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  • Pages: 30
WEIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM AR 600-9 (1 Sep 06) “An NCO Corps grounded in heritage, values and traditions, values perpetual learning and capable of training, leading and motivating soldiers.” (retired) SMA Jack Tilley


AGENDA  Weight

Control Refresher  Review new procedures outlined in AR 600-9  Demonstration  Hands on Exercises  Review

Refresher……..  The

AWCP objectives:

Personnel are able to meet the physical demands of their duties under combat conditions.

Present a trim military appearance at all times.

Refresher (cont.)  Excessive – – –

body fat:

Shows lack of personal discipline Detracts from military appearance May indicate a poor state of health, physical fitness, or stamina

Refresher (cont.)  Who

is responsible for meeting the standards?  AR 600-9 recommends 5% below the screening table weight ceiling to help target personal weight that minimizes chances of exceeding the screening table weight ceiling  Commanders Program

Refresher (cont.) 

Health Care Personnel: – – –

Assist Commanders Identify medical conditions Evaluate overweight soldiers

Unit Fitness Trainer – –

Training NCO, MFT, or designated personnel Assist with proper exercise and fitness techniques Assist Commanders with proactive programs

Refresher (cont.)  When –

are weigh-in’s? At a minimum: During APFT (before or after) Every six months

Refresher (cont.)  Weight

and height measurements will be done in PT uniform without shoes: – –

Height measurements will be done on a flat surface with the chin parallel to the floor Weight fraction: round down to nearest whole lb if less than ½ lb. and round up to nearest whole lb for more than ½ lb Height fraction: round to nearest ½ inch

Refresher (cont.)  Maximum

allowable percent body fat standards: – – – –

Age 17-20 : Males 20%, Females 30% Age 21-27 : Males 22%, Females 32% Age 28-39 : Males 24%, Females 34% Age 40 & Older: Males 26%, Females 36%

Refresher (cont.)  Overweight

Soldiers (including Soldiers who become pregnant while in AWCP:) – – – – –

Are nonpromotable Will not be assigned to a command position Are not authorized to attend professional military schools Cannot receive an award Have 1 Year from entry to Active Army to meet standards before they are flagged IAW 600-8-2

Refresher (cont.)  Enrollment

into AWCP begins the day the Soldier is informed by the Commander (see sample memo, P.7)  The weight reduction counseling can be done shortly after enrollment

Refresher (cont.)  Weight – – – –

Control Actions:

Enrollment Flagged Nutrition Counseling Medical Evaluation

Refresher (cont.)  Progress – – –

and Administrative actions:

Required monthly weight loss is 3-8 lbs Weigh-in and taping are done monthly to monitor progress If after 2 consecutive monthly weigh-in’s and no progress is made:  Health

care reevaluation  Commander informs Soldier of possible separation

Refresher (cont.)  Progress –

and Administrative Actions:

If after 6 months of dieting and exercise, and no satisfactory progress:  Health

care reevaluation to determine any underlying medical conditions and if none exist: –

Commander initiates mandatory bar to reenlistment or separation……if barred, Soldiers will remain in the AWCP until they ETS

Refresher (cont.)  Progress –

and Administrative Actions:

If, within 36 months of removal from AWCP and reenrollment is required:  If

within 12 months of removal and no medical condition exists, the Commander will initiate separation  If after 12 months of removal but within the 36 months of previous enrollment and no medical condition exists, will be given 90 days to meet standards or subject to separation

Refresher (cont.)  Progress –

and Administrative Actions:

Soldiers enrolled in the AWCP must meet the screening table weight AND meet the body fat standards before they are disenrolled from the program

Refresher (cont.) 

Tape Measure: – will be made of nonstretchable material, preferably fiberglass; cloth or steel tapes are not acceptable – must be calibrated for accuracy – must be ¼ to ½ inch wide and a minimum of 5-6 feet long – (caution: some tapes offered through the Army Supply System may exceed ½ inch width and cannot be used. They do impact the accuracy of measurements.)

