Why Meditate

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 6,757
  • Pages: 17
Why Meditate? Man is born out of Divine Energy. Man is made up of 5 major elements, namely Earth (Prithvi), Water (Jala), Fire (Agni), Air (Vayu), Ether (Akasha). Man emerged from these 5 elements, lives in these elements and will go back to them – the original source.

Existence or Cosmos or Prapanja is made up of these 5 elements. All the 5 elements are different forms of the same Energy called God or Self or Atman. Muslims call it Allah, Hindus call it Brahman, Christians call it God and so on. As Thythreya Upanishad says “…from Existence came Ether, from ether came Air, from air came Fire, from fire came Water, from water came the Earth and from the Earth came Life….” When Man is at ease or is in tune with these 5 elements, he is all right. When he is not at ease with them, he is dis-eased. All the meditation techniques that Masters have designed over the years are aimed at tuning man to these 5 elements. The basis of all religions lies in tuning Man to Existence through these 5 elements. The thirst to get in tune with the source of the all-pervading Energy has given rise to many religions. Idols are made up of clay (Earth). Idol worship is trying to realize the Cosmic Energy through the Earth element. Idol worship is the first plane of tuning. Bathing in holy rivers is trying to realize the Energy through the water element; 80% of our body constitutes water. Performing Yagnya or Homa (rituals with fire) is trying to realize this Energy through the Fire element. The fire outside represents the fire inside us. Chanting or repeating mantras is trying to connect to this Energy through the Air element and finally Meditation or Dhyana is trying to connect to this Energy through the Ether element. Ether is the subtlest form of Energy. Man should attempt to graduate from Idol worship to Meditation. Inspired by these ideas on meditation, may you merge with Existence and attain Nithyananda (Eternal Bliss). Let you all become awakened and become Buddhas. My love and blessings to you. A simple and effective meditation technique is the Mahamantra meditation which you may practice everyday to tune yourself with Existence.

The Mahamantra Meditation Technique

Mahamantra makes your mind sthira. Sthira means firm or rooted. The mind is all the time oscillating with thoughts. This meditation makes your mind still by making it enter into the zone of no-mind. It is like a jumping board to enter into Infinity, to merge with Existence or God. It is an ancient Tibetan – Buddhist technique. This meditation should be done on an empty stomach, either alone or as a group. Total duration is 30 minutes. You may use the audiocassette to aid you in the meditation.

First part: Sit cross-legged in a comfortable position on the floor. Your head, neck and spine should be in a straight line. Those of you who are not able to sit on the floor may sit on a chair. Feel relaxed and close your eyes. Even after we close our eyes, we see forms and images from behind the eyelids. To counter this, imagine that your eyeballs have become as hard as stones, then the images will die. Keep your lips together and produce the sound ‘Mmmm…’ from inside. If you were to put your face inside an empty aluminum vessel and make a humming sound, the sound generated will be similar to this. Note that this is not ‘Humm…’ or ‘Omm…’, it is simply keeping your lips together and producing ‘Mmmm…’ sound. The humming should be as lengthy as possible between breathes; it should be as deep as possible (from the navel center) and as loud as possible. There is no need to make an effort to take in deep breaths, the body itself will take breaths when needed. Don’t become tense, just do it in a relaxed manner. Immerse your whole being and energy into creating this vibration. Try to minimize the gap between the humming sounds. After some time, you will feel that the humming continues without your effort and that you have become simply a listener! Listen to Swamiji's instructions on the humming (Needs Windows Media Player. If unable to hear you

can download the file by clicking here) At the end of 20 minutes, stop the humming (if you are playing the cassette, you will hear ‘Stop!’, and you stop as you are, abruptly).

Second part: After stopping the humming, remain silent and inactive for 10 minutes in a blissful mood with a smiling face. (The cassette will play music for these 10 minutes). During this time, the Energy created by the 20 minutes of humming will enter all the corners of your being and cleanse it. If any thought comes to your mind let it come. Simply watch your mind and don’t resist any thought. My love and blessings to you.

