Why Is It Important For My Spiritual Growth To Know The Law?

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Why is it Important For My Spiritual Growth to Know the Law? By Roage This is a question that may who visit the site ask and it is crucial for one who wishes to transcend or become enlightened. There are many that say they are enlightened but do not teach the law directly and it may come through their teaching process but it is more like “backing into it” then a deliberate purposeful function of their teaching process. This ignorance slows the spiritual growth process. Most enlightened will tell you that the Ego is the boat anchor that ties one to material existence. Yes it is true, that through other disciplines like, yoga, meditation and martial arts one can turn down the effect of the Ego but that requires work and most of us, including me, are lazy. People like me need a way to turn it off such that it stays off where we can spend our lives living and experiencing rather then sitting cross-legged humming all the time. Don't get me wrong: meditation has other functions and is a necessary tool but use it for energy increase and not waste it attempting to overcome destructive material tendencies. Whether you operate currently in the left-brained ego paradigm where Ø is external and people are separate from you or, are farther along, where you experience oneness and have experience being, for a time, in right-brained self (Ø) paradigm, the law still applies. The perceived location of the entities changes from without to within. That is all that changes and is merely a matter of perception. The law is still valid. The suppression of the ego is done through real contract and before that contract will be enforced either by and external Ø or internal self (still Ø) the observer/we are expected to: 1. Be competent and able to be held to the terms of the contract. That is: taking full responsibility and ownership of your experience. 2. Know what a real contract is. 3. Know how a real contract is enforced. 4. Know the consequences of a breach. Why must one know this? The Ego cannot shut itself down. It must be shut down by the self (Ø) and that is done very effectively through contract. You have to know how to contract that action otherwise the Ego defense mechanism will not be shut off because of the fact that it is a defense mechanism. The Ego is designed to operate until the superior tells it to stand down. One needs to access this Superior Controller properly through law. This is to protect us within this game we are in. It is switching the method from a physical or material protection to a spiritual protection that operates above the physical laws. So what difference does that make? It must be understood that the Ego does not protect the physical body it instead protects the being playing the game that wears the body like a suit. How the self (Ø) protects us is a completely different process. Let’s look at a typical example and look at it from the two perspectives. A man is hungry so kills another man for his money and leaves the scene of the

crime. In his haste he hurries across a street not realizing or noticing a bus that crushes him to death when he steps from the curb. The Egos looking on would say, “how ironic” or they would attribute it to “bad luck” or “just deserts”. Egos deal in the physical/material/logical realm only and for the Ego there is no purpose or meaning that it can grasp from behind the scenes as it is left-brained and logical. It does not have the capacity to see hidden purpose and symbolic meaning. Most would say that the murderer deserved what he got but would be a bit uncomfortable with the entire situation because the murder itself prompted a consequence that appeared related but cannot, by Ego alone, be discerned. Egos, looking on, would conclude that it would not happen to them because they would choose not to murder and would pay attention when crossing the street. This is how most people operate. The death of a murderer may instill in the Egos, looking on, a fear of murder or a grisly fascination. Looking at it in a right-brained way: The being inside of the man came to learn the lesson that murder teaches. His ego was responsible for convincing, the murdering man, to kill another in order to teach the being inside the flesh suit this basic lesson. Perhaps a fear of starving or a fear of humility drives the murderer to this extreme. “Devil made him do it” is very appropriate as the Ego is the “evil” we perceive. It is not really evil, we merely do not understand that its function is to teach, the observer in us, through failure. The man murders another thereby setting in motion principles in real law: Cause and Consequence. To teach the spiritual being, or observer in the flesh suit, the Ego is allowed to filter the experience such that the man is blinded and does not notice the bus. The flesh suit then is killed off and the observer inside learns a crucial lesson about the consequences that engaging in murder perpetuates or brings about. The being inside can try it again and learns different lessons in different experiences or lives. The question often asked is: if the Ego is a defense mechanism then how come it could not protect the physical man from murder? Again, the Ego protects the being inside and the best way that is done is to demonstrate a murder lesson in such a way that only the flesh suit is destroyed in a virtual universe and not actually harming the being within. When playing Quake or a similar first-person shooter game, one can die in the game but one does not die “for real”. The death merely gives one the chance to take another bite of the pizza sitting on a plate along side the computer. What is The Difference Between Ego Protection and Self (Ø) Protection Instead of resorting to murder, the man is led (by the self (Ø) to ask the “former victim” for help. The “former victim” says that he has a little money to give him for bus fare and tells him that down the street a few miles is another man that can help him and feed him. The “former murderer” then walks to the same street and sits on the bus bench. The bus then stops and picks him up and takes him to a place to satisfy his hunger. Without the Ego the physical experience would enter and damage the spiritual being. Being in self removes the being out of the game because they realize they are playing a game and need not fear physical consequences within material existence. Most would say nice trick how does that happen? The instant the Ego stands down then the virtual nature of the game is no longer concealed by the Ego. It no longer has the power to blind and confuse. This is how one “sees the Truth”. The difference is like the analogy of learning to swim: We are thrown into the deep end of the pool and sink to the bottom. The inability to breathe causes us to

seek relief inside of ourselves. Then, instinctively, we begin moving our arms and legs. We rise to the surface, take a breath and notice that our eyesight is no longer clouded and unfocused. We hear clearly and, low an behold, there, next to us, is the edge of the pool and we simply reach out and hold onto it eliminating the stress of having to continually move our arms and legs. No fear and the swimming experience becomes fun and not a life and death struggle. The fear when one is underwater is uncomfortable but it is required to motivate us to learn. A bus may smash people all the time but it is the self (Ø) that keeps one from being in the path of it. It is a method of learning lessons that is not based on negative reinforcement and rarely involves the death of the flesh suit unless it is a function of a willing sacrifice. It is a blissful way to exist where lessons can be learned in a positive way. In the example above one could be an onlooker and see the murderer smashed on the road, learn the lesson and know why the murderer was smashed such that one need not experience it directly. The law allows people to understand, fully, the agreement one makes with one's self(Ø). The self(Ø) requires this knowledge and willingness before it will stand the Ego down. The self(Ø) requires that one knows what it is asking for and the responsibilities required. Without the law and the contract then one will continually be subject to the role the Ego plays in one´s life. The Ego´s primary operator is the specific creation of uncomfortable experience through fear, blindness, confusion and destructive: tendencies, thoughts, emotions, interpretation and desire to teach us specifically what not to do. It is difficult to relate the two paradigms. One existing in right-brain (Sovereign) experience cannot create a victim as the idea of co-creation is a left-brained concept that has no equal in the right brain. How can one being cocreate? How does one create a victim of themselves? Right-brained existence is not the “knowing” that all is one but experiencing all is one. Victim creation requires a concept of separateness that exists only in the left-brain (ego) paradigm alone. The law gets you into the park. Once you are in the park you leave the burden of the law at the door as you can't create victims because there is no one to victimize outside of the one being we all are. Skipping the victim creation nonsense makes for a fun and easy life and learning experience.

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