Refresher (cont.)  Anatomical –

landmarks for measurements:

Males: Neck is measured just below the adam’s apple and perpendicular to the long axis of the neck, tape line around neck will be as horizontal as possible. Caution to avoid shoulder/neck muscles. Abdomen is measured across the navel and against the skin, level and parallel to the floor. All measurements will be taken with arms down to the side and head straight to the front.

Refresher (cont.) 

Anatomical landmarks for measurements: –

Females: Hips will be measured from the side and along the most protruding portion of the gluteal muscles (buttocks), level to the floor and drawn in snugly to minimize the influence of the shorts. Neck measurements are the same procedures for males. Forearm will be measured at the largest portion between the elbow and midway of the forearm, approximately 1-2 inches below the elbow joint. Either arm can be measured but the largest measurement obtained should be used. Tape should be straight around without bulges. Wrist measurements are done just below the wrist bone and wrapped straight around without bulge.

New Procedures for AR 600-9  

AR 600-9, 1987 will be replaced by AR 600-9, 2006 and is effective 2 October 2006. Changes to AR 600-9 that we will discuss are: – – – – – – –

New screening table weight (mostly applies to females) New circumference sites for females and their anatomical landmarks New measurement requirements (rounding to nearest ½ inch vs. nearest ¼ inch) New body fat worksheets New Circumference technique to determine body fat percentage New gender requirements for tapers if practical Body Fat percentages are rounded to nearest whole number vs. exact figure

New Procedures for AR 600-9


the old screening table weight to the new table screening weight

New Procedures for AR 600-9 

The anatomical sites for males remain the same: neck and abdomen The anatomical sites for females used to be hips, neck, forearm and wrist and are now neck, hips and waist (not to be confused with abdomen)

New Procedures for AR 600-9  All

anatomical landmarks to get measurements remain the same EXCEPT for the waist on females: –

The females will be measured at the point of minimal abdominal circumference (narrowest point of the abdomen, usually halfway between navel and breastbone) Remember, this is not to be confused with male abdomen measurements which are done across the navel

New Procedures for AR 600-9 

Measurement requirements: – – – – –

Males: Abdomen is measured down to the nearest ½ inch (for example, 34 ¾ is rounded down to 34 ½ ) Males: Neck is measured up to the nearest ½ inch Females: Waist is measured down to the nearest ½ inch (for example, 28 5/8 is rounded down to 28 ½) Females: Neck is the same procedures for males. Females: Hips is measured down to the nearest ½ inch (for example, 44 ¾ is measured down to 44)

New Procedures for AR 600-9 

New Body Fat worksheets: – – –

Males use DA Form 5500 Females use DA Form 5501 The computation process for both are not the same therefore, understand the step by step fashion and have the new circumference value charts on hand before taping a soldier.

New Procedures for AR 600-9 

New circumference technique to determine body fat percentage replaces the use of factors (i.e hip factor) This new technique uses the height and circumference value to get the body fat percentage and can be found on a more simplified chart within AR 600-9 , P.21-36 All body fat percentages are now given in whole numbers and can be easily identified using the chart beginning on P.21

New Procedures for AR 600-9  AR

600-9, Sep 06 version requires the use of same gender tapers if practical. If same gender tapers aren’t available, the recorder or a 3rd party of the same gender must be present.  The use of 2 personnel, 1 taper and 1 recorder remains the same in AR 600-9, Sep 06.

Demonstration & Hands On

SSG Tsistinas and SSG Moss

Review       

What are the new landmarks for females? What is the circumference technique and how does it differ from the old method? How are measurements in reference to recording to the nearest inch to be taken for neck, hips, waist and abdomen? Where is the waist measured? Females can be taped by 2 males, true or false? What are the 2 forms used for body fat worksheets? What is correct as a body fat percentage, 21.35% or 21%?


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