What Is Happenning In Our World?

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What’s Going On In The World Today Zechariah 12:3 On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immoveable rock for all nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves. Why is Israel under attack? Because Hezbollah and other Middle East terrorist hate Jews and want to kill every Jew possible. They believe that in killing the Jews and Christians they can usher in the second coming of the 12th Imam and the entire world will bend its knee to Islam. Hezbollah has more than 7000 missiles that remain hidden. It is believed they also have weapons of mass destruction from I-ran that can be loaded into the missiles. The threats against Israel continue to escalate as we speak. The nation of I-ran is only months away from having nuclear weapons capable of producing the unthinkable .. An all - out attack against the tiny nation of Israel. Israel must be allowed to defend herself against murderous attacks! I know that God’s people are the key! You can’t destroy a demon with a bomb. The war of hate will still continue. This war will only be won through prayer and fasting and Gods people coming together in unity and love and reaching to one another. Church we can have the greatest Revival in America’s history, if we would just be willing to pay the price. The devil has one purpose: To wipe every tangible witness from the face of the earth that is testifying Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead in the resurrection power! Nothing would delight the devil more than to demonstrate every holy site and turn it over to Islam. 1. A SEASON OF THE LAST CALL The most significant message of modern time is coming forth from God unto His people today. There has never been a more crucial moment for the people on Planet Earth than now. God is speaking to those to whom He has given a voice to speak out to make a final plea, a last call to all people now. 1 Rev.3:11-Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. God is calling ONE MORE TIME for the people of America and every nation of the world to turn to Him with their whole hearts – to turn from the foolish pride and lofty ways of man – to turn from denying the God that made them and rejecting the Lord who loves them - the one who has paid the price for their return to the life of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. This is NOT a last call before Jesus returns. It is NOT a last call before the end of the world. This is a season of last call to the people in spiritual Babylon. This is a last call to people of every faith and non-faith, a call to all who are NOT seeking first the real kingdom of God and His righteousness. Many of which may be making a token investment in acknowledging God but live their lives according to their flesh and not after the Spirit of God. They have turned away from the Ten commandments that God has given us to live by. They have been swamped by the lies of the devil thinking they do not have to live by Gods commandments. I am a Christian, “But” you ask them questions such as” Do you lie? Have you ever stole anything? Have you ever committed adultery? Have you ever lusted after another man or woman? Do you covet what someone else has? If the answer to any of these questions are true you have a problem that needs to be fixed with you and God. This is the last call for masses of people worldwide to come to God and repent of rejecting their Savior and King, the Lord Jesus in the practical reality of their lives. This is what: Rev.3:12-Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. Massive deception is consuming the people of the world. False god's of false

religions are rising in power while many of God's people occupy themselves in pleasure-seeking and personal gain. Sinners being snatched out into eternity while we as Christians sit back idle doing nothing about it. We are so busy that we are too busy to do the one most important thing He has called us to do. To evangelize the world. Many pleas and warnings have come forth. Many signs and works of God have been sent to catch the attention of mankind. Prophets for years have been receiving words of change. Again, I am not talking about the foolish soothsayers who have periodically predicted the end of the world. This is not about the end of the world; it is about the last call for multitudes to stop going the way they are going and turn around to face Jesus and connect with the work of the cross and the resurrection life in the Spirit. God is calling one more time for people to abandon their lives of self-provision and self-protection and to trust in God to fill them with real life, receiving His provision and His protection in His kingdom now. Rev 3:5-He that over cometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. This is a season of the last call to abandon religious hypocrisy and be filled with the Spirit of God. This is the last call for multitudes to fall upon their faces before God in repentance of their PRIDE and LOFTY ways of building their own kingdoms according to their own need, lust, greed, violence, and strife. The nations have strayed far from the paths of peaceful living in God and His kingdom ways of provision and protection. I want to read you something here from Pastor Stone: This is his words. Because our website is worldwide I do not feel the liberty to share some information that I have personally received, until I begin to see the subject matter reported publicly. I will tell you that the hospitals in America are preparing for a possible biological attack within the United States. One of the chief executives of pharmaceuticals in Europe informed a