Wellspring Newsletter April 2009

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The Wellspring Newsletter

Overflow Ministry

The Wellspring “...The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life…” John 4:14

Special points of interest: 

Come celebrate Easter with the entire KUMCSSC community! Sunday, April 12, 2009 @ 11am in the KM Sanctuary.

Overflow Garden Project Groundbreaking is on Sunday, April 19, 2009 @ 12:15pm.

Our church will host the 2009 South Suburban CROP Hunger Walk on Sunday, April 26 @ 1pm.

Shalom: Our Ultimate Hope

April 2009

To state the obvious - these are strenuous times! The current economic crisis has affected us in devastating ways: some have lost jobs, others have lost homes, and many of us watched helplessly as our life savings rapidly dwindled away in the recession. The year was 520 BC. The People of God had returned home from their exile. But homecoming was nothing like they had hoped. The Temple lied in ruins as were their lives. Like us, they had to pick up the pieces. Like us, an overcast of fear loomed over them. Like us, they sought comfortable lives under economic distress and their time was consumed with meeting their

by Ken Roh physical needs. They had been concerned with their own households and had ignored the reconstruction of the “house of the LORD.” Enter prophet Haggai. Like many other prophets, he brings a message of both reprimand and promise. He gives the people concrete instruction to rebuild and consecrate the Temple so that there might be a reformation of the spiritual community. The people of God had returned to Jerusalem, but they cannot be fully restored from exile until they have reestablished the Temple of the LORD as their center. And the promise is clear: “For thus says the LORD of hosts: Once again, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land; and I will shake all the nations, so that the treasure of all nations shall come, and I will fill this house with splendor, says the

Oasis Fo Yo Dry Soulasis

Inside this issue:

LORD of hosts. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, says the LORD of hosts. The latter splendor of this house shall be greater than the former, says the LORD of hosts; and in this place I will give prosperity, says the LORD of hosts” (Haggai 2:6-9 NRSV).

Prophet Haggai makes it adamantly clear that it is the LORD who will restore the prosperity of the people. The Hebrew word that is translated “prosperity” in NRSV and “peace” in NIV is shalom. Yet, no single English word can capture the richness of this word. You need many words, and the best definition I have seen to date is offered by Cornelius Plantinga in his book, Not the Way It's Supposed to Be: A Breviary of Sin: “The webbing together of God, humans, and all creation in justice, fulfillment, and delight is what the Hebrew prophets call shalom. (continued on page 3)

by Esther Ko

The college and young adults of Overflow Shalom: Our Ultimate Hope 1

Oasis Fo Yo Dry Soulasis


Overflow Garden Project




2009 South Suburban CROP Hunger Walk


Get to Know an Overflower: 3 Tom Yan Giving to Overflow Ministry


Ministry have been blessed this past year with our bible study group, OASIS. Every Friday night we gather at Tom Yan’s apartment for a time of bible study, prayer, and fellowship. In our bible study, we take a closer look at the past Lord’s Day sermon and share ways we can apply Christ’s teaching in our everyday lives. It is a time for us to challenge and encourage one another through God’s word. It has been a blessing to hear our brothers and sisters share their reflections and personal experiences of God working in their lives. After digging deep into the scriptures, we strengthen our community through fellowship. During this latter part of the evening, the family board games come out and gentle spirits turn into fierce competitors. Hit board

games include Cranium, Bananagrams, Sequence, and Rummikub. Each time we meet, God reveals more of His truth to us and we leave the place feeling more connected to the scripture and with one another. Praise the Lord for good board games, great friends, and God’s Perfect Word!

The Wellspring April 2009

Page 2

Overflow Garden Project

by John Harvey and Ken Roh

human needs, has been commoditized as something to be traded on pated confluence of thought the market, the problem streams and interests be... plant gardens being that then those who tween two or more persons and eat what they produce...seek the have the means, i.e. the within a covenant commuwelfare of the city wealthy, will control the nity. Conversation starts. where I have sent distribution. Hunger is a Possibilities are explored. A you into exile, pervasive problem in the and pray to the vision is incubated. And in Lord on its behalf, world today, and it is not the course of studying for in its welfare due to the shortage of food. God’s word, you run across you will find your So this is a justice issue. a passage in the bible that welfare. Most of us living in the U.S. articulates a directive re(Jeremiah 29: 5, 7 ) have lost the sense of lated to your conversations. where food comes from, we You begin to think, “God, conveniently go to Jewel and are you trying to tell us something?” there they are. Our generation and our You pray for clarity of purpose. You children’s generation who grew up in sense a leading of the Spirit You open industrialized-technological-urbanthe conversation to others in the comsuburban world have lost that sense. munity. They affirm. You begin reThrough the Overflow Garden Project searching and finding that others have we want to teach ourselves and our already put the common vision into children. We want to learn to apprecimotion and that there are resources. ate where food comes from – God and Subsequently, we hear about how food, local farmers. Through this community the most basic of garden, we want to share with one an-

Every so often it happens.

