Weoa Mtg Nov 07

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  • Words: 459
  • Pages: 2
WESTLAKE OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Association Meeting Wednesday, November 14, 2007 7:30 PM Lakehouse West Meeting Room Board members in attendance: Bill Tarpley, Tom Witter, Rick Battaglia, Lee Ruggles (for Marybeth Crockett) The meeting was called to order after a motion was made and seconded to start the meeting.  Proof of notice of the meeting: Sign was posted at the entrance to Westlake Estates.  Minutes of the September 18, 2007, meeting were read. A motion to accept the minutes was made and seconded.  Treasurer’s report was presented by Tom Witter. As of November 12, 2007, there was $24,326.26 in the Association account. A motion was made and seconded to accept the report. Old business:

-The Welcome Letter has been updated -The Covenants & Restrictions are being worked on. The Association’s current Covenants & Restrictions need to be updated to comply with Florida law. Lee Ruggles volunteered to assist. Road repair bids: Three proposals were received. It was agreed that new proposals need to be solicited.

New business: 

   

Road details -It has been learned that the cost of re-asphalting the roads is approximately $200,000 Moving ahead with re-asphalting is not feasible at this time. -Repairs would include filling in all cracks and topcoat all roads. Bids will determine the assessment for each owner. -Plan: . . Repair and topcoat roads every five to six years. . Set aside a reserve in the budget to pay for road repair and maintenance Tom Witter reported on a questionnaire received from Purmort Insurance, the Association’s carrier, that will be completed for the policy renewal The palm trees along the right of way on Fox Run Road need trimming. Rick Battaglia will solicit a minimum of three bids for the work. A suggestion was made and a discussion ensued to re-plant palm trees on the Fox Run Road median. The bushes that are currently growing on the median need to be trimmed. Rick will have a landscaper assess the median area re plantings, water, et al.

New Neighbors: Tony and Betsy Abrew, who recently moved into their new home at 5426 Creeping Hammock Drive, were welcomed to the community.


WEOA 11/13/07 meeting minutes, continued: Ellen Vesely appealed to the community to assist the disabled veterans in the area VA hospitals and nursing homes, especially during the holiday season. Ellen has a long history of volunteer work with a group that visits the hospitals and nursing homes in gratitude to those who fought for this country. A note will be included in the Association Newsletter. 

Next Association meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 15, 2008.

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted.

Lee Ruggles


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