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[20:35] im converting to catholicisim [20:36] <joan> that sounds like gerbilsage :d [20:36] * papa_november has joined #crushyiffdestroy [20:36] * chanserv sets mode: +o papa_november [20:37] sup compu [20:37] <papa_november> holy shit banrai is back [20:37] and she has the codes [20:37] <papa_november> (and gone) [20:37] <papa_november> (and back) [20:37] <downspin> catholicism because you need moar drama? [20:38] that's an awesome typo though. catholicsim would be a great will wright game. [20:39] ... [20:39] :( [20:39] you guys are mean [20:39] <downspin> no, seriously [20:39] i think you're just in it for the stigmata. [20:39] catholic...yiff...destroy [20:39] <downspin> all my friends who've converted to catholicism do so because their current religion isn't "real" enough [20:40] <downspin> all my friends who've converted back were tired of the bs [20:40] <papa_november> i like how none of the people who hate catholics do so for legitimate reasons [20:40] <downspin> why the hell have so many of my rl friends been part of that church at one point or another? [20:40] they worship mary! [20:41] http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2212690 ahahaha [20:41] <joan> heh [20:41] <joan> catholisism ain;t bad [20:42] lol dos [20:42] <joan> it's the mormons and the evangelists you have to look out for [20:42] <papa_november> i'm sure the entire third world appreciates being convinced to use the rhythm method [20:43] <joan> rap? [20:43] <downspin> right, what? [20:43] zip zap rap [20:43] i thought that word had two 'y's. [20:43] <papa_november> oh!!! but you can use condoms!! (to avoid killing yourself/others w/ aids) [20:44] africa's closed [20:44] also failed pregnancy prevention just means more catholics (in theory) win win [20:44] not if they all die of aids [20:45] every sperm is sacred. every sperm is great. for every sperm that's wasted, god gets quite irrate. [20:45] scientific testing for the lot of ye [20:46] ... [20:46] :( [20:46] i think now i remembered why i stopped getting on irc. [20:46] q @ banrai. do you believe in purgatory/dead babies going to purgatory because they never 'proved' themselves worthy of heaven? [20:46] <middy> griefers on sl are giving out 'ornaments' and 'candy canes' that are really self-replicating fuck-your-shit grief items. [20:47] no i think all babies should be roasted and eaten by their horrible parents for letting them die in utero [20:47] and the entire church should get to take part [20:47] like a potluck

[20:47] but then they'd be lutherians so i guess that wouldn't work [20:47] what [20:47] and lol yes i have a griefornament [20:47] you'd think with a name like that people would figure it out [20:48] <joan> foxid [20:48] <joan> i think's it time to +v the room [20:48] <joan> middy, rattus, can you stop being dicks for one second at least? [20:48] <joan> save it for someone who actually deserves it [20:48] <middy> i did what now? [20:48] like? [20:49] <downspin> wait what? [20:49] <middy> i... said there were griefing items. [20:49] methinks joan is a kafflick. [20:49] and the foxid said [20:49] <papa_november> what is the church's stance [20:49] let tehre be +v [20:49] * foxid sets mode: +vvvvv banrai downspin joan middy rattuskid [20:49] <papa_november> on cartoon pornography [20:49] and goddamnit there was [20:49] <papa_november> (see i'm being on topic see see) [20:50] <middy> seriously, what the hell was that just now? [20:50] <joan> nope [20:50] <joan> i'm agnostic [20:50] <downspin> i'm antagonistic [20:50] i read that as aghostic [20:50] aghostic would be the best [20:50] i'm aghast! [20:50] you know banrai, you don't actually have to be catholic to buy a rosary if that's all you want. [20:51] i'm fagnostic. [20:51] didnt you read that tl;dr thing i made like a week ago [20:51] im really seriousley thinking about going to talk to a priest abou tit [20:51] the dr implies no [20:51] priests like talking about tits [20:51] <downspin> see, we all have problems believing banrai stands for any ideals other than pretty colors, flying virtual dicks, and people around her relative intelligence level [20:51] <middy> i'm lost. [20:52] downspin you're an asshole to me and i have never figured out why. [20:52] and it really pisses me off a lot. [20:52] <downspin> i'm sane [20:52] <downspin> i'm rational [20:53] <downspin> and i am wholly tactless [20:53] so i'd really appreciate it if you'd stop. [20:53] <joan> :( [20:53] <downspin> blame the t [20:53] <joan> er... [20:53] downy is an asshole to everyone. he just digs harder if it gets to you. [20:53] everything fucking gets to me, and you know that rattus [20:54] <downspin> so honestly, banrai, why? [20:54] it seems to be a common trait in your half of the population [20:54] you can make a jigsaw puzzle out of videos on the wii [20:54] like it's so god damn hard to just be nice to someone on the fucking internet. [20:54] <downspin> do you seek meaning to life?

