We\'re Being Controlled.

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  • August 2019
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  • Words: 1,965
  • Pages: 3
We are being controlled. We are being forcefed lies. We don't even know it. I can't present truth, they don't allow truth, and they hide it well enough that I can't find it. But I can present some damn good convincing arguements. All forms of media are suspect. All forms of media are made to control us. Even our precious revolutions through music. Yes, even punk music is made to sedate the individual. T.V., the most obvious and blatant form of mind control. You sit and you watch your programs. You learn from your programs. You learn from your MTV that all you have to worry about in life is your partying, your dancing, and when you're gonna get laid next. Then, to lower your guard just as you get suspicious, they present you with MTV's Rock the Vote. They encourage you to vote for the things that "matter." Like your ability to wear a piercing to express yourself, or to vote against Bush. Kerry is controlled by the same government and corporations. Neither will lead us to freedom. You learn from your soap operas that your own dramatic lives are more important then the lives of the people in this world. That you should pay attention to who your lover cheated on you with now. Oh no, she cheated on you with...... her own HUSBAND!!! That bastard, he must die. Sports are just another thing for you to watch and get obsessed over, for when you're obsessed, you pay everything else less heed. Reality T.V., the catchy programming that reduces your I.Q. every time you watch it. With their anti-drug commercials they don't want you to do drugs. They don't make money off the drugs. But wait, they tell you not to do drugs so that the rebellious among us will want us to do them more, increasing the demand in this country, making the Columbian drug lords pay the government more money to look the other way. Commercials no longer TELL you what to like, they persuade you. You no longer hear "BUY THIS." People got wise to that. No, now they show you how much better your life would be with the newest labor saving device so you can sit on your ass and get fat, so they can talk about how America is an overweight nation. You become self conscious instead of socially conscious. You go pay rediculous memberships at corporate chain gyms to waste your life away on a step machine trying to become "thin" again while still eating pizza every night because you don't have the time or energy to cook for yourself. It becomes a vicious cycle, and they make it harder and harder to break as they make the "acceptable" image thinner and thinner. They reduce the weight by which you are considered overweight, fat, or obese. Always listen to the experts. Experts are never wrong. That way the experts can tell you anything and you'll believe it. That this new matress is better on your back and more comfortable. That Saddam has weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al-queda. When proven wrong, they just say that they never said that. They said this. And because you are so brainwashed that the experts are always right, you believe them. News claims to be unbiased, but they don't inform you of the fact that there even ARE other opinions out there. Anarchists have never been portrayed as anything except radicals that blow up things and hurt people. That exists in all political and social beliefs. Never are anarchists, or any extremely anti-establishment group, ever been allowed to be portrayed as the intelligent, deep thinking individuals that most of the adherents are. They only tell the story of how the terrorist group just flew a plane into the WTC, never explaining the reason that these men felt that their lives were worth the blow to the US, the government that puts oppresive regimes in power in their countries, then saps all the money out of these countries with our Coca-Cola. They tell you that every perpetrator in the most recent urban crime is of a non-caucasian racial stock. To the point that African Americans are scared of themselves. The news villainizes anyone that opposes them, or just anyone. To take eyes off the real villain, our own government and corporations. Celebrities have become more important then our own selves. We worship them like gods. We make our political decisions based on the fact that our favorite actor is a Bush or Kerry supporter. We have entire television channels, magazines, BRAINS, dedicated to knowing things about these gold idols. Why? Because it gets our minds off asking truely important questions. We worship them because they have money. Money we gave them. Money is the driving force in this world, but only because the corporations made it that way. They

