Who Is Yhvh (god) & His Holiness

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  • Words: 3,979
  • Pages: 8
This study is inspired by a sermon of Paul Washer. People today have no appreciation of who YHVH is and they treat Him as if He is human and He is like us because Jesus became like us and dwelled among us and have eaten with sinners. This makes Him our buddy and our mate and we can have a chat and crack a joke with Him because He lowered Himself and became like us. NO, this is the wrong perspective we have of Him and we degrade Him and do not feel compelled to change when we are in His presence because He changed to become like us. The modern church has perverted the truth and painted a wrong picture of the God we believe in and it is against what Scripture teach us. Because of this misconception, there is no fear of YHVH and no urge to change to become like Him and we live our unchanged lives and tolerate sin and look just like the lost world. YHVH is not your Buddy or your friend or the man upstairs; He is the Almighty Elohim and Awesome Creator of Heaven and Earth and He is HOLY.

YHVH is Pure YHVH is pure and morally perfect. Pureness is described in Scripture in Exodus 25:11 where they used pure gold to cover the Ark of the Covenant. Pure is the Hebrew word “tahor” that means: a primitive root; properly, to be bright; i.e. (by implication) to be pure (physical sound, clear, unadulterated; Levitically, uncontaminated; morally, innocent or holy):--be (make, make self, pronounce) clean, cleanse (self), purge, purify(-ier, self). Gold is the colour of deity, of a supreme being and has great value. Everything is the Tabernacle was covered with gold to make it pure enough for YHVH’s Presence and Holiness. Everything that is earthly and that is contaminated by death had to be covered to be brought into the Presence of YHVH. Even the Priests who served in His Temple had to cleanse themselves and had to be pure and not contaminated with death. Before Y’shua presented Himself to the Father, He told Mary not to touch Him because she was in the grave which made her contaminated with death. YHVH is Morally Perfect YHVH is pure and morally perfect and separated form all beings and all creatures that are not morally perfect. YHVH cannot tolerate sin; He cannot even tolerate one sin. Adam and Eve only had to sin once to be cast out of the presence of YHVH. YHVH has no tolerance that contradicts or opposes His nature.


He is Holy and truly set apart. We have made YHVH so common. Holiness means that YHVH is not common, He is not ordinary. He is not casual, He is distinct and He is not like us and should not be taken lightly. He is Holy and He is YHVH.

In Isa it says that YHVH is Holy, three times, and this emphasize the importance and understanding of His Holiness. You will not find anywhere in Scripture that YHVH is love, love love, or grace, grace grace, or that He is nice, nice nice. No, it is only His Holiness that is expressed in this way and this means that His Holiness is His greatest attribute. He is love and He is gracious, but not to the extent of, or in close comparison of His Holiness. ! " % &

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YHVH is the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity. YHVH is far removed from man because of man’s iniquity and YHVH was angry with man and hid Himself from man who followed his own heart. YHVH will restore those who are humble and broken in spirit and who honour Him for Who He is. YHVH cannot stand sin before Him and He turns His Face away from iniquity. People always say that you cannot describe YHVH as too Holy and need to bring Him down to our level. If you do that, you have created an idol and it is not the God from Scripture. YHVH lives outside of time and is its Master. He knows the end before it even happens and has declared the end in the beginning. He is all knowing and knows what will happen and guide the free will of man to run like a stream in the palm of His Hand. YHVH is High and lifted up above all men and more Holy than you could imagine, yet you can call Him Father. Through His Son Y’shua the Messiah He has brought us in closer so that we can directly speak to our Father. Just remember that YHVH is our Father but He is also Holy and you should speak to Him and of Him with respect. The Holiness of YHVH transcends any thought or idea of that we have of Holiness. It transcends any aspect of what anyone might reflect. What does transcends mean? Transcends mean to fly higher and it has no mate and no running partner or any competition or anybody that can come close in comparison to Him. There is nothing that goes higher than the Holiness of YHVH and no one Holy like YHVH. ,$ $

