W.h.o Is The Ignor-ant Here Now?

  • April 2020
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Yes the ignor-ant here is the W.H.O and their lap dog the CDC who believe everyone is a fool like them! AND everyone WHO believes their HYPE and BIG Pharma SALES pitches! Reason for that factual statement is as follows . . . . Quote: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/11856.php An average of 195,000 people in the USA died due to potentially preventable, in-hospital medical errors in each of the years 2000, 2001 and 2002, according to a new study of 37 million patient records that was released today by HealthGrades, the healthcare quality company. GET THIS That equals 534 people die PER DAY from hospital Medical ERRORS, which is more than likely 550 per day, because the erroring staff do not put down the actual or real cause of death because they do not want to get sued for errors that they commit! They lie like the government! And that does not include the others that died daily of NON medical errors, if there is such a thing as NON medical errors? ONWARD. . . Quote: "The equivalent of 390 jumbo jets full of people are dying each year due to likely preventable, in-hospital medical errors, making this one of the leading killers in the U.S." -- About 1.14 million patient-safety incidents occurred among the 37 million hospitalizations in the Medicare population over the years 2000-2002. -- Of the total 323,993 deaths among Medicare patients in those years who developed one or more patient-safety incidents, 263,864, or 81 percent, of these deaths were directly attributable to the incident(s). -- One in every four Medicare patients who were hospitalized from 2000 to 2002 and experienced a patient-safety incident died. -- The 16 patient-safety incidents accounted for $8.54 billion in excess in-patient costs to the Medicare system over the three years studied. Extrapolated to the entire U.S., an extra $19 billion was spent and more than 575,000 preventable deaths occurred from 2000 to 2002. -- Patient-safety incidents with the highest rates per 1,000 hospitalizations were failure to rescue, decubitus ulcer and postoperative sepsis, which accounted for almost 60 percent of all patient-safety incidents that occurred. -- Overall, the best performing hospitals (hospitals that had the lowest overall patient safety incident rates of all hospitals studied, defined as the top 7.5 percent of all hospitals studied) had five fewer deaths per 1000 hospitalizations compared to the bottom 10th

percentile of hospitals. This significant mortality difference is attributable to fewer patient-safety incidents at the best performing hospitals. -- Fewer patient safety incidents in the best performing hospitals resulted in a lower cost of $740,337 per 1,000 hospitalizations as compared to the bottom 10th percentile of hospitals. The complete study, including the list of AHRQ patient-safety indicators, can be found at http://www.healthgrades.com. "If the Center for Disease Control's annual list of leading causes of death included medical errors, it would show up as number six, ahead of diabetes, pneumonia, Alzheimer's disease and renal disease," continued Dr. Collier. "Hospitals need to act on this, and consumers need to arm themselves with enough information to make qualityoriented health care choices when selecting a hospital." YES THEY STATED THAT! NOW REAL the reason for the above STATS. . . Again . . . GET THIS That equals 534 people DIE PER DAY from hospital Medical ERRORS, which is more than likely 550 per day, because the errors by hospital staff do not put down the actual or real cause of death because they do not want to get sued for errors that they commit! They lie like the government! And that does not include the others that died of NON medical errors, if there is such a thing?] Can someone here agree to the following. . . . ON the average, with a population of say 100,000,000 MILLION people, how many die DAILY of say, Malnutrition, colds, REGULAR “flu,” pneumonia, upper respiratory ailments, asthma, emphysema, ETC, ETC and related symptoms? Someone here ought to know ABOUT how many die daily with those types of ailments, in that size of population? Then tell me WHY 200 deaths, with only16 CONFIRMED “FLU” with the rest guesses of swine blah blah, is warranted to shut down Mexico? If 534 DIE DAILY IN THE US for NO good reason! HUH? The MATH, the math boss. . . So IF the 195.000 DIE PER YEAR for medical ERRORS, in 300,000,000 per year! So that is 534 PER DAY and the amount of duh W.H.O’s Level 4 Alert is for ONLY 22 persons PER DAY!

And with that average or higher per year in a less developed KILL ERROR area, like say Mexico of 100,000,000 being about 1/3 of the other amount, just in a hospital setting DIE PER DAY on an AVERAGE! SO with 100,000,000 people, which is a 1/3 of amount of the US population, almost! So we divide 3 into 195,000 and get 65000 persons or 1/3 US average for the amount of deaths. Than we divide 65000 deaths per year for the same W.H.O. and CDC ALLOWABLE ERROR KILLED average in the US, and we get 178 DEAD people PER day SHOULD DIE PER DAY ACCORDING ERRORS for hospital staff ALONE! Then we divide the ALLOWED ERRORED DEAD of 178 by the 22 dead per we get, 89 TIMES MORE ALLOWABLE DEAD PER DAY BEFORE WE SHOULD PANICdemic! So with those AVERAGE figures and W.H.O. started freaking at 200 people in a 9 day period, which is 22 persons per day that DIE in a poverty, starvation, drug war, area and THEY GOING TO YELL “pandemic? SO W.H.O. IS THE IGNOR-ANT HERE! ANSWER: is . . .ALL Those who believe the "virus spreading W.H.O. and CDC," that can NOT even do simple math, and somehow became experts of HEALTH? How did they get into secondary schooling? Or did they? Other ANSWER : ALL those who take a "virus embedded vaccine," because the AVERAGE amount of people dying of the average kinds of deaths MAYBE exceeded 2 people per day for 9 days or even if it exceeded 2 per day 1000 days it is still NOT worth a LEVEL 2 Alert! Unless you can do the REAL MATH FOR THE REAL DEAD AND DYING MASSES, because of ERROR! So again W.H.O is the real IGNORANT HERE! AND IF the CDC or the W.H.O. knew HOW to do MATH. .. instead of just spreading FEAR. .. . AND. . .Since there are 450,000 extremely more ignorant people that die of cigarette smoking PER YEAR in the US, that comes to 1233 DEAD PERSONS PER DAY! So that IS A “PANDEMIC” and needs to be 56 TIMES MORE URGENT to stop those DEATHS FIRST!

And if you divide 3 into 450,000 to get the average amount allowed for MEXICO, you get 150,000 If you divide 365 DAYS into 150,000 . . . you get 410 DEATHS PER DAY in ALLOWED by DUH W.H.O and the CDC which is 18 TIMES MORE DEADLY than the farce of a "pandemic" scare model to SEE some BUY some virus tainted vaccines, to KICK START a real “pandemic!” GET the picture? Don't sit there. . . GIVE IT TO OTHERS! PASTE the WORLD with it. . . GO AND STOP A PANIC-DEMIC! YOU CAN HELP NOW! YOU CAN SAVE MILLIONS OF LIVES NOW! NO copy write. Just DO IT NOW!

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