visiting American that the Swine Flu was actually a man - made flu that had been spliced with a combination of swine, human and bird flu. It is possible that in the fall months this flu could mutate and cause a global pandemic. There are already over 100,000 possibly infected in the U.S.A. Oddly, it is infecting younger people instead of older ones, which is puzzling to the CDC. Only time will tell how far and long this will spread. The wise writer of Proverbs says that the prudent man foresees the evil and hides Himself, but the simple pass on and are punished. (Prov.27:12) We in America have not experienced another terrorist attack since 9-11 and honestly we have become complacent and rather non-concerned. Don’t be blinded. There is an ongoing threat of terrorism in America and many families are unprepared for any form of disruption that could occur. For example an alleged bulletin an Israeli named Juval Aviv, who is said to be noted for making accurate predictions related to terrorism, has warned Americans to prepare for a wave of homicide Bombers that will be released in major cities and several rural areas, It is said that he pointed out. ”When this happens, all cell phones will be cut off to prevent detonation of explosives from a distance.” He then asked ,” What do you do when you can’t get in contact with your child at school or your spouse?” He

emphasized that you must have a plan for your family in the event of another attack that experts warn will happen. There are basically four levels of attacks. 1.A nuclear attack (or dirty bomb) 2. A chemical attack (using poisons) 3. A biological attack (plagues and man-made viruses) 4. A suicide bomber attack (with explosives) And also in this article he is talking about us being prepared for theses attacks and how to set up a kit that would have the things in it that we would need. Something such as an emergency kit!!! Church this is very serious! Preparations time has come!!! Are you rooted and grounded on that solid rock, that firm foundation, none other than Jesus Christ Himself Most of you have heard “The story about the stony ground, the thorny ground, and the good ground” Mark4:3-8 (The Message) "Listen. What do you make of this? A farmer planted seed. As he scattered the seed, some of it fell on the road and birds ate it. Some fell in the gravel; it sprouted quickly but didn't put down roots, so when the sun came up it withered just as quickly. Some fell in the weeds; as it came up, it was strangled among the weeds and nothing came of it. Some fell on good earth and came up with a flourish, producing a harvest exceeding his wildest dreams. The devil is very busy about careless hearers, as the fowls of the air go about the seed that lies above ground. Many continue in a barren, false profession, and go down to hell. Impressions that are not deep, will not last. Let us look to the Lord, that by his new-creating grace our hearts may become good ground, and that the good seed of the word may produce in our lives those good words and works which are through Jesus Christ, to the praise and glory of God the Father. (Excerpt from “The Way Of The Master) If Judas had been given a survey form to fill out, he likely would have had many justifications for his betrayal of the Savior and his falling away. Here are ten of them. Poor excuses!!! 1.He was publicly humiliated by Jesus when he suggested giving funds to the poor. 2.He felt a deep sense of rejection because he was not of the “inner circle”. 3. He needed the money. 4. The Chief Priests made him do it. 5. The devil made him do it. 6. The responsibility of looking after the finances became too much for him. 7. He was abused as a child. 8. He had a betrayal syndrome. 9. He lacked a father 10. He didn’t think his actions would have the grisly repercussions they had. Just how long did Judas walk beside the Master before he became a backslider? There is a good reason for this, because Jesus said of him, ”One of you is a devil” (John 6:70). The time of change is near. I do not know how long this last call will continue, but I am persuaded by the Spirit that it is the last opportunity for multitudes to avoid the natural results of their self-focused, pleasure-seeking ungodly living. Prior to 9-11 over ten years ago, A Pastor wrote about a strong prophetic dream he had, it is as followers. The Loftiness of Man and the Kingdom of God

This is how I felt as God spoke to me in a powerful prophetic dream about ten years ago. I walked about in the most beautiful oak forest I have ever seen. The trees were huge and over one hundred feet tall. They had magnificent limbs growing this way and that, forming unique patterns high in the trees. The tree trunks were very large and covered with distinctive rough oak bark. The trees were some distance apart, but they were so large that they all entwined together forming a beautiful green canopy high overhead. Beneath the trees, the floor of the forest was open and free of brush. There were no pesky briars or thorny berry vines, no small growth to make walking difficult. I strolled about with ease admiring the awesomeness of the giant magnificent trees. I felt they must be hundreds of years old. There was a sense of strength and personal protection realizing they had stood against the elements with no apparent damage for centuries. Though I could catch small glimpses of bright sunlight through the canopy it was wonderfully shady and comfortably cool. There was no concern for heat or sunburn in such a protected environment. It seemed it would be a good place to remain forever and enjoy its comfort and protection. I was well into the forest when I stopped short. The sound of a rushing strong wind came to