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YHVH does not trust in His set apart people and compares us to the heavens that are more glorious than us but yet unclean, how much more are we unclean, we who drink iniquity like water. We as the set-apart ones are not even close compared to Him regarding Holiness. This is why we need grace to be saved because even the Saints or set-apart ones are far form perfection and Holiness. Does this mean we can sit back and give up because we will never make it? No, He instructed us to be Holy for He is Holy and because we honour and fear Him we will try to live a life that is Holy because we bear His Name and through respect and love we will try to comply to His standard through the grace and help of His Set Apart Spirit. This is one of the two Names of His Spirit, the Set-Apart Spirit Who help us to be sanctified and to live Set Apart and Holy lives. 1 &

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YHVH is much more Holy than we are or that we can dream or think. We need to realise this and the only way to do this is to renew our minds with His Word that can help us to become closer to the mark, being sanctified. The Name of YHVH is Holy YHVH’s Name is not common, it is Holy. Christians today use the Name of Jesus to sell their goods, their T-Shirts and their accessories. They use the name that is above all other Names and market it. If they honoured His Name they would have kept it Holy and not profane it. I am glad that the Name Y’shua and YHVH is not used commercially and I think it is ‘hidden’ from the masses not to profane it as well. The Orthodox Jews refuse to even pronounce His Y-H-V-H Name because they respect and fear him. His YHVH Name is the Name He gave to Moses when the people asked Who He is. It means, “I Am that I Am. He compares Himself with himself because there is no other that can be compared to Him. He is at such a high standard and stature. His Name is Holy and Awesome. Do you know what awesome means? 5

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Awesome is the Hebrew word “yare” that means - to strike with fear and reverence; to influence by fear, terror or respect; as, His majesty awed them into silence. The fear of YHVH is in His Name and His Name causes the universe to tremble with fear. It is not only a reverence but also a terrible fear and terror that will strike you if you are in the presence of YHVH, a fear that will make your knees nock and your teeth clatter. We should show that fear and respect for His Name whenever we hear it or use it. Do not connect anything that is not from Him to His Name or use His Name and have a characteristic that is not in line with His Character because you will break the Third Commandment by taking His Name in vain. 38 9: ( " (


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Vain is the Hebrew word “shav” that means - the sense of desolating; evil (as destructive), literally (ruin) or morally (especially guile); figuratively idolatry (as false, subjectively), uselessness (as deceptive, objectively; also adverbially in vain): - false (-ly), lie, lying, vain, vanity. You shall not connect anything that is evil, perverse, destructive, immoral, useless or false to His Name, if you do this, you will not go unpunished. His Word describes His Character and His Word and His Ways should also be treated with the same respect as you would His Name. If you proclaim His Name, you should see to it that you are worthy of connecting yourself to His Name so that you will not profane it by calling yourself a follower of Him but living a life that is unholy and profane. YHVH’s Name is His Character and to profane His Name is to profane His Character. Rather not say that you are a follower of Him if you choose not be like Him. He said in His Word that we should be Holy (Set Apart) for He is Holy (set-Apart). 5



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If you say that you follow Him, you should be as He is, Holy and set apart from this world and the lusts of the flesh. If you live your life without repentance and change, you will profane His Name. YHVH is Light Pureness also means ‘to shine’; YHVH is light and there is no darkness in Him. Darkness is the absence of light and that is why there is no darkness in Him, because He is the source of all light. Light is the Hebrew word “ore” - from 215; flame; hence (in the plural) the East (as being the region of light):--fire, light. See also 224 Light and flame are synonym and the source of YHVH’s light is the fire of His Holiness, His consuming attributes that radiates His Light into the universe. Light is also a symbol of Truth. When He says in that there is no darkness in Him that also implies that there is no lie in Him. YHVH is Truth Truth is the highest form of reality and it is like being in a room with a very bright light that reveals everything. If there is no light, you will not know what is in the room and someone can tell you there are things that are not and you would not have the means to tell the difference. But when you switch on the light, everything will be revealed and you will see it as it is. In the same way YHVH reveals everything to us through His Word, switching on clusters of light until He will reveal everything one day with Himself, the source of all light and Truth. Truth is the Hebrew word “emeth” that means -stability; (figuratively) certainty, truth, trustworthiness:--assured(-ly), establishment, faithful, right, sure, true (-ly, -th), verity.


