What Is The Aim Of Our Life In This World

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 5
WHAT IS THE AIM OF OUR LIFE IN THIS WORLD? The entire creation is created by Allah so that he can be recognized and he should be worshped. So, the ultimate goal is to reach near the Allah and to see him and thus to leave our identity by unification in the light of Allah. Allah made the souls of humans by his command “kun” means “be” and the souls of all the humans created by his commands. So, the souls of humans have been created so many years before the human’s arrival in this physical world. These souls will enter the body in the womb of the mother in third or fourth month of the baby flesh in the womb of the mother. So, the soul of a human transferred from world of souls to mother’s womb in a baby flesh. Then after nine months, the baby is born in this physical world. So, the soul is transferred from mother’s womb to this physical worldly life of the human. The soul remains in the human body for worldly life of eighty, ninety or hundred years. Then the death is arrived. The soul of the human is transferred once again to worlds of souls. So, when we call that the death has occurred to person, but in fact it is the transfer of soul of the person from physical world to world of souls. The location of soul in the world of souls is changed after the death according to the person’s deeds in this physical world. The soul of the person who did good work in the world as per Allah’s commands shown in a religion would occupy good location near Allah. Those little low in rank, rest in paradise(jannah), still lower rank in lower rank of paradise, still lower rank in between jannah and the hell, still low in rank in hell and still low in rank would be in hardest hell. We call this life as a life of grave. A spiritual window of paradise or hell is opened in the grave of a person. We can compare this as a window of a house on a river bank, a window of a house in the farm, a window of a house near sea shore, a window of a house around which a blazing fire is burning. After the world of grave, the judgement day (qayamat) will come. Every souls will be called with the body from the grave to stand in the court of Allah. Questions and Answers and the books of merits and demerits obtained by the people will be seen in this court of Allah. The final judgement will be given in this court and accordingly permanent award of paradise or hell will be given. It may be noted that whose windows of paradise is opened in the grave are the people of paradise and whose windows of hell is opened are the people of hell. The judgement day will come at the end of this physical world-the total destruction of this physical world. So, the souls are not going to get death. What we call the death is related to the human desires (the nafs). The desires-the nafs will be definitely going to die. This nafs of desires is the main hurdle in the straight path. The desires try to deviate the person from straight path. The desires try to get the person move away from the command of Allah. This desires create gread, luster,anger,proud etc. So, our aim is to obtain salvation and entering the home of divine light of Allah or to obtain Jannah. So, it is wise to obey command of Allah.

To all the souls, Allah had asked a question in the world of souls “Am I not your rabb (creator/guardian)” On hearing, all the souls(ruh) replied which can be divided into four groups of the souls as per their reply. (1)Group one: The souls who testified and answered by tongue and heart. These souls will take birth on the earth as a Muslim and die as a Muslim (2)Group two: The souls who testified and answered by tongue but not by heart: These souls will take birth on the earth as a Muslim but die as a disbeliever (3)Group three: The souls who testified and answered not by tongue but by heart: These souls will take birth on the earth as a disbeliever but will die as a Muslim (4)Group four: The souls who did not testify and did not answer by tongue or by heart: these souls will take birth as a disbeliever and will die as a disbeliever From among the Group one, all the souls were gathered and from them the souls who were to be declared as prophets were separated. These were gathered. These were the groups of the souls of the prophets. From these souls, one soul was taken by Allah with him. This was the soul of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). By pointing this soul, Allah asked the group of souls of the prophets like this “I want to give you the prophet hood but you have to give me covenant that in whose time this Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) will arrive, he shall have to respect him, obey him and assist him to spread my message. Are you ready for this?” Every soul replied positively and they were entrusted with the prophet hood. The Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) was made the leader of all the Prophets. This is as per quran’s verse (3-81) So, from this we can understand how dearer the Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) to almighty Allah is! If any soul of Prophet refused this covanent, his prophethood would be lost! Now in this physical world, if any body spoke louder in the holy assembly of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh), his all good virtues, merits, sawaab would be lost. His all merits and sawaab would be wiped out to a zero! This is according to quran verse “ya ayyohallazina aamanu la tarfau” in Surah Huzarat.(49-2). In the grave if some one fails in the third question about recognition of holy Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh), he would fail in grave exam and becomes a person of hell. So, this gives the guidance to obtain paradise and go near to Allah –the ultimate aim of our life that the Prophet of Islam should be loved and those who are near to him should be loved and with their love we should perform our prayers and do good deeds to get success. Today, some people talk disrespectful words for Prophet (pbuh) can understand the their result from this article.