The Dukkaharana Meditation Technique During the age of Pathanjali, man was able to calm his mind by meditating with mantras. At that time, man was simple with no complex cerebral layers, hence these techniques

worked. Today, methods adopting silence will not help. Man has become neurotic and complicated with the growth of Science and Consumerism. What exactly are these cerebral layers? They are the complications in the mind created by media that include - the television, the radio, the newspapers and the billboards. Consumerist ideas are continuously being injected into your Being. You are hypnotized and mesmerized. You need to unload these suppressions and desires in order to be able to sit calmly. This meditation technique does not force sanity into you but forces out the insanity in you. You are already Nithyananda (Eternal Bliss). That is your natural state. I just need to cut the layer of Dukkha (sorrow) that’s all. Dukkaharana is a technique that will enable the flowering of bliss within you by throwing out these cerebral layers. It works on cleansing the Muladhara chakra. Many Masters have employed this technique before. It takes totally 30 minutes. Breathing is the bridge to the Universe. It is the system with which you are living your mind. If your thinking is calm, your breath will be relaxed. If your thinking is aggressive, your breathing will also be aggressive. You first need to control your breathing in order to control your mind. Presently, in our repressed state, most of us are half-alive and halfdead. Let us go on to the meditation technique. You may practice this technique on an empty stomach preferably in the morning. Wear loose fitting (preferably white coloured) clothes and keep to the music in the audiocassette. First part: In the first part of this meditation, with your eyes closed, chaotic breathing should be carried out in order to create chaos in your repressed system. In a standing position, breathe in and when you breathe out, bend your knees a little and come back to the standing position while breathing in again; a pumping action will be created. The breathing should be aggressive. Your mental system will be made fully alive by the increased intake of oxygen; it becomes more vital. Your cells will get more energy and will create more bioelectricity or bio-energy. This energy will melt all the repressed emotions like melting ice. If you are playing the cassette, you will hear 'Stop!' at the end of 10 minutes. Second part: The next part is catharsis - expelling all the poison in you. With your eyes closed, for 10 minutes, stretch out and clench every part of your body as much as you can. At the end of these 10 minutes, you will feel vacant inside and you will become cool, calm and composed. If you are playing the cassette, when you hear me saying ‘Stop’, just stop as you are. For a moment, you will experience the state of ‘No Mind’. Third part: For the next 10 minutes, sit or lie down in silence. Simply witness whatever happens inside or outside your Being. The first two parts of this technique are actually a preparation for this third part that is meditation. You will see that the mind becomes silent

effortlessly by itself. Silence cannot be forced upon anyone, it can only happen. Remain in this relaxed state with a smiling face and blissful mood. During this time, there may be many experiences, just watch them as you would watch the television; watch your mind, thought by thought. 21 days of Dukkhaharana will transform your Being. This is like having a psychological bath. You will be able to experience the Silence in you. When you kill sorrow, bliss flowers and sends forth beautiful vibrations from you. My love and blessings to you.

Arogya Spurana Program - Meditation Techniques You are advised to do these meditations exactly as given here to receive the full benefit of them. It is advised to practice these techniques after having attended the Arogya Spurana Meditation Program. Do not mix and match or customize these techniques. You are welcome to share these techniques with others without altering any of the instructions, as there may be side effects. These meditation techniques belong to the planet Earth. They are the gift of ancient Masters. Enjoy them! No part of this web page may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use without permission in writing from Life Bliss Foundation. In the event that you use any of the information in this web page for yourself, the organization will assume no responsibility for your actions. All techniques are to be done with eyes closed and on an empty stomach. Technique to balance the pitta in the body: This technique is to balance the pitta in the body. Pitta is made up of the two elements - fire and water. This technique has 3 parts in all. Total duration: 30 mins. Meditation method:

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Close your eyes. The first 10 minutes: In standing position, completely shake your body from head to toe. This will awaken the unused energy centers in the body. Let your body become liquid-like.

The next 10 minutes: Sit down and create whatever sound comes to the mind. Release all the irritation inside. Whenever you carry irritation in you, the pitta in your body will get imbalanced.

The last 10 minutes: Just sit quietly. Witness whatever is happening in your body and mind, without passing any judgment on any of your thoughts or resisting any thought.

Centering Technique: This technique is a visualization technique to center you fully inside your body. It has two parts. Total duration: 21 mins. Meditation method:

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Close your eyes. First part: In standing position, tense every part of your body, part by part, starting with the feet, then moving onto calf muscles, knees, thighs, hip, abdomen, chest and back, shoulders, arms, hands, neck, face and head.