Truth brings stability. Truth is the only thing you can build your faith upon because it will not change. Lies will change and as YHVH reveals His Truth, the lies will disappear and be replaced with the Truth. This is why you will not have stability in your life is you believe a lie, not only is it bound to change, but it also has consequences that bear the fruit seen in unstable people. If you are tossed in the waves, unstable in your beliefs and ways, you do not have the truth. YHVH has designed Truth to bring stability. When He created everything He said; let there be light, and there was light or stability to build/create upon. Prior to these Words, the earth was empty and void and chaos reigned in the absence of YHVH’s Word of Structure and Truth and Light. His Words are Truth and brings Light and Stability, as was done in the Creation of the Earth, so it will do in your Life. YHVH created everything by speaking Words. If you take clay and you want to make something, you must ‘structure’ is according to the picture and plan you have in your mind. In the same way YHVH formed and structured everything according to His Words of Truth and Structure and they obeyed and became what He planned them to be. Everything in the Universe obeys His Word of Truth and Light and Stability and the Planets follow the paths He has instructed. He formed man out of the dust and ground of the Earth and spoke His Word to conform man to His likeness, but man disobeyed and was not complete. To complete man will take 6000 years where YHVH has to separate and “re-form” man to become Like Him. Separate, because of impurities and forming to complete man according to His will image and likeness. Instructions are words of Truth that brings Structure to complete this creating process, which was delayed in the beginning by sin. Truth, the makeup of our being – Truth vs. Death Sin came into the world through words of the serpent where he altered the Words of YHVH and this caused impurities that have to be separated form man. The Words of YHVH are like the DNA for Life and if you corrupt it, it will deform and bring forth cancer. YHVH must then separate the bad from the good, cut out the cancer and heal it with His DNA or Word so that it can be perfect. Separation is the same concept as death, which is to be separated form YHVH. Death came into this world through sin, which is the result of altering YHVH’s Word or the DNA or Structure of His Creation. Death is the Hebrew word “mooth” and means separation, death (natural or violent); concretely, the dead, their place or state (hades); figuratively, pestilence, ruin:--(be) dead((-ly)), death, die(-d). To fix the problem of death “mooth”

, YHVH had to come Himself and face

death to separate the ‘cancer’ from His ‘structure’ by bringing Truth ‘emeth’. We can also see this in the word picture in the Hebrew language. “Emeth” that means ‘truth’ and consists of the word “mooth” “Aleph”

is the word

with an “Aleph” added to it.

represents YHVH or the origin of everything and He faced ‘death’

(connecting the Aleph to mooth) to bring us the Truth “emeth”



How did YHVH fix the consequences of the lie (sin, death)? He became one with it to remove the cancerous DNA form our makeup and has filled those ‘gaps’ with Himself (light, truth, Holy Spirit). Some people accept Y’shua but they do not receive the Spirit of Truth in their lives, this separates death form their lives but they have the ‘gaps’ that needs to be filled to make the Structure Stable of their being strong. This is done by the Spirit of Truth Who will fill the voids where ‘lies’ (death) has been removed. This process is called ‘the washing of the Water of the Word’ where you need to receive His Word (truth) in your life to give you the Stable Structure that you need to be changed and formed and completed into His Image and Likeness. The Word Paul is talking about in not the “New Testament”(was not compiled yet), he was referring to the TaNaK [Torah (first vive books of the Scripture), Nevi-im (Prophets) and the Kethuvim (Writings, Psalms)], or the “Old Testament” if you will. His Spirit will reveal these Truths to you and use it to fill the ‘gaps’ in your makeup and ‘stable structure’.

We hear a great deal about the Presence of YHVH. People confess that they have such a wonderful time in His Presence and YHVH moved among His people. Oh, God moved in a powerful way today and isn’t it wonderful in His presence. Lets look at a few men in Scripture who were in the Presence of YHVH and compare it to our experiences in the Presence of YHVH. The first man was Moses, the most humble man to walk the earth. Moses was out there in the bush shepherding sheep when he sees the bush that is burning and not consumed. What is the first thing he hears? He has to change and humble himself and remove his shoes from his feet because the ground he stood on was Holy. YHVH appeared to Moses in a burning bush, with fire that can consume man and kill him. <

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Moses knew something about YHVH’s Holiness that we don’t know. We only experience YHVH in cool breeze and a lovely feeling, not in fire that makes you fear and tremble. Fire cannot be handled and can consume all things; it is a dangerous thing that can consume anything that is unholy. 9!


