When It Rains

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 16,507
  • Pages: 99
When It Rains by Steve "Bunny" Williams

Registered, WGA,w

[email protected]

EXT. STRANGE HOUSE - NIGHT Rain pours down and lightening flashes across the sky as three small figures approach the door of the uncharacteristically large house. A tall gable, with an even taller lightening rod, juts from the top of the house. Two smaller gables sit on either side. INT. STRANGE HOUSE - DINING ROOM Lit only with candles, the cracked walls and peeling wallpaper are home to many spiders. EDITH STILLWATER, mid twenties, sits at a large oaken table paging through an ancient leather bound book. She occasionally stops on a beautifully drawn pastel illustration and strokes it with her fingers. EXT. STRANGE HOUSE Lightening strikes the lightening rod with a loud crash. EXT. STRANGE HOUSE - DOOR MRS. BISHOP, flanked by two police officers, rap loudly on the front door. MRS. BISHOP Mrs. Stillwater? INT. STRANGE HOUSE - DINING ROOM Edith jumps out of her chair. She slams the book shut, throws over the leather strap, and locks it. She gathers it up and runs out of the room. MRS. BISHOP (O.S.) It's Mrs. Bishop from social services. INT. STRANGE HOUSE - KITCHEN Edith runs to a door, locks it, and runs out again. MRS. BISHOP (O.S.) Mrs. Stillwater, I know you are in there.


INT. STRANGE HOUSE - ENTRANCE Edith stops and looks around confused. She hyperventilates. MRS. BISHOP (O.S.) Mrs. Stillwater. I have brought the police. Edith turns and runs up the staircase. EXT. STRANGE HOUSE OFFICER GRANGE moves Mrs. Bishop away from the door with his hand. He pounds on the door with the butt of his flashlight. OFFICER GRANGE Mrs. Stillwater, we have a court order that allows us on these premises without your permission! INT. STRANGE HOUSE - BEDROOM The room appears to be that of a young girl in spite of the old decorations. Edith runs over to a wall that has a large chunk of the plaster missing. The lattice juts from the plaster like wooden teeth. She throws the book into the hole and runs out again. EXT. STRANGE HOUSE Officer Grange nods towards OFFICER KRANTZ. Both men draw their weapons. Officer Grange kicks the door open. Both men rush in. INT. STRANGE HOUSE - ENTRANCE The police officers scan the room with their weapons. OFFICER KRANTZ Jesus Christ, what is that smell? It smells like old people.


Mrs. Bishop runs into the room. MRS. BISHOP Mrs. Stillwater, we are here to take Laura. A crash is heard from upstairs. Officer Grange runs up the stairs followed closely by Mrs. Bishop. Officer Krantz heads in another direction. INT. STRANGE HOUSE - UPSTAIRS Officer Grange and Mrs. Bishop stop at a door where they can hear Edith's sobbing. OFFICER GRANGE Mrs. Stillwater, I am coming in! He hits the door with his shoulder and the door swings open. INT. STRANGE HOUSE - BATHROOM Pieces of broken mirror are scattered across the floor. Edith stands at its center clutching one of the larger pieces. Her wrists are slashed. She drops the chunk of mirror and it shatters. Edith clasps and unclasps her hands rapidly, willing the blood to spew from her wrists. Mrs. Bishop rushes over to Edith and tries to stop the bleeding. Officer Grange grabs his radio. OFFICER GRANGE Dispatch, this is unit 339. I need an ambulance at 43 West Packard Avenue immediately. Officer Krantz runs up. breathing heavy. Fuck.

He is as pale as a ghost and

OFFICER KRANTZ You've got to come see this.


INT. STRANGE HOUSE - KITCHEN Grange and Krantz stand at the door that was locked by Edith. The door stands busted off of it's hinges. Grange looks at Krantz. OFFICER KRANTZ You go first. I’ve seen it. Officer Grange takes out his flashlight and goes down the stairs. INT. STRANGE HOUSE - BASEMENT A light falls on an impossibly large birdcage, painted in various colors to resemble a circus tent. A four year old girl sits in the center, hugging her knees. OFFICER GRANGE Mother of creation. INT. GENE'S APT. - NIGHT SUPERIMPOSE: 20 years later A small studio apartment, sparsely furnished. Piles of books line the walls and papers are strewn about. A painting of the Madonna with child hangs on the wall. Rain falls heavily outside of the only window. GENE COSGROVE enters through the front door and jiggles his keys out of the lock. He is in his mid-thirties, very tall, and very ugly. His untamable black hair juts in all directions. GENE Damned sticky lock. He is followed by LAURA BRANT, twenty-four and strikingly beautiful. She stops in the doorway and runs her hand along the door jam.


LAURA I've got to call my mother. Laura grabs the maroon wall phone in the kitchenette and dials. Ancient dishes are piled high in the sink. LAURA If you don't clean this mess up, you're going to get roaches. GENE Roaches have to live too. Gene flips on the television, takes two steps back and throws himself on the couch with a loud crash. Laura muffles the phone with her hand. LAURA I wish you wouldn't do that. She removes her hand quickly. LAURA Oh, hi mom. GENE Hi Barbara! INT. BARBARA'S HOUSE - STUDY BARBARA BRANT sits behind a large oaken desk bathed in the glare of the computer screen in front of her. A handsome, professional looking woman in her mid forties. She holds a cell phone to her ear. INTERCUT BETWEEN LAURA, BARBARA, AND GENE. BARBARA Hello sweetheart. How was the seminar. LAURA It was fascinating. BARBARA You'll have to tell me all about it when you get home.


LAURA Well, that's why I'm calling mom. The rain is perfectly fierce outside. GENE Weather channel says it's going to rain all week and all hell's going to break out on Saturday! BARBARA I know. It's crashing down in this part of town as well. LAURA I can't see how I can make it home tonight. BARBARA Staying with Gene are we? GENE She's trapped with me Barbara! LAURA There is no other choice. home tomorrow.

I'll be

BARBARA Just remember, you two aren't married yet. Laura sighs. LAURA I know mom. I'll be a good girl. A perfect little angel. GENE We're polishing her halo right now! BARBARA You are always my angel. Give Gene a big kiss for me. Just not too big. LAURA I will mom. Love you. BARBARA I love you too. Night.


Barbara flips the cell phone closed and tosses it to the side of her desk. Laura hangs up the phone and bounds onto the couch and snuggles up against Gene. Gene puts an arm around her. GENE I hope you weren't too bored tonight. LAURA Oh no, not at all. physics.

You know I love

GENE And physicists? LAURA Well, one of them anyway. Laura sits up and gets serious. LAURA Of course, quanta are only a construct to help us understand. There is no single unit that is the smallest of its kind. GENE What about photons? LAURA Okay, prove they exist. There is always something smaller. GENE You're not going to start speculating about sub atomic beings again are you? Laura throws herself back against the couch and pretends to pout. GENE Well, I like having you on my arm at these things. It makes people think I have money. Laura slaps him playfully.


LAURA Am I to be a trophy wife? GENE Of course not, but it is one of the perks. LAURA Do you have any idea how much I adore you? Laura plants playful kisses all over his face. Lightning floods the window. EXT. BARBARA'S HOUSE - DAY The day, bleak and overcast. Laura gets out of her car and steps on the sidewalk. takes care to not step on any cracks.


The lawn has lines indicating it has been freshly mowed. MR. MILLER, fifties with a bit of a pot belly, mows his own lawn. MRS. MILLER, also in her fifties, gets up from her gardening and approaches Laura. The skin on her face is pulled too tight from her latest facelift. MRS. MILLER Laura, we haven't received our invitations to your wedding. LAURA It's still six months away. MRS. MILLER You are going to make a beautiful bride. MR. DOBBS, dressed in his postal uniform, walks up. MR. DOBBS Hey there, Laura. Here's your mail. Laura takes the mail from him. LAURA Thank you Mr. Dobbs.


Mr. Dobbs continues on his way. EXT. ACROSS THE STREET - CONTINUOS A RUGGED MAN, in his mid fifties, sits in his car and watches as Barbara comes out of the house. EXT. BARBARA'S HOUSE Barbara walks up to Laura and Mrs. Miller. BARBARA Hello Mrs. Miller. MRS. MILLER Hello Mrs. Brant. BARBARA Laura, come help me with dinner. LAURA Goodbye Mrs. Miller. BARBARA Come on! Your father will be home in an hour. Mrs. Miller returns to her gardening as Barbara and Laura walk to the house. INT. UNIVERSITY - CLASSROOM Gene stands at the whiteboard and draws an ellipse over and over again with a black marker. A large group of STUDENTS watch. GENE …Faster and faster until they approach the speed of light. Then, the polarity of the particle accelerator is reversed. Gene turns back to his class. GENE Crash! The particles inside collide against each other. This causes them to break down into even smaller particles. In this way, we are able to detect and measure these smaller particles. He looks up at the clock on the wall.


GENE Tomorrow, we'll discuss some of the things we've discovered by using the particle accelerator. Sub atomic life. Gasp!


GENE Just kidding. Class dismissed. The students gather up their books and head for the doors. Gene takes the eraser and sprays cleaning fluid on it. wipes down the whiteboard.


QUAID RANDOLF, a good looking man with a friendly face, comes into the classroom. He pushes passed the exiting students. QUAID Hey Gene, how'd Laura like the seminar? GENE She loved it. Quaid gives Gene an unbelieving look. GENE No, really! It's amazing how easily she grasps the concepts. QUAID Not like us and our all night cram sessions? Hardly.


QUAID Ya got lucky with her Gene. She's a beautiful girl and you're an ugly son of a bitch. Gene shovels his books into his brown leather case and latches it. GENE Oh thanks buddy.


QUAID Say, why don't you guys meet Sara and me down at the pub later? GENE I'd like to, but we can't. Laura has that big concert tonight. INT. UNIVERSITY - HALL Gene and Quaid walk out of the classroom together. QUAID Oh shit, right. Sorry, I forgot. GENE Don't worry about it. QUAID I gotta get to my next class. Laura luck for me. I will.


GENE I'll see you later Quaid.

Quaid walks off waving. INT. BARBARA'S HOUSE - DINNING ROOM Barbara, Laura, and DR. ROBERT BRANT, a distinguished looking man in his fifties, sit around the dinning table and eat a very civilized meal. ROBERT The roast beef is excellent sweetheart. BARBARA I thank you kind sir. work?

How was

ROBERT Awful, there was a horrific accident on the highway. I spent most of my day in emergency surgery. LAURA Sweet Mother of God. Robert stabs a piece of meat and scoops potato onto his fork.