Second part: In standing position, visualize every part of your body inhaling and exhaling. Infuse etheric energy (prana shakti or the vital energy that you take in while breathing) into every single part of the body. This will give you deep relaxation; you will radiate peace.

Chakra Energization Technique: Chakras are the vital energy centers in our bodies. They are mainly responsible for diseases at the physical and mental levels. If they are kept in an energized condition, we can be free from all types of diseases. Total duration: 21 mins. Meditation method:

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Close your eyes and sit comfortably cross-legged on the floor. Start at Muladhara chakra - the root chakra. Breathe prana (the vital energy that you take in while breathing) in and out through the Muladhara chakra. Visualize prana going in and out. Feel it touching the chakra and vibrating it.

Next, repeat this process with the Swadhistana chakra - 2 inches below the navel.

Next, repeat the process with each of the remaining chakras - the Manipuraka chakra navel center, the Anahata chakra - the heart center, the Vishuddhi chakra - the throat center, the Ajna chakra - the brow center and the Sahasrara chakra - the crown center.

Pain Dissolving Technique: This technique can be done when experiencing pain in any part of your body. Meditation method:

Close your eyes and sit comfortably.

Focus on the part of the body that has pain and deliberately drop the word 'pain' from your mind. Do not allow the word pain in your mind. Your mental chatter will continue to tell you that you have pain. Turn it off. Feel the area of pain deeply. Just look into it with an open mind, with the curiosity of a child. Look into what is happening inside your mind. You will soon see that your mind is just exaggerating the pain. Find the center of the pain. The pain will reduce as consciousness is infused into the area. Focus your awareness on it and suddenly you will discover that the pain has disappeared, and in its place there is only bliss. Pain is just an absence of awareness. It automatically dissolves once you focus your awareness on it. Any pain can be transcended with this technique. You will find that pain is a door to bliss.

Verbalization & Visualization Clearing Technique: This technique gives an experience of deep relaxation. If our eyes are tense, our whole being is tensed. Eyes and Being are closely related. That's why you can tell so much from a person's eyes. This technique really helps those who sit in front of the computer all day. If you do this just once a month, it will clear all the tension that is accumulated from this activity. It will clear all the verbalization and visualization. You will experience a deep silence and relaxation in you. This technique has two parts: Total duration: 13 mins. Meditation method:

First part (10 mins.): Close your eyes and sit with your head, neck and back in a straight line. Chant the hoomkara (hoom sound) intensely into your center. Send the sound inside. The energy of this sound will work on your body and energize it. It will infuse energy into you.

Second part (3 mins.): Roll your eyes either clockwise or anticlockwise. Do not allow any inner visualization. Roll your eyes intensely; this itself will stop all the inner visualization.

Third part: Relax for few minutes. By the time you reach this step, you will have a clear awareness in you because you have cleared the verbalization and visualization. So naturally you will see a deep silence in you. Enjoy and relax into that silence for a few minutes. This is like a complete cleansing program.

Technique to erase unconscious thoughts: This technique engages both the unconscious and conscious parts of our mind and clears the continuous stream of unconscious thoughts. Meditation method:

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Visualize a blackboard.

Then visualize writing the number zero on it and wiping it 3 times.

Visualize writing the number 3 on it and wiping it, three times. Visualize writing the number 2 on it and wiping it, 3 times. Visualize writing the number 1 on it and wiping it 3 times.

Vipassana - Silence Technique: This technique has three parts. Total duration: 30 mins. Meditation method:

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Close your eyes. First part : For 10min, witness all the subtle physical movements of the body. Second part: For 10min, inhale and exhale and witness the breath going in, taking a turn and coming out.

Third part: For 10min, witness the mind.

Experience the deep silence. Maintain this silence for as long as you are able to; it will take you deep into your Being.

Agni-Fire Navel Clearing Technique: This technique has two parts: Total duration: 25 mins. Meditation method:

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Close your eyes. First part (10 mins.): Sit in vajraasan position (sit upright resting your bottom on your feet, feet outwards and with legs under you). Visualize agni (fire) in the navel area. This burns away all the impurities. Visualize prana (the vital energy that you take in while breathing) going into the navel and making the fire burn more intensely.