An unantici-

“This place is a testament to what people with commitment can do.” -John Harvey (referring to the Garfield Park Conservatory)

John and Ken visited the Garfield Park Conservatory to get inspired about the Overflow Garden/Greenhouse Project.


In September, KUMCSSC English Ministry (Overflow Ministry) will celebrate its 10th anniversary. Over the years, we have been blessed to have a solid core of members who have contributed the lion’s share of the operating funds required to keep our ministry viable. Equally integral to our survival has been the steady support of our Korean Ministry. Our windows and sanctuary area have been recently upgraded, thanks to funds pledged by both EM and KM members. This effort has resulted in a 25% reduction in energy costs in the past few winter months. The

other within the community and with those outside who cannot afford to purchase healthful food. This is how the vision for the Overflow Garden Project was cast. We are still in the process of developing a detailed plan, but we have identified some immediate needs. We are starting out with 3 raised gardens which are 24' long and 8' wide. We need a donation of $100.00 for a start on garden supplies, hose, garden tools and nutrients. Also, we are looking for a donation of $600.00 to cover the cost of supplies for a storage shed. We need volunteers (as many as possible) for a Garden Care Team. We can then set up a flexible garden care schedule to make it easier on everyone. Some of our members who regularly attend morning prayer have offered to do some watering in the mornings. We will be constructing some compost bins on the far north end in the church backyard just adjacent to the gardens. We need to figure out a way to collect food scraps from the KM and EM fellowship ser(continued on page 3) Three garden beds ready for seeding and planting.

by Bob Floyd and Mike Clark new lighting and stage area in the EM sanctuary have generated favorable reviews. Without all our benefactors, none of this would have been possible. Acknowledging the unsteady condition of our economy and the pressure of increasing costs, we are asking for everyone’s help in increasing our offerings this year while making every effort to hold the line on operating expenses. Every little action helps, whether if it is someone turning down the thermostat, volunteering to help out with maintenance, or providing extra loose change in the offering plate occasionally. Over the

past three years, our operating expenses have been in the $68,000 to $72,000 range, while the revenues from Sunday offerings and special collections have been between $62,000 and $66,000. The deficits have been covered by funds provided by our bank account, which is now down to approximately $5000. We are open to your suggestions on how we can increase our revenues to solidify the future of our Overflow Ministry. With your help, we hope that the Lord’s blessings will continue into the future.

Page 3

Shalom: Our Ultimate Hope (continued from page 1) We call it peace but it means far more than mere peace of mind or a cease-fire between enemies. In the Bible, shalom means universal flourishing, wholeness and delight – a rich state of affairs in which natural needs are satisfied and natural gifts fruitfully employed, a state of affairs that inspires joyful wonder as its Creator and Savior opens doors and welcomes the creatures in whom he delights. Shalom, in other words, is the way things ought to be.”

Shalom is what we, deep in our God-

created souls, are longing for. It is what God intends for us. It is our ultimate hope. As the People of God reestablishes the Temple of the LORD as their center, proclaims the prophet, God will give shalom. For those of us who call and follow Jesus, the Christ, the Temple of the LORD does not merely refer to the bricks and mortar edifice built by humans, but rather Christ himself who becomes our center

(John 2:19-21). It is through Jesus Christ we receive shalom, or eternal life, or abundant life, or kingdom of heaven. This is what we at Overflow Ministry have been laboring for – by the grace of God to realize the shalom of God in our lives, in our community, in our city and in our world. So all you who are burdened and weary, this is our prayer for you: Shalom!

Overflow Garden Project (continued from page 2)

vices on Sunday. This is an excellent and organic way to add nutrients to the garden and will save us a lot of money. If we can find at least a couple of people to get this going that would be great. Once a routine has been established it should be pretty easy. And we need to begin thinking about ways to distribute the food from the garden once we start to harvest. One idea is to connect with a church that has an established food pantry and supply them with fresh vegetables. All ideas are

welcome! Our ceremonial groundbreaking is scheduled for Sunday, April 19 @ 12:15pm which is immediately following the worship service. We invite you to come out and join us for the ceremony. Although the EM is taking the lead on this project, we would like to see the entire KUMCSSC community mobilized for this vision and opportunity to usher in the shalom of God in the SSC.