ROBERT I'd rather be treating stress related anxiety any day. BARBARA How bad was it? ROBERT Too bad to discuss at the dinner table. LAURA I hope you're not too tired to come to the concert. BARBARA We wouldn't miss it for the world. ROBERT When do you have to leave? Laura glances at her watch. LAURA Oh God, now! She gets up abruptly and runs out of the room. ROBERT Have you told her yet? BARBARA No, not yet. ROBERT She has to be told soon. LAURA (O.S.) I have to run. See you there. BARBARA Be careful sweetheart. The front door shuts with authority. BARBARA I'll tell her after the concert. EXT. BARBARA'S HOUSE - NIGHT Laura runs out of the house wearing a long overcoat and carrying a violin case. She runs straight into OFFICER WILLIAMS, a strong looking policeman.


LAURA Officer Williams, I am so sorry. OFFICER WILLIAMS Never mind that Laura. He notices the violin case. OFFICER WILLIAMS Oh, are you playing tonight? LAURA Yes, and I am very late. Laura heads for her car. OFFICER WILLIAMS You be careful on the roads. I will.


OFFICER WILLIAMS …And if you get pulled over, mention my name. Laura gets behind the wheel of her car and waves. I will.


INT. ST. FRANCES CHURCH - CONFESSIONAL FATHER GONZALAS sits in the confessional booth and reads today's paper. The door to the other booth creaks open and then shut again. Father Gonzalas puts down his newspaper. GENE Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. It has been a week and a half since my last confession. Father Gonzalas opens the little door that separates the two booths. FATHER GONZALAS I know Gene, I was here. GENE Hello Father Gonzalas.


FATHER GONZALAS Hello Mr. Wizard. Now tell me, what could you have done in a week and a half? GENE Well, I've been having impure thoughts. FATHER GONZALAS No doubt. You don't have to confess every time you've had an impure thought. Save them up a bit. Let me lay down some REAL absolution. GENE But I've had a lot of them. Enough to bring down the Holy Ghost with. FATHER GONZALAS How many is enough? GENE Two thousand, four hundred, and thirty seven. FATHER GONZALAS And have these impure thoughts led to impure acts? GENE Yes, four times. FATHER GONZALAS Now we're getting somewhere. Anything else? GENE No, that's all. FATHER GONZALAS I like you Gene. I like you a lot, but God does have a universe to run. GENE You mean I shouldn't confess? FATHER GONZALAS Of course I don't mean that. I mean that you should loosen up on yourself.


You are engaged to a very beautiful woman and you have been faithful to both Laura and God. Your wedding night will be pure. Your sins are understandable. Father Gonzalas folds up his newspaper. FATHER GONZALAS Seek forgiveness, yes, but not all the time. GENE Okay, I'll try to get off of God's back. FATHER GONZALAS God will appreciate that. GENE It's just that I get so nervous. FATHER GONZALAS That too is understandable. GENE Can you absolve me? concert to get to.

I have a

FATHER GONZALAS Say one "Hail Mary", one "Our Father", and wash your hands after every impure act. They both laugh quietly. FATHER GONZALAS Now make an act of contrition and get out of here. GENE Next time I'll tell my bartender instead. EXT. CONCERT HALL - NIGHT The Rugged Man has his car parked across the street. He watches through a pair of binoculars as Laura enters the hall. The first few flashes of light appear in the sky. His cell phone rings.




He listens to the caller. RUGGED MAN She's peachy. …just went in. Rugged Man rolls his eyes. RUGGED MAN I know she's important.

I'm on it.

Rugged Man pulls the phone away from his ear as the caller yells into it. He puts it back to his ear. RUGGED MAN I wasn't rollin' my eyes. Sweat breaks out on his forehead. RUGGED MAN I'll contact ya if I got anything to report. INT. QUAID'S APT - NIGHT Quaid's foot taps against the highly polished hard wood floor. He sits in front of his computer monitor reading through newspaper sites from various parts of the country. Books on religion and the occult cover his desk. Quaid rubs at his eyes, then opens his desk drawer and takes out a bottle of eye drops. He leans his head back and puts a few drops in each eye. Quaid rolls his eyes around beneath his closed lids. His instant messenger jumps to life. Not now.


He sits upright again and clicks on the flashing message. It's GRIGORI913. GRIGORI913 What news do you have on the Stillwater girl?


The first clap of thunder is heard outside. QUAID There isn't very much. She's a pretty ordinary girl. Talented but ordinary. Talented?

GRIGORI913 In what way?

QUAID She is very musically inclined. She seems to have a natural grasp of physics. GRIGORI913 I'd imagine that she is not measuring the energy stored in a stretched spring. QUAID No, sub atomic particles. GRIGORI913 And you find that ordinary? QUAID She is dating a physicist after all. GRIGORI913 The circumstances around Miss Stillwater's adoption are already suspicious. This only adds to that suspicion. QUAID I'll see if I can pump Gene Cosgrove a bit harder. GRIGORI913 Get closer to that girl. Suddenly, Quaid's phone rings. Hello?


Quaid looks back at the monitor. offline.

Grigori913 has gone


QUAID Hey there sexy Sara. What do you say we go to a concert? INT. CONCERT HALL - STAGE A grand piano sits at center stage. A young BLONDE GIRL, around eighteen, sits in front of it and plays Beethoven's Opus 111 as if she wrote it herself. INT. CONCERT HALL - AUDIENCE Robert and Barbara hold hands as the music plays. Barbara reaches over to Gene, who is sitting on her other side, and takes his hand as well. The three smile broadly. GENE I am so nervous for her. BARBARA Don't be silly. She'll be fine. Five rows back sit Quaid and SARA. Sara is a dark haired Romanian woman who looks intensely bored. SARA Why do you drag me to this place? QUAID So we could see Laura play, why else? SARA Why do I care to see this girl I do not know? I think you have love for her more than you have for me. Quaid places a finger on her chin and turns her face to his. QUAID You know how much I love you. He kisses her tenderly.


INT. CONCERT HALL - BACKSTAGE Laura puts finishing touches on her face in front of a lighted mirror. A loud clap of thunder causes the lights to blink. LAURA Please no. Don't let the light go out when I'm playing. JUSTIN REESE, a young man who looks perfectly natural in the tuxedo he wears, appears in Laura's mirror. JUSTIN Don't worry. We'll be fine. Laura lets out a long sigh of relief. LAURA Are you sure? JUSTIN I'm sure I'll be fine. drag you off stage.

They might

Laura wads up a tissue and flicks it into Justin's face. They both laugh. INT. CONCERT HALL - AUDIENCE In the last row, closest to the door, Rugged Man sits and studies the crowd. INT. CONCERT HALL - STAGE The Blonde Girl finishes her piece and rises from her bench. She steps forward as the crowd erupts in applause. Four men come out and roll the piano off stage. The ANNOUNCER walks out on stage clapping his hands. ANNOUNCER That was Susan Carter with Beethoven's Opus 111, movement number one. Susan takes a deep bow and exits the stage. The same four men roll a harpsichord onto the stage.


ANNOUNCER Next, we have Justin Reese on Harpsichord… Justin walks out tall and proud. He gives a curt bow to the audience and seats himself at the harpsichord. ANNOUNCER …and Laura Brant on violin. INT. CONCERT HALL - AUDIENCE Barbara and Gene nudge each other happily. INT. CONCERT HALL - STAGE Laura walks out on stage and bows to the crowd. ANNOUNCER They will be treating us to Bach's Adagio Ma Non Tanto. The announcer applauds as he walks off stage. The audience applauds as well. INT. CONCERT HALL - AUDIENCE Sara sleeps in her seat. INT. CONCERT HALL - STAGE Justin opens the first couple of bars. Laura puts bow to string and slowly slides it. Beautiful music fills the hall. INT. CONCERT HALL - AUDIENCE Robert, Barbara, and Gene settle back into their seats with blissfully proud smiles on their faces. INT. CONCERT HALL - STAGE Laura hits a high note and sees black spots fly around the hall, then quickly fade. She sees Gene in the audience and a smile crosses her lips. Another high note.


The black spots reappear more solid this time. They fade but not completely. They pulse with the music Laura plays. Thunder claps loudly outside causing the lights in the hall to flicker again. INT. CONCERT HALL - AUDIENCE Sara falls against Quaid's shoulder and snores softly. INT. CONCERT HALL - STAGE The black spots sprout leathery wings and fade again. Laura tries to avoid the high notes but can not. Justin shoots her a dirty look from his harpsichord. Another high note and the black spots become fully formed bats of remarkable size. They have strangely human faces and greasy jet black hair slicked back on their heads. INT. FRYBURG SANITARIUM - PADDED ROOM - NIGHT Edith Stillwater, wears a straight jacket, sits on the padded floor and rocks back and forth. Her lifeless eyes stare at nothing. A loud thunderclap starts Edith's shrieking. INT. CONCERT HALL - STAGE A bat swoops towards Laura. She screams and falls to the stage unconscious. A great clap of thunder put the lights out in the hall for good. INT. CONCERT HALL - AUDIENCE A window shatters and the bats fly out. Robert and Gene break out of their shock. Oh my God!



ROBERT Barbara, get my bag from the trunk. Robert and Gene rush towards the stage. INT. CONCERT HALL - STAGE Justin leans over Laura and taps her face lightly. JUSTIN Laura, Laura, are you okay? EXT. CONCERT HALL - PARKING LOT The rain comes down hard as Barbara opens the car trunk and gets Robert's medical bag. She takes no notice of the bats fluttering around her head. INT. CONCERT HALL - STAGE Robert and Gene kneel next to Laura. Robert puts a hand on Justin's shoulder. ROBERT It's alright son, I'm a doctor. JUSTIN


Justin steps away nervously. Gene cradles Laura's head and openly weeps. Robert takes a small light from his pocket and shines it in Laura's eye. Barbara runs across the stage with bag in hand. ROBERT Smelling salts. Barbara rummages in the bag and hands a small packet to Robert. Robert breaks it and waves it under Laura's nose. She bolts upright. Bats!



Robert straps a blood pressure cuff around Laura's arm. ROBERT Hold her still. Gene wraps his arms around Laura and holds her. Bats?


LAURA Yes, didn't you see them? ROBERT Honey, just try to stay calm. INT. CONCERT HALL - AUDIENCE Quaid shakes Sara awake. QUAID Show's over. Time to go. Sara rubs sleep from her eyes and stands up. Quaid takes her by the hand and leads her up the aisle. The Rugged Man's eyes follow them as they walk out of the hall. He stands and follows. INT. CONCERT HALL - STAGE Robert and Gene help Laura to her feet. Gene wraps an arm around her for support. ROBERT Well, there's nothing physically wrong with you young lady. It must just be your nerves. LAURA Nerves that make me see things? ROBERT It happens all the time. What you need is a good night sleep. BARBARA I think she should go home with Gene.


