What Is An Adverb.docx

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  • Words: 718
  • Pages: 4
What Is an Adverb An adverb adds to a verb; it tells us how, how often, when, or where something was done. In other words, an adverb describes, modifies or provides more information about a verb in a sentence. So, if you said "I am going to quickly run to the store," the adverb in that sentence (quickly) would be modifying the verb run. Adverbs can be confused with adjectives, which also modify things. However, adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. If you said "I have a nice dog," "dog" is the noun which is being modified by the adjective "nice". On the other hand, if you said that "My dog quickly ate his dinner," the adverb "quickly" would modify the verb "ate." In addition to verbs, adverbs also modify adjectives and other adverbs. So, when you say "I have the most beautiful dog," "dog" is the noun, "beautiful" is the adjective describing the noun, and "most" is the adverb describing beautiful.

Identifying Adverbs You may have noticed a trend among adverbs; many, though not all, end in the letters “ly.” Knowing this can help you to quickly identify adverbs in sentences. However, remember that there are always exceptions, and some frequency adverbs, such as "always", "often", "sometimes", "seldom", and "never", do not follow this rule (also some words that end in "ly", such as "family", are not adverbs). Still, it can be a good tip to help you get started.

Common Adverbs Now that you understand what an adverb is and how to identify them in a sentence this printable list of 100 adverbs can help you with reading comprehension and creating your own sentences with adverbs.

Or study some adverb flashcards to get familiar with even more examples and their definitions.

Qué es un adverbio? Un adverbio agrega a un verbo; nos dice cómo, con qué frecuencia, cuándo o dónde se hizo algo. En otras palabras, un adverbio describe, modifica o proporciona más información sobre un verbo en una oración. Entonces, si dijiste "Voy a correr rápidamente a la tienda", el adverbio en esa oración (rápidamente) estaría modificando la ejecución del verbo. Los adverbios se pueden confundir con adjetivos, que también modifican las cosas. Sin embargo, los adjetivos modifican nombres y pronombres. Si dijiste "Tengo un buen perro", "perro" es el sustantivo que está siendo modificado por el adjetivo "agradable". Por otro lado, si dijeras que "mi perro se comió rápidamente la cena", el adverbio "rápidamente" modificaría el verbo "comió". Además de los verbos, los adverbios también modifican los adjetivos y otros adverbios. Entonces, cuando dices "tengo el perro más hermoso", "perro" es el sustantivo, "hermoso" es el adjetivo que describe el sustantivo, y "más" es el adverbio que describe hermoso.

Identificando Adverbios Puede haber notado una tendencia entre los adverbios; muchas, aunque no todas, terminan en letras "ly". Si lo sabes, esto te ayudará a identificar rápidamente los adverbios en las oraciones. Sin embargo, recuerde que siempre hay excepciones, y algunos adverbios de frecuencia, como "siempre", "a menudo", "a veces", "rara vez" y "nunca", no siguen esta regla (también algunas palabras que terminan en " ly ", como" familia ", no son adverbios). Aún así, puede ser un buen consejo para ayudarlo a comenzar.

Adverbios comunes Ahora que comprende qué es un adverbio y cómo identificarlos en una oración, esta lista imprimible de 100 adverbios puede ayudarlo con la comprensión de lectura y la creación de sus propias oraciones con adverbios.












act act act add adjust

action activity activeness addition adjustment

active active active additional adjustable

admire advise amass amazed

admiration advice mass amazement

admirable advisable massive amazing




annoy approach

annoyance approach

annoying approachable

attend attract avoid believe blacken bleed bore bother

attention attraction avoidance belief blackness blood boredom botheration

attentive attractive avoidable believable black bloody boring bothering

breathe bury care challenge chase cheer

breath burial care challenge chase cheerfulness

breathing buried careful challenging chasing cheerful

choose clear collect

choice clarity collection

chosen clear collective

clearly collectively





complex confuse consider

complexity confusion consideration

complex confused considerable









craze create credit cure curse

craze creation credit cure curse

crazy creative creditable curable cursed

crazily creatively creditably

actively actively actively




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