Who Cares What God Thinks

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 389
  • Pages: 2
ho care s wh at God t hi nk s? Does the world care? Does the church care? Do I care? Does God care? Who cares what God thinks?

he w or ld , w ith a l au gh , s ays ; W ho? Go d? There is no such a thing as God. There is science and knowledge, Magic and mystery,

But there is no God.[Psalms 14:1] There is only man.

As for our origin; don't chuckle, we are serious, from the monkey we were born.[2 Timothy 3:5]

he C hu rc h sa ys ; th er e i s Go d, But He better do what we want Him to do, After all, we did make Him in our own image.

And as you well know, our own ideas and traditions supersedes his written word.[Mark 7:8-9]

say ; yes t her e is God ; But when he tells not to date an unbeliever;

I know that he is actually saying, date her then twist my arm to make her a believer.[2

Corinthians 6:14-18] When he says love your neighbour; I know that he is actually saying, make love to your neighbour’s spouse.[Leviticus 19:18,Deuteronomy 22:22] Even, men can have sex with men and women with women [Romans 1:27],

why not, it is acceptable and even a threesome helps to spread the holiness around. I profess without possessing - who needs to possess Christ anyway? And the commandments not to steal, lie or cheat are way past their sale-by date and are not meant for me.

What is more, his name makes a very good swear word, listen: 'Jesus Christ!!'.[Deuteronomy


od say s; I AM Go d an d the re i s n o ot he r [ Is ai ah 45 :6 ]

What I am, I was, and always will be [Malachi 3:6]

I have exalted my Word and my Name [Psalm 138:2] Keep my word and you will live [Proverbs 4:4]

The Soul that sins will surely die [Ezekiel 18:4]

For a person will reap what he sows [Galatians 6:7] He who has an ear, let him hear [Revelation 2:7] For the end in near [1 Peter 4:7]

o, Wh o car es w hat Go d thi nk s? God does. And so should I.

by Lennox Chenje [30-Dec-2008]

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