How to read in YOUR field: ◦ Know who the author is, their perspective, their position, existing/past work. ◦ Know the date and the perspective and technology of the time. ◦ Take time to review the reference list and citations in line with your interest or important points in the article.
Know what you’re reading 9/17/2009Sadera - ISTC741 - Week 3
is the base of the field” (p1) Characteristics that extend educational technology from that of technology: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
replicability; reliability; algorithmic decision making; communication and control; the effect of scale.
Defining the field continued 9/17/2009Sadera - ISTC741 - Week 3
What we know depends on the paradigm we use. The empiricist paradigm is the most restrictive because it accepts as valid research only studies that meet very detailed criteria. Critical theory is the next most restrictive because it imposes an ideological framework on research. Research identifies local instances of the power and oppression critical theorists know is there because their ideological stance insists it exists. Least restrictive is interpretivism, which accepts that we can learn from many different forms of research (Willis, Thompson & Sadera, 1999).
What do we know? 9/17/2009Sadera - ISTC741 - Week 3
Objectivism Empiricism Modernism Positivism Post-Positivism
What is Truth? What is understanding? What is knowledge?
Pragmatism Interpretivism
What’s your paradigm? 9/17/2009Sadera - ISTC741 - Week 3