Welcome To Geometry Rs

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,087
  • Pages: 4
Welcome to Geometry RS Ms. Michele Bramanti E-mail: [email protected] About the Course: This course is a one year course and will follow the same curriculum as Geometry R. Less emphasis will be placed on the formal proof and will incorporate a greater use of technology (i.e. geometer’s sketchpad) to help students discover the fundamental principles of geometry. Additional support will be provided. This course is recommended for those students who have completed Algebra 1R or Algebra 1RE but would benefit with a less rigorous course than Geometry R. This course requires the use of a graphing calculator provided by the school. There will be a midterm and final as well as the Regents exam. *NEW POLICY* All students must take the Regents and the grade will count as 1/5 or 20% of the final average grade for the course. Materials Needed: It is advised that each student have a three ring binder with 4sections; notes, homework, vocabulary, and tests and quizzes. Each student should also come to class with a pencil, pen, and calculator. The students will be given the opportunity to rent a calculator throughout their high school career, a letter will be sent home regarding this issue. On some occasions students will be asked, in advance, to come to class with graph paper, a ruler, a protractor, and a compass. Students will be given a textbook that should be left at home. Homework Policy: Homework is a crucial part of the learning process, especially at this level. Homework allows for practice and reinforcement and will not be taken lightly. Students will be asked to copy down their homework assignments at the beginning of each class period into their agenda. All homework is due the following class period and no late assignments will be accepted unless an absence has occurred, in which case, the assignment is due upon return to school. Grading: For each marking period there will be an approximate total of 500 points. The 500 points will consist of tests, quizzes, “Do Now” Check-ups, and Maintenance Sheets. • Tests and quizzes will be worth varying points depending on how much material is being covered. Students will be aware of any test or quiz at least two days in advance. • Weekly maintenance sheets will count as 10 points each resulting in 80-100 of the 500 points per quarter. These are designed to review and maintain skills to prepare for the Regents examination in June. Maintenance sheets will consist of 10 questions and will generally be given on Monday of each week and due at the beginning of class that Friday. • Homework assignments will count for 50 of the possible 500 points (10% of the grade). All students will start out with a perfect 50 points, for each homework assignment missed, 5 points will be deducted. One “no homework pass” per quarter is granted.

Be Sure to Check for the New Grading System and Conversion Chart!

Extra Help: Extra help will be offered several days during the week, after school from 2:00-3:00. Specific days in which extra help is being held will be posted in the classroom at the start of the week. If there is a better and more convenient time in which a student would like to attend extra help please do not hesitate to ask! Learning Center: The High School offers an extremely beneficial service to its students called the Math Learning Center. Students can go to the learning center on any free period or lunch period and receive assistance with their math coursework. There are two certified math teachers in the learning center who are more than qualified to assist a student in need, even if it is just for one particular topic. Students can go as frequently as they choose and do not need a pass. Again, students can only attend the learning center on a lunch period or free period (study hall). Absence: In the event that a student is absent for any reason, it is their responsibility to make up the work within a reasonable time period. Students who miss a test or a quiz will have one week to make it up. Students must also complete homework assignments and copy down class notes. It would be advised that each student have a buddy in the class in which they can call to retrieve homework assignments and notes. If a student is illegally absent on the day of a test or quiz it is an automatic zero. What is Expected:  Students are expected to be in class on time every day with all necessary materials.  Students are expected to complete and come to class with their homework assignments.  Students are expected to come to class with a good attitude and ready to learn.  Students are to have the utmost respect for themselves, one another and myself. What Students Can Expect:  A “Do Now” set of questions each day unless there is a test or quiz.  Homework 4-5 days a week.  A weekly maintenance sheet to be completed and handed.  At least two days notice for a test or quiz.  Fairness towards each and every student.  Respect. For the Parent/Guardian:  Please contact me at any time via e-mail or voicemail, I will be happy to speak with you.  Please be aware that I will contact you in the event that your student misses two or more homework assignments.  Please be aware that I will contact you in the event that your student is in danger of failing the marking period or with any general concerns I may have. I look forward to a wonderful, effective, and successful year! Thank You, Michele Bramanti

Student and Parent/Guardian Declaration • To be filled out by the student: I, ___________________________, have read, understand, and agree to the syllabus provided. Signature of student: ______________________________

Date: ________

• To be filled out by the parent/guardian: I, ___________________________, have read, understand, and agree to the syllabus provided. Please provide your e-mail address, if that is a way in which you chose to be reached, in the boxes below.

Please provide the best telephone number and time to reach you at. Phone Number: ______________________ Time of day: _______________________ *If you would like to add more than one e-mail address and/or phone number please feel free to provide the information on this sheet. Signature of parent/guardian: ______________________________ Date: ___________ Additional Information/Comments:

***********************************Teacher Use Only ********************************** Parent/Guardian Contact Log Date


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