What Is The Largest Muscle In Your Body.docx

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  • Pages: 3
What is the largest muscle in your body? Gluteus Maximus

Right above your calcaneus. It attaches your leg muscle to your heel bone

What is your Gluteus Maximus commonly known as? Your Butt

Your ______________ attach your muscles to your bones. Tendons What tendon is the strongest in your entire body? The Achilles tendon Tendons are made from what fiber? Collagen If you overuse your tendons they can get inflamed. We call that ______________. Tendinitis What was the Achilles tendon named after? The tendon is named after the ancient Greek mythological figure Achilles because it lies at the only part of his body that was still vulnerable after his mother had dipped him (holding him by the heel) into the River Styx What is the large part of the muscle called? The belly Skeletal muscles are responsible for the __________________ movement of the bones? The voluntary movement Smooth muscles are _________________. Involuntary Where in your body can you find smooth muscle? Blood vessels, intestines, and the lungs

Your muscles make up about ____________ percent of your weight? 40% What muscles are the most active in your body? The muscles that control your eye What is the smallest muscle in your body? The muscle in your middle ear What is the strongest muscle in your body? The Masseter. It controls your jaw What are the three kinds of muscle in your body? Skeletal muscle, Smooth muscle, and Cardiac muscle How many muscles do you have in your body? 640 Your muscles do not push, only _______________. Pull When your muscles pull, they _________________, and get _____________ but _____________. Tighten up, shorter, fatter Your muscles can move immediately because_______________________________ ________. Of something that has happened, without any thought coming from your brain What does it mean when muscle is called Voluntary Muscle? Because you can control them by thinking about controlling them What is another name for involuntary movement? Your Reflex What is muscle tone? Muscle tone is the continuous and passive partial contraction of the muscles, or the muscle's resistance to passive stretch during resting state. It helps maintain posture and declines during REM sleep Where is your Achilles tendon?

There is only one cardiac muscle in your body. What muscle is it? The heart When your muscles relax, it isn't pushed back into place, another_______________________________ __________. Muscle (or gravity) must pull the bone back into it's original position A pair of muscles are called __________________. Antagonistic muscles The bones in most joints have ____________________ muscles, which open the joint wider, and ___________________ muscles, which do the opposite and close the joint. Extensor and Flexor

What are the antagonistic pair of muscles in your arm called? The biceps brachii and the triceps brachii Your biceps are on ____________, and your triceps on _____________. Top and bottom. B o They carry out movements of the body; support the body; provide for heat regulation of the body; and maintain posture and muscle tone of the body. What is the main function of skeletal muscles? Skeletal, Smooth and Cardiac Muscle Cells 3 types of contractile cells of the body? Skeletal These cells are elongated Cardiac These cells are branching Smooth This cells are spindle-shaped Cardiac Muscle Cells These cells have a presence of visible striations and single, centrally located nuclei; Involuntary Skeletal Muscle Cells These cells have a presence of visible striations and multiple peripheral nuclei; voluntary Smooth Muscle Cells These cells have an absence of visible striations and single centrally located nuclei; involuntary Tendons What is the name of the structure that attaches skeletal muscles to bones? Fascicles Bundles of skeletal muscle cells are called? epimysium The connective tissue which immediately surrounds a muscle. Perimysium The connective tissue around the fascicles. To electrically insulate muscle cells from one another Function of the endomysium? Terminal Cisternae Sac-like regions of the sarcoplasmic reticulum that contain Ca ions Mitochondria Sites of the ATP synthesis Sarcolemma

Plasma membrane of the muscle cell Muscle Fibers Alternative name for skeletal muscle cells Sarcoplasmic reticulum Interconnecting tubules of endoplasmic reticulum that surround each myofibril Triad A group of one T tubule lying b/w 2 adjacent terminal cisternae T tubules Invaginations of the sarcolemma that projects deep into the cell Myofibril Contains the contractile muscles within the skeletal muscle cell Actin (thin) and myosin (thick) What are the names for the 2 types of filaments in a myofibril The organized arrangement of contractile proteins called thick and thin filaments What creates the skeletal muscle cell's striated appearance? I band contains only thin filaments A Band Contains only thick filaments H Zone Contains both thin and thick filaments M and Z lines What lines are perpendicular to the myofilaments? thin The Z lines connect the ____ filaments. thick The M lines connect the ____ filaments Sacromere The region of the myofibril b/w two Z lines that is the contractile unit of a muscle cell is called a? Myofilaments Myofibril muscle cell or muscle fiber fascicle whole skeletal muscle Arrange from smallest structure to largest structure. muscle cell/muscle fiber, fascicle, myofilaments, myofibril, whole skeletal muscle Epimysium Endomysium Perimysium 3 connective layers of the muscle?

Endomysium Perimysium Epimysium Bind the muscle cells together provide strength and support to the entire muscle are continuous w the tendons at the ends of the muscle Cytosol Intracellular fluid Myofibrils Contractile units within muscle cells A bands Dark areas that correspond to the areas where thick filaments are present I bands Light areas that contains only thin filaments Z line A protein disk within the I band anchors the thin filaments and connects adjacent filaments H zone Located in the middle of each A band, this lighter stripe appears corresponding to the region b/w the thin filaments. M line Protein fibers that connect neighboring thick filaments Sacromere The region of the myofibril b/w 2 Z lines Tropomyosin An actin-binding protein which regulates muscle contraction Troponin A complex of 3 proteins, attached to tropomyosin Connective tissue and contractile cells What are skeletal muscles composed of?

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