resemblance. Leon could’ve had the same grey eyes as me if it weren’t for mine been a flat black. His cloak was a silvery grey sparkling slightly in the dim light. Two females entered in his wake. Charlotte and Sharon. Charlotte was pale as bone, with flaming red hair, eyelashes, lips and scarily so; eyes all crimson. Sharon was her opposite, equally pale though with jet black hair, eyelashes, lips and her eyes to. Charlotte wore a sparkling black cloak while Sharon wore a red one. So different, yet so similar. The way they looked could have been comical but it was more intimidating though. “So you’re the four who ruffled Chase, so” Leon’s voice was smooth a mocking edge to it. Charlotte wore an identical smirk to Sharon’s. “I do not recall ever meeting you though” Leon continued. “Forgive us” I murmured bowing low, I saw his eyes flicker briefly “But we knew of only one way to meet the infamous Leon” Leon’s cheek lifted up in a snide grin. “Ah yes, but how do I know to trust four teenagers?” “You don’t” Christian answered sarcastically. Unlike me he had his arms folded and leaned against a bunk a mocking grin plastered on his half shadowed face. I could feel Quinn’s and Estella’s tension. The smiles fell off Charlottes and Sharon’s face and threatened to turn into snarls. To our surprise Leon

started to shake with laughter. “I like you four, what are your names?” “Christian Vance” “Estella Knolls” “Quinn Hardmen” “Stacy Manka” I relished in the way I saw Leon flinch at the mention of my last name. But I didn’t want to give the game away so kept my first name a secret. I did not look forward to answering the others questions later. Unfortunately I forgot this man was my father so he must be something like me “Manka, that is an interesting last name, tell me Stacy, what are your siblings names?” “I am an orphan, I have no family” my voice as cold as the air around us. Leon’s eyes became cloaked once more. “You don’t have one ounce of affection in you” he didn’t phrase it like a question but a statement and began to walk around me in a slow circle. My chin lifted an infinitesimal amount. “You, Stacy will be useful in the higher ups, and you... Christian” “You two, will be gatherers” he nodded dismissively at Estella and Quinn. Estella was slightly insulted for a second then composed her face again. Leon Manka swept from the room the two frightening women in tow behind him. The door swung shut again. “Looks like we’ve just been sorted” I murmured turning to the others. Before Quinn could speak Christian beat him to it.

“What was that about? Your not an orphan” “I don’t want him to know anything about me” “Fair enough” Christian muttered but the suspicious hint deep in his yellow eyes never vanished. “What’s a gatherer?” Quinn asked tentatively breaking Christian and I out of our reverie. “I have a vague idea” Estella answered in a quivery voice; we all stared “Didn’t any of you listen to Isolde? The-they take people... and... and... kill them, that’s what he meant by ‘gatherer’ and you two I guess you do the deed” I had known what she meant. A part of me noted that they may be the reason for the humans murder that Quinn and Estella will not have to take part in he killing. But could I do that? Could I take away another’s loved one? I remembered with awful clarity how it first felt when I saw her face. The pain had no less dimmed but I had just become so used to it that now it felt like I had always been this way. I turned my back on them hiding my face from their eyes. Uncertainty is a weakness. A lesson I had been taught so brutally. I felt a hand on my shoulder; only just singing through the silky black coat then the double protection of my shirt. “We should get some sleep” Christian’s voice echoed in the cold room. Estella shivered as she pulled off her cloak she turned away for a second then placed the cloak folded up on the lower bunk “Its okay you’ll be warmer if you sleep up top” Quinn insisted. She smiled warmly at him then hoisted herself up onto the top bunk. I noticed how

easily she was able to do that “You’re a dancer” I noted eyeing Quinn. I was occasionally perceptive and you had to be a moron not to notice that he was one step away from falling in love with her; fool. “Yeah” Estella mumbled slithering under the sheets. The sheets were stretched taught across her shoulders and yet she still shivered. Quinn stripped a sheet off his bed and threw it up over her. He smiled wanly at us then rolled over on his side. Within seconds he was snoring loudly. The sound magnified ten times but the cold stone walls. Sighing heavily I yanked the pillow off my bed and placed it over Quinn’s head; it muffled the sound only slightly. Quinn gagged and rolled over. “I was hoping I was going to have to do this” I groaned. I made the motion of waves with my hands and the sound completely blocked itself out. “How’d you learn that?” Christian asked in slight shock as he came up behind me. “Taught it to myself” I muttered finishing off with a final stroke “Hm... Stephanie how did you figure out all these things you can manage, Natalie’s a Fire Elemental there’s no way she could’ve taught you all that... stuff” “Long story, and im tired” I answered drily avoiding the answer. I had so frequently wondered why I knew how to control others Elementals... and yet I had no answer, until now. It was in my blood. My father, the man I had only just met. He looked