my ears. Instantly I looked up toward the north from which the sound came. High above the earth one of the trees was being thrashed about by a strong wind from the north. Suddenly I heard great snapping sounds as the high limbs of the great tree began to break and started falling. Then the giant trunk snapped, and the whole tree was crashing toward the earth. I turned quickly to the east and started to run when I saw that the entwined trees were being broken by the first falling tree. The trees were crashing in the east, and I could not run in that direction. Instantly I turned to the south and started to run. But again the trees in that direction began to be broken by the others and were falling. By now the sound was horrendous as a great roar of snapping and crashing was everywhere. I turned to the west, and it was crumbling as well. As a cloud of thick dust began to rise and fill the air around me, I instinctively ran a few steps and dove to the trunk of one of the great trees. I wrapped myself up against it and nestled up against the huge trunk as the roar of crashing continued, and the dust boiled covering the entire scene. I was unharmed and crawled out after the dust settled through the mass of tangled broken limbs to view a totally new scene. Not one tree, not even a very high trunk, or a very large piece of a tree was left. The entire magnificent forest was only a huge area of broken smashed pieces fit only for firewood. It was still a bright sunny day with only a few wispy white clouds in the sky but all the sense of protection and comfort no longer existed. As I awoke from this dream I was very moved and somewhat afraid. I knew beyond any doubt that the dream was a prophetic word from God and could instantly think of many negative fearful possible interpretations. But I was not previously used as a prophet of disaster and was afraid to ask God the meaning. I really was not ready to know the full meaning of this dream and waited a day before asking God to reveal the interpretation of the dream to me. I cautiously approached God with questions like, does this involve religion? I heard “yes,” but with a sense that there was more. I asked, does this involve the economy and political governments? Again the answer, “yes.” Knowing I was now ready, God spoke on and said, “It is the pride and loftiness of man.” For many days since this dream I was consumed with it. Many questions arose as I went to the word and continued to seek Gods guidance in more fully understanding the meaning of this word. What exactly is the pride and loftiness of man that has stood majestically for centuries and is now coming down? Why were trees used to represent the loftiness of man as opposed to great cities or tall buildings etc.? How does this relate to the glorious revival and the establishment of Gods kingdom on earth now? When is this great

crashing fall, which takes away the sense of security and comfort of many people? Then he said God led me to: Zec 11:1-2: Open your doors, O Lebanon, That fire may devour your cedars. Wail, O cypress, for the cedar has fallen, Because the mighty trees are ruined. Wail, O oaks of Bashan, For the thick forest has come down. He was talking about the Destruction that was to come upon the Jews. As we talked about in the beginning of the message. The loftiness of man shall be bowed down, And the haughtiness of men shall be brought low; The LORD alone will be exalted in that day, But the idols He shall utterly abolish. They shall go into the holes of the rocks, And into the caves of the earth, From the terror of the LORD And the glory of His majesty, When He arises to shake the earth mightily. In that day a man will cast away his idols of silver And his idols of gold, Which they made, each for himself to worship, To the moles and bats, To go into the clefts of the rocks, And into the crags of the rugged rocks, From the terror of the LORD And the glory of His majesty, When He arises to shake the earth mightily. This is not doom and gloom! Church!! This is a removal of the past Babylonian ungodliness making room for the kingdom of God’s reality! Yes, it is an awesome and terrible shaking! But only everything that lifts itself against God is coming down. Wow! God will be exalted above all else in the minds and hearts of man and in the entire earth. It is the manifest glory of the kingdom of God that is coming forth in the earth. It is the terror and the glory of God from which man is fleeing into the caves, and that causes him to cast away his idols. If we go back the (Excerpt from “The Way Of The Master) Judas, for example, was a false convert. He was a hypocrite - a pretender - whose desire (it seems) for riches and power choked out his affections for Christ. In terms of the parable, we would say that he was a thorny - ground hearer, in whom ”the cares pf this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things entering in choke the Word, and it becomes unfruitful” Mark4:19. Judas had no idea who Jesus really was. Wow!! When a woman anointed Jesus with an expensive ointment in an act of sacrificial worship, Judas complained that the ointment should have been sold and the money given to the poor (John12:3-6). In his estimation, Jesus of Nazareth wasn’t worth such extravagance - He was only worth about thirty pieces of silver. Moreover, the Bible tells us that Judas was lying when he said that he cared for the poor. He was actually a thief who so lacked a healthy fear of God that he was stealing money from the collection bag (John12:6). Nevertheless, to all outward appearances, Judas was a follower and disciple of Christ. But to Jesus, he was a betrayer. Judas could have ask for forgiveness and Jesus would have forgiven him, but he chose another way. Jer 18:7-At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; 8-If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. ONE MORE TIME the voice of God is calling for all people to turn to Him with their whole hearts and seek His kingdom and His righteousness above all else. Let His voice be heard through His trumpets in every house and throughout all the land. Let every media carry the message, Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand! We as Christians must keep on pursuing love. It never fails and His Kingdom never ends. The Lord Jesus is He that hath the Holy Spirit with all his powers, graces, and operations. Hypocrisy, and decay in religion, are sins charged upon Sardis, by One who knew that church well, and all her works. Outward things appeared well to men,