[20:54] while the video is playing [20:54] also it has mario paint style music [20:54] how awesome is that [20:54] <joan> [10:52] <downspin> see, we all have problems believing banrai stands for any ideals other than pretty colors, flying virtual dicks, and people around her relative intelligence level <-- plx 2 be explaining downs, i'm curious as to what happened to make her lose her trust :p [20:54] <middy> mario paint is awesome [20:54] i seek people not being fuckwads toward someone that's just trying to make their way through life [20:55] <downspin> yeah, becoming catholic will only make that harder [20:55] said fuckwads are often also trying to make their way through life. [20:55] <downspin> now explain your reasons, if you would? [20:55] <joan> i agree with downs on this [20:55] wait banrai is catholic now? [20:55] <joan> catholics are quick to condemn [20:56] unlike the good people of cyd [20:56] why do you guys think i stopped coming on here? because every time i do someone just tries to hurt my feelings, and they usually do because i'm just trying to be friends with people, and for some reason you guys just seem to really like to hurt me [20:56] also god likes condemning too. [20:56] and it pisses me off because i thought you guys were my friends [20:56] <papa_november> dude [20:56] <papa_november> dude [20:56] dudette [20:56] no, im serious [20:56] <papa_november> we are cynical dumbasses who believe we are funny [20:57] <downspin> ds: you make drama [20:57] <joan> i'm trying to figure out why everyone is like that to you all of a sudden ;( [20:57] <downspin> banrai: stop saying i make drama waaaaaaaaah! [20:57] also yes [20:57] why is everybody hating on banrai [20:57] what is going on [20:57] <downspin> banrai: (then the drama) [20:57] i am confused [20:57] <papa_november> we aren't [20:58] <downspin> i, personally, am hating on banrai's history of internet arguments, art spasms, activity in second life, and various other sundry instances of internet dumbassery [20:58] also, nothing really changes when someone turns catholic. it's not like they get implanted with a goa'uld. they just act a little different and start giving a shit about italian culture (or lack thereof). [20:58] <joan> okay, i am fucking lost here, i give up o.o [20:58] <downspin> i would like to see if she's eager to change this by joining an organized religion [20:58] look. im not trying to cause drama. im just trying to figure out what the fuck i've done that's gotten up downspins ass about me. this has nothing to do about religion or anyshit [20:58] <papa_november> it's just that here isn't always the best place to talk about life-changing personal issues [20:58] well yeah i was hoping for some lighthearted conversation not some hurfdurf lol banrai shit [20:59] <middy> joan, what was the asshole thing about? [20:59] * dr_dos grabs banrai, twirls him around like a dancer and places a kiss on his lips, fondling his tailhole for a second so he can taste it later

[20:59] <downspin> or if she just really likes the silver crosses and thinks catholicism would look a+++++ badass on her lj user interests page [20:59] * dr_dos runs his fingers along papa_november's soft and slender thighs, running up to his partially erect wolfhood [20:59] * dr_dos bites off middy's tongue with his sheath because it has sheathteeth. [20:59] * dr_dos drags a foxy claw across the ridges joan's circumcision scar. [20:59] guys i'm thikning about converting to being an african american. they have big dicks. [20:59] * dr_dos twirls around rattuskid's long llama-neck, planting a kiss on his big slimy mouth [20:59] oh dos you big slut :) [20:59] but aparantly some people cant just drop the fucking vendettas [20:59] <downspin> christ, what vendetta? [20:59] whatever the fuck you have aginst me [20:59] <papa_november> downy pick one: her or fucking sian [20:59] <joan> banrai, try growing a thiker skin, i like you but this is getting ridiculous. just shrug it off and well...i dunno, have a good time? [20:59] (9:58:19 pm) downspin: i, personally, am hating on banrai's history of internet arguments, art spasms, activity in second life, and various other sundry instances of internet dumbassery [20:59] that vendetta [21:00] freedom. forever. [21:00] you dont even know me [21:00] i dont know who the fuck you are [21:00] except some asshole on the internet [21:00] he was my brother. my father. my mother. he was everybody to everyone. [21:00] <middy> i'm just the lurker guy, but can we shut up? mayhaps? [21:00] who likes being mean to me in front of people that i (thought) gunuinely liked me [21:00] <papa_november> downy you were like a former tranny wannabe [21:00] only wordier [21:01] but i guess that goes back to the reason i dont come back on here so much anymore [21:01] because i guess aside from the few that i have contact with outside of cyd, the rest of whoever the fuck you guys are don't like me. [21:01] * banrai has left #crushyiffdestroy

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