Technology Is Here And The Time Is Now

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 725
  • Pages: 3
TECHNOLOGY IS HERE AND THE TIME IS NOW My name is Dr. James H. Nguyen and I own a California approved Title IV training facility for adult learning. Our program will be expanding our curriculum through Distance E-Learning and will be doing business as the Academy of Social Entrepreneurship (ASE). Our school will provide the necessary training and resources for young entrepreneurs to not only find jobs but to become future employers of businesses that provides social benefits. The problems America faces today are only symptoms caused by decades of neglecting the root of the problems. Economic, Foreclosure, Housing, Employment and/or Environmental Crisis are all symptoms from not providing our children with the basic tools to compete in an open market. The quote, “No child left behind” should mean that EVERY child has access to information as readily as the next. The internet provides access to digital libraries around the world that no book can ever hold. Factors that require immediate attention and outreach: •

United States is ranked #22 in the world in broadband penetration (access to high speed internet).

China will soon have more ENGLISH speaking citizens that we do in the US.

India has more honor students then the US has children.

Prolonged neglect is abuse that no child could ever recover from.

In the upcoming months there will be billions of dollars released into the United States Economy via the American Recovery and Re-Investment Act (ARRA). A visual map of proposed allocation of government funds are provided below, as well as, direct link under EXHIBIT ARRA. ASE will be solidifying an alliance with non-profit and for profit businesses to submitting proposals for grant funding on all levels of government. ASE understands the demands on our government to create jobs for the American people and we will be positioning ourselves to deliver a cost effective distance learning to train, as well as, re-train for jobs that are in high demand. The development of a strategic plan is currently being put together to help clarify our organization's plans and will ensure that key leaders are all "on the same script." We are looking to join in collaborative efforts

with non-profit organizations and for profit companies that actively advocate for Network Neutrality; Save The Dream Foreclosure Prevention; Clean Energy Green Corp and AmeriCorp. E-Learning partnered with apprentice internships will be the fastest and most cost efficient way to help under privileged low income communities acquires the skills and knowledge needed to attain gainful employment. We must take full advantage internet technologies to empower any willing individual determined to improve their community. “The good news from Washington is that every single person in Congress supports the concept of an information superhighway. The bad news is that no one has any idea what that means.” -Congressman Edward Markey

“The country demands bold, persistent experimentation. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something!” -Franklin Delano Roosevelt For more information on how to get involved or ideas to better serve our community, please feel free to contact me directly at (949) 273-2006 or email at [email protected]. Sincerely, Dr. James H. Nguyen Academy of Social Entrepreneurship

EXHIBIT ARRA - Where is Your Money Going? The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act targets investments towards key areas that will save or create good jobs immediately, while also laying the groundwork for long-term economic growth. The charts and numbers below give you an idea of where the money is going. Over the upcoming months, we will provide more information on the distribution of funding by Federal agencies. In order to give small businesses and Americans across the country a chance to apply for recovery dollars to create and

save jobs, some funding may not be distributed until this summer. New information on the allocation of funds will be posted on as it becomes available.

* Tax Relief - includes $15 B for Infrastructure and Science, $61 B for Protecting the Vulnerable, $25 B for Education and Training and $22 B for Energy, so total funds are $126 B for Infrastructure and Science, $142 B for Protecting the Vulnerable, $78 B for Education and Training, and $65 B for Energy. State and Local Fiscal Relief - Prevents state and local cuts to health and education programs and state and local tax increases.

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