GENE Are you sure? BARBARA No, not really, but you are the closest. Besides, we can trust you can't we? ROBERT Of course we can. Robert hands Gene a bottle of pills from his bag and hands it to Gene. ROBERT You give her one of those as soon as you have her in bed. To sleep!


INT. GENE'S APT. - NIGHT Laura lays in the pulled out sofa bed while rain pounds at the window. Gene brings her a glass of water and a pill. LAURA I feel like such an idiot, but they were so real. GENE Giant bats? LAURA Yes, they were flying all around the hall. GENE I think you should take your pill Jim Morrison. Laura swallows the pill and drinks a bit of water. LAURA They had these horrible faces. Like a vicious Don Knots or something. GENE Your father said you needed to rest, now rest.


LAURA Okay, but I want a cigarette first. Hand me my purse please. Gene grabs her purse from the floor near the front door and carries it over to her. GENE You scared the shit out of me you know. I know.

LAURA I'm sorry.

He hands her the bag but she fumbles it. It falls on the floor, spilling its contents out. Damn.


GENE Don't worry. I'll get it. Gene reaches down and puts the contents back in the bag. A picture lay on the floor face up. It is the picture of the strange house. Gene flips the picture over. Written on the back is "43 West Packard Ave". GENE What's this? He hands the picture to Laura, then grabs her cigarettes and lighter. LAURA It's just a place I used to live. Gene hands her the cigarettes. GENE You lived in that monstrosity? Laura lights a cigarette with a shaky hand.


LAURA My mother, my real mother, would lock me in a cage whenever there was a lightening storm. She said it would protect me. I was taken away and given to the Brants. They are my parents now. GENE A Faraday cage? A what?


GENE A Faraday cage. You know! Michael Faraday created a cage that formed a protective barrier to electromagnetic forces. LAURA Electricity follows the path of the cage and never touches what is inside. GENE Yes, it is why airplanes can fly through a storm. LAURA I never thought of that before. Laura's cigarette ash grows long and her eyes flutter. Maybe she…


INT. FRYBURG SANITARIUM - PADDED ROOM - NIGHT Edith rocks back and forth quickly. EDITH …was only trying to protect her. Protect her. Yes. Protect her from her blood. Never meant harm. Not to sweet Laura. INT. UNKNOWN HOUSE - PARLOR The room is dark except for the raging fire in the fireplace. A dark figure, wearing a golden amulet, swirls brandy in a large snifter.


A cell phone plays tubular bells. AMULET WEARER answers. Hello?


RUGGED MAN (O.S.) We have a problem. AMULET WEARER We can not have a problem at this stage. RUGGED MAN (O.S.) I know, but we got one anyway. AMULET WEARER What is it? RUGGED MAN (O.S.) The Brant girl passed out. AMULETWEARER Is she alright? RUGGED MAN (O.S.) Yeah, she's okay enough. Her father took care of her. AMULET WEARER Then what is the problem? RUGGED MAN (O.S.) There was a guy in the crowd. think he may be with the brotherhood.


AMULET WEARER It was to be expected. Fax me the details and I will take care of it. In the mean time, your only responsibility is to keep Laura Brant safe. INT. GENE'S APT. - DAY Gene fumbles with his tie in front of the bathroom mirror. There's a knock at the door. Coming!



Gene walks to the door and opens it. Barbara Brant strokes the door jam. BARBARA Is she alright? GENE Yes, she's still sleeping though. Barbara walks into the studio apartment. BARBARA Well, don't you worry. I'll take care of her. You get yourself to work. Gene grabs his briefcase and gives Barbara a peck on the cheek. GENE The pills are on the coffee table if she needs any more. BARBARA She'll be fine. Barbara ushers Gene to the door. GENE Call me if anything happens. I will.


GENE I mean it Barbara. I will.

BARBARA Have a good day.

Barbara pushes him out the door and closes it. INT. QUAID'S APT - DAY Quaid gets quietly out of bed so as not to wake up the still sleeping Sara. Wearing only his briefs, he walks into the bathroom. He strips his briefs and steps into the shower. Sara opens her eyes at the sound of the shutting door.


She rolls over on the bed and reaches into her purse lying next to the nightstand. She pulls out her cell phone and dials. EXT. PARK CAFÉ - DAY Barbara and Laura walk up to a round stone table with a colorful umbrella jutting out from it. Laura looks at it uncomfortably. They set down their designer coffees and sit. The day, still bleak but dry. BARBARA You gave us a good scare last night. I know.


BARBARA Anything you want to talk about? LAURA I'd rather just let it drop. BARBARA It's probably for the best. Laura takes a roll from her purse and rips it in half. She tears it up into little pieces and feeds the gathering pigeons. BARBARA We have something else we need to talk about. Oh?


Barbara takes a letter from her purse and slides it across the table. Laura looks at it for a moment, then picks it up. The address reads Laura Stillwater. LAURA Have you read it?


BARBARA Of course not, but I think I know what it may be. Laura opens the letter and reads. LAURA It's from the doctor who's treating… BARBARA Your mother? LAURA You're my mother! Barbara reaches out and takes Laura's hand. LAURA She's been more agitated than normal the passed few weeks. Normal, that's a laugh. What else?


LAURA He thinks it might help if I went to see her. Laura puts the letter down and returns to feeding the pigeons. She cries. Laura?


LAURA I don't want to see her. I don't ever want to see that witch! Laura gets up from the table and runs down a blacktop path. Barbara chases after her. BARBARA Laura, wait. LAURA I only have one mother!


Barbara catches up and grabs Laura by her arms.


LAURA If I have to look at that woman, I'll kill her. I'll kill her! Pigeons fall from the sky dead in a circle around them. A pile of about fifty dead birds surround Barbara and Laura. Still more fall. INT. UNIVERSITY CAFATERIA Gene sits at a table and absently picks at his lunch. Quaid carries a tray over and sits next to him. QUAID You okay buddy? GENE Yeah, I'm alright. I'm just a bit worried about Laura. QUAID Yeah, that must have given you a helluva scare. GENE How do you know about it? QUAID I was there. I thought I'd surprise the both of you. GENE I guess we all got a surprise. They sit in uncomfortable silence. QUAID So, what happened?

Is she okay?

GENE She's fine, but she had a bit of an hallucination. No shit?


GENE She says she saw giant bats flying around.


QUAID That sounds serious. I mean, she doesn't look the type to use drugs or anything. GENE Come on, Quaid. drugs.

Laura doesn't do

QUAID That's what I said. GENE She's just been under a lot of pressure lately. Her mother is making a bigger deal out of this wedding than she needs to and that concert was very important to Laura. QUAID Gene, I understand.

It's okay.

GENE You're a good friend. INT. BARBARA'S HOUSE - FRONT HALL - NIGHT Barbara walks to the door and opens it. in the rain.

Gene stands outside

BARBARA Hello Gene. GENE Hello Barbara. Is she okay? BARBARA She's had a bit of a hard day. Go wait in the living room and I'll go get her. Barbara walks upstairs as Gene crosses into the… LIVING ROOM Robert sits in an easy chair reading the evening paper. stands when he sees Gene. ROBERT Well, hello Gene.



GENE Hello Mr. Brant.

Is Laura okay?

ROBERT Yes, I had a look at her when I got home. She's fine. Just a case of stage nerves I would say. GENE Would that make you see things? ROBERT You'd be surprised what a case of nervous tension can do. If there are more occurrences, I'll prescribe her something. GENE Can you do that? I mean, you're her father and all. ROBERT Nothing serious. Just something to take the edge off. Laura walks into the living room. GENE You look beautiful. Thank you.


GENE Are you ready? Yes.


Gene and Laura head for the front door. ROBERT Don't keep her out too late. A little extra rest will do her good. INT. ITALIAN RESTURANT - NIGHT Gene and Laura are in the middle of their meal. GENE Dead pigeons?


LAURA They were all over the place. GENE Are you sure they were dead? LAURA Unless pigeons sleep on their backs. GENE You've had a big day then. LAURA That's not all. She hands him the letter. Gene takes out a pair of glasses and reads the letter carefully. GENE Geez, when it rains, it pours. What are you going to do? LAURA I don't know. I have so many bad memories. GENE It might give you a sense of closure. Maybe.


EXT/INT. CAR - NIGHT Rugged Man sits behind the wheel of his car and watches the restaurant across the street. Gene and Laura walk out of the restaurant. They cling to each other as they head for the car. Rugged Man turns on the cars ignition. Gene opens the car door for Laura. Laura gets in and leans over to unlock Gene's door. Gene gets in and starts his car.


He slowly pulls away from the curb. Rugged Man puts his car in gear and follows. INT. DARK BASEMENT - NIGHT Unfinished basement lit with candles. Several figures in black hooded robes mill about a round oaken table with a golden symbol painted in its center. Candles strategically placed in key spots on the symbol. The Amulet Wearer approaches the table. The other figures join the Amulet Wearer around the table. Hands in black leather gloves are joined. The hooded figures chant in vibrating tones. Swirling shapes appear above the table in response to the chanting. They come more and more into focus. The bats take full form and fly around the basement. EXT. STRANGE HOUSE - DAY Laura's car pulls up to the curb. The radio is tuned to KROK, a rock station. A female DJ, with an up and bouncy voice, prattles on. DJ Hey, hey, hey! Has it been wet enough out there for you? There's no relief in sight except for Krock's liar's poker face-off challenge! Laura looks at the house in front of her. She takes the picture from her purse and compares it to the real house. DJ You could win and win big… The real house is twenty years more weather worn.


Shutters hang loosely from the windows. Glass shattered from the panes. Gutters swing from the roof. DJ If you have the winning hand. Laura gets out of her car and walks towards the house. Laura grabs the door knob and turns it.

The door opens.

OFFICER WILLIAMS Hey, what are you doing over there? Laura jumps. Officer Williams approaches the house. Laura?


LAURA Oh, Officer Williams. OFFICER WILLIAMS What are you doing here? LAURA I used to live here. OFFICER WILLIAMS In hell house? LAURA Yes, a long time ago. OFFICER WILLIAMS Well, you don't live here now and this is private property. LAURA I'm sorry Officer Williams. thought it was abandoned.


OFFICER WILLIAMS It was sold about two months ago. To who?



OFFICER WILLIAMS That's not my department. Talk to the realtor. LAURA Who was the realtor? OFFICER WILLIAMS Jim Blake, down at Royal Realty. Laura, what are you up to? LAURA Nothing. Maybe I can talk the new owners into bulldozing this place down. OFFICER WILLIAMS Not fond of hell house are you? No.


