Week 7 Term One

  • April 2020
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Reading Programme & Outline (Week 7-2009) GROU P ONE (Boys) GROU P TWO (Girls) GROU P THRE E (Boys) GROU P

Treaty of Waitangi Comprehension Read the passage and answer the questions in your books.

Volcano Vocabulary & Questions Answer the questions and rewrite the news with the correct words filled in. Do activities; A, B & C.

What is a Volcano?

Vesuvius Reading Sheet

Read information sheet and glue into reading books. Highlight the definitions for lava, crater, volcano, extinct, troughs, dormant, volcanologists. Explain in your own words why a volcano erupts. Pompeii Information SheetTeacher Read individually and then practice skimming and scanning. Using a highlighter or underline the 6 main facts from this story. Discuss the basics of referencing.

List what was good about living on Mt Vesuvius. Why had Mt Vesuvius not erupted for years? Why did so many people suffocate? What made a hot liquid cement? What was the name of the other town that was buried? What is a Volcano?

What is a Volcano?

Mount Vesuvius Fact Sheet

Read information sheet and glue into reading books. Highlight the definitions for lava, crater, volcano, extinct, troughs, dormant, volcanologists. Explain in your own words why a volcano erupts.

Using the fact sheet on Mount Vesuvius-begin to write an article from an eye-witnesses point of view for Information Report Writing.

Earthquake! (P2, N4, 2004)

Volcano Vocabulary & Questions

Read information sheet and glue into reading books. Highlight the definitions for lava, crater, volcano, extinct, troughs, dormant, volcanologists. Explain in your own words why a volcano erupts. Volcano Vocabulary & Questions Answer the questions and rewrite the news with the correct words filled in. Do activities; A, B & C.

Mount Vesuvius Fact Sheet

Volcano Vocabulary & Questions Answer the questions and rew the news with the correct wo filled in. Do activities; A, B &

Mount Vesuvius Fact She

Using the fact sheet on Mou Vesuvius-begin to write an ar from an eye-witnesses point view for Information Repor Writing.

Earthquake! (P2, N4, 200

What rules do you know abo Earthquakes? What should yo at home and at school in th event of one? List the steps order of importance as if you telling a younger person. What is a Volcano?

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What rules do you know about Earthquakes? What should you do at home and at school in the event of one? List the steps in order of importance as if you were telling a younger person.

Answer the questions and rewrite the news with the correct words filled in. Do activities; A, B & C.

Mount Ruapehu Passage Answer questions. Then go on Internet and find out 3 things about the Tangiwai Disaster.

The Maori Legend of Tongariro After reading the informationsketch a scene from the story in your book.

Using the fact sheet on Mount Vesuvius-begin to write an article from an eye-witnesses point of view for Information Report Writing.

Read information sheet and g into reading books. Highlight definitions for lava, crater volcano, extinct, troughs, dormant, volcanologists. Exp in your own words why a volc erupts.

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