Second part (10 mins.): Sit cross-legged and chant the hoomkara (hoom sound) intensely and inwardly into your body and visualize it intensifying the fire

Third part: Sit quietly and relax.

Pranic Breathing Technique: This technique energizes the pranic layer (breath layer) of your body. There are seven energy bodies in us out of which the pranic layer is one of them. It is also called the breath body. Total duration: 21 mins. Meditation method:

Close your eyes.

Sit in vajraasan position (sit upright resting your bottom on your feet, feet outwards and with legs under you). Inhale through the mouth slowly and deeply. Swallow and digest the air and prana (the vital energy that you take in while breathing). You will feel a tremendous coolness in your being. Inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose. When you breathe deeply through the mouth and swallow the air, automatically your body will exhale through nose.

Tejas Tattwas Technique: This technique has two parts. We are connecting the previous two meditations together. Total duration: 22 mins. Meditation method:

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Close your eyes. First part (15 mins.): Sit in vajraasan position (sit upright resting your bottom on your feet, feet outwards and with legs under you). Connect the upper and lower body with chin mudra: thumb and forefinger together to form a circle and the remaining three fingers straight. Point the chin mudra towards the body where the upper body meets the lower body at the top of thigh. Visualize fire and chant the hoomkara (hoom sound).

Second part (7 mins.): Bend forward and touch the ground with the forehead. Remain in this posture. Inhale air and prana (the vital energy that you take in while breathing) through the mouth and then allow the body to exhale through the nose.

Third part: Visualize a cool white light throughout the entire body while doing this.

Inner Chattering Clearing Technique: This technique will center you in your body. All of these techniques are to center you in your body. Once you feel at ease with your body, you can experience boundarilessness. Inner chattering and tongue-movement are deeply connected. You cannot think without making some tonguemovement. The moment you start thinking, you move out of your body. Total duration: 30 mins. Meditation method:

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Close your eyes and sit cross-legged on the floor. First part (5 mins.): Concentrate on your tongue. Feel as though it has become a solid stone. Focus your awareness on your whole tongue. Do not allow even subtle movements of the tongue. Do not allow a single word to rise in your mind.

Second part (25 mins.): Visualize your whole body smiling. Feel your whole body at ease, relaxed, in a deep feeling of enjoyment. Feel your whole body smiling intensely.

Willpower Technique: This technique can be used to achieve a strong mind and body. It strengthens our will. Vivekananda says: "You will feel such strength in body and mind even if you sit like this for five minutes every day." Total duration: 21 mins. Meditation method:

Sit on both your hands (palm facing up) and close your eyes. Your hands should come underneath you from both the sides of your body. Concentrate on the tip of nose. Feel your boundary completely (where your skin and clothes meet.) Feel yourself as one complete piece. Your body will become as solid as a rock.

Gratitude to the body: The body is the closest thing that we have to Consciousness, Atman or the Divine. When we pray intensely to the body, it will respond to our prayers and requests. Its intelligence will activate its own healing. Total duration: 21 mins. Meditation method:

Sit down cross-legged and close your eyes. Give your deep gratitude for all the blissful experiences your body has given you, all the enjoyment and pleasure you have experienced through your body. Request the body to heal any disease that you have. Your body can do miracles.

The Vipasana Meditation Technique This is a very easy meditation technique and is called Vipasana. It does not require you to believe in any God or Guru. It can be done at any time of the day. It acts directly act on your mind and makes it more sensitive. It brings our minds under our complete awareness so that we can use it at any time to its fullest capacity. This technique in a nutshell is - 'watching your breath'. Our breath and mind are closely related. Scientists say that we use only 2 percent of our mind power. In order to use it fully, we need to meditate. Our mind power is wasted when we harbour thousands of thoughts in it. This Vipasana technique steadies our minds. If you watch the elephant when it is walking, you will see that it sways its trunk from one side to the other continuously. If you give it a log of wood to hold, it will stop swaying its trunk while walking. Likewise, to steady our mind that is swaying all the time, we need something. That is the Vipasana

