Who Is Jesus, Part 2

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 2
John 2:1-25

The Wedding at Cana and Jesus Clears the Temple John 2:1-25 I. Context (What does the passage say?) Who are the main characters in the passage? What do we know about them? Jesus: The Disciples: Jesus' mother, Mary: Servants at the Wedding: Merchants & Money Changers: The Jewish Leaders at the Temple: When and where does this passage take place? When: The wedding at Cana occurred "on the third day" (2:1), which referrs to the last event mentioned, the call of Nathaniel in John 1:45-51. We are told that the next section, when Jesus clears the temple, occurs after the wedding in Cana (v. 12) when it was almost time for the Jewish Passover (v. 13), during the month of Nisan (March-April) (Exodus 12:2) Where: Cana: a city in Galilee approximately 9 mi. north of Nazareth (MacArthur commentary) Capernaum: a city on the northern shores of the Sea of Galilee (MacArthur commentary) Jerusalem: a city in Judea approximately 10 mi. west of the northern shores of the Dead Sea. (map) What is going on? (Summary of Events) The Wedding at Cana: Jesus turns water into wine (John 2:1-11) The wedding guests run out of wine (v. 3) Mary tells Jesus of the problem and, after his initial hesitation, Jesus had servants fill stone jars with water. Then he had a servant draw out some and take it to the master of the banquet (v. 4-8) The master of the banquet tasted the wine and remarked to the bridegroom about its quality (v. 9-10) This was Jesus' first miracle/sign and the disciples, having witnessed it, placed their faith in him (v. 11) Preparing for Passover: Jesus clears the temple (John 2:12-25) After the wedding, Jesus, his mother, brothers, and disciples went to Capernaum for a few days (v. 12) Jesus and his disciples went to Jerusalem for Passover (v. 13) When Jesus saw merchants and moneychangers conducting their businesses in the temple courts, he drove them all out with a whip (v. 14-17) The Jews questioned his authority to do this and Jesus referred to destroying and rebuilding the temple as a metaphor for his coming death and resurrection (v. 18-22) Many people witnessed Jesus' miracles during Passover and believed in him (v. 23-25)

John 2:1-25

II. Interpretation (What does the passage mean?) What principles are illustrated in this passage? What would you consider the theme of this passage?

What evidence is given in this passage that Christ is who he claimed to be? How is his deity demonstrated?

Why did Jesus turn the water into wine at the wedding in Cana? What do you think his purpose was in doing this?

Why do you think Jesus clear the temple courts of the merchants and moneychangers? What was their crime?

Jesus alludes to his death and resurrection being akin to destroying the temple and rebuilding it in three days. How was Jesus' death and resurrection like destroying and rebuilding the temple? What other symbolism might be seen in this passage?

III. Application (What does the passage mean for my life?) Has Christianity today become like the temple courts in this passage? Has merchandising and our willingness to buy it turned the reality of the cross into a quick buck? When our thoughts are drawn to the merchandise, it's difficult to focus on the Messiah. Does this mean that we should not purchase/wear Christian jewelery or clothing? Not necessarily. The offense in this passage is that the merchants were turning what should be a time of worship into an opportunity for material gain. It's the heart that's the issue. How did the disciples respond to witnessing Jesus' miracles? Do you think that it's easier or harder to believe in Christ today? Why or why not? How did Christ's "rebuilding the temple" affect us today? Where is the temple now? (Hint: Romans 6:19-20) Notes

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