Welcome To English Schools

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 590
  • Pages: 10
Welcome to English schools Welcome to English schools Followed by the English-speaking world to enjoy, please By demi

• The sun was warm but the the wind was chill. • You know how it is with an April day. • When the sun is out and the wind is still. • You’re one month on in the middle of May. • • • • •

But if you so much as dare to speak. A cloud comes over the sunlit arch. And wind comes off a frozen peak. And you’re two months back in the middle of Manch. By demi

Read the small( 小阅读 )

• Human Body Instead of Headphone Wires Ever had problems with headphon( 戴在 ) wires?Well, you won’t need wires anymore!Apparently,Sony has been conducting( 进行 , 指挥 ) research in using the human body instead of wires:”We will be able to do without them soon.Instead we will usa our own bodies to wirelessly transmit( 传输 , 传导 ) audio signal from the music player to the headphones,”a spokesman said. By Demi

• Singapore students Becomes Fastest Text Messager • A Singaporean student broke the Guinness Worid Record( 吉尼斯世界纪录 ) for the shortest time needed to tyoe a 160-character SMA message on Sunday after whizzing( 飕飕的移动 ) through the task in less than 42 seconds in a competition… •

By demi

• Three-year-old Kid Buys a Car on eBay • Jack Neal,only three years old,briefly became the proud owner of a pink convertible( 有车缝的 ) car after he managed to buy it for 9000 pounde on the Internet. • Jack’s mother said she had left her password for the eBay auction( 拍卖 ) site in her computer and her son pressed all the right buttons to complete the purchase.The seller of the second-hand car was amused by the big( 出价 , 投标 ) and agreed not to force the sale through( 强迫完成交易 )

• Don’t give up( 别放弃 ) • Don’t give up • It’s just the weight of the world • When your heart’s heavy • I,I will lift it for you

• Don’t give up Because you want to be heard • If silence keeps you • I,I will break it for you • Don’t give up • It’s just the hurt that you hide • When you’re lost inside • I,I’ll be there to find you

• Don’t give up Because you want to burn bright • If darkness blinds you • I,I will shine to guide you

• 中文意思 • • • •

别放弃 那不过是世事的沉重 当你的心情沉重 我 , 我会为你分担

• • • •

别放弃 因为你希望心声能被聆听 如果沉默把你禁忌 我 , 我会为你打破

• • • •

别放弃 那不过是你隐藏的伤痛 当你迷失其中 我 , 我会到那儿找寻你

别放弃 因为你渴望发光发热 如果黑暗将你遮蔽 我 , 我将为你照亮方向

• 讲解 • Give up: 这个短语相信大家都认识 , 都知道那是”放弃 , 抛弃”的意思 , 但是 , 这个常用短语的含义并不仅仅局限 于此 , 它还有”交出 , 辞去 , 认输 , 泄露”等等之意 . 同时 , 与其相关的常用短语还有 :”give yo to” 表示”献出生命 , 致力于” , 如 :give oneself up to a cause( 献身于事业 ) • Blind: 看到” Blind”, 大家应该就会联想到岸其他作为形 容词性质的”失明的 , 难以看见的”这些意思 . 这固然正 确的 , 但其实” Blind” 可以冲淡的词性非常多 . 它可以作 为动词 , 表示”使失明 , 掩藏”等 , 還可以作为副词 , 表示 ”看不见的 , 盲目的”等等 . • 要记住” Blind” 这个单词并不难 , 只要我们抓住其表示 ”盲目 , 看不见”的基本意义 , 然后加以引申就可以了

• Love • 爱 笑一笑 • Girl:Do you love me? • Boy:Yes,dear. • Girl:Would you die for me? • Boy:NO,mine is undying love. • Why the Same • Teacher:Simon,your composition on “My Dog” is exactly the same as your

• Thank you for reading Please enjoy next-School English

• •

BY demi

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