2009 South Suburban CROP Hunger Walk “We Walk Because They Walk!” Sunday, April 26, 2009 This year’s Walk starts and ends at our beloved KUMCSSC. The South Suburban CROP Hunger Walk is an opportunity for children, youth, or entire families to join in an effort that benefits needy persons around the world as well as here at home. If you can walk 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) or if you can walk the short walk in solidarity with the millions around the world who must walk many miles (carrying heavy burdens) just to get water for their family's needs, or to bring their crops to market, or to get a sick child to a clinic. Basic food necessities and safe water for “the least of these” are the purpose of the CROP Hunger Walk. Three-fourths of the money raised goes to Church World Service to be used for food and water

development programs in over 80 countries around the world. The other one-fourth of the money raised is divided between 7 local food-providing agencies right here in the South Suburbs: Respond Now and Jones Community Center (both in Chicago Heights), South Suburban PADS, Rich Township Food Pantry, Hazel Crest Community Church Food Pantry, and First Wesley Academy Church Hot-Meals Program in Harvey and the Lansing Food Pantry. If you can be a walker, you can get your collection envelope from Bob Floyd. The donations you collect from family, friends, and from other church members (continued on page 4)

In the pictures: Harvey

YMCA, Oasis, PADS, Thursday Night Open Gym

Get to Know an Overflower: Thomas Yan 1. If God were to grant you one (additional) special talent or ability, what would you want it to be? If we're talking about supernatural ability, I'd love to be able to teleport. I'd probably still be late to stuff though. If we're talking about natural ability, I always envied people who can sing well. 2. Favorite worship song? Forever by Hillsong. 3. What is a bible verse that you turn to for encourage-

ment? Philippians 4:6-7. When I am facing a difficult situation or have to make a difficult decision, it is comforting that God hears my prayers and covers me with a sense of peace that is beyond what I can understand. 4. What is one memory of gratitude that you like to reflect on during times of hardship? I remember seeing how people in Guatemala can be so

satisfied and grateful even when their living conditions were so poor, and it reminds me that I do not need to have a lot or have everything perfect in my life to experience deep joy. 5. What is one prayer request that you have for this year? One prayer request is discipline. I really need a lot of discipline in my life, especially around spending more time in prayer.

Tom is a software developer and our resident computer guru. He currently serves as the lay leader for Overflow and also plays the bass guitar for the worship team.

Upward. Inward. Outward.

Overflow Ministry 19320 S. Kedzie Ave. Flossmoor, IL 60422

Phone: 847.338.8671 Fax: 708.799.4368 E-mail: [email protected]

We’re on the Web! www.overflowministry.org

Find us on facebook

2009 South Suburban CROP Hunger Walk

Giving to Overflow Ministry

(continued from page 3) should be turned in on the day of the walk if at all possible. If you don’t get it all turned in on that day, get it to Bob as soon as you can, and he will get it to the Crop Walk treasurer. You will also receive a brochure that tells you how you can collect donations through the CWS website. This is a good way to get out-of-town relatives

We invite you to become our partners in ministry. We exist because of the mission and providence of God and through the generosity of folks like you. We gratefully welcome your gifts of time, prayers, and financial support. If you are giving financially, please make your checks payable to Overflow Ministry and send it to above address. Thank You.

or friends to support your effort to help the poor. Registration begins at 1 PM, Opening Ceremonies at 1:30 PM, and Step-Off at 2 PM on Sunday, April 27. “In as much as you have done it unto the least of these my brothers and sisters, you have done it unto me.”

Our Vision We want to see God’s shalom established in our lives, in our community, in our city, and in our world. Our Mission We affirm the Reign of God as both present and future reality. Therefore, we will lead people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ, and we will participate in the mission of God to establish shalom in the world – to reclaim, redeem, restore, and renew the life of all creation.

Movements of the Community Upward in worship Means: Community Worship (Sun 11am) Teachers’ Worship (Sun 9:45am) Early Morning Prayer (Tue-Sat 6am) Inward toward transformation Means: Early Morning Prayer (Tue-Sat 6am) Midweek Prayer (Wed 8pm) Coffee with Pastor Ken (Wed 7pm) Oasis – Singles Small Group (Fri 7:30pm) Reservoir – Families Small Group (3rd Sun Each Month 3pm) Outward in compassionate action Means: Harvey YMCA (3rd Sat Each Month 1pm) PADS (4th Thu Each Month 6:30pm) Homeless Mission Guatemala Mission Mongolia Mission

Shalom: “The webbing together of God, humans, and all creation in justice, fulfillment, and delight is what the Hebrew prophets call shalom. We call it peace but it means far more than mere peace of mind or a cease-fire between enemies. In the Bible, shalom means universal flourishing, wholeness and delight – a rich state of affairs in which natural needs are satisfied and natural gifts fruitfully employed, a state of affairs that inspires joyful wonder as its Creator and Savior opens doors and welcomes the creatures in whom he delights. Shalom, in other words, is the way things ought to be.” -Cornelius Plantinga

MY CUP RUNNETH OVER Margaret E. Barber There is always something over When we trust our gracious Lord; Every cup He fills overflows; His great rivers all are broad. Nothing narrow, nothing stinted Ever issues from His store; To His own He gives full measure, Running over evermore. There is always something over When we, from our Father's hand, Take our portion with thanksgiving, Praising for the path He planned. Satisfaction, full and deepening, Fills the soul and lights the eye When the heart has trusted Jesus All its need to satisfy. There is always something over When we tell of all His love; Unplumbed depths still lie beneath us, Unscaled heights rise far above. Human lips can never utter All His wondrous tenderness; We can only praise and wonder, And His name forever bless.

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