Were Rat

  • April 2020
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Level 5 Elite Skirmisher XP 300 Wererat Rogue (Level 5)Medium natural humanoid (shapechanger) Initiative +7 Senses Perception +7; low-light vision HP 73; Bloodied 36 Regeneration 5 (if the wererat takes damage from a silver weapon, its regeneration doesn’t function on its next turn) AC 19; Fortitude 17, Reflex 20, Will 15 Resist Immune filth fever Saving Throws +2 Speed fly 6, climb 4 (not in human form) Action Points 1 Short Sword (Standard, at-will) Weapon +10 vs Armor Class; 1d6+5 damage. Bite (Standard, at-will) +10 vs Armor Class; 1d4+3 damage plus ongoing 2 damage (save ends), and the target contracts filth fever. Dagger (Standard, at-will) Weapon Ranged 5/10; +8 vs Armor Class; 1d4+4 damage. Riposte Strike (Standard, at-will) Martial, Weapon +10 vs Armor Class; 1d6+5 damage. If the target attacks you before the start of your next turn, you make your riposte against the target as immediate interrupt; +10 vs AC; 1d6 damage. Setup Strike (Standard, encounter) Martial, Weapon +10 vs Armor Class; 2d6+4 damage, and the target grants you combat advantage until the end of your next turn. Easy Target (Standard, daily) Martial, Weapon +10 vs Armor Class; 2d6+4 damage, and the target is slowed and grants combat advantage to you (save ends both). Tumble (Move, encounter) Shift 3 squares. Change Shape (Minor, at-will) Polymorph A wererat can alter its physical form to appear as a dire rat or a unique human. It loses its bite attack in human form.

3/20/2009 8:10 PM

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Combat Advantage The wererat deals +1d6 damage on melee attacks against any target he has combat advantage against. First Strike Gains combat advantage against any creature that has not yet acted in that encounter. Sneak Attack Once per round, when you have combat advantage against an enemy and are using a light blade, your attacks against that enemy deal +2d6 extra damage. This does not stack with combat advantage above. Alignment Evil Languages Common Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +6, Stealth +10, Streetwise +6, Thievery +10 Str 10 (+2) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 12 (+3) Con 16 (+5) Int 10 (+2) Cha 11 (+2) Equipment: cloak, dagger x2, short sword , thieves’ tools . Description: A lycanthrope superficially resembles a human or other humanoid creature. It stands erect but has the head of a ravenous animal, such as a rat or wolf. It also has fur covering its body, pointed teeth, and claws. A lycanthrope can assume the form of a specific humanoid, usually a human with subtle physical traits that betray the creature’s true heritage (long hair, long fingernails, or pointed teeth, for instance). A lycanthrope only assumes humanoid form when it needs to disguise itself as something nonthreatening. In animal form, a lycanthrope resembles a powerful version of the normal animal, although its eyes betray a spark of unnatural intelligence. A lycanthrope typically assumes animal form when it hunts, and sometimes when it needs to flee. This humanoid is short and wiry. Under its cloak, it has slick fur, a rat’s head and teeth, and a hairless, pink tail. A wererat can assume the form of a dire rat or a small human with a feral seeming.

First published in RPGA Heirloom.

3/20/2009 8:10 PM

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