Laura walks back to her car. OFFICER WILLIAMS Do yourself a favor and don't come back. Laura nods and waves to him as she gets into her car. DJ The Pork Pies will be playing at Club Emo this Saturday if the storm will let you out. She drives away. INT. LIBRARY - DAY Gene sits in a study cubical hunched over a book titled, "The Secret Life Of Quarks". GENE "Since consciousness is energy, it can be found where ever energy can be found. Consider the energy released when an atom is split. As we delve further into sub atomic particles, we may find that ET is not in the stars after all." A WOMAN in the next cubical leans back in her chair.


WOMAN Would you mind shutting up? trying to study here.


GENE Oh, I'm sorry. INT. ROYAL REALTY Laura walks through the door and strokes the door jam as she passes. She walks over to the reception desk where an ELDERLY WOMAN sits. A beautiful vase of flowers sits next to her. ELDERLY WOMAN May I help you? LAURA Yes, I'm looking for one of your agents. His name is Jim Blake? ELDERLY WOMAN Let me check his office. moment please.


The Elderly Woman gets up and walks back to the offices. Laura takes one of the flowers from the vase and gently sniffs it. She then crushes it in her fist and lets it drop to the floor. The Elderly Woman returns. ELDERLY WOMAN I am sorry, Mr. Blake doesn't seem to be in right now. Can I tell him what this is about? LAURA It's about the house at 43 West Packard Ave.? ELDERLY WOMAN Hell house? That place was on the market forever. LAURA Do you know who bought it?


ELDERLY WOMAN So many houses, I can't keep track of that kind of information. Let me see what I can find out for you. The Elderly Woman clicks away at her computer. ELDERLY WOMAN Oh, that's right. It was bought by the Planck Corporation. LAURA It was bought by a corporation? ELDERLY WOMAN It's not unusual. They're probably land developers. They'll buy up the block over the next couple of years and build a strip mall. LAURA Well, thank you. ELDERLY WOMAN Glad I could help. INT. LAURA'S CAR - NIGHT The sky is crimson red and lightening flashes behind the clouds as Laura pulls away from Royal Realty. In her rearview mirror, Rugged Man pulls out behind her. Laura reaches into her purse and takes out her cell phone. INT. GENE'S APT. - NIGHT Gene jumps to reach his ringing phone. Hello?


LAURA (O.S.) Hello sweet heart. GENE Hello babe. Why are you calling? Isn't tonight our, "personal space" night?


INTERCUT BETWEEN LAURA AND GENE. LAURA I know but I wanted to let you know that I went by the Packard house today. It's been sold. So?


LAURA It was bought by the Planck Corporation. GENE Like Max Planck?

The physicist?

LAURA I don't know, but it's odd isn't it? GENE It's been an odd day. LAURA What do you mean? GENE Well, I was doing some studying in the library and I ran across a book called, "An Initiation Into Hermetics". Hermetics?


GENE Yes, it is one of the occult sciences. LAURA What were you doing studying something like that? GENE It's a long story, but this book said that the reason that occultists chant is to set up a vibrational field. They believe that if they can find the right harmonic frequency, they can bring angels and demons into this world.


LAURA This is all very interesting but… GENE …But what if you did that with your violin? LAURA Are you saying the bats were real? GENE What I am saying is that it's a possibility. INT. QUAID'S APT - NIGHT The front door opens and Quaid whistles as he steps into his apartment. His eyes suddenly go wide. Sara has her arms extended and both hands on a stainless steel gun. Quaid raises his hands in the air. QUAID Did I miss an anniversary? SARA Mister funny guy. QUAID What is this about? SARA You know what this is about. I can not allow you to contact your group about the Stillwater girl. QUAID What are you talking about? SARA Do not pretend you are stupid. I know who you are with and I know what it is that you do. QUAID Ya got me. That gun is a pretty clear sign of who you are with as well.


SARA Who I am with is not important. Only the safety of the Stillwater girl is important. QUAID The brotherhood already know all about little Miss Laura. Quaid turns and shuts the door. QUAID So shooting me doesn't matter that much. He turns the lock. There is a large clap of thunder. Sara jumps. Quaid rushes her and knocks her to the ground. They wrestle over the gun. Quaid wrenches it out of her hands and stands up. QUAID Do you have any idea how much noise you would have made with this thing? He kicks her hard in the ribs. QUAID Every cop for five miles would have been on you in a second. Quaid takes a cushion off of his sofa and removes the lining. He kicks Sara again, then bends and stuffs the cushion under her head. He walks out of the room. QUAID (O.S.) You never were very smart Sara. Quaid walks back in holding a smaller gun with a silencer in the barrel. QUAID This is what you need.




Quaid puts two shots into Sara's head. with blood.

The cushion turns red

Sara's body twitches on the floor. QUAID Oh, and you were a lousy lay. Quaid walks over to his desk, cool as a cucumber, and turns on his computer monitor. He enters a URL into his browsers address bar. A web site called, "The Brotherhood Of The Virgin's Blood" appears. Quaid clicks on the login button and enters his user information. The screen opens up to an elaborate chat room. Each user has their own avatar and their text scrolls in a separate box. The room has slots for four chatters. Grigori913 and DROGAN are there. GRIGORI913 Good evening Quaid, something to report? QUAID Yes, I have a positive on the Stillwater girl. DROGAN Third positive we've had tonight. GRIGORI913 What proof do you have? QUAID She has seen the heralds. DROGAN Holy shit, are you sure? GRIGORI913 Do you have confirmation?


QUAID Yes, Gene Cosgrove confirmed it to me. DROGAN Okay, I'm scrambling. orders for dispatch.


GRIGORI913 Was she playing her violin at the time of the event? QUAID That's a roger. GRIGORI913 Drogan, the order is given. I'm on it.


QUAID I was almost prevented from making this report. I need garbage disposal at my apartment. DROGAN They're on their way Quaid. Quaid logs off. INT. FRYBURG SANITARIUM - PADDED ROOM - NIGHT Edith paces while her head twitches convulsively. repeats the same rhyme over and over. EDITH "Lightening, lightening banging, crashing don't come near my window sashing. Shut the door, shut it tight. Don't let lightening near my sight." INT. BARBARA'S HOUSE - LAURA'S ROOM - NIGHT Laura sits on her bed staring at her violin case. She carefully opens it. Her fingers run across the wood of the instrument. She shuts the case again quickly.



LAURA This is stupid. She stands and paces the room quickly. LAURA This is so stupid. She goes back to the bed and flings the case open. She grabs out the violin. She stands up straight and crooks it under her chin. She begins to play. Six black spots appear low to the floor. LAURA This is not happening. As she plays, they become more defined. They take on a humanoid shape approximately two feet tall. Laura plays on. LAURA This is not possible. The shapes take on the form of small trolls. They are bald, have large hooked noses, and long claws coming from their fingers. They seem to sit before Laura as her audience. No!


Laura smashes her violin against her desk chair. The instrument flies to pieces. INT. ST. JEROME'S HOSPITAL - NIGHT Gene comes running up the brightly lit hallway. A pair of SECURITY GUARDS chase him. Robert comes up the other end of the hall and holds his hands up.


ROBERT It's alright. Everyone calm down. GENE What happened to Laura? alright?

Is she

SECURITY GUARD #1 I'm sorry Dr. Brant but this man did not get a pass. ROBERT He's just distraught. care of it.

I'll take

One of the guards stiffens. ROBERT I said I'll take care of it. The security guards walk off disgruntled. GENE What happened to Laura? ROBERT She had another episode. GENE Is she alright? ROBERT She's fine. I just want her overnight to run some tests. GENE Can I talk to her? ROBERT No, she's under sedation but I'll let you see her if you promise to let her rest. I promise.


Robert and Gene walk down the hallway and enter INT. LAURA'S ROOM Gene rushes to Laura's side and pulls up a chair.


Robert enters the room and strokes the door jam as he passes. GENE What do you think is wrong? ROBERT I doubt it's anything more than simple anxiety but I have to at least run an MRI to rule out anything more serious. GENE How long are you going to keep her? ROBERT If all goes well, I'll release her tomorrow. INT. QUAID'S APT - NIGHT Quaid bends down and picks up the couch cushion from the floor. He carefully carries it into the bathroom and tosses it into the tub. Sara is suspended from a hook in the ceiling by her bound hands. Her feet have been cut off and tossed into one corner of the tub. Quaid takes the mop from the corner of the bathroom and dunks it into a bucket of soapy water. He mops his way out of the room and back to where the cushion was. QUAID Twenty two caliber makes clean up a breeze. There is a ring at the front door. Quaid opens it to reveal three THUGS carrying black bags. QUAID She's in the bathroom draining. The thugs walk in and open their bags. They pull out hacksaws and disappear into the bathroom.


INT. UNKNOWN HOUSE - PARLOR - NIGHT Amulet Wearer sits and polishes the golden amulet. He breaths on it and gives it a final wipe. He places it around his hooded neck. His phone rings. AMULET WEARER It is the middle of the night. This better be important. RUGGED MAN (O.S.) The Brant girl has had another visitation. AMULET WEARER We expected this. RUGGED MAN (O.S.) You don't want me to report events like that anymore? AMULET WEARER Yes, just not during the witching hour. RUGGED MAN (O.S.) There is something else. Yes?


RUGGED MAN (O.S.) Your agent, the girl, has been taken out. Quaid must have made his report. AMULET WEARER This is unfortunate. RUGGED MAN (O.S.) Nothing I can't handle. Just want to let you know that things may get a bit dicey. AMULET WEARER You will be well rewarded in the coming paradise.


EXT. ST. JEROME'S HOSPITAL - DAY A matronly looking NURSE pushes Laura's wheelchair to the curb where Gene waits. Gene smiles to the nurse and helps Laura out of the chair. The Nurse returns the smile and wheels the chair away. Gene helps Laura into his car. INT. GENE'S CAR Gene puts the car into gear and pulls away from the curb. GENE Your father tells me I have to bring you straight home. LAURA He worries too much. GENE I worry about you too and I think you should get your rest. LAURA Really, Gene, I feel fine. GENE You know best babe, just please take it easy. LAURA I will. I've been thinking of going to see my… My mother. GENE I'm proud of you. on?

What brings this

LAURA She might know what's going on. GENE You don't think that it's just anxiety? LAURA I don't think dead pigeons are anxiety.