but there was only the form of godliness, not the power; a name to live, not a principle of life. There was great deadness in their souls, and in their services; numbers were wholly hypocrites, others were in a disordered and lifeless state. Whenever we are off our watch, we lose ground. Thy works are hollow and empty; prayers are not filled up with holy desires, alms-deeds not filled up with true charity, sabbaths not filled up with suitable devotion of soul to God. There are not inward affections suitable to outward acts and expressions; when the spirit is wanting, the form cannot long remain. Christ enforces his counsel with a dreadful threatening if it should be despised. Yet our blessed Lord does not leave this sinful people without some encouragement. He makes honorable mention of the faithful remnant in Sardis, he makes a gracious promise to them. He that over cometh shall be clothed in white raiment; the purity of grace shall be rewarded with the perfect purity of glory. Christ has his book of life, a register of all who shall inherit eternal life; the book of remembrance of all who live to God, and keep up the life and power of godliness in evil times. Christ will bring forward this book of life, and show the names of the faithful, before God, and all the angels, at the great day. (Rev 3:7-13).Will your name be there??? Story: Have you ever wondered just what would be the first thing we will do when we get there? Now go with me in my imaginary dream of Heaven. As I think of myself here you think of it being your dream and lets share it together. In my own mind I believe that once I get there the first thing I will want to do is bow at the feet of Jesus ( that is if He will allow me to) Question is will He let us drop at His feet and just spend a while there with Him? (Don’t know”) My mind goes back to an old song I used to sing “ I bowed on my knees and cried Holy” Next I think maybe He will say, here my daughter I want to introduce you to Our Father!! Wow!! Then we stay there and talk a while just the three of us. You see there will be no time limit on conversations when we get there. I can picture myself in the arms of God and His Son saying “ Welcome Home My Precious Daughter, All is well now!! Oh praise God! Then He says to me, I remember in your prayer closet so many times as you placed your arms across your chest and imagine me holding you. But now you are actually in my Divine Presence and you never have to pretend again!!! It’s real my daughter, it’s real!! Then He will say “ come go with me child, I’ve got some things I want to show you. First I want to take you to your new Mansion that I promised you in the book of John, the 14th chapter when I said this to you. “Let not your heart be troubled, if you believe in God believe also in me. For in my Father’s house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go I will come back and receive you unto myself that where I am there ye may be also. Now my daughter this promise is being fulfilled. Wow!!! Now as He takes me by the hand, I step out on streets of gold, I look around and the walls are all of Jasper. The gates are all made of the most beautiful Pearls one has ever seen. I pass by the River of Life which as you go this same river turns into a big lake. God, Says “ My child you can swim in this beautiful lake anytime you wish..” But God, I say to Him, “ I don’t know how to swim, and I have always been afraid of water. My big brother always told me that I would run off the bridge and I thought that was true, I thought I would drown. Oh, my daughter He says, your big brother was only playing with you. But you really believed him. So yes you were afraid. Here you will be able to do and enjoy anything your heart desires. You do not need to be afraid of anything. ever again. Wow! We walk on and pass by the many different kinds of trees, and He takes the time to explain everything to me. Wow! It is so awesome here. So peaceful, so much love, people everywhere praising Him all over Heaven. People dancing, singing, playing all kinds of instruments, Hallelujahs being shouted everywhere. Hands lifted praising God. Saints telling

