Welcome To First Grade

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 969
  • Pages: 4
Welcome to First Grade!

I am delighted to have your child in my class this year. I am excited for this school year to get on it’s way so I can get to know you and your child better. One very important goal of mine is to have your child feel safe, happy, and secure in school. I feel that this first year sets the tone and attitude of your child for the years of school ahead. When a child feels safe, he/she can learn and grow to his/her full potential. I hope the information below will help us get off to a super start for a wonderful year.

Parent/Teacher Relationship I believe a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success. Please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns. You may call the school or my cell phone 887-6329. You can also email me at [email protected]. I will send a monthly newsletter so you will know what we are doing each month. In addition, I’ll send notes and letters about any changes or information that you will need to know during the month. Information will also be posted on line at http://blogs.lcsd2.org/hstoor/home/. If you would like to help in the class this year I would love it. You are welcome in our room at anytime! We are doing science centers on Friday from 8:00-9:00. We will also have AR testing everyday at 11:00. I could use help during these times. If you are unable to help in the room, but would like to do some jobs at home let me know.


Only the legal guardians will be allowed to pick up the child. If your child needs to go to someone else’s home, or to be picked up by someone different, or ride a different bus a parent note or a phone call is necessary to make any of these changes. If there is any custody issues that I need to be aware of please let me know. Please help make this easier for your child by following procedures. It is hard on the child when they are told they have to go somewhere different because we did not receive a note. The students will receive a bus reminder bracelet. Please have the student wear this or put it on their backpack to help them remember what bus they ride. This is also very helpful when there is a substitute teacher or bus driver.

Homework The primary purpose for homework in first grade is to practice skills learned. Our main emphasis is reading and math facts. For a student that is learning to read it is essential that they practice reading. A book that is appropriate for the child is sent home nightly with a bookmark to be singed by the person that they read to. The following day, the teacher/reading aid will listen to the student reread the story or stories, then ask the students to summarize by retelling. Then a new story is assigned that night for homework. Students that do their nightly reading faithfully excel much faster than the children who aren’t consistent in nightly reading. Your student will also be bringing home nightly math facts. The students will progress at their own speed and level. The students will then come back to class and take a one-minute timing on the math facts that they have practiced. When the student has met their goal they will move to the next level. Book Orders Your child will be bringing home book orders once in a while. Please do not feel obligated to buy any of the books. The book clubs offer some excellent books at inexpensive

prices. This is a good way to provide good reading material for your child if you want to purchase any.

Lunches Lunches are $2.00. Don’t forget when sending lunch money that you write your student’s name on it, so it gets credited into the correct account.

Birthdays We will celebrate each child’s birthday. Weekend birthday will be scheduled for a school day. For summer birthdays, we will celebrate them during the last month of school. If you would like to come in and tell us about your child that would be wonderful. If you would like to hand out treats the treats must be store bought.

Discipline Every child is expected to be safe, responsible, and respectful at school. We will be learning what these words mean and practice applying them to all areas of the school. The students earn tickets when they are caught following the rules. Of course there are consequences for failing to follow the school rules as well. Students are first given a warning and reminded what the rule is. Second, they will be removed from the situation and sit quietly until I can talk to them about what they did wrong. Depending on the situation, the student may receive an “oops” slip. Please sign the slip and return it the next day. For the start of the school year (through September) each student who successfully completes a day at school without a “time out” (a warning is o.k.- everyone makes mistakes) will receive a stamp on their hand to let you know they had a great day at school. If your child comes home without a stamp, you’ll know to ask them what happened.

Schedule We will be attending P.E. on Mondays and Wednesday. Please make sure you child wears appropriate clothing on

these days. On Tuesday and Friday we will be going to music. Our Library day is on Wednesday. Please help your child remember their books. This will be a great year! If you ever have concerns or questions please let me know. Thank you for letting me have the privilege of working with your child. Heidi Stoor

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