GENE I can't explain it, but I agree that something is going on. EXT. BARBARA'S HOUSE Gene's car pulls up to the curb and parks. Gene gets out and walks across to Laura's door and opens it for her. Laura gets out and gives Gene a peck on the cheek. She walks towards the house. Gene gets back in the car and pulls away. Mr. Dobbs walks away from the house. MR. DOBBS Hello Laura, how are you feeling? LAURA I'm fine Mr. Dobbs, and how are you? MR. DOBBS I'm fine but the Millers told me you had to be taken to the hospital last night. Oh, that. pains.

LAURA It was nothing.

Bad gas

MR. DOBBS I'm glad you're alright. LAURA Thank you Mr. Dobbs. inside.

I have to get

MR. DOBBS Okay, have a good day Laura. Laura waves and heads into the house. INT. GENE'S APT. Gene sits on the couch and pours over the stack of books on the occult.


He stops on a hand drawn picture of bats with human like faces. The caption under the picture reads, "The Heralds Of Satan". There is a knock at the door. Gene crosses the room and opens the door. Father Gonzalas stands outside. GENE Father Gonzalas, come in. Father Gonzalas strokes the door jam and steps inside. FATHER GONZALAS Hello Gene. What's going on? You sounded so serious on the phone. GENE Please, sit down. Father Gonzalas begins to sit but then stops. FATHER GONZALAS Have you committed any impure acts on this couch? GENE Not that I recall. Father Gonzalas sits. FATHER GONZALAS So, what's going on Gene? GENE I am afraid for Laura. seeing things.

She's been

FATHER GONZALAS What kind of things? Gene hands Father Gonzalas the book and points at the picture. Those.


FATHER GONZALAS So now you think Laura is possessed by the devil?


GENE Maybe not possessed, but some odd things have been happening. FATHER GONZALAS I think you have an overactive imagination, and apparently, so does Laura. GENE Well, what about all of the dead pigeons that fell dead at her feet? FATHER GONZALAS Real or imaginary? GENE Real of course. FATHER GONZALAS Were you there? No.


FATHER GONZALAS Then how do you know she didn't imagine them too? GENE Because she told me and I trust her. FATHER GONZALAS So you grab a bunch of books on the occult from your local library to justify the imaginings of a stressed out girl? Father Gonzalas snaps the book shut. FATHER GONZALAS Have you told her any of this? Some, yes.


FATHER GONZALAS Well don't tell her any more. This is a very emotional time for the both of you.


If she is going through some difficulties right now, she doesn't need her head filled with this junk. Has she seen a doctor? GENE Her father is a doctor. And?


GENE He gave her a bottle of anti anxiety pills. FATHER GONZALAS But you'd rather believe it is Satan? GENE I don't know what to believe. That is why I wanted to talk to you. Father Gonzalas stands up. FATHER GONZALAS There's a sick woman in the hospital waiting to see me. GENE Thank you for coming by. FATHER GONZALAS My suggestion? See if her father has another bottle of pills for you. GENE I will see you on Sunday. FATHER GONZALAS I'll be looking forward to it. Father Gonzalas steps out of the door. INT. LAURA'S CAR - DAY Laura has her rock station on as she drives slowly down West Packard Ave. Officer Williams walks towards the house. Laura stops the car and watches him.


Officer Williams turns onto the walkway that leads to the house. Laura drives again more quickly this time. As she passes the house, she looks up the walkway. Officer Williams is not there. EXT. FRYBURG SANITARIUM - DAY Laura walks up the concrete path that leads to the front door of the sanitarium. She makes sure that she steps on every crack she can find. INT. FRYBURG SANITARIUM Agitated, Laura paces back and forth in the waiting area across from the nurses station. NURSE LANE, a young girl fresh out of nursing school, sits behind the station and flips through a copy of People magazine. She snaps her bubble gum. The lights are kept at a moderate tone and the walls are painted in a vile avocado green. LAURA Who does the painting around here? NURSE LANE I know, isn't it horrible? LAURA It looks like the seventies exploded in this room. NURSE LANE You know, studies have shown that this color green helps keep the patients calm. DR. SIMON MERCHANT, a tall handsome black man, walks up to Laura. DR. MERCHANT Miss Stillwater, I am very glad you decided to come.


LAURA It's Miss Brant if you don't mind. DR. MERCHANT No, not at all. I am sorry. Please, follow me. Laura and Dr. Merchant walk down the hall. DR. MERCHANT Your mother has been treated here for the passed twenty years and has been in a catatonic state for most of that time. LAURA She is no longer catatonic? DR. MERCHANT No, a few weeks ago she began speaking. Most of it has been incoherent of course, but some of it shows both love and regret for you. LAURA She has a lot to regret. DR. MERCHANT I can appreciate your feelings Miss Brant. We were hoping that if she could see you, we could get beyond her feelings of regret, and we could get down to whatever traumatic experience put her in this state. They stop in front of the door to Edith's room. LAURA I don't know what I can do, but I will talk to her. DR. MERCHANT She has never shown any signs of being dangerous, but she is in restraints. I will be right outside of this door if you need me. Dr. Merchant puts a large key into an even larger lock and turns it.


He opens the door. DR. MERCHANT You'll need to remove your shoes please. Laura kicks off her shoes and takes a deep breath. She strokes the door jam as she enters. The door closes behind her.

The lock clicks into place.

INT. FRYBURG SANITARIUM - PADDED ROOM - DAY Edith sits in the furthest corner and rocks herself. Laura walks to the center of the room. Mother?


Edith looks up slowly. EDITH Don't you call me that. Don't you dare call me that! My sweet Laura is only four years old. LAURA Mother, that was a long time ago. EDITH Yes, a very long time. LAURA I've grown up since then. EDITH Of course you have. you know.

I'm not stupid

LAURA This is useless. EDITH They're coming for you. Who?



EDITH "Lightening, lightening banging, crashing don't come near my window sashing. Shut the door, shut it tight. Don't let lightening near my sight." LAURA Who is coming for me? EDITH It's the blood. It's always the blood. LAURA Mother, who is coming for me? EDITH My sweet Laura will bring about paradise. LAURA Oh, that's enough of this. Laura walks over to the door and pounds on it three times. The door swings open. Edith launches after Laura and grabs her. EDITH The book. The book is in your room. I hid it before they came. Get the book. Laura struggles against Edith's grip and breaks away. EDITH Get the book. Dr. Merchant closes the door and locks it. EDITH (O.S.) Get the book. Laura puts her shoes back on and walks away. Dr. Merchant hurries after her. EDITH (O.S.) Get the book.


DR. MERCHANT I am sorry about that. She has never acted like that before. Tears streak down Laura's eyes as she rushes passed the nurses station. DR. MERCHANT Miss Brant, I would like to ask you a couple of questions. Fuck you!


Laura blasts through the front doors. EXT. PARK - NIGHT The setting sun and the dark clouds rolling in make for a very gloomy twilight. Laura walks like a zombie down the blacktop path towards a large tunnel. She cries openly and hard, her arms folded across her breasts. She takes her cell phone from her purse and presses a speed dial key. LAURA Gene, can you come get me? GENE (O.S.) Are you alright? LAURA No, I'm not alright. my mother.

I went to see

GENE (O.S.) I guess it didn't go so well. No!

LAURA It did not go well!

GENE (O.S.) Oh honey, I'm so sorry. LAURA Look, can you just come and get me? I'm too upset to drive. I'm in the park, by the tunnel.


GENE (O.S.) I'm on my way. Laura puts her cell phone back in her purse. A large dog barks and growls at Laura. It bares its teeth in a vicious grin. Laura gives the dog an equally vicious look. LAURA Leave me alone! The dogs growls turn into whimpers. It looks as if it has a gigantic weight on it. Something crushes it toward the ground. Laura's eyes flame as she stares at the dog. The dogs legs buckle and it whimpers more as the invisible force presses it into the pavement. The clouds break open with a loud thunder clap and torrential rain pours down on the dog. With a final yelp, the dog is dead. INT. GENE'S CAR - NIGHT Gene flips his wipers on as the rain hits his car. He drives faster than the road conditions warrant. EXT. PARK - NIGHT Two Thugs come out of the tunnel and grab Laura. One Thug tries to get a cloth over her face. Laura struggles against them. Rugged Man appears from the tunnel. He raises a .44 bulldog pug to one of the Thugs head and fires. Blood splashes Laura's face. Rugged Man puts a bullet into the head of the other Thug.


Laura screams. The body falls to the pavement. RUGGED MAN Calm it down now. You're safe. Laura continues screaming. RUGGED MAN If you don't shut it up, you'll have every cop in the park here. LAURA Who are you? Nobody. you.

RUGGED MAN I was hired to protect

LAURA Hired by who? Rugged Man hands her a card. Laura looks at it. It has the same symbol that is on the amulet. "Planck Corporation". Laura?

It reads,


LAURA I'm down here. Laura turns back to the Rugged Man but he is gone. Gene walks up and looks at the two bodies and one dead dog. GENE My God Laura, what happened here? LAURA I'll tell you in the car. They turn to go. EXT. GENE'S CAR Gene drives down the road at a slower pace.


Laura talks a mile a minute and gestures wildly with her hands. Gene splits his attention between Laura and the road. Laura puts her head in her hands and cries. INT. GENE'S CAR Gene puts a hand on the back of Laura's neck and rubs. GENE It is all over now.

You are safe.

LAURA But for how long? GENE Until we figure something out. LAURA Figure what out Gene? We don't even know what's going on! So what are we going to figure out? GENE I don't know. Something. LAURA We have to get the book. GENE You think an insane woman has the answers? LAURA Something drove her insane and I'm beginning to understand that feeling. We can't. entering.

GENE It'd be breaking and

LAURA Damn it Gene, we are getting that book and we are getting it now! A large flash of lightening, followed immediately by thunder, washes the road from sight. Gene jumps and the car swerves, then is back under control.


GENE Alright, we'll get the book. INT. DARK BASEMENT - NIGHT Amulet Wearer sits in a large, hand carved, throne. A black hooded group surround the throne. AMULET WEARER Tonight we prepare to move to the appointed place. The place where we shall give birth to the new world. As the coming was, so shall it be again. GROUP Blessed be the new world. AMULET WEARER The everlasting paradise is at hand. GROUP Blessed be the paradise. AMULET WEARER But first, we shall send a message to those who seek to stop us. Amulet Wearer stands. The group gathers around the table and begin to chant. INT. CORNER PUB - NIGHT Qauid sits at the bar and nurses a beer. He takes a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and flips one through the air and into his mouth. He pats at his remaining pockets. A MAN sits next to Quaid and flicks his lighter. Quaid lights his cigarette. QUAID You know it's dangerous meeting like this.