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Seraphs are the most majestic and most powerful creatures YHVH has ever made. They are in the Presence of YHVH all the time and they give Him praises referring to His Holiness. They are closer to the Presence of YHVH than any other creature as recorded in Scripture. They are so majestic and so Holy and how are they in the Presence of YHVH? They bow their heads and cover their faces and their feet to be able to be in His Presence. Why do they have to cover their faces and their feet?


Feet always represent clay and dust and it identifies that they are only Creatures and not Elohim. They cover their feet in humility before YHVH showing that they are humble creatures before Him, even if they are the most powerful beings ever created. It is not their right to be there, but it is a privilege YHVH gave them. They cover their faces not to look upon YHVH and to humbly pay respect to Him showing that they are not worthy to look upon His Glory. How are we, mere men arrogantly refer to the presence of YHVH as goose bumps and a feeling? It is out of our ignorance and lack of understanding that we make such empty statements. Isaiah was one of the greatest prophets who knew more about the Messiah than any other man in the TaNaK. He came into the Presence of YHVH and spoke a curse over himself. @ B $ '

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He saw YHVH and compared himself with YHVH and found himself unworthy to live. This is what the true Presence of YHVH will have on you if you would be privileged to enter before Him. His power and His Glory is so great they you would not be able to live in His Presence. Isaiah saw his shortcomings and it was revealed to him in YHVH’s presence and he was worthy of death because no unclean thing can exist before the Holiness of YHVH. This is what the true Presence of YHVH is, not a happy feeling and a turn in your stomach. We are plying and saying stupid things because we do not know Scripture of understand the Greatness of our Elohim.

The people had to be shielded from the presence of YHVH through the means of the Tabernacle of Moses and later on the Temple of Solomon. His Presence resides within the Holy of Holies where only the High Priest could enter once a year. Before him entering, He had to make sacrifices for himself and cleanse himself through ritual cleansing. If anybody would enter into His Presence without going through these purifying and cleansing procedures, His Holiness would consume them. Aaron’s two sons brought strange fire before YHVH while serving in the Tabernacle and this cost them their lives. YHVH is Holy and there is a certain protocol in approaching Him. If you do not follow His prescribed way of approaching Him will cause His fire to consume you because everything that is not Holy and perfect and pure can come close to Him. YHVH is like light and sin and wickedness is like darkness. Darkness cannot exist in light and if you have any darkness in you, you will be consumed with it. When YHVH comes to the earth after the Second Coming of Y’shua, then there will be the final Judgment where His fire will come down and consume the wicked. That fire is His Holiness that will consume every bit of darkness and impurity because it cannot exist where He is.


People might say that this happened in the “Old Testament” and is no longer valid since grace came through Y’shua. This is not true because Ananias and Sapphira fell down dead after they have lied to the Holy Spirit. YHVH judged them and fear filled the camp when they heard this. YHVH is still a Holy and to be respected, even after Y’shua’s First Coming. We as His Bride need to undergo the cleansing through the washing of the Word to be prepared to enter before the Almighty King after the Second Coming of Y’shua. 3'

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Ester had to use myrrh and that is usually used for blaming the dead. This is an indication to us that we have to die to our selves and prepare ourselves with myrrh and afterwards anoint ourselves with oil, which is an indication of His Holy Spirit.

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YHVH cannot tolerate even one sin before Him. YHVH is a consuming Fire. YHVH is Truth and Light. YHVH is higher than man and did not lower His Character to be compatible with man. YHVH wants to raise our standards so that we can be with Him and dwell with Him without being consumed by His Holiness. YHVH lives outside of time and knows everything. YHVH is everywhere at all times and sees and hears everything. We as a Body of Messiah need to understand Who we serve and that we have to teat YHVH with the uttermost respect at all times. His Name is Holy and we should not take it in vein or change it. We serve a Perfect, Awesome, Holy El and we should fear Him. We serve a Highly Super intelligent El and we should take Him and His Word serious and respect Him. YHVH is not your mate or your buddy, He is your El and you are His Servant. YHVH does not need your worship or praises, to know Him and to serve Him is a privilege. You must view yourself in relation to Him and than you will know that He is the Almighty and Awesome Powerful King and you are His humble servant. If you can grasp YHVH’s Holiness, then only can you serve Him in Spirit and in Truth.


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