Him how much they love Him. Everyone hugging each other, oh so much love!! The echoes of the praises of God were all over Heaven. Every where I went I could hear them. Wow! What a beautiful sound!! If you can’t stand shouting and praising God down here, I don’t know what you will do when you get there, because it is all over Heaven, you can not get away from it. We walk on and, Then all of a sudden!! He stops right in front of the most beautiful mansion I have ever seen. He looks at me, and says daughter this is your mansion. Oh my! I can’t believe my eyes, it is to beautiful to behold. How could I ever deserve a mansion like this??? Oh my father, this can’t be mine!! It is so beautiful!!! Then He nudges me, and says well “why don’t you just go in and take a look.” When I get inside it is to awesome to explain. I run into every room, I jump and dance around, I’m crying and praising Him and once again as so often I have done, I run into His arms. Oh, My Father, I love you so much, thank you so much for my mansion. Thank you for paving the way on Calvary that I could be here. Then He says now that you have seen where you will be staying I’ve got something else to show you. He takes me to a place where there are lots and lots of people. Babies, children, teenagers, young people, adults of all ages. He says to me, you never tried to get praises and recognition from people, all you ever wanted to do was to please me. To preach my Word and lead others to me. While you didn’t want the praises on earth you were building a great treasure box here in Heaven. This big treasure Box is full of treasures just for you. I’m not sure what will be in that box but I know it will be of great value. Because all gifts from God are of great value. And then He turns and says,“ I have some people here that has something they want to say to you. As I see many line up, they come by me and hug my neck while in the background the song is playing “ Thank You for giving To The Lord” They said different things to me, like thank you for the time I needed a hug, a hand shake, a pat on the back. And all of a sudden you came by and did exactly that!! said the exact words to me that I needed to hear. . Another one.. Thank you when I was on drugs you were not ashamed to pray for me. The time I needed to hear someone just say I love you, I thought because of the life style I had lived Jesus would never accept me. Because of you I was taught that I could be loved again, And that you cared what happened to me, and also that God cared. You didn’t sugar coat things but you let me know the kind of life I had to live to make it to Heaven. And now, today I’m here because of you. Another one.. Thank you for the phone calls you made to me many times when I was discouraged, when I was about to throw the towel in and give up, but you said no you can’t do that, lets take it to the Father and pray about the situations. Another one…The time my finances were low and I didn’t know what I was going to do, you obeyed God and slipped me some money. Another one… All the times that you came by my house when I was sick and couldn’t come to church, you visited me, when I was so lonely and wanted to see somebody and have someone to talk to me, you shared the Word with me and had prayer with me. Another one.. Thank you because when I was dirty with sin, my life was a wreck, and my skin wasn’t the color of yours, you didn’t turn me away, but you showed me love. Another one… Thank you for ministering to me in the jails, the nursing homes. Writing me, sharing Gods Word with me. Thank you for giving to the Lord!! Another one.. Thank you for supporting the Missionaries that gave their life to get the gospel to me. Another one.. Thank you for standing in the gap for my soul. The many hours of prayer and fasting and agonizing before God for me to get saved. And because of you I am here! Wow!! Then we just take a stroll all over Heaven. Oh the many sights, were to numerous to tell. He shows me my relatives, friends and love ones that had gone on before me. My daughter you can visit them as often as you wish. I meet all the disciples, then Moses, Abraham, David, Joshua, Elijah, Elisha, Hannah, Mary the mother of Jesus, Martha, Ruth, oh my I could go on and on. My eyes filled with tears as we walked away. Then I said to Him, Father how about

(and I began to call out names of my love ones, my friends and members of the church that I didn’t see). Now I’m only making this up in the story, but one day this could be a reality). God where are they? He drops his head and then looks at me. My child they didn’t want to pay the price. They were caught up in the pleasures of sin. They knew what they were doing was wrong but they kept saying I’m going to change, I know I need to pay my tithes and give in offerings, I know I’m not faithful to my church, my commitment to you, and to the Pastor’s but I’m going to fix it soon, but soon never came, and now it’s too late. Some of them asked me to let Jesus touch them, So I sent a beggar their way, They said, Oh if I could afford I would buy you a meal, but I don’t have the money, I have to save what I have for something else. Go see the Pastor and his wife they will help you. I sent an alcoholic who sit on the same side walk with them, they never spoke, felt like he was too dirty, and he smelled too bad it was making them sick, they turned their nose up and walked away. I sent a drug addictive by, she even knocked on their door. They thought she was unclean, a woman that had gone too far to be reached. Don’t you ever come here again and let my children see you. You are a disgrace to the human race, you are a nobody and will never be no good. I even sent a widow by , who was hurting and needed comfort, but they were too busy. I don’t have time for you today try another time. Wow!! So you see my daughter these people that I sent their way were really Angels in disguise. But I was testing them to see if they really meant the prayer that they prayed when they said they wanted to be used for my Glory. I know now it was just lip service and not from the heart. They failed the test and now it’s too late, I don’t have time for them They were left behind and they are in the torments of Hell. No escape, no compassion, no mercy, for my love will not be there, my grace, my mercy, my forgiveness will not be there. Why? Because they were not willing to show mercy, love and forgiveness to others. I