MAN Our first attempt at the Stillwater girl has failed. Two dead. QUAID I'll have to get out of town soon. INT. DARK BASEMENT - NIGHT The chanting intensifies as a dark figure carries a bucket to Amulet Wearer. Amulet Wearer gestures over the bucket and then reaches inside. He pulls out a wet towel and hands it to the bucket carrier. Another dark figure takes the other end of the towel. INT. CORNER PUB - NIGHT Quaid sips his beer. MAN There is an investigation in Belgium. You leave tomorrow. QUAID I better get home and pack. INT. DARK BASEMENT - NIGHT The dark figures, each with one end of the towel, twist it. Water ringing from the towel puddle on the floor. INT. CORNER PUB - NIGHT Quaid stands and walks towards the door when he suddenly clutches his chest. He falls to the floor. INT. DARK BASEMENT - NIGHT The towel gets twisted tighter. INT. CORNER PUB - NIGHT Quaid's body lifts off of the floor by invisible hands. His body twists in mid-air.


Quaid screams. His clothes become blood soaked. INT. DARK BASEMENT - NIGHT The towel gets twisted tighter still. INT. CORNER PUB - NIGHT Quaid's body twists to impossible extremes while he shrieks. His body twists in half and he falls to the floor, dead. INT. DARK BASEMENT - NIGHT A dark figure drops the towel back into the bucket. AMULET WEARER Very good my children. Very good. INT. GENE'S CAR - NIGHT Gene drives slowly up West Packard Ave. Windshield wipers swing back and forth furiously. Laura watches out the car window. LAURA Go passed the house. We have to see if Officer Williams is around. I think he's guarding the place. Gene drives passed the house and continues onto the next block. They see Officer Williams walking away from the house. LAURA Okay, drop me at the house, then circle around and wait at the corner. GENE I should come with you. LAURA I need you to keep an eye out in case he comes back. GENE Are you sure we have to do this?


LAURA There is no other way. The car circles the block and stops in front of the house. Laura jumps out and runs for the door, with a flashlight in her hand. The car pulls away. INT. STRANGE HOUSE - FRONT HALL Laura waves the flashlight from one end of the room to the other. Spiders scurry away from the light. Laura walks through the DINING ROOM and into the KITCHEN. Laura stands at the door that leads to the basement. LAURA I've got to see it. Laura opens the door and descends the stairs. Her light flicks off of the cage until she stands before it. It is older, has rust spots under the pealing paint, and covered in spider webs. She reaches out her hand and touches it. Thunder crashes outside and Laura jumps back. You bitch.


INT. GENE'S CAR The car sits quietly. Gene wipes the condensation from the inside of the windshield. Oh no.


EXT. WEST PACKARD AVE. Officer Williams walks down the street towards the house.


The plastic covering his cap does not prevent him from being soaking wet. INT. STRANGE HOUSE - SECOND LEVEL STAIRS Laura climbs the stairs to the second floor landing. She walks through the HALL to her BEDROOM. Her flashlight falls on an ancient teddy bear in a cocoon of spider webs. She turns and her light reveals the hole in the wall. Laura goes to the hole and puts her hand in it. Hundreds of spiders scuttle out of the hole. Laura gasps silently. LAURA You can do it. She puts her hand back into the hole and feels around. INT. STRANGE HOUSE - HOLE Light from the flashlight falls on the book. Laura's fingers dance around searching. Spiders back away from her waving fingers. A finger touches the spine of the book. Laura reaches her hand in further. Her fingers run along the books cover. She grabs it and pulls her hand out. INT. STRANGE HOUSE - BEDROOM Laura looks at the book and smiles. but it is solid. Police!

She inspects the lock

OFFICER WILLIAMS (O.S.) Is there anyone in here?

Laura goes to the door and peers out. Officer Williams stands in the front hall with a large beam flashlight and looks around.


He walks off into another part of the house. OFFICER WILLIAMS (O.S.) I know somebody is in here. Laura comes out of the room and creeps down the HALL. Officer Williams walks into front hall again and shines his light on the second floor. Laura plasters herself up against the wall. Officer Williams draws his pistol and heads for the dining room. Laura quietly goes down the stairs. Officer Williams turns towards her but does not get the flashlight on her. OFFICER WILLIAMS Freeze or I'll be forced to… Laura runs for the front door. Officer Williams fires. Laura flings the door open and runs out. EXT. STRANGE HOUSE Laura runs down the path as Gene pulls up and stops. Lightening strikes the rod on top of the house and bathes it in soft blue light for a moment. Laura jumps into the car. Gene speeds away. INT. GENE'S CAR Gene looks nervously from the road to Laura. Laura pants heavily. I got it!

LAURA I got it!

GENE What does it say? at it?

Have you looked


LAURA It has a lock on it. GENE Oh my God, Laura, you are bleeding. I know.

LAURA I've been shot.

GENE We have to get you to a hospital. LAURA No, too many questions. INT. STRANGE HOUSE - FRONT HALL Officer Williams holds a cell phone to his ear. OFFICER WILLIAMS Miss Brant has the book. AMULET WEARER (O.S.) Excellent. Everything is going according to plan. OFFICER WILLIAMS I may have winged her. AMULET WEARER (O.S.) A small price for believability. INT. FRYBURG SANITARIUM - PADDED ROOM - NIGHT Edith sits and rocks. A wide smile breaks across her face. EDITH She has the book. She has the book. Now she'll know. Now she'll understand. Lightening flashes and thunder crashes. Edith jumps up and dances. EDITH Let the storm come. Let the rain fall. Paradise is upon us.


INT. GENE'S APT. - NIGHT A bloody bullet sits in a clear glass ashtray. Gene wraps a bandage around Laura's arm. Laura holds the book in her other hand. LAURA We're not getting this lock off. We have to cut the strap. Gene takes the book and walks to the kitchenette. Laura jumps after him. He takes a knife from a drawer and cuts the strap. LAURA Give me that! Laura?


She grabs the book from his hands and goes back to the couch. She opens the book and flips through its pages. She flips back to the first page. The first page has the same symbol as on the amulet. She turns the page. There is a hand drawn pastel picture of a long thin man with a bat like face. His black slacks cling tightly to his body. His long boots are highly polished. His crimson shirt is covered by a black vest. The image holds a glass of wine. Wings protrude from his back. A forked tail lashes out at the air. He is surrounded by clouds laced with lightening flashes. The caption reads, "Soren Malvic"


There is a passage written on the opposite page. LAURA It's not in English. Gene comes and sits next to her and looks over her shoulder. GENE I don't know what language that is. Laura flips several more pages. On them are unrecognizable names. GENE It looks like a family tree. Laura flips more pages.. GENE Wait, go back. That was English there. …But Laura flips to the last page. There is another pastel drawing. This time it is of Laura as she is today, except that she is pregnant. INT. RUGGED MAN'S RAMSHACKLED HOUSE - NIGHT Rugged man on his couch in a wife beater shirt, hunched over the coffee table. Pots and pans are placed about to catch the rain water from the leaky ceiling. He fills a glass to the rim with bourbon and drinks half of it down. He takes a framed photograph from the end table and runs his fingers along it. The picture shows an older woman with her arms wrapped around a woman approximately Laura's age. They both smile. In the bottom corners of the frames, two mass cards, bearing the women's names, are tucked.


His cell phone rings and he gets up and crosses to the front entrance where there is a glass bowl on top of a bookcase. The bowl contains his pocket change, wallet, car keys, and phone. He takes the phone and flips the lid open. Yeah.


AMULET WEARER (O.S.) I hope I am not disturbing you. RUGGED MAN Nah, just visiting some old ghosts. AMULET WEARER (O.S.) A fine past time. I am calling to inform you that the Brant girl is to be collected tomorrow. RUGGED MAN And then what? AMULET WEARER (O.S.) That is none of your concern. You need to be especially vigilant until she is collected. Do you understand? RUGGED MAN Yeah, I gotcha. AMULET WEARER (O.S.) You will receive your check in the mail. The phone clicks off. INT. GENE'S APT. - NIGHT Gene snores loudly, curled up against one arm of the couch. Laura sleeps on the other end of the couch in a sitting position, with the book across her stomach. Occasionally, she jerks in her sleep. DREAM SEQUENCE Soren Malvic, wearing a toga and laurel on his head, floats in clouds of pastel colors.


He has a broad smile on his face and a yellow glow surrounds him. Suddenly, he screams and shrinks. He curls himself into a ball as he becomes smaller. The clouds lose their color and grow dark. Soren shrinks until he is one star amongst many in black space. Space distorts and becomes a circle in the woods. Hooded figures walk in a circle around a naked woman at its center. A vaporous version of Soren bursts from the chest of a human sacrifice tied to a large oak tree. Soren flies around the woman in a circle opposite to the one the hooded figures are walking. The woman smiles as Soren moves into her body and possesses her. For a moment, the woman has the visage of Soren, then she appears as herself again. SOREN/WOMAN Only through my own bloodline can I be born. She raises her arms at the elbows with her palms up to the sky. Two lightening bolts crash down and into her waiting palms. She throws her head back and laughs. The woman fades into Edith Stillwater and the woods become her padded room. END DREAM SEQUENCE Laura sits bolt upright with her face twisted in a scream that does not come. The book falls to the floor. Laura gets up and walks to the… BATHROOM


She locks the door behind her and turns on the faucets. Cupped hands under the flowing water, she splashes her face. She looks into the mirror as her heart beat becomes audible. LAURA What did you do to me? INT. FRYBURG SANITARIUM - PADDED ROOM - NIGHT Edith stands with her arms bent at the elbows, palms raised towards the sky. A wide smile spreads across her face. The sound of a beating heart fills the room. EDITH Only through my own bloodline can I be born. INT. GENE'S APT. - BATHROOM - NIGHT Laura presses her hands against the mirror. The image of Edith appears. LAURA What did you do to me you fucking witch? EDITH By his blood, we are saved. Laura's heartbeat pounds louder as she stares intently at the image of Edith in the mirror. EDITH By your womb, paradise comes. INT. FRYBURG SANITARIUM - PADDED ROOM - NIGHT The smile wavers on Edith's face. Her eyes turn crimson red and blood trails down each like tears. Her body shivers as the sound of the heart beat rises. Drool comes out of her mouth. The heartbeat stops.


Edith falls to the padded floor dead. INT. GENE'S APT. - NIGHT Gene stands outside the bathroom door and softly knocks. Laura? What?


GENE Are you alright in there? The bathroom door opens and Laura steps out. puffy from crying.