like me but... why? Why did he fake his own death? Cause mum so much turmoil? ...mum... Ben, Jet and... and... her why would he do it? Only a monster could leave four children and a wife behind then resurface as a monster so many years later, monster and I was back to the previous question. I was related to Leon, his very own daughter, with the same dark gift. Did that mean that I too was going to turn out like him? Killing for the sake of it? Murdering just to get the gods attention? Slaughtering just so he could become famous. Forcing innocent kids no older than three to die, or kill. Why? Why did I be the one to be next in line for this gift? Why not, Jet or Ben... or her. Jet and Ben handled their sisters death better than I comforting Josephine, trying to fill the void they felt. But I refused to move on, see the truth for what it was. That she was gone and never coming back no matter how much I wished for her to be here. Quinn and Estella had given up their life, their families so willingly. Christian was an orphan he had nothing to give up. And yet I’d taken mine for granted. Not given a seconds thought to how Josephine would cope after her second daughter disappearing. I rolled over on my side and the squeaked. I reached out a hand and traced the cold wall. The unfamiliar warmth of tears spilled over the rim of my eyes and travelled down my lips. I did nothing to stop them. And then I was back there. Staring at her perfect face, bloodied, bruised and beaten. Dead. I closed my eyes preying sleep would

take me captive soon. All night I tossed and turned and didn’t fall asleep until three.

Chapter 16:

Screaming is for those in pain

“Wake up, wake up!” Quinn urged shaking my shoulder roughly. Not thinking my predatory instincts kicked in before realization. I shot up at the same time a strong gust knocked him off his feet and slammed him roughly into the wall. I noticed time slowed by a fraction so Quinn’s back did not hit the wall as hard as it should’ve. “Sorry, sorry!” I was out a bed and crouched in front of him before anyone else could react. “You took me by surprise” I mumbled scanning him for bruises. Christian was bent double; laughing, eyes closed. Estella to was smirking slightly. “Nice” Christian chortled “You really aren’t a morning person” he lapsed over in more laughter. Grumbling inaudibly the wind carried my cloak over and draped it on my shoulders. A quick fast thrumming sounded a couple of times on the door then stopped. We all paused and stared bemused at it. Soon loud chatter and footsteps started up outside. I opened our door a crack and bodies were

walking past, all different shapes, colours and sizes. I was reminded irresistibly reminded of school when the bell rang. “Looks like its our morning assembly” I smiled then slithered out the door. Christian shoved the door aside roughly with Quinn and Estella in tow. Christian and I both had our hoods up covering our brows and eyes in darkness while Estella and Quinn let theirs fall down. Estella’s slightly tangled, dark braided hair spilled all the way down to her waist. An part of my mind noted that though the people walking past looked to be around twenty or fifteen. The oldest seemed to be only twenty eight. “Where do we go?” Quinn whispered “Follow” I breathed and joined the flow. Christian remained firmly by my side. Some faces we passed turned curiously to stare at us. Judging by their eyes only a few Water Elementals were collected in this group. Going up to Earth, Fire and more Wind Elementals than I’d ever seen before. Some though like Estella and Quinn were unidentifiable. The room we filed into was bigger than one the Elite had called the gathering to. The ceiling so high it looked as though it had no end while rows and rows of wooden seats were lined along its vast floor. And there; sitting on a raised platform with a throne that resembled a distorted version of Oservia’s sat Leon. Charlotte to his right, Sharon to his left. And then six girls; three on each side were seated at the same table. Nothing would’ve seemed odd about it but all these girls held a slight resemblance to me. All

looked to be around seventeen, bronze skin, curly or dark hair, and glittering grey eyes. The smallest being five feet two. Creepy... How Leon Manka picked me out from among the thick crowd I did not know. Though the minute he stood up and raised his hands all was quiet and I knew what was going to happen before it did. Us four were the only still standing “Wauneta, show our three newcomers to their proper seats” he whispered. One of the girls who looked more or less like me stood up and trotted down the hall. She knew what my father meant and took Quinn, Estella and Christian to a free bench. Christian hovered reluctantly for a second then with a nod from me followed her. The intensity of the others gazes were like a tangible feel on me. My face still hidden shadow showed nothing of the fear making my heart pound like a steam train. “Stacy why don’t you come up here” he whispered though it echoed like he’d screamed in the silent hall. My footsteps made me flinch with every step that took me closer to the stage. Eventually I was at the top standing with my back away from all the cold faces. I kept my eyes trained on the ground. Hoping vainly I was wrong about my presumption. Leon walked forward very deliberately until he was right in front of me. I was as tall as him. He turned me around very slowly though I did not resist. Breaths quickened they knew something major was going to happen. My hands were curled into talons and my breathing hitched constantly. This was it,

