Week 3 Family Influences

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  • Words: 1,115
  • Pages: 28

OUTLINE OF THE COURSE • Eight week course: • • • • • • •

A Vision For The Family; Building Relationships; Family Influences; Love, Marriage And Communication; Guiding And Shaping; Taking Corrective Action; Keeping the Vision in Mind.

• A social reunion – some time after! • Opportunity to discuss issues and answer questions….





From a Young age children are


by different opinions




Sexuality Music Money



Race Food Religion Sport Art 5

TELEVISION • The average father spends three minutes a day in quality conversation with his children • The average mother spends five and a half minutes in quality conversation • One in three children under the age of six watch television for between two and 6 hours per day • One in three children under the age of three have a television set in their bedrooms 6

TELEVISION • Growing tendency for parents to use television as a babysitter • Damaging children’s verbal and behavioural skills • Think about what your children watch on TV • Just because aimed at children doesn’t make it helpful or healthy


COMPUTERS • Virtual childminders • Not everything about computers is educational and good • Beware of what your children are doing online • Spend equal time playing with your children • Play fosters development of social, language and thinking skills


TOP TIPS…. • Put computers in ‘public’ part of the house • Don’t let your children have a TV or computer in their bedrooms • Use a DVD player to record programmes that your children would enjoy • Watch TV with your child and be aware of what they like • Restrict time spent on the computer and vet games played and websites visited • Beware of social networking sites


WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS… “What ever is true, noble, right, pure, whatever is lovely, admirable…..think on such things” Philippians 4: 8


SCHOOL • Be grateful to teachers who give their best • School life has big influence on our children • Should get involved as much as possible • Class room help, parent committee, governing body • Be aware of material being used. What books are they reading?


Our children’s Friends will have a great


on them


WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS… “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm” “….bad company corrupts good character”


FRIENDS • Encourage our children to choose their friends wisely • We can choose friends for our children when they are very young • Gently educate them to be wise about friendships • Encourage friendship with those who reinforce your family values


AND THE REST…. • Other adults • Parents of friends, child-minders, church children’s group leaders etc

• Extended family • Grandparents, aunts and uncles etc


QUESTIONS • Who or what had the greatest influence on you when you were a child? • Was this a good thing or not? • One of the aims of this course is to help you equip your child to cope with these influences. Do you think that this is possible?


Children are not just

Passive Receivers of outside influences, they

Active Responders are





Our aim as Parents is to bring up children whose

Outward Expression of a Right Heart

lives are an


What Values are you passing on to your



CONSCIENCE • Conscience is closely linked with the heart of a person • Understanding right from wrong • Shapes who we are – the core of our being • Innate framework that we fill with life’s experience and learning • God given!!! • …but we adapt and shape our value system • Our conscience holds our values as a priority


THE VALUE LIBRARY • “These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children” • We can fill the shelves of our children’s value library with good values….. • …..honesty, respect, fairness, gentleness, patience • Give them the resources to draw on when they have life choices to make


VALUE SEARCH SYSTEM • Conscience in action!!! • Influencing daily decisions to ethical issues • Help to decide between right and wrong • Choose to do the right thing!!! • What is in the heart will come out in difficult situations • Fill your child’s Value Library - plenty for them to draw on when their value search system comes into play


HONESTY • Honesty is very powerful in building strong, healthy relationships • Without honesty – difficult to maintain a bridge of trust • A value we want to build into our children • Well worth working at but it starts with us • In early years we direct children by using negatives • From 3 onwards important to change to positive shaping • Want them to choose to do the right thing


A HEALTHY CONSCIENCE • “I ought to do this because it is right” • How do we develop a healthy conscience in our children? • Let them know they are loved unconditionally • Respond to bad behaviour by correcting rather than making them feel guilty • Explain the reasons for good and strong values • Give them confidence to make good decisions – based on the desire to do the right thing

• We have to demonstrate good decisions through our actions – not just talk!!!


WHAT ABOUT CHURCH • Church can be a positive influence in developing a healthy conscience! • Positive role models • Use Bible stories – can help with moral decisions • Pray with your children – for them and with them • Come to church as a family • Encourage your children to have a relationship with God


DISCUSSION • Are you aware of the values you grew up with – both positive and negative? • What part do they play in your adult life? • What values are you putting in your child’s heart and how are you doing that? • Think about your own conscience – is it healthy? Do you respond because of guilt or because something is the right thing to do? • Do you think a healthy conscience is a good thing? Why? 27

TAKING IT FURTHER • Book some time to reflect: • Sit quietly; • Have a cup of coffee; • Discuss with your partner – or friend;

• Read Chapters 5 and 6 from the Handbook; • Complete Pages 30 and 31; • Feel free to bring observations back next week.


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