Her eyes are

GENE You don't look so good. LAURA Damn it Gene, would you get off my back? She pushes past Gene and sits back down on the couch. Gene follows after her but remains standing. GENE What's gotten into you? LAURA Gee, what could have possibly gotten into me? GENE Look, I know you have had a rough couple of days… LAURA Rough couple of days? you call it?

Is that what

GENE …But that is no reason for being as nasty as you have been to me. Gene sits down beside her and takes her hands. GENE I love you Laura. forever.

I will love you


LAURA I love you too. Laura gets up and walks to the front door. her purse.

She gathers up

LAURA I need some time to think. Gene gets off the couch and follows after her. Wait.


Laura opens the door. LAURA I'll be back later. She steps through the door and closes it behind her. Gene grabs the doorknob but stops. EXT. STREET - DAY Laura walks down the street hugging herself with her arms. EXT. ROOFTOP - DAY Laura is seen walking down the street through the scope of a rifle. The MARKSMAN in his mid twenties, bald, with hash marks tattooed on the side of his head indicating his kills. A gun is cocked. The Marksman lowers his rifle and looks at the .44 bulldog pointed at his head. RUGGED MAN (O.S.) Disassemble your rifle. We need to have a little chat. I can't.

MARKSMAN You don't understand.

RUGGED MAN (O.S.) Have it your way. The gun disappears, then whaps the Marksman in the side of the head.


A hand reaches down and wrenches the rifle from the Marksman. Rugged man sits on the ledge of the roof facing the Marksman. RUGGED MAN I can't let cha hurt the Brant girl. MARKSMAN Don't you understand who she is? The Marksman wipes at his bleeding head. RUGGED MAN Yeah yeah, I know more than I want to know. MARKSMAN But if they get their hands on her… RUGGED MAN …She'll be worse than dead. I ain't gonna let that happen either, see? Rugged Man disassembles the rifle and drops the pieces on the roof. MARKSMAN What are you going to do? RUGGED MAN You never your mind about that. You just tell your boys that I'm taking care of this situation. MARKSMAN You can't be trusted. the corporation.

You work for

RUGGED MAN Corporation my ass. We both know they are filthy Satan worshippers and I don't work for them no more. Rugged Man puts the rifle's firing pin into his pocket and walks off. EXT. CAFÉ - DAY Laura sits at a table and sips a cup of coffee.


A well dressed BUSINESS MAN, in his early thirties, smiles at her. Laura returns the smile. She flips the card for the Planck Corporation in her fingers. She places the card down on the table and retrieves her cell phone. She flips the lid and stares at it for a moment, then dials. RECEPTIONIST (O.S.) Planck Corporation, how may I help you? LAURA Hello, my name is Laura Brant and… RECEPTIONIST (O.S.) Please hold. Music plays while Laura waits. AMULET WEARER (O.S.) Hello Miss Brant. How good of you to call. LAURA I was told that you had hired a bodyguard for me, why? AMULET WEARER (O.S.) Officer Williams reported that you had obtained the book, so you already know why. LAURA Are you going to kill me? AMULET WEARER (O.S.) Never. I would never hurt you dear Laura. Do you not yet understand your importance? LAURA I know that things are happening to me. Things I don't understand. AMULET WEARER (O.S.) Soon, you will understand all.


LAURA What are you talking about? AMULET WEARER (O.S.) Virgins, everything must be explained to them. Just know that you will be loved and served by all. A YOUNG MAN walks up to the table. He is in his early twenties and wears a heavy metal tee shirt. AMULET WEARER (O.S.) Ah, here is one of your servants now. YOUNG MAN For you, mother of the new creation. The Young Man takes a gun from the back of his jeans and puts it to his head. Laura jumps to her feet and grabs for the gun. The Young Man pulls the trigger and blows his brains all over the Business Man at the next table. Laura stares with her mouth open. Rugged Man grabs her by the shoulders and steers her away from the scene. RUGGED MAN You gotta beat feet and disappear right now. But…What?


Rugged Man flags down a cab. RUGGED MAN You tell the driver to take you home and you stay there. He puts Laura into the cab and turns to the CAB DRIVER. RUGGED MAN You just drive until she's ready to tell you where. The cab drives off.


INT. GENE'S APT. - DAY Gene has the book open on his coffee table and sits reading it. He has other books open and scattered about. He stops at a picture of a winged creature walking through a doorway. The creature appears to be stroking the doorway as it passes. GENE "The entrance is blessed as the faithful pass through. This is a remembrance of the day when our savior shall be born of a woman from his very own bloodline". INT. CAB - DAY The cab pulls up in front of Gene's apartment building. Laura reaches into her purse. LAURA How much do I owe you? CAB DRIVER I can not take money from the new mother. Laura stuffs a twenty through the slot and jumps out of the cab. INT. GENE'S APT. - DAY Gene flips the pages in the book. GENE "Our savior, Soren Malvic, shall return the world to its foundations. He shall return the world to the paradise of the first elements". The front door opens and Laura steps in, stroking the door jam as she passes. Gene gets to his feet. GENE Are you alright?


LAURA Yes, I just needed to clear my head. GENE You had me worried, the way you left. LAURA I'm going to take a shower. GENE You stroke the door jam whenever you come in. Do I?


GENE Yes, every time. LAURA It's just a habit. Something I picked up at church maybe? GENE But you're Eastern Orthodox. LAURA Oh, so I guess it's not something that Catholics do huh Gene? I guess I'm not up to your church standards? GENE Cut the crap Laura. side.

I'm on your

LAURA How can you be on the side of the bride of Satan? GENE Because I love her. Laura falls into Gene's arms and cries. LAURA I love you too Gene. She cries up against him with hard sobs.


LAURA Oh Gene, I am so afraid. I know.


INT. UNKNOWN HOUSE - PARLOR - DAY Amulet Wearer retrieves the cell phone from the table near his chair. He flips the lid open and dials. He holds the phone to his hooded head. AMULET WEARER The night comes swiftly. the girl.


INT. RUGGED MAN'S RAMSHACKLED HOUSE - NIGHT The last rays of sunlight flood through the cracked window. Rugged Man has an assortment of guns spread out on his coffee table. He cleans the last of these and reassembles it. He puts it down with the rest and gets his cell phone. He dials. RUGGED MAN Gene Cosgrove? Don't you worry about who this is. Rugged Man walks over to the bookcase by the front door and retrieves a box of bullets. RUGGED MAN There is a gun under your couch and some extra bullets. You better figure out how to work it right quick. He presses the end button and dumps the bullets on the table. INT. GENE'S APT. - NIGHT Gene searches under the couch on his hands and knees. He pulls his hand out with a clip of 9mm bullets.


He reaches under again and comes out with another clip and a gun. He reaches under one last time but comes back empty. Gene throws his finds on the couch and sits next to them. He picks up the gun and examines it. INT. GENE'S APT. - BATHROOM - NIGHT Fog, from the hot water, fills the room. Laura soaks under the shower heads and rinses the last of the soap from her body. The fog becomes thicker as Laura turns the water off. She grabs a towel and dries herself. A figure walks out of the fog as if from miles away. Laura gasps as she sees Soren Malvic. SOREN Don't be alarmed. LAURA Stay away from me. SOREN Don't fight me my love. LAURA You're evil. SOREN As are you my love. LAURA I am not like you. SOREN You can not hide from me. I know the things you have done these passed few days. LAURA Those things weren't me. Soren strokes Laura's wet hair. Laura pulls away.


Soren rubs his fingertips in the moisture. SOREN The pigeons? The dog? Your mother? You can not lie to me. I know that you enjoyed each one of your kills. No…I…


Soren wraps his arms around her and brings her into a tight embrace. Laura struggles against him. Soren places his lips to hers and kisses her. Laura struggles more but he is impossible to fight. She stops her resistance and yields to him. She returns his kiss with growing passion. Soren turns to mist and vanishes with the rest of the fog. INT. RUGGED MAN'S RAMSHACKLED HOUSE - NIGHT Rain bounces off of the window and lightening flashes. The DJ on KWOR hosts the "Make believe ballroom". Rugged Man takes the last two guns from the table and puts them into the shoulder holsters under his jacket. His door bell rings. RUGGED MAN Here we go. Rugged Man gets up and walks to the door. He removes the chain and opens it. DJ Relax to the beautiful music on KWOR. Two Thugs push their way into the house. Rugged Man is thrown back as he pulls the guns that he just placed.


He aims at the Thugs. DJ Let the Andrew Sisters take your mind off the coming storm. The Thugs pull their guns as well. A third man saunters into the room between the Thugs. RUGGED MAN Who are you? GRIGORI913 You can call me Grigori913. DJ "Don't sit under the apple tree." RUGGED MAN Interesting name. GRIGORI913 I'm a bit of a computer geek. know why I am here?


RUGGED MAN I suppose you want me to help you kill the girl, but that ain't gonna happen. GRIGORI913 Why are you so intent on saving this girl? RUGGED MAN Let's just say I owe a debt. GRIGORI913 Saving this abomination will not bring your wife and child back. A loud clap of thunder rattles the room. INT. GENE'S APT. - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT Laura walks out of the bathroom in her bathrobe. Gene ejects a clip from the gun and slides it back in again. She gives him a peck on the cheek and sits next to him.


LAURA Where did you get that thing? GENE I found it under the couch. A knock at the door. GENE I'll get it. Laura moves for the door. Lightening flashes and thunder shakes the apartment. GENE I said I'll get it. Gene pushes by her and opens the door. Officer Williams stands with his gun pointed at Gene. Mr. Dobbs pushes past him and enters the room. MR. DOBBS It's time to go Laura. GENE Nobody's taking her. Gene raises his gun and points it at Mr. Dobbs. Laura puts her hand on Gene's shoulder. LAURA Poor, sweet Gene. Gene's eyes roll back up into his head and he shakes convulsively. He falls, unconscious. LAURA I'm ready now. Barbara walks through the door. BARBARA You were always such a good girl. We need to hurry now. Paradise comes. INT. RUGGED MAN'S RAMSHACKLED HOUSE - CONTINUOS - NIGHT The light flickers as another blast of thunder hits.


GRIGORI913 Do you think she can wash your sins away? RUGGED MAN I think it'll be that much less blood on my hands. GRIGORI913 Your killing days will never end. Rugged Man fires both guns and the Thugs drop. Guess not.


Grigori913 laughs loudly. Rugged Man trains both guns on Grigori913. Grigori913 takes a card from his jacket pocket and hands it to Rugged Man. GRIGORI913 Take a look at my web site when this is all over. GRIGORI913 turns and walks out. INT. GENE'S APT. - NIGHT Gene lies on the floor with a combination of blood and drool pooling on the floor from his mouth. The gun lies next to him. His eyes flutter open and he gets, groggily, to his knees and looks around the room. He stands, crosses to the phone, and dials. GENE Where's Laura? ROBERT (O.S.) Gene? What are you talking about? Has something happened to Laura? GENE You know damn well what I am talking about.