can’t forgive them if they will not forgive others. Some even taught Sunday School, faithful in their church work, but they had an ought with someone years back and never made that thing right. Would not speak to that person, go see that person, would not share my love and forgiveness with that person. Oh my daughter, Heaven can not be made up of those kind of people. Had they really been devoted to me as they said they were, when they got saved they would have made that thing right. So now as you are rejoicing with me they are burning in the flames of hell, screaming like the rich man did, please send me just one drop of water, but it’s too late. Their flesh is so on fire, the flames are over their whole body, but their body will not be consumed. They will burn forever and forever. As they claw themselves to the top of that burning pit, just about the time they think they are going to get out, they plunge back again and again and again into the burning flames of Hell. And it will continue to be that way forever and forever. The word says “it is appointed unto man to die and after that the judgment.” How terrible were the Words as the Father spoke to them “Depart from me I never knew you. Church don’t take this lightly. We all are going to stand before Him one day. Ready or not when the Father turns to His Son and says “it’s time, my children have had enough,” Gabriel blows the trumpet, the arch Angel sounds and Jesus split’s the eastern skies open. I say to you today, Are you Ready?? Life is short. Today you have an opportunity to get saved, to lay down the old life and pick up the new one. So I want to say to you today, do you lie, cheat steal, commit adultery, commit fornication, covet what is not yours, lust, do not keep the Sabbath day. Do you take Gods money, the ten percent and offerings that belong to God. Do you murder your neighbors with gossip? Do you walk from someone that you know is in need when you have the means to help them, are you too greedy to be a good Samaritan? Are you just playing with God, God if you will “supply my need to pay my bills, heal my body, watch after my children, and the list goes on and on. If you will God, then I will live for you. I’m here to

tell you, you don’t bargain with God. And you don’t use Him for a Yo-Yo. You get what you want then lay Him down until you need Him again. He said “my spirit will not always strive with man.” you don’t just get saved when ever you want too. His conviction spirit has to draw you. And if you have continued to reject Him and His pleadings to live for Him, you might not find Him there when you decide to go back to Him. How important is God to you today? Is He more important than sports, more important than having friends over to look at a movie or watch a ball game, is He more important than family, when they come by on church night, that you can tell them, hey, I always go to church on Wed. night, Sunday Morning, Sunday Night, will be more than happy for you to go with me, or just make yourself at home until I get back. (nothing wrong with these things, but we must learn to put our priorities in perspective.)God first, others second, self last. Excuses we put up to stay out of church. Toe ache, head ache, stomach hurting, I’m too tried, some friends came over. And we could go on and on. But, there goes that word that we so often use, but God, this happen or that happen. I’m asking you this question, because you are the one that has to find the answer and deal with it. It’s not your relationship with me and God, but with you and God. “ Will theses excuses stand on that day when you face Him and you give them to Him, when He asks you why you were not faithful. and I assure you that, that day is coming whether you believe it or not. Will you come to these altars and renew your vows with God, if you are lost ask Him to come into your heart. If you want prayer let us know and we will pray with you. My friend it’s up to you, Joshua said” as for me and my house we will serve the Lord” What are you saying this morning?? Time is running out. The midnight hour is upon us. Please don’t wait until it’s too late. God’s Spirit will not always strive with you. Where will you be in your walk with God when that trumpet sounds??? This message is a wake up call, the title of the message was “The Last Call” Will today be your last call? What if??? A heart attack, a stroke, a car accident, someone rode by your house and shot you, the airplane you were on blew up and you were blown to pieces. No time to repent!! If you go to hell, your blood will not be on my hands, Through the anointing of His Holy Spirit I have given you what He has given me. Where would you Go???????? It’s your call!!!! Maybe your last call!!!!!!! 20-Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. He has your answer today. Please come and pray. Do you hear the sound of the trumpet Do you hear the Lion roar. Do you hear the angels singing. Do you see the eagles soar. Do you see the signs and wonders. Do you see your Fathers hand. Do you see the ROCK he gave you. And will you firmly stand. Will you let him fill your mouth with words and fill you heart with love. Will you always stay connected to your Father up above. Do you hear the trumpets sounding. Do you hear the Lion roar. If you surrender and submit yourself you will soar like never before. You will soar to the highest places. You will see things you’ve never seen You will enter into Gods secret place. A place where a lot haven’t been Do you hear the sound of the trumpet. Do you hear the Lion roar. Do you hear the angels singing PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD!!!!

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