technique. When our mind stops swaying, it becomes more powerful. When hundred thoughts rise in our mind, only 2 of them materialize because our mind is exhausted in creating and harbouring these 100 thoughts. If only 10 thoughts rise in our mind, at least 8 of them will materialize because the energy that was earlier used in creating the remaining 90 thoughts can now be used to materialize these 8 thoughts. We will be able to use the energy to scrutinize these 8 thoughts and implement them. Our breath is entwined with our mind. The elephant’s tusk that is seen outside as big and long is present inside the elephant’s mouth as teeth. It is actually the same bone. The tusk outside is nothing but the teeth inside and the teeth inside is nothing but the tusk outside. Similarly, our breath when it goes inside, is our mind and the mind when it comes outside, is our breath. If you get angry, you will see that your breath is more aggressive. If you control your breath, you will see that your mind calms down. As you calm your mind, your breath will regularize and as your breath regularizes, your mind will calm down. Bringing this cycle under our complete awareness is what this technique does. Now for the technique: Sit in arthapadmasana posture. This is an easy Buddha-posture where you simply squat on the floor keeping your back straight. Balance your body. Let us see how to balance your body. Close your eyes and slowly move your upper body forwards, you will feel the weight of you body. Now, slowly push your body backwards until you reach a point where your centre of gravity falls in a straight line and you feel weightless. Now from this position, move further backwards and you again feel the weight of your body. Now move forwards until you reach the same point of weightlessness again. This position is your position for meditation. Each one has his own position for meditation and he has to identify it by this simple method. When we breathe, four things happen and they are as follows: The air goes in, it returns to come out, it comes out and returns to go in. All you have to do is, keep your eyes closed and watch these four activities closely without missing any of them. Watch like how you watch television; watch like a witness these four stages of your breath. When you do this, don’t suppress or resist any thought that surfaces, just look at them with friendship. This technique was founded by Buddha and is said to have created most number of enlightened people. Practice this technique for 20 minutes everyday. It will bring in increasing clarity into your life. Your mind and body will come under your complete awareness. Currently, your mind and body are on their own. You are going behind them. When you get into a car and start the vehicle, you should be able to stop it when you wish to, only then you are in control of the car, else the car is controlling you! It is the same case with our minds also. We have started our minds but we are not able to stop it. Our minds are driving us now. Anything done with awareness will bring about a big change in our lives. This technique increases our awareness of our mind and body. My love and blessings to you.

Swamiji answers your Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) •

(On Ananda Healing) What is the advantage in Your system of healing?

Today, many systems of healing are there. People do heal and give results. But they don’t have enough maturity or purity. When you get energy from somebody, you receive his thoughts as well. When you go to a professional man for healing, he may give you results but he also passes on his immature thoughts to you. If you go to a Master or people who have been initiated by a Master for healing, you will see that only positive Energy will be received. You will get healed and you will also become more mature in your thoughts. • •

Why do You initiate people to be healers? I have only two hands for healing. I need more hands to spread my Energy and so I initiate people to be my healers.

Is there any difference between healing done by You and healing done by Your Healers? No! absolutely no difference. The same Energy that flows through me flows through them also.

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You are God; Can't Your healers therefore be regarded as God? When they heal, they are God. As for me, whether I heal or not, I have already merged with Existence and so I am God.

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Can you give all Your power to Your healers so that they can always be God? By all means! If they can take up the responsibility that I have taken, if they can handle the Energy that I am handling, then by all means. It is just a question of maturity and their understanding of handling the Energy.

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What do You want them to do to take up that responsibility? Meditate. Secondly, just be in the presence of the Master. It will do a lot of good. Individual instructions like ‘do this’ and ‘don’t do that’ cannot be given. Just be with the Master, it will make you God or Master. When you go near fire, it will consume you and make you also part of it. Likewise, just be with an open mind near the Master. Being with a Master will make your Being into a Master.

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How long does a person have to undergo healing? It depends on the disease and the age of the person, how long he has suffered, how deep rooted the disease is in his body etc.

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Is it possible for You to tell the patient when exactly he will get cured? Yes. When I meet him personally, I can tell the exact period.