ROBERT (O.S.) I don't appreciate your tone of voice, but let me tell you, if any harm has come to Laura I will hold you personally responsible. Realization dawns on Gene's face. He slams the phone down in its cradle, grabs his car keys, and bolts out the door. INT. BARBARA'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT A hand gently places a phone on the table. A black hood lifted over a human's head. Robert turns and heads for the door. INT CAR - NIGHT A DRIVER speeds down the road. In the back seat, Grigori913 dials his cell phone. GRIGORI 913 I need a cleanup crew. DROGAN (O.S.) Things not going exactly as planned? GRIGORI913 That would be an understatement. DROGAN (O.S.) And the Stillwater situation? GRIGORI913 A more forceful conclusion to that bit of business is called for. You know what to do. I'm on it.


EXT. STRANGE HOUSE - NIGHT Flames from the house brighten the night sky. Gene's car screeches to a halt. Rugged Man strolls down the walk.


Gene gets out of the car and rushes to meet him. RUGGED MAN They ain't gonna be sacrificin' anyone at this house tonight. GENE Who are you? RUGGED MAN Doesn't matter. Did ya bring the gun I left for ya? Gene pulls the gun and shows it. GENE What is this all about? RUGGED MAN Don't be stupid. You have the book. You know what this is about. GENE It's impossible. RUGGED MAN Impossible there coulda been a universe before this one? Amulet Wearer appears. Rugged Man draws his gun and aims at him. AMULET WEARER A sub atomic universe. A paradise, until an oafish God brought forth his own creation with no more thought than a child stepping on an anthill. Amulet Wearer turns to the burning house and lowers his hood. AMULET WEARER Such a pity. But no matter, this changes nothing. Amulet Wearer turns back to revel his identity as Father Gonzalas. Surprised?



GENE You…You're supposed to be a servant of the Lord. AMULET WEARER I am. The one true Lord. who'll restore paradise.

The one

Rugged Man turns quickly, but not before a cultist can get the chloroform rag over his face. A rag is placed over Gene's face as well. Both fall to the pavement. AMULET WEARER Why do you reject paradise? INT. DARK BASEMENT - NIGHT The cage stands in the middle of the room. The circus paint burnt off of it. Gene and Rugged Man are tied to it. They start coming to their senses. RUGGED MAN Gene, Gene, are you awake? GENE Yeah, where are we? RUGGED MAN Probably under the rectory. GENE The rectory of a church? RUGGED MAN St. Frances i'm guessin'. Amulet Wearer enters the room with his hood down. He is followed by two robed figures. AMULET WEARER Your guess would be correct. GENE You've involved the church in this?


AMULET WEARER The church has always been involved. Ever since Lord Malvic revealed himself to the pope of the moon, John Paul the first. We knew that it was up to this church, this day, to bring about the coming of the true Lord. All we needed was Laura. GENE Where is she? RUGGED MAN You can't summon the devil without your sacred place. AMULET WEARER Are you referring to the house? was never about the house.


GENE If you hurt her… RUGGED MAN Then what was it about? AMULET WEARER The cage, the focal point of his energy. Barbara rushes into the room wearing her own black robe. BARBARA The brotherhood is outside and they are armed. AMULET WEARER Call Officer Williams, he'll know what to do. GENE How could you? You're her mother! BARBARA It's all for the best Gene. AMULET WEARER And keep everyone inside. EXT. ST. FRANCES CHURCH - NIGHT Twenty men with guns surround the church and slowly approach.


The rain pounds down as lightening crashes around them. A car pulls to a stop and Grigori913 steps out. Drogan, a hardened man in his sixties, walks over to him. GRIGORI913 Are they inside? DROGAN As far as we can tell. GRIGOORI913 How about the Stillwater girl? DROGAN We've had no positive I.D. yet. GRIGORI913 Let's find out. INT. DARK BASEMENT - NIGHT The room is empty except for Gene and Rugged Man. Rugged Man pulls against the ties. RUGGED MAN Damn, they're too tight. you?

How about

Gene struggles. GENE I think mine are loosening a bit. RUGGED MAN Loosen them more. Time's short. Amulet Wearer re-enters the room with Laura. AMULET WEARER In fact, time's almost out. Laura!


She walks to Gene in a daze and strokes his face. LAURA Poor, sweet Gene.

How I love you.


GENE Are you okay? Have they hurt you? LAURA I'm fine. Everything is going to be fine. You'll see. GENE I'll love you forever. AMULET WEARER That's so sweet. He makes a motion with his hand. Mr. and Mrs. Miller enter the room, followed by Mr. Dobbs and Robert. They make a small bow to Laura. Gunfire is heard outside. AMULET WEARER We have to be ready to leave as soon as things settle down outside. The storm is reaching its peak. He turns to Gene and Rugged Man. AMULET MAN Get these two ready for the cars and take care of the cage. He holds out a hand to Laura. AMULET MAN Come, my dear. Laura takes his hand and they exit the room. EXT. ST. FRANCES CHURCH - NIGHT The Brotherhood Of The Virgin's Blood fire their guns into the rectory door. A police van and three squad cars screech to a stop. Police pour out of the vehicles. Officer Williams raises a megaphone to his lips.


OFFICER WILLIAMS Drop your guns or we will open fire. The men of the brotherhood turn on the police and fire. The police return the fire. INT. DARK BASEMENT - NIGHT Robert and Mr. Dobbs work to untie Rugged Man Mr. and Mrs. Miller try to free Gene. Rugged Man breaks free and lands a fist into Robert's face so hard that it drives him to the floor. MR. DOBBS You're not taking me that easy. RUGGED MAN It'll be a cold day when I can't put down a mailman. Rugged man throws two quick shots at Mr. Dobbs. Mr. Dobbs collapses. Rugged Man turns to Mr. and Mrs. Miller. RUGGED MAN I'd suggest you two skidaddle. Mr. and Mrs. Miller run out of the room. Gene pulls himself the rest of the way to freedom. RUGGED MAN Time to go Gene. GENE Not without Laura. INT. RECTORY - NIGHT Gene and Rugged Man race up the stairs and stop cold. Officer Williams holds his gun level at them. Five other officers stand behind him.


OFFICER WILLIAMS You boys are just in time. Cuff them. EXT. ST. FRANCES CHURCH - NIGHT Gene and Rugged Man are roughly dragged down the walkway by four police officers. They step over the dead bodies of Grigori913 and Drogan. They are shoved into the police van and the door slams behind them. EXT.


The rain has subsided but the lightening crashes fiercely. Rugged Man is tied to a large oak tree at the edge of a clearing. In the center of the clearing stands the cage. And in the cage, a naked Gene. Black robed cultists form a circle around the cage. Amulet Wearer walks out of the stand of trees with his hood up and a sacrificial sword on his hip. Laura, naked and glistening from the rain, walks on his arm. She is sex incarnate as the lightening causes her wet body to sparkle. GENE Laura, what are you doing? They reach the cage and Amulet Wearer pulls his sword. Laura runs her hands down the blade, coating it in blood. She looks at Gene and raises a bloody finger to her lips. Shhhh…


Amulet Wearer opens the cage and Laura steps inside. The cultists begin to chant. LAURA This is our wedding day.


Amulet Wearer closes the cage and lowers his hood. The heralds appear in the sky and fly circles above the cultists heads. AMULET WEARER No more need for impure thoughts. Laura wraps her arms around Gene and slides her naked flesh against his. Amulet Wearer turns to the circle. The cultists lower their hoods to revel Robert and Barbara Brant, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. Dobbs, Officer Williams, The announcer from the concert, Justin Reese, Susan Carter, the Elderly Woman from Royal Realty, Simon Merchant, and Nurse Lane. AMULET WEARER Faithful followers, paradise comes this night. GROUP Paradise comes. Paradise comes. Laura pushes Gene to the floor of the cage. Laura, no.


Amulet Wearer presents the sword to the group. Trolls grow up from the ground and form a smaller circle around Amulet Wearer. Robert and Barbara step forward. Robert takes the sword and walks to the tree where Rugged Man is tied. Barbara reaches under her robe, produces a silver challis, and follows after Robert. LAURA No? But haven't you been aching to be inside of me? Amulet Wearer turns to the cage.


AMULET WEARER Oh, Lord Soren, who's power has been in this world before this world… A haze surrounds Rugged Man. AMULET WEARER Your faithful servants have made the path for you. No!



Robert slashes down Rugged Man's chest. Rugged Man's body heaves and convulses. Barbara catches his blood in the challis. AMULET WEARER Return to us! The haze turns into a crackling energy. Barbara walks back to Amulet Wearer and hands him the challis. Robert returns to the group. AMULET WEARER Now we shall celebrate your Eucharist. Amulet Wearer sips the blood from the cup and hands it back to Barbara. Laura straddles Gene and slides up and down him. LAURA Feel my warmth. Barbara sips from the cup and returns to the group. The next cultist sips the cup and passes it. Rugged Man makes a final gasp and collapses. The spirit of Soren Malvic breaks out of the dead Rugged Man's chest. He flies into the sky and all lightening is drawn to him.


The heralds fly in formation with him. Gene reaches for Laura's breasts with a shaky hand. Soren guides the lightening to the top of the cage. Gene savagely rolls Laura over onto her back. The cage is enveloped in electric blue. Soren flies down the lightening trail to the top of the cage and dissipates. The heralds fly tightly around the cage. Gene thrusts into Laura. The cultists drop their robes to show their nudity. An orgy ensues, sexual orientation does not matter in their couplings. The electric glow on the cage continues as the lightening persists. Gene's hand tangles in Laura's hair and pulls. Laura growls as she bites into Gene's shoulder hard enough to draw a healthy amount of blood. Gene's face takes on the visage of Soren Malvic as he howls in his release. Master. Mother.


The lightening dissipates. Gene falls off of Laura and sobs. LAURA Now now, it wasn't that bad was it? Laura stands and shrugs. She opens the cage and steps out. The cultists surround her and touch her. Her belly grows visibly.


GROUP Hail mother of creation. Gene rushes from the cage and grabs the sword from Robert. He throws the pommel to the ground and jumps on the blade. It slits him deeply up the midsection and his intestines fall to the ground. Gene goes limp. Laura goes to him, pulls the sword from his body, and tosses it aside. She grabs his arms and pulls him to his feet. Huh?


LAURA You promised you'd love me forever. GENE Noooooooooooooo!!!!


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