saw this idea of cash and decided "we're gonna hoard it, so we can spend a little of it to make our products seem that much more appealing." This made money more "important," and thus these corporations more powerful because they had it. It is a cycle that has gotten so out of control that corporations now hold damn near absolute power in this society. When the people started to get wise to this, the government, which is controlled by these corporations, made an example of one of these corporations, to placate the public, make them think that these corporations aren't as powerful as we thought. They are. They placate you. They make you believe that voting matters, so they tell you to go out and vote on subjects that mean nothing. They breed hate with politics. They teach democrats to hate republicans and republicans to hate democrats because they both want something "different" for this country. They make you hate homosexuals and then put anti-gay marriage initiatives on the ballot so you think you are voting about something that actually matters. And how the vote turns out, they make it how they want it anyway, thanks to voting fraud and spoilage. They elect who they want to, and they make you think that you chose him, so that you'll shut up, sit back and just watch him ruin your lives so that corporations and the rich can have more money to hoard so they can wave it in your face and be more powerful. They make you hate the enemy, the facist enemy. The oppresive enemy. They alienate that enemy. It could never be us, because that's the enemy's work. We'll never be facist. We can't be. You look the other way as we become more and more facist, believing it is for the good of the people, it's not Nazi-ism. The patriot act. Made to protect the people, or is it so they can find out more about us so they can control us even better, or find those among us that actually believe that this government needs to change. Books. Anything can be marketed to this catatonic sheep-like economy. Anything can succeed. Yet what makes the New York Bestseller's list? Fiction. People need an escape, and books give it to them. Reality checks that aren't the ramblings of a mad man named Michael Moore never make it past the printers, and when they do, they are doomed to a life of obscurity known only to a very unique subculture of armchair intellectuals that bitch moan and complain about the state of the world, but don't do shit for it, because they are taught that they NEED the money they have. If they need it, then they can't give it to that beggar down the road. No, he's just a failure anyway. Why doesn't he get a job with his unshowered self, wearing his unwashed best, while he nearly collapses in the interview from starvation. He's in that spot because he put himself there. He didn't get laid off. He's homeless because he quit school, right? Don't care about anyone else but yourself. Another way to seperate us, make us fight with ourselves while also turning our attention to our selves rather then what the corporations are stealing from us. Video games. Another escape. They make games more and more violent so we can take our anger out on a controller, and not on them. They market them so that we have to have them. We HAVE to sit and play them, ignoring the outside world as we relax with our GTA and pizza, getting in shape. The shape of the couch. Our games are more important then family, friends, the rest of the world, because it is our escape. School, the greatest mind control device of them all. Original thought is punished. If you research something anti-american for your newest paper, no matter how well it's written and how backed up the arguements are, you're sent to the prinicpal as the next Columbine. Things that matter are never taught in school. Have you even HEARD of the Spanish Revolution. I bet not. Look it up. Anarchy CAN work on a small scale. But this Spanish Revolution is never taught in school. Unique ideas and ways of thought aren't allowed either. You can't teach the idea of truely experimental science with radical theories in school, or religious ideals. They pit schools and religion against eachother. Again, a way of creating in-fighting and villainization to take the eyes off the real enemy. Religion is another way to placate the public and sedate them. God will make everything okay. God is perfect and all powerful. If you go through hardship it's his way of testing you and your

faith. Listen to the minister, because he speaks with the voice of this all powerful charlatan. Give the church your money and they give you nothing. Religion is the greatest sham to this day. When things start to go wrong, they blame everyone else. The Nazi's were a Christian organization that blamed the Jewish for taking all their money. The political machine we are under now is a Christian group that blames the middle east for all our problems. Bush was appointed by god, not his crooked electoral officials. Join the military. Support the fight against terrorism. Become a peice of clay, let us think for you. Just shoot the guy in the turban. Become a cookie cutter form of all the other soldiers. Be the same. Don't do anything of your own free will. Music is easy to show how it controls us. Backstreet boys, Britney Spears, Ludacris, Lil Kim. They all sing about sex. Just worry about your loins. You don't need brains in this world, just a boyfriend. Even our rebellious music is just to placate us. All our big name "punk" bands keep telling us to go out and vote. I've already covered how futile that is. Rebellion no longer teaches rebellion. Rebellion teaches you to rebel by THEIR rules. Rules that they made so that WE can't win. All forms of media are suspect. Don't pay attention to any of them. Revolt against this subvert oppression. If you really feel active, fight the subvert with the overt. Topple the power structure any way you can. Thomas Jefferson, one of our founding fathers for those that found school too boring to pay attention (yet another way they control you, bore you so you don't care), was once quoted saying "A Government can not properly serve it's people without a revolution every 20 years." It's been over 200 since our last revolution. I'd say we are well over 10 times overdue for one. Fight back. Now that I have said my spiel, you can go ahead and get back to your saved game of San Andreas on your PS2.

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