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How do You plan to serve society on a large scale? In serving society, I want to make them more mature, settled, healthy, happy and blissful! My only message or goal is to be blissful and to make others blissful. The method of realising this is ‘Dhyanapeetam’. Here people will be able practice meditation and healing sciences and there will be an Energy centre where the world’s largest live Linga will be installed, which will hold and radiate live Energy. People will come there to receive the healing Energy from the Linga. They will go back as more mature and healthy people. The Linga will radiate Energy to heal 4000 people at a time. This will be the hub of our activity. Regular teacher training or healers’ training courses will be conducted and through this we will serve society on a large scale

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Is distant healing possible? If yes, how? Distant healing is possible. At the body level, we are different. At the mental level, we are all connected in a deep and unconscious way. Distance and space do not count.

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Is the healing that You are doing black magic? It is not black magic, it is white magic! Energy along with the maturity to handle it is white magic while energy with no maturity to handle it is black magic. If you a give a knife to a child, he might hurt himself or hurt others. He does not have the maturity to handle it. If you give the same knife to a surgeon, he will use it to heal people. It depends on the maturity of the person handling it. In the same way, energy can be used to do good or bad. The man who is spiritually Enlightened will do white magic while the man who has no maturity to handle the energy will do black magic.

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(On Rebirth) Can a person be reborn in any form any number of times? Our desires decide this. If a person has killed 10 people in this birth, he will have a desire to kill the 11th person. To fulfil that desire he will be re-born in an appropriate place. A person always doing poojas in this birth might be born in an agraharam (Brahmin priest's house) in his next birth.

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Why can’t that killer decide to reform himself? If he commits at least one murder fully, that is with complete awareness, he will not feel like killing again. If you eat one rasgulla with complete awareness, you will not crave for it any more. You may or may not eat it again, that’s a different issue, but you will be satisfied and will not crave for it.

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If we do good in this birth, is there any guarantee that we will do good deeds in the next birth as well? When will we stop having rebirths? There is every possibility of it. When a man is used to doing good deeds, he will look to being reborn in a place where he can do people good. Each person has got the complete freedom to decide on his birth. Your parents, your life, your place of

birth, all these are decided by you. If you live unconsciously and die unconsciously, you will be confused about what to choose at the time of re-birth. In that confused state, you allow yourself to be pulled by your desires, that’s all. For eg., if you are from Chennai and you go to Bangalore, you will not know what to do there. If your desire lies in visiting temples, you will go to a temple in Bangalore. If you like watching movies, the cinema theatre will pull you to it. In the same way, when you leave your body, you are in a confused state in Existence. Whatever desires you had in your previous birth will pull you to take on a suitable rebirth. Just like what happens when you go from one place to another, things happen from one birth to another also. It is your clear choice because nobody is there at that time to interfere. You should live all your desires fully and with complete awareness, to your maximum capacity. Then you will not have a rebirth. At the unconscious level, you should be desire-free. • • •

Cant we resist the pull of our desires at the time of taking a new birth? If you are conscious and realize that you are being pulled by desires, you can take a suitable decision. But what happens is, the moment the pull is felt, you book your ticket for the next journey and go to that place, that is take on a new birth.

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How to change that? We have to bring about a distance between our thoughts (the pull) and ourselves. We should see that we are different from our thoughts. We normally associate ourselves with our thoughts. If we separate ourselves from them, we will get the maturity to handle them. Creating that awareness is the only way.

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(On Religion and Spirituality - a young girl at a college gathering) Swamiji, did love failure cause You to become a sanyasi? No ma, it was success in love that made me a sanyasi! I know what the meaning of real love is. The love that you know is only infatuation; simple hormonal torture. Your mind is not under your control. Your hormones are pushing you out of your mind. You need someone outside to satisfy your psychological image, someone who can give you psychological support. You need a shoulder to support you for two minutes, that’s all. That is what you call love. True love is beyond mind and body. Failure in love will create only Devdas not Sanyasis! Only success in love can create sanyasis. Only a person who can love the whole world can become a sanyasi.

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What is religion and why is there so much terrorism in the name of religion? Religion is nothing but certain techniques given to us by Masters to help us fly like an aircraft instead of living like a bullock cart. In due course, man misconstrued religion. The importance which was to be given to the Bhagwad Gita was given to Lord Krishna and there started the problem. If we give

importance to principles, there is no problem; if we give importance to personalities, there starts the problem. The people who are fighting in the name of religion have not tasted a mouthful of water from the ocean that is spirituality and hence the problem. Had they tasted they would have known that all of them are talking about the same thing that is 'God' or 'Life Force' or 'Cosmic Energy' and about how to realise it. • • •

What is the difference between religion and spirituality? There is an energy that conducts this universe and there is an energy that conducts your own self. Sprituality is about how to establish a connection between these two energies. Flood religion with scientific reasoning; let whatever that is washed away be washed away; whatever stands the reasoning is spirituality. Religion minus superstition is sprituality. When you purify religion, you become a spiritualist.

