Why Are You Staring Into The Sky Part 1

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 579
  • Pages: 3
Why are you staring into the Sky Pt. 1 INTRO: Briefly explain the series that we had been doing for four weeks, and the series before. We are introducing a new series, “Why are You staring at the Sky?” The objective of this series for us to address this questions, “What is our responsibility until Christ returns?” PAINT THE PICTURE: Acts 1:11 (New International Version) 11"Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." • •

Jesus had come and gone and yet they stood their waiting. The angels knew that they were called to do so much, but they didn’t! “Redemption is not the end, but only a recovery program.” o We’ve done this in our lives too o God has called us to much more o They had a mission to Disciple all nations (Matthew 28:19)

1. Until we Understand the Father, we cannot understand our Role • We have a longing to do something great, but many of us our standing around. • We have wrong perspectives: • OUR STARTING POINT DETERMINES EVERTYHING o Elephant principle o If we start wrong, even a little we end wrong o Galileo and the Earth  A. The fall (Gen 3)

 Redemption becomes our purpose  It’s man-centered  Humanistic Gospel  I’m saved, now what?  THIS IS WHERE MOST OF US ARE AT  B. Kingdom (Gen 1:28)  We create dominion, but then what?  THIS IS WHERE WE COULD BE HEADING (bad)  C. Sovereignty (Gen 1:1)  We have no say  D. FATHER (Paternal love) (John 1:1)  Songs I am my beloved and he is mine  The Father heart is so important  We’ve had it all wrong!  His ultimate plan never changed!  We would be in His family even if we didn’t fall  Ephesians 1:3, blessed in Christ, 1:4 Chosen before the foundation of Earth 1:5 predestined us for adoption, 1:6 Accepted in the beloved, 1:10 gathered together in Christ Creation has an Original Intent o “We only see history back to the fall. God sees it from the beginning. There was something in God’s mind before the Fall, and in the ages to come that is to be fully revealed.” o This satisfies our deepest need for our original intent  It’s all for Him o Our Primarily motive is to serve the Heart of the FATHER.


We were called to disciple Nations, not just Individuals

o Everything on Earth is Crying out for us to disciple  I remember longing for a mentor o Creation, Countries, Government, abortion is all crying out for us to mentor it. WE NEED SONS o Walk in authority o Walk in His original intent

3. We must disciple Nations • Redeem the systems and structures • Find out the original intent • Teach them the ways of Jesus • Create Stronghold for the Father • Right perspective, position, potential • We must discover our position as sons to Achieve the Father’s heart. • We will as we continue this series. UNTIL WE UNDERSTAND OURSELVES AS SONS UNDER FATHER”S PLAN, WE CAN’T DO ANYTHING. Where are you? Some of us need to shift like with Galileo.

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