The world of souls are seen by people of wisdom. In holy Quran, it is written in surah Bani Israil, verse 85-86 “People is asking you O Prophet(sav) about Ruh (spirit). You tell them that Ruh is by the command of my Rabb(Allah). No more but a very few have been given knowledge about it” Further, in quran there is a mention of “Ilm al Ladunni” The ilm –knowledge given to khwaza Khizar (AS). This Ilm Ladunni is mentioned in Surah Kahaf in quran. These two are the secret knowledges by which very few people are blessed. Most pious friends of Allah like Najmuddin Qubara (R.A.) got these secret knowledges. These ayats prove that secret knowledge people are living in Muslim ummah and they are helping the believers’ souls with the permission of Allah. Here is one great example of true event occurred to great Islamic Scholar Hazarat Fakhruddin Razi (R.A.) who was the author of great book on commentary of Quran “Ibn Kabir” He was immensely and remotely helped by great saint and friend of Allah Hazarat Najmuddin Qubara (R.A.) at his deep trouble in questioning with the satan during the final moments of the death, during which three questions are asked by the angels of grave and satan tries to misguide the person during that time. He was helped by Saint Najmuddin Qubara (R.A.) from remote place far away from the place where Fakhraddin Razi (R.A.) was taking his final moments before death. At that time Hazarat Najmuddin Qubara (R.A.) was performing ablution (Wazu) to going for prayer. The khadim(assistant) was assisting in performing ablution to his sheikh. Khadim was pouring water on the parts of his sheikh. All of a sudden, sheikh snatched the water pot from the khadim and threw it down the ground saying “O Maulvi, tell satan that I believe in Allah without seeing him and without argument-the answer you received from the farmer once in your questioning to him!” In fact it happened that the water was dropped on the body of hazarat Fakhruddin (R.A.) and heard the voice of saint what he ordered to tell from far away. The effect of this was such that Fakhruddin Razi (R.A.) quanquered against satan who flee away and Fakhruddin (R.A.) passed the questions of the grave and became the dweller of the paradise. Once he passed the questions, he requested the grave angels to permit him to talk to his students and devotees to convey the conversation talks which happened with satan. Also he wanted to tell his students gathered near to him the real truth of his saying “no, no” the words heard by the students every time while Fakhruddin (R.A.) was denying to satan. The students were advising Fakhruddin Razi(R.A.) to say Lailah Illalah Mohammed Rasulallah-the first kalema so that he might pass the test at the death time but they heard the words “no, no” and thus believed that their teacher might go die without Iman (on straight path). So, to remove their speculation and to guide them, he asked permission of the angels of the grave who granted the time in which the students wrote abruptly small book (dibacha) containing conversation of satan with Fakhruddin Razi(R.A.). He wanted to tell his students that if he could not have been helped by the saint Najmuddin (R.A.) he might have failed in the death time test even though he was a great scholar and author of Tafsirul Quran-Ibn Kabir. Why the great saint Najmuddin Qubara(R.A.) helped him and what was the relation between Saint and Fakhruddin (R.A.)?

Moulvi Fakhruddin(R.A.) had a habit of asking the persons “ Is Allah (God) one or two or more?” If anybody replied that Allah is one then he used to ask for proof or argument to present. By this way, once he asked this question to the farmer who was plaughing. On his way working plaugh, he replied angrily and excitingly, “Without seeing, without argument I believe Allah is one” That is why he was reminded this reply by saint Najmuddin Qubara(R.A.). This Moulvi Fakhruddin Razi (R.A.) arrived in the blessed court (house and spiritual teaching madressa). Saint Najmuddin(R.A.) asked Moulvi “How much time you spent in taking moulvi education?” Fakhruddin(R.A.) replied “Seven years” Saint asked “Now live with me for that much time so that I may give you divine knowledge” Fakhruddin(R.A.) replied “That is too long, I can’t remain that long” Saint replied “six years” Moulvi replied “No, that is too long” Saint were reducing the time to five years,four year,three year and like that but each time moulvi said “it is too long” Finally, moulvi agreed to live only for forty days with saint Najmuddin (R.A.). But after the completion of only twenty days, moulvi could not keep patience and was leaving the blessed house of the saint. But what a greatness of saint Najmuddin(R.A.) that he told “O Moulvi, you are going to leave me but I will not leave you. These twenty days relation of yours with me is enough for me” So, this was how the relation or nisbat of a wali (friend of Allah) helped him to enter the paradise. Najmuddin Qubara’s spiritual master was Hazarat Amar bin Yasir Al Badarasi (R.A.) and his spiritual master was Hazarat Ziyauddin Abi Najib Soharwordy(R.A.) and his spiritual master was Hazarat Saiyed al Sultan Mohiyuddin Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A.). So, this great saint is linked with Qadariya-Kubruiya silsila of spiritual lineage of Islam. I (Ismail Patel) also linked with this lineage along with other lineages. I am so happy that Insa Allah, I will be helped at every single moment up to final moments by such a great great saint and their groups. The small book known as “Dibacha al Fakhruddin Razi” must be in one of the big Islamic libraries. At the present, where it rests that I don’t know. But it can be found out if special care is taken. There are about 300 questions asked by Satan and the replies given to them by hazarat Fakhruddin Razi (R.A.) but the Satan overrode the replies and was only defeated after help from Sheikh Najmuddin Qubara(R.A.) arrived. In holy Quran, it is written in surah Bani Israil, verse 85-86 “People is asking you O Prophet(sav) about Ruh (spirit). You tell them that Ruh is by the command of my Rabb(Allah). No more but a very few have been given knowledge about it” Further, in quran there is a mention of “Ilm al Ladunni” The ilm –knowledge given to khwaza Khizar (AS). This Ilm Ladunni is mentioned in Surah Kahaf in quran. These two are the secret knowledges by which very few people are blessed. Most pious friends of Allah like Najmuddin Qubara (R.A.) got these secret knowledges. These ayats prove that secret knowledge people are living in Muslim ummah and they are helping the believers’ souls with the permission of Allah. This is taken from “Majaalis-e-Mohammedi” book in Gujarati which is written specially for learning for the devotees of Chishtiya Silsila. Hazarat Sheikhul Mashaekh Malek

Mohammedshah Olpaadi (R.A.) was a great friend of Allah whose tomb is in Surat, Gujarat State India. His blessed Khalipha Hazarat Mansurshah alias chhotubawa(R.A.) of Hansot, Dist; Surat used to record the holy speeches spoken by his Sheikh in the blessed assembly. These speeches have been compiled in a book named as mentioned.

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