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Why should we become spiritual? Spirituality is nothing but flowering of four things in you and they are physical health, mental health, healthy inter-human relationships and the capacity to respond spontaneously in all aspects of life (what is called responsibility). If these four things are achieved, you become a spiritual person. You will then see that automatically your economic status and character will improve; crime rate will come down and holistic growth will happen in you and in humanity at large

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Should we discard religion? We cannot discard religion just because we do not know the scientific basis of it. Those who discard religion will create another new religion. If there be a group of people propagating ‘Religion’, immediately there will be another group of people propagating ‘No Religion’. The former will rob people in the name of God and the latter will rob people preaching the absence of God, that’s all. Just pick up the good points in religion and leave it at that.

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What do You say about atheists who deny God? The spiritual man who argues that God is there and the atheist who argues that God is not there are both fools. God is not research material. He is something to be felt or experienced inside you. He is not to be spoken or argued about. Questions like 'Where is he?', 'Why hasn’t he appeared?', 'Has he gone on long leave?' are all unnecessary. By discussing it this way, you cannot realise God. If you believe in God, just focus on how to improve the quality of your life with that faith; that will do.

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To tread the path of spirituality, one needs an entire lifetime. What do we do for our livelihood?

Only religion requires time because it is ritualistic. Spirituality does not require time. It is the quality and not the quantity of your life. The common misconception is that spirituality is for retired people who have finished their responsibilities and who have the time to contemplate on God. The fact is that youth needs spirituality more than anyone else. You can continue in your line of work and practise spirituality to excel in all walks of life. You don’t have to become a sanyasi or go to temples for this. You only need to meditate in some form or the other. Simply peform every task with your Being; it becomes a meditation. Adapt yourself completely with your surroundings.

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India has had more number of spiritual Masters than any other country. Why is there so much of violence here? If you see the ratio between the population of India and the violence that is prevalent, it is not as much as in other countries. But as individuals, each of us can work better and can take more initiative towards reducing violence. This issue can never be discussed and resolved. Each of us can think of how we ourselves can contribute, how we can abstain from violence. When we are walking on the street, we could avoid plucking flowers or breaking twigs off trees, that might be the starting point. This way the collective load of violence can be reduced. Let us not discuss why society cannot be changed.

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What is the difference between religious people and spiritual people? Religious people are those who believe that if milk is boiled and sugar is added and drunk, it will be tasty. Spiritual people are those who boil milk, add sugar, drink it and experience the taste. Those who believe are Religious people while those who have experienced are spiritual people

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Why do many spiritual leaders wear saffron coloured clothes? Colour therapy has become popular today. Every colour instills a certain feeling inside the body. For eg., if you put on a red light in your room at night time, you will not be able to sleep whereas a blue light will bring sleep. Science has proven that saffron instills spirituality in a person. That is why Masters use this colour.

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When I want to do good, for eg., when traveling in a bus, I see an old man and I want to offer my seat to him, but I decide against it when I think that I have to myself stand for the rest of the journey. Whereas, when I want to smoke a cigarette, I get a total concurrence from inside me to go ahead saying that one cigarette will not ruin my life. Why am I not able to control myself and do what is really correct? Your question is to do with morality. The question is ‘The mind agrees but the heart disagrees, why?’ The cigarette has merged with your Being. You have experienced it yourself and therefore your heart accepts it. It is not through someone else’s preaching that you are accepting it. But the happiness that you get

by offering your seat to someone in the bus is something that you have not experienced deeply; you have been told by people that it is good to offer your seat to an elderly person in the bus, that’s all. To push the preaching that is received through the mind down to the heart requires a drilling machine that is meditation. Then, justice, honesty and similar virtues taught to us will become a way of life and there will be a certain juice that you feel when following it. Else, all these virtues will remain as intellectual knowledge without turning into experiential knowledge

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