this was it. I kept repeating in my head. The hood hid my face completely in shadow. “As you all know I have been looking for the one who I promised would help us, take us to the top, rule over sniveling humans and the Elite!” Cheers and roars erupted. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and tried to stop the minor tremors rocking through my body. It felt as though I had been doused in icy water. “Well now I have found her, Stephanie Manka! Yes, my daughter!” Leon roared and pulled my hood back. My pitch blac hair spilled over my face, my white hands strained so tightly the bone looked like it may pierce my skin. My jet black irises held only a small hint of their once grey. A vicious hope consumed my entire being I did not look anything like my usual self. I did not even sound like the old Stephanie. The only similarity was the height. There was silence. I did not dare look for the faces of Christian, Quinn and Estella. No matter what I was now I could never be able to stand their shocked and disgusted looks. “I see you have changed daughter” Leon murmured a smirk threatening the edges of his dark lips. He noticed my only slight wince at the mention of daughter. “But you are not my only child, though the others are of no use to me...” He’s baiting you... don’t react... don’t react I chanted over and over in my head. If I react the game was up.

“I expected it to be her you see, Stephanie, Bianca” he purposefully clarified not missing my obvious blanch at the name I’ve tried so hard to suppress. “But when the girl showed no sings of our uniqueness I gave up, faked my own death and left that pitiful woman” He’s talking about mum I hissed furiously in my head. The fury bubbling in my stomach was becoming unruly. I wished nothing more than to leap at him and tear him apart, skin from bone. He was putting my life on display for so many I did not know. “Then I heard about a girl, displaying wild abilities, how the wind picked up when she was mad” he murmured in my ear. “Oh but your sister, she knew... she’d figured it out and that” he laughed “Was a complication” I spun sharply to face him “She knew?!” Leon’s smile was smug but I paid it no mind that the game was over, that he’d won. She... she knew... but... why? Had she known that her sister was a freak? Is that why she’d gone? Ashamed to be related to me? So many questions and the man I loathed so much held all the answers. “Oh yes she knew alright, and was going to confront you. And I couldn’t have that. So I had dear Sharon here” Sharon’s black lips were pulled up in a smirk. “Morph the boyfriends mind, oh she was upset, very upset and it was only a matter of tampering with her breaks and... no more Bianca”

I stood still for a nanosecond processing this. He’d done it; killed my sister. His daughter without so much as a glance as she’d fumbled for the brakes. She would be here. I saw red; it slunk over everything and I tasted nothing but raw blood on my tongue. A vicious craving for his death took over every particle, every bone, every muscle and every organ in my body. I shook violently while nothing but Leon clouded my vision. I snarled and a tornado grew into existence. Reaching up to the never-ending ceiling. And he smiled. I felt others powers, trying to help their beloved leader. Yells of fright, screaming trying to get out. Now everything was a blur various objects picked up by the tornado were spinning in front of me. I was about to thrust every heavy object I could find at him then everything slowed by seconds. Soon I was able to disconcert even the dust particles. I came back to myself, realizing for the sake of others killing Leon would not result well. I could not risk anyone else’s life. Estella was holding up a weak Quinn. I glanced at him then Christians confused face then sighed. The objects dropped with almighty crashes. Time began at its normal pace again. Quinn breathed out heavily and sunk to the floor. “Your gifts will be useful” Leon murmured exiting the hall with a final winning look at me. “Why?” was all Christian asked gazing heavily at me “You knew, from the moment he walked in—” “NO! I knew long before than, I knew when Stormtail took me to the Divinity, Oservia told me!”

“Then why the effing hell didn’t you tell us?!” he yelled back. “I JUST SHOWED YOU WHY!” I screeched. My echo bounced off the walls. The furious silence billowed between us. It felt like there was a veil. Separating me from them. Christian and I were breathing in out heavily locked in a heated gaze. I hated them, I hated Leon, I hated my ability. The reason so many were dying. I didn’t want to be me. I wanted to be young again when I could run into my mothers arms and cry, she would comfort me and say everything would be alright. But it wasn’t going to be. And it never will be again.

Wind in the Trees; In the Beginning

Annoyed that it can cause this much turmoil. Furious that I was part of a freak’s world. Miserable that what Oservia said was right.

Stephanie Manka hides in secrecy with the rest of her world. Living happily as a little more than ordinary teenager. A normal life, normal friends. But when someone from her clandestine world threatens to expose her secret; which side will she choose? The answer seems obvious but more and more secrets are revealed and only some answered.

Finished: Thursday 2nd of July, 2009, at 10:33 pm.

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